The Return Of Hank Schrader | A Breaking Bad Heisenverse Story

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wow that sucked hey everybody and thank you for watching another video my name is merge and welcome to the breaking bad weather series that I call the heisen verse a series where I make a change somewhere in the breaking bad or better call us all timeline and explore how that one change rubles throughout the entire universe and in this video we take an unusual turn down bad choice road because I'm about to bring some life to an idea that I've been thinking about since I started this Channel and that's just one clip of hang turning out to be alive and now seemingly bulletproof which okay but how would things turn out with hang back in the picture well in order to make this story so more believable there will be certain details that I just want you to go with me on because it's not so much about the journey as it is about the destination and before we get started if you could leave a like on this video to support the channel I'd appreciate it now let's get into it your Jack and his crew drives away with Walter's money Hank's Car and Jesse's Jesse Walters left standing alone in the desert watching them leave he then gets in his car unable to even look at himself in the mirror before driving off as well no words no music just an eerie sound of wind blowing but at the former cook site when the dust finally settles and the Sun is at his Peak there will be some movement on the ground when out of nowhere bursting out from the dirt wielding the middle finger of Justice would be Hank Schrader back from the dead who slowly starts digging himself out the dirt and he says to himself boy that sucked and once completely out the ground Hank dust himself off and he would pull a mineral out of his pocket which actually turns out to be a chunk of Walter's blue meth which is now glowing yellow due to Hank's blood kind of like an infinity stone but please try not to think too hard about that part but Hank being Hank only acknowledges the fact that he's back from the dead with this one-liner saying and Marie says they're rocks he then nibbled down the beard with Steve Gomez in the hopes that whatever this did to hang could also be done for his Fallen partner he would then lay his hand flat on the dirt and says gomi I hope this works and before he walks away Hank pulls out the now crushed bullet from his head and he looks unimpressed before flicking it away and as he starts the long trip back into town Hank begins to formulate a plan on how he can use his death to his advantage and while that's going on just to have a cohesive timeline Walter has already let it be known to his family that Hank is gone and after kidnapping Holly the house is now filled with agents including Marie just waiting for Walter to call leaving her house virtually unguarded and Hank finally making it home while that's going on would sneak into his house unnoticed to gather all the evidence tapes that he made with Jesse and he also gets the gun that he keeps in his bedroom dresser drawer but on his way out he hears glass breaking in some commotion going on inside his house and hang thinking on his feet would quickly hide behind cover hugging the wall with a gun in his hand and when poking his head around the corner he notices that his Jack and his crew ransack in his house as if though they're looking for something in particular and Hank being outnumbered and imagining that they're also there for the evidence as well would be forced to just watch the gang destroy his home while he remains behind the closed door of his bedroom still with the gun in hand just in case they decide to search his room but they never do and when they leave only taking some tripods and blank tapes Hank would dial 9-1-1 and just leave the phone on the countertop with the hopes of bringing the police over and Hank leaves out the back door with the evidence that he needs to put his plan in motion a few hours passed and Hank was able to lie low at an abandoned Safe House likely the same when he had Hewlett and after getting his hands on the police scanner from well that's not important but after listening for a few hours he'd be caught up as to what's going on with his brother-in-law and Hank would know that Holly was found inside of a fire truck unharmed and that there is a nationwide manhunt going on for Walter White Jesse Pinkman and Saul Goodman right now and thinking strategically Hank would have those tapes anonymously dropped off at the station in the hopes to at least put some attention on Todd and Jack and with the police grasping at straws for any leads on Walter they would take and use the evidence of Jesse's confession to at least get a warrant for Todd because it may be a stretch but what Jesse said on tape not only mentions Walter's business with Gus but also the train Heist which includes Todd killing Drew sharp this is Tyler kill Drew Sharp boom boom like it was nothing so when the cops arrive at the compound just as you can imagine Jack and his crew don't exactly come quietly and thinking that the cops are there for what happened with Hank and Steve Gomez a full-on