What I Eat in a Day **plus** 3 new cookbooks - Easy Weight Loss Meals for Starch Solution.

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foreign [Music] welcome back to another episode of plant-based ads I'm Joey I would like to take a minute to thank our supporters for sticking with us all this time and for our patreon and PayPal supporters patreon and PayPal is a way of supporting the show financially helping us to get the plant-based message out to the public if you've ever seen the show or if you're in the Facebook group and thought how can I help happen to be part of this that's how you can help you could people you can become a patreon or PayPal supporter we could really use your help there's a link below on how to do both of those uh join the team we'll be happy to add you on all right so I'm going to start off the day with breakfast uh I think I'm gonna have polenta today and I'll show you how I make that it's really simple it's right out of a you know it's just right out of the bag uh you just add some water to it so but I'll show you how I do it I really love polenta I'm Italian uh I you know I I grew up on that and it's just simple but it fills me up so let's get to breakfast so polenta is really simple I'm just using this Bob's Red Mill organic polenta come from the bag I get it at Sprouts and the directions on there are pretty simple I'm just going to follow the directions so I'm going to start with three cups of water I'm using water from the filter here I'm gonna get that in there I'm just going to get the heat on here and bring that to a boil and once the water comes to a boil I'm just going to turn the heat down to low until it stops boiling and then I'm going to start adding my uh my mixings in first I'm putting in one cup of the dried polenta I'm just going to whisk it in I don't want it to clump oh it's looking good there we go you're basically just letting this simmer for five minutes and then shutting the heat off it says to stir occasionally but I kind of just stir it a lot because I definitely don't want it to stick and the pan right now is still very hot so it could burn and over the next five minutes the polenta will start absorbing all that water and it'll get a lot thicker when it gets to this phase after about two minutes where you're starting to see the water like get absorbed I start adding the rest of my stuff so I've got this uh Costco no salt seasoning and I'm gonna add about a tablespoon of that maybe two tablespoons I really like the taste of the stuff it's got a lot of Italian spices in it which I love I'm just gonna whisk all that and get it all mixed in I've also got about a quarter of a cup of nutritional yeast it's really starting to get thick here it's getting tougher and tougher to whisk that's a switch to the spoon at some point I also like to sprinkle some black pepper in here I want to keep it mixing because if not it's going to start spitting at me it'll just spit this hot uh polenta right on me and you can see it's really thickened up a lot so I'm going to shut the heat off here and I'm going to put in a half a cup of plant milk just to kind of get it creamy I'm gonna make sure that it all gets mixed in here that's all Incorporated and now the heat's off there we go all right it's looking good now I'm just going to put the cover on it for five minutes and let it sit and you can see here it looks nice and creamy look at all that doesn't that look amazing oh yeah I can't wait to try this all right let's get this in a bowl and start eating all right how good does that look I've got the the beautiful polenta there with those sweet apples those amazing watery pears I can't wait to eat all this like this is gonna be delicious um holy smoke so good oh man I Love Pears the pears are kind of ready to eat like they're really right I apples are always a favorite of mine the pink lady ones are nice and soft too all right let's have some of this planta and look how good that looks you've got that beautiful yellow corn color there right uh just amazing uh the fullness the robustness I can't wait to dig into this and give it a try oh man absolutely delicious well that really does it for me I mean I know it's just corn but I'm all about it so good oh wow all right that's breakfast really simple bag of Helena a few pieces of fruit I had in the fridge didn't take long now I need to get upstairs and get showered so I can start my day I've never done this before everybody literally threw up the equipment came downstairs threw on some clothes before I go to bed came downstairs and started filming like I haven't cleaned up or anything and I never do that uh so this is kind of a new thing for me but I want it to be real I'm going to do this eat breakfast first and then I'm gonna get cleaned up and start my day so that's what we're doing next of course right after I finish my breakfast okay it's lunch time I think today I'm just gonna throw a salad together with some chickpeas in it and a bunch of lettuce and onions and dates and uh oranges uh maybe some other stuff so I'm just gonna throw all that together I'll make the dressing I think that's what I'm gonna eat I want to show you some things we got over the holiday uh the Christmas holiday recently um we got three new cookbooks so my shirt is wet