What I Eat In A Day KETO #6 | Get Ready With Me | 90 day challenge

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[Music] good morning everybody welcome back to another what i eat in a day it is currently 7 25 a.m i just got up a few minutes ago kind of freshened up um and i have to wake up my son for virtual schooling so really my morning kind of consists from this time he starts school at 7 um 50 and then till 9 50 which he goes on to lunch from those times for those two hours that kind of consists of virtual learning so that's what i'll be doing and then i won't have breakfast till 9 15 to 10 and then i'll show you what i'm eating but we have a couple of things planned today um my morning's just gonna be virtual learning with my kids have my breakfast um some coffee and then later on i do have to go um to marshalls i wanted to pick up a couple of shirts for me that i um that i've been wanting just to get some new outfits um for me of course and then lunch and dinner and all the fun stuff but yeah i know some of y'all have been wanting to see um what i i mean a wedding day uh get ready with me so around lunchtime um i am going to be getting ready um and i'll show y'all how i do my makeup just a quick mom look and if y'all would like to see a more like dramatic look on some days how i do it i can do that for y'all also yeah we have a couple of things planned today but right now i'm just going to be waking up my son um i kind of like to wake him up a little bit earlier just so he kind of wakes up and not just wakes up and gets on the virtual learning so i give him a few minutes just to wake up um kind of you know watch tv a little bit and then he'll get on and we did end up switching my kids i kind of did it yesterday we ended up switching my kids back into school just for many reasons um so my schedule's gonna change again and we'll see how that goes i'm kind of nervous but my my son has been really wanting to go back to school and just for many other reasons we kind of agreed so i'll have more time a little bit that they'll go back to school i'm always so busy so i have time you know to do other things and actually not have such a tight schedule so we'll see how that goes but yeah so right now i'm just gonna go wake up my son let my dogs out as usual and um we're gonna get this virtual learning started and then i'll just show y'all what i'm gonna have to eat today along the way all right guys i woke up my son i haven't let my dogs out yet because um i tried waking them up and they're looking at me like are you seriously gonna wake me up right now so i just let them sleep a little bit longer they'll get up a little bit to go out but um my son hates school the middle one i've only woked up the middle one because the oldest one he doesn't go into like 8 30 so i'll wake him up like a 8 or around there so right now i only get the middle one up and he's just like i don't want to go to school i'm like oh my god you don't even go into school yet like he's going to hate it when he actually goes back to school like my oldest one's the one that was begging to go back to school because he loves school and then my middle one he just he's just over he just doesn't want to do it at all but then when he once he gets into it he's fine but to get him up in the morning and to get him to the living room and actually sit down in front of the pad he just has a heart attack so i'm like over it but so i have like um i have leftover coffee that was already made in in my ninja so i'm just gonna have a cup of coffee in a little bit so all i do is click this stay warm button oh yeah i click the stain warm button and it warms up like it was just like freshly made that's why i absolutely love this coffee machine so i just clicked that and it warms through and then i'll have me some hot coffee in a little bit and um but right now i am going to be drinking a bottle of water because i need to i'm trying to stay on my water intake i always drink a lot of water like that's mostly what i drink but sometimes i'll slack off so i'm gonna have a bottle of water right now and just chill for like um 10 minutes and get my son on his pad and that's gonna be our morning for right now all right guys so very quickly my son got on school but right now they're just doing announcements so i wanted to um i know some of y'all seen that i posted the 90 day stay true to yourself challenge and what it is is we're not going to have but not one cheat day for 90 days and i did this because i really wanted to help people and encourage them you know to stay on track and just to know that they could do it and get started on their keto journey and you know you'll lose a lot of weight i've done this twice before i've done 200-day challenge for myself i personally love a challenge and when i challenge myself it it motivates me and i stay on track better so this past week um i'm gonna be honest i've been having a few cheat days here and there i just been so busy and i've been doing this for so long and i kind of missed foods here and there so yeah i've had a few cheat days but i i don't do it because when i do i get i didn't get sick but i get bloated and i gain weight fast you're gonna see that if you have your cheat days on keto you are going to gain the weight fast and it is what it is because you're not eating you're getting out of ketosis and all the foods that you're eating are bad and i knew it was gonna happen i knew it was gonna i was gonna gain a few pounds but hey i've been doing this for so long and i know i can lose those pounds so this is why i started the challenge i wanted to keep myself on track my husband as well my husband has lost a lot of weight but he had a few cheat days with me as well um and i i know i gained a few pounds i can feel it in my stomach so this is why i started the 90 day challenge to keep us on track and to motivate everybody else that i wanted to start it so we started it yesterday yesterday was the first day of the 90 day challenge which was october 1st and then it's going to end december 29th so i'm going to weigh in today so every friday i'm gonna weigh in with y'all and i'll show you all my progress throughout the week and we'll see how it goes up until december 29th i know i'm not going to lose a crazy amount of weight i hope i do my go weight has always been 1 30. my goal weight at first was 140 and i hit that um i had hit that and i've been just been bouncing between that and like 145 ish 150 like