NUT-FREE, OIL-FREE VEGAN CHEESE SAUCE |Starch Solution Cheese Sauce | Cheese Sauce for weight loss

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all right places so look at where you are in the camera all right come over to me a little bit so you're not a big edge all right are you ready all right what the hell was that jenny no oh it's a bread challenge red challenge what kind of challenge are you challenging me to a loaf bread or give it a question apparently there's a bread challenge going on [Music] welcome back to another episode of plant-based dads i'm joey i'm tim and we are a whole food vegan cooking channel we do some product reviews some diy sometimes there's baking with tim feel like which here so far please hit that like button show us some love and please think about subscribing and becoming a part of the plant-based dad's family i'm rushing through this because you're about to talk right over me and talk about what we're doing i'm trying to get that out all right tell me what we're doing all right we are making and introducing a new cheese sauce yes that is delicious yeah we've been using nut free it's not free oil free works in the starch solution and uh it's absolutely delicious this last week we used it in a bake yes we've used it well more than a week we're using a bake we've used it for dipping for lexus pretzels for all sorts of stuff i made some cauliflower slices steamed and then just put the this cheese sauce on that and it was delicious so as far as we're concerned for non-cashew cheese so far to us this is the best like we've tried everyone else's cheese that one with the blender and the oats you know uh the other ones that potatoes and carrots yeah potatoes and carrots i'm sorry it just doesn't work so we're going to show you what we're doing here this one's a lot of fun you're ready to get started i'm ready all right so i'm gonna uh just since i have my glasses on you're gonna read the direction listen i want you to follow the directions because you know how i am with this right and i know where you are and they know how you are right so read the directions and then you're gonna hand me stuff and i'm gonna put in the blender but i'm trusting you because i ain't got my glasses on let's get started [Music] we're using measurement system because it's a direct imaging because i'm here and i have to measure we know what works and we're gonna share that with you so okay we're just gonna imagine because that's how it works all right what's the first thing we need some water all right so we're using a cup and a half we need to let them know because they're gonna want to ask well i need a cup and a half of where you usually filter water from the berkey berkey you can sponsor me at any time now all right a cup and a half of water what's next okay then we've got some oats all right so how much out do we use it all right so we're gonna use a half a cup so this is our oats right we buy our oats in bulk and uh we just dump them in this thing this lasts about a week when it's full and uh that's how we do it so a cup of oats a cup of oats all right just dumping the oats right in what's next all right now we need 270 grams of cauliflower all right so this is like a half of a small medium of course i bought large ones so we're gonna probably have to cut this down so what we've done is this is steamed cauliflower cauliflower that's cooked so we've steamed it for six to eight minutes it wasn't very long just enough to get it soft all right so we need how much of this it's 270 grams almost 300 grams you want to be careful this because cauliflower has a distinctive smell to it right so that amount that 270 grams that's at the cut-off for me where after that it just has starts to have that cauliflower smell which to me you know isn't very attractive as it stands right now we're at 308 let's just break a piece off right here 294. i think that's the whole thing i mean all right so we're putting in about 300 grams of cauliflower right all right there's that so next we're putting in some roasted red peppers from the jar these are in a brine which you need that so don't get the ones with the oil this is just what are the ingredients it's water salt water salt and water that's it so we're going to put one whole pepper and these are like already whole peppers they're just folded up right grab one out of here uh that one's not a whole pepper all right so these aren't whole peppers the other jar was these are pieces we're gonna put in the equivalent of one whole pepper all right that's like a piece that's a piece right there these are kind of chopped up you're close though i know i don't think you can have too much pepper personally that's perfect all right so what's next next your favorite some nooch all right we can again keep our nooch in a jar we buy it involved we're gonna put in a cup of noods right by the way we got this recipe from anya at uh cooking with plants right it's an old recipe she said for like five or six years we i mean i absolutely love her she was one of the first people i started watching as a vegan oh yeah she's got some amazing recipes i've made a lot of her stuff that's really good we've adapted this one we didn't really care for the way it was but we felt it was really close right and the more i've adapted the more i like it her original recipe is a half a cup of nooch but we use one cup of nooch so i don't know how nucha you are at your house to me without the extra half a cup i can still smell the cauliflower all right so this works for me but for you when you're using this this is a half cup measure when you're doing this start with a half cup and see if you need the whole cup right don't just throw the whole cup in we're going to need the whole cup the other adjustment so you just saw us put the peppers in they're in a brine so it's already got some salt so we're going to hold off on the salt to the end and just salt to taste so next we're going to add some smoked paprika all right one teaspoon all right all right so one teaspoon of smoked paprika right yep all right this is a half teaspoon measure so we'll just put that in all right next we want to add some white pepper all right this is a hat i have that one i don't get white pepper but all right next we want two teaspoons of garlic powder and onion powder and onion powder any time i add garlic powder to anything it's a big one there any time i add onion powder anything i add garlic powder until my garlic powder i add onion powder i feel like they just both go together like really well maybe because i'm italian i don't know but okay so we're adding two teaspoons right so these are half teaspoon measures so i'm just going to put that in some of that didn't make it in there don't get me started don't get tip started that wouldn't make it in there either all right so we're almost there there's really this half little teaspoon this is what i got to use all right so what's next here miso paste how much miso paste okay we are at one