What Harmful Secret Are You Keeping From Your SO? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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other than cheating what secret do you keep from your soul to prevent upsetting them my wife is a huge animal lover volunteered at local shelters and such before our kids were born one night years ago she was leaving work and outside the front door she found a small bird probably a sparrow on the sidewalk it didn't run or fly away so she assumed it was hurt she ran back inside got a box and searched online for a bird rescue and found one about 20 to 30 minutes away she drove the bird there dropped it off and they took her information because they said they would send her a card as a thank you this was at least six or seven years ago and she still brings it up every so often and remembers that they never sent that card they did send the card thanking her for bringing the bird in for help the card also said they euthanized the bird because it had broken bones in its wing maybe from being hit by a car in the parking lot i read it and crammed the car deep into the trash because i didn't want her to get upset that the bird she tried so hard to help had to be euthanized edit row my first gold thanks kind stranger my ex-girlfriend had a few too many shots of tequila in a party and passed out on the couch when i went to check her i noticed she pissed all over the couch to avoid embarrassments i filled up a bucket with water and threw it over her to disguise it as a prank i'm that kind of boyfriend she still has no idea edit typo also thanks for the gold the silver and the love guys several years ago one of our outside cats went missing my wife's favorite she was pretty upset i had actually found the cat that morning and discovered what had actually happened to it the facts and circumstances leading to its death would upset her tremendously she still thinks to this day the cat was taken by a rogue coyote or something when in reality she had incidentally backed over it in the darkness of mourning when leaving for work i've never been able to bring myself to tell her and never will i felt awful for her i even feel awful telling the internet about it now and it's been years obligatory edited thank you all for the great replies and discussions and gold and silver i've not been able to keep up as its dinner and bedtime for the family i appreciate everyone's condolences and support it's been enjoyable reading people's comments and replies some of the common questions and comments i am getting answered here the cat was a barn cat we keep them as mouse is in the tack and feed areas to keep mice away we take good care of them and they are vaccinated and treated the same as our and or cat singular lol they all have names and serve a purpose on our farm though admittedly they don't live as long i understand my wife was driving a diesel farm truck at the time i honestly don't think she felt anything at all it was super dark and early in the morning my wife doesn't even know what it is she's not internet savvy i'm not worried about it i try not to use names or specifics as that is my standard internet practice my username has nothing to do with anything related to hyrule it's a false name based on an inside joke with a gaming friend my boyfriend loves to show me memes funny posts that he thinks i would find really funny but i spend more time online than he does so i've usually seen them well before he shows me every so often i pretend i haven't yet seen a post just so he gets the satisfaction of being the first to show me his favorite dip is like 80 mayo he has a terrible aversion to mayo his mom has made it when he has not been around his whole life and now i continue the charade it's a really good dip edit thank you for the silver also i did not expect this to blow up my husband is totally gonna find out now lol recipe 0.5 cup sour cream 1.5 cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons dried dill weed 2 tablespoons dried minced onion 1 tablespoon dried parsley 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 stroke 8 teaspoon salt mix everything together chill for 30 minutes longer is better serve in a hollowed out pumpernickel bread bully with the removed bits pulled into smallish pieces eater i have confessed he knew but was in denial the first christmas after i got together with my partner he brought me a beautiful opal necklace he knew it was my favorite stone i suspect he paid quite a bit he's mad proud of the thing and loves to see me wear it he told me that when he brought it he paid for a slightly smaller opal and a shop worker accidentally grabbed the wrong one so he got an upgrade to a bigger opel for free my partner also has a whole thing against fake stones and jewelry thinks it tacky horrible dishonest etc long story short what he doesn't realize is that my beautiful opal is fake see i suspect he paid for a real opal but he probably wasn't meant to see that ops when the shop worker grabbed the bigger one i suspect they ran a little con on him charged him for a smaller real one and grabbed the larger fake instead he thought the accident was in his favor so he never complained i only know one the play of color and size in the opal i have would have cost a small house deposit if it had been real and there is no way he brought that as a uni student when we first go together and two a real opal would never have stood up to the wear and tear i have put it though i literally never take it off it comes for me on runs in the salt water in the shower etc all things that would have destroyed a real opal many years ago three a friend brought a pair of earrings that matched my necklace not on purpose and she confirmed that my necklace and her earrings made up the store's imitation opal birthstone set i love that ducking stone i don't wear much jewelry but i haven't taken that necklace off in three years i have literally told him that if we get married one day i'm having the thing pulled off the necklace and set into a ring that's gonna be an awkward conversation with a jeweler if i told him he'd probably feel really bad about it and want to get me a replacement but i love the stupid