What if Anakin Beat Obi-Wan and Palpatine Beat Yoda - Star Wars Theory

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hey today's video is sponsored by audible and they're giving away another free month all linked in the description now audible allows you to listen to whatever audiobook you want anytime anywhere with the beauty of narration music special sound effects and of course voice acting like i've said before it's like watching a movie with your eyes closed and this month i want to give away well really any audiobook but i want you guys to pick out labyrinth of evil now labyrinth of evil takes place between episode 2 attack of the clones and episode 3 revenge of the sith and i mean this is like really in the heart of the clone wars and anakin and obi-wan have to go through so many different hoops and hurdles in order to battle dooku grievous and of course arrest newt gundray all the while palpatine is pulling the strings in the background and darth sidious makes his moves it really helps establish more of a relationship between anakin and obi-wan not just as master and apprentice but also as friends as brothers and i think this will really come in handy when we come to see them again in the kenobi show now of course you can listen to whatever you want on audible doesn't have to be just star wars there's thousands of different titles to choose from it can be horror biographies fiction nonfiction science cooking podcasts whatever you want and each month that you're signed up you get a free token to any audiobook that you want on the site and if you're not signed up anymore one day you still get to keep those audio books those are yours forever if you want to claim your free month right now text star wars theory to 500 500 or go to audible.com star wars theory that's audible.com star wars theory everything's linked in the description for you so now let's enjoy the video [Music] in revenge of the sith obi-wan went to mustafar in padme's ship to confront anakin and defeat him as per orders from yoda yoda went to the emperor to do the same and hopefully put an end to the sith now if it weren't for anakin's arrogance losing his fight with obi-wan and if it weren't for sidious unable to find yoda to finish him off the galaxy would be a different place for sure no jedi would have survived and padme would have been taken with anakin to give birth to leia and luke things would surely look different so let's check out today's fan fiction on what if anakin beat obi-wan and palpatine beat yoda don't try it said obi-wan as anna can use the dark side of the force to jump way over kenobi's head and slice him into bits sending him down the lava's river bank anakin looked at what's left of his master as he forced pushed the remains into the lava burning away any last bit of love that was left for his former master and friend the hatred swelled in him now anger was his ally and it felt overwhelming every moment that passed made him more powerful in the dark side and soon even more powerful than his new master walking back up to padme's ship he told threepio to get inside as he saw palpatine arriving as he grabbed padme and took her in he touched her head with his left hand as she began to move with her eyes closed still delirious it's fine my love everything is safe now as he ran his hand to her pregnant stomach feeling the life force of their child alive and well anakin's yellow seth eyes faded into blue as he held his hand there meeting the emperor at the entry of padme's ship a line of shock troopers leading to him created a path for vader to walk down you have done well my apprentice thank you my master were you able to defeat vader paused he remembered yoda he had so much respect for him no that was weakness he continued did you eliminate yoda sidious took something out of his pocket his eyes beamed with anger as he ignited yoda's emerald blade before his apprentice as he levitated it in the air and observed it this made vader uneasy so powerful and so wise yet no match for the true nature of the dark shade sending god's lightsaber into lava far beyond anakin's gaze the jedi master's lightsaber melted and disappeared in the river of fire raise lord vader the galaxy is now ours and with it we shall bring peace and control to all unlocking the secrets of everything vader stood up towering over his powerful master come we must leave this place later walk back to padme ship where are you going said sidious to get my wife said vader city is teamed with anger he still clung on to padme as long as she lived so would anakin skywalker in time she would die sidious would see to it as vader walked down the ramp again he carried padme in his arms ordering the shock troopers to get a medical capsule immediately as they took her aboard and went to coruscant padme received the finest medical care that she could she gave birth to luke and leia to both vader and the emperor's surprise twins vader would grow extremely powerful and his trust in his master grew by the day as he told no lie about saving padme in his perspective turning to the dark side kept her alive and his nightmares never came true when he feared his mother to die the jedi did not help him and in the end she met the fate that he knew was inevitable padme fell out of love with anakin as she saw the man he was becoming he had become a monster of tyrannical rule and no longer the loving jedi knight who fought for peace and freedom the man she once knew she believed palpatine was no good for him manipulating his mind since the beginning she witnessed him training their children over the years with ruthless anger and callousness this wasn't the loving father that she thought he would be she began to realize anakin was long gone he had changed he had become twisted and warped by this new master and the disillusion of freedom was insane his ego had taken over his entire life and in turn hers and their children's now padme tried to leave many times with their kids while they were small enough but the emperor always had his fleet track her down his dogs as she called them