Minecraft EXCEPT IT'S IN HEAVEN..? (Aether Mod)

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what's up gamers welcome back to another minecraft video today well you know what the title is today we're going to minecraft heaven ah okay not really but if you guys are familiar with the mod you'll know what I'm talking about this is the aether mod so if you're familiar with Minecraft you would know that there is another which obviously it stands for you know it is it's basically hell HD double hockey sticks that is what the nether is but with this mod we get the addition of the aether which is a base basically minecraft heaven so we're gonna hop in right now some minecraft have an in survival mode and see you know maybe we'll just live in Minecraft heaven starting off with nothing but a book of lore and a golden parachute so let's hop in and it literally all you need is some glowstone and some water and bada-bing bada-boom we are in the Minecraft heavens of the aether in the aether you have a ton of stuff like modded animals modded ores and dungeons I'm pretty sure that over there is a dungeon so for this video we're gonna see if we can get to the top of that and explore that dungeon but hello mister sheep how are you how you doing I don't actually know what the heck bouncing bunnies you know pretty cool I don't really know what to expect but we're just gonna go ahead and explore a little bit and what's cool is with this book of lore it'll actually tell us what each item does so these Bono's countries they can be doubled dropped with sky route axes so it's pretty helpful so we've got a parachute as well just in case I need to jump around I've got about 20 years on that parachute that actually look like look back this bunny is now on my head I don't know why but it's fine you know what no no you can you can wait where you on there there we go wait does he make me jump higher I think he makes me jump higher alright that's my new best friend his name is Beppo did that what was that a dinosaurs I just saw you know what I'm not even asked questions so we've got some sky root planks let's make a crafting table and maybe six so we got sky root sticks pretty epic why don't we is that a pig with links I think that's a pig with wings I think that's a coward wings that's a pig in the cow with wings okay you know what I'm not even gonna that's normal completely utterly normal alright so I guess we should probably just jump around a bit see if we can find some ores because there is the equivalent of like iron and like diamonds I think I could be mistaken and of course I call so what the heck didn't see that giant whale thing I'm pretty sure I saw a giant whale things am I gonna take fall damage because I am okay no because of the bunny I don't I'm not taking fall damage that's my best friend Beth oh you know helping me out don't know what this is let's see what is this this is blueberries ooh we got some food buy some blueberries the vegan lifestyle wait there we go here we go here we go ladies and gentlemen so this should be if I'm not mistaken some sort of like iron or so let's go ahead and create a pickaxe I don't know if this will work yes so we got a sky root pickaxe and I think if we use the holy stone we can make a holy stone pickaxe and if we mined this up who can we mined it up I should don't know come on please no okay so we're gonna need a better material why wouldn't I just get amber C I'm shard what is this so a there's coal equivalent they have a human property when eaten and restore a amount of felt so I can eat this and it can make torches yes that's pretty nice what about this holy stone pickaxe whoops that it means it the roadway all right this one of the either stone tools it can mine ZENIT's and will randomly drop a bruise iam shards when mining okay so I guess we need to find zan it first is that Kazan it there's a purple thing over there let's go and check that out but you know what I actually do not mind living in Minecraft heaven it's pretty calm pretty tranquil I'm diggin it I mean of course I don't oh god there's that a dinosaur I don't what is this hello friend or foe oh okay friend not a friend whoa what is happening is my my bunny friend is very angry okay that guy is not cool what the heck why is I'm like moving super weird I don't know if it's me or my bunny but I am in pain ah stop what the heck it's like pulling me why okay I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared okay whew I was freaking scary man okay let's not let's not talk to that guy shall we all right what is this can we mind this is this is an it yes this is an it alright so this should be the equivalent of the diamonds I know iron and then I think if I'm not mistaken I should be able to mine up that pink or with this new pickaxe there we go so we've got a zenit pickaxe now so let's see what does it say for the Aether's mid to your tools it mines what I and can't accept as it's your ability creases it gets faster be careful though as when it's repaired it will be slow as before so pretty decent not gonna lie though there we go we've got ourselves a knit and I guess we can explore a little bit here how's it going guys Oh God okay I just want to get some sanity don't mind me it really does mind very slow to start off that is super weird that is really weird it mines slower than the holy stone but I guess it'll get faster and faster hmm all right teehee let's keep on moving along here what is this I think this is another is that that is ice shone okay the equivalent of glowstone but it's Isis okay I found some weird flower thing I'm killing it now because I don't know what it is okay it's dead Oh God what is happening it killed my bunny my poor bunny no oh hello my new replacement come with me come on oh there the sky whales I was talking about I hope they're friendly and not enemies who knows what our enemies in this world yeah I don't know if mobs like skeletons and zombies can spawn in the night but I guess we'll find out I guess we will find out all right here we go we've got a new tree of some shorts what is this is what is this stuff this is it's just sky roots I guess it looks like different like