What i eat in a day KETO #16

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[Music] [Music] stay healthy be happy [Music] if you wanna believe that you were gonna be what's up guys welcome back to my channel kiro asami today i have a full day of eating for y'all it is currently 9 17 in the morning i woke up early this morning took my kids to school it's friday and then they have a whole week off for thanksgiving break and i quickly got home took a shower got ready for the day etc so now i am going to have my breakfast i'm only going to eat a small breakfast today because um we are actually going to be going out to eat either for lunch or dinner i'm not really sure yet um for my husband's dad's birthday so my father-in-law's birthday we're going to go out to eat and celebrate that it was his birthday yesterday so i'm not going to eat a huge breakfast because if i eat too much yeah that's not gonna happen so i'm just gonna eat a small breakfast for today so today for breakfast we're going to be having i don't know which one i want i'm going to be having some high key cereal i have i'm almost done with these boxes i haven't ate it in um in like well it's been like a good two weeks or so so i have these flavors left i have the haikem the high key frosted and these are zero net carbs they're really good i've showed them to y'all before and i have the high key cinnamon so i think i'm gonna have the cinnamon today they also have a chocolate flavor and a fruity pebble flavor that you can order you can order like a big variety box if you're someone that really misses cereal on your keto journey these are my favorite ones they stay so crunchy the flavor is so good and then i use it with some unsweetened almond milk and it is like the best like to get your quick fix of cereal if you're really someone that loves cereal so this is what i'm going to be having today um you can also use a cold i have a code keto with sammy at check out if you all want to receive a discount on this highest key cereal if you have never tried them before y'all want to give a try y'all can give them a try at a discount so keto will send me a check out at heike.com so we're going to be eating a bowl of these today so yes these cereals are zero nut carbs crazier and they're so good so all the cereals pretty much look like this they look like little rice krispies and they stay so crunchy and they are so so good so this will be a good quick breakfast today and since it is zero net carbs it's not gonna add anything this morning but i am probably going to have iced coffee after this as well for your bowl of cereal look at that deliciousness then for my milk i'm gonna go in with some unsweetened vanilla almond milk all right guys and here is our zero neck heart breakfast but this does have it 10 grams of protein and it says it has 5 grams of fat and for a serving it's half a cup so this is just going to be my quick breakfast for today but i will be making an iced coffee here in a bit so guys while i'm eating my breakfast my son is begging me for an avocado he loves avocado this is my keto baby he will eat avocado straight with the spoon look at him is it good baby say avocado say avocado okay go eat your avocado he's such a weirdo all right guys so i ate my awesome high key cereal and i'm going to make my iced coffee i'm going to drink this on the go because i actually have to make a quick errand i just have to go to the bank really fast so i need to correct a mistake i made last week in last week's what i ate in a day video guys i'm only human i make mistakes too and honestly i was like so disappointed in myself because i always read labels and this time i don't know i think i was just grocery shopping i grabbed it really quickly and didn't even pay attention and that was my mistake so if y'all saw my iced coffee video last week where i used this new iced coffee that i wanted to try out um don't get it don't get that flavor i used okay so let me show y'all what i did so last week i showed y'all this one and when i grabbed it it says black right so i'm assuming it's just black coffee and i didn't realize that like right here it says not too sweet like it didn't even register in my head to check the label i just saw black bold and smooth i was like cool black iced coffee let me grab it let me try it out don't grab this one this one has sugar and it has a good amount of carbs too um but yeah it had sugar that's why it tasted sweet and i was so disappointed in myself so thank you to the person that pointed it out um i would have never even realized and you know that just goes to show to always read your labels just read it just make sure that the sugars are good the carbs are good don't just assume just because it says black that it's not going to have sugar even though it says not too sweet i didn't even register in my head like i just grabbed it so that was my mistake and so this is the one that you want to get so this one says unsweet this they didn't even have this one at h-e-b so if i probably would have saw these next to each other i probably been like oh okay this one's unsweet but and it says black but i got this one at kroger because this is the only one that they had when i had one to heb so i didn't even think about it um so this one's the unsweet black coffee get this one this one they have two of them so this one's a bowden smooth and then they have a purple label that says unsweet black but it just says bold i like mine