The Complete Timeline of Middle-earth

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[Music] but when they were comin to the Void Aluva Tarr said to them behold your music and he showed to them a vision giving to them sight where before was only hearing and they saw a new world made visible before them and it was globe amid the void and it was sustained therein but was not of it and as they looked and wondered this world began to unfold its history and it seemed to them that it lived and grew greetings and well met my friends joist in here and I hope you all are doing well wherever you are in middle-earth today we shall be endeavoring to accomplish one of the most far-ranging and important videos that this channel has ever seen the telling of the general and broad history of middle-earth from the music of the eye noir and the creation of Arda through what we know of the fourth age now it would be impossible to capture the whole of the history of middle-earth in this one video so that is where my timeline of artist series comes into play as well as my many other videos in that series we explore major parts of the history of middle-earth in greater detail this video will cover the basic and general information in each major age of middle-earth and it shall serve to contextualize the peoples and events of the different ages many specific characters and events will not be named herein but that does not diminish their contributions to the legendarium rather I will mention the peoples and events that I find most important throughout each age I should also say that even though Tolkien marked the history in different years of different ages before the coming of the Sun and Moon at the beginning of the first Age each year was far longer in that time then each year was under the Sun and Moon this means valley in years were longer than solar years I'll have to make a separate video about that for more information now I'll link some related videos and timeline articles that helped with the creation of this video and I cannot praise those articles enough for their aid in this endeavor they are very helpful this video won't list many of the years specifically in which events occurred as listing those many dates would overcomplicate this video but those linked resources should have many of the specific dates for events if you are curious also as with every video a huge shout out and thanks to the online artists who made this video possible if your work is featured in this video please send me your name a link to your work and a timestamp of your work in this video and I will place all of that in the description below to credit you it's the least I could do I'll also weave timestamps in the comments below to help you jump all around this video now without further delay let us begin our extraordinary tale my friends let us start with the beginning this was the Ainu Lindahl a the music of the I nor the I nor were the Holy Ones and the offspring of the thoughts of irulu vataj the god and one above all in ages hence some of these greater I nor would be the Valar while other lesser ones would be the my are and some would not even go into middle-earth the I nor were spirits who had the flame imperishable and true life within them although at this point in time they did not have physical bodies or floor in this time before the creation of aya the created world there was melkor who of the I nor had the greatest knowledge and power and he wandered into the void searching for the flame imperishable so that he might make life of his own malkor never found the flame for it was with Aluva tock there came a music amongst the I nor Andalou photographer acted as its conductor and even through the harmony and unison came the discord of Melkor from this music came a vision of the world and the children of Aluva taj to be among the eye nor were many such as man way the noblest of the eye nor and the perceived brother of Melkor Olmo who is most deeply instructed by Aluva taught in music and he was enamored with the waters and seas there too was au lait who had been given skill and knowledge but less than Melkor and his pride was in making and crafting and his thoughts were with the fabrics and materials that made up the world after Aluva tov made the world be sending the flame imperishable often to the void that was to be the heart of the world some of the eye nor went into that world and their powers became bound to it some of the mightiest of the I nor first came into the world and they were the Valar the powers of the world they took shape to themselves and began to forge the world into a place habitable for the children of Aluva talk and varda the wife of man way created the stars the Valar would call to them companions to help in the crafting of the world these being the my are malkor tried to claim the world as his own Kingdom thus starting the strife between him and the other Valar especially a man way his brother who would not let him have it the Valar and Melkor would have a first battle and they labored to create and he desired to destroy but the Valar would make the world ready indeed although not in their fullest desires because of mell course doings and so arta came as a being now we enter into the years of the Lambs after the coming of tool cuts the strong one of the Valar malkor fled and forsook art afore time there was then peace for a time and the Valar created the two lamps one lamp was created in the north named Elina and or mall in the south it was a time of change 'less day in ardha and the Valar rested from their labors on the island of el marrón it was a time called the spring of Arda but eventually malkor