uh Tim got this uh the new artisan bread in five minutes a day cookbook uh it looks amazing it's got a beautiful bread on the front and it even has like had to do some pizza in there uh it's got beautiful pictures of Breads in there and of muffins and all sorts of things so Tim's gonna try and adapt some of this uh to what he does uh and then come up with some new recipes um here's these little kind of baby lobes over here uh they look really good I don't it's a beautiful beautiful book the color the pictures are amazing the recipes seem do doable so I'm excited to see what comes out of this uh and uh whatever we come up with here we'll definitely you know so that's the the bread cookbook then uh Tim wanted this one so his mom got it from like I think I got it from him I'm not sure but uh it's it's just an entire book of uh Asian home cooking uh plant-based so we don't have to convert anything and there is oil in the recipe so we'll have to convert some of them to be oil free to work for the stock solution but I think it's a really good place to start and again this the pictures are absolutely amazing um just just gorgeous I mean look at that that's a dessert of some type I have no idea but it looks great right so uh east meets vegan right there that that will put a link to both of these uh on Amazon um and uh but we wouldn't want to get for a while called plant view uh it's by uh Carly bodrug and uh she's on like the whole uh plant-based circuit the entire book is oil free all the recipes um and there is a full right here uh by Dr B Dr wilswitz Who we absolutely love so we haven't even looked in here yet um but uh I mean it's just oil-free recipes and they're laid out really simple as far as you know what ingredients you're going to use uh the directions what the meal should look like uh so one of the things I like about this is there is a picture for every single meal right not just some of them but all of them so you get an idea of what to expect right I I hate it when there's no photos like I I'm inspired to make meals by photos but I don't see a photo how can I be inspired right so I love that this is oil free and it has pictures so again uh there'll be a link down below and then when we were at uh Sprouts yesterday was it sprouts yeah Sprouts um we saw this uh this date powdered sugar so powdered baked sugar right and when I look in here the only ingredient is uh organic dates uh and that's it so this is going to be a nice substitute for any of the recipes where we use sugar we're going to start using this and see if we can incorporate uh a one for one or what the measurement difference is so this is uh United with Earth uh brand United with Earth I've never heard of them but here they are right here so now you've heard of them so have I all right so I'm gonna make the dressing this is the cashew Maple dressing and I'm going to use the pb2 cashew powder I like this because uh it's it doesn't have all the fat that the cashews have so whatever they do to it they take the fat out and then dehydrate it and then when you reconstitute it it doesn't have the fat or it has a lot less fat it does have some fat in it all right I'm just gonna do the way this works is it's two parts uh powder and one part water so I'm going to use two parts which is two tablespoons of cashew powder right here I'm just gonna dump it right in here in this bowl and I I do have an actual video where I show you how to make this dressing and that's linked right here so check that out uh it was my week of salad uh videos where I did five different dressings and that was one of them I think it was the first one it was so good all of those salads were amazing that week so I've got my two tablespoons there of powder I'm gonna put in one tablespoon of water probably should use the same tablespoon because sometimes they're off right uh so let's throw this in here and that will give me uh two parts and one part gonna grab an iced teaspoon here just kind of mix these together so I get my uh my cashew butter this will give me cashew butter which is thick right it's like peanut butter all right I want to kind of get it all mixed up because I don't want it to be clumpy when I put my other ingredients in so I'm just kind of swishing it around to and it should stick to the ball and all that it is cashew butter all right so it's not going to look like a salad dressing yet we're just making cashew butter with it all right so next it's a quarter of a teaspoon apple cider vinegar you want to make sure you always shake this up to get the mother all mixed around so you get in every little Spoonful so a quarter of a teaspoon here that of course won't fit in there let's give it my best shot here all right next it's a quarter of a teaspoon of lemon juice I just freeze lemons uh we got it from Dan every January and we freeze them for the year and throw them in the freezer in a little cubes and then we just melt them in the microwave for 30 seconds when we need it I'm gonna throw a little extra in and that's it and that's what we do I don't buy lemons throughout the year next we've got an eighth of a teaspoon of salt so I've got a quarter of a teaspoon here I'm just gonna put uh half of that there you go all right we need a whole teaspoon of chives uh they've got a teaspoon right