A Full Day of FOOD - Easy Weight Loss Meals for Starch Solution.

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foreign [Music] welcome back to another episode of plant-based ads I'm Joey good morning I'm Tim it is like 70 degrees right now and it's going to be 75 here and it's only it's new yeah awesome so we're doing a day of eating um or we're doing a day of showing what we eat enough small talk yeah it's been a new a day of eating what we're eating today it may take you to the to the hiking with us if we can make our way out there right because it's so beautiful out in the meantime before we get to that uh we want to thank our subscribers on patreons and our PayPal supporters uh our financial supporters are the ones who help us get the show together get the message out to the public there's a link below if you want to join us we could use your help right yep uh and also people who comment and have left positive messages and shared how you watch us I mean we just think about that throughout the week my favorites my favorite I forget who it was but she she wrote um I made a mine but a ma'am I'm guessing it's a female okay says most of our followers she wrote uh oh it's Tuesday Joey and Tim are coming to visit I love that right uh like we're coming to your house and be like Hi how are you what's going on let's hear all right or my husband and I we get our coffee morning coffee to watch yeah right a couple said that we absolutely love that on Tuesday that we look forward to um hit that like And subscribe button below uh help us make more videos all right so we're gonna take you along through the day with us the first thing we want to do is we're going to make like a scrambled omelette right and my family I wouldn't say this is not solution compatible but go ahead my family loves can you show what it is just stay right and I you get maybe three servings out of that first five or six dollars it goes really fast and let's delete like that whole bottle in one shot right yeah we notice the ingredients are are base the biggest ingredient is mung beans yes so we did a search for a recipe we're gonna try this today to make uh mung bean scramble instead of using tofu yeah we've never done this before I mean we use this stuff to make a scramble it's fine but we've never just made our own right and I can tell you that even at the five dollars we're lucky if we can find this right like they're never around all right so grab the mung beans over there and let's show them what we bought so uh what is this this is a split mung bean and comes in as Hmong doll it's all meaning Bean right I guess so I mean we go to the Indian grocery store and uh if any of my students are following they could tell me but uh this is split yellow split beat monkeys we have a bag of whole among beans from from Costco but those are green these are this is the inside of it right you just put open in this and it's the insects taken out loaded with uh uh protein and fiber so yeah it's got all the benefits that beans has so that's a whole food right there right because this needs to be soaked overnight um it's sort of the idea like Friday night last I hope you went overnight oats tomorrow which is an overnight thing or do we want to soak mung beans uh so that's so it doesn't seem overwhelming uh yeah that way that is what yeah what Tim was talking about is for this recipe you have to soak these things overnight so this is a cup of these beans right here and they like I mean this is like triple the size right yeah so it gets really big we just like we were saying we decided the night before hey tomorrow do you want to do oatmeal and if we're like no no I want to do a scramble then we'll just like put these in the water overnight and let them sit and then this morning I rinsed them out I laid them out in a towel to dry exactly or you look in the fridge and say we've got some spinach to use up or yeah something like that well that's kind of what this came along I've got spinach I've got Tomatoes I've got all these things I have to use up so we were like let's make an omelette right so again it is a one cup dried mung beans and then you soak them and then the outcome of that is what you use I know it looks like a lot here but it's not so this whole thing is made in the blender right yeah so let's jump dump in the blender and get started there all right I know some of you are with me when you say That's my kind of recipe but the recipes are amazing right so what are you seeing the recipe from or using Rose's recipe from cheap lazy vegan because I absolutely love her and she's already done all this work so why bother so what's next on her recipes we're gonna for this Perfect all right so next thing we've got some newts we just buy our Newton vulgar sprouts and we keep it in this big glass container uh so nutritionally each time whenever I say nude people like I followed your recipe I don't know what you mean nutritional yeast how much perfect two tablespoons all right so we're gonna pop that in there all right so that's all we need of the newts uh we need garlic is