SML Theory: Is Cameel Habib Habob A SCAMMER?

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have you ever wondered out of all the jobs that Camille khabib ABAB has had how many of these could actually be him scamming people and if you ever question if he himself is actually a scammer but for this video I'm going to call him Camille because I don't feel like saying Camille habab Bob for every single time in this video and for the sake of it I'll say it once Camille Habib Bob Kam in in okay I'm done so let's figure out whether or not Camille is actually a scammer and the first place I want to look is SML movie jeffy's Broken Toy where Marvin Rose and Jeffy saw an advertisement for a stretchy Spider-Man toy that will never rip stretch it pull it stretch it pull it introducing the incredible stretchable super stretchy Spider-Man he can stretch over 100 ft wide super stretchy Spider-Man can stretch around the world three times here's dror stretch who has a PHD in stretching to explain more about the stretchable Spider-Man hi I'm Dr stretch and I have a PhD in stretching I'm here to talk to you today about this incredible stretchable non rippable Spider-Man they were told it will never rip and if it does you can call support and Camille would answer and so Jeffy wouldn't stop talking about the toy and Marvin ordered it and 3 days later when Jeffy stretches the toy it just rips even though the commercial said that the toy would never rip or you get your money back guaranteed and if Camille is part of the scam we could theorize that Camille makes it very hard for the buyer to get their money back by purposely making it impossible to talk to him and since Camille appears as tech support and tries to act unprofessional this could lead to the caller hanging up and forgetting about the product and if he is a scammer he actually could be working with Goodman to pull out these scams as we know that Goodman is very greedy because in SML movie Goodman's Apple Vision Pro Goodman knocks on Marvin's door with his new Apple Vision Pro and as usual wants Marvin's house payment but while is having fun with his headset he has to leave and leaves it in Mario's house and tells him not to touch it but of course Marvin tries it on and is on the moon and they have a whole bunch of fun with it but after Rose and Mario start to argue about who gets to use the headset they broke it okay it's my turn to wear turn my turn it's broken into pieces Marvin what do we do I don't know Goodman will be back and this thing is worth $4,000 I can't afford that and so Marvin then calls Apple support and the one and only Camille answers the phone thank you for calling Apple tech support my name is Camille Habib habab Camille is in camel Habib habab is in corn on the C and Camille first asks for Marvin's Apple ID but Marvin explains that it's not his and it belongs to his friend and then some more problems occur such as Camille struggling to get Marvin's full name and Marvin starts to get frustrated and asks to speak to someone from America and Camille puts Bob better known as Prince Abu Dhabi on the phone but for this video I'm going to stick with calling him Bob because he also also has a long name but instead of helping Marvin's situation he made it even worse and Marvin got so fed up that he ended the call M N M just m oh just m no yes just the letter M okay so just m like Justin bber but the reason I say that Camille could be working with Goodman is because of the best SML movie of all time the contract Goodman stated that every time he dropped something off at Marvin's house they always found a way to mess it up so why would Goodman trust Marvin with a $4,000 headset if he keeps breaking every single item that he gives him in the P so as a way to make money from this he could be working with Camille promising stuff in commercials just enough for people to buy it and move on to a different product and knowing Marvin Goodman probably expected him to destroy his Apple Vision Pro and call Apple tech support but it turns out it's not Apple tech support but Goodman's team scamming people in America and he could have also wanted to make a quick Buck at the time while messing with Marvin because he never has his house payment and we know that Goodman for some reason gets a kick out of messing with Marvin which is honestly kind of cruel considering how hard Marvin struggles and stresses over this stuff just look at Marvin's appearance his entire puppet is stress however if this is true Camille would then be a scammer but I'm not going to say anything for sure yet and there's a theory why Camille could be scamming people could be because he got fired from his previous jobs because of the way he acted was unprofessional and ruined their company's image and would have to let him go for his behavior for example in SML movie Black Yoshi's big Bamboozled where black Yoshi goes up to Marvin and asks him for $500 but Marvin tells black Yoshi that he only has a credit card but black Yoshi doesn't care and asks for his credit card number and just then Mario gets a call from his doorknob dead collector and of course it's Camille who's on the other line as the debt collector but during the process of giving his credit card to the debt collector they run into so many problems while Marvin is trying to give his credit card information okay I'm ready for the credit card number all right so 4 hold on you're going too fast I'm trying to hit the keyboard with my hoof okay so U 40 okay 4 4 no no no no no only one 4 oh one 4 4 no no no no only one set of 4 Z okay I'm confused so 1 14 and when Marvin says they should restart the numbers Camille restarts the whole conversation and reintroduces himself to Marvin with the entire Camille as in camel ham bab as in cor on the cob let's restart okay