What I Eat In A Day To Lose Weight on Keto Diet DAIRY FREE! Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner!

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hey guys welcome to my channel i'm myra from low carb love and today we're going to be doing a different video this is not just a recipe video we are doing what i eat in a day dairy free so just recently i have started trying to eliminate dairy gluten because even if you're keto eating keto or low carb you can be eating a lot of dairy and a lot of gluten which is actually allowed but some of us might be a little bit intolerant you might get bloated gassy that's actually your body telling you that you do have some type of sensitivity to something um it's kind of like a warning signal type deal and so i started experiencing a lot of that like a lot of bloating a lot of discomfort and so i was like you know what let's give this a try i've been doing it and i'm going to talk to you guys a little bit about how i've been feeling what i've been doing and my results because there are some results let's get started guys okay so you guys obviously know that i'm doing dairy free right now so my coffee that was probably one of the biggest things for me is because i love creamy coffee and usually heavy cream is what gives me that creaminess um so this is what i'm using now um this is my second bag now uh this is made with coconut cream so it's an unsweetened creamer they have so many other flavors but this is the one that's like has absolutely no sugar whatsoever so i actually just do um two like heaping spoons because we want that creaminess you know and um yeah if you guys don't know about layers superfoods they they have like creamers and like matcha and chai they have so many different products super super clean like their ingredients are super clean they're gluten free vegan non-gmo of course dairy free why you know and um keto friendly so if you're not keto you're not low carb they have one that does have coconut sugar but this one doesn't so i'm gonna add my own sweetener my oat cleaner but yeah it has all four let me just kind of bring you close so that you can see the nutritional facts this is just naturally delicious it has all four mcts so this is like fuel for your brain it has the c8 c10 c12 no artificial flavors no refrigeration needed and it's just super clean plant-based um fuel if you want to look at the ingredients it's like so clean so i really started getting into like cleaner foods just because i was having like gut issues anyway this is an amazing creamer like i said this is already my second bag and you can get like a little frother there on the on their website and then look at how easily just kind of mixes in nice and creamy and of course like if you want it super creamy you can just add one more the mouth feel of this creamer is creaminess so i don't have to add anything else to it um i just like the flavor of cinnamon so i do a little bit of cinnamon and then some sweetener what i'm doing right now is just some stevia like organic stevia drops because um the sugar alcohols were really kind of like messing with my stomach and causing major bloating um so i'm just kind of like trying to eliminate things here and there and i will share with you like the things that have helped me this doesn't cause any discomfort whatsoever and um so i'm super happy with it and i'll show you other things that i buy from them that are really really good um but i'll see if i have to go to my pantry to check them out but anyway here's my coffee we're gonna do this and then um we are i have to get a little bit of work done and i will show you what we're having it's gonna be a dairy-free lunch that's gonna be so delicious so stay tuned oh and i forgot to mention um for those of you that are interested in a creamy dairy-free milk creamer i'm going to link it in the description below for you guys to check it out so it's about one o'clock and we're gonna get started with lunch so what i'm doing here is i'm gonna be using these um cabbage wraps so i just got a uh you know just a head of cabbage and i started peeling it so these are going to be our little wraps i've already um washed them and we are making we're making asian cabbage wraps so of course they're going to be dairy free and i'm going to show you just how simple and delicious these are so let's get started all right guys so we're gonna start off with a little um avocado oil okay so we put some oil in there our pan should be pretty hot and now let's get our we have one pound of ground beef you can use ground whatever chicken turkey like whatever you want to use so we're just gonna cook this until it's nice and brown and pretty much cooked all the way through [Music] okay so then we have a quarter cup of onion and we're just going to put that in the middle and then we have a quarter cup of carrots that we're gonna add in and we're just adding that in there as well yeah we just want the onions to cook and become semi-translucent okay beautiful look at that it looks yummy so if you have soy sauce then you can use soy sauce i have coconut amino that's what we're using and we're gonna do no dose okay okay so now we have some rice vinegar and we're doing one tablespoon and i have just some minced garlic you can use um fresh garlic and we're gonna do just like about half tablespoon or three garlic cloves if you have um fresh garlic just a little teaspoon of uh some sesame oil throw that in we're just doing a half teaspoon of ginger a powder ginger or ground ginger okay we're gonna do a teaspoon of sweetener so i have some green onion and cilantro and i'm gonna do half in here and then we're gonna save half to garnish our our wrap okay guys so now we're back from the stove let's go ahead and get started with our little wraps um so this is going to be like very light fresh like it's not going to be heavy um obviously these are our cabbage wraps just from a you know a normal head of cabbage not cooked you can cook them if you want like steam them so they're a little softer but what we're gonna do is put a little bit of mayo and this is just for creaminess you definitely don't need it but um we're just going to add a little on there and or you can add what else would be good i'm not sure what else cut but anyway we're using mayo then we are going to put our little scoop of our meat and you're obviously going to put as little or as much as you want and then we're going to do a little bit of cilantro and green onion just like that beautiful we're going to finish it off with a little sriracha boom boom boom and so i'm just going to make a few more i'm gonna have maybe one or two depending i mean i didn't put a lot of meat so i'm thinking two if you put like a ton of meat then you know it's up to you just like how you're feeling but um we're gonna make these really quickly and then this will be lunch so i just finished taking a little photo and um now it's time to have lunch i'm probably gonna have like two of these and then later today i'll have something that's a little heavier um so let's go ahead and see how they turned out it's looking like look