next half a teaspoon of garlic powder which I got right here and listen I know this is empty I don't want you to go to awesome get free more I've already got a bag though so don't buy any more of that super all right and they'll place the store all these yeah you put it right here all right let me get rid of this all right so onion powder is next right here here you go let's pop that in all right watch after that okay turmeric all right turmeric right here perfect all right so teamwork right here one of the things that I got for Christmas from Tim was the square uh spoons and I love them because you can open the bottle like he just did with the turmeric bottle and they fit into the bottle right whereas most of my spoons when I have to measure something I can table a teaspoon it won't fit in the bottle I have to like shake it on right but this one I can stick right in all right so the next one is black sea salt all right so let's see what that scares Joey a little bit so every time I put a recipe out like this people are like you know what you need to look into kalakamar whatever it's called black sea salt right you're gonna love it and it gives you that eggy sulfur taste the reason I didn't eat eggs before is because of that taste hang on hang on so that has to be like a Sprinkle oh I won't eat it okay so instead of a half we're in a quarter even that's way too much for me all right I almost feel like we can always add this in right yes you guys put it on um I don't like that sulfurry eggy taste so to me the slightest bit is overpowering anyway we're gonna put that in there and then what else we have all right so we already got the onion right we got some baking powder all right so yeah a teaspoon how much is that one teaspoon teaspoon of that okay all right so we have all our ingredients in here I think it's time to little do a mix and mixing all right you're gonna go to the blender and do a little blendy Blended right okay let's see what happens all right so let's see what that looks like all right we've Blended this for about a minute and a half okay kind of has that same consistency that just egg would have all right so it looks Blended right yeah it's liquidy it's Blended yeah this is about the consistency of just egg so I think I think we're good on this just as an FY so you could make this and store it for about four days in the fridge so you can make this ahead of time and be ready all right so I think we've got this Blended right so we're gonna set this aside yeah let's saute some vegetables saute some vegetables let's head over Okay so we've got our mung bean mixture now we're ready to just throw in some more saute some vegetables um I cut up what we sort of had in the refrigerator right so a little bit of onion a little bit of tomato so a little bit of oyster mushroom and spinach that we need to chop up as well so that is ready to go all right you can't really see but there's a little bit of steam coming out so the Pan's hot enough so let's let's throw your stuff in here but especially the onions let's get those in first and once they start like sizzling we'll throw the rest of it in let's move these around a little bit and they'll start like sizzling here in a minute when that happens we'll just throw everything else in and while we're doing is do a quick shout out to one of my students Julia she walked by my classroom has a bunch of Windows that look out into the hallway and I look up I walked by and she was doing this and she was wearing my uh uh where do you get your fiber shirt right so I was like yeah baby so shout out to Julia thank you for that you can see the steaming happening here we've got the the onions are starting to saute let's get everything else in uh and let them do their job look at all this goodness that's the colors of Health right there all right perfect this is going to be a nice little uh scramble here for breakfast got all these veggies right here that's all our non-starchy veggies right well the mushroom doesn't count as anything it's just a fungus but so I want the mushrooms to kind of release their juices and and uh the tomatoes to break down and when that happens it'll be time to throw the egg mixture in the eggless mixture in right the I guess we can call it the mung bean mixture yeah so another shout out uh to my work wife Bob now uh she's the other computer science teacher she got me these storable uh containers for Christmas this year Star Wars yeah they're all Star Wars like this one's got like see 3PO and R2D2 on it uh and we've got Chewbacca and Boba Fett and some other characters and they're two different sizes right and uh they got the cut rose right like we can always use both covers so like you know I I worked this on in August right and then uh uh December comes along I mean they don't really know me that well yet but they know Bahama knows enough about me to know that I have anything to do with uh cooking storing food so shout out to you thank you Boba so much all right so I think we're here so everything's broken down the the onions are brown the mushrooms are kind of much