What If Hector Salamanca Recovered? THE COMPLETE STORY | A Breaking Bad “What If” Story

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where's the puppy here's puppy you got me hey everybody and thank you for watching another video my name is merge and welcome to the Breaking Bad what if series that I'm dumbing as the heisen verse a series where I make a change somewhere in the Breaking Bad timeline that changes everything that we know about the universe and this video will be the conclusion of a storyline that I started regarding the recovery of Hector Salamanca and how him not being confined to a wheelchair changes everything and if you could leave a like on this video to support the channel I'd appreciate it staying with the solomonkers let's talk about the Bell rigger himself Don Hector who before his stroke was one of the biggest obstacles for Gus from him terrorizing the employees at the Los Pollos Hermanos Restaurant to him having his men try to take more than the agreed amount of drugs which really didn't work out for the guy with the ponytail and with the help of Nacho Gus was able to put his adversary in a wheelchair for the rest of his life due to a stroke metaphorically neutralizing the threat of Hector Salamanca but what if he was able to fully recover from his stroke what would that even look like well for one Hector would be taken seriously again instead of being the joke of the cartel and I'd like to imagine after his last encounter were gusset down in ladio's home Hector would be so frustrated that night that he put his pride to decide and he'd hired the best physical therapist in Mexico and maybe for the next few years or until we see him in Breaking Bad he'd just be in the background making a full recovery and now we fast forward to when tuko ends up kidnapping Walter and Jesse and bringing them to that little house in the desert what I think would happen is when Hector meets Jesse and Walter immediately like the very first words Jesse says would make Hector distrust him and see him as a liability saying something cryptic in Spanish to tuko call it Intuition or maybe just a solid mock a way of thinking but Jesse should be very worried right now and Walter who's better composed but just to terrified would get sized up by Hector for a second or two and the tension will be broken by Hector taking a lack into him the same way tuko did maybe it's the mustache or that unimaginable luck of his not to mention that tuko would hype Walter up as his genius meth cook unknowingly making Hector think of Gus but instead of him getting angry like he normally would he's actually happy because now he can really have one up on the chicken man with his own genius that doubles as a supplier so win-win for him and maybe it's the desert heat But after those introductions Jesse and Walter begins sweating nervously as Hector tells him to sit down relax as tuko brings him a gallon of water and he heads back kitchen and after about 30 seconds of chugging water and awkward silence between the three of them Hector asked while puffing a cigar what brings you to this business as he exhales a puff of spoke Jesse and Walter look at each other with pain looks as Walter turns towards Hector and says my family I have cancer and not a lot of time to make what I need so they can be all right he says to Hector and Hector takes another puff of his cigar and says in a relaxed tone cancer no issue we have best doctor in all of Mexico you can cook for us make a lot of money for your family and guess what no cancer sound good he said he says laughing at his own joke Walter cracks a fake smile and begins to ask Hector something but is immediately cut off by Hector directing his attention towards Jesse what about you what brings you to this business Jesse sits up and clears his throat and says I uh I'm good Joe I'm good with uh you know also cooking the Crystal and Hector looks at Jesse with this annoyed and Confused expression like he doesn't really understand what he's saying but he doesn't like it and then he glances at Walter for a moment then asks so who's better cook and at that moment Jesse can see tuko casually loading his gun in the kitchen and his heart begins to be faster and faster by the second not even knowing what to say at this time and Walter breaks the Silence by saying we both are I can't cook without him and he can't do it without me we're a team as Walter looks at Jesse with a reassuring look and Hector says to Walter in a slightly different but still direct tone so is he your family as he takes another puff of his cigar and as Walter faces Hector and begins to explain his partnership with Jesse he's once again cut off but this time it's by a gunshot and Walter's face is misted with Jesse's blood similar to the Gus flashback when Hector killed Max but in this case his tuko holding a gun with a sadistic smile and as Jesse's lifeless body falls to the floor Walter is in disbelief and even partially deaf by being that close to a gunshot and he watches his blood pours out of Jesse's head onto the floor with tuko saying in a serious tone your boy failed my lie detector Heisenberg he would have snitched on us if he had the chance trust me Hector who's unfazed by what just happened asked Walter in the same direct tone can you still cook and