firefight between the APD and the neo-nazis happened in the middle of the afternoon exchanging shots hitting squad cars and firing through walls and for the next few minutes it would be a complete war zone and when the shooting finally stops there would be a few fallen officers that didn't make it through but Todd mustache guy and the rest of the gang would all be dead when the officers investigate further it would only be dear old Uncle Jack who would be barely alive leaning against the couch bleeding from a gunshot wound to the chest and the police surround Jack and they warned him not to move but Jack coughing up blood would just ignore the officers saying wait wait damn it and he reaches for a cigarette that's right next to a gun and with him not complying a single gunshot will be heard outside the house putting an end to the supremacist group and when the officers investigate the property further after removing a blue tarp they find Jesse Pinkman at the bottom of a concrete cage beaten bloodied and chained up a discovery that brings a lot more weight to the evidence that was just anonymously dropped off at the station in miles away Hank would still be in a safe house listening to the police scanner and he breathed a sigh of relief that Jack and his crew would no longer be an issue but in that same breath hearing that Jesse was caged like an animal and at the mercy of the Psychopaths it makes Hank want to do more to help him but right now he has his side set on a bigger catch so unfortunately for Jesse he would just go from one cage to another because although he's cooperative and the victim that doesn't change the fact that he's a drug dealing murderer who is associated with the man who's the subject of a nationwide manhunt so maybe Jesse gets clemency considering the circumstances but only time will tell a few months passed and after a long drawn out core battle Jesse Pigman was given seven years for his crimes in a minimum security prison which is the best he could have hoped for because if someone has to go down for that Blue Sky Bath Empire that would be the ideal sentence seven and a half years at FCI Butner low North Carolina Wing d it's the only Federal Institution with a golf program but even after Jesse's hauled out to prison after all this time both Walter White and Saul Goodman still remain unseen some people even believe that they're dead but if anyone's gonna throw the concept of death out the window that's going to be Hank not even thinking for a second that Walter would die without at least having a proper goodbye for his family or at least that's what his instincts are telling him so after all this time every day for months Hank would be in one of two places either in the safe house listening to the police scanner or somewhere out in the distance watching Skyler's house and that time is finally paid off because he looks to his binoculars and he spots a familiar looking man entering Scottish house a man resembling his brother-in-law but different he has hair a beard and an oh so familiar beige coat and Hank watches in anticipation for the man to leave but then he spots another familiar looking man approaching Skyler's front door and Hank and only saying one word goby as he lowers the binoculars looking at disbelief then putting him back to his eyes and he sees Gomez knock on the door but he gets no response and strangely enough he just walks away and Hank gets up to head towards his partner happy to see that he's alive and wondering what he's even doing here so as Hank heads towards the back of some empty houses he sees Gomez sneaking up behind the same guy he saw earlier entering Skyler's house and even with his back turned he can just tell that his wall and he sees him looking through the window and after a school bus passes it becomes clear to Hank that Walters back to see his family just as he predicted and as he sees Walter Jr get off the bus and answered the house Hank would then yell with his gun drawn surprising both Walter and Gomez Who Says turning around with a smile thank you bald son of a [ __ ] you're alive and Hank gets closer still with the gun pointed at Walter and he shakes hands with Gomez saying good to have you back gomi and Gomez says in a semi-serious tone yeah not the word I would use but let's talk about that later he says directing his attention at Walter who's standing in front of the two agents with his hands to his side with a look on his face that's still processing what's going on it's a look that's somewhere between disbelief and Terror especially seeing the fact that he watched them die and Hank says with a smile pulling out some handcuffs now well where were we and still with that same look on his face Walter slowly reaches into his pockets but Gomez would yell with his gun also drawn saying hey keep your hands where I can see them Walter let his request falls on death ears as he sticks his hands into his pockets Walt this is your final warning hands up slowly because Dead or Alive you're coming with me Hank says stepping closer with his gun still drawn and Walter says with a straight face do it you want this you want this and he quickly pulls out and throws his car keys