What if Gil-galad Survived Fighting Sauron? Theory

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[Music] but at the last the siege was so straight that sauron himself came forth and he wrestled with gilgalad and allendyl sauron in facing the greatest of elves and men of the late second age needed to slay at least one of his enemies here lest he could be overcome reaching out his hand to grab the hiking of the noldor and burn him gilgalad evaded this and stabbed at the dark lord sauron swung wildly hitting allendyl with his weapon and breaking him with the impact gilgalad's greatest living friend in men was no more in fury and power akin to his forefather fingolfen who dueled morgoth gil galad continued to beat back his foe with such might that sauron did not notice the son of the king who took up his father's broken sword and together a sildore and gilgalad incapacitated the dark lord toppling him after sauron fell a seal door used narsil to cut the one ring from sauron's hand as a were guild for his brother and father or so asealdor said even in all his power and wisdom high king gilgalad who yet lived could not stay a seal door's wrath nor provide counsel enough to destroy this one ring gilgalad who formerly bore vilya was quite aware of the power of the one ring and wished for nothing more than to see it destroyed but he knew he could not convince king asildor of this and so it was that the war of the last alliance was finally over and the free peoples who had taken mighty losses could at last return home air the new age of the world began gilgalad who still mourned his fallen friends and kin in the war was at least glad to see the beginning of an age of peace for the elves before their time would come to leave middle-earth on their return journey home gilgalad reflected on the greatness of a seal door yet feared what he might become if he gave into the shadow that seemed to loom over him thus gilgalad offered counsel and friendship to the new high king of arnor and gondor just as he'd given such things to elendial and de sildore would accept this having great respect for gilgallotte asealdor told gilgalad that once maneldeal the son of an aryan was ready to rule in gondor he would depart for the seat of his father in arnor and the kingdoms of men and elves would live together in middle-earth and prosperity and so it was that gilgalad eagerly awaited his friend's return to the north hoping to help asildor and his descendants become great kings of men and avoid the mistakes of their ancestors as well as any temptation of the shadow to come of all the elves gilgalad most knew in his heart that the shadow of sauron would one day return but since the high king of elves yet survived into the third age he would use this time wisely and prepare and the eldar would be ready for the return of their ancient foe and so upon returning to his throne in linden gilgalad took up the ringvilla once again as it was the wish of elrond his vice regent that he take up the ring of air again and so gilgalad waited for seal doors return but in the early years of the third age a seal door was slain by orcs and the veils of anduin in the gladden fields otar a seal door squire brought the shards of narsil to rivendell and delivered the news of a cieldor's fault to elrond gilgalad was devastated when he heard but what's more he worried about the one ring and what happened to it and so gilgalad departed for imladris in the early years of the third age both to take counsel with the great elven lords and ladies of eridor but also to speak with valentil the new high king of arnor gilgalad would still wish to have close ties with arnor and to see the lineage of allendyl and the theodore come to success and so the elves would hold counsel and gilgalad spoke of his worries both concerning the return of sauron and what the loss of his ring might mean for surely when anatar the lord of gifts betrayed the elves in the second age and dawned a ring of power this had been that ring it was too important to leave to the river or any servants of sauron who might find it gilgalad had been there when a cieldor took it and he knew how fate had been changed that day so it was with gilgalad's leadership scouts from both rivendell and lothlorian were dispatched to the vales and they would search for many years until they indeed found the one ring i do believe with gilgalad's wisdom and foresight as well as his close contact with the seal door's capture of the one ring he would not have left it to chance or the anduin although i should pause and acknowledge that i am unsure why elrond kierdan and galadriel did not send forth scouts to at least search the gladden fields in the canon timeline for they would have also recognized the importance of the one ring when a sealed or took it from sauron since elrond and kierdan saw it happen but for the sake of this theory we will say that gilgalad who himself fought sauron and recognized his power over the rings would at least attempt a search for the one ring and so the one ring would be brought back to rivendell where it would quickly be discovered that any elf who bore it was corrupted by its