i just been bouncing between 140 and 150 140 150 like all in between that and i really really just want to get below 140. so i'm hoping that is my goal by december 29th and y'all will see that um i really need to like make changes i'm going to start working i kind of got off running because ever since we went to san antonio and the school started i mean the kids started school it's just been all over the place so i'm hoping me my husband going to start working out once the kids get back in school will kind of have more time so that is the plan and hopefully my weight starts dropping again um but hey you are going to be along this journey with me i'm still myself trying to lose weight so let's weigh in i don't want to weigh it because i know it's going to be some pounds let me okay let me weigh in and then i'm going to show y'all i don't want to do it i hate this girl so the last time i weighed myself i was 141 so right now weigh myself i am i know i've gained about seven pounds i can feel it alright guys i am at i don't know if y'all can see that i'm at 149.2 so i went from 141 to 149 had a few cheat days and it's not the worst um so you are going to be along this journey with me i have to drop down my goal weight i'm going to say 135 hopefully by december so hopefully i can get there and y'all will come along with me now my husband the last time he updated y'all before we went to san antonio he was 364. we went to san antonio he had his we could like he had all his cheats and then when we came back he got on track but like i said me him been having a few cheat days here and there um so right now he's at 359 and he's maintained that weight um since he's came back he had he had gained a few pounds and he dropped down and he's been maintaining 359. so husband's 359 i am 149 point i think two what i said and we are going to try our best to lose as much weight as we can i know he's gonna drop tons of weight i'm hoping i at least can drop about 10 to 15 pounds more and or at least like lean out and while we work out and stuff so you're gonna come along this journey with this i will update y'all every friday on our weight and i hope you know this gives y'all some motivation and um you know we need the motivation too because i've been doing this for so long and sometimes i just fall off track and that's just what it is it's life we're all human so i have to get back onto strict strict keto i've been doing keto most days and then i just have like a cheat day here and there but i can't be doing that anymore so y'all are gonna come along this journey with this but i got to get back to school with my son and i will show y'all what i'm going to be making for breakfast here in a bit alright guys so very quickly um i got my otis into school already his dad helps him while i help the middle one um so the middle one is kind of just you know paying attention to school right now i'm going to make me some coffee it's 8 48 usually sometimes i'll have coffee early it just depends how late i eat last night i didn't really eat late so i'm just gonna have me some coffee early um sometimes most of the time i fast 16 8 i highly recommend fasting on your keto journey it does make a difference um so most of the time i do fast unless i have like a late night where i was busy life happens stuff like that um but for the most part i do so i'm gonna be having me some hot coffee this morning y'all see me make it before i've made it plenty of times but for those of y'all that don't i haven't seen me made it this is what i use i have my coffee cup and then i mostly use the jordan skinny syrups as you all know today i'm going to be using the vanilla caramel cream one it's really really good and then for my sweetener i like to just use some stevia this is just the kroger brand where is it at there it is here's it's just the kroger bun i could put a few scoops in there then for my creamer i forgot to grab my creamer i have a couple that i've been using um i really been liking the silk pumpkin one but when i have regular flavors like that i like to just use um some regular creamer now when you're first starting on keto journey i remember when i first started out i was always using heavy whippy cream that's a great um creamer replacement hi baby you want to say good morning okay you're hungry oh i don't know guys that kid my son he's a little odd one but um so for my creamer this is what i've been using um all the time this is a super creamer i've showed y'all before it has the protein and the mct on it so it does have mct on it so you all need to be careful because one time i put way too much and it wasn't pretty it will make you run to the restroom mc2 oh it gives you like stomach cramps if you like use too much of it so a little bit goes a long way but this is just the original flavor they have um two other flavors i usually like to get the sweet sweet cream one but when i had one the last time they were out so then i'll just put a splash of this in my coffee and this will be my hot coffee for the day so this is what i'm gonna have one right now and then a little bit we'll have some breakfast it's time for breakfast so i'm going to quickly make me my husband some breakfast um i'm going to make like a taco i guess a taco wrap um so we're going to be using some bacon cheese and some eggs and we're going to be putting it on some low carb tortillas so i'm going to show you how i make this really quick i do have a video on here if y'all want to see that um so to my bow since it is going to be my husband i'm going to be adding two eggs usually i just add one if it's just me okay then i'm going to be adding about two tablespoons of heavy whipping cream and this just gets your eggs nice and fluffy and it adds a good amount of fat and then you're just going to whisk this up and then yesterday i did make some bacon so i have some leftover bacon and i just warmed it up really quick i had it put up and you could add any kind of meat that you want to this usually sometimes i'll add like ham or some sausage and it just makes for a really quick breakfast especially when you're heading out the door um or you just don't have enough time like me i'm going to be getting ready here in a bit so we have our eggs nice and scrambled and we're just gonna get our pan going so to my pan i just added some butter i'm going to making one at a time so i'm going to split the egg just get this melted down you don't want your heat too high because you don't