WHAT I EAT IN A DAY WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY 2021! WW Pizza and NICE Cream! (Calorie Deficit + WW)

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[Applause] hello i think we're gonna do some diy you guys want the real secrets weight loss you got oh some espressos i want to eat hey guys good morning welcome back to my channel it's lauren back with another what i eat in a day video you guys seem to be loving the what i eat in a days and honestly i love filming them because it helps keep me on track and accountable all day so thank you guys for keeping me on track if you're new hey i'm lauren i'm a mom on a healthy living lifestyle journey here on my channel i love to share what i eat in a days healthy recipes meal planning and grocery hauls as well as some motherhood lifestyle and motivation videos i'm currently on a health journey to lose 150 pounds and so far i am 75 pounds down using the ww blue plan as well as double tracking calories for a calorie deficit basically it just makes sure i'm eating enough throughout the day because sometimes on ww i can eat too few calories and then i end up stalled out with my weight loss so let's jump right into it today i am hungry we've had a late start to the morning it is it's already 10 30. i kind of was able to sleep in this morning which is shocking i don't think i have slept till nine o'clock how old's my child in three years but my husband is working from home today so he didn't have to leave early for his commute and i was just wiped out we had family visiting over the weekend and then yesterday i spent all day deep cleaning our house getting everything back in order doing tons and tons of laundry just getting us reset for the week but yeah so i've just been tired and wiped out so my husband got up with lilo this morning and got her like a snack and they played for a while so i could sleep in but now we're like up ready to go lila is already eating hi lila good morning that's my daughter lila she's three we do have a little bit of a busy day today i mean we're kind of chilling playing i got a lot of our like need to do around the house stuff done yesterday but lila has ballet tap class today she's so excited this is only her second week of class um but she's been loving being with her class of girls and her teacher and just having some fun social interaction finally so anyway a little bit of a busy day but let's get started with some breakfast i'm hungry she's eating some toast and fruit so i've already had one tumbler full of plain water this morning i do try and get about 100 ounces of water in a day that's my daily water goal sorry guys someone was done with breakfast so i had to mom life pause and get her all situated but now mommy's hungry and story of my life you're already done eating and i haven't even started cooking yet so we'll see how this goes all right guys i am going to get my breakfast rolling i also am going to mix up my lemon water with my probiotic prebiotic wellness powder but yeah we're just going to take you guys along with us as we eat today and share everything i do think i have a really fun activity slash dessert for us today lila loves to bake with me do you love to bake yeah so this one's not really baking i think we're gonna do some diy ice cream it's been kind of rainy gloomy out so we're gonna try and get some sunshine go play outside for a bit after breakfast and then i think we'll keep that activity for afterwards but we're gonna take you guys with as we make our own peanut butter banana chocolate chip nice cream and we'll have that for dessert tonight [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] so this is just water with some fresh lemon slices and then i mixed the water with a scoop of the teami gut love probiotic prebiotic wellness powder oh guys i've been loving having this in my daily routine and i love using this infuser bottle with lemon water in particular because you never get any seeds or pulp that surprise you and come through and it just makes such a nice refreshing drink and i just leave the lemons inside all day and refresh the water and ice as needed well now that it's like 11 o'clock let's figure out some breakfast this is gonna be a heavier breakfast i'm just gonna do a brunch meal instead of breakfast and lunch i'll probably do some sort of a snack later to make sure i'm spacing my calories and points out throughout the day that's also something that i work very hard at with my health journey is eating throughout the day and not just skimping by on water and coffee all morning and then having a massive meal at night that just doesn't work for me and my metabolism i try to space mine out throughout the day so we gotta get eating i'm gonna have a breakfast scramble today so some hash browns some peppers eggs salsa cheese just have that maybe a side of fruit and then i don't know yet about this afternoon i have a meal plan for dinners this week which is always good i've been struggling to just like sit down and plan everything out and be prepared the last couple weeks so hopefully i'm back on track with that it always makes my journey go smoother so i do have a plan for dinner and again i think we're gonna make that fun dessert with lila as an activity this afternoon so i just went in with a little spray of avocado oil and a cup of hash browns and then i'm also going in with a cup of this pepper and onion blend this is so great it's just a quick freezer easy to have on hand option i do like to meal prep at the beginning of the week i do prep a lot of like onions and peppers