Why Your Starch Solution Mayo Is SO TERRIBLE | Starch Solution Mayo Recipe | Oil Free Chickpea Salad

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[Music] you ready good welcome back welcome back to another episode of plant-based ads i'm joey i'm tim all right so we are at kind of a plant-based whole foods uh family show we do the starch solution which is what i'm on we do some diy stuff there's some baking with tim at times right if you like it here so far please hit that like button show us some love and think about subscribing and become part of the plant-based dads family all right so what are we working on today okay you told me that you found the solution to fixing the tofu mayonnaise of the starch solution and that it's been so bad so here's the deal um inside the facebook which by the way if you're not part of the facebook group uh here's a a picture of the facebook group right here plant-based ad stock solution enthusiasts um there's a bunch of us they're all doing the stock solution all right so the starch solution is a diet where you eat high carb low fat and you lose weight it's worked for me i've lost 25 pounds on it there's recipes in the book right and on page 200 i can't read it 242 someone have my reading glasses on there's a there's a recipe for tofu mayo right so months ago we started this we um we started with tofu from the refrigerator section like everyone else and made the mayonnaise and we would taste it and we were like this mayonnaise is horrible right this and this is the one we've always gone to because it's organic it's in the refrigerated section it seems fresh whether it's uh firm or whatever we tried all different ones right which are silken which is a silken tofu right the recipe calls the silken tofu right so we've tried silken because it's still conversion of this we tried this yeah it all tasted the same it all tasted like raw tofu not only is it the mayo it's also the basis of many of the salad dressings in the book right they'll be like thousand islands start with the tofu mayonnaise dressing which is horrible right and throw in a few things and it like doesn't taste any better it's a flavor we couldn't mask with sugar now or anything or you know that we tried you always tasted kind of the raw talk now if you're cooking tofu scramble right this is the tofu yeah right if you're making um tofu nuggets in the air fry if you're cooking the tofu definitely get this right we buy lots of this but the secret to having tofu mayonnaise that doesn't taste like raw tofu is this tofu right here right it's not refrigerated it's in the aisle and it's in the asian food aisle at sprouts anyway right so it's the brand is a mori new now it's all silk and tofu but they're different colors they have this box they have a blue box that's extra firm whatever but they're all silk in total right the deal with this is this package is 12.3 ounces right the package the other one the this one here is 15 ounces or 16 ounces right 60 minutes 16 ounces now in the book the stock solution on page 240 whatever it is right it says to use one package of 12.3 ounces of tofu so when i saw this in the uh in the aisle it sprouts i was like balls went off light bulbs went off i'm like oh my gosh this is the tofu he's talking about like does anybody even know this right so i think when dr mcdougall was making this recipe he was using these boxed tofus right and so we did it we made the recipe using the box tofu and all of a sudden right it was amazing this tofu doesn't taste the same as the other tofu there's no raw tofu taste after you've made the mayonnaise you're not tasting it going this tastes like raw tofu right you're not trying to mask that taste you don't have to do any of that with this if you just make the mayonnaise recipe from this tofu it tastes fine for almost a year we have not had chickpea salad right because i absolutely love chickpea salad right but when we made it with the uh oh with this tofu tofu mayo you couldn't get this taste out of the chickpea salad so that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna make uh tofu mayo with this tofu right and then we're going to make our chickpea salad recipe all right so let's get started let's break out the tools and we'll start making this right start making the tofu mayonnaise let's get to it all right so i'm going to switch to my reading glasses here so i can read right out of the book we're going to make the recipe right out of the book here right under the start solution over here yes now you don't need to have the book we're going to do it for you but all of these recipes online if you know the book the wrong one the first thing we're doing is opening up a package of 12.3 ounces of silken tofu which is right here so we're going to open this that's the same the exact size right there of that package again we're using this box tofu right here all right that has a different flavor it doesn't have that horrible tofu aftertaste when you when you don't cook it okay so you're using this tofu right here this box probably none of us have used before so am i cutting and draining oh yeah yeah the greatness yeah you have to strain in the strainer so let's do that first okay okay so we open the cardboard box over the sink pour it in the strainer um there wasn't any pressing to do like we normally would on the other tofu so just slice it up and let drain