Walter quickly and nervously shakes his head and says yes I can still cook good good you should eat we leave in an hour Hector says getting up and headed to his room I'm sorry where are we going Mexico Heisenberg Tigo says handing Walter a plague with a burrito on it with just the tiniest specks of Jesse's Blood on the plate as well then grabbing the bag of rice and from the table and thinking that as meth he would waste no time snorting that bag and tuko now in his go mode he with zero effort with drag doesn't his body out the door and while taking the corpse to the Grave Dugout back to go gets a visit from Hank due to the LoJack on Jesse's car [Music] Hank and tuko hold eye contact as he believes that he's looking at Jesse Pinkman but when Hank sees the blood on tuko's face and a lifeless Jesse on the ground and not to mention the M16 that he has strapped to his body Hank would take cover yelling at tuko saying drop your weapons and then the shooting starts heavy gunfire is exchanged between the two and Hank is able to get a hit on tuko causing him to drop the M16 and seemingly putting it into the firefight but as Hank approaches tuko who's slowly bleeding out on the ground he's able to pull the gun out that he had in the back of his waistline and get a point-blank headshot on Hank killing him instantly and as Hank body falls Walter and Hector see the aftermath of the shootout and they both stand in shock for completely different reasons Hector is deeply concerned for tuko seeing a gunshot wound to his abdomen forcing Walter to help him up into the house and Walter holds back his emotions of seeing his brother-in-law shot dead less than 10 feet away from him and the only thought that keeps echoing inside Walter's head is what is Hank even doing here as him and Hector help to go inside the house and sits him on the couch tuko then grabs Walter by the shirt pulling him close and saying I told you Heisenberg your boy was rat tuko says between breaths and Walter responds nervously and fearfully saying I swear I didn't know as tuko lets go of Walter's shirt and then Hector asks are you okay tuko yeah Theo it's just a flesh for him I'll be okay just just give me my stuff tuko says gesturing to the bag of meth that's on the table and when Walter goes to grab the meth the sound of a horn can be heard putting the entire room on edge but Hector can see through the window from where he's standing that is his two nephews Lionel and Marco Salamanca and that's the two brothers exit their vehicle they pull their guns out in unison seeing the bodies of Hank and Jesse on the ground but Hector steps outside meeting them at the doorstep to explain what happened and as they enter the house they see Walter doing his best to banish the wound and stop the bleeding and when Walter finishes he tells them okay so it looks like the bullet went straight through from what I can tell I mean I'm no doctor but I think you should be okay until we can get you to one and tuko sits up in the chair and says thanks Heisenberg as he takes another bump of meth from his knife all right all right so you ready to go he says looking at his cousins giving them a head nod and before Walter could respond tuko says in Spanish did you bring any gas giving a twisted laugh as his girl glistens in the sunlight in our passes in tuko Walter Hector and the twins begin their road trip to Mexico in a pickup truck with Walter riding in the truck bed as he watches Hank and Jesse's car burn with their bodies inside and to ensure that they can never be identified they poured gasoline in their mouths before starting the fire burning their teeth and bones and now finally alone Walter can at least attempt to understand and process what's going on because not only is he now basically property of the cartel but he is completely alone and the only chance of him being saved at all burned up in Hank's Car and not to mention his family as he says to himself I'm I'm so sorry Skyler as he watches the black smoke from the fire Cloud the sky the next morning comes and Marie has been on the phone trying to get a hold of Hank and now is on the phone with Steve Gomez and she says it's just not like hey not to come home last night especially without calling me and now I can't even get a hold of him okay Marie well I'm off today so I'll follow up on some of the leads that he was chasing and don't worry we'll find him Steve Gomez says before hanging up Marie then heads over to Skylanders place to help put up flyers for a still missing Walter and when she gets there Skyler opens up to Marie saying I just don't know how much longer I can keep doing this Marie puts her hand on Skyler's back before saying Skyler I told you I can take Flynn to put the Flyers up you don't have to do everything on your own I'm not talking about Flyers Marie I'm talking about holding out hope Skyler says to Marie with watery eyes I just get the feeling that something terrible happened and I just I just don't know what I'll do without wall and Marie goes in to hug and confront her sister it's gonna be okay you can't think like that Sky I'm sure any minute now we'll get a knock at the door or a phone call saying that Walter was found just you wait and at that same time Marie's phone rings and when she goes to answer the phone Skyler watches