What i eat in a Day Keto #3 San Antonio

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[Music] good morning guys it is currently 7 22. i just got up at seven o'clock a little while ago checked my notifications on my phone my husband is up say good morning babe everybody else asleep so we're gonna be waiting for everybody to get up or i think somebody's up so as you can see i'm not at my house i am currently at my mom's house in san antonio we came over here because of the hurricane that was going on um thankfully didn't hit our area but better safe than sorry i feel so bad for louisiana so praying for everybody over there but yeah so currently we are in san antonio for the weekend i guess enjoying some family time and i just got up and i'm going to get ready for the day so right now i'm just going to be getting ready and i'm going to be checking my youtube notifications i know i've been kind of off on them the past couple days just because i have been so busy so i'm sorry about that but i'm going to check some notifications right here thank you all so much for the love i have been getting so many comments um recently and i appreciate it so much yeah i'm just going to be checking these and then i'm going to get ready and then i don't know how to work my mom's coffee machine so i'm gonna wait for her to get up and make some coffee and i'm gonna have some coffee in a little bit but i appreciate the love so much and then we're just going to get our day started and i'll show y'all what we're going to be doing today hopefully we can go to a place today and have some keto burgers that i heard that are great in town so that that'll be fun and then we'll see what else we'll get into i really don't have much planned so we'll just go with the day we are letting the doggies all right now to go potty we brought them all with us of course we would never leave our dogs behind and my hamster my mom's yard i love her house it's really nice she has her hot tub must be nice right her big yard the dogs have been enjoying it and my kids so it's a little nice getaway even though the circumstances weren't all that great but it's nice say good morning saki my old dog he is the old man hey and jinky my kids are still crushed out and wait for them to wake up all right guys so i'm just going to go ahead and get ready and i'll see you on a bit so my 17 year old sister has always wanted to be in one of my videos so i'm going to catch her when she looks her ugly she's asleep so wake her up you try it you tried it she's the worst i just woke up like right now oh oh you look so beautiful shut up [Laughter] you always want to be on video throw away [Music] apparently my mom's coffee machine was already on it already made coffee early this morning so i'm going to grab myself a cup of coffee before breakfast later on and just have that for now cute little cup my mom's house is always decorated with skulls don't know how to work this thing i think you push this button there you go coffee and my parents also do keto but this is all they had on hand i don't use this often just because it has hidden sugars in it um so i kind of just stick to like my jordan skinny syrups but they didn't have any on hand so i'm going to use this for my coffee it's the sugar-free french vanilla y'all could definitely have these but i would have them in moderation i'm just going to put a splash in my coffee [Music] and then i'm going to sweeten it up just a little bit with the stivia let's see if y'all can see that the stevia organic extract liquid drops just going to put a little bit in there and this is going to be my coffee and i'm just going to mix it [Music] all right guys i got ready took forever i was talking to my mom this is my dad say hi dad hi dad but i still have my coffee and i'm about to make breakfast in a little bit and have my first meal of the day i'm just waiting for everybody to kind of like leave sadly everybody still has to work and do online school because we kind of came in the rush we didn't really come on vacation which feels like a vacation right dad no we brought all our dogs and all our kids so my dad's having so much fun he's so excited this is my little sister say hi she's running away but earlier she wanted to be on camera now she don't want to be on camera this is my mom she has to go to work yes like right now she's late i made her late we kept talking in the restroom and getting ready all right guys so i'm going to start making breakfast since my dad does keto i'm gonna make me my dad um breakfast my husband's still asleep he kind of have a little bit of a headache so he's still asleep and then i'm going to make my kids some breakfast so for our breakfast my dad has these oppa's beef sausages they have no sugar and they're only one net carb so i'm going to cut up a few of these and probably make them with some eggs for our breakfast all right guys so i cracked in a lot of eggs so i'm making it for a couple people and then i like to put a splash of heavy cream in here just to make them extra fluffy i'm going to drop in my sausage and get this cooking so the other sausages were for me and my dad these i'm going to cook for the kids but these are also um keto approved as well if you want to have these to my eggs i am adding these heavy whipping cream heavy whipping cream adds fat and i just like it in my eggs to make them extra fluffy while i cook them i also did add some salt and pepper to my eggs and i'm just going to mix them up mom doesn't have kerrygold hands i'm just going to be putting some regular butter in the pan for our egg [Music] so the sausage is cooking now i'm just going to add my egg to my butter and then cook these down okay so my eggs finished i put them aside but i am going to sprinkle very little of this mexican for cheese i'm trying to cut back on some cheese so i'm just going to add very little okay so i took the kids sausages out i just had mine at my dad's right here but to this my mom had some of this like onion and cilantro mix in the fridge so i'm going to add this to our sausages and once my onions cook a little bit our sausages are done [Music] the food is done i served my keto baby here he's eating his sausage and his eggs is it good oh god all right guys so my dad is working from home so i have to take him his breakfast to his room breakfast thank you