at Hank surprising him and with his finger already on the trigger both Hank and Gomez would even fire a shot dropping Walter where he stands and the gunshots might as well have been heard around the world because within seconds the scene is crowded with neighbors police and News broadcasters not to mention Skyland Marie and Walter Jr who as you can imagine are experiencing a multitude of different emotions right now with Hank being alive and Walter being dead but the one emotion that everyone is feeling is just relief that it's all over and they turned their attention towards Hank and Gomez who are struggling to find an answer to the question of how are they even alive and Gomez would put out the infinity stone-like cluster of meth and says I think it has something to do with this and Marie says a rock and in unison almost as if though it were planned both Hank and Gomez say girls Jesus Marie but all in all everything seemed like it's finally getting back to normal granted no one can explain for the whole Hank and Gomez being a live situation but that's not important yet and with Walter being dead and Jesse Behind Bars people have all but forgotten about the criminal lawyer himself Saul Goodman and when he learns of his former partners Fates plus being discovered by Jeff he would choose to relocate again with the help of Ed to disappear and Gene will be given a new identity but while in transit to his new location very similar to The Last of Us there will be a sudden zombie outbreak that happens out of nowhere causing chaos and panic in the streets and while maneuvering around people and wrecked cars Ed turns on the radio to hear that there may be a connection between the Blue Sky meth and human blood which could have originated from the two hero DEA agents that killed Walter White and Gene says is this real zombies like like actual zombies and they came from from meth what's what's going on Ed replies saying if that's the case maybe your former partner may have some input what like a prison break are you out of your mind what could Jesse have an input on in this situation Gene says shutting down Ed's idea to listen closer to the radio but without taking his eyes off the road he says no your other partner he says pulling into a gated off area again thank Last of Us and Gene looks at Ed with the look of bewilderment saying I don't know if you haven't been watching the news or maybe you're just partially deaf but Walter White is dead so I doubt his input will even matter at this point and while putting the kidney bean shape van and park Ed pulls out the glowing chunk of meth saying this was your partner's input and while looking at the glowing Rock then back ahead everything clicks for Gene and he says nervously while looking around where where are we just follow me please it says getting out the van and they enter what seems like a house on the outside but on the inside Gene comes to find out that it's actually a makeshift prison and he's instructed to leave his bags at the entrance while he gets the tour of the place and when they step in front of a cell Gene is just lost for words at who he sees in front of him only saying the word how and the person that he's looking at turns out to be Walter White alive and well looking slightly different with an outgrown beard and Walter just as surprised to see Saul just says to him I told you you're done when I say you're done hey guys I want to thank you so much for watching this video and I really hope you enjoyed another story from the heisen verse and I know with this one I took a step away from my usual takes because I wanted to have some fun and entertain the idea of what a potential crossover would even look like and since I have no knowledge of The Walking Dead I just figured that the last of us would be a valid swap but that's just me but now I want to hear from you guys what'd you think of this version of Breaking Bad did you like it hate it good bad whatever it is let me know Down Below in the comments and I cannot forget about the members of the heisen verse thank you so much guys for supporting Channel it truly means the world to me and if you're interested in becoming a member and having your name immortalized in the next heisen verse video well now's the best time to join but if you're tight on money I got you I'll go ahead and Link My Discord link down below so you can be a part of the conversation but that'll do it for me on this video guys I want to thank you so much for watching another video and until next time my name is merge later foreign
Channel: Murge Productions
Views: 114,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Better call saul season 6, Edits, Hank schrader death, Heisenverse, Infinity stones, Murge productions, Saul goodman, Twd, Vince gilligan, Voice over, audio edits, audios for edits, better call saul, breaking bad, breaking bad bloopers, breaking bad clips, breaking bad full episodes, breaking bad season, bryan cranston, edits audio, jesse pinkman, mr voice over, story in english, walter white, watch breaking bad online
Id: 5kXoKhf1kTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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