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hi everyone i want to dedicate today's video to mike maglio my brother-in-law who lost his battle with cancer last week we miss you we love you rest in peace brother hi everyone i'm joey troxel from plant-based dads welcome back to another episode we are a vegan family channel mostly whole food we do some product reviews sometimes there's some episodes with tim baking with tim sprotting with tim fermenting with him if you like what you have so far please hit that like button show us some love and please think about subscribing and becoming part of the plant-based dad's family alright so today's video we're just going to jump right into we're going to be talking about some changes that have been applied to mary's mini the diet has been updated by the mcdougalls and there are some definitive changes that are much different than they were before so i'm going to switch to my reading glasses i'm just going to leave them on for the duration of the video so i can read from my notes all right so first let's start with an outline of the diet i'm going to put a graphic on the screen here so you can follow along with me you'll notice here that starches are the same with one addition so you've got the brown rice the barley the corn the potatoes all of that but now you've also got beans so beans have been added to the starches which which brings it in line much closer to the maximum weight loss program so you're going to start seeing those two become very similar so beans is amazing because that gives you kind of a lot more choices now on what to make but keep in mind that beans are higher in calories than potatoes corn squash and oats so i've got this other graphic on the screen right here the calorie density chart and you can see here the very top item these are the the density of calories per pound of every food the lowest amount of calories per pound is vegetables non-starchy vegetables that would be broccoli and brussels sprouts and that sort of thing you can eat a lot of those and you know get very few calories next you've got fruit which is a little more heavier in calories about 300 calories per pound when you eat a lot of those things you're still hungry because there's really very little calories in them so you're not filling yourself up with anything substantial that's why you really can't live off fruit and vegetables because you're always going to be hungry and you'll consume so much of that and still be like snacking on something right that you shouldn't be then we start with the starches and the very first one 400 calories per pound are potato corn squash and oats those four are the lowest calorie starches you can eat so we're not really about calories in this way of eating although you have to have a calorie deficit we'll talk about that but if you were to say to yourself i want to do a mary's mini with the lowest calorie stuff possible there's your line right there potatoes corn squash and oats as you move down right you get into your whole grains rice and pasta that's more calorie heavy than having potatoes so if you're doing a simple potatoes mini that's kind of the lowest calorie one you can do you like you can't do anything less than that as you start to go up the list you've got whole grains rice and pasta still only 500 calories per pound right you're not gonna eat you know a pound of rice well i will so maybe that's the case and then after that you've got your beans and legumes at 600 calories per pound so if there that's a big difference that's 200 calories per pound a difference between potatoes and beans and legumes so you know if you don't have a lot of weight to lose if you're just trying to lose that last 10 pounds right and you're doing the mary's mini you might want to consider doing potato corn squash or oats as your mini and not beans or lagoons even though he's added it to this list it's still more calories per pound now if you've got a lot of weight to lose you know like me i've still got quite a bit to go then you know the extra 200 calories isn't really going gonna matter at the end of the day but for some of you it might so keep that in mind beans have been added as one of your starches so for me i think that's a great idea and i'm really excited about that all right so the next thing that he talks about is he's adding fruit back to the diet the mcdougalls originally had mary's many with fruit in it and then they took it off because you could easily eat 2 000 calories a day just in fruit alone and i can do that not all fruits you know the same you could do an apple like a whole apple and it's very few calories it's like 40 calories right or you can do one medium banana for 110. so you know if i'm having like a smoothie or something and i throw three bananas in that's 300 calories over 300 calories before i ever put anything else in that smoothie so you can absolutely overdo it with fruit so but fruit is full of fiber it's got so many benefits so it's it's i'm personally glad that he put the fruit back but it's one serving a day that's it and you know if you like if you're doing an oats mini that's perfect because you can put your fruit in your oats in the morning and be done with it it also solves the problem where a lot of people like you know i don't eat vegetables for breakfast right i have fruit and everything great that's perfect have your fruit in the morning or you can have it whatever time of day you want in the met in the mary's mini but have it with your morning oatmeal or whatever you're having or with whatever you're eating in the morning and get your fruit in for the day but one serving of fruit is now permitted on mary's mini again to me that's a welcome change i love fruit it's a big part of my diet and it's a big part of my fiber so i kind of want to have it in even in the mary's mini i don't want to eliminate fruit for 10 days just to do the mary's mini and that's kind of what we've been having to do he goes into all the typical fruits apples bananas berries grapes mangoes melons oranges pears pineapple and plum no coconut is allowed on mary's mini or any of the mcdougall programs he's all he's totally