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[Music] in the right place to move hey guys welcome to the channel i'm making breakfast today for me and amanda and i'm making some uh turkey bacon eggs and that's it i have this new applegate uncured turkey bacon i haven't had this bacon yet amanda has and she said that's pretty good we're just kind of having a chill day we're probably gonna make a run over to best buy because we need to get a tripod i've been saying that it's the goldilocks tripod because we have one that's small and one that's big and we need one that's in the middle just right you know so um i i always try to find an excuse to go to best buy though i so to go look at the you know computer stuff and video game stuff stuff that i like but you know we need a tripod i'm gonna make this breakfast and then we'll come back when it's ready all right so our breakfast is done now we got our eggs and bacon and we are ready to eat got my coffee i'm using the cinnamon swirled nut pods which are so good this one's almond oat milk um cinnamon swirled nut pots i'll leave a link down below i got them off amazon they're really good if you don't like your coffee too sweet they're extremely low in calories um cinnamon's roll is my favorite so good yeah i tasted it i tasted her coffee and i like it it's pretty good yeah thanks for making breakfast you're welcome baby i was telling joy i just can't lift a finger in the kitchen today you know i was also telling him like i feel like a lot of you guys will probably relate to this but when you cook so much and meal prep so much and you're constantly feeling like you're cooking for yourself or your family or whatever the case may be i feel like there comes a point where you're just like you can't cook anymore so that's when you like fight into those temptations of like let's just go to fast food or let's just pick up like a breakfast that's not really nutritious and it's not going to keep me full i was telling joey that's when you need to like ask your partner to like or whatever get up off your bum you gotta yeah you gotta help me out it's just sometimes you need like a little break nah she's just cooking all the time so all the time it's understandable that you know yeah every now and then you just want a day to not be cooking yeah and if you don't have anyone to cook for you like even just like if you know you feel it coming like the stress of cooking you know days before it happens usually at least i do making like overnight oats you know making like egg whites to go wraps or something just getting it done one day so that you don't have to worry about cooking you know in the mornings or anything yeah it's so nice some meal prepping or something like that but today i got lucky and joey made breakfast for us which i'm really happy about and eggs are really good which is funny because when we first started dating oh my gosh i did all the cooking i didn't ever want her to cook um he didn't even know i was a good cook i had no clue i kept it in the pocket yeah i know like we even got married i think we were even married before i knew she was such a good cook see joey loves to cook that's the thing and back in the day he would cook me food all the time and we usually i'd sleep over at his house so i didn't feel comfortable cooking in their kitchen you know that's why he never really knew yeah but also joey loved to barbecue me things all the time literally he would cook chicken and steak and shrimp and alligator tail and what was your favorite thing i made the alligator tail crispy alligator tail we dipped it in like ranch um i don't know if you made your own ranch or if we just used i don't know i feel like you did make your own ranch because your family doesn't ever eat ranch in the fridge i think you made your own we also ate out a lot when we first started dating like a lot a lot salem's chicken wings baby and then when we moved in together i was working full time and i and so is he and i feel like we just ate like microwavable stuff a lot well our first apartment when i was work i was like working overnight but i'd be off at like 6 a.m and i'd come home and wake her up for work and get her ready and make her breakfast to go oh i know what you know me what i remember the egg um omelette burrito burrito yeah i used to make her breakfast burritos like every day i really like i didn't really know that she was able to just like because she can just like throw stuff together it's crazy like she comes up with stuff that i've been like i would have never put that stuff together or i'll look in our refrigerator and be like man we don't have nothing to eat like yeah we do well yeah we do i'll make this bam and it's good i are we had to situate our camera but we used when joey used to cook a lot was also when we used to drink and we'd always get like really fancy ipas and stuff and then like buy a ton of like cool food to make and we'd be drinking and smoking cigarettes and cooking on the grill sauce yeah saw he was like soft stuff always sauce and stuff up so i think it was just like our lifestyle yeah then things are different now yeah it was definitely like my thing to do was drink some beers and and cook out on the grill or whatever so i'd just be sitting there chain smoking and it's just like we're such different yeah yeah i feel like if you guys would have known us and seen us when we at that time of our life you'd be like who the heck are these people it's just crazy how like i don't know your demeanor and your personality changes so much with like when you drink a lot heavily like we