returned from beyond the walls of night with servants and he created a tomb now his fortress in the north from there a sickness came upon the land and the Valar knew of his return then he came forth and brought ruin to the two lamps and cast down their pillars bringing fire and other devastations to the lands of Arda the Sarda was marred and always will be the valor would then depart from middle-earth and to go west where the land of Valinor would be established manway would rule there and his great Eagles would be his messengers in Valley North the two trees would be created from the song of Yavana the husband of a lay and the tears of nienna the lady of sorrow and the sister of men dose the dooms men thus there would again be light in amman and in and a new age would come malkor wielded cold and fire in the darkness in middle-earth but there was a new safe haven in the West Aluva Tom pondered on the ever coming of his two children elves and men the elves the quendi they would haven't conceived the greatest beauties of all his children they would be forever bound to the world and even in death they would return to the halls of man DOS in the West to be returned to life in time until the end of the world men the itani would seek beyond the confines of the world and virtue to shape things beyond the vision of the music of the Anor they would live for short times upon the world and leave the world at their deaths and to take part in the second music of the Anur guru vuitton thus decided all of this in such a time we come now to the years of the trees from now through the fourth age I will organize my summaries a little bit differently I shall discuss the main characters first and then some of the major events after I've mentioned those main characters that take part in such events like in the ages past and through the end of the first stage the Valar and my our would be important in the years of the trees after the awakening of the elves we have ingwe the king of the van your elves finwë the king of the noldor elves and Elway the king of the tulare elves fan or fingolfin and Finn our Finn are the sons of Fenway and they are important in this tale as are their children also Melkor or as he's later named Morgoth by fan or who is no longer recognized as one of the Valar and his ally in goalie aunt come into play during these years as well in terms of events during the years of the trees we have the creation of the dwarves by Alan and the adoption and gift of life to them by Aluva talk they were put to rest until the coming of the elves in contrast the ants would also be created through the advocate of Ivana the giver of fruits of course eventually the first foreign children of Aluva tock would awaken in qui VA Ihnen under the stars and the Roma the hunter of the Valar would find them some of these elves would be taken and corrupted by melkor creating the first orcs mockery of the ents trolls would also be created at some point sometime after the awakening of the elves dwarves and ents would also come to be and the long beards who followed dude and the deathless founded causa Doom in middle-earth after the awakening of the elves the Valar took up mastery of Arda once again and assailed malkor Angband was commanded by Sauron who in years or ages past turned to the service of Melkor and it was raised but not fully explored by the Valar and many dark things dwelt in its vaults due to that fact but the tomb no was destroyed also and to melkor was taken captive by the Valar malkor would be imprisoned for three ages during the years of the trees the elves would then eventually send ingwe Fenway and Elway as ambassadors to Valinor before the eldest moved there not all elves would actually end up coming to Valinor for many of the people of Elway or thing goal as he would eventually be known stayed in western middle-earth ol areand and other elves did not even go that far the elves dwelt for time in Valinor and from them would come great works such as the Sun whirls crafted by fan or using the light of the two trees eventually melkor would be released from his imprisonment under the guise of change and could will and his plots and lies would go out and cause distrust and aggression amongst the nulled or elves eventually melkor would depart the land and make an unholy alliance with ungoliant at the spider who was a spirit from beyond arta together during a festival in Valinor they destroyed the two trees and fled into middle-earth once Melkor slew Fenway and took the SIL Murrells from the House of Fenway and fan or this alliance would be dismissed after a small battle for the Summer Isles took place between Melkor now called Morgoth by fan or his Balrogs and ungoliant ungoliant fled southwards and Morgoth went with his Balrogs back to Angband where the Dark Lord rebuilds then the otha fan or and his sons would be made and many of the nil door including his half-brother fingolfin and his followers went into exile some such as Fingal Finn's full-blooded younger brother Finn Irfan stayed and Valinor the doom of the null door would be pronounced by mandos which would shape the elves during the first age and the first kin slang would happen at alcohol and a and feign ourselves would steal the elven ships and to take them into Middle Earth while fingolfin took the other elves into middle-earth through way of the icy hell clerics a fan or would be slain in battle and Beleriand by the bow rocks of Morgoth and the moon and sun would first come into being and rise above the horizon for there were vessels driven by my are and they were the remains of the two trees of Valinor that brings us finally into the first age of