against coconut coconut is just full of fat so you have to you cap to omit coconut for everything it's why you know i don't make a lot of curries and all that i love curries i love anything indian but the minute it calls for coconut milk i'm out right so then he goes into the non-starchy vegetables right you've got the typical ones asparagus bell peppers broccoli brussels sprouts everything on this list is either yellow or green with the exception of carrots and cauliflower he's really adamant about sticking to simple yellow and greens non-starchy vegetables for the mary's mini those are the simplest ones those are the the the best ones to fill you up those the the easiest to digest that's just the the the ones that the plan works best with now when you're doing start solution or some of those uh other programs you can get more involved in your non-starchy vegetables but for mary's mini you want to stick with the ones that are on the list here he goes on to less cabbage celery leafy greens and salad with oil-free dressing and squash the thing with salad is on mary's mini it really has to be a dressing with no fat right so no oil no uh cashews and it really has to be a simple dressing right no oils none of that stuff if you can do that on mary's mini you knock yourself out you go right ahead salad is fine if you can't do that then don't use salad for mary's many i'm i'm not able to so i know that's not going to work for me now the starches when you pick a start for mary's mini you need to pick one starch and you're doing that starch the whole time then you pick your non-starch your non-starches can change at every meal they do not have to be the same if you have one broccoli with potatoes for breakfast on day one you do not have to have broccoli with your potatoes for lunch on day one you can have you know brussels sprouts or whatever the next day you can have any other of the vegetables any yellow or green vegetable or carrots or cauliflower to go with your potatoes but you will be sticking with potatoes so the the fruits and the non-starches can change as you go through so that's how the diet works and by doing that you make food really boring even though you may have made you know vegetable fried on vegetable unfried rice in the instant pot and you love it by the you know the second day of that the third day you're gonna be tired of it and you're not gonna be like i can't wait to get take a break and get downstairs and eat my rice right you're gonna be like oh yeah i need to eat all right i got some rice i'll just heat that up and that's how it is and because of that your food becomes boring and when your food is boring you consume less of it because variety makes you consume more and when you consume less of it you're consuming less calories and because of that you're losing weight now mary's mini just like every other diet is based on a calorie deficit if you don't have a calorie deficit every day you're not losing weight it doesn't matter if you're on mary's mini or nutrisystem or whatever all of these plants are designed so you don't have to count the calories if you stick with potatoes rice any of those any of those foods that are under 600 calories per pound you eat above that line you will lose weight if you're repeating the same food every day you will be at a calorie deficit the mouth is all done for you right you physically can't eat enough uh non-starchy vegetables like broccoli paired with potatoes to put you over uh you know over your calories for the day a potato is about 150 200 calories right that's for a baked potato if i have two of those at every meal right well now i've got 400 calories and potatoes the broccoli is almost nothing 400 times three for three meals is 1200 calories for the day you know 1200 calories for the day is low right so for me i like to be at about 15. so i'm already at 300 calorie deficit for the day after i've eaten three meals loaded with potatoes and broccoli so do you see what i'm saying it's done for you you don't have to worry about that as long as you choose foods above the red line or the green line or however you're looking at it you're going to be at a calorie deficit now on this graphic he puts up for us he gives you some ideas of possible meals let's say you're doing the white potato as your starch well for breakfast you can grate that up in the hash browns or you can buy hash brown potatoes as long as there's nothing in the bag other than white potatoes and sprouts has that and so does trader joe's and soda walmart actually i think but the only ingredient can be potatoes not oil not anything else just the potatoes if you have white potatoes for breakfast you can have hash browns right then for lunch you have a baked potato right i would just add a you know a little bit of salt and pepper on it i'm good to go and then for dinner you can have mashed potatoes you can't put any milk in it or any plant milk so you'll have to mash them with just the cooking water which is what i do when i'm doing this and then add some spices to it so you know that'll be fine now then he gives you a sample of sweet potato and rice now move down to corn all right the corn notice for breakfast that says tortillas i did a corn mini an entire week of eating corn there's a video link to it right here on that corn mini right i made corn tortillas from corn flour flour is not permitted in the mary's mini or maximum weight loss actually unless you're making tortillas then he allows it for corn tortillas so keep that in mind now corn tortillas if you're having the corn tortillas as your starch you want to get non-starches in there with it so here's what i did and i did that in that video the corn tortilla was my start right because they're like 80 calories each so i would have three or four of them and then i would stuff those with veggies and one of the things i made was a cauliflower taco meat type of thing i don't know what other way to describe it but taco meat although i hate saying the word meat for non-meat things but that's what it is so i made a cauliflower taco meat and in that video it's all there and that gave me the texture of the the base of the taco then i just