here and I just buy these in bulk from Sprouts I'll throw that right there we need a half a teaspoon of dried dill Dill can be really overpowering so I'm gonna put in a half a teaspoon but you want to be very careful with that depending on the deal sometimes I can't put in the whole thing it all depends on what brand the dill is all right so I need two teaspoons of maple syrup but I'm gonna change it instead I'm going to put in uh this date uh the date powdered sugar that we just talked about so let's see how that goes I'm going to try with just one teaspoon and see if that's sweet enough see if I get away without putting oh man some of the the air from there just came up into my face and I got like a little taste of it it's sweet all right and the last thing I need is some water I'm going to start with one tablespoon and mix that up and see how much more I need to add all right so let me mix this together and see what my dressing looks like here I think I'm going to add one more maybe a half a tablespoon well yeah let's try that I still want it to be too watery it thickens up in the fridge overnight but I'll meet this right now so I don't want it to have to wake overnight for it to thicken up all right so I did use the whole two full tablespoons of of water and it did give me a nice kind of uh liquidy but not too liquidy kind of a semi thick dressing so I'm kind of happy with the way this looks right here all right so dressing finished all I need to do now is build my salad let's get started on that all right so the salad's really easy I'm just going to assemble my salads I got two bowls here I'm gonna start with some lettuce that I have left over from spring rolls early in the week I'm just gonna dump that right in here it's already cleaned and washed and I really need to use this which is why I'm using it well I decided to use the salads after that I'm going to throw in some arugula that Tim brought this week because we love arugula with all like a pepper taste on it so I'm gonna pop that in there and I think that's looking pretty good then I'm going to add some onions right here I've chopped up well at some point last week I chopped up some red onions or sliced up some red onions I should say and they're ready to eat and we need to eat them or they're gonna go bad so uh that's what we're doing and again that's why we're having a salad for lunch because I want to use up this stuff from the fridge I kind of like them all like I like red onions but I don't like them to be stuck together I want them to be kind of free there after that we're gonna pop in some little Mandarin oranges here these are just those Little Cuties they and they're so adorable next I can't have a salad without dates I don't know why but I actually love dates in the salad so I'm gonna throw some of these uh dates on top of here and that should look really good right and then next I'm going to pour my dressing here so I'm just going to split it evenly between the two salads it's looking pretty good what about this one over here I'm going to my spoon and make sure I get it all out all right but I do have a like a a very few pieces of walnuts left at the bottom of this Walnut bag so I'm just going to put those on there just so I can get rid of them and salads are an excellent time to use hemp hearts so I'm just going to sprinkle I don't know maybe a half a half a teaspoon on top and that's it and then the final step for me is some pepper so I'm just gonna sprinkle some pepper on top and then for a little protein I'm just going to add some chickpeas around the edges right here and I just took a can of chickpeas and rinsed them off and drain them so I'm just going to split that can between the two salads and there you have it I should have put the chickpeas on first but I forgot all about them to two beautiful salads with your starches your non-starches you've got some seeds you've got some nuts you've got it all let's eat and Tim got told at the last minute he didn't have to go to work so it's his day off too the whole family's off all right so I've made a really nice salad for us you're absolutely gonna love it uh let's give it a shot here and see that this is going to be a nice lunch or or what the consensus is I know it's good looks like a little Savory a little sweet yeah let's see yeah the dressing's on the top so you kind of have to mix it up normally I put it in a bowl to mix it up but I want it to be nice for the camera so I didn't do that but that's what we normally have to do all right hmm all right that's really good yeah Joey will you do with the dressing works with the salad because it's a little bit of sweet a little bit of savory and so is the dressing and then the onions give it a little bite I like this on I like this specific dressing on salads with arugula and fruit in it right I like that peppery and the citrusy and all that stuff I think it goes really well together oh so good holy smoke now I don't always get hemp hearts and things so the fact that you put that in so yeah I love the hemp Parts the reason I'm throwing hemp parts and everything now is uh the female Mega threes and I love that whole argument where people like uh yo you have these fish to get Omega-3s of fish oil and uh you know when we're just reminded of this we just heard a