Why Did Gus Warn Hank? - Breaking Bad

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Breaking Bad is a masterpiece of modern television that captivated audiences with its intricate plotlines and Unforgettable characters one of the most fascinating characters in the series is Gustavo Fring a soft-spoken and methodical drug lord who runs a successful fast food chain as a front for his illicit activities throughout the series Frank proves to be a formidable adversary for Walter White but he also shows moments of unexpected compassion and loyalty one of the most puzzling moments in the show is when Fringe warns DEA agent Hank Schroeder about a potential hit on his life in this video I will explore the motivations behind fringe's decision to warn Hank and what it reveals about his character and the complex web of relationships and Breaking Bad when we look at the actions and behaviors of certain people how often do we ask ourselves why sometimes people's motivations for doing certain things aren't as simple as we wish them to be although they do tend to become a hurdle in navigating our interpersonal relationships in fiction the so often vague relationship between intent and behavior can lend itself well to some of the most intriguing and engaging kinds of Storytelling Breaking Bad has a lot of these moments the wide variety of characters conflicting drives and motivations pile up on top of one another in a deliberate web of tension and release as one of the most influential antagonists in the series Gus Fring exemplified this notion well being a secretive figure much of Gus's inner thoughts and drives were hidden beneath multiple facades what went through his mind as he shanked one of his arguably blameless subordinates to death with a box cutter how could he know in that one visit to the hospital that returning to his car was dangerous in this video Gus's intricacies as a character are properly examined through the analysis of a particular action in season 3 as revenge for killing their cousin tuko the Salamanca twins made an attempt at Hank Schrader's life the only reason that Hank survived this encounter was because of guthring's Prior warning made anonymously the call warned Hank that he had one minute before two men would arrive to kill him why did Gus warn him of the incoming assault after all the DEA wasn't exactly his friend furthermore he even prompted the attack Shifting the target of the salamanca's rage away from Walter White examining Gus's motivations for doing so would lead us to a better understanding of his character one of the things that we need to understand is why Gus made the deal with the twins in the first place originally the salamancas blamed Walter White for the death of tuko however this was a problem for Gus because at the time he still needed wall to cook for him as Walt made the best methamphetamine on the market Gus himself actually also had somewhat of a plan to get rid of Walt eventually deeming him too unstable and impulsive that was why when confronted by the salamancas about Walter White Gus insisted that they could only get rid of Walt after his business with Walt was concluded it's important to explore further why Gus wanted to get rid of Walter White to better understand the context of the call from the beginning Gus saw Walters more problem than he was worth his Reckless and impulsive behavior combined with his ingenious wit didn't appeal to Gus's approach one he perceived to be more deliberate and methodical however he couldn't deny that Walt's products were the best on the market Gus's eventual decision to work with Walt was only made with a bigger plan of seizing Walt's means of production if Gus had the ability to replicate the purity of Walt's methamphetamine then Gus would no longer need him this plan was done through the deliberate pairing of Gail bonicher with Walter White and Gus's meth lab Gail was meant to learn from Walt until he became sufficient to cook on his own and then Walt was to be eliminated however Gail wasn't quite ready Gus knew that he had to postpone the salamanca's fury in order to give time for Gail to be able to replicate Walt's formula initially Gus merely tried to tell the salamancas to wait a little bit more however when they visited Walt at his own home Gus knew he had to act Gus knew that making them late wasn't good enough anymore Gus knew that if Walt were to survive someone else had to take the fall this takes us back to why Gus struck a deal with the twins at that point Gus knew they weren't backing down so Gus gently reminded them that it was technically Hank not Walt that killed their cousin tuko seemingly Satisfied by this change in Direction the Salamanca twins immediately made an attempt at Hank's life this was also where Gus decided to warn Hank of the incoming attack warning Hank benefited Gus in a couple of ways the first one was how much it would help Gus's ultimate goal of getting his own personal revenge on the cartel in the salamancas Gus's Vengeance was his strongest motivation to stay in the drug business throughout the entire series after finding out what happened between Gus and the cartel we know that Gus had been biding his time plotting the downfall of the cartel in revenge against Hector Salamanca giving Hank a one-minute Head Start was enough for the DEA officer to do serious damage to the twins in this sense Gus was killing two birds with one stone on one hand he managed to deter them from killing Walter White but at the same time he was also crippling the amount of power that the salamancas have in the cartel another reason that Gus warned Hank was that if Hank were to die it might reflect badly on Gus while at this point the series hadn't explicitly stated that Gus was aware that Hank and Walt were related we could safely infer this detail from Gus's characterization when Gus finally explicitly discovered that Walt and Hank were related it was implied that the fact wasn't exactly news to him assuming Gus knew about how they were related it would not be wise for Gus to let Hank die it wasn't out of the question that Walt might turn to him somehow discovering how he was related to the murder of his brother-in-law even if that wasn't the case hankdyne could also strengthen Walt's desire to quit the drug business which naturally would be more of a problem for Gus than it already was knowing how volatile wall can be Gus might have anticipated these circumstances that he would not be able to control although there was no guarantee that Hank would survive this resulted in an increased likelihood that Gus would have fewer factors he needed to worry about these two reasons were most likely some of the things that crossed his mind when Gus made that phone call as a character Gus is written as patient and careful through his action of making the call to warn Hank he managed to turn a situation that could potentially cause him trouble into something that allowed him to further his personal plans Walt was safe the cartel weakened and Hank was alive therefore preventing Walter's further mental devolvement into instability this kind of writing is plenty in the Breaking Bad series Gus Fring as a character was a slippery intelligent figure his action of giving a warning call to Hank while seemingly simple further expressed his defining characteristics as one of the more compelling competently written villains of the Breaking Bad universe
Channel: Serial Binger
Views: 432,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking bad gus, Breaking bad salamanca, Gus fring, Gus hank breaking bad, Hank schrader, Salamanca twins, Why did gus call hank, breaking bad, breaking bad gus fring, gus fring, gustavo fring, walter white, hank schrader breaking bad, gus fring breaking bad, breaking bad analysis
Id: -lPGS7B44Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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