thing so i won't tell not me but my parents if my mom wants to hide literally anything from my dad no matter what it is she just puts it somewhere where he would have to bend over to see it doesn't matter if it's something like a package of aureus if my dad has to bend over to find it he's never going to find it i've tested it with my own snacks when i was still living with them to confirm it works he'd be mad if he knew how many snacks we'd hidden from him simply because he doesn't bend over low enough to see it in the cabinet when my girlfriend was pregnant she liked to take baths every night before bedtime every now and again i'd join her and enjoy that relaxing hot water one day we are both sitting in the tub when she farted a big nasty fart she and i both laughed and i gave her it for possibly breaking the tub then there it was i notice a few brown things in the water turns out she had pulled a little i was so absolutely disgusted that i nearly vomited i didn't want to freak out because i know she would feel absolutely terrible and impossibly embarrassed so i turned the jets on did some bubbles and sat there with her for another 10-15 minutes afterwards i suggested that we both share off because i had added too much soap for bubbles i still think about those poop chunks floating around next to me whenever i take a bath edit my highest upvoted first gilded comment is about jetting it particles around the tub while my girlfriend and i enjoyed her bubble bath thank you riddit my wife once did the joke why did the chicken cross the road to get to the idiot's house knock knock who's there the chicken over text with me i fell for it because i knew it would make her happy she loves talking about how she got me and it makes her so happy i can't bring myself to tell her i was the one who told her the joke in the first place few years ago my wife lost her grandfather was working a ready job and was developing some of the medical issues we are currently dealing with one night i went out to start her car to warm it up before her shift and found a parking ticket pocketed it paid it and tossed it without her knowing she didn't need that on top of everything else i suppose this deserves an edit at this point since it's now my highest rated comment thank you for the gold and especially thank you all for the kind words i don't consider myself a great husband but i try and it's things like this that i hope help make a difference for her i hope everyone else can find the happiness they need as well i feel really bad about how much money he spends on me food gifts gas money and he refuses to let me pay him back so sometimes i slip five dollars and ten dollars bills into his wallet pockets and dresser drawers for him to find if he gives me his card to go into stores to buy something i use mine instead and don't tell him he'd be really really sad if he found out because he loves taking care of me my ex so used to read me chapters from whatever book he was reading at the time it was usually me that initiated it mostly because it felt so warm and intimate but also because i knew he had dyslexia and dysgraphia as a child so it would give him a little boost of confidence but this also meant he was actually really terrible at reading stories i'm talking pure monotone it made any book extremely boring and i would cuddle up next to him so i could see it and read it in my head as he read but i like to think the good outweighed the bad and i never told him occasionally i hide bananas then make them reappear when they are brown just so she will make banana bread look you bought these bananas and no one ate them so they're brown i'm not about to waste these so why don't you make some banana bread or something i always watch ahead in game of thrones they talk during each episode and i can tolerate it better if i've already seen the episode i knew he was going to propose the man is so easy to read he's my open book i love that about him he wears all his emotions on his face he'll plan a trip for my birthday months in advance but then be so excited and proud about surprising me that he has to tell me straight away or make me guess where we're going he's not so cracking at surprises so he's always so proud of himself that he surprised me that one time and that i had no idea except i did i heard him talking to his granddad about the ring and saw the heart-shaped lump in his pocket plus he'd been talking about marriage all the time thinking he was being sly i'll take it to the grave it honestly makes him so happy and he'd be so disappointed with himself if he thought he'd given it away god i love that man my wife has a beautiful heart i jokingly call her a disney princess because any animal that she comes across she has to talk to and greet she has cried by seeing a dead raccoon on the side of the road before at the time i was working day shift and she was working a swing shift i had a busy day but i saw she sent me some pictures of a young go that was eating in our front yard she seemed thrilled i came home and saw the same deer dead on my god damned porch i felt like i started to hear the first 48 theme playing as i realized i have six hours to get rid of this thing before my wife gets home and her world is shattered i call my local city authorities thinking they wouldn't want a dead animal in the middle of town turns out they couldn't care less i called some local raptor shelters to see if they could take a stat donation but it turns out the dead deer business is booming and they didn't have a need for donations at this time especially in the next six hours frustrated i call my dad to vent and get advice on what to do his response is only a hold on bud i'll be there in 15 minutes i go back inside to take care of the dogs and within the next 15 minutes i see me dad back his huge truck into my backyard as the tailgate down and is knocking on my door with a pair of nitrile gloves on and another pair in hand for me it was starting to get dark out but we had that thing loaded up and found a special place too uh disposes it we made it back with 20 minutes to spare before my wife got home i haven't told my wife because i think it would either break her heart or