want to burn your egg so once your butter is melted down i'm going to add half of the egg mixture to the bottom all right low to medium heat and you're going to cover it once it's slightly cooked it's still going to be a little bit runny we're going to start adding the rest of our ingredients so of course you want to salt it up so i'm going to add some pink salt to this then i'm going to add a little bit of pepper then i'm going to add one slice of white american cheese you could add any kind of cheeses you want to this then i'm going to add a little bit of shredded shredded cheddar cheese right on top of that i'm going to add two slices of our cooked bacon and just cover that again until the cheese melts once your cheese is melted this is when you're going to take your tortilla usually i have bigger trophies but i've been buying these snack sized ones since they're only three net carbs so i think it's kind of gonna be a little bit bigger than the tortilla but we'll fold it in so then you just want to flip it carefully i'm going to fold the egg in since my tortilla is a little bit smaller and then you're just going to fold it and you're going to toast it if you need to add more butter you can i'm going to tighten up the heat a little bit so it gets nice and toasted all right guys and our taco is nice and done this is going to be for my husband i'll make mine here in a bit and then i'm going to go and get ready but this is what it should look like so good so simple and easy you can totally stuff these with any kind of meat and cheese that you want all right so we're just going to enjoy breakfast and i will see y'all back here in a bit all right guys so i quickly ate breakfast and now my son is on lunch i'm going to quickly get ready now this is what i usually do um throughout the week monday through friday don't have much time so i always quickly put myself together um and if y'all would like to see like a more dramatic look i don't really do dramatic looks anymore um i feel like i'm older now i used to do my makeup a lot and i feel like i'm not gonna be going to the store with blue eyeshadow or like you know some crazy colors now so i kind of toned my makeup down from um previouses but i still like to get glammed up but still look you know presentable um okay so i kind of use the same products all the time i know y'all been wanting to see um a get ready with me um i love makeup i've always done my makeup the only thing i'm bad at is my hair don't ask me to do my hair because i'm terrible at doing my hair um i kind of do like quick hair things just because you know y'all know i'm busy with mom life and things around my house and just videos and things i have to do so i kind of always quickly do my hair most days i will take more time on my makeup okay so the first thing i'll always start with i cleaned my face in the morning so my face is already cleaned i moisturized last night so thankfully i have clear skin i don't really have to do much in that department sometimes my skin will get really dry so that's why i moisturize a lot but the first thing i start with is my eyebrows and i just take a pencil or like a little brush like this and i wet it don't make fun of the way i do my eyebrows this is how i've just always done them i don't really use like a real eyebrow product i take this modern renaissance anastasia beverly hills palette and as y'all can see this one's already like done with i use a brown eyeshadow for my eyebrows that's just how i do them um so to do your eyebrows this is how i start off i take it from the edge of my nose and i make a little mark right here where it lines up and that's where i will take my eyebrows into that's just how i've done it and you can also line it up right here and this is how far i'll go out and then you line it up over here and this is how far i'll go up that's just how i do okay so i'm going to start right here underneath and then i take it out this way and you will clean them up so you can just do them i do them kind of messy because i'll clean them up a concealer but i take it into that line like that i know it looks crazy right now everybody does their eyebrows different i've always um over the years i have changed my eyebrows a lot and i feel like this is just works this is just what works for me now so i do them like this um i've been through a lot of different eyebrows i've been through a lot of different eyebrows oh that's terrible i've seen like old pictures and my eyebrows are all like really thin or just just all over the place i feel like everybody goes through their eyebrow i know it looks crazy right now but i'm gonna like smooth that out a little bit i don't like really dark too dark eyebrows okay do the other one i've never really shown anybody how i do my makeup this is funny and everybody has always asked like or like told me they really like my makeup but i've just never really done it for people all right i think that's good enough okay you see how all this looks crazy right now right but we're gonna clean this up with concealer i know a lot of you know how everybody does their eyebrows different so however you do your eyebrows you do that they're probably better than mine i'm not the best at eyebrows so that looks pretty even so after i have that colored in this is one of my concealers that i always use i have some like expensive brands but then i always stick with like drugstore brands that are my favorite so i use the um i don't even know what this is oh maybelline maybelline instant age rewind eraser for my concealer and this is in the shade fair 110 fair so i take this and i just line it up underneath and then i'll put it right here too my husband's gonna look at this and be like what the hell is she doing i don't think he's ever really watched me do my makeup before okay so i do it like that i lighten him up like that this is funny and then i take a small brush like this one and i just like clean it up i go along the lines and this is going to clean up your eyebrows remember i'm not a professional this is just how i do mine and you see how that just looks more clean now the concealer doesn't have to be blended really well because we're going to put foundation over it and then i kind of just clean up right here where that harsh line was seeing that looks way better and then it all comes together with your makeup so you don't have to see these big eyebrows on your face i hate when my like husband sees me like mid makeup