when she left vader was never able to focus on helping him rule the galaxy he was rampant and distracted like a blunt tool instead of a refined sword that palpatine needed she was trapped in this life unless she could turn anakin back to who he was she tried to convince him she kept hope she always kept hope but he assured her that the emperor saved her life and had it not been for his new powers he wouldn't have defeated obi-wan and she would have been dead anakin was still in there somewhere but so far gone now he was vader he was living in his own delusions and while he had nightmares of her dying now the reality was her living in the nightmare that he had created the skywalker children became very powerful in the force vader taught them everything that he knew but it was sidious who would have private sessions with them that would really distort their view of the force of their father of everything vader knew this and padme knew this he would have to do something to stop it and it was really the only thing that the two could ever agree on when they weren't fighting good young luke good your hatred swells and soon you will be more powerful than your father this was palpatine's plan he knew he would eventually be rivaled by vader and outmatched and there was nothing that he could do about it after all this is why he chose anakin all those years ago but with the new apprentice to eventually be controlled should the father turn that was the key palpatine always had many contingency plans ready should one fail and luke and leia were each another one of these plans as time went by luke and leia would go on missions with vader to find surviving jedi vader would capture the jedi and force luke and leia to fight them in combat telling them if they didn't win that the evil jedi would hunt down their mother and kill her emotions run strong in the skywalker bloodline and so luke and leia each out did the other in their level of animosity and servitude to their master and their father on one mission to vuen where they tracked a jedi down who had eluded the empire for all of these years luke now a teenager with leia climbed the top of a dirt hill to get a view of their prey as vader spoke behind them bring me proof of his death first to do it winds like ravenous dogs leia and luke ran over the mountains and hills in the dawn of night as vader's cape swain in the wind of the alien planet watching observing screams were heard in the far distance with the clashing of lightsaber strikes then all that could be witnessed were the howls of the wind luke returned to vader with the hand and weapon of the jedi while leia brought its severed head vader peered upon its transfixed lifeless gaze the fear he saw in the man's fixed dead eyes this was a jedi trained by the very masters that he once fought alongside and with destroyed by his children all of that man's training all those momentary moments of relief while hiding on different planets in the galaxy thinking that he was safe from the inevitable from the empire every choice that he made throughout his life surmounted to this one moment here those lifeless eyes were his destiny only to be reduced to a training exercise for children and this was the moment that vader realized something someone taught him long ago perhaps in another life it was the will of the force like the lifeless head that stared back did he confirm that the force is more cruel than any sith or jedi could ever be control the force and you control life itself good the emperor will be pleased boarding their t4a lambda class shuttle they headed back to the death star palpatine had requested his apprentice what is thy bidding my master as vader knelt before sidious how was their mission there vader thought they did well my master they've acquired you gifts summon them before me as you wish vader returned with luke and leia as they walked up to palpatine's throne and knelt raising their gifts above their shoulders as they uncomfortably bound their heads to the emperor good my young ones i have trained you well i thought vader for years the emperor had coaxed his children and his anger began to finally rise he had noticed how palpatine dealt with his kids as if they were his prized possessions this manipulation needed to stop was it jealousy was it protectiveness whatever the answer vader felt anger player games on me he thought but not my kin it seemed anakin was talking this time and not so much vader leia luke come closer palpatine motioned his bony finger towards the circular window as he got up to meet the skywalker children there their backs all turned to vader as they peered into the stars what do you see stars said luke emptiness said leia yes you are so right my children only in the true dark side will you be powerful enough to achieve everything you dream of to keep your mother safe to protect those you love and keep peace in this entire galaxy always use your emotions use your anger let it swell within you like a river of lava ever flowing with the fire of a thousand suns burning everything in its path vader's blood began to boil and palpatine could sense everything without needing to acknowledge it their back still turned as their father watched palpatine manipulate them like he had done to little anakin a lifetime ago everything you see or don't see palpatine's head pausing to look at both luke and leia individually on either side of him his hands rested on their shoulders will be yours when you take your father's place at my shade luke and leia flew to vader's grasp as he pulled them with the force causing them to fall back you vader said palpatine had his back turned still as he gazed at the stars vader tried to choke the emperor but it did not work palpatine's lips curled at either end darkness and shadows masking his glowing yellow eyes as his perfectly symmetrical nose protruded from the cavern of his hood electrical bolts sparked at his fingertips as vader approached him i've had enough of you vader ignited his red lightsaber as palpatine's eyes closed and he smiled to the moon floating in the sea