power but with the one ring in imladris the remaining members of the white council from the second age would come together gilgalad elrond galadriel kelleborn kierdan and glorfingdale in this meeting the fate of sauron and the ring would be discussed as well as the problem that any who touched it were corrupted knowing it was forged in mordor far away the elves would also realize that any attempt on their behalf to destroy the ring by their own hands would fail but since sauron was defeated the elves agreed to leave the ring in rivendell for now and rebuild the elven kingdom of the north over the centuries as well as aid arnor and gondor in their infancy indeed with the high king of the noldor still alive matters of elven state would be far more unified and powerful for there was still a high king of the noldor left in the world under gilgalad's leadership outposts in aragian would be rebuilt and galadreal and kellerborn would rule that municipality until the death of king amroth of lorian after which they would move to lorian and would rule there lyndon would remain strong under kirdan's leadership when gilgalad was not directly available rivendell would also be strengthened since it contained the one ring it would be reinforced in nearly every direction with linden and arnor to the west aragian to the south and lothlorien to the east and so it was that as the early half of the third age went on the power of the elves was far greater under gilgalod than in the original timeline however angmar in the north would still rise posing a threat to rivendell and the ring but since the kingdom of the noldor was strong and was near at hand arnor though it would fracture and infighting would occur would still stand strong and unified against angmar in the end with their elven friends with gilgalad's aid i do not believe arnor would have actually fallen to angmar since the kingdoms of men and elves were so close together and the witch king would be defeated quicker and more easily than in the canon timeline however the problem of the ring still existed and reports would come to the elves from gondor speaking of the attacks from haradrum corsairs and easterlings and the wizard gandalf who came to middle earth in the year 1000 grew suspicious of the fortress of dol goldor fearing either a ringwraith or sauron himself had taken up residence there the armies of the enemies would still move and there would still be a threat posed to the elves and their friends in middle-earth thus gandalf would be added to the white council to combat those threats the original white council that still existed from the second h and the matter of sauron would be taken very seriously by gilgalad as i do not believe he would have ever become complacent enough to think the dark lord would never return especially with the one ring still in existence thus douglador was investigated by the council much earlier and a watch was put on it making sauron's return there from the east nigh impossible after the watchful peace eventually sauron would return from the east around 2460 just as he does in the original timeline and he would join the white council becoming privy to the information about the one ring saudiman of course would begin to lust for the ring staring at it whenever he saw it in rivendell however he would know that any attempt to take it for himself at this point would certainly mean death for him as the white council was held fast against it by its wise leader gilgallot and so peace would continue to reign in the north and the elves of gilgalad would even aid gondor against the servants of sauron in the south and east as well and eventually the aeothade would settle kalanarthan and create the kingdom of rohan with gilgalad's strong kingdom in london elrond seat and rivendell the reunited kingdom that had once fractured into the petty kingdoms of arnor galadriel and kelleborne's fiefdom and lothlorien rohan and gondor in the south as well as elves dwarves and men in north rovanion working together the free peoples of middle-earth were much stronger and more unified than they were in the original timeline however smaug would still invade erebor in 2770 and would decimate the north much to the gladness of sauron who watched from afar still remaining in the east and not in dol guldor while gandalf who had learned about the hobbits in the north would see to the reclamation of erebor in 2941 and bilbo and thorne's company would go to reclaim the mountain sauron with his palantir from menace morgul taken by the nazgul would begin to make an alliance with saruman who told him of the one ring's whereabouts in rivendell and so during the quest of erebor when the company was in rivendell gandolf would see just how resilient bilbo was to the effects of the one ring telling elrond that bilbo would make an excellent candidate for ring bearer once erabor was reclaimed and indeed the mountain would be taken back similarly to how it was in the original timeline except there would be no riddles in the dark and bilbo would have to be far more careful without the invisibility of the one ring choosing to handle situations differently but after erebor