tablespoon actually it's at night and me so tired ready to go to bed so one tablespoon yeah okay so again why we're holding off on the salt because this tends to be pretty salty yeah a tablespoon of miso paste right this is white miso paste that's a that's a lot of salt it is yes all right next we've got some tahini it's a nut free sauce but it does use tahini now we've met we figured all this out right so the amount of tahini that's in here and this whole thing makes about five cups right so the amount of tahini that's in there if you break it down uh how much are we using caloric yeah how much are we using two tablespoons okay so two tablespoons over five cups winds up being a quarter of a gram of fat per tablespoon so you could have four tablespoons and have you would have eaten one gram of fat so when you're having this cheese sauce right think of it in tablespoons when you're pouring on your potatoes and all that if you don't pour more than four tablespoons which is a lot right if you don't form more than four tablespoons you haven't added more than one gram of fat to your meal and that's your fat so tahini yes it's made from sesame seeds but not so bad right as long as you're not just pouring the sauce over right all right what's next okay next we've got some lemon juice now this will cut through some of the flavors that you might not alright how much lemon juice so two of those two tablespoons all right full tubes all right not enough [Music] there we go awesome okay and the last part is a half a cup of plant-based milk [Music] so we really love ripple it's a pea milk um i feel like i mean i just love the texture of this right texture it's got additional protein zero sugar is it fortified i mean it's got the dha omega three all that stuff uh more calcium 50 more calcium than uh dairy milk um yeah i mean you really want a fortified if you're gonna drink uh vegan milk you really want a fortified plant milk we just like again the texture really works that works for everything no it's really good all right so we're going to blend this now right everything in so go everything isn't everything okay just take a look there now i'm going to turn this on but it's going to blend it till smooth now remember hang on um remember sorry there's no cashews there's nothing i mean you can use any blender for this it's just the cauliflower that's the hard stuff oots maybe a little yeah maybe the oats i don't know i think a regular blender could blend out um so it shouldn't be really tough to blend all right so we blended it for two minutes right one to two minutes should do it so we'll go ahead and pour it out into a jar and see what we have right so some of you might have thought that looks like a lot of ingredients but the flip side is that we've made the cheese sauce in the blender we don't need to go to the tape the stove top right right wait this is ready to go yeah it's ready to go just the way it is all right so let's go ahead and pour this in and we'll give it a taste [Music] is it all gonna fit oh close all right what do you think this is feel good let me give it a taste here i don't think we need to add any salt to it it's good the way it is right yeah [Music] oh yeah yeah i mean we make this we've made this every week for about three weeks now and it lasts the whole week it's what we put on you know our bakes and all that right there's just enough flavor for potatoes that are plain or the broccoli potato bake you know it's yeah it's perfect so it's really good and then having this that's so delicious without the calories oh my gosh yeah i know i mean what's in it cauliflower still feel guilty like it's the cashew sauce yeah but no it's not so i mean the swap is we're getting we're giving up the cashew sauce and we're taking the tahini instead but there's so little of it the other one has like two cups of cashews like that's all fat this is nice so i think we use about uh two thirds of this maybe to for the bake and there's still cheese left over a little bit goes on the cauliflower they're still left over to go in the potatoes so this one amount yeah should serve for a couple different things for you well we're talking about the bake we're talking about our potato broccoli cheese break exactly there's a link right up here on the search video yeah cause we're in the middle of a 21 day challenge and this was one of the key things that we we kicked we killed it last week well you're you're doing the challenge i like how you're like we killed it this week this is the first time you're in it you're like oh i'm all over it and y'all you'll wind up losing like double the weight i'll lose a pound you lose like six pounds yeah all right let's stay positive you don't know what's going to happen because we're not wearing the skin yeah and you know it works for them okay um so i guess do you wanna you're gonna have some pictures to show here so they can hit the like and subscribe button just a whole video so hopefully they'll see what we're talking about alright guys so that's our video for today our new homemade uh vegan uh cheese sauce oil free uh nut free i'm gonna put a link to the original recipe of uh cooking with plants below us i've modified it a little bit so it works for us um but everything she does is amazing if you uh if you get over there and visit her tell her i sent you and that uh i said hello please hit that like button show us some love what's not to like and tim's here i mean hey what's not to like if you haven't what you can say i i gotta say this is almost as exciting as that mayo video that we did that mayo with the zero taste but the texture needs the calories don't worry i pulled all my hair out because this is just as exciting all right guys hit that uh subscribe button become part of the film headset family you get notified every time we have a new video usually every monday if there's a diy it'll be a wednesday and if there's bacon with tim or anything else that's on saturday and uh please leave a comment below which sauce that you're using uh how do you feel about it i think you should try this one because if you give this one a shot the next time you have some cauliflower in the fridge i really think you're gonna be happy right leave a comment below let me know what sauce you're using we'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Plant Based Dads
Views: 114,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nut-free vegan cheese sauce, nut-free vegan cheese, vegan nut-free cheese, vegan nut-free cheese sauce, nut-free oil-free vegan cheese, oil-free vegan cheese sauce, easy vegan cheese sauce, paleo vegan cheese sauce, vegan paleo cheese sauce, soy-free vegan cheese sauce, soy-free vegan cheese, vegan cheese sauce, vegan cheese sauce recipe, whole food plant based recipes, cashew free vegan cheese sauce, simple vegan recipes, starch solution, High Carb Hannah, kiki
Id: gnlZ7OcyoR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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