middle-earth again we shall begin with an introduction to the major characters before looking at the history many of the main characters we have in the first age are elves some of which are fingolfin his sons Finn gone and torgan the children of Finn are fen phen rod and rod ignore and Galadriel as well as auto death the son of and rot and yoga lot at the son of Ora dress we also have you all the dark elf and his son my Glen the seven sons of FEA nor my thorough smell or Kellogg or kuru Finn caranthir Imran and Ambrose there's also think'll formerly known as Elway and his wife Mellie on the Maya and their daughter lúthien we also then have people from the race of men such as Bay or hador haloth the three heads of the houses of the dime from the houses of men come bara here Baron Horan port or remnant or from the elves and men both come the renowned half-elves a friend ela die or L winged Elrond and L rose as for the dwarves King aza call tell car the Smith and MIM the petty dwarf are important characters the notable servants of Morgoth are sauron growling the werewolf and his son Tucker Roth glare wrong the father of the dragons and gothmog the Lord of the Balrogs now as you can see from that huge list of characters there is a lot that happens in this age and arguably more individual events take place in the first stage than any other age except perhaps the third although it is not the longest age so I will once more briefly summarize after the coming of the null door from the web Morgoth was eventually pushed into a siege and Angband during the first year of the aged men awoken Hill Dorian in the Far East and eventually they would make their way into Beleriand before the long piece the elves expanded and created kingdoms such as gondola and Naga thrummed eventually the dragon Glau dong was seen but he was shortly after defeated and he retreated into egg Bend thus beginning the long peace the greatest conflicts during this time seemed to be quarrels instead of battles such as single discovering the kin slang and hating the sons of Phaen or or era though the daughter of fingolfin being slain by her husband Ewald the dark elf before being slain himself in Gondolin men eventually began to appear in Beleriand and many of them became friends of the elves starting with the friendship between bay or and fin rod fella gooned but eventually Morgoth broke the siege on Angband and kalau Truong once again emerged but far stronger and from then on the free peoples began to suffer larger defeats in their war against Morgoth however there were some grand and renowned deeds that took place such as the quest of Beren and lúthien that saw a silmaril stolen from morgoth's crown but there were also many sad tales in contrast such as the tale of the children of horton and the fall of both nargoth Rhonda and gondola and the ruin of doriath the aged also saw more kin slings by the children of fan or in pursuit of the soul Murrells eventually near a time when all seemed lost Erin Deol and his wife L wing who yet had the sole Murrell of Beren and lúthien came to Valinor and begged for aid from the Valar then a great armament was taken up by the West which would come eastward and then in the war of Wrath Morgoth was defeated once and for all and he was cast outside of the walls at night thus ending the war of the jewels that had started in the years of the trees after the war one summer was in the sky with a done deal one was in the earth with my throws and one was in the sea where meg lore had cast it at the end of the age a choice between being of the kindred of men or elves was given to the half elves and elros chose to be a man and he would lead his people to númenor on this Second Age while his brother Elrond would be the herald of the new and final high king of the noldor gil-galad for Elrond himself had chosen to be an elf Sauron fled the destruction of his allies and went into middle-earth the war had seen the downfall and destruction of Beleriand and so our characters also came into middle-earth and the first stage was ended we come now to the second age our major characters here are the elves hiking gil-galad his Herald Elrond half-elven here dan the shipwright Galadriel calla born king or Ophir and his son Trent we love Greenwood the Great and King um dear and his son on Roth of Lauryn aunt Orla Florian finally among the most important elves there is caliber in boar the grandson of fan or and the son of kuru Finland concerning important men we have elros or tar minitor the first king of númenor ar-pharazôn the last king of númenor lndia the high king of Gondor and Arnor and his sons seal door and anarion for the dwarves we know dude on the 3rd who received dorans ring one of the seven dwarf in rings of power finally concerning evil there is only one really worth knowing in this age and he is Sauron or an ATAR at the Lord of gifts as he appeared to the elves I should also mention his nazgul are important servants of his as well concerning the history of this age elros led the Doudna diamond or men of the West to Numenor where they lived for millennia the elves dwelt in middle-earth and many of them under the kingship of gil-galad who ruled from linden some elves went with Caliburn bore into our again eventually an ATAR a fair being who called himself the Lord of gifts came forth and taught the elves of Adeje and ring craft eventually resulting in the creation of the nine rings of power for mortal men which would create the nazgûl seven rings four dwarves which increased their wealth and their greed and the three elven rings were also created and were not tainted by Sauron and they garnered healing and good qualities but