because then i look like a crazy person he's probably like what is she doing to her face in there okay so something like that i'll probably lighten them up in a bit because i don't really like my eyebrows dark okay so once your eyebrows are like this cleaned up i um take a beauty blender i wet the beauty blender you're supposed to wet your beauty blender that helps blend out everything then after i have my beauty blender all nice and wet just going to lightly pat in the concealer just so you don't see any harsh lines but i am going to be putting the foundation over it so it really doesn't try and see if they're even all right and that's how i do my eyebrows now i go in now i don't use like real foundation my skin is pretty um clear so i just use a light foundation i used to get like really covered foundations and i just don't like the way my skin looked it would look cakey and i just didn't like it um or you just see texture so i use bb cream so this is a bb cream that i get from my local you know drugstore it's from the covergirl bb cream in light to medium i absolutely love it it still covers up stuff but then you can't really tell that i have like foundation on my skin just looks really clear so i really like it so this is what i stick to now you know if you're someone that needs to cover up stuff you might need a heavier foundation but this is just you know what i use so i just put that all over my face you want to pat it in with your wet beauty blender quick mom look put it into your eyes just make sure it's all you want to get your neck always your neck because you want to make sure you don't have like a line of foundation you want to make sure everything blends smoothly okay once i have my foundation on i don't put too much like that all right that's done now i go in again with my concealer but this time i'm going to be contouring um and under my eyes because these bags gotta go so i get the um concealer and i go like in a triangle like this you want to make sure it's covered like this you want to get a good you don't just want like little circles like this because then you're going to see it you wanna make sure it blends and then i always contour my nose because i hate my nose so i go like this and then i go like this when you contour you want to brighten the middle and we're going to darken the outside and it makes your face look so much more like thin we're going to catfish everybody okay so first i start blending out my forehead pat that in then i'm going my nose i'm going my chin then i start blending all my underneath my eyes and i always do like the side of my nose too and my eyes all right and once we have this blended out of course you don't want it to crease so this is the loose face powder that i use again from my local drugstore i get it like a walmart kroger it's the airspun loose face powder this one is in the translucent extra coverage so open that up and it already has like powder on top so i just dab my blender in there and then i set it and i just set my under eyes and like my eyelids to where the part parts that will crease i don't put too much powder on my face because if not my skin is really dry now if you're somebody that's oily you might need a little bit more but i don't put too much i'll kind of like set my smile lines a little bit i have really bad smile lines okay just like that now we're going to contour now we darken the areas to make our face look thinner first i start with my nose so i'll take like a brush like this like a little flat brush and this is the contour it's it's kind of beat up um it's the too faced cocoa contour and it has like little contour it has a highlighter but i don't use it and it had like i don't i just use these two so it has a darker one and that has a medium one and i kind of just mix these two so i just dab it in here i don't want my nose too dark and then i line my nose and this is going to make your nose appear thinner it's going to look crazy at first so kind of like that just like that and then you want to do it underneath and then we're going to blend this out now you are going to be staring at my nose all the time like oh yeah she contoured [Music] okay so then you see how it still has harsh lines of course i take the beauty blender again and you just dab it and that just blends it in and i'll like blend it out with some um powder here in a bit again you just don't want to see there it goes don't want to see those harsh lines and then once you put highlighter in it it looks even better so just like that now your nose looks thinner you can do it more crazier to where you want a really thin nose but i just do it lightly to where i at least slim it down a little bit all right so that's how i do my nose now i'm gonna do my face i just take a big fluffy brush and i go in with the same powders so i start with my cheeks suck in you want to bronze up your face because you don't want to look like white you don't look like a ghost so a new bronzing powder will work you fit your color and what you need and then i go underneath my neck so you can lose you know a double chin or two i kind of just dust off the powder as i'm going because i still have that powder on my face and then i'll do my forehead and around here just want to bronze it up and bring some color back to your skin just like that and then since i still have powder underneath my eyes i just brush with whatever's left over i just brush it off then i'll squeeze it i'll make sure my nose is nice and blended out you just want everything blended so i think that looks good let's do my forehead a little bit more i don't want like a white patch and there you go that's how i contour some people do it with like um i've been wanting to buy like some more liquids and usually they'll use like liquid contour you could do that too but i kind of just stick with the powders and you know how i do it so all right so there's that now i'm going to do my eyeshadow before i get started my eyeshadow um i'm going to stick some glue on my eyebrows so you can get nice i mean my eyebrows my eyelashes don't do that i'm going to stick some glue on my eyelashes so i just have some eyelashes here these are just from the drugstore too i believe like they're the brand kiss i don't remember what style i don't like to go too dramatic and i don't like to go too subtle so i kind of get like in between so they're not you know too bad but i just start um if you're someone that doesn't use eyelashes then you