weren't casual drinkers we were like yeah i drank i've talked about it before like five six days a week a lot i mean we would drink yeah and i would drink like a 12 pack you know at a time or more i feel like our personalities were a lot different we had no motivation for anything besides getting drunk yeah like i did not have any goals or man so we highly recommend a.a and i was a loser you see that face she made is life so much better now though than them yeah honestly she helped me through a lot of my struggles with that kind of stuff i'm very thankful yeah did you see that this bacon just not this oh it's popping out they don't want to be eaten we got a dog we got a dog they've seen our dog we got a dog humor today oh yeah because we didn't really leave them that long so we we haven't really considered getting the dog camera until like recently our air conditioner went out no our air conditioner didn't go out no park electricity went out sorry yes so everybody was out power for like five hours and i couldn't imagine that freaking out in the middle of the day so we got that i'm really happy we got that but i also feel like we're going to be glued to our phones 24 7. i don't know staring at them wondering what they're doing checking in do you guys like these bubblies by the way yeah leave a comment if you like these i don't really love them like i always buy them and i think i'm gonna like them she is that not me she always gets these sparkling i try so hard but uh doing this diet i uh whole 30. oh yeah yeah i'm doing a whole 30. we're doing whole 30. we're getting it i'm doing it with him but i'm still tracking yeah we're doing whole thirty she's still tracking yeah you know and i'm staying within my point so much because most of the things on oh sorry one of the things on whole 30 or zero bites that i'm eating so really my points are only coming from oil and dressings and i'm making my own dressings and i'm only using a little bit of oil and you don't need to be scared of oil because unless you're using like two tablespoons worth of oil then maybe but like we're not using two tablespoons for a portion of my meal yeah for like yeah but i knew that he would like it i just wanted to do something together and just try something different from my normal way of eating and see how i feel when i did the keto i felt really good um i really enjoyed it but it was very difficult because it's like no almost no carbs at all the only carbs you can have are net carbs so like you can have carbs if it has fiber but it can't be over like 15 grams a day and i always eat heavy carbs when you're on keto so it's like temptation so i feel like it's that's the it's good all right let's get this dishes in the sink and then we're gonna go to best buy i'll show you guys the tripod we're gonna get i want to get my nails done so bad [Music] but i guess i'm not going to get them done today yeah oh yeah they look like crap trying to put me on the spot i really want to go get my nails done it's driving me nuts look fine to me baby of course they do you don't want me to spend 30 bucks spy because yeah when i go to best buy you literally i want one thing i'm in and out and you want to walk down every aisle yeah there's a lot so a lot of things to look at i was saying he could go hang out in best buy well i get my nails filled because it takes less time when you get them refilled it doesn't take that long we'll see what happens all right you guys i am making me and joey a smoothie to go i have my blender out i'm going to show you guys everything that i like to put into my smoothie for us we've been making these smoothies literally pretty much almost every day since we've been on whole30 especially for like on the go because we don't want to eat out and they keep us nice and full right we're running errands i'm going to show you guys everything that i use but you could definitely alter this a little bit like this has mct oil but if you're you know don't want to buy mct oil or want to avoid oil for any reason in particular you don't have to do the mc2i mct oil you could do anything else like coconut oil no oil avocado for a healthy fat things like that and then i'm using chia seeds and flax and hemp seeds again if you don't want to use that if you don't have it not your thing you don't have to use that um this is just for an idea and this is what we use so i'm gonna show you guys that and i'm making this is for two servings by the way this is for two people so the measurements i give you and this smoothie is gonna serve me and joey so just keep that in mind [Music] there's nothing worse than a warm smoothie in my opinion [Music] okay here's spinach you can use kale or spinach whatever you want finish this up all right one whole banana and throw in a few strawberries two scoops of vanilla protein powder this one's really good i love ollie brand so much i think they have amazing protein powder i'm going to do two really big scoops of that because we're going to be traveling out i want to be nice and full so two big scoops all right now for the fun extra stuff we're gonna do some chia seeds [Music] we're gonna do two teaspoons we're gonna add flaxseed and hemp seeds two teaspoons [Music] the flax seeds are on the bottom the hemp seeds are on top so i have to like do it that way and then we're going to add some mct oil we're just going to do one whole [Music] tablespoon [Music] and then we're gonna add some coconut milk unsweetened we're gonna do about a half a cup or i'm sorry a whole cup half a cup each so hard to get this lit there you go these are our little to go cups [Music] and i just split that between us two all right we are about to leave this is the camera this is the net v-u-e net voo so we're able to obviously view them on our phone and then it has the speak option so you can speak through it um so yeah we're gonna test that out while we're out we already tested it like we walked outside and stuff and we were able to see them and it moves around like 180 so we're gonna go out for a little while just a little bit but we'll be able to check on them and stuff so i'm really happy that we have that and you're able to do it all from your phone do you like this one or the i think i like these and look at these little plates they're so pretty [Music] those glasses are kind of small though yeah that's why i got one of those just this one i really like the shape of this though [Music] so we'll be home in 40 minutes brixie see you soon i want to see if brooks comes out i felt bad i don't honestly like the speaker poor portion of it because then i feel like is it stressing her out no oh she looks so cute all right you guys we just got home turn a light on um we went to target just to get a few things for dinner tonight we're gonna make pulled barbecue chicken salads we we're gonna get barbecue chicken from a barbecue place but we ended up wanting to just make our own um we're gonna just get like smoked chicken and then do our own barbecue sauce so we didn't want to stop off again so we just got this pulled chicken um and this is what we're gonna use just shredded rotisserie chicken and then we got the primal kitchen barbecue sauce we decided to go with getting both because i like classic and joey likes the golden one he loves like golden barbecue sauce so we got both of them hopefully they're good hopefully we like them because we bought both um so we use that for like the dressing of the chicken and then we got some lettuce obviously for tonight i got some more spinach because i went out you guys saw that when i made my smoothie so i got more spinach i got some baby bella mushrooms because i've been going through mushrooms like crazy i got a spaghetti squash to make some pasta i want to do like a pesto ground turkey pasta um and i got the basil pesto sauce to go with it and this is a very simple pop pesto sauce doesn't have like a lot of ingredients which i like um so i got that and then we got this is whole30 this is the casho cashew nacho cheese it is like everything in here is whole30 approved um which is nice and it's super low in calories you can have two tablespoons for 35 calories i've had the white queso and it's super good but this one's the nacho one so i'm hoping this is good as well i'm excited to try that and then i got some cucumbers to dip it with and some carrots to dip it with and we're gonna have some potatoes tonight because we have some like we barely ate that much today because we just weren't that hungry but now we are hungry so we're gonna have some potatoes i'm really excited to have a baked potato and then we got some granny smith apples we like cold cold apples so we put them in the fridge and then we'll dip that with almond butter and then we went to the world market world market cost plus i didn't even know that we had one near us i don't know why i didn't realize that but we went there today once we saw that they had one and i wanted to get some new stuff for like food photography um so i got a lot of cute things i got this little place mat so when i take like my food photos i don't really like my counter the like granite looking counter with lots of speckles in them i feel like it's a little distracting i like a solid background so this will come in handy for that i think it looks really pretty and then i love to get these little napkins like little napkin sets um to go and with the photos as well and i am working on my ebook so i have to take like my own photos for my ebook so i got some stuff for that little sneak peek this is like the color theme of the ebook actually um which i am working on slowly but surely these were only 1.99 and then we got a cute little fork i should have got more but we just don't have lots of room and i really just wanted it for again like the food photos obviously i'm going to use it but i just thought this was so cool such a cool design um maybe i'll go back and get more because i do really like that and then joey randomly picked this out he's like i love this spoon he actually is really picky with his spoons just like my dad they like small short spoons like this it's so weird both of them are the same way he's like i like the spoon so we picked that out weirdo and then we got some plates i got just a basic little gray it's like a gray tan plate i got a little one which i usually always use little plates but i got a big one as well so you can see the size difference so i got two plates i got this big candle this is um milk and honey scented candle and it is so big and heavy and i just love how it looks too i thought it was really pretty it was only 17.99 and it smells so good so we're gonna light this up today so the house smells nice while we eat dinner and then i always usually get like one of everything or two at most because we just don't have a lot of room but i did recently go i dropped a lot of stuff at salvation army recently and i needed new bowls and i got like rid of like the plastic ones um you guys know i love my bowls if you watch my videos i love bowls but i got two of these i thought these were so unique they kind of remind me of like a dog bowl how cute are these these were only 6.99 and they were 30 off how cute i love the