What I Eat In A Day KETO #7 | NEW INTRO!

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[Music] stay healthy be happy [Music] hey guys good morning welcome back to my channel today we're going to be filming another video of what i eat in a day i just woke up currently it is like nine in the morning it's 9 17 a.m um i got up because my kids actually didn't have school today so i slept in just a little bit everybody else still sleep because right now at 9 30 i'm actually going to be having a student parent conference um with one of my um son's teachers so that's why they had off today because they're doing like conferences with all the parents so i have to do that very quickly right now and then after that we had a lot of stuff planned for the day we were supposed to go out to houston and with the boys since they were off from school we were supposed to take them somewhere go out to eat um go to like a keto dessert place so hopefully we can do that next friday because i don't know if y'all can hear it but in background it's raining it's supposed to rain a lot because of the hurricane that's happening going on right now and we don't like to take our boys out during rain like that we don't like to drive on the highways with the boys while it's raining so today we're just going to be staying in where i do have like a couple activities planned with the boys we're going to do maybe a couple halloween activities with them and then throughout the day i'm going to show you all what i'll be eating just here at home i actually do not have dinner planned today because my plan was to go out to eat so y'all will see what i come up with on days like this when something you know happens i just kind of wing it and see what we have here at home go through my freezer i know i have meats i know i have vegetables so we can always come up with the meal and you know it's when you don't have something planned ahead of time there's always something that you could eat on keto so we will see what we plan for dinner but right now um i'm gonna hop on this parent teacher conference and i'll probably have my coffee in a little bit it's still kind of too early for breakfast i usually have breakfast around like 10 11 between there if i do have breakfast sometimes i don't um today i think i want to have breakfast and i was supposed to actually weigh in today i weighed in last friday for y'all but it is that time of the month for me i just started and i don't weigh in all around this time because you always gain weight don't weigh yourself when it's that time of the month you always gain about three to four pounds but i will tell y'all i weighed myself throughout the week and i was down about four pounds since last week and so i dropped all that water weight and i'm i'm like so happy because hopefully i can hit my goal weight soon but next friday i would definitely weigh into y'all maybe my husband would want to weigh in for y'all today because he's been doing really good too we've been doing my 90 day um challenge with everybody so we're eight days right now with no cheats and i know it's already made a difference because my bloat has like gone down a lot thank god um because what i cheat if i have even you know when i have one cheat day it all goes to my stomach like i get so bloated and i hate it but it's already gone down a lot so i'm happy with that but i will promise y'all i will wait in next friday because right now we just can't weigh in don't weigh yourself around this time of the month i know sometimes i will get messages like why did i gain this weight i'm like because you're on because it's the time of the month you know you get bloated and stuff but yeah besides that right now i'm just going to be jumping on the meeting and i will get back with y'all in just a minute all right guys i just got off the meeting um with my son's teacher um it's currently 9 48 and right now i always just love to have me a cup of coffee i need to run on coffee because if not if i don't have me a cup of coffee i get headaches i get those caffeine withdrawals and it i just like a nice cup of coffee in the morning especially right now because it's raining outside and i just love something warm it's going to start getting colder and i'm excited so that's what i look forward to in the mornings i like my candles i have this candle from bath and body works we got like their holiday candles i think we had got like eight of them or ten of them but their pumpkin waffle one is smells so good and i didn't realize like what the hype was about with like bath and body works candle because i'm just like i don't know i just don't buy stuff like that and we ended up buying some this year since we got like our new house and we wanted we're excited for like the holidays and stuff like that and it smells so good now i know what the hype was about because those candles are like as soon as you light them that smell is just like it what the candle smells like is what you're gonna get and it's always hard to find like a good candle that lasts and smell but anyways right now i'm going to making my coffee so i don't know i use this coffee kroger brand breakfast blend i don't like my coffee to taste strong i'm more on like the sweet side person so this is like a mod row so i just get this i don't know i don't know the differences in like ground coffee i guess i know somebody asked me somebody asked me what coffee maker i use so this is the coffee maker i use this is the ninja specialty i will link it in the description below for y'all i absolutely love it so it does do different things and i like it because sometimes when i have coffee left over i just click this stay warm button and it heats it all the way through which is awesome you can set your timer when you want it to brew um and