know just put on mascara i like the way eyelashes look i feel like it brings the whole look together so i wear them and then i just have some lash glue right here i think these are adele yeah i think these are the brown ardell oh i put very little you don't want to put too much and you have to get these nice and tacky because if you put them on wet they're just going to slide around so i kind of just let them set while i do my eyeshadow so i got it like this and then i'll just put them to the side somewhere and let those get nice and tacky all right so now for our eyeshadow during the week i go really basic sorry okay this is the palette i'm gonna use this is the morphe 350. it's a od but i really love it um i kind of lost one eyeshadow so this is how it looks um i love this palette for fall so fall is coming up so i'm using it more but i'm gonna be using some light colors so first i'm gonna put down a base which is this light base right here so i just take like a flat brush and then i just pat it into my eyes remember we're going really simple today sometimes i don't even put on this sometimes i'll just like um take that contouring color that i did for my face and i'll kind of just brush it on my eyes and that makes for a really simple look too okay so once i have that down i take a blending brush like this like a fluffy one and then i'm gonna go in with this brown first like a little light color and then i blend it right here in your crease of your eye and then once this is blended like that i'm gonna take a darker color and just blend that out so it just blends really good so i went in with that one i think i'm gonna go in with what's darker i think i'm gonna go and then i'm gonna go in with this one it's just a little bit darker than that one and then you just blend it out and i kind of keep this one more at the edge and then whatever's left over i'll just like take it in a little bit more now eyeshadow is just all about blending you don't want any harsh lines that's basically what it is okay and then whatever is left over like on my i'll just dab a little bit more i'll touch up like the white and the lighter color so it doesn't get lost in the other colors and i think this one um so when i do like a regular eyeshadow like this i'll kind of add like a shimmer right here just so it pops it out a little bit more and it's still really simple and then just blend that a little bit more and that's what i do and it's just really basic and easy and i also like blend out my other under eyes okay so my eyelashes should be nice and tacky blow them down a little bit more don't make fun of my faces i make terrible faces when i put on my eyelashes what i do is i just go like this and then i kind of just stick the edge on first i let that dry and i'll keep the middle out just so it gets a little bit more dry do the other one you just want to make sure you line them up and if oh if you're somebody that has small eyes and you need to cut down your eyelashes and that's what you need to do for to make them fit so i'm gonna look at my mirror closer and they'll they'll dry as they go you don't want to mess with them too much you just want to stick them on and leave them let them dry because if you keep messing with them they're just going to mess up and like when i do my more dramatic like i'll put on like eyeliner and on the top and stuff like that so if you want to see that one just let me know and i'll have more time to do that i was just checking the time for my son to go back to school his lunch time is almost over but i should be finished here in a bit all right and that's the way i do my eyelashes and i just let them dry real quick and i kind of push them up so they're not like slanted all right now we're going to start on the bottom one okay so i just take like a stick black liner and i kind of underline my eyes halfway just very lightly like that so it's not too dark like that once i have that i will take um that blending brush i use to my top and i'll take the lightest color i use like the lightest brown so i take that brown again and i put it underneath and i just blend it out so you add some color to the bottom too and it looks nice and blended just like that now i'm going to take the other end and i'm going to add a pop of shimmer in the middle or in the edges so i'm going to take this little shimmer and just add it right here and that just adds a pop of shimmer it doesn't look all you know dull i'm gonna blend it somewhere just like that simple really quick then this is i dropped my mascara but this is the mascara i like to use this is the l'oreal volume mist voluminous original um and once my eyelash i'll do the my bottom first so i'll put some of the bottom my eyelashes just like that and then to blend your your regular eyelashes in with your falsies i put some mascara first and then once i have that on i took my fingers and i just like squeeze them together so they're nice and blended so you don't see your regular eyelashes and then you don't see your fake ones all right and that's the way they look and i'm done with that i'm doing my eyes and then now to finish off my face i add some blush i have this blush um this is just the t rose powder blush uh milani um i've had this one for a little bit this is the one i like so i just take like a big blush brush and i'll add some like color to my face see i'm just adds a little bit of color a little bit of blush right here and then now i'll do a highlighter um this is the highlighter i like to use i'll use a i have a lot of jeffree star highlighters um so i'll use these like every once in a while but i've been kind of into this one because this one's just real like basic and it adds some shimmer this is the diamond glow powder in gold digger from artist couture these are like really good and they're kind of like a powdered highlighter so i'll just take like a little brush like this and i'll just add very little right here because if you add too much just be too dramatic there you go a little bit to my cheeks if it's too much you can just pat it in take your beauty blender then i add to the tip of my nose just like that and then i'll add some to the top of my lip just make sure it's not too much sometimes my husband's like yeah too much highlighter right there i'm like looking like rudolph no i'm just kidding all right and i'm pretty much done i'm just gonna do my lips for my lips when i do my basic looks i mostly wear lip gloss i kind of been into