as Marie's optimism is replaced with sadness as she's given the worst news that she can even imagine causing her to drop the phone in fall through her knees crying but unable to make a sound and Skyler picks up the phone saying hello Marie are you okay Steve Gomez says on the phone this is Skyler what happened Steve Skyler I I don't know how to say this but we tracked Hank's Car down through LoJack and it was found burned with a body in it and at this point we can't be sure that it's Hank but the location it was found in points to the cartels doing I'm sorry Skyler just tell Marie that I'll call her when we know more and when the call ends it's not Skyler comforting Marie and even though Scottish being the strong one right now on the inside she is just as broken up as Marie as she loses all hope that Walter would ever be found a few months passed and since then there have been funerals for both Walter and Hank and although it's not been confirmed that the two bodies belong to them because they were burned Beyond Comprehension they did find Walter's fingerprints in the house and the story that's going around is that Walter owed Jesse Pinkman money for drugs and when he couldn't pay he was kidnapped and when Hank showed up he killed them both and fled to Mexico with the salamancas but hey that that's just a theory and the story only gets more Twisted when Skyler finds Walter's money and gun inside the diaper box and Skyler thinks about all the overdue bills that she has piled up and she would take and use the money and not tell anyone about it and with a gun I think she would throw it into the crawl space under the house just in case she needs to use it and she don't have to worry about anyone going down there especially since we've got rock and for the time being the money did help but Walter and Hank's absence is noticed in the family so to feel that void Marie copes by doing her klepto thing at Open House events stealing spoons and Skyler would begin working for Ted Beneke and the two started actual relationship and everything is going great for a while but when his embezzlement catches up with him he'd be arrested and sent the prison leaving Skyler alone once again back in Mexico within just two days after they arrived tuko would die in his sleep from what seemed like a flu and even when he was examined by the doctors they couldn't figure out what happened but Walter knows and that night he was able to sleep well knowing that he was able to avenge the lives of both Jesse and Hank but after spending a few months in Mexico as the salamanca's meth cook Walter is still having a hard time adjusting to his new way of life and although he's not treated like a prisoner I mean he eats well and he still gets his cancer treatment as promised by Hector and he can basically get anything he wants but the only downside is he just can't leave so in many ways his confinement is sort of like a mix between Lalo and nacho and Jesse and Jack and one day while Walter is finishing a batch Hector approaches him and says tomorrow we're going to have some visitors and they want you to teach them how to cook so they can learn from the best Hector says smiling as he puts a hand on Walter's shoulder and Walter responds saying okay no problem but who who are these visitors one is a kimish like you and the rest are let's say business associates nothing to worry about and with that Hector leaves Walter to prepare his laugh for his visitors tomorrow because just to fill in some history since Walter started cooking for the salamancas they have been top earnings for the cartel and even though Gus has Gale and the distribution they still can't compete with Walter's product making the chicken man second behind Hector in the eyes of Donald audio but in the attempt to keep the piece Juan Bose would force Hector to have his cook teach Gus and his chemist how to cook the legendary blue sky math and it's ironic because when Gus first sat down with Donald audio that was his idea the next day passes then Walters introduced to his visitors this is my kimmish the best in the world Heisenberg Hector says speaking for Walter as he shakes the hand of Gustavo Frank it is a pleasure to fairly meet you my colleague tells me that you're brilliant and we can't wait to see what you have to show us Gus says with a casual smile and Walter says thank you thank you I appreciate it but it's all basic chemistry returning the Casual smile back to Gus and Gail chimes in saying a humble man I see well I tip my proverbial hat to you sir extending his hand to Walter then continuing to say Gail betticker and it is an honor to meet you sir and as he shakes hands with Gail Walter smiles and then responds saying it's nice to meet you too shall we Walter says just Rings the lab and Gail says after you get there and while Walter is showing Gail around the lab to familiarize him with the equipment he also tries to find a way to subtly hit the Gale for help and thinking on his feet he places a periodic table near a desk and jokingly says it all starts with this and Gail responds nearly laughing don't even get me started helium and half name and erbium and phosphorus and francium and fluorine and terbine and Walter begins talking about its process saying okay so a few key things to keep in mind during