creep her out at how efficiently my dad can dump a body anyway whiffy thinks her dear friend is alive and well and totally not at the bottom of a ravine i took a girlfriend with me on a vacation to hawaii first thing we did when we hit the airbnb was shower off it's a long flight i'm washing her down and as i was washing her ass i noticed she's left a huge it stain on this wash rag i'm disgusted but i love her so i clean her up and hide the rag so she doesn't find out later that night i wake up and do a secret load of laundry so she never knows the first piece of jewelry i bought my wife was a necklace we went on holiday and she lost it i said i would replace it but it wasn't the same she was upset that she'd lost it for sentimental reasons i emailed the hotel and of course they hadn't found it so i bought a replacement and told my wife they found it my girlfriend moved in with me a few months ago and wanted to split the monthly bills i was already covering all of it so i was okay just continuing that way but she was insistent she's also not making too much so instead of telling her the real amount i told her a lower but still believable amounts to pay it isn't much but i feel a little better knowing that she's saving up a bit more every month than she would have otherwise did thank you all for the kind words and the great advice she's definitely marriage material i'm shopping for the ring now that's where a good amount of the extra money has been going the rest of the money is definitely going towards a down payment as for hurt feelings and sharing responsibilities if she ever found out she'd understand and appreciate the gesture she's in her last year of school with a nice job lined up for afterwards already so we can always revisit finances later either way she's amazing so i don't think she'd take it poorly edit too never thought i'd get a chance to say this but thanks for the gold how much her apartment cleaning service costs my best friend growing up practically my brother owns a cleaning service so i get the owners rate they clean my house for 60 dollars visit which is insanely cheap here when i first met my girlfriend at some point in conversation it came up that i use a cleaning service and she joked oh big shot pays other people to clean his house so i told her how fortunately for me it's not really a big expense fast forward a month or so and she spent like a whole friday night and saturday cleaning we both work a ton during the week so i was like i'll pay for your cleaning service so we have more time to spend together on weekends she wouldn't let me pay for it but asked me to sign her up with my friend service and she just gives me the 60 or pays for some common expense in that range thing is i couldn't get the owner's rate for her so it's really like 150 visit she loves having a cleaning service and appreciates having more free time but she wouldn't pay 150 for it i don't really care about the money just want her to be happy so i don't tell her what it costs when i see bugs in the apartment i always tell my wife it was only one bug so she doesn't get scared then i kill the bugs edit my apartment has had roaches since we moved in but i didn't realize they were roaches or that it was a problem so it's only been recently that our complex has been working with us and pest control to get rid of them you basically have to deep clean the kitchen every night or they come out even if they don't come out they're there somewhere so far it seems like they're contained to the kitchen but if this keeps up another month while we're trying to do everything we can and pest control is coming every week we're moving e2 this turned from you're so nice and sweet for doing that to the armchair roach expert hour after my first edit and i don't mind one bit every single one of those little bastards deserves to die and i'm taking your advice to heart how much it hurt that she did not do anything for my 50th birthday we are born almost a year apart this year for her 49th i took her on a cruise and signed her up for a scuba excursion which she has always wanted to do she loved it of course her 50th is next january i started planning started planning for it since june i have contacted old friends from high school and family to get a bunch of them to go on a cruise for her 50th it was going to be a surprise but someone let it slip at christmas when she found out i figured she would do something for my 50th since she never does anything for any of my birthdays nope got me a store made cake i always pee in the shower every single time she's not there with me i mentioned that once kind of half joking and she was so disgusted but i don't see the harm so i never stopped the remote didn't disappear i accidentally put it through the washing machine and destroyed it and threw it out in a panic i go to the 24 fitness every night after she falls asleep in my defense a guy can only lounge around in his sweatpants watching netflix with his woman so much i am not quite ready to fade into middle age yet how deeply i hate big bang theory my husband is a massive fan of the show from being purely nerded to her poor facsimile of friends he's been following it from the start now with young sheldon he's found another reason to cackle madly along to another terrible laugh track and i will sit beside him madly cackling as well because it just makes him so damn happy sheldon can die in a dumpster fire but i'll burn with him before i tell my husband how badly the show sucks not me but my father-in-law has a good one my in-laws tried to get pregnant for years they had six or seven miscarriages but kept trying finally they got pregnant everything was looking great mill goes into labor early delivers the baby they rush it out of the room and into the nico he dies 15 minutes later my mother-in-law still thinks she had a stillborn child after this they get back to work have two healthy kids then a few years later i have an oops baby when a medication reacts with bc pills three healthy kids after way more work than i would have ever been willing to do to have kids my so got me a beautiful necklace for our one-year anniversary it says love in a hundred languages when you shine