Why Better Call Saul Has The Perfect Ending

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biblical soul has come to a close and we bid farewell to a universe that has been in our lives for the past 15 years with the final season that saw us close off the story prior to breaking bad for gus and mike and are seeing kim and jimmy in the past present and future it certainly took us on a journey for the final time the show closed off to a respectable response from fans and i for one agree with the final season and ending reception so with that i thought i'd share why the ending to better call saul's season six was perfect so let's get into it here is why the ending to better colossal season 6 was perfect just to let you know this video will contain spoilers the ending to better call saul came in episode 13 of season six and it was titled stolgon this episode did a lot to complete the build up from the final quarter of the season to ensure that the landing enclosure was met this video will address a few main points that i believe contributed to the ending success and the reason why it was perfect the closure for the characters other than jeff throughout the final quarter of season six from episode nine it was the final time that we saw the four main characters in the show in the same timeline this was gus mike kim and jimmy this was two episodes after the mid-season finale which at the time was the highest rated episode of better call saul the episode where we saw howard hamelin being killed by lalo and an episode that was an explosive one that took you on a ride the pacing hadn't changed up until the end of episode 9 and it had been on a continual ride however episode 9 did have a sense of closure to it despite not being the final episode of the show gus was meeting with don eladio mike was meeting with nacho's father and kim and jimmy had ended their relationship for gus and mike they got the appropriate closure that they needed prior to their entry points in breaking bad especially with gus when he met with donaldio where he was being exposed by hector for his involvement in plotting against the cartel he got away with it and it was another moment that was similar in tone delivery and mood like when we saw hector kill max in breaking bad it felt like the tension was building and something could have definitely erupted we even saw this referenced with gus looking over the pool following this we saw the drastic change in emotion on gus and the yearning to be happy and the want to let people be close to him but he knew that this was something that would never be possible due to the damage that can be caused and the danger it could put upon them showing the drastic difference between himself and walter wife he knows the hurt that it can cause the final shot that we had of him with him walking away from a moment of happiness spoke a thousand words and it was the perfect way for it to be the last we saw of him in betical saul the shot with the fire in his eyes and the revenge that he would later get in breaking bad in that exact spot when meeting donna ladio was the perfect place for gus to have some of his final moments mike got another send-off in the show that was rather appropriate meeting with nacho's father and him informing him that his son would never return whilst being told that justice would be served yet the father calling it revenge was something that fitted it perfectly we saw mike questioning if he should even go and meet with him but mike is actually one of the more human characters despite assuming he's the least upon first glance justice and revenge can serve the same purpose but it all depends on which side of the fence you're on and this was symbolized in one of the final shots that we had of mike almost mirroring like what we saw with kim and jimmy at the end two different pathways no matter how much mike wanted to differentiate himself from the people that he was associated with he was one of the gangsters and didn't fight for justice he fought for a person and that was gus jimmy and kim's final moments were also perfect six years in the future from beyond this point after witnessing them break up in episode nine we saw kim return to albuquerque after seeing that she was living an extremely mundane life following the death of howard hamlin and her slight involvement in the sense that she witnessed it we saw that she was living a life that was drastically different to how we'd seen her living throughout the entirety of season six she was living in a suburban neighborhood in florida working a nine to five for a sprinkler company and couldn't make a decision anymore it was like she didn't know how to be the person that she was putting up a frances her re-meeting with jimmy after going to howard's wife in the court about everything that happened with howard showed that she had a conscience and was finally prepared to face the repercussions if anywhere to go her way we saw that she finally found peace upon all of jimmy's confessions and once she met with jimmy in the prison after using her old bar card that didn't have an expiration date it showed that she was prepared to break a rule in order to see him their relationship had been long gone but there was still something there and the flame between them certainly represented that her walking off wasn't a walk off into freedom because i believe kim's day could potentially come in the future but for the time being it was her going off to be the person that she used to be working in a voluntary law firm and channeling the kim that we all knew jimmy had the best closure that we could have asked for looking like he was going to channel his slipping jimmy and soul goodmanesk persona in order to work his way down to a shorter sentence which he did he realized that he couldn't move forward and live a life that was built upon getting away with it again he realized that by running away from everything that had happened in the past six years and not getting rid of the character of saul goodman and becoming jimmy mcgill again he was only delaying the inevitable and the scheming that found him when he was gene tuckervig would find him again in seven and a half years time when he got out of prison we saw him fess up own his mistakes give all of the information as possible and took on an 86 year sentence for the price we visibly saw emotion on his face and the understanding that this was the first time that he'd re-entered these places in a long while was clear discussing the death of howard whilst also talking about his regrets about what he did to his brother everything was coming out regardless of if it even mattered the cost in his mind was worth the reward in being free in his mind and being able to be jimmy mcgill again like we saw when he asked the judge to refer to him as that he's behind bars he accepted the price but he's not living too bad of a life due to all of the helping that he did as a defense lawyer on the outside so he has the respect inside it was a fitting end to the character especially with the camera panning around the corner and that being the last we saw of him it was natural and it lingered in my mind knowing that the character would still be out there still living day to day but inside of prison walls where he was unable to be the cunning con man and schemer that he lived his life as the