it does do different cup sizes so this will be like a full thing of coffee i usually do half and then you could do like an extra large tumbler a travel size that extra large cup or a regular cup you could do classic rich or you could do iced coffee and then they have like specialty concentrated it makes frappuccinos and i know it makes all kinds of stuff i don't exactly know what it makes because i just use it for record coffee and it comes with like a scooper where you measure out um your coffee with it tells you how much scoops to put for your coffee then right here it has a frother like a little blender to froth like some um heavy cream with on top of your coffee or you know just somebody else who buys them drinks right or coffee usually like milk or something and then you take this out this is for your coffee grinds of course and it comes with the filter built-in filter already you could take that out if you don't want that and then you have like drip stop you can stop it and then right here is where you would just if you want to make one cup you just put one cup or if you pick it up you'll fit a big tumbler right here so it's pretty awesome i really like it and it has a water thing so yeah that is my um my coffee machine that i use i know somebody had asked that it's just by ninja ninja specialty or whatever it's called yeah the specialty coffee maker i'll link it below if y'all want to check it out but right now i'm just gonna get my coffee going have me a cup of coffee light my candle usually i would take my dogs out but since it's raining they don't do that they do not go outside during rain they just stay in their bed and do what they do they're going to freak out but we'll see what we get into a little bit maybe the kids will start working waking up are actually probably going to start making them breakfast so they have some breakfast made when they get up and then we'll see what me and my husband are gonna eat for the day all right guys so i just finished making my coffee i'm gonna sit down and drink it but this is what i used in my coffee today usually the same things i use i change up my creamers every once in a while this one's my favorite like basic creamer the super creamer so i used this in my coffee today um and then i did put some collagen in my coffee today i like this bulletproof brand i get this huge thing from my local sam's club it's like 30 dollars but i like to use it i used to use it like every day but i kind of calm down but i need to start using it again it's unflavored it just helps with healthy skins bones joints joints so i like to use it you know for my mommy tummy um i would always in hope that it would help with that and then i like to just use the stevia from kroger i put a couple scoops in there of this and then today my flavor flavoring i did use the jordan skinny syrup and vanilla almond so yeah that is my coffee that i'm going to be having right now um i actually forgot that i ran out of eggs yesterday so we're not going to be having a breakfast with eggs so when you don't do that i think i'm going i mean when you don't have eggs i think i'm going to be having um my keto no oatmeal i think i'm going to be making that and i'll show you how i do that in just a minute here all right guys so right now i'm going to be making my keto oatmeal i do have a video on this it's surprisingly really really good i was a person that didn't like oatmeal i didn't like the texture but when i tried you know my keto oatmeal out i really really enjoyed it so i highly recommend and on my video there's like four different ways you can do it but today i'm going to be doubling the ingredients because i'm going to be making some for my husband as well so these are the ingredients that i have laid out i have my hemp heart some flaxseed milk some more collagen some chai seeds sweeteners salt and usually in my video i do have coconut milk um i don't have that on hand right now so we're just going to be using some almond milk and then some heavy cream but yeah let's just get started on some breakfast all right guys to my pot i'm going to be adding to 1 4 cup of our hemp seeds so if you are making this just for yourself it'll just be 1 1 4 cup but since i'm doubling it i'm going to be adding two two tablespoons of my collagen powder if you're making this for one it'll be one it'll be half a tablespoon of the flax chai seeds but i'm gonna be putting one tablespoon in for two people same thing goes for our sugar replacement one tablespoon but it'll be half a tablespoon i'm adding in a dash of sea salt and this right here is half a cup but it's mixed with half almond milk and half heavy cream and the almond milk is unsweetened then you're just going to mix it together and let it thicken and that's as easy as it gets we are going to be topping this with some cinnamon and maybe some nuts and i'll show you here in a minute all right guys and this is what our keto oatmeal looks like now i'm just going to be topping it so right here i'm going to be putting a little bit of vanilla i'm going to making like a cinnamon one some extra powdered confectioners sugar to give it the sweetness and today i'm going to be using some pecans and i didn't take out my cinnamon i forgot but i'm going to be adding the cinnamon in like on a little bit of dashes on top my cinnamon pecan keto oatmeal this is what we're going to be having right now for breakfast and of course we are probably going to be having lunch today because this isn't going to fill up my husband but i just wanted to put something in our stomachs for now and i actually been wanting this i haven't had it in a while the weather is nice and rainy and cool so i think oatmeal will do the trick so yeah you could totally top these with any toppings that you want you could do it