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hey gamers welcome back I don't know why I looked this way as if there is like a camera gamers welcome back to a new series minecraft hardcore but this time every single recipe is random I know you guys absolutely loved Minecraft but every drop is random and you guys really really wanted me to continue but I had done everything there was to be done except the fight the way there but so this time we are on hardcore and every single recipe is completely randomized I just want to give a shout-out to SC Phoenix because he is the one who made this data pack so I'm excited I hope you guys are excited I'll leave a link in the description if you want to get the exact same data pack as I do but let's begin our goal is the same defeat the Ender Dragon forwards yeah that's forwards so let's do it but I've got my house I actually just used a random spawn point I can do slash seed for you guys if you want to use the same seat as me my FaceCam is covering it but there we go same seat as me yeah this is a random seed that I just spawned next to a village pretty sweet but let's do it I know you guys know what this is random recipes means we can literally get anything so we're gonna start it off simple we're gonna go through for the first episode let's go through and see what we can find with these random recipes also have to be careful because this is of course hardcore so you can still that but let's say we got jungle trap doors from daisies okay what about from yellow flowers let's see sticks there we go we had six boys so these dandelions are actually super epic because we got sticks very nice okay what about from the hay from hay bales we get packed ice sure okay well let's see there are some red flowers here some copies give us purple concrete powder okay that's not something that's super great there we go oh we got food if that's actually really really nice having food is probably one of the best things we could have gotten right now and we found my house this is my crib how are you guys what do you guys think pretty nice that's some armor that's actually pretty dope there we go leather tunic beats we're looking good boys we looking real good okay so first things first let's get selves a hopefully a crafting table nope we know gray glass Oh No I know I know I okay hold on there is a blacksmith so we got really lucky okay we got a chestplate was really hoping for some iron but that's fine well I mean we have furnaces that is something that's huge we do have furnaces we can cook stuff that is confirmed but we need to find a crafting table so because every recipe is random if you didn't know this does include okay so we get stairs from this log as well yikes this does include using a wet stone or the the cutter stone cutter they use the stone cutter works campfire works obviously furnaces work as well everything literally everything can give you something random so I think like if we were to cook this oak log for instance we should get something random let's see what we get what are we gonna get we are gonna get a polished andesite there we go so yeah you see this is how it works so you can see that whenever you cooking a log you get this or if you cook a iron thing you get a purple carpet and if you cook a potato you can understand because you know obviously what else would you want to do with an armor since this is gonna be tough isn't be a lot harder than the last hard core thing because we need to find normal tools and getting normal tools is gonna be really really tough place I apologize for destroying this person's home my bad bro but I have no other choice so let's see what kind of recipes we are going to get a wooden sword that's actually not bad so one oak plank gives us a little sword I'm gonna take that having a weapon is not bad light blue terracotta mossy cobble polished granite yeah it's not nothing great well okay so yellow wool leads us to I have editors so that's actually kind of huge for our goal which is to defeat the inner dragon so we could actually if we get some sand get some leads we're technically won like doing progressing we're technically progressing because if I get these sheep over here and we take them and take them home somewhere like that's technically progress we just need to get yellow dye and make sure they keep on breeding so we're progressing not bad not bad I'm gonna what come on in boys come on in come on come on in there you go all right you guys you stay there and I'll be back probably maybe he like just doesn't care you like actually he's just like cool with it huh he knows that I need this thank you iron golem I appreciate you I appreciate your sacrifice 5-iron Wow we got a golden shovel boys I don't know how but it's not what I need though AHA but hey I mean it is a shovel let's see can we cook anything different stonecutter wait that's actually huge hold on a stonecutter could lead to so many different things Thank You chicken for giving me chicken because now we have a stonecutter I have to find a way to get stoned somehow maybe if like I can get into a cave and have a creeper blow up an area that could be that way you know what I mean I'm gonna have to buy these pants I need these pants both but I need stone and the only way I can think of a way to getting stone is to literally have a creeper blow up on me man that's like break this with my hands this is brutal this is brutal guys well time to sit here for a little bit while I break this stone into a cave talk to you guys in a bit Oh finally oh my goodness hello creepers here creeper Oh God okay you wanna go son dangerous 360noscope relax buddy oh god I'm almost dead I'm almost dead this is hardcore mode I can't forget that's a creeper this is what I want yes we got what we came here for boys we got the cobble let's get the heck out of here oh man wait there was an entry I'm I'm I'm I am real funny minecraft real funny I you know what it's fine we got the stone I grinded for that pathway it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm not even man I'm not even mad but here we go it's day three boys we got cobblestone let's head to the stonecutter oh my god why hello please stop okay let's see cobblestone leads us to not what I want but maybe we can get something else I don't know no I don't want to cook that again no no no it has now been about 25 minutes for me guys and I have still yet to get really anything it's been brutal let's just put it that way it's been pretty brutal it's all about experimenting and that's what we're all about on the shelves that dumb were the dumb scientists we have to do this we have to do this gave myself some night vision by the way so you guys can see doing it just for the video and any creepers today still looking for some creepers just need some Dyer Roy right here right here boy oh yeah yeah yeah are you ha ha ha ha come on man I see the diary I don't need dirt okay but really really good wait wait wait no no no no no come back to my follow me come on come on come on I know I'm sweet and succulent come on over here just I need you to blow up right here pig not you yes we got the direct boss and you're safe - all right see you later man uh here we go we had another creeper this is perfect we need sandstone that's a lot of skellies okay okay they're fighting each other no this is great this is great this is great okay no no no I actually need oh okay Wow sent some sandstone any any Sansom oh