smooth kind of so i get bold and smooth i don't like it too strong so get this one over this one don't get this one i am so sorry for making that mistake guys i make mistakes too um so this one has three net carbs per serving a serving is 12 ounces so and it has zero sugars so this is the iced coffee that i'm going to be using today for now on that was my mistake guys i'm so sorry so today i am just going to make a regular iced coffee i'm not going to put a protein shake in there um i just wanted you know i have to have my coffee fix in the morning i just have some ice in here and i didn't want hot coffee this morning because it's really not that cold out so i'm gonna have some iced coffee tomorrow we are going to the zoo and i'm so excited guys we haven't been to the zune forever this is the skinny syrup i'm beijing to flavor up the iced coffee my favorite one the salted dark chocolate espresso we're taking the kids to the zoo tomorrow and i'm going to be filming that for y'all so y'all stay tuned we're going to take a zoo trip and i'm so excited we're going to go with a couple good friends i'm going to put a splash of heavy whipping cream for some creaminess so the kids are excited because i've been telling them all week that we're going to the zoo and they're they're excited to see the birds i'm gonna put a little squirt of stevia just to sweeten it up a bit i love my iced coffee sweet but i'm excited to go to the zoo i haven't the last time i went to the zoo was for my son's field trip it was like right at the peak of corona like they were barely finding out about corona it was crazy that was the last time we went to the zoo but we're excited i know the kids are excited okay and this is going to be my iced coffee i'm just going to make a quick run to the bank and i will be back right guys so i went and ran my errand i drank my iced coffee it got me pretty full um so i'm just here at home right now we're not doing much until we go out for lunch with my husband's family for his dad's birthday we just had some people cutting our trees in the backyard because we live like um behind a field so like all the trees come from the field so they cut there came and trimmed them so we just been here at home and while i'm here just you know relaxing i decided to make my home menu for this week when i go grocery shopping because tomorrow we're going to be going to the zoo and i'm not going to really have time to make it and i can't i'm not going to do a grocery haul for y'all this week because i'm going to be recording the zoo trip and what i eat throughout the day tomorrow so usually saturdays are like my grocery haul but this week i'm not going to be doing it i'll do it for y'all next week so i just want to show y'all what we're going to be eating for this week though while i make it i already have my menu planned out but now i just need to like write down everything that i need for the meals so for saturday we're gonna have the zoo day of course and then um so we're probably just gonna be eating there or see what we can get on the go and then sunday i have meal prep so usually we get to go anyways or maybe i'll just find something here to eat that we just have here at home so i don't really plan those days monday um is my carb up day i do sickle coquito so i'm gonna be having um i think i have another sweet potato that i want to eat so i'll be eating that and then um i'll see what i eat for breakfast and lunch i kind of just find stuff here throughout the day tuesday i'm gonna be doing shepherd's pie that actually rolled over from last week we didn't get a chance to make it last week i forgot what happened i don't know what came up that we didn't end up doing it so tuesday we're going to eat keto shepherd's pie wednesday i'm going to be making some green beans that i've been wanting to make with some creamy steak bites and some cauliflower mash now the green beans i don't know if y'all have heard of it i'm originally from san antonio so they have a bill miller's out there and if you've ever tried bill miller's their green beans are the bomb they have like a tomato sauce with them some bacon so i wanted to do like a copycat version of them um so i'm gonna be eating that with some creamy steak bites and it should come out really good thursdays thanksgiving of course and then friday what do we have for friday oh i'm going to be making some salmon and a jalapeno cream sauce over some palmini noodles next friday will be another what i in a day so y'all would definitely see that recipe i've been wanting to try it um i saw somebody make it like a long time ago they just but they didn't make it like keto a keto version so i'm gonna keto buy it of course y'all know i love me some spicy food and so i really wanted to try that this week and um that's pretty much it we don't really have much plan this week just because of thanksgiving and then tomorrow we're going to the zoo and sunday i have meal prep so i kind of just get either keto to go because i'm cooking all morning anyways so yeah so this week will probably not be like a big grocery week so we're going to save some money there but i just want to show y'all what my menu would look like this week all right guys so for like the past hour two we just been at home they came and cut our trees and we just been changing out some electrical stuff at home but now we are actually on our way to eat lunch with my husband's dad we're going to like what is it like a