usually but again i've been a little bit off my meal prep game it's just i needed a break from having every meal of the evening planned out all the time it just i got worn down by it so i'm back on track though now but this was something i picked up the last couple weeks so nice to have peppers and onions that are ready to go and cook up so fast great for breakfast get some extra veggies in there without all the prep work and extra dishes and that is good by me all right i just seasoned it up a little bit salt pepper chili lime seasoning and garlic powder not a lot of salt guys i guess i do need a trader joe's run at some point this week i need more salt like i mentioned but also these are those eryta hash browns if you guys notice they get super soft when you cook them i don't know if i'm doing it wrong but they almost end up like mashed potatoes instead of shredded hash browns i don't know i really like the trader joe's version to be honest so hopefully i make it back there this week and i can restock on those items [Music] since i'm doing a combo brunch today i definitely have the points for some avocado oh that was a good one [Music] avocado i will weigh out though because i find it's more accurate you get way more avocado for your points on ww when you weigh it out versus going by like a half of an avocado so way it out [Music] just doing a couple over easy eggs i just did again a little sort of that spray avocado oil in the same pan that i had the hash browns in so it already has some flavor and i'll give them a super quick flip just to make sure the whites are cooked but i like my yolks ready two tablespoons of shredded cheddar cheese this is just full fat cheese because that's what i buy for my family i just count the points and honestly it helps me use up my 38 points a day because i do sometimes struggle to eat them all because i'm not a big snacker [Music] and here is breakfast hash browns and peppers two eggs two tablespoons of cheddar cheese two tablespoons of fresh salsa 65 grams of avocado 63 grams that's right around there and then three points worth and then some fresh cherries i love that it's fresh cherry season it's also fresh peach season here in georgia and i think we're going peach picking this weekend which is gonna be super fun you guys want the real secret to weight loss have a toddler and then you'll never eat warm food again my food's finally done lila asked me to make her scrambled eggs too i want to eat so while her eggs cook i'm gonna have standing breakfast at the island hopefully we'll see my eggs probably aren't running anymore they've been sitting so long on the warm hash browns that they've mostly cooked through oh there's a little well we'll take it it's really good either way well now that it's noon and i finally eaten and had some water in my probiotic and all that i need some coffee because i'm still tired even though i got to sleep in i almost feel more tired today because i slept in do you know what i mean and it probably doesn't help that it's nude and i haven't had any sort of caffeine yet my barista is ready to go let's go make some coffee you got i got an espresso oh some espressos yeah mommy mommy wants two i need a double shot today okay thank you two espresso two is great all right yeah so we're just gonna brew up some espresso and then i'm gonna let it cool in the fridge and make it into an iced latte can you help me one at a time okay lock it up great job now back up i can see that number two number two so today i'm just using the virtuo volt tesso pods they are a lighter roast they come in at a four if you guys are an espresso people i actually have heard that it's the lighter roast espressos and coffees have more caffeine in them because they're not roasted as long so i always found that very interesting because it's the dark stuff that tastes so bold but the lighter stuff is what has more caffeine hello i'm gonna let this cool and then we're gonna turn it into an iced latte keep an eye on that would you well our time playing outside was short-lived it got pretty gloomy pretty fast so we're supposed to get some rain this afternoon but we're back inside lyle's taking some quiet time because we're going to go get ready for dance pretty soon and i'm having my coffee finally keeping it pretty simple today so i just had those two shots of espresso that i threw some ice in i did two tablespoons of the chobani coffee creamer in sweet cream two tablespoons is two points and then i just topped it off with almond milk which will be one point so a three-point coffee it turns out so light on camera but it's because this coffee creamer which is my absolute favorite it's made with real cream real sugar so it does definitely turn the color of your coffee pretty light even with only measuring out two tablespoons but i love that it's real cream real sugar and still i feel like two tablespoons is plenty to sweeten coffee for me i do like sweeter coffee so this has been a great save because the sugar-free coffee creamers just don't sit right with my stomach a lot of the times same with the sugar-free syrups i have used them both in the past but i just feel like they don't work well for me personally and i feel like i always can taste that like sugar-free aftertaste so i do the two points for the two tablespoons with this one and i'm good i got my sweet coffee not too many points yum hey guys okay the day got away from us we did some playing and we watched a little movie and then lila went to dance class went to dance class she had belly tap today so now we just got home she's having