What if Jesse Escaped Sooner In El Camino | A Breaking Bad Story

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on the way home I was gonna get us some pizza a couple large pies maybe a six pack of beer some ice cold beer that sound good hey everybody thank you for watching another video my name is merge let's talk about Jesse Bruce Pinkman now it's no secret that him teaming up with Walter White was one of the biggest mistakes of his life because I mean sure in the end he was able to get his fresh start but man the things he had to go through to get that Fresh Start I would Define it as literal hell from him being disowned by his own family to being forced to kill Gail to the depths of both of his girlfriends being beat up by both tuko and Hank and then there's him being hell prisoner in a concrete hole for months being forced to cook meth for Jack and his crew both physical and psychological torture brought on by his partnership with Heisenberg he even said it himself in one of the saddest scenes in Breaking Bad ever since I met you you everything I have ever cared about is gone I have never been more alone I have nothing no one all right it's all gone but what if during Jesse's captivity he decided to take a chance on this Freedom when he's out with Todd during the events of El Camino what would that even look like well in this video I'm gonna give my version of the story of things during this scene went another way and if you could leave a like on this video to support the channel I'd appreciate it and without further Ado let's get into it Jesse and Todd are parked in the middle of the desert sitting in the back of the El Camino after burying Sonia Todd's cleaning lady a woman who was killed for finding Todd's money and bringing it to his attention not stealing it or anything but because she knew about it she had to go which is kind of a running theme for Todd because remember the kid on the dirt bike same exact thing killed not for what they did but for what they know she found it and I can't have anybody finding it and after saying a few kind words about Sonia Todd asked Jesse to get a pack of cigarettes out the glove box of the car and when Jesse opens the glove box he spots the cigarettes and a gun and purely on impulse he'd grab the gun holding it tight by his side and breathing loud enough to catch Todd's attention and Jesse knows that this could be his one chance at Freedom with only Todd Standing in his way someone who Jesse doesn't even feel deserve to be alive right now and he just stands there thinking back on everything that he's been put through from the torture to being forced to cook and even him killing Andrea right in front of him and his Todd tries to talk Jesse down and slowly reaches for the gun Jesse would quickly take a step back as his eyes begin to water and his heart begins to be faster and faster with this being the longest most uncomfortable four seconds of Jesse's life and Todd goes on about how he was going to get pizza because Jesse did such a great job and he earned it today and he continues by asking Jesse what kind of pizza he likes but he gets no response and instead of loosening his grip on the gun Jesse's grip Titans and when Todd asks again Jesse what kind of piece and the sound of a gunshot Echoes through the desert and we see that Todd was shot in the chest by Jesse and after the initial round Jesse and Todd stand there looking at each other both in confusion then and Jesse fires that gun until it's empty then letting out a primal scream [Music] and as Todd's Body lies there riddle with bullets bleeding on the desert's hand Jesse falls to his knees laughing and crying that his nightmare is finally over and maybe after five minutes of appreciating the sunset something that he wasn't able to do for months he would take the shovel from the back of the car and begin digging a separate hole for Todd and while Jesse Dixie thinks of his next move he knows that he needs to move fast knowing that it'd only be a matter of time before Jack and his crew noticed that him and Todd are gone he also knows that he needs money to do what he should have done all those months ago disappear and start over and he knows exactly where to get it from and the last thing he needs to do is warn Brock and whoever's watching him that they're in danger because once Jack and his crew would turn and notices that Jesse and Todd are not there the first thing they're going to do is go after Brock so after he passed the dirt down with the shovel Jesse starts a long nerve wrecking drive back to Todd's apartment and the entire way there he listens to any news stations he can just to know how hot he is and from the radio he finds out that him Walter White and Saul Goodman are all still at large and there's been a nationwide manhunt going on for months and even though the heat died down on the case given that currently both Walter and Saul have both been disappeared it doesn't change the fact that he's a wanted Fugitive and if he's caught he's a dead man and the excitement of being free is replaced with a different kind of fear not only the fear of going to prison but also the fear of being recaptured by Jack and what they would do to him if they find out about Todd and he grips the steering wheel tighter as he continues his drive as Jesse arrives at the apartment complex he's able to sneak upstairs into Todd's apartment seemingly unnoticed but unknown to Jesse tosno's neighbor would see him sneak into the apartment and would discreetly call the cops thinking that Jesse's a meth head trying to break in because I mean just look at him come on and after maybe less than five minutes Jesse walks out with two trash bags full of money but he would unavoidably make contact with Todd's neighbor as he walks down the hall but without stopping Jesse would walk right past him with his head down as he walks down the stairs and Todd's knows the neighbor would ask hey hey hey you who who are you what are you a resident here but Jesse would keep walking ignoring him and quickly going down the stairs and returning to the El Camino fumbling with the keys before nervously starting the car and driving away and as he looks back in the rearview mirror he sees Todd's neighbor outside on the phone making Jesse nervous and even more paranoid as he speeds away and after getting some distance from Todd's house instead of driving around looking for the