What If Qui Gon Jinn Trained Anakin Skywalker? Star Wars Theory

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you you our story begins at the end of episode 1 The Phantom Menace were the duel between Darth Maul obi-wan Kenobi and qui-gon jinn ensued upon the moment where Obi Wan jumped back up to the platform to catch up to his master and Darth Maul battling down to the reactors pit where Darth Maul meets his demise obi-wan harnesses for speed and runs through the beam shields that separated gen and Maul in the original movie upon catching up to his master the fight ensues in a gruesome battle both Jedi taking on the vicious assassin trained in the Sith Arts as they fight obi-wan makes the mistake and doesn't take into consideration where Maul second blade is going to be moving out of the way in surprise losing his balance and ultimately falling down the reactors core with a yell qui-gon screams for his Matewan whose echoes fade away as a travels talent was doomed the anger and despair flooding his cells harnessing powers of the dark side and the light qui-gon unleashes his full potential and hit small in the face with his left fist stunning the xab rock warrior and cutting him in half with his green lightsaber pushing him to his death join ob1 catching his breath he starts to cry as he looks down the reactor shaft peering into its abyss wherever maul was so was Obi one he activated his telecom system connecting to mace windu back on course and I have defeated the Sith however he took Obi Wan with him I require guidance from the council mace told him to finish the mission and to bring everyone back to course into where the council will have a meeting doing as instructed jin moved to the hangar where he and his apprentice had originally seen Maul communicating with Anakin through his telecom for him to come back down immediately leaving the core sent with little Anakin qui-gon was devastated at the loss of obi-wan he hoped he was not suffering and if he were really dead landing at the Jedi Temple after hours of rest and a change of clothes on the ship during its travel they were scheduled to meet with the Jedi Council immediately upon arrival qui-gon walked behind Anakin his immense height towering over the nine-year-old boy like a Goliath Protector watching over its young they walked through the door of the council room the Sun slowly setting behind them illuminating warm half-caste shadows upon all the Jedi Masters faces scared and afraid and it can approach the middle of the room at Mace Windu's request as he had done so once before while cloggin stood behind him the Sith has been defeated even with their allegiance to the darkside it is unaware if I have killed the master or the apprentice as they run by the synth rule of Chu constructed by Darth Bane millennia ago my trio are searching you young Skywalker Anakin propped up looking at Master Yoda with his blue eyes I'm ready sir I want to become a Jedi Master Mace Windu looked at Anakin speaking up such greed to be knighted and a member of the council already money you need to learn patience boy I have patience I just want to be quite on rested his hand on Anakin shoulder his large palm covering half of his back and neck the boy must be trained he is the chosen one you must see he used to take obi ones places my Padawan it is his time he will be new balance to the force Yoda looked quite on defeated at the loss of obi-wan and knowing qui-gon wouldn't take anything other than yes for an answer the council unanimously agreed Anakin although not a youngling was to be trained as a Padawan under master dragons tutelage over the next 13 years Anakin would train under the strict teachings of qui-gon his age difference experience and hard-ass methods did not allow Anakin to even have the thought to talk back be impatient or lust for more power he was truly taught the Jedi way the way qui-gon had learned from Dooku and Yoda before him when obi-wan trained Anakin in the original timeline he was not fully ready to take on the responsibility of training a nine-year-old boy who had already developed many negative habits that were destined to manifest into impatience anger greed and desire over time which it inevitably did know qui-gon was the father Anakin needed not the older brother figure he received it was no wonder he even dared to defy his master leading to his turn to the dark side and inevitably Darth Vader at the emperor's hands qui-gon taught him the traditional ways with discipline focus and patience to guide his true abilities to their full power it was without a doubt that through all their missions on different planets and quests that the Republic had requested for them Anakin's abilities were now far beyond his in Revenge of the Sith timeline in this parallel universe he was the true prophecy the true chosen one bringing order to the galaxy one mission at a time and helping qui-gon and the council track down and destroy the Sith Anakin's fighting style also changed he learned cweigand preferred style of the fourth form of lightsaber combat Ataru in combat his blade work was wide and powerful