when two directors adapt the same book

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gy it's time bring the prisoners my Lord this is Paul trades I am Paul V diva traes from denial nerves Dune Duke of arus don't stand with your back to the door he's about to put his hand in this box put your right hand in the box and he's only got one question what's in the box pain and this is also Paul a trades I know thuer I'm sitting with my back to the door in David Lynch's Dune you want a still suit before from 1984 no the same character 40 years part your desert boots are fitted slip fashion at the ankles who taught you to do that from two very different movies your suit is fitted desert fashion who told you how to do that by two very different directors it seemed the proper way seemed the right way and Lynch's pool is also about to put his hand in the Box put your right hand in the Box this is how the scene begins in the old Dune movie and this is the same moment in the new one you dismissed my mother in her own house come here NE in Lynch's version the Reverend mother's voice seems to have more of a mind control effect on Paul compelling him to walk forward in a conscious way but in new Doom the voice seems more powerful come here Neil the Ben can use something uh called as the voice in order to control the other humans will consider what you're about to do Paul TR his whole body has been controlled against his will and he's not happy about it how dare you use the voice on me next we have the box you see this in Old Dune we don't get any close-ups of it and it kind of just looks like a modern lock box but in newon we basically went with the description that was in the book bringing a feeling of something ancient it's the same with the g jaar i holded your neck a g ja we don't get any close-ups in Old Dune and it kind of just looks like a fimble with a needle on the end and in new Dune I holded your neck the GJ we had a great time designing those needle I wanted them to be ancient the point of this scene is to show Paul overcoming his animalistic instincts to avoid pain are you suggesting a Duke's son is an animal and how do they show this in old your awareness may be powerful enough to control your instincts Your Instinct will be to remove your hand from the box but in new they only need one line an animal caught in a trap will g off its own leg to escape what will you do this scene represents the differences between denal nerve's Dune I would not have let you hurt my friends and David Lynch's Dune I would not have permitted you to harm my tribe but first calling it David Lynch's Dune might upset David Lynch Dune I didn't have Final Cut on I started selling out even in the script phase it was a slow dying the death terrible terrible experience when it released it wasn't exactly well received the biggest disappointment of the year is Dune it was buil as a big event movie Dune the science fiction spectacular based on Frank Herbert's novel about the universe of the future but it's safe to say it didn't live up to these expectations I I think this is the worst thing that's being released this Christmas I really really hated the film guess I'm not in the mood today obviously both versions are based off Frank Herbert's original book moods are thing for cattle and love play but with vill nur's version it finally feels like we have the definitive adaptation of Frank Herbert's story you fight when the necessity arises no matter the movie before they were camping over the top give me spice and the visual effects hadn't really reached a level to do the story justice but now we've got a director who's no stranger to sci-fi I've never retired something that was born before who makes ser ious films of a strong atmosphere what's the difference and best of all loves the dun books to be born is to have a soul I guess every time someone ask me what was one of my biggest dream in cinema I always answer to adap Dun the most obvious difference between V nur's version and Lynch's version is that a worm is the athetic worm sign this is kaladan in Old Dune I have to go on ahead alone and this is kaladan in new Dune yes I'm going to rakus tomorrow with the in Old Dune gady Prime is more of an industrial and grimy athetic poison has been introduced into your body through far hour and there's elements of body horror like these poor Animals by milking this this smooth little cat body you receive your antidot in a real obsession with bodies opening up and emitting various kinds of noxious fluids a new Gat Prime is darker more sleek and minimalist G Prime is a plastic World artificial work cut from nature a totalitarian environment and arus is shown with lots of wide shots to establish the scale of the planet there are times we to create that scale we actually physically ran out of room the characters are very small in the frame the Interiors often dwarf the actors and there's a grandness and gravitas to the locations that sandw worm's only 12 stories high this should be 45 stories high often that scale has to occur um being down at ground level whereas old Dune is much more intimate in comparison most scenes are inside subf floor 6 through 10 and the design is more detailed it's very ornamental and full of intricate map paintings and over-the toop cost costumes if fade wishes he can meet you with my blade in his hand look at fufi ha in new Dune he's here my Lord and then in Old Dune you'll make a formidable Duke Lynch's version is more melodramatic get out of my mind it doesn't take your too seriously not until you tell them both Who I Really Am whereas newe has more weight to it my road leads into the desert it's a very modern looking film that goes for a realistic and grounded aesthetic if you'll have us and it feels more like a serious Prestige sci-fi movie we will come whereas old Dune is more surrealist it's elaborate grungy and ultimately quite over the top where's my doct Phil nerve takes his time in building the world and setting up the characters not stain your hands on this animal the plot unfolds slowly let me deal with him leaving us enough time to think about the story's themes each one of these drinks every day the equivalent of five men it's my burden old dun is much faster the paste but still has the same basic plot points this is a haonan animal let me please my Lord the atres arrive on Aus how does it feel to walk on a new world Paul finds a hunter seek a drone they check out a spice Harvester which gets attacked by worm it must not be easy to work with sandw worms then the haronian attack and Leto dies your bloodline ends forever Paul and Jessica flee into the desert it's further than I thought they join the freman this is the Duke's son Paul becomes lisen alib and rides the worm it's all about casting until he fights fade at the end May th knife CHP and shatter got to get the right size work so what's the big difference well V Nerf's doing his two movies and lynches his one it was squeezed because in those days um the maximum length they figured I could have is 2 hours and 17 minutes and that's what the film is so the same story that unfolds over 5 hours and 22 minutes in the new version unfolds over 2 hours and 17 minutes in the old version it was like compacted um it hurt it it hurt it so what does this actually look like in the film well this is the very first scene with the freman