characters were all written out of the show in the most perfect natural and fitting way kim didn't need to die nor did jimmy for a powerful ending to occur they just needed to end up worse off than when they began and that happening allowed them to feel the most human and real that they'd ever felt i'll touch on jeff briefly as well there are a lot of questions around what happened to jeff but i think that's also the point jimmy still managed to ruin one other person's life in the short time that he re-entered that part of his life as jean talkovic jeff could wind up in jail or he may not but the fact that jimmy managed to ruin somebody's life one final time is the thing that i felt mattered walter white and jesse pinkman's appearance there was a lot of anticipation around the reappearance of both walter white and jesse pinkman and how it would be incorporated into the show and it was done in a way that i think was unexpected flashbacks but from the point of saul and kim in the era prior to breaking bad other than the first one that we saw that was in the rv whilst these flashbacks were about walt and jesse appearing on screen in the universe again it was more about the conversations that happened the weight of them and also the timing when we take the scene of walt jesse and saul in the rv this wasn't really about anything that happened in the scene but it was more about the placement of it in the current episode we saw the rv scene take place just after gene had done his first major scheme again instilling the identity of an individual this was the first major thing that he'd done since his soul goodman days a life that he needed to leave behind in order to stay safe and out of the authority's eye the rv scene was more of a symbol it symbolized the beginning of the end for jimmy again this scene was the first time that he got involved with walter wyde and it was the start of the downward spiral for saul as we knew it and this coming directly after gene's scheming meant that the same thing was going to happen again the second appearance of kim with jesse was more about the conversation that was had it was at the time of jimmy and kim signing the divorce papers and was focused on if saul was a good person jesse asked kim is he good in the context of the conversation it was about if he was a good lawyer but on a deeper level it was about if he was a good person with kim answering he was when i knew him it showed that she didn't recognize the individual that had been in front of her for the past 10 minutes and supported the idea that he wasn't a good person anymore and the final flashback of walt and saul where it focused on regrets was an interesting one as well and supported what we saw unfold in the finale of the show it was the second flashback that we'd seen in that episode that was focused on regrets and facing them head-on but just like before when he was with mike jimmy wasn't prepared to do so despite having it all weighing on his mind and not being ready or prepared to share it we saw him mention a slip and fall that went wrong when he was younger which led him to damaging his knee we saw walt stand up and say so you've always been like this showing that he'd always been the person that was sat in front of him we saw jimmy sitting there and thinking about the response that he had and i think it could have been taken in two ways one in the sense that at the time it genuinely could have been one of the only regrets that he had but also it could have shown that he still wasn't prepared to face the regrets that he had in his mind that had been burning inside of him since we first saw it addressed in the timeline of season 5 where he was sat with mike so it had been playing on his mind for some time showing us that he hadn't always been like this like walter had stated there was something within him but he just wasn't prepared to share these appearances added weight to the final season allowed the connection to breaking bad to play into better cold soul and further supported the story and conclusion of some of the characters the elements of a full circle now being complete within the show's finale there were many moments that paid homage to the show in the sense that it was filled with shots that bore a resemblance to shots that we'd seen throughout the season and the entirety of the show such as jimmy being walked down the hallway into the courtroom the iconic firing of the fingers at the end the buzzing with the shot that was next to the exit sign in the courtroom but the most important one most certainly had to be the final one that we had of jimmy and kim being in prison together mirroring the early parts of the meeting back in season 1 of the show however the light shining into the room was pointing in a different direction both symbolizing the beginning of the story and the end of one there were other new shots that were extremely powerful as well such as the one of both jimmy and kim being on opposite sides of the fence with what looked like miles of space between them despite only being a few meters jimmy having a snow-filled slope against him and kim having steps up to freedom showing the harsh reality of what had now happened also the use of colour in the final season as well the only time we saw colour in the gene timeline was when he was called and his previous life as saul was being shown to him in the form of one of his commercials and also the flame being emitted between jimmy and kim the fact it was barely used but only at points that mattered was important and showed that the days of color and life were behind him the ending to better call saul was an emotional ride that was filled with moments that proved why the show was so great it was natural had a sense of realism and elements of closure while still leaving the character of jimmy mcgill out there in the world and instead of killing him off and allowing him to be somebody that sits in the back of your mind and you think yeah he was killed the keeping him alive but inside of a prison cell allows you to feel as though the character is still out there and when you think about it it has a slightly different feeling so there you have it why the ending to better call saul's season 6 was perfect if you want to see more videos on better call saul such as endings explained theories and predictions and character breakdowns then click on the i button or alternatively you can head over to my channel where you'll find them all if you want to give me a show or movie that you'd like me to review next then head over to my twitter at brainpilot underscore and tweet me what show or 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Channel: BrainPilot
Views: 1,101,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Better Call Saul, Better Call Saul Season 6, Better Call Saul 6, Better Call Saul Season 6 Ending, Better Call Saul Ending, Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13, Better Call Saul Reaction, Better Call Saul Season 6 Reaction, Better Call Saul Season 6 Breakdown, Better Call Saul season 6 Explained, Better Call Saul Review, Better Call Saul Season 6 Review, Better Call Saul Season 6 Episode 13 Review, Better Call Saul Walter White, Better Call Saul Breaking Bad
Id: nhG8aHpzhCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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