you're welcome all right guys so first meal of the day i have my sausage with a little bit of cilantro and onion remember onion is always in moderation then i have about two eggs with some cheese and some seasonings and this is going to be breakfast so i'm just going to dig right in alright guys so right now i'm heading out now y'all know my husband does keto but when we come to san antonio he has to cheat he has to have his cheat days he has to have his good mexican food and honestly i don't blame him i would be cheating too if i could needed if i'm not trying to reach a goal right now i'm trying to make my weight move so this cheating would not help me my weight had finally moved after i had stalled for a little bit so i don't want to cheat but he's just gonna have um a couple breakfast tacos um and you know what it's fine because he will get right back on track when we get home we're only human i don't blame him sometimes you know um he's been doing really good he's lost tons of weight already so when we get back home he will definitely get right back on track but right now i'm going to pick up his cheat meal well i just cry because i can't have tacos but i'm gonna head that way pick those up and then just come back home and see what we get ourselves into today we're just getting the day started everybody has to work still kind of sad but they get off you know around six my mom gets home and we'll see we get ourselves into for dinner um i miss them i've missed them um so this is some good time even though it was like under bad circumstances with the hurricane but i'm so happy that even though we rushed over here it didn't hit you know the houston area i'm still very thankful for that and it gave us a little mini vacay just to come visit our family that we haven't seen in a while but i pray for all those people that were impacted by the hurricane that was devastating that was such a big hurricane um so i'm very thankful that our house then we were okay but on that note i'm just gonna head on over to pick up some breakfast tacos for my husband all right guys i made it to this ghetto's place it's like a breakfast taco place i've never been here i'm new to this area my mom just moved around like to this area so i don't really know many restaurants around here i was born and raised in san antonio some of y'all know but this area i don't know so i almost got lost but i'm gonna go in and order some tacos for my husband and let him make some bad decisions on some unhealthy food but i don't blame them but hopefully they're good so let's go order all right guys so i got my husband's breakfast tacos my husband loves to get potato egg bean and cheese and one taco so guys this is not keto nobody get confused he is having a cheat day which he deserves it's okay he's lost so much weight um we all have our cheat days i have them but i've been challenging myself to 100 day no cheat challenge and i am on 90 days and my weight just started moving again so i'm not gonna like mess that up so i'm not having my cheat day my husband is um and i did get my kids as you know my kids don't do keto but i just got them one bean and cheese taco and my other son some pancakes so they're gonna have a good breakfast and then later on we'll have some lunch and dinner and we'll see what we'll be eating later on but i'm just gonna head on home and there's a lot of construction around here so i have to be very careful so i'm gonna head home here's your bag of bad decisions look guys we brought our whole setup because we could not forget about y'all i had to do my videos while we're in san antonio so i'm doing this video and i will be doing recipe videos my husband's playing call of duty addicted bad decisions bad good not keto is it good oh yeah is it worth it yeah oh my god yeah look at that i miss san antonio's food miss it so much i hate you right now look at that one pound two pounds alright guys so right now it's only going to be 11 a.m it's still pretty early but um yesterday i made a keto red velvet cake for dinner as you know my parents do keto too so i had made dessert but i didn't finish it um it ended up getting really late so right now i'm just going to make the icing for it um this is what the red velvet cake looks like i just have it put it up in here so i'm just going to finish that off i do have a video of the recipe on my youtube channel it's so good i highly recommend this keto red velvet cake but i'm just going to finish it and i'll show y'all what the end looks like all right guys so i finished making my red velvet cake it doesn't look the best but it's so good so the cream um the frosting is not made out of cream cheese is made out of mascarpone cheese i highly recommend this cake if y'all want to check it out but this is going to be setting in the fridge until dinner time and i'll show you what the inside looks like fun fact i beat sam's butt [Music] so it made my family keto chicken fried steak yesterday we have leftovers i don't know i think i might eat some too save me some gravy no my sister is having the chicken fried steak with gravy is it good did you like it it was all right really it's good i love it so yeah we're probably i'm probably gonna have a little plate of leftovers that is mashed cauliflower then i had made broccoli and of course the chicken fried steak all keto friendly and then i made some gravy for that she's trying to look good is it good yes oh my god very good scrumptious delicious the the flavors are immaculate all right guys i served me a little plate i probably shouldn't have because i'm supposed to be going out to eat later with family we're going to this place it's called what's it called babe the shack i believe and they have keto friendly hot dog buns keto friendly burger buns and keto friendly jicama fries so that's going to be delicious so stay tuned for that but it's kind of hard to not eat leftover keto chicken fried steak so i'm gonna have a little bit all right guys so we are currently on our way to the shack here in san antonio one of my followers recommend that i go there they have keto friendly buns keto friendly hot dogs and fries so hopefully it's good it looked really good in the pictures so i'm excited to try it out and i'll show y'all when we get [Music] there [Music] your destination is on the right we're here at the shack hi here put