a little snack and then we're gonna start making our fun dessert that we're gonna have tonight are you gonna help okay all right y'all and here is a little snack plate i'm gonna have this really quick before lila and i start our ice cream making and then we'll have dinner in a little while so i'm just gonna have something in between since i did a brunch today i have a lot of points left and knowing what we're doing for dinner i'm never going to make it to my points in calories if i don't try to space out something now so i'm having an apple and carrots those are with my zero points i have two old wisconsin turkey sticks i have 10 grams of cashews a original mini babybel cheese and 10 honey wheat pretzel twists so yep here's my little little snack i mean this comes in at a lot of points for a snack it's definitely a lunch meal replacement that's how i eat it so yep snacky snacky lunch plate charcuterie plate whatever you want to call it delicious okay guys so i'm getting started making our peanut butter chocolate chip nice cream and i've never made this before but i have seen the recipe a few times and i thought it'd be really fun to do with lila she however is a little bit grumpy post our crazy day in dance so she's getting changed she might join me for when we do her decorating as she calls it putting in the chocolate chips and peanut butter so i'm going to go ahead and get the base made and literally all you need is frozen bananas and i don't know about you guys but having a toddler around i'm buying bananas because there's weeks that she eats them and then there's weeks that she doesn't but i never know until after i buy them so sometimes we have bananas as they start getting over ripe i automatically will peel them and put them in a gallon freezer bag and i just keep adding to this bag um over the course of a couple weeks while we have overripe bananas and then i'm able to use them in bulk and either make muffins or banana bread or we're gonna try this banana nice cream now today so for today's recipe i'm gonna use four bananas most of the recipes i have found on pinterest are pretty general i will link the one i'm following down below but honestly guys if blend frozen bananas add mix-ins sometimes we add some almond milk to thin it out a bit so that's really it that's all it is um but i did find how cute are these little ice cream containers i found this one is a koji brand i think i found it on amazon i'll link it down below for you guys if i can find a link for it but it's the perfect shape container it is an ice cream container and it's a nice small size so i could just make a small batch of this to keep in the freezer we don't have a ton of it around it'll fit easily in my freezer with everything else i have stuffed in there right now but it's the perfect shape so you can use an ice cream scoop and actually scoop it out so this is what i'm going to be putting it in we're going to go ahead and get it made up in our container and then we freeze it for a few hours so that later tonight it'll be ready to have for dessert gonna tell us our ingredients we need what are these bananas frozen bananas and then we're gonna use a little bit of almond milk and we're only gonna add it a little at a time until we get the consistency that we want and then after we have the banana ice cream made hang on we're gonna put it into the container like a small layer of it put in some of the mix-ins another layer of it mixes and then we'll swirl them together so what's the first mixing you know these what are we putting in chocolate chips so i just have you can have one that's fine so these are just mini chocolate chips i measured out half a cup so before the whole recipe i'm hoping to get four servings out of this so i'm just going to add all the ingredients into a recipe in the my ww app and then divide it by four and that's how i'll get the number of points that we need obviously bananas are zero you're gonna have points for the mini chocolate chips and very minimal points for this we're using the pb fit powder today to make some peanut butter to swirl in and i'm gonna make it on the thicker side that's what's nice about using the pb fit i've started like practicing using this in some different recipes and it works really great as a peanut butter replacement it's way less points and you can also control the consistency so if we want something that's gonna be more of a peanut butter swirl in the ice cream we're just gonna make it a little thicker stop eating my chocolate chips we're not gonna make it after the ice cream so here is four bananas i just kind of ripped them into chunks so we're gonna put them in the blender you put one in apparently it's best if you have your bananas chopped into like slices and then frozen because it blends faster but honestly guys we're blending bananas there's not a lot of science involved in this okay so i have our bananas in here and i'm just gonna pulse these a few times before adding in a tablespoon at a time of some plain unsweet almond milk um we're just gonna do this again cooking with toddlers guys so many fingers okay and then we're gonna pulse okay so i went in with two tablespoons of almond milk lila hit the one see the number one the definitely needed more almond milk okay guys it's getting there added a little bit more almond milk and you guys know i don't play by the rules so we're adding a touch of vanilla that's good you have to mix it we're experimenting tell everybody we don't really know what we're doing we're just uh playing around having fun and hopefully it'll come out as ice