SML Theory: What Happened To Toad?

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have you ever wondered what happened to toad he seems to barely appear nowadays even though he used to be one of the main characters and actually could be because of his rap career if you remember an SML movie Jeffy the rapper when Jeffy was on the couch with Tyrone and black Yoshi he started to just hit the piano randomly and sing but Tyrone thought he was good enough to be a rapper I'm feeling this hey this a hit son hey Jeffy you come with me bring your and so Jeffy made his rap song however we all know that toad is also a rapper so with Toad and Jeffy competing against each other toad literally did a driveby on Jeffy just so that he could keep his rap [Music] [Applause] career however because of toad committing these crimes as if they were nothing that means he's probably still doing them to this day as we know that he's still a pimp rapper and probably a whole bunch of other things that we just don't know about and so it's possible that now he's in jail and for a driveby that could be 10 Years to Life by itself and if he were to get all of his crimes listed in court that could lead to him getting hundreds if not thousands of years in jail which means he's either in jail right now or he could be hiding from the cops in SML movie Chef BB's girlfriend Chef BB was really jealous of Junior because when Junior was sick Penelope came over to take care of him which made Chef PB realize that he also really badly wanted a girlfriend so he went to toad but he was on the phone dealing with some of his clients oh I'm sorry Chef peee she's with those truck drivers right now the Hot Pocket is in the oven well how long is it going to take and we learn that toad is actually pimping out some girls and Toad even helped chef peeee with the same exact thing and so if toad were to ever get caught that would add many more charges which means that he could be in hiding and laying low which is why we barely see him anymore and by barely I mean barely because if we look at his appearances he's only appeared about once or twice a year for the past 3 years and even when he does appear it's as a background character or it's plot specific like SML movie Junior's big mistake the video was really centered around Junior accidentally deleting a music video but the best character to delete the music video was toad so they needed him only because it was plot specific rather than including him for his actual personality and appearing in a video just to appear like every other main character that we see today which means they've thrown toad to the sideline so bad that they only use him when they need him however he might also be on tour we know that toad has had a very long rap career because he's been making rap videos ever since 2011 with music videos such as milk and cookies pink Escalade and bubbles in the tub and even in SML movie Jeffy the rapper when Jeffy himself became a rapper because Tyrone saw something in him we saw that toad dropped a diss track on Jeffy just because Jeffy was was getting too popular so toad made an insanely good diss track and that created beef between them which also showed that toad is very impulsive but not only that he's also very violent because rather than settling the beef by talking about it or coming to an agreement or even maybe scaring him toad just told Jeffy to pull up under the Street Lamp to where toad just did a driveby on Jeffy and tried to kill him but luckily Jeffy survived but because of Jeffy no longer making music videos toad now has the rap game to himself as there are aren't really any other rappers that we know about in the SML universe so with Toad's success and how many music videos that he's been making and being literally the only person in the rap game he's obviously going to be making tons of money and what happens when an artist is making a lot of money they're going to go on tour so it's possible that Toad's success is what caused him to go on tour not only by himself but it's possible that he's also going on tour with one of his old rap friends Ray cheesy who we've seen in many of the old music videos and that probably also explains why we haven't seen seen Ray cheesy in forever but could it also be that toad going on tour and having so much Fame and money that it not only made him spend less time with his friends but his personality and ego changed creating a new version of toad that thinks he's better than everyone else and now he's ditched his old friends to hang out with his other celebrity friends which honestly could be true as he'd be hanging out with people who can relate and understand him on a level that his classmates such as Junior Joseph and Cody can't understand anymore and as a result of being around all these cele celebrities who have more money than he does he also could be getting into some legal troubles but covering it up with his wealth and success which is what most celebrities nowadays do as well because of toad having all this Fame and wealth it could have also caused him to fall back into his gambling addiction if you didn't know in SML movie Bowser Jr Goes bowling it's revealed that toad used to have a very bad gambling problem in the video Junior really wants to go bowling with his friends and so after begging Chef PB for long enough they finally all went to the bowling alley and and they were having a competition between each other as friends of who would be the better bowler and Toad to Hype himself up says on his turn come on toad come on toad you didn't quit your gambling addiction for nothing come on toad come on toad you didn't quit your gambling addiction for nothing so with Toad's more recent Fame and money it would be a lot easier for him to spend it now that he's in a different situation compared back to 2014 when SML movie junor goes bowling came out so it's possible that toad now blows all of his money at the casinos that he visits from touring all over the world while performing at concerts and having a lot of money and being impulsive especially with his past crimes and behavior definitely could have made him turn back to his old ways and habits and get readdick to gambling and with that being said along with Fame comes enemies just like how we killed Jeffy over Jeffy making one rap song toad has been shown to made enemies with Mama Luigi Shrek and black Yoshi in movie Toad's Mistake we see toad pick up a nickel from the ground and Mama Luigi proceeds to brutally beat up toad with a baseball bat all the way down the stairs oh what's this oh it's a nickel it must be my lucky day then throwing a tennis ball at his head drawing a mustache on his face beating him with a crowbar Mario then spanking him filling a pillowcase with soap and beating him with it beating him with a toilet seat Bur turning his face off with the stove top and lastly placing him in a microwave which causes toad to literally explode all because toad grabbed Mama Luigi's nickel that he didn't even know was his so it's no surprise that Mama Luigi could have come back for toad again being that he's absolutely tortured him many times in the past and another character who also hated toad was Black Yoshi they never got along as you can see that in past SML movies such as Toad's Mistake 2 in that video toad was shown to strongly like and maybe even love love Black Yoshi and Toad is being shown to annoy him while Black Yoshi is trying to play Call of Duty which is of course his favorite game and that caused Black Yoshi to constantly Kill Toad even going as far to shooting him with his Glock 17 an aerial attack and a nuke and since toad is friends with Junior and probably goes to Junior's house more often than we see in the videos and black Yoshi also living with Junior this could mean that toad keeps bothering Black Yoshi and it could be possible that toad keeps getting killed by Black Yoshi over and over again since toad is trying to be friendly while Black Yoshi couldn't care less and with black Yoshi and Shrek being best friends Shrek isn't a fan of toad either as we can see in SML movie Toad's Mistake 3 toad finishes coloring and decides to get something to eat because of all of his hard work so he goes to the fridge and found Shrek's cheesecake and decided to eat it not knowing that it belonged to Shrek W boy am I hungry I hope it's something in a refrigerator I can eat what can I eat no Hot Pocket CU I don't like that butter peon ice cream nah oh cheesecake I haven't had that in a while so when Shrek spots toad eating it he then proceeds to beat the soul out of toad with the Ser cheesecake box then throws toad in the toilet dunks his head underneath the water trapping him and then pooping on him and then when Shrek finishes toad runs and hides in a blender and Shrek then acted like he didn't know that toad was inside of it but then he turned it on killing Toad and turning him into just stuff toad where did you go where did you go toad well uh well uh I don't I guess I'll never find toad I I I don't know where he could be I I guess I guess toad wouldn't mind if I just turn on the blender and because of this Shrek could still have a grudge towards toad for eating his precious sily cheesecake which means that toad could still have very many enemies who want to kill him however I don't think he's dead as he still appears every once in a while my theory is that he's probably laying low or in hiding for most of the time as he's watching his back because he's probably been threatened before or the cops could be after him but let me know where you think toad went down in the comments thanks for watching subscribe and click on this video [Music] here
Channel: SML Theory
Views: 78,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DdvRTO2NeSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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