smaller the the spinach is is definitely like wilted and small I think we're ready so let's grab the uh the mug Bean mixture and see if we can get that dumped in here okay we're just gonna put the whole thing in this is about three servings right and you and I can eat a serving a half yeah we're also planning on going on a hike so I feel good like we've got a big day ahead of us maybe this is a lot I mean this is a lot of mung bean egg mixture this might have been too much we're making the whole thing you probably should not it really cooks down let's just wait and see all right but I think we're gonna be happy with this all right so you can see here it's all it's starting to Brown you can see the stuff is brown right here uh everything's cooked so I think we're here let's give it a good scraping again and I mean this looks like a beautiful scrambled uh veggie egg thingy right yeah there's some big clumps and I just want to make sure that that is cooked all the way through yeah that we put it with us it's go big or go home you should use this portion of that because when Rose made this in her video she had a bunch left over she could put the fridge but she's only cooking for one right yeah but look at the vegetables seem distributed yeah no it looks great but there's a lot here like this is way more than for one person it's a big pan yeah well we're big guys all right let's pipe this up and give it a shot I attempt to scooping some of this out and putting it right into a plate for us looks nice and scrambly doesn't it it looks good looks like a big a big portion of scrambled eggs uh let me have uh we don't need to put all that that's a lot though even for the two of us we have the pepper I like plenty of pepper and everything I eat it so Tim likes it to be spicy oh that's a lot just a little bit that's a lot of sriracha yeah it's so dipping on the side I don't know what to expect here so let's see how it takes okay dig in yeah like I've had just egg many times so yeah and you look at you don't even notice the mushrooms are in there okay I was gonna say considering I don't like mushrooms I don't know oh it's really good yeah you can't taste the black salt so no if you're a black salt lover you'll want to sprinkle some on like right before you take it out yeah we definitely I mean we use less than within the recipe called for yeah this is good it's not light and fluffy eggs would be a little chewy but still this is rewarding like I like scramble I like how many vegetables like this this is a great way to start the day yeah and I'm surprised I'm sold all right that's breakfast uh we're thinking about maybe doing some hiking I have a drone I'm gonna see if I can get it working and so we can take it with us but I really I've never used anything like that you know so I don't know we'll have your own footage but a little bit of Adventure today yeah we'll see how it goes all right we'll see you back at lunch or at a hike we'll see you in a little bit okay right seen a lot of change been through a lot of pain some things are not the same as they were a year ago but I'll be okay I'll move on each and every day the past is where it stays way back a year ago we are doing the hiking thing up here in North Phoenix beautiful day and uh we're ready to make it happen I've changed for the better this time I thought I would never be fine I strive just to say I'm alright and for the first time in a long time I'm all right I've seen a lot of change been through a lot of pain and things are not the same as they were a year ago but I'll be okay I'll move on each and every day [Music] I have taken like I don't know 100 steps I'm already out of breath so uh what air that's like a carpet of green a little bit let me see here foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're halfway there you're doing good it's all we've only been working for a half mile right which is like three blocks around our neighborhood if we were doing that and I wiped out but at least I got my Cactus friends yep we're gonna keep it going all right [Music] some things are not the same as they were a year ago I'll be okay I move on each and every day way back a year ago [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] way back a year ago thanks for getting me out on the hike that was awesome oh man the hike was so good like what a beautiful day right 74 degrees sunny like yeah we haven't had that in a long time I know we're in the desert we get a lot of sunny days but instead of rainy and cloudy for I don't know for weeks two miles hiking is different than two miles walking around the community so I was wiped out I sweat in the whole bit but I am so I'm hungry I'm looking forward to our next meal here and I also don't know if I'm gonna be able to get three meals in like this is our second meal today right it's ten to five right and this kind of filled me up we did that that uh height so let's get this I feel like we should make this as filling as possible yep right we might do a light salad tonight but we'll see so okay well for now uh let's make this what