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[Music] [Music] good morning friends welcome back to my channel and another full day of eating really is right here with me making her waffle this morning but i'm getting ready to make some coffee i just got myself ready for the day it is eight o'clock so millie woke up as i was finishing up get myself ready everybody else is still asleep i got a 45 minute ride on my bike this morning man i feel really good i always feel so good when i'm able to get a workout and get ready before most of the kids wake up in the morning so i'm gonna make my coffee this morning um i can't remember did i make it this way in my last what i eat in a day or just in a regular vlog i think in a regular vlog anyways i'm gonna show y'all my favorite way to make my coffee which if you saw that video you've already seen it but we're gonna make coffee can i make my coffee you eating a waffle you want your waffle first okay all right if you guys are new here i'm haley i follow the weight watchers blue plan i'm going to start making my coffee and they okay these are color changer cups when they get cold they change a different color right here pick these up at walmart like five dollars for a four pack and they are so perfect for coffee um you know i feel like the white watchers blue plan i get 41 points a day because i am breastfeeding my two-month-old he is two months old today i'm gonna put a little bit of this caramel syrup just in the just a tiny bit in here i don't always do this just kind of in the rim just a little bit like that you need your drink lily's eating her waffle now all right and then i'm going to take my vanilla caramel cream um skinny syrup and i'm gonna put two pumps literally all you need it's pretty sweet but only that but this just gives it so much sweetness already from the oat milk and so much creaminess so you just don't need that a bunch of extra sweetness so the planet oat extra creamy it is the best to go in coffee so good um so i'm gonna pour it i'll show y'all where i pour it about oh right there about a cup give or take a little um so that is what i'm gonna put in there and then i'm gonna take a bianco legaro let's see if you can see bianca legaro they are the 2.7 ounce uh double espresso i love a douglas for seven in the morning and this is like the only coffee i drink during the day just to help uh calen's tummy not get too much caffeine in my breast milk anyway so i'm gonna breathe out i think rin just woke up this is my motivation for working out in the morning i look forward to coffee so much and i know like all right just give a workout in let me get ready for the day and then i like to make my coffee once i'm ready so i don't count for my coffee so i'm still at 41 points i have a grocery order i got to go get this morning i'm out of so many things for myself um so i went ahead and did our weekly grocery haul today which i typically do on like monday or tuesdays um so i do have to go get a grocery order and i've got some new things um for the day to try i was trying to think of last night what's some different things because i want i've been like wanting something different for my typical wrap for lunch and trying to think of another easy breakfast to do um so i do have a grocery order that i need to go get i've got some snack things on there ren's waffle just popped up so anyways we'll have to get our groceries soon i'm gonna drink my coffee and then we will do breakfast after i get back all right calen it's down i just got back from the grocery store and put most of my stuff up i'm gonna attempt because i don't think he's completely asleep there is a deer in my side yard walking through my neighbor's yard we see deer here all the time i just saw it as i started started up talking anyways um i'm gonna attempt a very quick breakfast i don't think he's completely asleep as we were walking out he kind of opened it up anyways i've never tried these uh bagel thins the everything bagel thins i love making my two ingredient dough bagels which i haven't done in a while but those are the best breakfast sandwiches with the two ingredient dough everything bagels um but these seemed really easy and they are three points each so i'm gonna attempt or i'm gonna try out a breakfast sandwich with these and hopefully i like it because i love a breakfast sandwich in the morning so i'm gonna make uh start making that with some turkey sausage uh some egg and i think i will put some cheese on it as well all right i'm gonna cook up first of all a turkey sausage i tried to get my easy bacon microwave bacon already cooked but they were out of it so i decided to do turkey sausage these are one point a piece so i'm just gonna do one of them and i'm gonna put um one or two i'm just gonna do one um and i'm gonna cook these up in the pan and get all my nice and warm [Music] and that's done i've got plenty of room to cook my egg real quick so i'll try to do this together like i said these are three points a apiece 110 calories so not bad um i don't know if i've ever tried the bagel fans in the past but when i saw that they had everything one the everything seasoning seriously makes a breakfast sandwich taste so much better i'm going to spray it a little bit and toast it up just a little bit and toast it in my toaster all right and cook my eggs since my pans hot y'all see my pan my mess not totally my fault i messed it up i left the burner on for probably five minutes after my food got done cooking i tried to food out of the pan and it put my belly and it just messed my hand up i mean it still is fine it just looks bad so i guess i shouldn't say it messed it up it just looks bad on the bottom but it still works perfectly fine all right so everything's done while everything's hot i'm gonna put it on here so that way my cheese can melt so i've got oh the egg looks so perfect and then i've got my turkey sausage and then i've got a piece of cheese this is the velveeta slices these are 1.87 each i think so i'm gonna go ahead and put that on there so the cheese can melt and i'm gonna let that