with strawberries i do have the video on strawberries and cream you could do blueberries raspberries you can put some natural peanut butter in here you know the cinnamon make it how you want it of course keto approved ingredients and it comes out so good but right now we're just going to sit down and enjoy some breakfast all right guys i'm actually making my kids some breakfast um one of them wanted sokba i don't know if y'all know what these is is i miss eating soap i used to eat this all the time as a kid but that's what they wanted today so i actually didn't plan on going to the store today um because i'm going grocery shopping tomorrow but we need eggs i totally forgot that i was running low on eggs and we ended up using them yesterday and i need some today to make the halloween cupcakes with my kids that we're going to be doing today so i'm going to be running to the store and since i am going to be um there i'm going to pick up a couple of things for dinner but i do have a lot of stuff here i took out some chicken breasts to defrost i have cauliflower rice here we're going to be making some keto jambalaya today so since it's a rainy day um i thought why not we haven't had it in a while i do have a video on it we hadn't had in a while though so it's so so good we i highly recommend it it's really good so that's what we're going to be having for dinner today so i'm going to make my kids their breakfast and then i'm going to get ready and head out to the store all right guys so i quickly changed i'm going to be heading out already i'm going to heb i just need a few things for tonight's dinner and then i needed eggs because i forgot we ran out of eggs and i would get them tomorrow because i go grocery shopping tomorrow but i needed them for today so i'm just gonna head out real quick it's not that far i'm just gonna go to heb and then when i come back i need to meal plan um i'm gonna start making our grocery list for the week my kids list because my kids are going back to school on monday and they're going to be eating lunch at school so i usually pack their lunch because they're kind of picky um especially my older son so i need to plan out what i would be making their lunches for during the week and when i was doing this last year when they were in school i would usually like go on the heb app and my kids don't do keto um so i would get them of course you know some healthy stuff but i would usually see what's on sale like i would go to through coupons and i would see what's on sale and i would like revolve their lunches around that and kind of come up with some lunches for them so i need to do that when i come back and then um and then we're probably going to just start making the cupcakes with the kids and stuff all right guys so i quickly came in hdb i already got everything i needed i just quickly ran through everything so i needed some sausage for tonight's dinner i got this ham because my husband's been wanting like a ham um korean sandwich that he wanted to try so i got some ham some american cheese for that as well some celery for tonight's dinner some chicken broth then the korean sandwich has honey so i found this sugar-free honey and it has it says it has 17 carbs but it has 17 sugar alcohols so that would probably equal zero net carbs so we're going to give it a try i've never tried sugar-free honey because the korean sandwich does have honey in it then i got some shrimp i got some cabbage for the korean sandwich and then my kids are going back to school so i had to get them some little face masks aren't these cute they're only 3.99 and they're little characters so they'll like that so that's what i got so i'm at heb oh and then i always come i know it's like a bad habit i always come to the appliance aisle to see stuff on sale so this is what i found there was only one left because they're all gone so y'all know i have my instant pot so i found this oxy wrap like a steamer rack so you could like steam some fish in the instant pot or roast it and guess how much it was there was only one left so it's originally 11.99 i got it for 2.99 and that was the last one but they're all gone so that's a good deal but right now i'm just gonna check out and then head on home oh and i did grab my eggs i almost forgot again i grabbed them though all right guys so i just got home earlier from hb right now i put everything up and i'm going to be making some spinach dip my husband requested this week if i could make that apple applebee's copycat spinach dip that i had made before he's had it a couple times and he really enjoys it so that's what we're going to be whipping up right now all right guys so i'm going to start making my dip i'm putting everything in my instant pot this is the way i usually make it we add some ingredients right now and then i add the cheeses here in a bit but these are the ingredients i'm going to be adding right now some garlic some mayonnaise some sour cream some onion powder or artichoke hearts of course some cream cheese some chicken broth and some spinach and then in a little bit when and that's done cooking the instant pot we add the rest of our cheeses alright guys so far i've added half a cup of chicken broth to my instant pot and then i'm going to add this eight ounce cream cheese cubed i also added in one teaspoon of onion powder and two tablespoons of garlic all right and then to the instant pot i added half a cup of mayonnaise half a cup of sour cream and one can of artichoke hearts and now i'm just gonna add my whole bag of spinach all right guys after the spinach you're pressure cooking it for four minutes all right guys so after it should look something like this and i just mixed it together now we're just going to add some mozzarella cheese to it some parmesan cheese mixed it together