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tony stark is a lot of things a billionaire philanthropic industrialist and one of the most ingenious minds in the marvel universe as iron man tony is one of the world's most prolific protectors and at the forefront of the avengers he is one of earth's mightiest heroes that being said one may argue that for a man as brilliant as tony stark his true weakness and greatest limitation lies in his morality the desire to do good but what if tony stark had no morals well then he would be superior with this video we will be explaining superior iron man now to understand the story of superior iron man we will first need to explore what exactly led tony stark down such a villainous path now this all began on account of the axis storyline with this event red skull the premier captain america villain came into the possession of professor charles xavier's mind and incredible psychic powers however magneto ultimately killed the red skull which went terribly and caused the villain to be reborn as he read onslaught and this thing was so powerful that not only did the avengers need to assemble to combat it but so too did the x-men and even then it was not enough not necessarily because of onslaught itself but rather the accomplishment of tony stark during the civil war conflict honey compiled a grocery list of sensitive information in regards to every known hero every power every weakness in the end he purged said information from his mind but some part of him repressed and stored away that knowledge knowledge that onslaught would then be able to make use of not only that but with only a bit of telepathic influence to entice ego onslaught convinced tony to weaponize these secrets by way of stark brand sentinels made of adamantium and these things slaughtered the heroes with ease exemplifying just how dangerous tony stark could be if he ever decided to in fact he would admit to himself that as a child he kept a sort of mental journal for all the kids at his school he observed them dissecting their behavior to uncover the weaknesses they simply could not hide this was his way of preparing against his competition what over time came to be the entirety of the human race he used his information to get ahead manipulation cruelty and shame nothing was off the table when it came to victory but when he embraced sobriety he renounced doing so vowing to the people he had hurt the most that he had concluded so sociopathic behavior but that wasn't true because he did the very same thing to all the heroes around him competition it was what drove him he sought to prove himself and his word to everyone around him pride was his greatest sin one he always sought to suppress as best as he could and tony's genius in this instance most definitely spoke for itself the heroes were done for that was until magneto brought together a collective of villains and deadpool to face these stark sentinels as well which lacked intel on them especially in such a collaborative sense with the sentinels dealt with onslaught would soon follow on account of a last-ditch combined effort thanks to wanda the scarlet witch and doctor doom an inversion spell which would shift the hateful nature of onslaught to instead be akin to the kindness of professor x a spell which inadvertently shifted the moralities of all those present turning heroes into villains and villains into heroes iron man being one of many which now finally brings us to superior iron man his first act of business being an app announcement at a local baseball game all while dismissing the national anthem in the same breath this app by the name of extremists was exclusive to the people of san francisco free of charge and promised to turn users into their ideal selves allowing their outward appearances to truly reflect who they are inside now a truly telling yet easily overlooked aspect of this display would be tony's drinking of wine tony stark is a notorious alcoholic who has struggled with addiction all of his life his father was an alcoholic and from a very early age had forced tony to drink with him for the sake of turning him into a man alcohol brings out the absolute worst in tony stark as he is a danger to not only himself but everyone in his path something that the superior iron man does not care about in the slightest but in no time at all extremist 3.0 marketed as a technovirus capable of transforming users into their very best selves in terms of beauty muscle tone and health took over san francisco suddenly everyone with a cell phone was beautiful and in good health and it was all thanks to iron man i mean imagine if any and all cosmetic procedures were free natural painless and accessible suffice to say the app was a hit now despite being poised to be an evil version of himself tony was not above fighting crime although he was above doing it personally as instead he'd operate his model 42 suit remotely as he sipped on cocktails hosting pool parties now the model 42 suit was made up of putty like smart metals that aligned to a subdermal ghost of an exoskeleton but superior iron man being a man of such questionable morals would take this several steps further with his signature suit the endo sim armor as opposed to putty this was a completely liquid smart metal that hardened instantly upon connection as opposed to depending on a technological element for the initial bonding process tony extracted certain building blocks from a symbiote thus making the startup process entirely psionic now superior iron man is a major egotist and so more often than not you prefer to have his face be exposed however this isn't like a weak spot or anything as to protect his precious face he has transparent graphene present what is known to be the world's strongest metal rendering even gunfire at point-blank range totally ineffective the suit also reacts to tony's emotional state as when he is enraged or upset it goes from shining blue to flaring red now after a week of success tony's extremist 3.0 devastates san francisco in a number of ways but the most drastic ramifications would be seen when the trial period concluded suddenly everyone went back to how they were before and it was pandemonium as now there was a cost of daily renewal set at 99.99 tony now had an entire city addicted to his drug the perfection he provided and the extent to which they would all go to get it back was something he expected to be entertained by suddenly crime had risen and risen by way of people