stuffed it with lettuce and tomato and hot sauce and and carrots and all sorts of stuff in there to fill the taco up it was absolutely delicious and i chose the corn mini because i could have tacos every night for dinner i didn't have them for breakfast i had them for dinner but um that was an amazing option for me and i wound up losing like four pounds uh in the seven days that i did it so the exception on flour is corn you can make your own core tortillas you can probably buy your own corn tortillas too if there's very minimal ingredients i made them in that video we showed you how to do it it was really simple and a bag of flour was like i don't know it was like five dollars if it was that much and we got i was still using that bag so it was very cost effective all right so that's kind of the essence of the diet and now with the addition of the fruit with the addition of the beans it is very much in line with maximum weight loss the biggest difference between maximum weight loss and mary's many is that you're sticking with one starch for mary's many for the 10 days and because of that you eat less because of the monotony um other than that i don't really see a lot of difference between maximum weight loss and mary's money all right so there were some questions that came up that he answered on the uh update and i want to talk about some of those can i eat more green and yellow vegetables and lose weight faster and his answer to this he basically says yes you can eat more low calorie foods like green veggies if you want to get weight off faster but you must get enough starch to keep you full otherwise you'll constantly be hungry so you can eat more of the broccoli and brussels sprouts than the starch if you want but you have to get enough starch to fill you up remember the starch is your calories a whole plate of broccoli is like 50 calories there's no calories in broccoli if you eat a whole plate of broccoli within 40 minutes you're gonna be hungry again and starving and now you're gonna be holding the refrigerator going oh what's there to eat don't do that right it's the the calories from the starches that fill you up the broccoli is just a filler on top of that so you're not eating you know too many calories and starch that's all that is the other thing he points out in this uh update is that if you're eating beans or grains as your starch you're going to need to have fruits or vegetables as your side dish now there is a lot of controversy in my facebook group online about eating the starches right and this the non-starchy vegetables the fruit that's you know you can eat that if you want but the bulk of your plate needs to be starches so you know i'm not going to get into the 50 50 75 25 whether you're doing the any of that or if you're doing the hasty version of max and weight loss where you're doing like you know 30 70 or whatever but if you're one of those people who just eats like some of my meals i'm starving i'm just heating up potatoes and you know i don't have time to throw out broccoli and all that stuff so i may just have a huge plate of potatoes i'll have you know like a big side dish of potatoes and maybe not the the non-starchy vegetables right it happens so it's not my plan but it happens if you're doing the mary's mini and you're choosing grain like if you're doing millet right or if you're doing uh oats or uh you know rice then you're not gonna get enough vitamin a and c and you're gonna have to do the uh the non-starchy vegetables or some fruit you're gonna have to keep that in mind if you're eating potatoes potatoes has everything you really could just eat just the potatoes and be done with it right but not so much on the grains and the beans so keep that in mind if you're doing greens and beans you have to do the non-starchy vegetables or the serving of fruit every day another thing he addresses he talks about this at maximum weight loss and he mentions it in this also but if you look at the maximum weight loss book it's in the book right from 1992 or whatever it was is that grazing works better for big weight loss we're taught that we need three square meals a day that's not the case there's no reason to eat meals as we've come to know it you can have six smaller meals throughout the day and that would be better for you as far as weight loss and and cholesterol uh than having three larger meals you still have to eat the same starch or green and yellow vegetables you know as you're as you're non-starches for the plan but grazing over large meals is preferred i don't know that i could do that six small meals a day like i would have to get up at eight a.m right which i'm up anyway and you know eat every three hours eight nine ten eleven twelve one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so i'd be having my sixth meal at eleven o'clock at night if i ate every three hours do you see what i'm saying like that's not gonna work for me i could probably get four to five meals in a day and that's what i'm doing i'm trying to get four or five smaller meals in um to try and and work with this grazing thing but i'm not gonna be able to get six in so and then something else he talks about on here is and again this comes up a lot also is potatoes and the glycemic index it's kind of known that potatoes uh are higher on the glycemic index than uh some of the other starches right so and what that means is it spikes your insulin uh temporarily so you know my mom when she was here i didn't worry about that her numbers were came down amazingly so i don't know that it's that big of a threat to people but it's enough where he has to address it here so if you if you've read mastering diabetes by uh dr bernard he talks about this and and says that um you should avoid white potatoes if uh you know if you have diabetes now mcdougall does not say that dr middle basically says that the glycemic index is just one small part of the potato and that with its low calories and it's one percent of its calories coming from fat that it's a perfect low-calorie nutritious and tasty food now i agree it is a perfect low-calorie nutritious and tasty food no one's arguing that but he doesn't really like answer