marked by heavy two-handed slashes and sudden flourishes to cover his flanks Jin's mastery avatar was such that he could easily defeat blaster wielding opponents despite the forms weakness to blaster fire Jin was also proficient in hand-to-hand combat something he taught Anakin who was gifted beyond anything he could fathom now an adult Anakin was the same age as we saw him in Episode three the Chancellor always having kept a close eye on him since his birth continued to brainwash Anakin the same way he had in the original timeline promising him the ability to save Padme from death although Woodfill Denikin's ego and enticed him it did not fool him as well as it had when obi-wan was the master he spoke to qui-gon about his dream regarding Padme his death who consoled him to be mindful of his present and not to focus on the outcome as the very obsession with the dreams could be what creates them into reality in the first place much more mindful of people's manipulation and intentions we arrived to this scene what did you say use my knowledge I beg you you're the Sith Lord I know what's been troubling you listen to me don't continue to be a pawn of the Jedi Council ever since I've known you you've been searching for a life greater than that of an ordinary Jedi a life of significance of conscience are you going to kill me I would certainly like to I know you it gives you focus makes you stronger I'm going to turn you over to the Jedi Council right after this is where Anakin reports his findings to Master Windu as qui-gon was on Utapau dealing with general grievous mace windu moved the council to a meeting instead of irrationally rushing the Chancellor in his office upon Skywalker's confirmation all Jedi Masters even those on missions such as Jin and Yoda were present in the flesh or through Holograms aboard my ship I will said Master Yoda cutting his relations short on Kashyyyk to return to course and an aide in approaching Palpatine with the others if he was truly the Sith Lord they were looking for once Yoda arrived Master Windu and Anakin met him at his ship along with Kit Fisto and cloak hoon the four Jedi Masters and Anakin the Jedi Knight walked into the chancellor's room and it can follow closely behind Yoda who was half his height able to clearly see over him master wouldn't do I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then I myself as soon as unexpected in the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic you're under arrest Chancellor I knew threatening me master Jedi the Senate will decide your fate I am the Senate not yet it's treason then the defamation who rushed him as the lightsabers danced in a display of rainbow fireworks that Anakin's eyes couldn't keep up with their speeds were impressively fast something he had never seen before Mesa and Yoda looked behind them as they heard the guttural screams of Kit Fisto and blow cooler as their lightsabers dropped to the floor along with their severed limbs Skywalker couldn't believe his eyes neither could the two masters battling Sidious as they stared in horror right where kid and Flo I just been decapitated glowed two more menacing red lightsabers oh be one with orange eyes and Darth Maul stood at the entrance walking toward the ODA and mace Windu and Anakin almost fell over as someone flew past why GaN Jin ignited his green lightsaber ready for battle thumbs up this video if you enjoyed it guys if you liked it then off to my tent and I go to create part two and I promise I'll make it all end in part two this time but here's where I need your help I want you to help me write it comment below ideas of how you want the story to go and I'll make it so the most popular comments will get my deepest thoughts and we'll all go from there I hope you enjoyed this first part of what if qui-gon jinn train Anakin Skywalker check out my other fan fictions such as what if padmé's our vibe or what if Darth Maul trained Anakin Skywalker which has three parts to it I hope you guys will absolutely enjoy these I'll link them here and also in the description below make sure to subscribe if you haven't already as there are monthly giveaways and I appreciate you all so very much thank you for watching my fellow Jedi and Sith friends your time is greatly appreciated I hope you all have a great day or night wherever you are in the galaxy and until the next episode of Star Wars Theory really with you young destiny you
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 4,067,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, anakin skywalker, qui gon jinn, qui gon, star wars explained, snoke, plagueis, darth sidious, darth, vader, rogue one, star wars rogue one, star wars episode 8, star wars force awakens, star wars revealed, star wars movie trailer, star wars release date, star wars movies, star wars toy, star wars lego, star wars lightsaber, star wars game, darth maul, count dooku, luke skywalker, han solo, boba fett, star wars 7, star wars 8, rogue one star wars story
Id: pDAyJSEE114
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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