we're making we love we're all about a one-pot pasta right yeah so we're gonna do a uh a kind of a creamy pasta in the instant pot right all right so I think the first one we're gonna do is put we got some veggies with a saute so let's get the saute button on right here and uh hey oh oh you can show them the benefits all right so you're throwing them all in whoa I spared you seeing my knifing skills so anyway we just got some onion shots yeah so yeah our our onion one onion yeah 16 ounces of I say roasted 12 ounces can of roasted Peppers yeah cut some broccoli frozen broccoli we had some squash to get rid of yeah so we got and five cloves of garlic yeah looking good right so we're gonna get this sauteed now yeah first let's get some water in the instapot I just put it on saute and I'm putting a little bit of water in there all right so you can kind of stand if you can see this but there's steam coming out so let's we're only gonna pre-cook the we're gonna saute the onions and the garlic onions let's pop that in foreign look at all those colors right like that's the colors of Health right there I say that a lot but you know in this way of cooking it's always I do love it yeah remember when we first met might became I was a vegetarian and you were like what are you gonna eat you hate vegetables right like I couldn't eat any of this stuff and I love it all yeah you've come so far and then just looking in the fridge now see what we have buying the produce we need yeah it's nice all right so uh that's doing its thing you can see here that uh let's hope we don't need that little fan thing on you can see here that it's uh cooking up here it looks really nice we basically came up with this because we've got stuff like we have to use right that we bought last week like spinach um and some veggies uh the squash that we're about to throw in like that stuff needs to get used yeah right all right looks like we're ready to activate some seasoning all right so let's put in our seasonings we've got a uh we've got a what do we have here we've got a uh two tablespoons two teaspoons of oregano a teaspoon of sea salt and a half a teaspoon of red pepper yes let's pop all right and then you like to activate the seasoning first by mixing them around and getting them heated a little bit right yeah all right so at this point we can shut this off right so saute is going off got a minute we're going to deglaze the pan here all right so take a little bit of this broth just a little bit just enough to deglaze all right all right that's good about there let's take our spatula and kind of get the fond off the bottom there is there any flavoring coming off down there there wasn't really much so we're good all right so that's looking good right there all right so let's add uh the broth here we've got four cups of broth so let's put that in okay I mean it's what's left of the four cups after you just put in the other little bit all right all right so we've got our broth into it okay so next we're putting in our pasta we're just using this uh Garofalo organic pasta and we get him at Costco in the big bags right all right let's drop that in for this recipe we're looking at how much time puts this pasta right yeah so we'll go into that all right so we've just ordered our pasta I've not stirred so much I just leveled it out and it does need to be covered all the way it just needs to be in there okay all right so here's the next part that we're gonna do we're gonna uh we're gonna throw our veggies in and we're just gonna kind of lay them on top so let's do that next and we're not going to stir you know I've never gotten a burn warning right but other people have and it comes from starting all this up so I always start it up and just never burn one but because we're making it for everyone else but we're not starting it we're just kind of leaving it on top all right so I'm kind of leveled out the vegetables all right so our vegetables are leveled off in here again I didn't stir up the whole thing I just kind of wanted in it even now I have some nutritional yeast and is this a quarter cup it looks like a quarter cup and I'm just going to sprinkle this on top all right so here's how we figure out how to cook pasta in the instapot coming you take the bag of pasta and it tells you the directions okay ours said 15 minutes which is a long time and you divide that in half okay 7.5 7.5 now you're supposed to round down to the nearest whole number but since it's 7.5 and not seven I'm gonna go with eight right and I'm gonna have that and that's four minutes so that's how long I'm cooking this so we're gonna turn this on so I'm home depending on the pasta or gluten-free pasta you're using look at that total amount of cookie time and then divide by half so uh and then another half okay all right uh this let's set this is the other position uh four minutes okay all right set to four minutes the uh pressure thing is on ceiling we're ready to go right all right so we'll let this kind of pressure uh and then once it's done we'll we'll talk about what they do next yep sounds good all