these okay i'm gonna use this one today so these are the lifter glosses by maybelline they just came out with these and i really like them because they're not sticky so this is an ice so number two and then i'll just take like a brown lip liner kind of like this one i need to sharpen it i don't know where that went so i kind of just i over lined my lips just a bit i'm not chewing on it just like a little bit like that and then i got on and then i'll like blend the line up so it's not like a harsh line just like that and that adds a little bit of color to like the lip gloss because it's kind of like clear but i really love these and the way they smell they smell so good i have like another brown one but i can't find it i don't know where it went you just want to make sure you don't see that harsh line of the lip liner i could see like a little bit of glue on my eyelash so when i see that i'll just take um like a liquid liner like a black one and i'll kind of just like touch it up up top so you don't see that or like sometimes it'll be like white powder that you can see on your eyelashes okay and i am done now i don't have much time so when i don't have much time i kind of just do like a mom bun to my hair um it just depends on the day most of the time i'll straighten it but yeah this is how i do my basic simple hurry up and get ready looks but i'm just going to fix my hair really quickly all i'm going to do is put it in a low bun put wet it down and put some gel and then i'm going to change really fast and i'll be right back alright guys and i'm ready i just put on some earrings and i just slipped my hair to the side i do like a little splay and i did like a little blow mom bun for my quick looks i just put on a white shirt and some shorts i always keep it simple during the week i like to wear like little slip-ons um and yeah i'm ready because i have to go back to school with my son and i'm just gonna be finishing up school for the day and then since we did have breakfast i'm probably only gonna have like a snack and then we'll have some dinner if y'all would like to see um i actually just got this product in i've used it like twice and i really love it it's just like a brush blow dryer thing um since i always do quick tutorial or like quick hair looks i highly recommend this so if y'all want to see how this works i can do that for y'all and then i also got like i tried to change my hair up a bit so i got like this it's for like beach waves and it's just like a crimper thing and it's so quick and it's so easy instead of like taking the time to curl your hair you kind of just clamp it so if y'all like to see how i use this too i would love to show y'all all right guys so i'm just gonna go back to school with my son and then we'll see what we get into later my son is doing some online schooling right now he has to do like math and science he likes math yeah yeah my husband is already editing our video we like to edit like halfway during the day so yeah i don't wait for it all night so we just get some work done during the day while i still record he does my editing and my son is doing some online schooling still the oldest one say hi yes yes sonic can you say hi [Music] okay yeah this is what's going on right now we're just doing a little bit of editing i saw you yeah sonic sonic is blue yeah yeah i like your cup oh no okay i'll draw him right now okay say hi all right guys so my son is like in between school right now it's 105. um i ate breakfast you know earlier so i kind of want like a quick snack for me my husband um i think i want some cucumbers with like tajin and a little bit of lemon so i'm gonna show you how i do those and that's gonna be our quick snack for today and then maybe um i don't think i'm really gonna eat like a big lunch i'm gonna eat dinner maybe after i go to marshalls we'll see um and i'll let y'all know but right now we're just gonna cut up some cucumbers alright guys so i sliced up two cucumbers wash them right here i just have like this quick little slicer thing um that i got off at amazon i will link it in the description below and then i just quickly slice my cucumbers quick and easy okay so i'm done slicing them and they just come out in really fine slices like this then i'm going to put a little bit of lemon juice and tahini on them [Music] i had to show y'all really quickly my son was dancing for school he's so cute he loves to dance okay so now i'm really gonna put tahin on our cucumbers all right guys so for our quick snack this is how i prepare it i just take a lemon cut it in half we love to snack on cucumbers i've showed you before just to get a quick snack in and it doesn't have you know carbs and stuff [Music] so i just put cucumbers on plates this is gonna be for me my husband then i take half a lemon and we squeeze it all on there this one's gonna be for me i'm probably gonna put more for my husband he likes cucumbers i squeeze the other half if you have never tried this before i promise you it's so good then of course tahini can't forget tahini just like a fruit seasoning and this is going to be our snack so simple so easy and then we'll see what we eat later on for lunch all right guys the kids are still in school they're about to get off here shortly um so we have posted the 90 day challenge and we told everybody that we're gonna put everybody who wanted to join the challenge we were going to put their names on a chart chart so my husband is right here working very hard creating this chart we were trying to figure out what was the best way to fit everybody's name and we had to do 90 you know days across as well so this is what he's been doing lately we're just creating lines we have messed up the first time so we had to redo it i feel so bad messed it up but he's working hard and we're just gonna get that done and hopefully hopefully we'll finish it by tonight it just takes a lot of work a lot of lines a lot of we have to make it even be able to fit everybody's name and be able to go 90 days across and we really wanted to do this for y'all you know i i know a lot of people like to see their name up you know and their accomplishments and hopefully this keeps everybody on track and if this will keep us on track so i'm very excited to put it up we just have to get it done all right guys so my middle one is out of school the oldest one is still on just for like 20 more minutes or so so i'm going to quickly make me some lunch i don't know if my husband's