What We Ate On Mary's Mini - Sweet Potato Meals | Starch Solution Staple Meals

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welcome back to another episode of plant-based ads I'm Joey I'm Tim welcome back welcome let's do that again remember there's a like And subscribe button don't forget that time [Music] welcome back to another episode of plant-based ads I'm Joey and I'm Tim I want to ask you to hit that like And subscribe button before we get started so we can make more videos um special thanks to our patreon and uh our PayPal members and all our supporters specific with us all these years um if you'd like to support the show be a part of uh the product uh our financial support has helped us get the message out to the public that plant-based message and we could use your help there's a link below to patreon and PayPal uh help us get started and uh we'd love your support well today's episode Mary's mini Mary's mini so we've been doing we're in the middle of it we're not like day six it's a 10 day one so I don't results yet but we're doing a sweet potato mini right yep is this this first time we know sweet potatoes yeah we just kind of came up with it yeah that's right so I think this is our start yeah but talk about simplifying life um you know it's good to go through Mary's mini every now and then just to sort of get things in perspective um and we had fun making things together and yeah we kind of made some of it on Sunday right and then that lasted two days yeah right so it's Tuesday we found ourselves making more right uh and I mean that worked out pretty good don't you think I thought it was great um technique we've got everything down for the things we've made to the air fry and all that so just things turned out nice and it was delicious so I don't think that's what we want to do today is go through our adventure or what we've done yeah we're going to tell you what we ate show you pictures of it so I'll have another video forthcoming of the actual recipes for all of these right we're going to show you five foods that we made breakfast lunch and dinner that we just use like every day and some of it switched up and some of it didn't but it would depend on what we had leftovers some we haven't used for so long yeah I don't know it's just good so why don't we start with our first dish and first dish is breakfast yeah so we made a sweet potato hash yes right here's a picture of it right here and it was really simple we just took a hash recipe that we've had for a long time I kind of had my doubts you know we're very spinning you're not gonna throw ketchup you're not saucing it up but actually super flavorful we don't make this enough and it had veggies in it like it was I really enjoyed this so you can absolutely just ketchup for the mini but what we could yeah what we couldn't use was you could use a kind of we couldn't use sauces we couldn't use like like a cheese sauce base with oats and cash it's like something like that right I just kept thinking of the sugar and so for me personally I just try to break away from that well and it also sent it to Mary's many we had to choose one star so our sweet potatoes are charges our our cheese sauce is like potato based okay like it's made with a starch right so we were kind of limited which is the idea of the minute right it's you keep your food simple um but yes we had our dowels because I like potato hash but I haven't you know I hadn't made sweet potato hash right um and we threw it together we threw some seasonings some uh uh a little bit of this a little bit of that with Penny what we had out there right seasoning is great so that video will come out that'll be great um but just to show how you how this would work right so then that was breakfast so then how do we go to lunch well hang on with breakfast what did you here's what I ate with this right I I'm already got these vegetables breakfast I'm not a vegetable breakfast person right so um I kind of thought I'm gonna have my fruit for the day because you have one serving of fruit so with this I usually had a Sumo orange or a banana right I think that's what I did I think one of the days I had Apple but some more oranges are in season right so that was delicious and then um and then I've been in a couple days as well but I know that in the morning is the best in that fruit and it is and I feel like sweet potatoes and bananas go really well together right so that's what we had for breakfast I'll see if I have a photo of my breakfast with the with the orange or the banana from in the during the week I was posting my photos all week on uh I should have did Instagram but I was posted them in the group every day right just to give people ideas right so yeah so we had that for breakfast then we went to lunch right all right now for lunch all we did on Sunday night was bake a bunch of sweet potatoes and we figured we're gonna have sweet potatoes and then we'll have like broccoli or brussels sprouts I mean we air fried them um they caramelize nicely that way you can see right here like look at these right they are absolutely beautiful and I didn't like poke them or anything because I read like when you poke sweet potatoes and then you cook them you'll see the karma leaking out of it I feel like that's my caramelization like I don't want that leaking out right so I don't poke them and then when I cut them like you like in the picture here they are just caramelized and ready to eat like I don't eat anything on them I just eat it with a fork right yeah sometimes I'll put a little Sriracha drizzle on it but yeah and you could do that or to Cinnamon anything so I had baked sweet potatoes every day for lunch right and then again uh this is where I threw in my brussels sprouts or my broccoli so it's my first serving of non-starchy veggies every day and I used one sweet potato which didn't really fill up half the plate and a lot of the non-starchy side yeah I feel like it's been a while since we had brussels sprouts so that was really good they were um air fried I mean I think blanched and then air fried I didn't get that balsamic yes I blanched them first just to kind of get them when you first glance them they get that really bright green color and then I took them out uh threw them in a bowl season there'll be a video for that too and I think I have a video about about that yeah and threw in the air fryer and I just cooked them for like eight minutes at a time flipped them eight minutes time and I like my brussels sprouts like brown right I like going where people are like oh you burned them that's perfect for me right I need a little I need a little cockness yep and it was great because while those were cooking then we had some sweet potatoes that we just cubed up to air fry right and that leads us into dinner all right so yeah so we served this with vegetable dinner so for dinner we prepared like Tim was saying cubed up sweet potatoes right we had a lot of sweet potatoes so we just cut them into small little cubes right and what we did what did we do with them well we made a salad so this was put in uh the salad with some vegetables that we like because um I like cucumber you don't I don't think you but we had Red Onion um and then we just used a simple 2-1 dressing right the it's the three two one without the three without whatever the balsamic is it's about three two one is balsamic uh mustard and maple syrup we left the you like balsamic I can stand it in a little bit but in that three two one it's too too strong so we just did