What If Jeffy's Mom Is Still Alive?

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what if Nancy was still alive most people assume that she's dead for good but what would happen if she survived just like she survived in jeffy's 18th birthday as we know at the end of that video Simmons accidentally shot the gas cap on the van and it exploded and we thought everyone died until Jeffy showed up on the couch and a flashback plays where Jeffy literally shot his mom right in the face and we all thought that she was dead forever and Logan even said in a vlog that they never plan on using her again and they left the puppet in the van when it blew up however in SML movie jeffy's 19th birthday Nancy comes back but this time Brooklyn guy shoots her about 30 times right in the face got his stupid ass get ready to join your daughter you piece of what' you say die well I made sure she's dead this time and we all thought she was dead for good this time however there are two things that Brooklyn guy said after he shot Nancy that stick out to me the first thing he says is there's no way she's coming back next year which I've said many times before could be SML hinting that Nancy will actually be back next year a rocket launcher who shot that jeffy's Mom I thought she was dead yeah we thought so too but it turns out she only got shot in the head she didn't actually die the bullet was just stuck in her skull but don't worry I shot her in the head a whole bunch of more times so she's definitely dead now there's no way she's coming back next year with a bunch of bullets in her face that would just be silly and when screw ball escapes Brooklyn guy says this could very well happen again and my guess is she's coming back on jeffy's 20th birthday Simmons drive us to the strip club uh we don't have a car mate it blew up in the explosion wait if we don't have a car then how is the clown waiting in the car I don't know I ubered here is the Uber still outside no oh he ran away yeah the clown definitely ran away this could very well happen again she survived a point bling shot in her face in Jeffy 18th birthday claiming that she's hard-headed and all the bullets went into her skull again in jeffy's 19th birthday they probably didn't go through her skull just like last time which means she could come back again just looking a lot uglier and my guess is that once she comes back she'll try to kidnap Jeffy for the money again and Sh she's in hiding she hasn't heard the news in about 7 years ever since SML movie jeffy's parents when she was arrested and put into prison and since screw ball is on the run it could be screw ball and Nancy trying to kidnap Jeffy again but since this has happened twice before Marvin and Jeffy would probably be smart enough to stay in the house all day and make sure it's all boarded up so Nancy or screw ball couldn't get in but what if Nancy saw that they boarded up the house and Brooklyn guy was waiting for her and arrest her on jeffy's 20th birthday well by that point it would be drilled into screw Ball's head that he could make serious money if he kidnapped Jeffy so he would just go at it alone and try to kidnap Jeffy himself by either driving his free candy van or or an ice cream truck and you might not know but he actually does have his own ice cream truck because in the original teaser trailer for The SML movie we can see screw ball driving up in his ice cream truck and Jeffy asks for an ice cream and then we see the ice cream truck speeding off probably with Jeffy inside all the same time he would be getting letters from Nancy to break her out so in jeffy's 20th birthday screw ball would break Nancy out of prison if she couldn't break out herself and then they would probably be found by the cops on the way to the shack and get into a massive chase scene again again and we know that ny's only motive is money so what would happen if she found out that jacqu Pierre Francois was alive and she wasn't getting any money the first thing that would happen is that once she's broken out of jail by screw ball she would then probably drive to a store somewhere to get supplies like rope tape and all that to kidnap Jeffy but while she'd be looking for all that she would see a newspaper or a magazine that would catch her eye and it would be something like jacqu Pierre Francois new painting for sale and at first she'd be really confused because as far as she knew jacqu was dead so she'd probably look it up on her phone and see that jacqu was alive this entire time and he faked his death just so that his paintings would be worth more and then she would have no reason to kill Jeffy since she wouldn't have gotten any money so then her only choice would be to go for jacqu Pierre Francois and take his money instead so she would have to go to France find him and kill him for real this time and then she would take all his money either in cash or she'd be really stupid and transfer his millions right to her bank account which would then make the bank suspicious or she would kill him on a canvas and sell that as a painting which obviously again she'd be caught or what would happen if she didn't know that jacqu was alive it wouldn't make sense for her to come back and try the same thing three times in a row so this time I think she'll actually come back on jeffy's 20th birthday but instead of just trying to kidnap him on broad daylight in front of literally everybody she would be a little bit smarter from learning from her mistakes and she tried to kidnap him in the middle of the night when everyone's asleep so what she would do is try and find where Jeff is sleeping in the house at about 2: or 3:00 a.m. and then she'll either try to be sneaky about it and try and quietly kidnap him or they'll just straight up smash the window and take him as quickly as possible and then we probably see a scene of Marvin and Rose sleeping and then they hear the noise and check it out and once they realize that jeffy's gone they'll call the cops or just shrug it off and go back to sleep and if that happens Marvin would probably get a call from Jeffy telling him that he was kidnapped by Nancy and then Marvin would call the cops but the van would be a lot harder to find since it's in the middle of the night however since they went to the field the past two videos when they kidnapped Jeffy the cops would remember that and wait in a hidden part of the field for Nancy to drive across and take Jeffy to the shack and from there both Simmons and Brooklyn guy would Ambush Nancy and screw ball and either blow up the car again and Jeffy reappears where he apparently jumped out of the van at the last second like always or we could see a scene where Brooklyn guy and Simmons actually save him and take Nancy to jail since she might be unarmed since she wasn't expecting to police to be there or if she is armed she'd be shot and probably reappear somehow in jeffy's 21st birthday where jeffy's probably going to go to a bar or something or let's say she doesn't go in and kidnap Jeffy herself as she would be sick and tired of getting into high-speed chases so she would have the idea to get Jeffy to come to her so what she could do is lead him just like she did with screw Ball by leaving out a fake treasure map just to lead Jeffy straight to her and after that there would be no evidence no highspeed chases so Marvin and Rose would have no idea where he was so again they would call the police and they would realize that it's jeffy's 20th birthday and that Nancy might be the culprit once again so they would wait in the field not realizing that Jeffy is already in the shack and after a couple hours they would start looking around for Clues and then probably find jeffy's dropped Treasure Map so they would then follow the map themselves and they would find nany's Hideout and Jeffy but here's the thing it's Nancy sha so she would have all of her weapons and guns and everything she has so she would get into a major shootout with the cops but since it would be a 2v one with Simmons and Brooklyn Guy versus Nancy Nancy would eventually get shot down and Jeffy would be freed or if nany's guns are powerful enough she would defeat the cops and finally kill Jeffy but since Jeffy is getting smarter he would have probably been smart enough to grab one of ny's guns while she was shooting and not looking so just as Nancy was about to kill Jeffy Jeffy would pull out one of her own guns and shoot her finally killing her and hopefully this time he puts literally every single bullet from every single magazine of every single gun into her so she can't come back for his 21st birthday so in my opinion just about anything could happen on jeffy's 20th birthday and I'm excited to see if Nancy's still alive but hopefully she isn't and we get a much better episode for his 20th birthday but let me know what you think will happen with Nancy down in the comments is she really alive or is she dead thanks for watching subscribe and click on this video here
Channel: SML Theory
Views: 65,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: arQ1BCRO4Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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