vacuum pear shop right now he notices that he's not too far from Skinny Pete's house and decides to head over there to lay low to get cleaned up but while on his way he'd take a detour down Andrea's neighborhood in hopes that he can be able to warn Brock and his grandmother of the danger that they're in and as he's driving down the residential street who does he happen to see but young Brock just standing out there on the front porch not playing not smiling just standing there like he's waiting for someone and maybe he's standing in that same spot where Andrew was shot by Todd and I know people might say in the comments why would anyone still be living there and to that I would say that even though Andrea was killed at her home the neighborhood is supposed to be a better neighborhood than where she was staying before so let's just say that Brock didn't want to leave the house because of the memory of his mom and maybe Brock's grandmother just moved in and took over the lease cool cool and Jesse without thinking would park and hop out the car with one of the trash bags full of money completely ignoring the risk or even what he looks like right now which to the untrained diet looks like a meth head walking towards a child with a garbage bag which yeah just just not a good look and given this family's relationship with drugs Jesse's presence is not exactly warranted and when Brock sees Jesse approaching he doesn't react being somewhat familiar with the guy in front of him but he just can't figure it out but before Jesse could even get a word in the front door opens and outsteps Brock's grandmother which is who he was actually waiting on and when she sees the dirty bearded man near Brock it catches her off guard and she quickly pulls Brock inside yelling for Jesse to go away or she's calling the cops and Jesse walks towards the door with a desperate look on his face and tells him please you have to listen to me you and Brock are in danger I I have money please just take it please you just you just need to leave now please and as you push the bag down on the bloodstained front porch his mind goes back to that fateful night but his inner thoughts are broken when he hears Brock's grandmother talking on the phone sounding like she's giving his description and Jesse quickly runs through the car and drives away leaving the money on the front porch and as sloppy as it was that was his goodbye to Brock not an apology but a warning and all he can do now is hope that they would believe him at least for Brock's sake and after another nerve-wracking Drive Jesse would finally make it to Skinny Pete's house and for the first time since he could remember he's finally in a safe space and he can eat get clean and he can finally rest and when the next day rolls around things play out like the original with Jesse calling Joe to get rid of the car and this time it works because nobody knows that Todd and him are gone just yet so the LoJack device wouldn't be activated allowing for the El Camino to be towed away and destroyed and after a sigh of relief with one less thing to worry about Jesse would have Badger and skinny Pete drive him around to find the vacuum repair shop but unknown to Jesse Brock did recognize him last night and so did his grandmother because I mean I'm sure they watch the news and more than likely since Andrea's death and Jesse's disappearance Jesse would be the prime suspect for her murder among so many other things and when she called the cops last night she told him that she suspected a person that looked like Jesse Pinkman showing up to her home even showing the officers the bag of money that was left on the porch because Jesse has already caused his family enough pain and heartache from Brock being poisoned to Andrea two Moss being killed and even though he didn't do either one of these things this family and the rest of the world feel that he is responsible and there's nothing he can do to change that and after the police take a statement and confiscate the money a city-wide Manhunt for Jesse Pinkman will begin that night so as the old Trio or driving around now on their way to the fourth vacuum repair shop they see a lot more cops than usual and then they hear on the radio that Jesse Pinkman was spotted last night and there would be checkpoints on the streets happening for the rest of the week as well as a city-wide Manhunt and Badger turns off the radio saying yeah we don't need to add any more stress to this trip and when they pull into the best quality vacuum parking lot when Jesse spots a similar looking red van parked around back he smiles being one step closer to his freedom but that smile quickly faced when they see that they're followed by a police cruiser and as soon as Badger Parks the car the police lights are ignited and the threesome Frozen with fear has the cop gets out the car and begins to approach them with Badger and skinny Pete in the front as Jesse begins to sink down in the back seat breathing heavily with his bag of money between his legs and for Jesse he is so close to his freedom but with a cop approaching right now he might as well be back in his cage and when the cop steps to the window he has Badger for his license and registration and when presented the cop tells them the reason why I pulled you over today is because your tail light is broken you can consider this a warning now do what you need to do and get home because the city's going on a lockdown with this Manhunt going on okay and thank you and I'm so sorry about the tail light I will get that fixed soon I just need to get a quote for a new vacuum for my mom and then me and my brothers are headed home and the officer hands back Badger his license and registration and quickly peeks inside the car looking at Jesse with Skinny Pete's hat on and says now you guys take it easy and he walks back to his Cruiser and just drives away and everyone lets out a huge sigh of relief and Jesse even begins to cry after that suspenseful encounter and after regaining their composure the three say their goodbyes inside the car wishing each other the best and as Jesse steps out the car with the trash bag full of money he begins to walk inside the store for the last time as Jesse Pinkman and with this one change Jesse would make it out free and safe but for everyone else things will take a turn for the worse because with Todd and Jesse being gone in the news of Jesse