this on wait come here fire well we're already here at the shack we're gonna try are you gonna do keto yeah okay we're gonna get one in one thank you [Music] [Music] oh all right guys so we just came in i'm about to order they have so many delicious foods they got all kinds of non-keto foods burgers snacks snow cones they said they have sugar-free snow cones so i'm going to order a burger a keto burger keto hot dog some keto fries some keto ketchup and maybe a keto snow cone later so let's see what we get you got family member and all my kids y'all sit down say hi babe [Music] look babe i love you more than bacon [Music] you need to start stuff so i started looking up remedies to lower your blood sugar and it was like apple cider vinegar cinnamon and all this stuff yeah i tried it off i cannot eat the apple cider vinegar i used to drink it i used to just get a big glass of water with a shot now we're just chugging i can't or you can get like um those waters yeah really call it those waters that we don't like yeah the bubbly water oh i can't drink that either it's like rotten beer i think and i don't like it yeah so i i couldn't i couldn't do that the keto helps with diabetes and it helps with the high blood pressure there's this lady that messaged me saying she wanted to thank me because i helped her get off her high blood pressure and she was on it like two of them yeah little food's coming up all right good [Music] i got more coming okay [Music] [Music] okay so i got some food for my kids not keto of course you got a corn dog over here with some fries it's hard for kids like excited right now rhonda what did you get baby can you show your food what'd you get we got some chicken strips got a burger burger [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes ma'am yeah thank you appreciate it all right guys so this is the keto hot dog i just got some cheese and we're going to bring sugar-free ketchup on the keto bun it looks really good and i got some jacob fries they are loaded with cheese and bacon they look delicious i want those fresh family members got the keto burger logan no ketchup no onions and then she got the regular jicama fries [Music] all right guys so first try of the keto hot dog and they did bring me some sugar-free ketchup [Music] give me a napkin i got it everywhere [Music] that keto bun is really good nice texture and it doesn't have like that weird aftertaste that usually bread has really good highly recommend we did split the burger in the hot dog so i am going to try the burger this is what it looks like it looks like the same bread as a hot dog but in a burger form [Music] really good it has nice texture just like the hot dog bun ten out of ten really like this place and i'm gonna try their jicama fries chicken with fries got them loaded with shredded cheese and bacon they're really good i remember when i first tried jicama fries i didn't like the texture but they cooked them down enough to where like they have a slight crunch but they're really good i actually like them you want to try them [Music] so so far i gave this place a 10 out of 10. everybody else they have so many options for keto people and for regular people that aren't on keto how's it feel babe it's good yeah it's good daddy you like the food baby is it good well there's that she's eating the keto burger why you gotta record me when i'm eating i know i hate to be pretty see how good it is it's good it's good right it is i like the hickman look i already devoured the price [Music] all right guys so i just devoured my keto burger the keto hot dog the keto jicama fries and everything is really good so if you're ever here in san antonio texas come to the shack if you want some keto friendly options i highly recommend them everything was so delicious and fresh so good so i'm glad i came to the spot and thank you for my follower that recommended this spot it was really [Music] good all right guys so it's been a couple hours since we went out to eat we just hang out hung out with some family for a couple hours talked and caught up now i'm on my way back to my mom's house and i guess they're having dinner i think i'm gonna have a few things that they cooked that's keto that i wanted to try and then i'm going to have my keto red velvet cake for dinner so if y'all want to see that stay tuned it's so good i can't wait to have some [Music] alright guys so i got home earlier it's late already what time is it late it's late and but we're gonna have dessert so we're gonna try our keto velvet cake and everybody's gonna try it for the first time so i hope they like it first we are cutting the cake oh look at that looks like strawberry i don't know i think i'm pretty good at making cakes yummy look your mother is say hi sister ugly sister mother sister mother sister father and then me again because are we supposed to i'll try it at one time no go ahead try it yeah oh you take a bite let's see how they like it good what if they didn't like it be honest no i mean it's really good right yeah who else all my hard work and sweat put into this cake is anybody else i want to know this recipe i do have a video on it here on my channel so i know you're going to ask in the comments how's it going comment really good it's really good right i love it i like it it's like cake by myself not this time all right mom try it go for it i don't know [Music] it reminds me like a cake pop oh she tastes good no cake pops are just cakery it's a really good huh and because you use mascarpone if you would have used cream cheese i would yeah like the mascarpone makes it all right guys so i'm going to go ahead and end my night right now i'm finished eating i hope you all enjoy this what i eat in a day in san antonio please don't forget to like subscribe and i will see y'all in my next video you
Channel: Keto With Sammy
Views: 4,800
Rating: 4.9657145 out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketofood, ketorecipes, ketowhatieatinaday, whatieatinaday, ketolife, ketochannel, ketowithsammy, ketoeats, ketoapproved, ketoday, lowcarb, lowcarbfoods, ketosanantonio, looseweight, weightloss, ketodiet, ketodietfoods, weightlossjourney, ketoweightlossjourney, ketotogo, ketovlogs, vlogs, lowcarbvlogs
Id: tXvac6YrlBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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