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what's up gamers welcome back to another minecraft video as you can tell by the title today we're playing minecraft but every 30 seconds something random happens so as you can see the boys roar cats and zip law have made another amazing data pack where there are 100 different things that can happen if I right-click right now so just to do a little test why don't we give it a little try so we got seeds I mean I bet that's it that's that that's literally it well that's dumb wait wait hold on I didn't just get seeds something else is happening to me and I'm scared but yeah as you can see something really weird happens and it's frightening frightening it's very scary and I don't like it it seems like all the blocks underneath me are disappearing and it's scary and weird but our goal is simple let's see if we can get to a diamond without obviously dying a million times everything exists if we can successfully get ourselves a diamond I think that'd be pretty dope but I have a feeling that the fact that this is happening every 30 seconds we're probably gonna die a lot but if you're wondering why the setup is a little bit different there's no face cam and that's because I'm in Australia I'm hanging out with laser beam mr. Musil and mr. fresh Asian so hopefully you guys understand and hopefully that's cool with you but we've got another nice roll that's it let's give it a go don't stand still oh that hurt I I didn't I'm sorry I didn't mean to stand still way if I said still whoa oh my god I literally can't send still I am keeping it I am keeping an eye on a timer here that every 30 seconds I will be able to know when to to go ahead and roll its dice but you may not rest oh well thank you for letting me rest but now I have to roll the dice again golden touch you may now rest oh my god golden touch everything I touch is gold I mean that's kind of nice but I can't really mine it but I guess I can like take it well I mean why the heck not I'm down where fricking got like gold the gold for days I can use this to get oh god ow I can use this to get pickaxes and who knows what else I mean hey I'm down we got like 20 more seconds since then we get a new thing but like this is pretty sweet time is up let's do this mobs begin to multiply when touch - whoa no way hold on look at this they're multiplying oh my God look how many cows look at how many cows there are all right well mobs have snot multiplying you know what that means roll the dice your form dims as you face the reality I'm now in spectator mode oh okay well I have 30 seconds I think before it switches me back but if we keep taking down your former primary gates back into reality no no no no no no no I thought it was 15 30 seconds but I was like 10 hey okay so if we dig down straight this way there will be a mob spawner so that's pretty nice but let's get let's get this iron and head back up and kill all those cows because my god there's so much fruit up there but so far it hasn't been too bad nothing has killed me immediately half the things have been good half the things have been bad you'll be rewarded for every person you kill with the suicide bomb play your cards carefully yeah I'm not gonna use that but I appreciate the sentiment I guess super duper appreciated thank you cow how I just got killed by a freaking zombie are you kidding me that means I basically have to start over and give myself a new dice so let's roll this baby the corruption spreads oh man what is this terraria now the core there's corruption now Jesus I mean that's really not epic and not interesting at all man I just oh man I want to find that gold I want to find my freakin man I have no idea there's too many mobs out here and I gotta roll the dice let's see what happens oh good oh good oh good thank you getting diamonds is gonna be impossible I had well I have a zombie about to kill me and I have to roll the dice so here we go oh good did I ever think this was gonna be possible cuz I just don't think it is I just don't think it's gonna be especially when it's nighttime but let's roll the dice oh okay okay yep that's the winner yup yup yup that is a definitely a wither that is a wither skeleton the last time I did minecraft tries to kill me every 15 seconds this is minecraft but it hates me every 30 seconds this is what that is I just that that's it that's that's the one well it's time for us to get another dice let's go ahead and roll this baby antigravity in three two one okay I don't know what that means oh oh my god by the time I make it to land I have to roll again there's just there's just well that's been fun guys ah alright I've rolled the dice one more time eh Oh goddess of archery has given me a bow with sapphire bow I mean I'm like oh it's not a normal boat I thought this was a normal bow it is not a normal bow it is clearly the fire bow for a reason and it hurts oh my gotta find that got found the gold huzzah Wow I can make cook ow goodbye cow yeah got all the dice yay your stomach grumbles oh good good for me Wow I literally can't eat anything is this fun again you asked for it dice outcome dice timer reset fireballs okay what does this even mean oh my god the world is decaying oh my god the world is actually decaying all right now we got to roll the dice again by the way you have 60 seconds to get in the bed oh good well good thing I don't have a bed cuz I'm stuck down here you grow weak and fall to your hands and your knees what are you kidding me I've become crippled now I can't jump no I'm stuck here ah okay you know what that's fine we could be productive while I do this just because you broke my arms and my legs doesn't mean I can't get work done you know that you're approaching me wait is that a is that a freaking Joe Joe reference and I now have a lot of items hello what I am question mark but you know what I'm like also like not gonna question all right hey you know what life has been good to us life has been good to us all right well dice roll time that corruption spreads okay that's another one we don't really care about too much that's we take those those are dubs we're about to get a bigger dub unlimited gold forever let's freakin do this now you might be wondering well Alex gold is useless not in our case gold will be like our speedrunning material because with gold we can mine so fast and it's like insane the only one thing to do now and you know what that is if you're not if you're new to this channel what you will know is that digging down is my favorite pastime it's the best way to win in Minecraft digging down it's just it's an absolute win but before we get down another guy's Bowl there's a full set of armor here's a full set of armor it seems like you look like you were need what where they got rid of all my good on there and I can't take that's just awesome thank you guys I love [Music] you know what you know what guys I'm okay with this I'm okay with this like I said digging down is the best it's just the best whoever thought digging down wasn't an absolute dumb and you know what we freakin did it boys but before we before we continue on with our little speech here okay all right okay well I had diamonds I had done and that is that is something I had I had diamonds you know what that counts we did it we completed the challenge the horrors of the night are approaching oh my god okay that's scary all right let's do another one listen to the dungeon master what dungeon master I don't have a dungeon master a dungeon master ah what's happening Yolo I'm just gonna keep going just keep going just keep going keep going Wow I think I may be broke the game oh my oh oh yeah no I definitely am breaking it you know what let's just send it there that's just anything thank you guys so much for watching minecraft but every 30 seconds something random happens more like something tries to kill me hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure to LIKE and subscribe me know check out sip law and more cats don't like so being down to the description down below thank you so much for watching I'm gonna leave you guys I believe you guys are the yi yi
Channel: AlexACE
Views: 168,698
Rating: 4.9314518 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft data packs, alexace, minecraft alexace, alexace minecraft, dantdm, minecraft dantdm, lazarbeam, lazarbeam minecraft
Id: ueUO_i6VS5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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