ALL of Darth Vader’s Injuries and His Thoughts About Them - Star Wars Explained

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would you comment and he was joined as Promised in yesterday's video today will be an extra [fruit] Legends book dark Lore and the Ride Darth vader We will go over vader's thoughts about institute and cybernetics and everything in between [including] his poor vision his scorched vocal cords his burnt lungs and Much more our scene today takes place from the Jedi temple where emperor palpatine sent invader back to to Gather a lost holocron During his scavenge He reminisced about many things which I've made [videos] on as well however today will be this topic without further ado Let's begin vader turned and moved for the hatch But this is not walking he thought long accustomed to building and rebuilding droids supercharging the engines of land speeders and star fighters Upgrading the mechanisms that [controlled] the first of his artificial limbs He was dismayed by the incompetence of the medical droids responsible for his resurrection in cities his lofty laboratory on course on his Alloy lower legs were bulked by strips of armor similar to those [that] filled and gave form to the long glove Anakin had worn over his right arm prosthesis What remained of his real limb ended in bulbs of grafted Flesh? Inserted into machines that triggered movement through the use of modules that interfaced with his damaged nerve endings but instead of using Durasteel The Medical Droids had Substitute an inferior alloy and had failed to inspect the strips that protected the electro-motive line as a result The inner lining of the pressurized bodysuit was continually snagging on places where the strips were anchored to the knee joints and ankle joints? The tall boots were poor fit for his artificial feet whose claw like toads lacked the electrostatic sensitivity of his equally false fingertips raised in the heel The cumbersome footage candid him slightly forward forcing him to move with exaggerated caution lest he stumble or topple over worse They were so heavy that he often felt rooted to the ground or as if you were moving in High Gravity What good was motion of this sort if he was going to have to call on the force to even to walk place to place? He may as well have resigned himself to using a repulsor chair and Abandon any hope of movement the defect in his prosthetic arm Mirrored those of his leg only the right one felt natural to him though it too was artificial and the pneumatic mechanisms that supplied Articulation and support were sometimes slow to respond the weighty cloak and pectoral plating so restricted his movements And he could scarcely lift his arms over his head, and he had already been forced to adapt his lightsaber technique to compensate He could probably adjust the servo drivers and [pistons] in his forearms to provide his hands with strength enough to crush the hilt of his New Lightsaber with the power of his arms alone. He had the ability to lift an adult being off the ground But the Force had always given him the ability to do this Especially in moments of rage as he had demonstrated on tatooine and elsewhere What's more the sleeves of the bodysuit didn't hug the prosthesis as they [should] and the elbow length glove sagged and bunched at his wrists? Gazing at the gloves now He thought this is not seeing the pressurized mask was goggle Eyed fish mouth short Snout it and needlessly Angular over the cheekbone coupled with a flaring dome of helmet the mask gave him the forbidding appearance of an ancient sith Wardrobe the Dark hemispheres that covered his eyes filtered out lights that might have caused further injury to his damaged Corneas and retinas But an enhanced mode the half globes read in the light and prevented him [from] being able to see the toes of his boots without Inclining his head almost 90 degrees listening to the servo motors that drove his limbs He thought this is not hearing the [med] droids rebuilt the cartilage of his outer ears, but his eardrums having melted in Mr.. Farr's heat had been Beyond repair Sound waves now had been transmitted directly to implant in his inner ear and sounds registered as if issuing from underwater worse the implanted Sensors lacked sufficient Discrimination so that too many ambient noises were picked up and their distance and direction were difficult to determine [sometime] the Sensors needled him with Feedback or attached echo or vibrato effects to even the faintest noise Allowing his lungs to fill with air. He thought this is not breathing Here the med Droids had truly failed him from a control box He wore strapped to his chest a thick cable entered his torso Linked to a breathing apparatus and heartbeat regulator the ventilator was implanted in his hideously scarred chest along with Tubes that ran directly into his smoke damaged lungs and Others that entered the throat so that should the chest plate or bell panels Develop a glitch he could breathe unassisted for a limited time but the monitoring panel beeped frequently For no reason [and] the constellation of [lights] served only as steady reminders of its vulnerability the incessant Rasp of his breathing interfered with his ability to rest let alone sleep and Sleep in the rare moment it came to him with a nightmarish jumble of twisted recurrent memories that unfolded to excruciating sounds The med Droids had at least inserted the redundant breathing Tubes low enough So that would be aid of an annunciator his scorched vocal cords can still form sounds and words But absolutely enunciated which imparted a synthetic [bass] tone his own voice was little more than a whisper I Come [along] he can take food through his mouth as well But only when he was inside a hyperbaric chamber [since] he had to remove the triangular respiratory event that was the masks prominent feature So it was easier to receive nourishment through liquids intravenous and otherwise and to rely on Catheters collection pouches and recyclers to deal with liquid and solid waste But all those devices made it even more difficult for him to move with ease much less with any great The pectoral armor that protected the artificial lung weighed him down [as] did with [electrode] studded collar and supported the outside helmet Necessary to safeguard the cybernetic devices that replace the upper most of his vertebrae the delicate systems of the mask and the ragged Scars in his hairless head which owed as much to what he had endured on what so far as two attempts at an emergency trephination During the trip back [to] course and the board cities a shuttle the synth skin that substituted for what was [feared] from his bones aged Incessantly and his body needed to be periodically cleansed and scrubbed of necrotic Flesh already yet experienced moments of claustrophobia moments of desperation to be rid of The suit to Emerge from the shell he needed to build or have built a chamber in which she could feel human again It's possible all in all he thought this is Not living this was solitary confinement prison of the worst Sort continual torture He was nothing more than wreckage power without clear purpose a melancholy sigh escaped from the mouth Grill Collecting himself. He stepped through the hatch So now we can see just how depressive [ater] was and all the things he felt and thought after his transformation It really is eye-opening to read just what he went through and with such imagery [I] can't imagine how he continued to live this way [for] so many years trapped in his own synthetic skin Entombed within his thick suit and mask He was truly miserable the only time he felt free [and] without much pain was when he retreated to his back to [tank] in [Row] [1] this really changes How we look at mater from now on as it shows his? Mortality and reason for depression as if losing padme and turning on the Jedi was not he was living through hell every day with palpatine holding the Pitchfork Do you emphasize with vader let me know and I'll reply with you. Thanks for watching today's episode everyone. I really appreciate it I'll see you all in tomorrow's episode of Star Wars theory same time same place until then my Villager 9 with friends oh oh
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 3,695,339
Rating: 4.9399619 out of 5
Keywords: darth vader, darth vader lightsaber, star wars explained, star wars theory, star wars, sith, lightsaber, jedi, luke skywalker, anakin skywalker, darth sidious, darth vader death, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi, Darht Vader Vs., Darth Vader Vs. Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader Vs. Ahsoka, Ahsoka Tano, Jedi Temple, ALL of Darth Vader’s Injuries and His Thoughts About Them, Obi-Wan Kenobi, WHat did Darth Vader do in his free time?, Darth Vader's suit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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