at this burrito really i have a little bit of sriracha but if you don't like torture then um this is so full of flavor if you guys like recipes like this that are light and fresh let me know comment down below um because there are so many different versions of like lettuce wrap and um there's uh cabbage wraps and cucumbers and like there's just so many different um ideas with like lighter lunches so let me know if that's something that you guys would like but this is so good it's so full of flavor you guys have to yeah you have to try this um like i said i'll probably end up doing two of these and then get more work done because we have like a lot going on right now and then i will bring you guys back when we're starting dinner so um they're pretty much run out so my other one okay so these are the lyrics pilli nuts these are from the philippines they are super super creamy if you've never tried them you guys have to try these these are now my new favorite nut before i used to love the macadamia nuts and these actually take over okay so these little guys are packed with magnesium this is the package how it comes they're full of vitamin e they have nine essential vitamins and minerals like they are like a little powerhouse but um yeah they are super super delicious i'm gonna snack on them while we um well i figure out my next recipe and we are gonna get ready to cook dinner all right guys so it's time to make dinner i thought about i was thinking like okay what are we gonna do dairy free easy so we're going with a one-pound meal we're gonna do chicken so usually i love chicken fajitas i usually make them stove top but of course you have to like saute the veggies and then you have to cook your chicken and then all that so we're just gonna put it boom on a pan so we're gonna do um you know our little tray our little baking sheet and then we put a piece of parchment i already chopped it up you know just to save some time i did the yellow the these are baby ones so i did like a big yellow pepper a big bell pepper these two are bell peppers obviously and then these are like the little minis and then just a bunch of onion and then jalapenos for the little spicy spicy life and then i have just a little bit of avocado oil so we're just going to drizzle drizzle drizzle some avocado some salt and then we're just going to throw in a few a few uh spices so here we have just onion powder okay it's just so you're a little so they have flavor you know i like spicy so a little bit of chili flakes not too much because then you know hearts are funny actually it really doesn't well not mine and then onion salt and then do some black pepper don't be shy and now we are going to quickly i actually just picked this one up from traders and it's the little taco mix it's super super clean we're just going to quickly um season our chicken so these here this was a full chicken breast a big chicken breast and we butterflied it so you know they're thinner you basically get more so this is actually only one and a half chicken breasts just fyi but okay let's go ahead and get this in the oven because we hungry spray our chicken okay so we're just gonna do a little toss [Music] so it looks um kind of like mixed okay now just let's throw our veggies in here we'll try to fix them right now but all right so we have a little bit of a mess going on but we are ready this is what our little one pan meal looks like this is a one pan chicken fajita meal it's going in the oven and it's at 3.75 boom we'll check it in 30 minutes look at that beauty so we're going to try our little oh gosh this is just a taste test but we're going to sit down and eat in a little bit you know why you can make tacos with this tacos but anyway this is dinner super super simple dairy free you know what i've noticed since going dairy free is that you can make a lot of things taste creamy with obviously without adding the dairy because for me typically when i have tacos and i know it's probably weird i always have cheese and sour cream always because i like the sour cream and the salsa mixed together but you know what i've been subbing um the sour cream for now is mayo so i do a little bit of mayo healthy you know i'm all reading into these ingredients now which is sometimes driving me crazy i feel like i'm making my body even more sensitive let me know if that if you've noticed that like the more careful you are with ingredients do you notice like your body gets more sensitive to things um because i feel like i'm kind of going through that right now and it's making me sad but um but obviously we have a ton of delicious food that we can eat and so right now this is just like an experiment it's not like i'm forever not gonna eat dairy but um i feel really great i feel like i've had really good results with like getting rid of just extra like water weight bloat um just like stomach issues let me know if you guys want me to make a whole video on the things that i've noticed since going dairy free but just really quickly i don't get cold anymore so my fingers used to be frozen and my feet used to be like super cold everyone was walking around like in tank tops and i'm like in my bagel robe sweatpants socks um and itchy there's yeah there's there's a few things so let me know and i'll make a really quick video on the steps that i took how i started eliminating it what i noticed from day one until today which is almost what two weeks in two three weeks in um and i have my photos so i can kind of put them together so let me know comment down below if you guys want to see that and i'm more than happy to share but yeah this is dinner i hope you guys really enjoyed this video um this is basically how i'm living my life right now i start off with my little celery juice my dairy free coffee which is i'm super obsessed with you know that if i travel i'm taking my creamer with me because i don't want to deal with stomach issues and um so that's what i'm doing right now i try to keep you know my lunch my dinner and then my little snack and make sure that everything's dairy free i hope you guys enjoy it enjoyed this video comment down below let me know what you think are you dairy free are you gluten free do you have any type of intolerances um to to foods and what have you noticed since you cut it out because right now i'm going through that process and any tips i'm like doing a ton of research so any tips are super helpful guys i love you so much i will see you on my next video
Channel: Low Carb Love
Views: 20,554
Rating: 4.9492683 out of 5
Keywords: what i eat in a day, dairy free, what i eat, keto no eggs, keto dairy free, dairy free keto, what i eat in a day healthy, healthy what i eat in a day, what i eat in a day to lose weight, what i eat in a day realistic, realistic what i eat in a day, keto meal prep, low carb meal prep, keto dairy, low carb love, lowcarblove, what i ate today, keto recipes, healthy recipes, keto, what i eat in a day dairy free, dairy free diet, what i eat in a day weight loss, what i
Id: d9R2UnZfQc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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