the cook to ensure the best product is when it comes to cooling I use a helium-based cooling system he says pointing to the element on the table and when it comes to lithium I only use half and again he drags his finger over the lithium element on the table and stick with me now red phosphorus Walter says smiling and tracing the word help from the elements with a slight panic in his eyes and when Guild is from the periodic table then up at Walter his eyes grow big reading the message and before Gail responds Walter says as a cartel member passes by and as far as changing goes there's facilities right in the Next Room and as Gail walks towards the changing room he looks back at Walter before he enters making Walter kind of nervous but at this point he's kind of gone too far to go back and while Walter Waits on Gail he writes a note basically detailing who he is and as he finishes he startled by Hector who says scu2 are getting along just don't teach them too well okay and Walter responds nervously saying it's just nice to talk chemistry that's all and Hector just stares him down before walking back to the other Dons and when Gail returns all suited up from for the next few hours the two begin a cook that was filled with all sort of double meaning questions and comments that reignites Walter's hope for being found because these guys are the two smartest people in the room and the way they communicate is just on a different level and by the end of the cook Gail is aware of Walter's real name and that he's been in captivity for nearly a year and Walter was able to convey all that information while still being able to produce a 99.1 Purity level and in a bragging tone he says to Gail sorry I'm usually at a 99.6 and Gail is just in awe as he starts applauding Walter but Hector cuts the celebration short saying all right all right are you done stepping right up to Gail's face and Gus speaks up calling for Gail and before the two leave Walter once again shakes their hands and when he goes to shake Gail's hand he slips a note that he ran earlier into his palm giving it to him something that Gus Takes notice of and then the three-part way is leaving Walter hoping no praying to see Gail again while Gus and Gail are discussing what they learned during the cook Gus would ask Gail may I see the note that was given to you before we left and for a split second Gail considers lying before he pulls the note out of his pocket and gives it a Gus and Gail tells Gus I didn't mean to keep it from you Mr Frank I just wanted to wait until we were far enough away he pauses for a moment and gets no response from Gus he just stares blankly at him and then he continues his name is Walter White and he's been a prisoner for nearly a year and he might be the most brilliant man that I have ever worked with and Gus says nothing as he looks down at the now open letter and faces it towards Gail which reads my name is Walter White please help Gus then exhales before saying perhaps we could find a way to not only free This Walter White but also take care of his captors in the process but I will need your help Gail agrees and together over the next month they make a plan of requesting another training session from Hector on the same day as Donald's birthday and after the cook they would gift him the bottle of the zofiro onya Hill tequila and the rest is history Eladio and the car sale are dead and Gus and Gail were able to free Walter but the only thing that didn't go according to plan is that the day before everything went down Hector went and stayed in Albuquerque to check on his territory leaving Walter in the capable hands of Joaquin Salamanca and before this news makes it to Hector Gus was able to have some guys keep an eye on him just in case he decides to go on the run because this was the day that the salamancas lost everything we pick up with Walter Gus and Gail discussing what's next for the newly freed chemist as they head back across the border I understand that you be missing for quite some time Mr White and the last thing I want to do is keep you away from your family for another second but I fear the news of you being found will draw the attention of those who are still with us for the time being that's explains to Walter and he responds in the Compton looking at both Gus and Gail so what happens now once we make it back into town I'll set you up in a safe house for maybe three days max and after that you should be good to return to your family and just like that you're gonna let me go no strings attached Walter questions I understand your apprehension but I have no reason to keep you against your will I could even have Gail stay with you for the time being if it makes you more comfortable Walter agrees and Gus then asks is there anything you need before we get into town and Walter would ask would it be possible to at least pass by my house Gus miles and says yes I believe that would be possible and as they head into town true to his word Gus was able to pass by Walter's home and he was even able to get a glimpse of Skyler in a newborn Holly that he's seeing for the first time and as they pass by Walter begins to break down seeing that he missed so much and Gus just reminds him saying don't worry you will be with him soon and for the next three days Walter and