STAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC Full Movie Cinematic 4K ULTRA HD All Cinematics Trailers
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Channel: GameClips
Views: 6,947,645
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Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Movie, Star Wars The Old Republic, Star Wars The Old Republic Full Movie, Star Wars Full Movie, Star Wars The Old Republic All Cinematics, Star Wars The Old Republic All Cinematic Trailers, All Cinematics, All Cinematic Trailers, Cinematic Trailer, Cinematic, Trailers, Cinematics, Star Wars Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2020, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Fantasy Movie, Fantasy, Action, Sci-Fi, 2020 Movie, 2020 Trailer, New, Trailer
Id: DCboJ2GizmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
To think that some moments in SWTOR could even be found in the ST movies.
The Sith Emperor comes back like multiple times, is able to EAT planets, pretty much can control others and talk through them as well, can even mind control them.
I was so happy when I watched the 4k Deceived and Return cinematic and saw zero "sequels bad hurrdurr" in the comments just stuff like "Man this is nostalgic for me" "this is so cool" "it looks beautiful" no Sequels comparisons
Go see for yourselves. Some people just can't let anything be enjoyed on its own, they have to take any excuse they can to deride the new films. Its practically obsessive behavior.
I honestly want to know the ratio of actual players to the people just commenting on YouTube.
A lot of comment sections on Star Wars videos are quite insufferable
Welp i don't know what to say
any star wars related video*
sometimes it doesn't even have to be movie related, let alone star wars related