Pinkman being spotted Jack and his crew would assume that Jesse kill Todd and they would go after Brock and his grandmother and unfortunately they would be gunned down in their own and again even though Jesse didn't pull the trigger he is solely responsible for every death that happened in the castilio family and being that Todd and Lydia had ongoing business when she notices Todd's disappearance and you combine that with her paranoia she would strive to get rid of any loosens that tie back to her with the only one being in her way is the same one that Todd insisted that she wouldn't talk Skyler white and with Todd gone Lydia pays Jack and his crew to take care of her in that same night they pay a visit this guy they're killing her in Holly's room only for Walter Jr to find her leaving them both now orphans we pick up a month later in New Hampshire with Walter getting his monthly delivery and updates from Ed when Walter asked how's Skyler and the kids and Ed looks up at him and says there's a no easy way to say this but she was found dead in your infant's bedroom and Walter looks on in disbelief saying wait wait what about what about the kids what about Holly and Walter Jr your kids are both fine your daughter mostly your son was the one who found her so I can only imagine what's going on in his head they're living with your sister-in-law for now I'm sorry for your loss Mr Lambert I know you have a lot of emotions running through your mind right now and I'm not here to tell you what to do but if you leave him from here you will get caught and Ed finishes unloading Water Supplies before leaving out the door and saying I'll see you next month leaving Walter alone to sit with the knowledge that he couldn't protect or provide for his family and he looks at the barrel of money and decides to make one last-ditch effort to get the money to Walter Jr and Holly but as you can imagine the conversation between Walter Jr and Walter is a lot more heated with Walter Jr cutting Walter off when he brings up the money why why would I want anything from you you kill uncle Hank you got mom killed and now what you you want to buy my love wherever you are Walter you just you just stay there and die I don't want anything from you just just just die as he slams the phone down hanging up in his ear and Walter holds back his tears before making another call but this time to the police to turn himself in and while he's waiting on the cops to arrive he catches Gretchen and Elliot's news clip about their connection to him and he comes up with an idea on how he can get his money to his family we fast forward to Walter threatening Gretchen and Elliot which still works by the way and I'd like to imagine that Badger and skinny Pete don't exactly know about Walter and Jesse's Fallout so they still help him and they still get paid and I'm sure that he would love to see his kids one last time but with them living with Marie impossible so he wouldn't even try instead Walter would write a letter to his family and put the lottery ticket in the envelope and mail it to Marie and he would devote the rest of his days to the simple but master plan of taking out Jack and his crew and what does that plan entail exactly well there's the gun in his trunk and he would just show up to Jack's compound unannounced that's it because at this point Walter is going there to die but he just doesn't plan on going out alone and the thing about this meeting is that Walter came for revenge for them taking his money he doesn't know that Jack killed Skyler or that Todd is dead yet well well well look what the Cat Dragged In man look at that hair that real Jack says jokingly while taking a puff of his cigarette yes yes it's real Jack how are you Walter says walking towards Jack tucking in his shirt so what can I do for you that you had to come here unannounced and Walter says to Jack foreign do you still want me to teach Todd how to cook and the room gets quiet instantly and Jack walks up to Walter taking another puff of his cigarette and Walter just says what what where where is he and one of Jack's guys holds a gun to the back of Walter's head and just says what do you want it boss and Jack just says take him outside but before they haul Walter off Jack says to him hey man just so you can die with a peace of mind that I never got about Todd I want you to know that you can blame me for what happened to your lady now you can take him outside and let's say in this version after they Frisk them they let him hold on to his keys at least and while Walter struggles with Jack's guys trying to take him outside he's able to press and hold the truck button on his keys and with the sound of a car alarm shirt begins a barrage of bullets that manages to take out the entire game including Walter not dissimilar to the original and when the gunfire stops there is just blood and broken glass everywhere and Walter lies dead alongside the rest of the gang no last words no last hurray just the sound of dripping blood and when the camera zooms out we get the faint sound of police sirens as we close the book on Walter White's Legacy one of lines murder and death rest in power Heisenberg hey guys I want to thank you so much for watching this video this was definitely a roller coaster promotions for me and making this video made me realize that the Universe of Breaking Bad is structured so perfectly that if you were to remove any element anywhere in the story everything would change and for me it's my job to make it make sense but I want to hear from you guys what'd you think of this story and more importantly what kind of story do you want me to cover next I'm always eager to hear from you guys because y'all come up with some pretty good ideas so let me know Down Below in the comments and I'll do my best to respond until then my name is merge later
Channel: Murge Productions
Views: 191,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Breaking bad, Drama, El camino, Heisenberg, Saul goodman, Skinny pete interrogation el camino, Story, Writer, better call saul, breaking bad, breaking bad clips, breaking bad full episodes, breaking bad saul goodman, commentary channels, el camino ending, el camino movie, el camino review, english story, screenwriter, story in english, the voice, walter white, writing
Id: 5BHJ5shN6fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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