now cream looking good look it that looks that looks like some soft serve ice cream doesn't it so we actually added some peanut butter powder right into our blender it gave it a really nice flavor of this banana peanut butter the banana on its own i mean some people if you really like banana it's good but to me it kind of just tasted like frozen over ripe banana so adding a little vanilla and a little peanut butter powder really helped i put about four tablespoons in there of the peanut butter powder and then this is an additional two tablespoons of the peanut butter powder with one tablespoon of water and we're just gonna like keep mixing until we get like a thick drizzle lila's mixing up our peanut butter drizzle it's looking good you don't want it too thick you want to be able to run a little bit so we can swirl it through smells like peanut butter but way less points and calories [Music] about halfway lila are you ready to do the chocolate chips [Music] and i can't help but smile do you know how much i love you you put my favorite [Music] okay number [Music] does look like ice cream [Music] this was fun did you like doing this is that a fun activity we could make all sorts of flavors we could do chocolate or whatever [Music] let it freeze for a couple hours so we're gonna check out how the ice cream did a little bit later tonight now i'm ready to start making my family dinner and tonight is pizza night i've shared these pizza bombs on my channel once before i will link the video in the icard above if you want step-by-step directions it's so easy basically you make two ingredient dough which is an equal part i do equal parts that's always worked out for me i know some people play with the ratios but i like to do equal parts that's what's worked best for me of self-rising flour and plain non-fat greek yogurt so for tonight i'm going to mix up one cup and one cup to make my dough i'm gonna separate that dough ball into eight equal pieces and then each of those pieces is going to get stuffed with a little bit of cheese and a little bit of turkey pepperoni i'll leave a few just plain cheese for my daughter and then we're putting them in the air fryer and they cook for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees they get crispy and crunchy on the outside and when you pull them apart a best cheese pull ever so delicious and then what we do is we dip them in some zero point marinara sauce and then we will do a big salad on the side so that's our little twist on pizza night i'm gonna whip these up and i'll share them with you guys when we're [Music] try to find done again but life is one big riddle of the future and what's been cause it's the way it goes and i will [Music] look to the left look to the right nothing can stop me in the night like i am leaving all the bad stuff and trying to remain so strong i know it's good if i'm on it [Music] times [Music] and i actually made a double batch i made a double bag because these i'm going to let cool fully and then i'm going to put them in the freezer and you can reheat them and it's an easy fast lunch or dinner prep one batch is usually the perfect amount for my family of three lyla normally has two and josh and i each normally have three [Music] okay guys here's dinner we have a couple pizza bombs a nice big green salad with veg and two tablespoons of the bolt house farms classic ranch love this dressing and then this is just some zero point marinara it's like tomato sauce from a can and i just add seasonings to it so there you go that's dinner [Music] well hub's going off to bed i am shamelessly watching gossip girl for like the 20th time over while i'm editing this video so i can get it out for you guys hopefully tomorrow and yeah so i hope you enjoyed it following along by what i eat in a day on the wwe blue plan and counting calories for calorie deficit i ended up a little bit under tonight which is something i'm trying to work against i'm trying to meet my points and calories every day because i've noticed that's how i'm getting through the plateau that i've had recently however me sleeping in kind of had a trickle-down effect of the rest of the day i honestly can't eat another bite i don't want to eat so i'm not going to eat you know that's like part of learning a new relationship with food if you're not hungry don't eat if you are hungry do eat so i'm not going to push myself to eat it tonight i just didn't have enough hours in the day i you know got going probably three or four hours later than i normally do i'd meet breakfast until after 10. normally i'm eating with lila around seven so everything was just pushed back so i have a few points few calories left over for the day but it is what it is we'll move on and tomorrow will be another day anyway thanks so much for joining me please make sure you hit the like button if you want to see more what i eat in a day content and until next time [Music]
Channel: Lauren Jansen
Views: 9,339
Rating: 4.9725556 out of 5
Keywords: weight watchers, weight watchers blue plan, weight watchers recipes, ww, ww blue plan, ww blue plan what i eat in a day, ww blue plan recipes, what i eat in a day to lose weight, ww what i eat in a day, ww what i eat in a day blue, what i eat calorie deficit, what i eat calorie counting, ww pizza with 2 ingredient dough, ww pizza, ww ice cream, nice cream recipe, weight loss journey, ww weight loss, ww weight loss journey, ww weight loss transformation, 75 lb weight loss
Id: kk473RRaBBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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