this question he just says it's a really good food for you i we agree i mean no one's saying that it's not um but this is where dr mcdougall or the mcdougall camp is at odds with bernard camp right now there have been quite a few publications talking about where let's say you cook your potatoes right uh you put them my fries my steak fries are a good example of this i make those potatoes in the instant pot right they're steamed in the instant pot then i take them out throw them in the fridge hole right hold baked potatoes throw them in the fridge and then the next day or two days later when i want to make fries out of them i slice them up into steak fry shapes into wedges throw them on the pan spice them up throw them in the oven and i cook them a second time all right studies have shown that by cooking a potato a white potato twice it increases its starch resistance and that whole glycemic thing is really no longer as much of an issue so i mean that's up for to you to decide if that works for you and you know i'm not a diabetic so i just i don't know about all that stuff i experimented a little bit with that when my mom was here and there was no issue as far as insulin spiking and any of that stuff she was fine um but and i didn't i didn't double bake or twice cook any of her potatoes so you know maybe there is some merit to what dr mcdougall is saying um but if you're a diabetic you know you're going to have to choose for yourself if white potatoes are going to work for you i would say at a if you're worried about this then choose white potatoes if you like them but try and make sure you've it's gone through a cooking process twice that to me follows the studies that show that that is glycemic number is much lower the last thing i want to talk about is the mary's mini challenge in the facebook group coming up at the end of july and at the end of every month we have a 7 to 10 day mary's mini challenge we do it on instagram too and the way this works is we usually have a 21 day challenge the first monday of the month so the fifth of july started our 21 day start solution challenge where newbies come in and they eat you know starches and get them focused for 21 days that ends on july 25th then on july 26th we wind up with a bunch of time until the next challenge starts you know like sometime in august well during that filler time the last week of the month we do a mary's mini challenge for those of us who have been doing the star solution for a while or even maximum weight loss and we're just like you know i need to just make things simple i need to try something else and shake it up a little bit we do a mary's mini challenge so in the group at the end of every uh month there's a mary's mini challenge for seven at ten days this month it'll be starting on july 26th if you want to do this with us join the facebook group uh plant-based ads start solution enthusiast a picture right here and you can do the challenge with us you can also do with us on instagram i'm going to be posting food daily for this mary's mini challenge and you can follow along on youtube too i'm going to be posting uh some stuff in the community part of youtube every day starting on the 26th through august 2nd i think that's the last day of the the mary's mini before the next 21 day start solution challenge starts so follow along with us and you don't even have to do this you can just kind of watch what i'm posting you can watch what other people are posting in the facebook group if you're in there and you can kind of watch from afar and not like post anything or you could jump right in and do what we're doing which is we're taking pictures of our food we're posting it for others to see because that helps people to see oh look i could make that i have all those things to make that at home it gives people ideas and it also keeps you accountable we can be like oh great job way to go now let's see what you're posting for lunch and for dinner um let's stay you got this you know stay on track you got this right we can cheer you on so it does a whole bunch of stuff the group is very supportive it's there's over 8 000 people doing all this like every month so you know if you if you look at your tribe or your peeps right that's who it is uh and we're all doing this a lot of times people at home are doing this and their husband's not on board or their kids aren't at home and they feel like they're just in this little lonely like mcdougall starch island right uh and no one around them is doing this well join the group there's over 8 000 people doing this with you all right and these these people speak your language right so mary's mini updates has it changed much i think by adding the fruit and the beans uh it's those are big changes we're gonna have a lot more opportunity for mary's uh mini-friendly food i can't wait to do like a beans challenge right like i could totally come up with something for that right uh so i'm pretty inspired alright folks that's our video for today click that like button show us some love what's not to like if you haven't subscribed yet hit that subscribe button you'll get notified every time we have a new video usually every monday and please leave a comment below what are your thoughts on mary's mini have you done one have you done the corn mini the corn mini is amazing we have a person in the group now doing an oats mini and i like take photos i want to see everything that you're doing uh i'm completely like inspired by people that are doing stuff that i haven't done it gives me ideas and it keeps me going we'll see you next time bye bye you
Channel: Plant Based Dads
Views: 53,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marys mini, marys mini mcdougall diet, marys mini diet, marys mini diet guidelines, marys mini potato diet, mary mcdougall, dr. mcdougall, mcdougall potato diet, mcdougall diet, potato hack, potato diet, potato reset, whole food plant based diet, wfpb diet, whole food plant based, Starch solution, high carb hannah, plentiful kiki, mcdougall program, plant based dads
Id: sLp8BnN09uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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