I will take the boy man there's no fight with Jamis Paul doesn't have to prove himself to be accepted and he chooses his freman name at the end of this scene could I be known as Paul mu and literally only 10 minutes later Paul is the leader of the freman I am usul Paul mu so it's again money talking so they could get they wouldn't lose a screening a day I want you to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze not for the film at all this is only the second scene with channy Johnny I love you I've always loved you there's only 20 minutes between the atres arriving on arus and the hon attacking all of V nerves part two happens in pretty much 45 minutes in the Lynch version which results in a lot of exposition like this we don't know much about the fan they live in the Deep desert some of them in the cities did you really think you could bear the quizat they have blue within blue eyes the universe is super being the film spends a lot of time just telling us stuff Planet arus source of the spice which distracts from what is otherwise a simple hero's journey what deep compare it to Star Wars both have relatively similar stories I give you the word bond of a Ben jarate I was once a Jedi Knight the same as your father with a lot of World building and law Emperor Sadam the four wel SK but Star Wars works because it puts all of this to the side to focus on the characters whereas Dune tries to juggle all of these lore aspects we have just folded space from I but there just isn't enough time to do them Justice any machines on I it ends up feeling rushed do you have any information on the worms of arus and way too Exposition heavy that's the big lesson don't make a film if it can't be the film you want to make there have been documented sightings of worms as large as 450 m in the Deep desert it's a joke and and a sick joke and it'll kill you but nun has time to build this world more organically on araus we need to cultivate desert power and sets things up without being overly explicit or intrusive desert power it gradually reveals the LW in a natural way rather than just telling it to our face it is the legend it's seamlessly integrated into the dialogue on the world and grandfather fought bulls for sport yes rather than told through clunky voiceovers pure and refined Spice in Old Dune sometimes we'll get a close-up of a character while soft Reverb induced internal monologues explain what they're thinking he's hiding something about the space this is sometimes effective I want to Seer can't get me if I don't move but can often interrupt the flow of a scene i' know the difference yes perhaps he would have that the film starts with a big Exposition dump from irand know then that it is the year 10,191 we then get even more Exposition from the spacing guilds Planet kitan home of the emperor of the known universe this is a lot different than nun which starts with a short narration from channy my planet oracus is so beautiful when the sun is low before going straight into Paul's story father wants you in full dress before the emperor's Herald arrives Phil Nerf saved the emperor for his second film whereas Lynch opens with him yes my lord it's the same with fate who's introduced much earlier in Old I will kill him Paul's sister is actually born he is here now but Jessica play a much smaller role Phil nerve also includes lots of different languages in his film there was a dialect coach on set that was making sure that they had the right pronunciation uh uh one day I was uh having a shot that was quite complex and I finally I said okay we got it and the dialect coach came to me said actually the pronunciation was not actually correct I know was like I say come on brother it's a fake language but in Old dun it's all in English take him to his desert another difference is the inclusion of the guild Navigators these are the guys who fold space and time to make Interstellar travel possible they're mentioned in V n's film three Guild Navigators a total of 1.46 milon 62 solarus roundt trip but we actually see them in lynches and for 1984 the effects are impressive we want but the same can't be said for the shields or the worm riding today visual effects are much more Advanced but this doesn't mean they always look great but for Dune in paying attention to the lighting relying on practical effects and using more grounded cinematography it makes the film look much more realistic than your typical Blockbuster even when they're using a fake digital camera it still moves in a way that feels possible and realistic it will sound close to the spirit of a helicopter it must not sound like a helicopter but in the same family look at this scene the camera isn't being used just to show off the visual effects instead they're obscured by dust and smoke I wanted the the design and the technology to be to feel familiar or here where the lighting of the ship blows the image completely into black something that you will recognize right away you will believe right away you will you will not question the clarity of the visuals and sometimes getting to see the coolest element of the shot is sacrificed in order to get a more realistic image I didn't want it to be distracting I more important I wanted to look as real as possible this minimalist grounded and deliberate approach seems to be the maner of V nerv's film making his style isn't in your face it's subtle very formal and technically flawless I found my own way to it maybe you'll find yours that was my focus to protect the intimacy of the the the story father I found my way but for Lynch's Dune it's kind of the opposite it's bold detailed over the top and fastpaced the forms of Canley have been obeyed it throws a lot at the wall some of it sticks and some of it doesn't spotter control there's no sign of the carry all it's not really concerned with telling the grounded story but rather pushing the weird and unique aspects of this world to their limits despite telling the same narrative they're two very different films one that looks like this you young pup you young pup and one that looks like this you're young F you're young f one with characters like this you'll have a new poison gas tooth and one with characters like this breathe out and you will fill the air with poison this is a performance in in Old Dune do not show the slightest pity or mercy and this is one in new Dune Tam rock is fade when Paul has his hand in the box at the start of the Movie silence this is how Lynch shows his pain the pain no enough but in new Dune instead of just enduring it he overcomes it and we know this not through any dialogue but just a simple change in his expression a music cue and some editing enough thank you for watching
Channel: Archer Green
Views: 2,949,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dune, dune part two, denis villneueve dune, will there be a dune part 3, dune messiah, david lynch dune, old dune movie, dune 1984, dune lore, dune explained, denis villeneuve, denis villenueve dune, dune chapter 3, austin butler dune, timothee chalamet, timothee chalament dune, paul atreides, feyd rautha, dune emperor, dune geidi prime, dune harkonnens, atreides, dune visual effects, dune cinematography, dune score, dune music, dune compared to old movie, dune 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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