it looks like gold tree but maybe I can't mined it yet now I'm pretty sure you can tame those evil Birds I just am not quite sure how but I'm pretty sure you can tame them somehow but maybe we'll find that out on a different day if you guys want me to continue playing in the aether or often let's see it we got to probably get a bunch of wood and eventually we'll be able to make it up there I kind of want to get a full set of sanic armor before we do so though so maybe we hit the mines before we do that also you can stand on clouds in this game which is pretty interesting all right so as you can see I'm right now mining a ton of holy stone so we can build up to that gate I don't know if there are cave systems in this world but there are dungeons that you can find in the world so maybe we'll be lucky enough to find one they're pretty common from what I remember I haven't played this mod in literally like years so hopefully we can find one so I can show it off but I'm gonna go ahead and make another Janet pickaxe because this one's almost pretty much dead so hopefully we also find some materials ooh I think hold on let's make some torches hold on I think we make these yes I think we actually found one yes so this is one of the dungeons oh god okay hello how's it going ow all right cool okay Zen shovel some abruzzi 'im so the way you actually fight some of the mobs in here is by using your pickaxe which is kind of Wow what the heck oh god that's a mimic okay that's a minute chest no worries this classic staple in games and you're not hey how's it going yeah let's not let's not okay thank you very much okay so far so good you know what we're doing okay what about in here okay another one great great I just wanted some loot but instead I'm getting killed by a chest on legs thank you okay well not a very good start but that's okay let's keep on moving along and I think if I'm not mistaken yes so that is the boss so if I remember correctly you have to hit him with a pickaxe and that will do more damage than a sword for instance I will make a sword just in case but if I'm not mistaken yeah the pickaxe to do more damage gosh dang it are you stay away from me all right here we go we're going in boys wow so this is how Luqman Linlin the slider and he slides wherever you are fit wherever he looks basically so he slides towards your direction basically if you can just kite him around and you should be okay as you can see I'm kind of a professional and he does get faster and smarter ow that hurts I need to eat oh okay I might die maybe dry die maybe my die let's um yeah how about that can't can't destroy my dirt oh god oh god okay relax no my crafting bench Oh God okay hey how's it going okay ba yeah you like that yeah yeah yeah what are you doing now oh I think if I just keep doing this I can sort of buy myself some time to recover which is good this is my time to go ahead and heal up kind of kind of running out of blueberries so I'm gonna have to eat some of these okay hold on hold on yeah yeah yeah yeah you are super scary and stuff hey is that annoying or what all right I'm just placing blocks everywhere everywhere that's what I get from mining and strip mining everywhere is that I've got tons of blocks okay we can eat these charts and instantly recover me some health which is nice oh gosh the new PvP because I'm playing 112 especially because look at how much damage I'm doing it's not a lot you can't beat me you suck your bed your bed your bed your bed oh ha ha ha ha ha yeah you're so smart huh well we've all learned a special lesson and that is to never go in unprepared so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run and get my stuff and run away I think that is probably the best ah the best thing to do out ok best thing to do alright that should be good there we go using our parachute and I think we should be able to make it you actually get this parachute as soon as you go into the portal for the first time so pretty helpful not gonna lie ya know this is definitely very helpful I don't know if I'm gonna make it actually please make it please make it please make it hello how's it going oh this is hard ghoul to Valkyrie Queen what can you tell me about this place this is an extra for us Valkyries who seek rest cool never mind ok um can I like just chill here like you mind if I like just like chill like we're just vibing what if I fight you very well then bring me the medals for my subordinates to prove your worth then we'll see I'll return what I had to have them a second thought I'd rather not so I have to kill your subordinates to fight you okay this got a little weird it's got a little very weird it's got a little very epic weird okay is she reflecting my shot I think she is well I'm gonna drink this poison bucket see what happens next Oh that was a bad idea um that was not my greatest plan but I can do this I can do okay all right you want a medallion try being less pathetic all right well then I think that's probably a good place for us to call it quits maybe basically the Minecraft overworld Minecraft Heaven is a lot lot tougher than Minecraft nether world so hopefully you guys enjoyed if you want me to actually seriously play the aether and maybe get some of these boss fights done you let me know in the comments down below but that is the overworld but that's why I'm gonna call it quits guys hope you guys enjoyed thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy any point in time make sure to hit the like button subscribe if you new have a Merry Christmas Eve and I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video thanks so much and goodbye [Music]
Channel: AlexACE
Views: 363,998
Rating: 4.8740501 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft heaven, minecraft aether, minecraft aether mod, minecraft heaven mod, minecraft alexace, alexace, minecraft challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft 1.14.4, minecraft mods, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft nether, minecraft nether update, mod, mods, gaming, challenge
Id: d90rDyWYGmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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