the water out and that's it okay so we're popping this right in our little mini cuisinart food processor right into the mini okay there you go all right so the next one thing we're putting in is one and a half tablespoons of fresh lemon juice all right so see if you can try and pour that in there we got it spilling so we actually have a measuring spoon that's one and a half a little extra lemon spine all right so the next ingredient is one teaspoon of granulated sugar so i've got a teaspoon right here actually this is a teaspoon of course all right so there we go there the next ingredient is a half a teaspoon of salt so let's do half a teaspoon of that all right so the next ingredient is one quarter teaspoon of mustard powder you want to grab a quarter teaspoon nothing out of there just you know you like to over pour all right so a quarter teaspoon let's powder and then the last ingredient is 1 8 a teaspoon of ground white pepper is there a really big difference with this pepperoni i don't know why we had white pepper i think it's for this recipe because we've made it so many times right that all right there's supposed to be an eighth of a teaspoon oh that's two two quarters that's like a half it's gonna be spicy can you really peppery okay all right so now all we're doing now is processing this until it's kind of fizzy so let's do that all right so we've kind of mixed it up it's ready to go now even this mayonnaise with this tofu isn't going to be like helmets or anything right it's just not i just tried it with the lemon it's really good is it real with salt yeah i'm excited to use a little apple cider vinegar plant milk and some cucumbers like it is a little white peppery yeah yeah all right so this is actually the lipo right it is so amazing at this point have you used this you would be tasting this going this is horrible that was the problem we were having so again this tofu right here and you can use the blue box the orange box whatever box they have right cause they're different ones but they all have a much mellower flavor than this so we never would say this was horrible but then you try this and you're like oh my god okay i said it was horrible because it absolutely was all right guys so the mayonnaise is pretty good the way it is we're gonna use this to make some chickpeas out right yes all right so let's get started on that all right so we're making this out of one of my favorite cookbooks vegan for everybody by america's test kitchen i'll put a link down below for this recipe book it is amazing it's not a star solution book right there's a lot of stuff with oil and all that uh this recipe is absolutely socially compatible if you switch the mayo for the tofu mayo which is what we're gonna do so i'm gonna make it right out of this book all right so the first step is we're gonna take 15 uh two 15 ounce cans of chickpeas we've made our own in the insta pot so we're going to use 30 ounces of it's a pot of chickpeas right all right so the recipe says to process three quarters of a cup of these chickpeas so we need to get a three-quarter cup measurements okay okay i'm this is not my recipe joey usually perhaps why don't i do it i'm not good with not measuring i follow the rules tim's a rule breaker i'm not a rule breaker so one of these and then a half of those i mean he has two of those that's fine okay all right so we're gonna put three quarters of a cup of chickpeas in there all right so then we're gonna put in uh half a half a cup of vegan mayo according to the book we're using the tofu may we just made all right so if you make that swap you want to take this sure if you make that swap then it is starch solution compatible that's the only thing in this recipe that normally wouldn't be compatible is the vegan mayo right all right so next we're putting uh the water the lemon juice and the half a teaspoon of salt so we've got a quarter of a cup of water if you want to throw that in there and then the lemon juice is uh one tablespoon of lemon juice so i've got a lemon that's somewhat melted here you can get a tablespoon just throw the whole thing in i think it's fine that's a one and a half tablespoon measure so we juice our friends of ours always give us lemons uh d and chan and uh soda we shout out and we always use them all we freeze them and we have them all year is lemon cube so our lemons are always frozen all right so that's in there uh and then a half a teaspoon of salt so let's put a half a teaspoon of salt in there and this is just going to make the still not measuring that's the thing okay yeah uh half a teaspoon of salt so this is going to make the the dressing all right that's all this is making uh all right that's all mixed with okay all right so let's put that on all right so i think that's probably good enough let's give this a shot see what it looks like it's just not the vitamix blender you know what i mean it's kind of slow-mo yeah this is this doesn't really work well in the vibration you really have to put a food processor yeah i'm glad i brought it up guys all right all right let's look at this all right guys so as you can see here it's nice and creamy and i mean it looks like a dressing right it's all combined and blended right we're gonna be blending more right oh here's what we're gonna do now we're gonna throw in the ingredients right and just kind of get them pulsed because in a chickpea