and it's ready so my husband just decided that we're going to go to the cupcake place i know we're all over the place so we're getting ready to go there right now all right guys so my dip is done i just stirred in my cheeses and it should look something like this so this is just going to stay warm while we go i'm just going to close it and we'll have it later on tonight maybe after dinner as an appetizer or before dinner as an appetizer so right now i got my kids ready i'm gonna get ready really quick just throw on some shoes and we're gonna head out to the cupcake place and i hope it's really good and i'll show you how we're going to be getting all right guys so we're all loaded up in the truck right now first we have to put gas and then we're gonna head out to league city we're going to a place called cupcake and they have a whole variety of like keto cupcakes and all kinds of flavors so i'm excited to try them because i've never actually like been to a keto dessert place so this will be my first time so i'm really excited because we don't really have anything around here that sells like keto dessert so we have to kind of drive to get to it but i'm excited so we're just gonna put gas and then head that way [Music] so [Music] all right guys we just put up to cupcake it's so cute so we're gonna go in and see what we can get i'm so excited [Applause] [Music] how are you today how are you i'm good [Music] all of our keto are down here okay hi okay oh you have keto bagels as well yes ma'am oh they usually have whatever they usually have look at all those cheeto cupcakes this is the keto loaf you need to keep it refrigerated or frozen okay we outsourced this from marina's bakery so they make this for us oh i've heard of them okay yeah or you want this one with the ghost this one okay give him a pumpkin we'll see how he works you want that one the strawberry and then one strawberry baby all right guys so the flavors that they had left in the keto are the orange and the chocolate cheesecake and they look so good and then we also got some keto bagels they had jalapeno cheddar the plain and the bagel not included but look how awesome these keto bagels look so we're going to give these a try no these are really good now the frosting is really good they taste just like orange very creamy and then the cupcake is like really moist inside and soft this one's really good they're getting orange this is really good i'm not like a big orange person but that's really good okay so this is the chocolate cheesecake one this is what it looks on the inside give it a try these cupcakes were definitely worth the drive and they have so many other flavors so definitely next time when we get a chance to come out here and they have more flavors i would definitely love to try all of our flavors but these were really really good i can't wait to try their bagels hi i'm tracy dean and this is cupcake cashew and we are at 2800 marina bay drive in sweet j in league city texas [Music] so [Music] look guys they have pup cupcakes for dogs we're gonna get two of them for our babies they're so cute they have a little dog treat on top all right guys so we just got home we did pick up the boys some dinner but the cupcake cliche place was so good i did call ahead of time the other day to let them know that i was going but i didn't know if i was going for sure this morning so i should have caught ahead to see if they did have more keto cupcakes but the ones that we did try were so so good i highly recommend that place but we are going to be going back next time and i will call them ahead of time to see if they have more flavors she said i can request anything i want um they do sell out pretty fast so if i knew i was gonna go i would have gone in the morning so next time i'll do that for sure but the cupcakes that we did try they were amazing they were so soft they were great in flavor whatever the flavor was like the orange the orange was perfect it wasn't like overwhelming and they were just really good so i highly recommend the plates um we did get the keto bagels so we are going to probably try them and i'll let y'all know how we like those but right now um i am going to be getting started on dinner we need to hurry up and get started on dinner it's already 5 19. it's not too late i thought it was later it's 5 19 so we're gonna get started on dinner and i'm gonna let my dogs try their little cupcakes they had little cupcakes for their dogs they were really cute so i'm gonna let them try those you wanna try the cupcake treat you wanna treat here come on bella come to the treat oh oh you took it he's next want some sake ow i think they like it you want some peanut butter you want some sake for sake out out okay all right guys they really enjoyed those cupcakes so now it's time to get started on cooking dinner our keto jambalaya i just finished chopping up some chicken breasts for our keto jambalaya i'm gonna get to start um cooking these all right guys so i have my chicken in the pot just cooking in some olive oil with some salt and pepper i'm gonna cook it all the way through then i'm gonna take it out and start cooking my sausage and my onion all right guys i took my cooked chicken out now i'm just going to add my sausage to the pan and i did chop it up then right here i have some dye celery onion red bell pepper and green bell pepper and i'm just gonna add it to my sausage now i'm just going to add a little bit more salt some pepper oregano leaves sometimes some sweet paprika and a little bit of cayenne pepper all right now we're just gonna let our sausage and our vegetables just cook down until they're nice and tender all right guys so my vegetables have cooked down and now i'm going to add one bag of frozen cauliflower rice one can of diced tomatoes with