gonna eat lunch he might he might not but i want to make me some lunch before i head out to the stores now the kids are having spaghetti for lunch so for me i'm going to make just very simple um i have this low carb bread sauce so i'm going to use this pizza sauce then i have like a broccoli normally blend which it has cauliflower broccoli some carrots um some yellow carrots i'm going to put this in the microwave these are just a steam in a bag and then i'm going to um like cook up warm up some of these tyson grilled ready chicken breast chips that i showed y'all yesterday with just like some salt and pepper and i'm gonna throw some cheese on top and then i'm gonna put it all together in a bowl all right guys i'm heating the chicken through in just a little bit of avocado oil and with a little bit of cheese i'm gonna add some more i warmed up my veggies so i'm gonna add a cup in here i added a couple veggies and i'm just gonna season it with salt and pepper and add my red sauce i added a serving of my red sauce with just it was just 1 4 cup i'm going to let this heat through and then i'm going to throw some cheese on top as well i'm just sprinkling half a cup of shredded mozzarella on top and let that melt down all right guys and this is lunch i just did the quick red sauce just grilled some quick chicken warmed up my veggies added cheese and i did add a little bit of crushed red peppers and then i'm gonna have some water but i did squirt some sweet tea meal drops in it and this is going to be my quick lunch before i head out all right guys i'm about to head out i almost forgot i have to stop by my son's school literally on the way to marshalls is down the street i have to pick up his car rider tag since he's going back to school so i'm just going to stop there run in and out and then i'm going to head to marshalls all right guys i stopped at my son's school and i just arrived at marshalls i came to get me like three or four shirts um see what i see i haven't really got to be able to shop lately so i need new shirts so i'm just gonna pick up a few shirts and since my kids are going back to school maybe i can find some backpacks on sale maybe a little bit of clothes that they need because they've grown a lot like since kovitz started you know they've pretty much they just need like a few things so i'm gonna see what i see i'm just gonna run in there um spend some time in there um and find me a couple shirts and then i will show you what i buy when i'm done all right guys so i went into marshalls um i got me three shirts a pair of pants and i did get my boys some new shoes for school they had a really good deal i got them the same pair and they were only thirty dollars each and i'll show you everything um that i got when i got home and then right next door is kroger so i quickly ran next door i had to get some cream cheese for dinner tonight and then my husband called me and i don't know if you have noticed but like where i do my videos there's like four shelves in back of me and they have like a keto sammy sign on it but it's kind of empty so we've been wanting to fill it in with some items i looked at marshalls they didn't really have much that i wanted so i'm gonna go he wants me to go to michael's because michael's has a lot of really nice um and they always have cells so i'm gonna head down the street to michael's and then hopefully after that i'll head home but my husband always calls me for something but yeah i'm gonna head to michael's really quick all right guys i went into michael's and i didn't find anything i just got some thumbtacks my husband needed for our chart um like the area like right now i guess michaels is in between like halloween and christmas and they're taking out like certain stuff and they have like fall but too early for christmas and then i don't want to decorate that area halloween like i have the rest of my house halloween but i don't really want to do that area like crazy halloween because i feel like it's just going to go by really fast and then they have too much fall stuff like the fall is like really full like i don't know how to explain it that area i want to do more like modern sheet kind of type thing for me like i like it to flow with everything like i don't want to change it too much but i i will change it like every now and then so i didn't really find anything i liked maybe next time but right now i'm just going to be headed home um i'm probably going to do some stuff real quick around the house and i'm going to get ready for dinner tonight we're going to have some creamy stuffed bell peppers so those should be good all right guys i just got home a few minutes ago and this is the stuff that i got from marshalls so i got this pair of pants they're really cute i like the color of them and then i like like the little infringe of them how much i think they were like 16. they were 16.99 right now i'm in a size nine i'm hoping i can get down to a size seven i think i'll be comfortable inside seven but i got these then i just got like this plain little black shirt but i like like the cut of it it kind of goes like in a v and then it like goes off to the side i like shirts that are really cut like this and it's just a plain black shirt i like plain shirts because i'm always on the go so i don't like i dress up but not crazy i think this one was like five dollars i believe it was 5.99 and this is a size medium i got that then i got like this cute colored fall shirt um it's like big and flarey and i just love the color this one was 9.99 in a medium as well they have um a lot of their shirts like their long sleeves their sweaters going out but i feel like it's still too hot here in texas for that so i like to get you know search like this then i just got like this plain shirt i love i'm gonna know i like this brown color lately um and it has like a little pocket and it was only 6.99 so i got this but it's really cute flurry comfortable that's all i got for myself and i just got my kids some pairs of shoes for school i got two of the same pairs these are 30 they're really nice um they're just some pumas and that's pretty much it i got my sign like some underwear oh and i got like this little pumpkin thing from kroger it's cute with a little s for sammy but yeah that is pretty much just what i got really quick i just needed like a couple new shirts for me i kind of just get a couple new shirts here and there just so i have some nice shirts to wear for videos