were still subjected to the power and domination of the One Ring finally the One Ring was crafted and mounted by Sauron himself made to control all of the others the nine men fell under his sway but the Seven Dwarfs were too Hardy to be turned but greed and lust for wealth came to them and the three elves sensed that they were deceived and took their rings off thus the war of the elves and Sauron began resulting in the death of calabria boar and the creation of M Ladra sore Rivendell as the stronghold of the elves an area door by the decree of the second ages white council with the aid of the men from Numenor Sauron would be pushed back for time eventually he angered the númenóreans once again and they would take him captive with his deceitful ways he rose to a place of power during the darkening of númenor and convinced the king ar-pharazôn to send forth an army to the undying lands to fight the Valar for immortality this failed and Numenor was drowned and the world was made round or different by Aluva table himself so that only some could find the straight road to amon some faithful men survived the downfall of númenor and came into middle-earth and created the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor with them came the descendant of the white tree whose ancestors went back to the years of the trees the Palantir II of the Elder Days and other items such as the ring of bata here from Finn rod the sceptre of an Ummah nas from Numenor and narshall forged by tell cart in the first stage eventually Sauron returned and the free peoples made the war of the last Alliance upon him resulting in the deaths of aura fur of Greenwood um deer of Lauren and gil-galad lndia land an Aryan the One Ring came to a seal door and the age came to its end we finally come to the third age and the most famous age of Tolkien's works the major actors in this age from the elves are Elrond Galadriel Kelly born Thranduil and legless from the race of men we have a sealed door you world the young Tyrion the steward bard the Bowman failed in Almere Island Aragorn Elessar or Muir and farmer we have the Wizard Saruman Gandalf and radagast who are important as well as for the dwarves daughter in the 6th floor during the second throw in the second Oakenshield Dine ironfoot Gimli elf friend and throw in the third stone helm are all important as well amongst the hobbits Smeagol or Gollum Bilbo Baggins Frodo Baggins Sam Gamgee Pippin tuck and Mary brandybuck are some of the greatest heroes of the age in the larger history of the world from the forces of shadow we have Sauron the Lord of the Rings Jordans Bane smogged the golden the witch-king of Angmar and the other na school now let's jump into the history of this age at the start of the age a sealed or met his end in the gladden fields and the ring was lost for thousands of years the kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor were afterwards ruled by different kings are nor from the line of a seal door and Gondor from the line of an Aryan around the 1000 the Wizards came into middle-earth throughout a majority of the age Gondor saw battle from unbar in the south Harad and rune in the east as for the dwarves they would live and prosper and Kaza doom until the awakening of dude in Spain in 1980 and afterwards they would go to Erebor the Lonely Mountain the kingdoms of men declined and power through plagues Wars and other things and Gondor would eventually lose minus-- a failed to the non-school and oz goliath would no longer be the capital as Menace on or or Menace Tirith became the new capital eventually Arnor split into three kingdoms and was destroyed by the witch-king in the Angmar war and war also lost its line of kings and the stewards began to rule after 1000 and the Greenwood Forest Souren eventually went to Dumbledore but was ousted by Gandalf a member of the Third Age is white council a little over a thousand years later for Sauron was not yet ready to emerge so he fled to the east marking the watchful peace during the middle of the Third Age the hobbits began to become more well known in middle-earth as many of them migrated from near the northern andrian into the Shire eventually a hobbit by the name of Smeagol received the One Ring and held it for himself and sour and returned to dole Guldur Smeagol became known as Gollum and he lived in the Misty Mountains for years the men of Romanian in the north then called the AO theta after much of the kingdom of Romanian was destroyed came to the aid of Gondor in the Battle of the field of Cala brought against the easterling's and for their aid the land of kellen our thumb would be given to them and it would be called rohan thereafter the a oath aid removed there and they were called The Rock Hyrum the horselords eventually in the later years of the Third Age Smaug would go to Erebor and take the Lonely Mountain from the dwarves King Thror would be slain years later by orcs igniting the war of the dwarves and works and the dwarves of all lands would gather and eat the orcs but they would not retake Kaza doom Thrain eventually was taken prisoner by saurons forces in duel gold ore and the final dwarven ring of the seven would be lost to the dwarves as daughter and ring was taken by Sauron in 2941 dwarves led by King Thorin Oakenshield would embark with Bilbo Baggins on a quest to retake Erebor and during this quest Bilbo found two the One Ring in Gollum's cave during that same year Sauron or the necromancer as he was called was ousted from duel gold or by the white council and returned to Mordor Smaug would be slain by Bart the Bowman and the Battle of five armies would take place the dwarves took back their