seafood cajun place i already looked at their menu i'm probably going to be getting some salmon but they have some really good options there so i'm going to see what else we can get i'm probably gonna get some salmon with some fish toppings they have different toppings that you could add to it i'm probably gonna try the cajun cream sauce one but i'm gonna ask him what's in that if not i will probably get [Music] i think this one right here the lunch of the car actually any type of all right guys so i ate half of my lunch it was so good that salmon blackened with that cajun sauce on top with the shrimp it was delicious and then the vegetables were on point i had to leave a little bit early because i have to pick up my kids from school my husband actually stayed eating and enjoying lunch with his brothers and his dad so i came quickly to pick up the boys i was like oh no we're cutting time close i wonder if my mom ever went out to eat all the time while we were in school i wonder but lunch was delicious i'm pretty full right now so if you are ever out here by baytown and you'll see that place i highly recommend it it was very very good the place is actually called floyd's and it's in mont bellevue it's not too far from where i live in baytown happy birthday dad thank you looking nice do you enjoy your dinner oh yeah awesome you look good yeah all right guys we just got home earlier and i changed into some stretchy pants because i am stuffed but right now i'm just gonna play some call of duty i don't ever get to play so now that i have a little bit of free time i'm gonna play a couple games it's been a while so i'm probably gonna keep dying but this is what we like to do on our free time whenever we can my husband can't really play much either he's always working so we're gonna see if i still got it i probably do i'm that good oh this is i like this one i like to i like to snipe people on this one yeah i'll beat you how many times do we do it when we were playing against each other and i beat you you're like oh all sad always like to go up there there he is oh no money mike no he was waiting for me they set me up it's easier when you have the headphones on don't have headphones show the dogs they love to see our dogs all the time say hi linky link pretty girl ellie girl gotti here you see him you see me coming oh damn that always happened no all right guys so it is currently around dinner time it is six o'clock and since we had like a midday lunch we are not too hungry but we are craving something sweet and when i crave something sweet i want to make some waffles i'm not gonna be making them today guess who's cooking my husband is going to be making some keto waffles for us tonight for dinner so let's get straight to it so for our ingredients before we get started you're going to want some zombin gum some olive oil you're going to want a waffle maker i have my mini dash waffle maker here plugged in warming up you're going to want a bow a sifter a whisk for our flour we're going to be using some almond flour 3 eggs some salt some baking powder and some heavy cream this is the waffle um recipe i always make when i'm craving them okay so i laid everything out for him because he needs help to make waffles maybe okay so he's gonna add one cup of almond flour into a sifter but don't sift it yet you're just gonna leave it in there we're gonna mix all the dry ingredients together first level it out you got this put it into our sifter and be careful that waffle maker is on don't burn yourself you know i burnt myself on that little waffle maker and that thing is strong leave it in the bowl that's something you do yeah leave it in the bowl like that i'm gonna shift it don't sift it yet just pour it in there and then leave it in the bowl because someone's gonna fall out from the bottom just remind me i'm making a bottle you know how long that's been gonna be a big ass baby okay and then you're going to add one and a half teaspoons of baking powder so the baking powder is that big tub over there yeah one and a half teaspoons one and a half there's one and there's half there y'all should get your husbands to cook it's funny one teaspoon my husband does not cook at all like at all both thing that's a tablespoon same thing you go again this is a teaspoon what's this same thing what's one teaspoon that's half a teaspoon so you're gonna add one in one add that to your almond flour i want that one betty croco-ray one that one yeah okay now you're gonna add 1 4 teaspoon of salt salt so add you in there since you salty all the time my bad i'm a terrible kind of person no you're supposed to be all over my business okay then you're gonna add one fourth teaspoon of xanthan gum a little bit again this is a little like so there you go all in the sister you want to get your almond flour real fine because you don't want it like lumpy no that's what the sifters were one for anyone like me finding lumpy you know yes baby you were fine and lumpy bam okay now you're gonna sift it all into the bowl [Music] see that's why whenever i'm cooking you like what took so long this man is the most impatient person on earth he has no patience at all i love going places with him but then i hate it like tomorrow we're going to the zoo and i already know he's going to drive me nuts i don't like going nowhere i don't like people he does not like to be in crowds he does not like to be around anybody i'm surprised he likes me sometimes basically