hi my name is camil Habib habab I'm calling because you need on not restart the whole pH is in [Applause] cob going on the we're not going to restart the phone call you need to make a payment on your da I know the payment on my sorry Bob there is no payment on your door I know there's no and so Marvin asks if he can be transferred to someone else and camil switches play with Mr Krabs who who does a way better job at getting Marvin's credit card information and goes through and so by failing to deal with customers Camille could actually be struggling to get a new job and with no job he could be struggling to support his family and having issues on getting food on the table and there's probably a bunch of loans that he has to try and support his family and so in the process he's in a lot of debt and with no jobs hiring him and being desperate for work he could have taken a position to be Bob's camel as seen in SML movie Dougies Fried Chicken Cheetos where we see Rose giving Marvin some pizza rolls and when Mar tries one he chokes on it and when douge enters he asks Marvin for $500 and saves Marvin's life and as a way to say Thank You Marvin wants to repay douge by getting him Fried Chicken Cheetos but they can't find them anywhere and settles for crunchy flame and Hot Cheetos but the reason Marvin couldn't find them is because the Cheetos were a rare mistake made in Thailand but he promises to send Marvin to the only person who has them and when the doorbell rings Bob and Camille are there with Bob on top of Camille riding him as an actual camel but as soon as they show up at Marvin's door they start arguing and it leads to Bob threatening Camille's family and this is my cam cam Habib Bob cam is in C habab is in corn on the C you know you don't have to say that every single time I say your name well then you don't have to WR on my back you have to feed at work you are a camel it is your job it is not my job to carry you it is my job to carry water in my hump you do this every time and embarrass me in front of my friends don't you hit me I'll hit you back with my ho that's it I K you from it and just by looking at Camille's reaction this is definitely not the first time that Prince Abu Dhabi has threatened Camille's family and maybe instead of deciding to work for Bob he was forced to work for him or else his family would be hurt and we've seen his family before in SML movie Scooter's parents where Jeffy is playing with his punch balloon and Marvin pops it which causes Jeffy to get sad and yell at Marvin like always but then we see scooter show up at the door and asks Mario if the lollipop he found was his and so scooter comes into inside Marvin's house and starts to make a bunch of noise annoying Marvin stop it I said stop it and then there's a new Flash that Heidi Camille's daughter went missing and her parents seeing Mary had a little camel and baby camel hoping that she comes home and the thing is this is the only time Heidi's mom Mrs GOI habab made a physical appearance and we can theorize that Camille separated from Mrs GOI leading to Camille moving to a different country and getting a job as a tech support scammer but by doing so he got in trouble with Bob who keeps threatening his family every time Camille wants to quit and this could be entirely possible because of how rich Bob is and all the money he has and it gives him a lot of power and he could easily have people in America working for him watching over Camille's family if Camille were to ever slip up and so if Camille is being forced to work he doesn't have a choice but to quit because Bob threatens Camille's family every time he does something wrong but to answer the question is Camille a scammer well you you would think but I think that the best explanation for this is that Camille just has a lot of jobs that he keeps failing at he's trying his absolute best and when he tried to do his doorknob payment job which we saw was a real job because Mr Krabs actually took Mario's payment and he accepted it and it went through and Mario acted like it was just a normal thing that you make doorknob payments in the SML world and so if Camille got fired from that job and then he went to do the Spider-Man stretchy toy job and then the credit card job and all these different jobs he has and he keeps getting fired and replaced then he has to actually struggle and maybe he was forced to work for Prince Abu Dhabi because he was low on money or another theory is that he could just be like Brooklyn guy but for the tech support world we know that Camille is playing as a stereotypical Indian tech support scammer multiple pieces ooh no good in multiple pieces but that may just be how he speaks what if he just has a very thick accent and he works all of the tech support jobs because think about it Brooklyn guy works all of the cop doctor firefighter the main jobs and so Camille could work all of the tech support jobs because it's proven by Brooklyn guy that it really can be done and you do have to remember that Camille has a family that he needs to support and Brooklyn guy can barely support his family and so by looking at it from the outside you can see oh yeah Camille's a scammer but when you actually dig deeper you realize Camille's not really a scammer which honestly inspires me that anytime time I see anybody I'm not going to judge them for their external appearance because you really don't know especially with the example of Camille on whether or not he's a scammer thanks for watching subscribe and click on this video here
Channel: SML Theory
Views: 46,912
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Id: eReF7VmZzrQ
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Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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