right so the kind the pasta is cooking but I mean all that stuff we put in is not we're gonna make it creamy right nope so we're gonna do a little cream sauce that we'll put in after we do a quick release on that perfect all right okay I think what we want to do here is we want to start with some of the pb2 uh cashew powder um if you haven't used this yet it's a picture of it right on the screen right here it's just like the pound of peanut butter but it's kind of cashews yeah right pb2 uh makes you know that they make powdered almond powder right and it's just dehydrated and doesn't have it's like 80 less fats than the cashews I love it right we've got some cashew butter I made out of the pb2 okay right but I don't want to put that in first because we throw that in the blender first it's going to stick to the bottom all right first let's put the broth in so we're gonna add uh one cup looks like one cup of broth right and we used uh what's the stuff we get that we throw in the water uh better than bullion uh and we did it's just a teaspoon of that mixed with a cup of water right yeah I think we get the version at Costco if you look on the regular shelf some of them might have oil this one doesn't this one doesn't just be mindful that's right they have more than one vegetable yeah that's correct uh the second thing we're gonna put in is uh three tablespoons of tomato paste okay all right will that pop out by itself good and then we're gonna uh put in and see if we can spoon this stuff in uh the uh it's three quarters of a cup of cashew powder up sorry it's three quarters of a cup of cashews but we're using cashew powder to make the cashew butter I mixed uh three what did I mix a happy a half a cup of uh powder cashew powder okay and then one uh quarter of a cup of water because it's two parts Powder one part water gotcha all right so just take this just the way it is we're gonna put this on the blender and blend it up and see how it goes all right all right so this is perfect it's nice and creamy look at that right so they'll get poured into the salt into the pot when it's done and that'll heat up and uh become uh nice and creamy because it's cashews right I'm so hungry yes timer just went off we've released the steam let's see what we have in here all right so let's give it a good mix here yep can you see all those vegetables yeah let's mix it all up oh yeah that looks nice and cooked right yeah oh wow that looks great holy smoke all right so I think at this point we can probably pour in the cream sauce right looks awesome okay so for that spoon and I'll yes get every drop out but we want to get all that that's like the love right there right actually flows up pretty good so all right I'm gonna give this a stir yeah hold everything up I can take the spinach now are you ready for spinach yeah all right well this is looking so yeah creamy and delicious all right so we're going to throw the spinach and while it's hot and just kind of mix it in and let the cover sit on it you've washed this already oh yeah thank you very much I'll throw anything in without cleaning it first yeah so you can see there's spinach is in which is going to kind of mix it in we'll fold it in here and give it some time to will throw the cover back on just let it sit there a jar and let it do its thing so right now I'm just kind of mixing it up wow that all looks delish doesn't it all right let's lay the cover on top of it let me get you a Spooner I think this is nice so this needs to wilt a little bit so in the meantime he has a spoon rest lay that on let's just lay the cover on it and that'll help the like a jar kind of thing just like that time to get the play settings done yeah let's just give it five minutes let's set up yep all right so you can see right in here right like that looks amazing it's absolutely beautiful the cream sauce looks fantastic the spinach is wilting look at those colors the green the Reds right like this is like an amazing dish I can't wait to try this and somewhere there and there's uh broccoli and zucchini right yeah in the bottom right so it is an all-in-one dish right yeah so let's dish this up so hang on let's move this out of the way all right so let's uh dish some of this out because I can't wait to try this yes I love me a good pasta right and you know people like that you can't have policy kind of you absolutely a pasta pasta by itself has is not a lot of calories right just when you put like I don't know like Alfredo on it or any of that stuff it becomes a lot of fat really fast but here you've used heavy cream yeah yeah all that stuff it just becomes too much but pasta itself is just wheat as long as you're using the wheat pasta it's not a lot of calories at all you can absolutely fit it into the starch solution all right let's give this a shot I can't wait to taste this yeah for sure now our basil I wouldn't get the basil in the refrigerator and it's wilted so I'm gonna try it without anything first it's really good oh at least um that goes wow oh yeah so the roasted red pepper is a must it really adds a little