home and Bilbo returned to the Shire with the ring then in thirty eighteen and thirty nineteen the War of the Ring took place and Frodo the heir of Bilbo would set out to destroy the One Ring with the fellowship of the ring Frodo journeyed far and even farther with Sam and Gollum at his side Gollum still lusted for the ring however but he was a great help to the hobbits in their adventure an oaf slew Doran's Bane and returned to life as Gandalf the white in the position of Saruman who had betrayed the free peoples and made war on Rohan Rohan would be aided by many members of the Fellowship of the Ring before they turned to aid Gondor eventually Rohan and Gondor stood together and fought back Mordor resulting in the death of the witch-king by the hands of Mary and Aylwin the niece of Fayed in the king of Rohan the West would march on the Black Gate of Mordor like the free peoples had done in the Second Age giving Frodo and Sam a chance to destroy the ring Frodo and Sam went through many perils such as Shelob slayer into the treachery of Gollum making it to Mount Doom where the ring was forged in the Second Age the only place it could be destroyed but Frodo could not do it Gollum gots the ring back and danced and if by coincidence or the will of Aluva tog who began at all Gollum into the ring fell into the lava of Mount Doom Sauron was destroyed and the West had won Aragorn restored the kingship of Arnor and Gondor and Farah Mir was made his steward and Gondor a emir took up the kingship of his uncle Theoden and Rohan who had perished during the war the hobbits returned to the Shire and ended the threat of Saruman who had taken over there a majority of the elves left middle-earth Frodo Bilbo and Gandalf went with them and they took the straight road to valinor thus ended the Third Age from the Third Age I should also say that the red book of West March detailing the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings was written and preserved finally we come now to the fourth age the main characters here are the ones we knew from the end of the Third Age plus the ordem the seventh and L Darion the son of Aragorn and Darwin in this age the stories and characters we know came to many of their ends Aragorn passed away and his son L Darion became the next High King all of the elves left in middle-earth either went to Valinor or faded away in middle-earth the dwarves reclaimed Kaza Doom under the leadership of King dorren the seventh hobbits would continue on and expand their lands merry and pippin passed away as did a omere aon and farmer at last Gimli and Legolas and Sam on his own would take ships into the West into they too would go to the land of the Valar in Valinor middle-earth became the world of men the second born children of Aluva tock ruled by the descendants of Aragorn and a emir within this age would live the events of the new shadow the unfinished sequel to the Lord of the Rings beyond all of this we do not know at the end of the world perhaps dagger dagger off the last battle will happen and as it prophesizes Melkor shall be slain perhaps the souls shall be gathered and broken and the new light of the two trees shall fill the new world after the second music of the Aisne or however Arta is and shall always be marred so the future is unclear this is all speculation and may not necessarily be canon thus we come to the end of our tale of the major characters and events of the history and timeline of middle-earth from the complete timeline of middle-earth we see truly how vast the works of one man are one person can create so much and can change the course of the world just as j.r.r tolkien shows us i do not also forget to the aid of Christopher Tolkien who released and edited many of the works of his father that fill out the history of the legendarium thank you all so much for watching it really means a lot and I hope you all enjoyed this video I really enjoyed making it and it was definitely one of the most important large-scale and difficult videos I've ever made but I am so glad to have done it it was quite an honor this video hopefully helps outline everything in the legendarium in a general sense whereas my other videos helped define the legendarium in a more in-depth way please leave a like and a share it would help spread the greatness of Tolkien's legendarium and it would help this video a lot let me know any thoughts questions additions and corrections in the comments below I hope this timeline shows why I'm so passionate about Tolkien's works everything in it is so fantastic please check out our music channel Facebook Twitter merchants patreon for a podcast and discord server links for all of those are in the description below I want to thank our Valar to your patrons Adrienne D Latour Chris Ortner Peter Shepherd and Cal Wetzel thank you guys so much for your support for the channel it means so much it allows me to make videos just like this finally don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell button to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today and I'll see you all again next week with a video on the history of lothlórien as always my friends thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure and tell the next one my great friends you
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 431,735
Rating: 4.9472723 out of 5
Keywords: Yoystan, Men of the West, Tolkien, Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, History, Lore, Valar, Wizards, Sauron, Morgoth, Aragorn, Middle-earth, Arda, Beleriand, Valinor, Gandalf
Id: 1KroVEOqrBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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