salad you want the chickpeas to kind of be broken but you still want them to be it's taking the place of like egg or tuna right so you still want the chunks right all right so next we're adding the remaining chickpeas in so let's throw those in there okay are we using black salt to them you can use black salt in this i black salt gives it that eggy flavor i never liked that flavor okay so i don't put that in there but you can absolutely do that right okay all right uh well we jumping ahead there's an order right okay yeah there's an order right that's give me that back all right let's pulse this right works yeah i got it let me let me handle this first all right guys you can see here we're kind of stirring it around it's ready to go there's a lot of mushiness there's still chunks of the chickpeas so this kind of looks exactly the way it's supposed to right i'm not convinced i only see the finished product this is the way it's supposed to look all right so next um unilateral we're going to combine everything in a large bowl yes all right so now we have our mixing bowl let's dump this in okay then we're going to start adding the good stuff maybe we got the knife part in there still i'm not good being a a side passenger i'm usually the one has to drive with this stuff all right so we have a nice big bowl here now i'm going to start adding the rest of this stuff so next we're putting in two celery ribs i mean we had like four celery looks left what we're gonna do with the other two so we just chop them all up i mean that's silly a third of a cup of dill pickles finely chopped um i'm not a huge fan of dill pickles but without this it doesn't taste right so you kind of really need them in there right next we're gonna put in two scallions uh sliced thin now hang on before you dump them all in um dump some in and see if it's too many because that's a lot more than two i just didn't know what to do with the other three that were left so how many do you have uh just throw it all in all right let's save this for tom uh you want to do that for uh some pictures and then uh we're putting in two tablespoons of fresh minced uh parsley all right we were just talking about how good cilantro or parsley the benefits of parsley in your health yes really is good so many ways um the antioxidant we're gonna mix all this up okay all right so at this point it's ready to eat uh i like to have this on a sandwich because you make really good sourdough bread right we happen to have a fresh baked loaf right here that i think we should slice it right now let's just like make one slice and maybe split it in sandwiches i like to have it as an open face sandwich all right so anything else need to go to the salad like syrup or anything salads are ready okay so let's cut up some of this bread all right so we've got a piece right here let's cut this and give this a shot and see what this tastes like um i usually put a little bit more mayo on okay well this extra mayo you can put on all right guys you see right here that it's ready to go it looks good you want a little bit extra mayo right yeah i'm good you're good you're okay all right let's give this a shot i know this is good because we make this every week and it's absolutely delicious it doesn't taste too peppery so that's nice yeah we're ripping the mayo i like that we've got some extra crunch so i think the extra celery scallions is nice really good you almost donate extra mayo with this because the bread is moist yeah i don't put mayonnaise on sandwiches with mayonnaise-based items right that's just extra man i know you were growing up or throw that miracle whip on top of that right not me that's a minnesota thing i think all right so a successful chickpea salad sandwich right out of one of our favorite books america's test kitchen uh vegan for everybody pick up that book there'll be a link below what do you think of it i think it's great i mean we ate this all last week and i was never been happier in my life and when we found this and the mayonnaise tasted good again right the possibilities oh my gosh all right guys that's our video for today please hit the like button show us some love what's not to like we got chickpea salad if you haven't subscribed yet please hit the subscribe button become part of the plant-based dad's family you get notified every time we have a new video which is usually every monday and please leave a comment below what are your thoughts on a chickpea salad did you know about this mayonnaise trick or is this your first time learning it um have you made like tofu mayonnaise out of this tofu or like that's not happening like tell me your experiences with the whole tofu mayo right all right we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Plant Based Dads
Views: 85,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the starch solution, starch solution, mcdougall, hclf, high carb, maximum weight loss, potato strong, John mcdougall, dr mcdougall, getting started with starch solution, how to starch solution, starch solution weight loss, vegan, plant based dads, High Carb Hannah, low fat, low fat vegan, plant based recipes, plant based weight loss, WFPB, whole food plant based, vegan weight loss journey, oil free food, Dr. John Mcdougall, plantiful kiki
Id: 0mn5b8c0MUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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