basically okay once you have that sifted feeding you yep and your kids i'm so ready for christmas we're excited good good okay now you're gonna crack in your three large eggs into your almond flour mixture it's a little baby crack you gotta do it do it one hand ain't no professional i do it give me a trash i don't like throwing stuff on nasty you're gonna go to the trash can for one by one okay i'll show them the dogs come here jinky thank you say hi jinky g okay okay we got linky we got shady's always hyper we got the little brown thing over there peppa girl burn myself i told you not to marry yourself the dogs are literally always waiting for something to fall look at them like what y'all making look at them like they don't eat all the time okay three eggs good dang that's so much i would have been making the waffles by now oh my god i forgot to add an ingredient we need vanilla in a little bit you can't even do your own stuff i always forget vanilla i don't know why that just adds flavor okay we got three large eggs the almond flour now we're going to add two tablespoons of some olive oil hold on once he gets here let me grab the the vanilla don't look at my pantry guys it's organized but i have non-keto stuff in here sometimes yep for our kids here is the vanilla we are going to be using this syrup on these i'm probably going to put some pecans on top of mine okay in a little bit without a splash of this now add two tablespoons of once you measure that out that's one tablespoon when you measure it out so you're going to add two of those the full thing yeah or you can just use this just pour it in here no no look at here we can't do it right that's gonna take forever there one that went over it then just measure it out here no it's dripping back in oh my god i don't know what do you just pour yeah add two tablespoons of that again damn a little bit less the fish and the last ingredient you're going to add right now just add the splash of um vanilla just a splash a good splash go fast that's a sponge no do it like you mean it vanilla explain what is that that is a drop keep going more that's not a splash thing i would have did it like there that's fine okay now you can get your whisk and mix it all up yeah that's easy let me see look at him little baby wigs i think we'll break this was it's because it's a rubber whisk it's for like non-stick stuff so it doesn't scratch it can't even mix i'm mixing it i got it you're doing good baby no no no i think who votes that my husband should cook dinner more often at least on fridays when you're off no you should make dinners i cook dinners all the other days why can't you do it one day out of the week i'll order some dinners yeah no yeah we're just keto with them we were just talking about this okay leave it in there so you're gonna keep adding a splash at a time of heavy whipping cream and you're gonna get like the consistency that you want you don't want it too runny but you don't want it thick either so i like to add about like a tablespoon at a time tablespoon that's a teaspoon or two just add yeah add two tablespoons for now one two mix it yeah mix it and then as you make your waffles sometimes the batter will start thickening up so then you can just add a little bit more heavy whipping cream just to loosen it up let me see hand me my drink hold on let me see pick up the whisk see if it's like nice and now it's still a little bit thick add another tablespoon bring my drink your drink coke zero if you like soda on keto coke zero is a great option i would just have a moderation i would definitely choose these over diet sodas my husband loves code zero yeah i don't like soda the only soda i would ever drink like when i wasn't on keto was like root beer or big red you should have some soda because it's so good coke is like way too strong you could add it in there maybe oh no banana coke waffle pickle give me a pickle pickle you oh no gotta pickle him okay so i love to snack on these baby kosher pickles they are so good uh i don't want to stick my fingers in there so if you're a big snack person i love to snack on pickles my son loves those pickles too okay you're done like oh we're mixing okay so now you're just gonna get like these tablespoons and spoons them onto the waffle maker until it fills it up just don't overflow it be careful it's hot i know i gotta warn you oh i love these little waffle makers and they're only ten dollars i'll link them below for you i know a lot of y'all know about them but some people are new to keto they don't drip everywhere there you go see you got it and i'll spread it a little bit there you go just fill it up this is how you do you can't put one spoon you gotta do it over and over see you see what it takes to cook yeah a brain you don't overflow it just yeah just add very little now at the edge because it's going to come out there you don't want to overflow these because they come out on the sides okay now we're just going to close it and let that spray okay see that yeah that's food now just close it and let this cook oh let's see if he overflows it professional i got this and you're gonna start seeing it lift because that's from the zapping though they're gonna get nice and fluffy don't open it like soon because then it falls apart you're nice and fluffy i love these waffles i'm gonna start getting some toppings out these are the toppings i'm going to be using i love this sugar-free syrup this is my favorite one i get