melt and that looks it smells really good that looks like a really good breakfast sandwich all right i love the cheese melt it is delicious so i'm really excited i found these bagel fans for the like the easiest breakfast it's super good it's five points for the whole thing all right breakfast sandwich delicious highly recommend trying that super easy as well i'm getting ready to take my fiber and collagen for the day so i do want to thank belleway for sponsoring today's video if y'all never heard of bellway they make a collagen super fiber and collagen they also make regular fiber as well and this is made with psyllium husk which it's a fiber that don't you don't you take and you don't just run to the bathroom it's a gentle fiber to take this helps you stay regular with like without making you run to the bathroom every time and there like 30 of people deal with bloating i know i do and i've never been regular so i really like the fiber and collagen because it helps my skin stay clear and just look better so in the collagen and fiber one the benefits are a happy gut less bloating if you feel fuller stronger hair and nails collagen uh youthful appearance and skin elasticity which this has hyaluronic acid in it and i actually use one of my kids just slam the door i actually used uh hot use hyaluronic acid every day on my face for my dry skin and this can help with things like that so the bellway beauty is zero sugar it's all natural organic i really think this helps me stay less bloated which this also helps uh in weight loss as well which i'm trying to do obviously just had a baby but i am gonna go ahead and take mine i do have a good discount code if you guys want to try the beltway fiber i also have the regular fiber this one is the matcha lemon i also have lemon lime in the regular fiber and fruit and then the mixed berry and raspberry lemon so if you guys are interested they have different flavors to try i have a discount code haley20 that will get you 20 off your first order i've got my water here just pour a scoop or you can do up to three times a day it's really not a bad taste like compared to other fiber supplements anyway so if you graduate i said i will definitely have the links below for that now i'm gonna take my kiddos outside and we actually i need to go ahead and cook my first part of or cook what i need to do with my lunches i'm actually gonna meal prep something that i'm gonna have all week for my lunches and maybe dinner sometimes um i might go ahead and do that real quick before we head outside and try to do it while the baby's napping all right we are going to make beef and bean taco meat from the skinish dish i will leave the link below to the actual recipe but i feel like you can just do so much with this my egg from this morning i feel like you can do a lot with this so i will show y'all what i'm going to do for lunch today here in a bit but i want to go ahead and cook this up while i have the time to do it so i'm going to do a pound of 93 lean ground beef because um they didn't have the 96 that i typically used so i'm gonna do the 93 then i'm gonna go ahead and rinse these some black beans all right black beans are drained and rinsed we're throwing these in with the meat with some salt and then i'm going to break this up and let this cook this sounds really good it's got good reviews so um we're gonna try it all right i had to grab the babe he woke up so we're gonna do this a super easy way she has a recipe like in the ingredients how to do homemade taco seasoning however we're just going to do some pre-packaged taco seasoning to make it easier we're going to sprinkle that and let that cook for a couple minutes all right we're going to take eight ounces of tomato sauce we're gonna be quick with this the struggle of working from home with four kids and then a half oh a half a cup of water all right we're gonna let this cook up and let it simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes and get those flavors kind of just mixed really well all right we're going to let that cook up i hope this is good because i don't love the smell of it but i hope that it's good either way it is truly like a it is truly a struggle working from home with four kids and trying i have deadlines that i have to meet we go on vacation in a couple weeks and i have several deadlines and i'm not really sure how i'm gonna do it unless i just ask for help it's tough um so anyways hopefully he'll calm down right here and then i'm gonna let that cook up and then i'll show y'all what i'm gonna do with it a little bit later we are going to go ahead and do some lunch this is what the this is a half a cup for two points i'm gonna count as two points that's what it says i don't really know the ground beef cheese i'm just gonna count as two maybe three i'll count as three points um but we're gonna this is a half a cup of it and then um i'm gonna make some nachos out of it this sounds delicious i've got some chips we're gonna use cantina chips i've gotta scan everything and see how much i can have for like not a ton of points i know this is low end points the salsa con queso cheese dip y'all remember i used to make cheese fries with this all the time and then light sour cream and we're gonna do some of these velveeta shreds and i think i've got some shredded lettuce that i think i might do that is still good so if it's so good i think i'm gonna go ahead and do that as well yes it should still be good it's a little brown but it should still be fun all right i'm just gonna weigh everything out one serving of these is five points which is about 15 chips so i'm gonna it's 28 grams i've got my i've got this lean on my food so i'm just gonna put 28 grams worth of chips on here and spread them out okay then i'm going to take my mixture go ahead and put that on there all right and then i'm going to take just a little bit of this i'm not even going to do a point worth that we don't have to count it just a little bit all right then i'm gonna take i think i'm going to heat this up maybe actually what i'll do is go ahead and put it on there