okay this is dangerous this is dangerous isn't it just oh god oh god this is hardcore I can die i I ate my diet my diet could die could die and my dad might die I don't even know if I got seeing stuff okay did I get sensor no I got sand only creeper come with me come on come on Wow and I wasted like a golden shovel on everything I think I have to travel to that desert biome to get this sandstone and there's creeper there too he's waiting for me I'm coming friend follow me friend follow me come on that leads this some more oh here we go Sansa come here come here anyway I just need you like right here yeah let's go sandstone yes we got what we came in for boys let's get the heck out of here let's go boys there's a freaking treasure ship thing oh my goodness okay we're gonna check that as soon as we turn it to day time this seed is nuts this seat is actually nuts all right boys time to check if die right or sandstone could be what we need all right so dying rights what diamond wait that doesn't mean anything though time blocks doesn't mean anything because there's a recipes are random all right in sandstone we got food that's nice I guess lapis a bed man all right can we cook anything here all right let's check the let's check the buried treasure I know we got a lot of new things we could potentially get like food is actually pretty nice but here's to hoping that there's treasure this ship has some some treasure some booty for us how's it going buddy whoa I should died I should have died holy cow dang dude I almost I'm sweating I'm sweating that was those dangerous now wood we got here food gunpowder great not really anything to write home about well take this jungle wood though we did get a diamond chestplate from diorite and cobblestone and we did find a with spruce planks we get an iron shovel so we did make a little progress a little bit of progress not much but it is there the progress is there my next thought process because I think our goal for the episode it's literally just get a crafting table my next thought process is for us to possibly get smooth sandstone is if we find a temple in this sand biome over here in the desert biome maybe we'll be able to find a temple and in that temple use the TMT to blow up some smooth sandstone because I'm out of ideas boys but hey we did get a diamond chestplate so that's something we got some sort of protection well it's time to adventure on into the desert biome a pillager post outpost thing now this is interesting but also potentially dangerous let's get some sand and let's just get the loot honestly let's just steal the loot and not even fight the guys because fighting them will give us nothing sealing the loot on the other end could be very beneficial oh god oh god oh god I've been spotted and it's gonna be night I'm sure wait wait oh god oh god oh god they're fast oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay this is a maybe bad idea maybe bad idea maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe go go go go go go go lock him out lock him out all right let's see what we got waiting for us boys mission accomplished and we didn't really get anything great dang it oh this loot sucks all right let's see what we can make we can make a block of emerald that's great it doesn't really help me though well time to jump yay all right let's go boys go go go go what's up Enderman what's up now let's just get out of here boys let's get the heck out not what I wanted to do not what I wanted to do nope all right let's keep exploring boys we need to find that temple I see a village that's a village that's a village let's go boys we found a village whoa could have some goodies went to villages all right guys this village is kind of sad great I was hoping to find some really cool goodies but instead I find into this let's go boys why there's so many outpost you two it's just so bizarre wait is that a crafting table oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god we finally found one it's like a Miss it's been protected oh man whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let's be friends here let me print it all right we don't want to be friends okay that's fine dude just a hard way boys will do the hard way do it the hard way do it so hard man I don't want to do it to you but you how you made me force my hand oh my god it's so beautiful oh yeah yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yeah yeah you want to go hey hey mist hey you bought you killed your friend now you're gonna dart my god it's so beautiful Oh boys boys boys boys please you want ain't scared you suck you suck at aiming no suck at aiming you suck oh god oh god that's a lot of them there's a lot of them there's a lot of me there's a lot of them there's a lot of them retreat retreat retreat retreat we're gonna treat let's just bring them all out over here he's gonna do we're bringing them all out we're baiting them all out and then we're going or rushing in take the crafting table take the mission number mission mission has always been taking the crafting table not win the battle there it is boys there is we got it boys Go Go Go we got it see you later dudes I let's go see you later you dummies oh yeah sure I literally got a block of diamonds earlier I'm like I don't want it your crafting table out that's the good stuff boys that's the good stuff hey Kevin how's it gone how you doing Kevin yeah all right yeah all right you come with me come on come on Kevin let's get inside come on it's cold outside come on it's almost winter it's fall right now we gotta get inside Kevin are you too thick see that's high no it's Kevin he's too thick you can't even fit through the door all right the moment of truth ladies and gentlemen the crafting table has been placed down bada-bing bada-boom oh my God look we can get a diamond sword yes yes yes diamond sword baby let's go Oh throw this into the freaking pits oh my goodness a boat there's so many things we can craft gold ingots oh my god oh my god golden pickaxe oak planks that's all we need boys that's all we need block of coal okay weird sure honestly huge huge episode for the boys because we got we got it we're good boys we're good diamond boots we just need a couple more bits of iron look at that we can get some golden pickaxe which would lead us to mining finally being able to mine is insane it's a huge leap for us but you know the goal is still the same defeating the ender dragon that's the goal of this series I hope you guys are excited if you do enjoy the series you know do you make sure you hit the like button subscribe if you're new and I'll see you guys in the next episode of Minecraft hardcore but every recipe is randomized see you later and cat Kevin say goodbye Kevin Kevin Kevin there you go see you guys you
Channel: AlexACE
Views: 764,632
Rating: 4.911386 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft lets play, minecraft for kids, kids, lazarbeam, minecraft lazarbeam, minecraft alexace, minecraft trolling, trolling lazarbeam, alexace, mineraft, alexace minecraft, minecraft trolling lazarbeam, playing minecraft lazarbea, playing minecraft, alexace minecraft with lazarbeam, alexace pumpkin, alexace pumpkin god, alexace pumpkin minecraft, alexace pumpkin army, minecraft but every drop is random, minecraft but everything is random, minecraft randomizer
Id: pFj4fKNzyOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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