the juice and then i'm going to add two cups of chicken broth after you have all those ingredients in there we're just going to bring it to a boil all right guys so it has came to a simmer now i'm going to add back in my chicken some diced green onion and our shrimp i'm also going to add in some parsley flakes right on top and then you just want to give it a good mix alright guys so my my um dinner is simmering it's finishing cooking right now but my husband wanted to try the bagels that we got from the place that we went to earlier so this is their bagel like these are the keto bagels and they're huge normally when i make bagels they don't look like this i need to step up my game because these look really good and they smell really good so he doesn't really like cream cheese on his bagel he wants butter so i'm going to cut this in half and i'm going to toast it so this is the regular one then we got this the cute little bag they have then they got um we got their bagel not included one as well so this is probably gonna be one of my favorites i absolutely am obsessed with the bagel not included seasoning and they're really big that bagel then this one is probably one of my favorites too so this is a jalapeno and cheese bagel as well i'm gonna try this one right now and then my husband's gonna try the plain one and we're just gonna toast them i'm gonna put a little bit of softened cream cheese on mine and then i'm gonna put some butter on his and we'll let you know how they taste and this is their inside of the bagel look at this this looks amazing they look awesome these are probably gonna be the best keto bagels that i've tried i could already tell hmm all right guys i got his bagel nice and toasted and i put the butter just like he wanted so we're going to let him go and try it oh a crunchy man this really tastes good it's good right they looked really soft they look like a real bagel like it's not even keto no i taste they don't even taste like keto yeah i'm gonna try my jalapeno cheese one you should have got the bread check out the bread for real this is really good like i should have ate it with some egg and bacon well we have another one that you can eat in the morning [Music] all right guys now it's my turn to try the bagel i'm gonna try the jalapeno and cheese one i just put a little bit of cream cheese on top [Music] i swear to god these do not taste like keto bagels they are so so so good um i'm for sure going there every time and getting some bagels because i'm not even gonna try to make bagels by myself anymore these are so so good i highly recommend this place for the delicious cupcakes and their delicious bagels 10 out of 10. all right guys and dinner is ready so i'm just going to serve it right up and we're going to enjoy some nice keto jambalaya all right guys and this is dinner our keto jambalaya is so good it smells amazing my house you can't forget the tabasco of course then i'm going to be having some water but i'm going to be adding my favorite meal drops in the sweet tea i absolutely love those so we're just gonna sit down and enjoy some dinner we just finished eating dinner earlier now we're celerying down for the night i know i told y'all that i was gonna be making some halloween cupcakes with my kids but since we went out for the day i promise they do not need all that sugar so we're just gonna save it for tomorrow question of the day how did y'all like my new intro it was done by a girl named crystal badomo she is from the philippines my husband actually discovered her on facebook in a group called quarantine karaoke qk she is an amazing amazing singer we would always listen to her every morning and at night seeing her sessions live you can find her on there and you can download the app sessions live and find her on there as well she sings live you can request songs for her she's just an amazing overall singer you can also find her on youtube instagram twitter and of course facebook i will link all her info in the description below so head on over to sessions live cristobadomo and show her some love i'm so happy that we got to link up with her and create my awesome new intro so here she is singing keto with sami's new intro [Music] stay healthy be happy [Music] you're in the perfect what's up guys this is crystal budomo a 20 year old singer-songwriter from the philippines i made keto with sammy's intro you can connect with me through my social media accounts at crystalbodomo and if you want to hear me sing you can check out my live sessions at sessionslive.com crystalbodomo you can check my schedules there thank you and see you at sessions wow guys what an amazing singer she is so talented all right so those are y'all that wanted to know about my husband's weigh-in he did weigh in today so he started his keto journey at 3.95 and today he is at 3 54. so i am so proud of him almost 50 pounds lost and hopefully next week i could weigh in and he will weigh in again and we will keep y'all updated so if you enjoyed this what i eat in a day video please hit that like button don't forget to subscribe to my channel for awesome keto recipe and vlogs and i will see you in my next video you
Channel: Keto With Sammy
Views: 7,551
Rating: 4.9741378 out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketowithsammy, ketowhatieatinaday, whatieatinaday, whatieatinadayweightloss, weightloss, ketoweightloss, ketorecipes, ketochannel, ketofood, ketovlog, vlog, ketowhattoeat, whattoeatonketo, ketolowcarb, whattoeattoloseweight, ketodinner, ketobreakfast, ketotransformation, ketojourney, ketoweightlossjourney, ketolife, ketoapproved, ketofoods, ketoeasyrecipes, whattoeatketo, whatoteatonketo
Id: Wn1q2qnfboY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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