shape of them and then i got this random little plate because i just could not pass it up i thought it was gorgeous for like a snack platter it was 6.99 but look how gorgeous and it has a gold rim and i just think that yellow is just beautiful i really like this plate i wish that they had more but they only had one if they had two i probably would have honestly gotten two because i liked it that much and then i got one random little cup for iced coffee like or matcha i just thought this was cute it has like silver little designs and i don't know i just thought that was a really cute cup they had a gold one which usually i go for gold but it was like a little bit tacky gold um so i went with the silver and i thought that would look kind of different in some of my photos because i always do gold and then last but not least i got some shea butter i need some new shea butter because i go through shea butter so fast because i'm so dry i have really dry skin but i got the shea butter and coconut scent and this was only 9.99 for this humongous um tub of shea butter i mean that is really good i feel like for 9.99 and it's like glass so amber glass so i can reuse this little glass jar i love when i get amber gloss because i always reuse it and save it for like fermented foods or like pickled onions or pickled carrots it'll have like a pretty glass and just take the sticker off oh it smells really good i was gonna put it to the camera like you guys could smell okay you never know maybe in like 20 30 you'll be able to smell through the camera how cool would that be it smells really good so hopefully i like that usually i'm not too too picky and that is everything that we got from the world markets and targets now i'm going to put it all away and then we're going to get started on dinner which is honestly going to not take that long at all which i'm really excited about the longest thing is going to be the potatoes so for the baked potatoes i microwaved them first to prep them i wash them and then i poke the holes microwave them for like five minutes each potato so 10 minutes total and it gets them so soft and that is the best way to make baked potato and then i add a little bit of avocado oil to the top and then some himalayan sea salt to the top so it has that like salt punch on the outside and then i think i'm gonna air fry them usually i would bake them but i think i'm gonna pop them in the airfryer and cook them in the airfryer for maybe like 20 minutes after the microwave and stuff and with the oil and the salt and things on top so that sounds really good and then i'll show you guys the toppings and the salad and stuff i'm really hungry why have i been thought to say just recording all right here is our salads this is joey's and we split a baked potato that i popped in the airfryer oh my gosh that's the best idea because it gets super crispy there's my salad and then my little baked half of the potato so this is dinner it looks fabulous we're gonna go ahead and eat this delicious meal i just made my homemade ranch which is just primal kitchen mayo and ranch with a little bit of unsweetened almond milk and then drizzled the barbecue sauce on top i'm going to give the dogs a frosty paw for their treat got my new candle going so the house smells good did the dishes so the kitchen's clean for tomorrow um we love to give the dogs these this is just the peanut butter one do you guys love it here sit sit no no no you guys are so excited oh i love when he picks it up it's so cute [Music] we both are kind of tired and we have to go to his moms tomorrow for dinner so we're going to get a good night's sleep but that's everything we ate today today was kind of a busy like running around day so we didn't eat a lot and not every day is like that and usually when we're at home we eat a lot more i think that's typical when you're at home you eat a little bit more than compared to when you're running around doing errands but yeah satisfied we had a nice big dinner um because we had quite a bit of calories left for the day yeah that's everything me and joey eat you're just gonna stay down there our dinner was good yeah it was good if you guys have any other videos you want to see me and joey do let us know we are so open to doing more videos together it's so much fun doing videos with him um obviously i'm gonna always still do my own thing but it is nice to incorporate joey a little bit because i feel like when other couples watch another couple like trying to be well together and like on a weight loss journey together it motivates other people who are watching it like with their partner so and i enjoy being in it yeah and i don't see very much of videos like that where like it's both of them trying like a couple trying to lose weight so i think that's really cool all right guys that is it for this video give this video a thumbs up subscribe leave a comment and we're gonna get to bed this one he's his bedtime yeah you're like falling asleep he's still a little sunburned too not too bad from the beach just a little bit a little bit yeah but thanks for watching we'll see you guys in my next one bye guys
Channel: Amanda Lewis
Views: 16,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What we in a day for weight loss, What I eat in a day for weight loss, What I eat in a day couples edition, What we eat in a day couples edition, What we eat in a day for weight loss, What we eat in a day on whole 30, What I eat in a day on whole 30, Whole 30
Id: wR2-UrRURrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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