Gail Bond over their knowledge of chemistry and while the two enjoy cup of coffee Walter would ask so why did you come back for me and Gail Smiles before saying well besides from it being the morally right thing to do Gail says jokingly you're also brilliant and you being where you were would have just been a waste Gail says looking down into his cup well if I haven't said it enough I'll say it again thank you and who knows maybe one day we can work together again Walter says holding his cup up to Gail now I'll toast to that we pick up with Gus and Mike going over their plan for the salamancas or what's left of them we track them down to the property they have in the desert and they've been lying low there for the past two days so how do you want to handle this because for the cousins I can pick them off from a distance leave a Hector for you or if you want I can just take care of all three of them Gus considered his options for a couple seconds because getting rid of the solomonkers is the plan but Gus takes his time to think Beyond Revenge to think about Legacy and he stands up to make the decision to have Mike take care of them all as he has a bigger plan at play and before Mike leaves he tells him I'll let you know when it's done the next morning rolls around and Mike is in position with a sniper rifle and at first he sees the twin step out followed by Hector and one by one starting with Theo Salamanca they are all picked off kind of like this scene from Better Call Saul Mike then calls Gus while still looking through the scope and says it's done I'll bring you back a souvenir Mike says referring to the salamanca's necklace Gus then hangs up and calls Walter from the safe house and says are you ready to go home and Walter says are they gone I assure you Mr White you will never have to worry about the Solomon because again I have a man that's on his way to you right now that's going to have you work on your Alibi take care of yourself Mr White and maybe one day our past will cross again and Walter says to Gus maybe one day and the two hang up Mike would arrive shortly after and for the next hour Walter works on a story with Mike and it's basically the truth for the most part saying that he was kidnapped and in order to be useful to such dangerous individuals he was forced to cook meth and it was only until the rival gang attack that Walter was able to make his escape and get smuggled across the border and hitchhike back into town and Mike tells him you just keep repeating that story and if they ask you for more you just tell them that's all you know and with that Mike drops Walter off at the police station to make his statement and after nearly a year Walter Wright was finally reunited with his family and although his story has some holes in it eventually everything checks out for Walter and in the end Jesse pinkman's name was cleared the cartel was dismantled and Walter White was never charged with any crimes both a couple weeks pass and Walter and his family are all out getting lunch at a Los Pollos Hermanos Restaurant and when Walter gets up to ask for a refill he sees Gus but this time is blending in in plain sight manager Gus which kind of takes Walter off guard because he's not acknowledging who he is and Gus would ask is everything to your liking today sir and Walter responds everything is perfect thank you that's what they can give Walter back his cup and says is there anything else I can do for you today sir not not at this time Walter says well if there's nothing else you enjoy the rest of your meal and welcome home Gus says before walking away to wipe down tables and Walter returns back to his family to finish his meal and before they leave Walter would tell them to go ahead while he goes to the restroom but actually he goes over to talk to Gus and when he approaches he just says maybe there is something you can help me with and they look at each other without saying a word but they both understand what's Happening Here We then cut over the Gus showing Walter the laundromat and then the lab underneath only to be greeted by Gail at the bottom and with the two reunite and Gail says to Walter you want to cook starting the beginning of a long and fruitful partnership hey guys thank you for watching and I hope you enjoyed the conclusion of this story and all things considered I'd say this one had a pretty happy ending Gus wasn't consumed by revenge and he was able to see his vision through and we get a Walter and Gale partnership and even though Jesse and Hank were horribly murdered in the end there was still justice but I think Nacho's father would disagree will you talk about oh your talk office Revenge but now I want to hear from you guys what do you think of this story in full do you think I did it justice whatever it is comment down below and let me know and I'll do my best to respond until then my name is merge later foreign
Channel: Murge Productions
Views: 131,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Edits, Full story, Heisenverse, Narrator, Saul goodman, The salamanca family, Voice, Youtube, better call saul, breaking bad, breaking bad clips, lalo salamanca, walter white, your narrator
Id: bjFNX7qgs18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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