podcast with Dr will Bolton with who we absolutely love um and he talks about how fish don't make Omega-3s they get it from plants in the ocean so you know you're they store it in their fat by the way right so when you're getting that's why Omega-3s are high in fat because they're store it's stored in fat so when you're eating the fish you're eating the fat you're getting the mango threes but they got it from plants so we don't need like fish don't make Omega-3s which is I think is absolutely cool yeah so thanks for adding a little bit I'm trying to put that in yeah a number of things so and then any opportunity to throw a chickpeas and a salad take it right I agree it doesn't taste like a little bit nice little texture difference there's no change in taste right but you get all the benefits of the beans right all right this is a successful lunch we got a water right here I can't wait to see what we're even today all right am I making dinner that would be nice I'll make dinner all right see you then number three this is dinner yes and I'm here to surprise you okay how much I love surprises all right so we don't have a lot of quinoa I made some quinoa for this bowl three minutes in the instapot super easy right yeah if you can if you've never made quinoa in the instant pot it is literally the quinoa the uh what a cup of quinoa a cup and a half of water yeah right instapot three minutes done and it came out it came out with the textures jacket right and you can use a vegetable broth if you want to make beautiful flavor but we don't need the extra sodium so yeah if you ever watched our white rice and it's a pot it's a no fail every time right all right yes that and that was awesome but um so too early let's do a tour of this bowl all right all right so quinoa little slivers of avocado yes just for a little creaminess right some tomato uh yellow bell pepper the little Peppers that Lex eats yes yes yes kind of sweet some cucumber black beans and then on this is all on top of a bed of a little bit of arugula oh I noticed you left out the Cucumbers for me I did thank you and the yellow peppers I thought you could handle yeah I'm gonna give them chocolate all right and the last thing okay I just warmed up some corn so we're gonna cut this off and then add it to the bowls here all right so you got some corn in the cobbler we always have corn on the cob like every Sunday we make corn on the cob and we kind of just eat it all week A lot of times it's just in a bowl it's a round wrapped or something and all we do is just take a handful out while we're like going for the fridge looking something uh all right well while you were getting ready for school yeah tomorrow um I made a couple sauces oh okay yeah so this is some oven roasted Peppers tomatillos so use the sparrowly it's a little on the spicy side okay um so a thick salsa and then I made that uh goddess dressing the cilantro oh yeah Special cilantro dressing cilantro sauce okay and we have a video for that like right here you can check out that dressing well tell me about this other thing oh we don't have anything to do with that it's pretty spicy so you know you read some recipes and it says you the whole Solano pepper and I'm like I'm just gonna use a third and it still came out too so um so I'm not ready to share this with you guys yet but um sounds like one that's in the in the making all right so I'm gonna put some I know this sauce is good so I'm gonna put that on and this is your uh we use sock solution made it'll make this right that's right yeah so we know it's kind of low and fast just from the tofu all right oh that's a lot of sauce obviously mine's deep I have extra more vegetables in there and then you're going with the other one too yeah that's ten go big or go home right all right so we give these a shot see if they taste like yes I love these bootables just a little bit of all these different ingredients and a little bit of sauce on the top it's a perfect way to kind of combine all that stuff right my kid was like flying on the bowl and we were thinking of adding sweet potatoes to this but really we've just been inside working all day we haven't really expelled a lot of energy you've been studying so I didn't think we needed like all those carbs so what what are you talking about so it's trying to be funny um we have sweet potato forgot to put it in here we have it we have sweet potato in the fridge that's already made and ready to eat would have been a good addition to this okay well with the black bean just works yeah quinoa is great in this dish all right we're going to finish up our dinner that's our video for today a full day of eating hit that like button show us some love please subscribe and become part of that plant-based ads family get notified every time you have a new video usually every Tuesday and leave a comment below let me know if you're doing this thought solution with us by the time this comes out we'll be doing the Mary's menu in the group right so uh we'll be working on that all right we'll see you next time take care bye-bye really Tim really [Music]
Channel: Plant Based Dads
Views: 6,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KqRvS3cFfEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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