and just things that i do but right now me and my husband are actually working on the chart i'm going to show you right now so my husband finished up all the lines as y'all could see we have to fit tons of names and we have to make it go long ways and then i just put um the true to yourself 90 day keto challenge so right now i'm gonna go through everybody's name fill in everybody's name so it's gonna be a little bit we're gonna get it done and i'll show y'all when it's done all right guys it is currently seven o'clock we usually don't eat the slate we probably would have already been eating by like six six thirty but i was out today school lasted i felt like forever and then when i got home i got distracted with writing everybody's name down for the 90 day challenge so i was doing that and then the time just flew by i started cleaning a little bit um i dealt with my kids for a little bit and um yeah so now we're probably gonna start eating dinner we usually don't eat this late but it's a quick and easy recipe so today i'm making some creamy stuffed bell peppers this was actually my first video ever on youtube this was my first recipe so if y'all see that and go back excuse how it looks it's probably crazy but this is probably one of my favorite recipes i actually did it not too long ago on my live um and i was just craving it this week and i didn't realize that it felt um it felt on today's what i eat in a day um i hope you all enjoy this recipe if y'all actually haven't seen it um it's very simple quick and it's just so good and it's filling i really love these are probably my favorite stuff bell pepper recipe so i'm going to show you how i do it if y'all want like the full on save the video recipe this was my first ever video so y'all can go back and look at that um but right now i have the oven preheating to 350 degrees and what i'm gonna do is take three yellow bell peppers and i'm just gonna split them and clean the seeds out okay so once i have my bell peppers cleaned out like this and nice and split i'm gonna drizzle some olive oil over them and then i'm gonna pop them in the oven so i like to um pre-bake them before i stuff them because i don't like my bell pepper crunchy now if you're somebody like that likes that then you don't have to pre-bake them you can just make the stuffing but this is why i do it i just don't like them crunchy i like to get them tender first so i just take some olive oil my oven is done preheating and i just drizzle them like this and then i'm just gonna pop them in the oven at 350 degrees for about five to seven minutes okay now while our bell peppers are preheating i'm going to start making the stuffing so i use this mild pork sausage sometimes most of the time i get hot but since my husband eats it i'm gonna use the mild and i'm just gonna cook this down all right guys once your meat is cooked through i kind of just turned the heat a little bit lower um i'm gonna add in one eight softened cream cheese and then i'm just going to give it a good mix once your cream cheese is mixed in i'm gonna add in one can of basil this is real tail but it's the kroger brand so i'm just gonna add that in with the juice and mix it around once i have it nice and mixed in you just want to make sure the cream cheese melts all the way i'm just going to add a little bit of salt let the cheese melt fully in and our stuffing is pretty much done i basically call this if y'all don't know what it is like kind of like a rotel velveeta dip like i would usually make this with velveeta cheese if i was eating like nachos or something but i just make it with the rotel the meat and then the cream cheese and we stuffed it with the bell peppers and it's so good and simple but once this is done i'm just going to stuff the bell peppers before i stuff my bell peppers i'm just going to add some mild cheddar cheese to the bottom just a pinch and then we're going to add more on top once you have the cheese to the bottom i just put some mixture inside the bell peppers and get them nice and filled and i will kind of just like stuff them and then over stuff them because i kind of like the messy because i'll just scoop it with like the rest of the overfill and then i'm just gonna simply put some more cheddar cheese on top and then we're gonna pop these in the oven and i'm gonna pop them in the oven until the cheese is nice and melted and a little bit crispy all right guys and this is what our dinner looks like i'm just gonna simply put some parsley on it right now and serve it right up but they smell so good and they're so filling and delicious all right guys and this is dinner this is the way they look i'm probably gonna get put some red chili flakes on it because they already know i like spicy then i'm just gonna have one of my favorite teas the mixed berry diet green tea i already served up my husband so we're just gonna sit down and enjoy dinner all right guys so that was today's video of what i eat in a day we're pretty much just gonna turn down for the night we ate dinner i bathed my boys they ate dinner and they're pretty much just laying down already i'm gonna quickly shower i kind of have to get um to bed as fast as i can tomorrow is my grocery haul so i go grocery shopping i plan out all my meals tonight and if you haven't seen my videos before i basically do a haul video for y'all so i go grocery shopping lay it all out show y'all what i buy and i write out all my dinners for the week so y'all can follow along and get some ideas for you yourself at home kind of what to make during the week and what to eat on keto so if you enjoyed this video please give it a big thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to my channel and i will see y'all in my next video tomorrow you
Channel: Keto With Sammy
Views: 8,479
Rating: 4.9798489 out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketowithsammy, ketowhatieatinaday, whatieatinaday, getreadywithme, ketochannel, ketorecipes, ketofood, ketolife, ketoapproved, ketovlogs, ketovlog, vlog, ketolunch, ketobreakfast, ketodinner, ketowhattoeat, whattoeatonketo, weightloss, loseweight, ketotransformation, ketojourney, ketodayinthelife, ketofoodrecipes, lowcarb, lowcarbrecipes, ketolowcarb, ketodiet, diet, weightlossketo, ketohowto, ketofoods, ketofoodplan
Id: 5A6IunUthTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 52sec (3592 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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