flavor to this depends it back on yeah this is a some oh basil basil fried basil all right I think that's good just an accent it's hot and then I just added a little bit of nutritional yeast but this is you don't need it you don't need it it's totally coated it's delicious wow all right so this is a nice sized dinner like actually this is lunch I know but it's late lunch yeah um this is gonna be our caloric yeah I feel like we're gonna wind up with two meals wait let me do Yolanda's later on we can yeah so stay tuned for our next snack meal dessert okay yeah this is meat number two we're not sure what's coming after this but it's time to get Lux down here and have some lunch all right see you in a bit thank you all right so uh welcome back we we ate really late right so uh we're still not hungry and it's pretty late uh it's after eight but that pasta was so good it was delicious I had two servings of it so but now we're like it's late probably not time for a salad we're just gonna have a little bit of Yonanas I think I love Yonanas it's kind of like a little treat at the end of the day for me right and uh you know it's just fruit so if you've never done your Nana's before it's a little machine that you put uh frozen fruit in and it goes like it does its business and makes a sherbet out of it like a sorbet and it's really good you can use your Vitamix your blender but I mean we got this thing so that's what we're gonna do now we haven't had a lot of fruit today this fits the bill it's perfect yep all right let's turn it on here and see what happens all right you control the cup I'm gonna feed it okay all right this is Seymour it's good for me all right so Tim's gonna cut up some fresh banana on here just kind of lay it on the top normally when you make this it's never messy but because we use these decorative Bowls because you know this is a fancy shell so uh we wanted it to be nice but really we put a just a cereal bowl in the deep and it goes right in and there's never a problem so I wish we had done that now instead of trying to make this look all we have some fancy we have you guys as guests we wanted to go a little bit extra all right do you have a spoon ready yeah let me get one all right let's dig into these and have a little dessert here uh your Anonymous is a really great machine um it just kind of gives you the whole at home ice cream thing hmm it's really good normally we use frozen bananas on this uh and then we maybe put one or two strawberries in with mostly the strawberry the bananas on top the strawberries are very like tart right yeah but it's a good combination it's delicious the only frozen bananas I have are the green bananas and that this is the flavor that we're going for I think no because you need something to counter the tartness you know this is good it is great because you know you're eating something healthy you're just eating fruit right all right so you'll notice to finish off the evening a little bit dessert action right yep we just got our walking we just walked two miles plus we did the hike today so I feel like I got plenty of exercise it's been a good Saturday yeah we're planning on hiking tomorrow too because it's supposed to be really nice right for Sunday yep so then I'm gonna do mung bean um scramble again we're just gonna add less to the veggies yeah when you make this cream don't add the whole thing like we did that was way too much right like it was just way too much to say it was good but there's you can definitely do too much of a good thing yeah and then we'll be fighting over the pasta leftovers for lunch next week I'm gonna bring that to lunch and film a little solid so I sell them and when I film one of my days of uh Teacher Edition all right so that's my video for today uh please hit that like button show us some love click on the Subscribe button and click that Bell and you'll get notified every time we have a new video usually every Tuesday and leave a comment below have you had you Anonymous before uh I mean it's been around for a long time you know who turned this on to this right maybe girl right she was like we're having an honest and I was like what the hell is going on and then Joey got excited he goes one more Appliance I'd accidentally no I was like no we don't need another fine but then we bought it and we were so happy so shout out to me for returning this on to this all right we'll see you next time bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Plant Based Dads
Views: 12,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easy recipes, health, healthy food, healthy lifestyle, healthy meal ideas, healthy meal prep, healthy meals, healthy recipes, meal prep, meal prep containers, meal prep ideas, meal prep on a budget, meal prep recipes, meal prep salmon, meal prep with me, recipe, recipes, weight loss journey, how to lose weight, vegan weight loss, plant based recipes, high carb, high starch low fat vegan, low fat vegan, the starch solution
Id: LuxdLmGaijs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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