uh mustard right and maple syrup that was it it's kind of like a honey mustard dressing without the honey with maple syrup and I gotta say with sweet potato it works it was amazing right there's something about the honey mustard dressing that that Maple honey yeah there's no honey maple is a Dijon mustard there's something about that that really works with sweet potatoes right if it did so you can see we had a little arugula yeah the photos right here you can see it's a beautiful salad listen it did it wasn't fancy I couldn't throw like my walnuts on and I couldn't throw any pepitas I couldn't do any of that because of the Mary's mini right but it yeah but for night it was seven no it was amazing ate the whole thing I love those beautiful little wooden salad bowls but we had like veggies I had raw onions in there the red onions right red onions are delicious salad we had little scallions we had uh just all sorts of kind of really whatever the fridge right that we just had to get rid of we just threw in that salad so salad with sweet potato chunks yeah so that was awesome yeah then one evening I came home and you had already started um with some of those cubed sweet potatoes yes I started Cuban sweet potatoes into smaller cubes it's almost like the hash size cubes right and this time we had some white sweet potatoes and uh uh yummy sweet potatoes you look at this picture right here this is our sweet potato lettuce wraps it looks like there's regular potatoes in it but that's white sweet potatoes I had two different flavors two different color sweet potatoes yep so this video is coming out but this was absolutely delicious and I was really surprised when I came home and you had this ready so that was really nice well you know what I was going through our recipes and I love our tofu lettuce wraps right they're so delicious and I was thinking like we could some up the Tofu for sweet potatoes right and have sweet potatoes and like is that even a thing it worked it was amazing plus you got your lettuce you got your non-starchy veggies in there right you got your uh potatoes or sweet potatoes so that was that and we had like other stuff in there too we had like uh leeks in there which is oh that thing is on the front I think right we're trying to figure out what that one spot on the bottom middle is that uh okay what is that it's a leak yeah so we had a couple of them in the refrigerator so I was glad that you put them to use well because yeah I don't I don't know anything they're finely sliced I mean I just kind of sliced them like that so there's a leak in there um just whatever you would normally do for uh lettuce wraps we just swapped the tofu or the the protein out for uh sweet potato yeah and then it worked that was delicious and then here is the last thing that we made we had these throughout the week too these were just gonna be a snack we turned into a meal these are our sweet potato fries and uh we we make these occasionally uh but they want sweet potato fries I feel actually even with the other the the uh the wedgies I feel like you need to eat them when they're made right because when you reheat them they're never really stiff and firm you kind of they're just kind of soft oh they soak it up when they've gotten cold yeah and then you have to throw them in the airfryer again yeah but anyway this flavor profile the video is coming out okay Joy doesn't like pumpkin anything um and we added that to mix because again we were thinking of a Savory profile yeah we have some pumpkin pie spice wait for the video but these worked and then the side instead of using ketchup because again I was trying to get away from that um we used that to one the ball the the maple syrup it went that's what's in that little cup there and it went perfect it works perfectly and these so these fries um we kind of used I didn't use oil to coat them but I wanted to coat them to get the flavors of sticks so what did we use oh oh we did a little maple syrup a little water okay so it was one part maple syrup like a tablespoon and three tablespoons mixed together now was like my sticky coat yeah for two huge sweet potatoes yeah um and it worked and then one of the spices well the video is coming out all right well that was a teaser yeah to say pumpkin it was all like Smoky spices yup Savory yeah it was so good so I feel like this like we made these and we're like we'll just snack on them while we're cleaning and we ate the whole thing I kept thinking well it's only two large sweet potatoes so we each had like a large sweet potato right yeah this was meant to be a snack but I mean we also I also did take them to work and all that so um but again when this works so as far as like again simplifying yeah our a whole meal and not worrying about stuff we already had a plan like it was kind of it was nice well when I we sat down originally and decided to sweet potato mini again it was based on what was in the house I kept thinking well what am I going to make sweet potato baked sweet potatoes right I and notice we didn't Mash any sweet potatoes right I was trying to stay away from Massachusetts I feel like everybody does that so um I wanted stuff that maybe I haven't made in a while we had made sweet potato fries in probably two years right like it's been a long time because right now even we have a whole bag of those russet potatoes and we make fries out of that because they're just so cheap right so uh this is the stuff that we've done for a while right yes all right so this hopefully right gives them some idea of five sweet potato dishes we we've done plenty of potato minis we've done a rice mini which I feel like uh uh we did an amazing corn mini right we made it on tortillas and tortillas and filled them up with that uh cauliflower rice like we've done that but we've never done a sweet potato Mini this was great it digested really easily I never felt bloated all week and we were eating definitely plenty of foods with fiber so that was another I also sweet potatoes are like low glycemic too and they're they got a lot of benefits right all right so we're still in the mini I'm down like I don't know like three or four pounds so far but I actually had a really good week last week when it was five pounds yeah it was five pounds last week so I have another whole video coming out about my eating habits and why I am why I have struggled um and it's a really kind of a mental thing I just want to get it off my chest at some point so I can move more all right so five new sweet potato uh ideas we'll make a video about this and I'll release it right before the Mary's mini next uh for February so you'll have it for that um that's what I've been here for today hit that like button show us a love click on the Subscribe button and become part of the plant-based apps available family you'll get notified every time we have a new video usually every Tuesday we were just talking about doing some gardening this weekend right so possible garden with Tim coming up soon all right all right well there's a lot to do all right uh leave a comment below uh let us know your thoughts on sweet potatoes are you doing the mini how far did you get what are you doing we'll see you next time take care bye all right I think you're good [Music]
Channel: Plant Based Dads
Views: 6,261
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Id: 6qQD1V7Yrbk
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Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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