What If Junior Was Charged For His Crimes?

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Junior has done a lot of crazy stuff in SML and in this video we're going to talk about how many years Junior would get in prison if he was charged for all of his crimes starting off with SML movie Mr Goodman's credit card where we see Jeffy telling Mario his normal jokes then Mario hears the doorbell and found out that it was Goodman who wants his payment as usual and Mario has always forgot it so Goodman says that Mario is going to be evicted but then Mario says to come inside so that they can work something out I can pull something out of my butt watch what is that looks like an eviction notice and it says get out an eviction notice you're going to evict me yeah Mario because I'm done I'm done with you and your hat every single month I have to waste gas and put miles on my Lamborghini just to come here for you not to have your house payment look look look it's just a lot of money to pay and I don't have the money to pay that bill you know oh well it looks like you have money to pay your electric bill so how do you not have money to pay your house payment it's just so much you know look look look look don't evict me just come inside we can work this out but Goodman still does choose to evict Mario and gives him 6 days to get out of the house but Goodman left his wallet behind and Junior and Cody noticed that it says billionaires club and Junior suggests that buying stuff with Goodman's card which is considered credit card fraud so Cody what do you want to do tonight I don't know Junior you want to watch TV uh yeah sure I'll go get the remote huh wait Junior whose wallet is this if there's money in it it's mine okay well let's have a look uh wait hold on Junior there's a there's a credit card in here a credit card yeah who's it belong to uh it says Mr Goodman Cody it says Billionaire's Club on it do you think it belongs to a billionaire oh well yeah maybe oh we should buy stuff with it Junior we can't do that that's illegal it it's called credit card fraud firstly Junior gets a monster truck which is $500 and Cody also got a pony Carriage Jeffy then saw the card and both Junior and Joseph buy $10,000 worth of v-bucks and after they put their card back in the wallet other people also started to use the card like black Yoshi who bought Kool-Aid and KFC chicken and Mario also took money from Goodman's credit card to use it for the house payment Mario like I already said just take the gbt card and go pay the house payment fol I cannot pay the house payment with the credit card of the person that I owe money to yes you can f get that cash if s you you never know it nether it would be better to just pay the house payment I guess yeah see see check that let me peep on this m pack but then Goodman noticed that money was being stolen from him because at the door is Goodman and Brooklyn guy and he said that he left his wallet there and a bunch of his money was spent uh hello hey Mario hey what are you doing here well an hour ago when I was at your house the craziest thing happened I noticed that I didn't have my wallet and so I started to check my bank account instead of coming right back here and I noticed that someone had been using my credit card ow ow tell them uh yeah yeah someone's been using his credit card and they've spent about $30,000 $30,000 so Goodman demands for his wallet but Mario says he doesn't know where it is and after a long argument Mario pays Goodman with the money that he withdrew from Goodman's credit card but then eventually Goodman buys that they didn't steal his money and leaves but before he leaves Goodman catches Junior trying to spend another $10,000 worth of v-bucks and orange justi all over his face I just need a couple million more v-bucks okay yeah you are so done I'm about to Orange Justice all over your face and in Florida theft over $10,000 but under $50,000 is a second degree felony and second deegree felonies in Florida carry a possible sentence of up to 15 years in prison however the exact sentence would be determined by a judge and would depend on various factors like the defendants criminal history and whether or not they plead guilty in addition to prison time the statutory maximum fine for a second deegree felony in Florida is $10,000 and the next example we have is an SML movie Junior's deadly idea where Junior Joseph and Cody are hanging out out is normal but they see on the news that Tupac Shaker's car was sold for $2 million the news is on breaking news the car that Tupac Shakur was shot in was sold for $1.2 million so Junior gets an idea to die in a car crash and sell the car for a lot of money and after some disagreements Cody and Chef PB decide to help Junior with his plan but Joseph as always runs away so that lvll can play Chef peip so do you ever hate working for my dad of course you know that that's why I'm making pee PE weener right now so what if I told you if you killed Charlie from Charlie and friends my dad would never watch TV anymore cuz there would be no more episodes of Charlie and friends and then you would be free that is a genius idea oh my God I should have thought of that a long time ago but I know I don't know where Charlie is Junior so I can't kill him he could be anywhere on this planet right now what if I told you I know exactly where he's going to be wait really how do you know that because I have a friend of a friend who's friends with him and so Cody calls Charlie's manager and tells him that there will be an award show and that a car will be there to pick him up and take him to the ceremony so Cody drives to Charlie's house in jeffy's borrowed car and when Charlie gets in Cody turns off the car and leaves and when Chef P arrives instead of shooting Charlie he shoots Jeffy the landscaper and just leaves on the spot oh it do say Jeffy on the side of it oh that's our Target night night what do you say young drive drive drive but Charlie also dies at the same time from having a heat stroke from being in the car for too long so when Junior and Cody return to their house they see Charlie's death announcement which makes Braxton insanely sad Charlie from the hit show Charlie and friends has died from an accidental heat stroke in someone's car he was 28 years old no no my life's over let's go sell the car Cod Junior look the other news however they also see Chef P getting arrested for the murder of Jeffy the landscaper and Chef peip is then sentenced to life in prison but then it's revealed that the old man died of a heart attack and not gunshots which let Chef P off the hook I sentence you to life in prison wait wait wait wait a minute judge we got the autopsy report back the old man didn't die from any gunshot wounds he died of a heart attack I mean probably cuz he was scared because of the shot but still Chef Pei didn't kill anybody well this changes everything the law says if the bullets did not hit you must acquit so Chef peipi I sentence you to Freedom just don't go around shooting guns at people