and then heat it up in the microwave for a few seconds all right i lied i went ahead and heated it i'm going to do 30 grams of this which equals a one point oh let me zero it out cream trick put it in a bag and put a hole in it it's easy to spread because sour cream you can't like spread it two tablespoons for one point using the daisy sour cream this is probably kind of higher end points but i do get a lot of points a day so it's fine if i eat like a hardpoint lunch but you could totally um i'm sure you cut down the points by number one either using the ground turkey that's zero points because they make one i just realized my shirt's unbuttoned and then um also they make they make baked tortilla chips which my walmart doesn't have so you can definitely cut down the points by that but um five six seven eight nine ten okay so this is only ten points so not too bad for some nachos there's like a nat in here something so ten points five for the chips one for the sour cream three for the bean dip bean and uh beef dip and one for the uh nacho cheese the salsa con queso so not too bad so i'm gonna go try and i will definitely let y'all know what i think but they look really good and it's a pretty good sized plate update it was actually really good the uh beef and beans dip whatever it's called it was actually really good i'm gonna try it tomorrow for less points in a wrap like a burrito type taco burrito type thing with my um low carb wraps my low carb tortillas i'm gonna do the same thing today except just without the chips i'll do the uh the beef the beef and beans and then i'll do the cheese and sour cream and lettuce and i think it'll be really good on the wrap so definitely recommend it i think you can do a lot with it so my kids are laying down for or doing quiet time slash nap time and i'm gonna at least try to have a few minutes of quiet time until i need to clean because this kitchen is a wreck so while during my quiet time i'm gonna have some of this skinny pop white cheddar popcorn i'm gonna do um three points worth of this and go have some quiet time myself so that's gonna be my snack i think i have um 23 points left for the day okay do y'all ever have like days where you just want to snack and snack and sack that's kind of how i feel today but we're gonna have a really low point dinner so i don't need to save a ton of points for the rest of the day so i'm having a snacky plate a lot of times i actually do this for lunch this would a lot of have to do my lunch but today i'm going to do a snack so for my snacky plate i've got some strawberries that look delicious that we got on our grocery order today i've got a laughing cow cheese wedge some turkey pepperoni some pretzel crisp and a light string cheese so this is a seven point snack and it just sounded really good i'm just feeling super sacky today all right i'm gonna start supper it is it takes about an hour and it's like 5 30. so we are going to be making chicken and rice which is actually one of my favorite meals i have never made this one this is super super simple off of the skinniest dish another one of our recipes i feel like i keep cooking her recipes over and over like trying different ones um but i've made very similar ones in the past i grew up eating like chicken and rice and i believe this one's on her website it's called mom's chicken and rice my mom used to make this all the time growing up and it has always been one of my favorites and she made it just a little bit differently but i'm going to use her recipe just because it's so simple and it's got all the ingredients like measured out i never like measured mine when i made it in the past but it's basically just chicken we're gonna do some long grain rice cream of chicken soup and this uh lipton onion mix and some water and i think that's about it all right so i have one and a half pounds of chicken breast that i am going to cut and we'll cut the that part off um refrigerator um i'm gonna cut up in like small bite-sized pieces probably like probably like that and then i have a big bowl here that everything's gonna be mixed in so i'm gonna go ahead and try all this up and then mix everything together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this is dinner it is four points for a heaping cup and the green beans are zero of course so i'm getting ready to try it looks really good dinner was delicious it was four points for a really good serving my family didn't love it which they normally don't love chicken and rice i expected the girls not to really eat it but ethan ethan doesn't love chicken and rice either way even when i'm made in the past but it's one of my favorite meals i love rice um but i had plenty of leftovers so i made a four-point lunch for a couple days this week i know i have other things that are what i cooked earlier for lunch that i could do as well but went ahead and got this um for lunch but it was delicious i have i think 12 points left for the day it was only four points for that big serving and i really enjoyed it it was a really good meal so i definitely highly recommend it if you like stuff like this so after that to meal i actually have 12 points left for the day i'm gonna eat a yes i bar which is what i eat pretty much every single night i love the mint chocolate chip ones so i'm actually gonna eat that for five points and that's gonna end my night so i hope you guys enjoyed this what i eat in a day definitely check out belleway below if you guys are interested in the fiber and i will see you guys soon in another video bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: HomeWithHailey
Views: 11,674
Rating: 4.897891 out of 5
Keywords: what I eat in a day, full day of eating, what I eat in a day ww, what I eat in a day weight watcher, ww, weight watchers, full day of eating ww, full day of eating weight watchers, what I eat in a day to lose weight, weight loss meals, easy meal ideas, easy meal ideas to lose weight, quick and easy meal ideas
Id: JfprrWvwWH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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