of stars history was about to repeat itself as vader's lightsaber moved to strike palpatine spun around and shot lightning at the hill causing vader to let go of the weapon please my boy no don't as vader clenched his finger and choked the air palpatine struggled to breathe he was on the tips of his toes clenching his throat vader thought to himself a moment ago it didn't work this was easier than he had seen in his dreams he should have done this long ago his powers truly had multiplied in the dark side you released palpatine only to send a shock wave in the force sending the emperor flying back into the window collapsing onto the floor as palpatine scurried back fear in his eyes his hood down revealing his scarred bald head something about this felt like a recurring dream to anakin like something from another lifetime ago vader took over he looked down at the emperor as he cowered in fear no don't kill me children please save me from your father don't let him do this the fingers curled again vader knew what was coming he had seen these same fingers many times before bolt after bolt of blue sith lightning hit vader's red lightsaber as it bounced off and hit the walls even almost spinning at luke and leia who ran vader's eyes pure sith yellow as palpatine yelled for luke and leia to ignite their lightsabers and deflect the lightning protect yourselves my children i can't stop it please help me the warped minds of luke and leia ignited their blades as they ricocheted the lightning off as palpatine had warned they're not your children vader pushed in closer with his plasma blade the ozone so hot he were practically choking on it palpatine sent wave after wave it wasn't stopping he had grown so powerful over the years without vader even knowing what did he discover what did he keep from him sidious looked away as he was hit with his own lightning in the face his robes beginning to smolder it was happening he was finally killing the emperor the royal guards ran in and were immediately thrown down the shaft of the reactor with a simple forced push from vader a dying said palpatine the skywalker children looked at one another their father was a madman halpden had only shown them love and care and now he was to be murdered in front of them they screamed for their father to stop and this only fed vader's rage more you turned them against me he thought as palpatine smirked he said please children help me your father is too powerful i'm too old too weak vader lost control his anger crushed everything metal in the room these games they had ruined his life only to fulfill palpatine's wishes and dreams anakin saw the red glow of two lightsabers behind him when his heart sank let him go father we need him anakin sheathed his weapon stumbling back he couldn't believe it the patience the tactfulness the cunning of sidious how could he be so blind no wonder padme didn't love him anymore no wonder she would rather die than be with him their children turned into his own replacement in another life anakin stood where his children did now falling for the very same games that sidious twisted he could end palpatine here and now but he would lose his children forever as sidious rose he thanked luke and leia for saving him and so in the end you see you could have had everything but you never truly learned from me my former apprentice your attachments to anakin skywalker leave you weak and now soon i will have two new apprentices far younger and more powerful than you will ever be [Music] hey guys i hope you liked the ending of that now of course if you want a part two we can continue it but the essence of this fan fiction was to basically portray the fact that no matter what happens in most cases anakin is always trapped he's always manipulated he's always having to do something for sidious or else something worse is going to happen so like in this case he could kill sidious he is definitely powerful enough but then his children will turn against him forever because he allowed them to be manipulated by him so it's always like this uh like a very sad depressing case for anakin he's always a slave to something you know whether it be watto or to the jedi or politics or to his own emotions and his dreams or to sidious you know and now he's a slave to again sidious because he knows that if he destroys him then his children will go too and he's he's a slave to his emotions for his children his attachments to his children anakin's a mess so um and so is vader so that was the point of this now i can do a part two of course if you want you can make it really long and uh you know fill the story out what happens with everyone with padme padme didn't know what to do i was like should i kill her off or should i keep her live but if i kill her off then anakin will never really vader won't really be um indebted to sidious because he's like well she died anyways and i'm super powerful so i can just do whatever i want i'm just gonna kill him anyway so it's you know i just kind of kept her alive and like he she can't escape because he just follows her and sounds a bit tough but maybe they could like team up in the next one i don't know you guys figure it out write it in the comments and then uh and then we can we can go at it so um hope you enjoyed this one and i'll see in the next video leave a like if you did if you did like it and i'll see you in the next vid until then remember the force will be with you always
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 204,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, star wars, star wars theory, darth vader, order 66, revenge of the sith, star wars explained, obi-wan kenobi, yoda vs palpatine, mace windu, kylo ren, anakin skywalker vs obi-wan kenobi, darth maul, yoda vs sidious, mace windu vs palpatine, star wars trailer, luke mandalorian, obi wan, vader fan film, luke vs vader, hayden christensen, anakin skywalker lightsaber, anakin order 66, grogu order 66, clone wars, rey
Id: vw6B6afuoUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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