anymore and even though Chef peipi didn't kill Jeffy the landscaper Junior Cody and Chef peip can still be charged for attempted murder punishable by life in prison or a minimum of 25 years up to life also at the end of the video Junior and Cody sold jeffy's car for whopping $110,000 where's my car for which they can now be charged with unauthorized sale because it was obviously jeffy's car which is typically a third degree felony punishable by up to 5 years and a f of up to $5,000 the next example we have is an SML movie Bowser Junior's lightsaber where we see Junior Joseph and Cody arguing about what to watch on TV so Junior lets Joseph watch basketball but then they're interrupted by a star Wars commercial showing some lightsabers oh hey there I I didn't see you there yeah well well have you ever seen the movie Star Wars yeah yeah you know you know those lightsabers they're really really cool right well guess what I I somehow made a bunch of those in my garage you know just on my own and somehow somehow the government has not contracted me to sell them to them yet so so uh yeah I just have a bunch of laying around you want to see one boom look at that see that that that is the real deal yeah you could cut somebody up with one of those and Junior tries to order one but he had to be 18 years old so he decides to lie about his age to get the lightsaber which obviously is never going to work and when he calls Brooklyn guy and he answers he guesses that it's an exact 7-year-old boy who is doing an 18-year-old voice but then Brooklyn guy changes his mind and when Junior convinces him by telling him he has some adult diseases Brooklyn guy says that he's coming over to his house to meet Junior personally Hey listen I I'm going to come over there and drop them off and so we can shake hands okay cuz I just feel oh you don't you don't have to do all that shaking hands is bad on on account of the AIDS the AIDS right I didn't think about leave him at the front door you know I I still want to meet you face to face and give my condolences so Junior and Koby dressed Junior to be 18 years old looking and successfully get to lightsabers which obviously since they're very young they're going to do a lot of terrible things with it and Junior and Joseph tried to have a lightsaber battle but accidentally decapitate Cody oh I I I I cut his head off Joseph what we weren't supposed to T Body Bar dude well I didn't I didn't know and after Chef PE tries to take the lightsaber Junior cuts his arm off I cut it off and I don't know what to do I think we're that means you don't need it then give it to me what and afterwards Junior and Joseph cut fruit to feed Cody so that his head grows back somehow but when trying to feed Cody the fruit Yoda knocks on the door and tells Junior that he bought the lightsabers illegally and at the end of the video he slices Junior in half and runs away I'm not an idiot you're a stupid ugly frog looking butt mocking me you are what yeah I am mocking you you're stupid get out of my house die you monster I am child I have killed toab I must run the first charge that Junior would get will be manslaughter due to him accidentally killing Chef Peep and Cody and it could be a first-degree felony or a second degree felony and the second thing would be a possession of a weapon by a minor which is a separate charge for having an illegal weapon underage which first degree carries a sentence of up to 30 years in prison while second degree can range from probation to 15 years in prison on the other hand possession of a firearm is subject to minor penalties like community service and fines in Florida the last example we have is an SML movie The Mystery safe where we see a Russian spy is on an airplane holding a safe that he apparently stole from the government and when Brooklyn guy tells him to drop it he drops it just drop the safe and we won't have any problems if you come any closer I will toss this out of the back of the airplane you wouldn't he did it and then if flies off the plane and while that was happening Junior was outside playing in his yard and that's when the safe fell right in front of Junior and so he took it inside and Junior called Cody and Joseph over to tell them that he found the safe in his backyard and Junior tells Cody to hack into the safe thinking he do it because he's a nerd but then Junior just decides to enter 1 2 3 4 in the safe and it actually worked and he finds a pair of glasses inside the safe and hands them to Cody since obviously Cody has contacts and when he tries them on it's only to realize that the glasses have see-through abilities the next item in the safe is a gun disguised as a pen and then when Joseph looks through he finds $20,000 of cash inside and Cody finds a nuclear football and says that this safe belongs to the governor and so Junior wants to launch a entire nuke at the North Pole so that he can get revenge on Santa for not giving him the presence he wanted and afterwards the news comes on talking about the tragedy that Junior literally nuked an entire continent the United States has launched a nuclear missile at the North Pole killing thousands of endangered animals okay it's not clear why anyone in their right mind would do this but whoever did it is extremely stupid okay no then Cody gets furious at Junior for nuking the North Pole but Junior wants to Nuke two more things the news and Cody's house but before Junior could do that the doorbell rings and Joseph goes to answer it and at the door the Russian spy knocks Joseph out and tells Junior to hand over the launch codes and Cody distracted him where Junior then shot him with the pen he says what what see he got you there you're tiny look I do not have a tiny I will show you good thaning Junior shooting him with the pen but for nuking the North poll Junior could be finded trillions of dollars considering the widespread destruction and loss of life caused by his actions as there are scientists and researchers living in Antarctica Junior would also be prosecuted at the federal level in the United States not at the state level and would most likely result in thousands of years of imprisonment guaranteeing he will never ever see the light of the sun ever again or Junior could even get a death penalty and this incident will be so huge it would make hisory because he's a little kid getting his possession on nuclear weapons and with everything we've gone over so far the amount of time that Junior would serve in jail and the amount of money that he have to pay for damages is 85 years in prison or thousands of years in prison with some of these sentences going up to life and one quintilian 15 quadrillion and $15 billion worth of fines of Damages that he's done but let me know if I missed any charges in this video thanks for watching subscribe and click on this video [Music] here
Channel: SML Theory
Views: 112,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hgSzllSd2kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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