who would have otherwise been harmless civilians a sudden wave of crime which daredevil would have to clean up daredevil would confront tony on stark island would have previously been the ever notorious prison known as alcatraz from there the two would go head to head and in the end tony won throwing daredevil into the depths of the ocean below what was very much a sensory nightmare for this blind hero on another occasion daredevil would take an unconscious tony stark deep underground completely disconnecting his tech by way of a small emp in a location where no signals could go in or out in complete darkness daredevil planned to keep tony here until extremist ran its course which he knew it would considering how egotistical tony is as he would never set the app up to optimally function without his direct involvement but tony was several steps ahead of him despite matt's preparations the endo sim armor was a case of symbiotic biological technology frankly the suit was alive and it could feel him just as much as tony could feel it the truth was he wanted daredevil to come after him allowing him to trap him in his own trap and this is what makes tony stark such a fascinating villain his plan for daredevil was not to kill him or anything like that instead he restores his vision he allowed matt murdock to see again doing so by way of a tailor-made strain of extremists which temporarily sent a signal through his ocular nerves all while reducing the scarring on his retinas it wouldn't last long and he would need constant boosters but tony would offer to him for free clearly attempting to buy his obedience you see from tony's perspective as the most intelligent and capable person on the planet he honestly wasn't playing god in fact all this time he had been playing human he considers others to be nothing more than specs which for ages he had tried to fit in with for the sake of their comfortability but now now he refused to do so he felt no obligation to justify his actions to those who were so far beneath him however tony would address the crime-related concerns of others by way of yet another announcement a brand new stark security system by the name of ironsight a network of drone cameras spread all throughout the city it was thanks to all the data provided by the phones of the populace that the drones possessed a nearly infallible facial and gate recognition system and this includes those with secret identities as well tony could now observe the city like the ever watchful eyes of god as suddenly at the extreme expense of privacy san francisco was a crime-free city the system would be able to discover terrorists criminals and supervillains as anyone entering the city would be logged in a matter of seconds now in time it would be the ever persistent daredevil who would uncover the truth about tony's extremist app the use of which caused an inaudible digital trigger which activates a virus the reason tony was in san francisco was because the city banned the sale of bottled water allowing him to put his virus into the water supply now again tony is only one of many heroes turned villains by way of the inversion spell but for me at least he is certainly the most compelling of them all in most other cases they're all unreasonably and unbelievably evil for just evil sake but what makes superior iron man so intriguing is the fact that these behaviors and beliefs were always somewhere within tony no matter how much he repressed them when the villains turned heroes made their attempt at undoing these effects superior iron man and the inverted avengers defeated the villainous x-men and even then tony was not satisfied he'd ordered luke cage to collect the stragglers and line them up for execution the only reason he didn't go through with it was because they had more pressing matters to attend to and even before then tony personally led the inverted avengers in their dismissal of the mighty avengers seeing as the group would likely be an issue for them all in the future so they were ordered to cease desist and disband but when the mighty avengers refused superior iron man and the others were all prepared to slaughter them however despite his villainous disposition tony knew all too well that blue marvel was simply out of their league he was just that strong and so superior iron man simultaneously caused a level 5 emergency in greece by way of a reconfigured ultimo drone which would keep blue marvel busy for the time being however when blue marvel returned to the conflict and things were shaping up to be a pr nightmare superior iron man backed off blaming the whole situation on manipulation by way of a lesser known villain by the name of machine smith and to further emphasize just how dangerous a villainous tony stark is even as a hero magneto was still inclined to kill the guy because in his own words the world cannot survive stark's brilliance turned to evil yet even when the effects of the inversion spell were reversed superior iron man was one of the very few who didn't go back to his old self because he had prepared a countermeasure against it when daredevil went crashing out of a window at stark tower after uncovering the truth about tony's extremist virus tony immediately led to his aid the death of daredevil on his property would have been terrible for pr and so he would not allow it he would have his endo sim armor bond with daredevil mid descent and save him however with the suit now acting as a restraint for the man without fear tony forced the vigilante into his workstation he would not allow the truth to get out and so he would inflict a form of minor brain damage on daredevil erasing his memory of these events tony would then have matt admitted into a hospital he controls where matt would be closely monitored for a few weeks with no outside stimuli giving tony enough time to do what he needed to do as a hero iron man refused to have most of his tech be in the hands of world powers but the superior iron man possessed no such moral restraint because of this to the united states military he would offer the plans to create something that was beyond just a weapon of war as with it there would be no war it was a tool a pure annihilation which he would sell for 200 billion dollars plans he also had written in russian and chinese for later dealings from there tony would attempt to purchase one of the largest media empires in the world he intended to skew all narrative in his favor for the sake of enacting his vision upon the world