was reclaimed gandalf and bilbo would return to rivendell afterwards where gilgalad was waiting for them the white council would reconvene and gilgalad would see bilbo's resilience to the one ring for himself electing the hobbit to bring the one ring to mordor and destroy it and so on the heels of his first adventure bilbo would be the ring bearer for the elves and he would have the white council to accompany him on this adventure led by gogalot saruman who would communicate this plan with sauron through the palantir secretly would force sauron's hand who would arise once more in mordor in the east but with the kingdom of the noldor so strong and the kingdom of arnor more powerful even than gondor was in the south great hosts of men and elves would begin a march to mordor even while the white council and their ring bearer made their way to mount doom as well aerothorn the current reigning king of arnor at this time would gladly march alongside his friend gilgalad and narsil would be reforged into andoriyo by the smiths of elram since the time had come for the permanent defeat of sauron that which was once narcial would oppose sauron next to igolos's friend again and aerothorn would wield this sword and so a great host led by gilgalad but also this smaller company fated to come to mount doom marched from eriador to mordor picking up allies along the way just as the host of the last alliance did sauron in his much weakened state and his small armies at this point in the timeline would simply be no match for the west after breaking through the black gate the forces of elves and men would continue fighting all the way to the very foundations of baradur while the smaller group of the white council and bilbo made their way to samuth nauer in mount doom sadoman who still desired the ring knew it was pointless to oppose the entire white council at any given point in this journey so he would have to retain his allegiance to the free peoples lest he be destroyed instantly and so coming to samuth nower bilbo even in the mighty company of these legends would not be able to destroy the one ring however he would in the end be forced to do so only by the power of gandalf which nearly broke his mind but indeed through these actions sauron would be destroyed as the elves would have been far more active in the events of the third age had high king gilgalad survived the war of the last alliance in the end aerothorn would become the high king of gondor and arnor for gondor had lost its king ayarner to the witch king and menace morgul nearly a thousand years before and with sauron defeated and the world of men in peace the fourth age began early gilgalad would lead his people to the havens and the elves would depart these shores for valinor following their king for their tasks and time in this world were over however one wizard would delay in returning to valinor saruman with the elves departing the world saruman in the depths of the pits of isengard would attempt to build his own ring of power that he might overcome the world of men in due time now that the elves were gone with that we come to the end of our theory on what if gilgalad survived hey everyone joist in here and i hope you all are doing well wherever you are on middle earth i also hope you enjoyed this theory on what if gilgalad survived fighting sauron i definitely had a great time making it it's been a topic that has fascinated me for a long time if you did enjoy it please hit that like button and share this with a friend but what do you all think if gilgalod had survived when the story happened like this or would it have gone some other way let me know in the comments below i always love thinking about these kinds of theories it's also very interesting to think about what would have happened if the elves had played a more active role in the third age as while i was making this video i realized just how dormant many of them were but i believe if gilgalad had survived they would have been more active and centralized since the high king of the noldor the one who still claimed to lead many of the elves was still around i don't know what do you all think thanks to our val our two patrons adrian de la torre chris ortner kyle wetzel peter shepard jonathan putin mark crawley blair scout merton john hume jennifer wood sammic b matzo batch elizabeth calvert maz gibbs ben gardner kondar rhys jenkins adam petrolik kuzan brandon glidden and molly sullivan thank you so much and thanks to all of our patrons it really means a lot please subscribe and hit that bell button to join the men of the west and all of the free peoples today and i'll see you all again on sunday with that video on the history of menace tirith my friends thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure until the next one
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 73,049
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Keywords: Elrond, Elves, Gandalf, Gil-galad, Men of the West, Middle-earth, Sauron, Second Age, Theory, Third Age, Tolkien, What if, Yoystan
Id: ERRYc9Rjhag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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