this at kroger or h-e-b whatever grocery store it's by maple grove farms then i'm going to add a splash of the salted caramel flavor syrup by naturals and a little bit of pecan all right guys literally like after two minutes it should be nice and brown oh it looks so good we're just gonna take it out put it on the plate and then we're gonna repeat to the rest of our batter i used to make these into bigger waffles as well if you have like a bigger waffle maker but i like the mini ones [Music] oh look at that it came out nice and crispy i made it we made it perfect let's see taste it now that's that's the real test we'll add some stuff to it we'll just make the rest and then we'll add stuff make more yeah you gotta finish the rest of the batter and then just repeat until you're done or have your husband finish it like two and a half of these something like that like two and a half tablespoons to fill it up maybe maybe maybe three no two and a half spoons are filled up yeah i'm getting a bit that's two and a half minutes look at him and patiently standing there yeah i don't have patience usually i would probably run so you could run two waffle makers if you're making big batches it would be better i have two more but they're like the pumpkin one and the skull one from like halloween and i just wanted regular looking waffles today all right second waffle is done now while the other ones cook i am going to eat these i want them already i like them nice and warm so he does that i'm topping these i finally get to eat my food really hot don't tell him okay so i'm gonna add the syrup to this then i'm gonna add the caramel this i got in my ketokrate box one month that y'all seen it is so so good i get the ketokrate every month and it has like keto snacks in there monthly this came in it and it's so so good and then i'm gonna add some pecans all right guys and here is our waffles they smell so amazing i absolutely love to eat these especially at night these were like my weakness um when i first started keto i was always wanting to eat these so the great late night snack or breakfast if you would like that and they're very easy to make right yeah amazing so i was taking a picture right now of these and y'all know my husband got me a new phone and y'all don't know that i am the worst person guys i am the worst person to have a phone i will no you can have a cheap phone i can have a cheap phone and it'll last forever if i get an expensive phone this baby will last like a month tops so he's like we should do a po and how long your phone would last i try so hard i try so hard to take care of my phones and i don't know what it is you're clumsy i'm clumsy i am like the clumsiest person that y'all will know i trip and fall over everything all the time i'll say that will probably last two months because the reason because i'm going to try my hardest to take care of it because last time i kept saying you get phones that that will be protected and i actually got you a case this time they're protected not a pretty one oh man [Music] oh my god like have it in my mouth yeah because i made it delicious so funny story since we're on the topic of me being clumsy when i first met my husband i was in a boot like on my foot because i fractured my pinky toe and it wasn't even broken i just fractured it and i had to wear this big boot so like meeting my husband for the first time i was like limping and i had like a i had a what's a stick a stick right a stick did i have one of those arm things no pamphlet and i was in a boot when i first crunch yeah there you go i think i did at one point i wouldn't doubt it or maybe it was before i got my boot i don't know i know i had a crutch i know i had a crutch at one point and then i got the boot and i fractured my toe because i've slid down the stairs i'm a little sister she was a baby at the time and when i was in my house there was like carpet on the stairs and i don't know what i was doing and i lost my balance and i tried to save her and in the while i was doing that i fractured my pinky toe and i met my husband with the bound and he fell in love with me because he loved my boot [Music] all right guys so we enjoyed our waffles they were so good the ones that my husband made y'all give this recipe a try i promise you hands down the best keto waffles that you will have but we are going to be ending our night early i actually have to pack some snacks for tomorrow pack some drinks because i got three kids going on this zoo trip tomorrow so we have a long day ahead of us i have to edit this video take a shower take my kids a bath and we are going to head to bed we are going to have a good day tomorrow and i will be showing y'all our zoo trip so y'all stay tuned for that and if y'all enjoyed this what i eat in a day video please hit that thumbs up button don't forget to subscribe to my channel and i will see y'all in tomorrow's video [Music]
Channel: Keto With Sammy
Views: 4,438
Rating: 4.9750781 out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketorecipes, ketowithsammy, ketowhatieatinaday, whatieatinaday, ketovlog, vlog, ketochannel, ketodinner, ketobreakfast, ketolunch, ketolowcarb, whattoeatonketo, ketolife, ketoapproved, ketoweightloss, weightloss, ketodiet, ketodietrecipes, ketofood, ketolowcarbrecipes, ketomealplan, lowcarbmealplan, fulldayofeating, fulldayofeatingketo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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