unresisted by the public his ultimate plan being the designation of life and death saving humanity from its ultimate extinction and overpopulation by a way of thinning the herd according to his judgment however pepper managed to intercept this deal purchasing 54 of the company barring tony from such media exploitation now the true power of tony's endo sim armor would be put on full display when he was faced by a previously latent contingency plan of his as many years ago fearing mental domination tony not only made his suits resistant to psionic influences but also created a digital backup of his mind which in the worst case scenario would fight against him and this was the worst case scenario it was iron man vs superior iron man and even if digital tony's suits were compromised he would simply resurrect in another one against his heroic version of himself superior iron man would take his godly manipulation of others up a notch he hosted a massive party on stark island and then by way of some shortwave reprogramming was able to enslave the users of extremist 3.0 suspending their bodily control and using them as completely disposable human shields however iron man would counter superior's move by way of what was essentially an iron man army which mind you were all simultaneously controlled by the heroic tony stark these various suits from over the years would all assault superior iron man but the endo sim armor was no joke who'd completely stop the momentum of one of the attacking suits with a single hand he would then display his suit's full power capabilities as he would bond with even greater amount of the liquid metal until he was a completely hulking figure even when faced by this absolute horde of iron man suits piloted by a version of himself it was an absolute massacre in his favor they were being downright obliterated even when they dog-piled him and seemed to be getting the upper hand it was simply for the sake of destroying many of them simultaneously this was child's play the model 36 hulkbuster armor would face him atop the golden gate bridge and in no time at all superior iron man would rip its arm off and destroy it in a single hit a suit that was designed to and literally took several direct hits from the incredible hulk that is astonishing ultimately the battle would be concluded by pepper who would use a sonic blast to dismiss the synthetic symbiote suit of his however in actuality the suit possesses no such flaws as superior iron man would never build his most advanced armor without precautions against such a looming weakness as loud noises he only let her take him in for the sake of infiltrating resilient headquarters where he embedded a virus that destroyed his heroic backup self however he would for some reason show one last gesture of kindness to his former self by way of a quarantine drive that would hold his entire consciousness however that too would be destroyed effectively killing the old iron man forever and in the wake of all this pepper would use the very company she had swept from tony's clutches to expose the truth about his extremist virus ruining his reputation forever leaving him to be completely and utterly alone some time later superior iron man would go off world and face thanos cabal by his lonesome this being one of the most intimidating and powerful collectives in the known universe however in the midst of this he did successfully manage to kill corvus glaive before being taken down by the former herald of galactus terrax the tamer a cosmic level threat from which point he was imprisoned for several months once released by some of his former avengers allies superior iron man with soul's hammer a dyson sphere he designed capable of destroying an entire planet at only 2 power would single-handedly kill the entirety of the invading shia imperial guard and invasion fleet superior iron man however would meet his end in a fight to the death against his old friend steve rogers who'd now been equipped with a captain america version of the war machine suit tony's endo sim armor at this point was at its lowest following all that came before but man this grudge match was brutal and the reasoning behind it was the fact that tony and the rest of the marvel illuminati were willing to sacrifice other worlds for the sake of protecting their own a reality captain america had once been privy to and actually managed to convince them otherwise using the power of the infinity gauntlet as an alternative however the gauntlet along with five of the infinity stones shattered with the time stone simply disappearing and once they were out of options the illuminati were willing to place immorality on the back burner for the sake of saving their universe from sudden annihilation but with captain america being well captain america he refused and so tony had doctor strange wipe his memory which she eventually regained during this fight steve rogers viciously beat into superior iron man ripping the very armor from his body however tony would return the favor with a point-blank blast that cap's unprotected face which did not stop the patriot from getting one last hit in before tony finished him off with another devastating blast only for a shield cruiser to crash directly upon the location sealing both their fates iron man is easily one of the coolest characters in the marvel universe and for me this glimpse into what an unhinged and morally corrupt tony stark would be like was a really interesting one that i wish we got a lot more from and if you're interested in more in-depth videos like this be sure to subscribe to plot armor comics with notifications on because when it comes to bringing you some of the best comic content on the platform plot armor has you covered as always i'm celestia otaku thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day i love you
Channel: Plot Armor Comics
Views: 1,424,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron man, superior iron man, tony stark, superior iron man explained, superior iron man origin, superior iron man full story, superior iron man multiverse of madness, evil iron man, evil iron man comic, evil iron man story, evil tony stark, iron man symbiote armor, iron man symbiote suit, how strong is superior iron man, superior iron man comic, tom cruise iron man, tom cruise superior iron man, superior iron man tom cruise, superior iron man mcu
Id: dH1UwA2lvrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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