a light through it he was so excited to give it to me and so pleased he'd gotten me such a good romantic present the only problem was that my best friend had been given an identical necklace from her boyfriend on her birthday a week prior he had no way of knowing and was so happy to get me such a unique gift that my friend and i just co-ordinate so we never wear them at the same time i contacted the dvla about her aunt who then got a letter saying she needed to be assessed before being allowed to drive she's 83 i think she clearly has the beginnings on dementia she stops if she has to go past her lorry can't see in the dark and has no peripheral vision i personally didn't think she should be in charge of a high speed chunk of metal the whole family was so angry that someone betrayed them but i've convinced them that sometimes dr's have to contact dvla if someone has a specific medical condition and it's probably an automated thing and not personal they seem to believe me hum she reads my comments so my very act of posting in this thread is going to result in a crabby text in an hour or two hi katie edit as predicted i tell him that i'm not worried and he shouldn't worry either and i feel 100 confident that the 5.5 inch mass on my adrenal gland is benign the reality is i have no idea and i'm scared it loose the biosee is in five days we have two children one year for christmas she was trying to surprise me with something but i hate surprises i was out of a job at the time and didn't want anything extreme because i knew i couldn't return the favor i told myself i wouldn't snoop just ask a few questions and express that i didn't want anything big bc poor she decided to try and casually ask me if i was still interested in a concert for my favorite band and i immediately knew her face gave it away i knew she got tickets but it was more she got us meat and greed tickets and i found out a few days later after her face kept giving it away christmas came and i was right but i didn't need to act i was really happy it was an amazing gift and we had an amazing time she was so proud of herself for pulling it off without telling me i'll never tell her i knew just because she was so happy use that hand towel in the bathroom that i'm not supposed to use and faint ignorance when questioned i think his teeth are really gross of course i love him no matter what and he's perfect the way he is but i wish he would take a little more pride in his appearance and oral health his parents spent a lot of money fixing his teeth when he was a kid and he's neglected them for so long that he'll eventually need thousands of dollars in repairs done i don't think he's even been to the dentist in 10 years beyond the health issues he just doesn't think the appearance of his teeth matters as itty as it sounds it matters a lot he is terrified of these wasps they are all bees to him completely terrified just the word b will get him to start nervously looking around if he was driving the car and a b got in the window i'd be afraid for my safety because there is a solid chance he'd accidentally crash he is very embarrassed about his fear though he knows it's irrational he can't seem to help it so i have developed a sixth sense about the presence of bees if we're outside and i see one buzzing around i'll make sure i either stand in his way so he can't see it or i'll make an excuse for him to go inside i've found wasps nests in and around our house and i take them out while he's at work and then never say a word about it if a wasp comes around and he sees it he'll run away but then i'll hunt it down and kill it so when he comes back out he can have the peace of mind of seeing its corpse from a distance he doesn't know that i've been on 24 stroke 7b patrol for him for the past three years i'm afraid he'd feel humiliated if he knew and maybe even get depressed about it but i don't mind they're just wasps and honeybees lol so misuses words oh so a lot i'm a language guy i get the feeling that that is a soft spot on her that previous partners poked pretty hard so i just internally cringe and say nothing about it i usually know what she's trying to say i aborted one of our babies and said i miscarried my ex was very abusive and had began abusing the baby we had i couldn't risk another being abused my current weight we are both darting together and i tend to lose weight much faster than her i don't want to discourage her if i've lost 2x as much weight in the same amount of time edit i'm aware that it is usually easier for men to lose weight for physiological reasons i just don't bring up my weight loss it's more lying by a mission spiders she hates them with a passion and if i find one crawling around when she isn't around i'll take it outside and never tell her if one is nearby and she knows i have to squish them as if they killed my dog that i secretly love his dog the dog came with him and he came completely and trained and full of bad habits from living with him his parents he'd never owned a dog before and had no idea what he was doing with a puppy and i felt the need to step in for my sake and the dog's sake that duck head was a doozy i'm a lifelong dog owner and i've never encountered a dog more difficult to train he ducking it's on the floor when he's upset about something and he'll intentionally wait until everyone is asleep to do it or he'll sneak into a side room when he was new to diet on the floor at least twice a day for almost a month he's always been super defiant and i had to bend over backwards to make him a decent dog my soul thinks i hate him because i spend so much time lamenting how much of an he is and how hard he was to train jokes on him that good old boy jumps up and spoons with me the instant the so goes to work i was stuck with my ex-partner for a long time because although i wasn't happy and wanted to leave but couldn't as she told me if i ever did she would kill herself i was committed to making her happy never told her that i was depressed she was severely autistic and required a certain amount of attention she had a strict schedule where i'd have to stay in bed with her no tv no phone and just cuddle and talk until 10 p.m every night if i didn't she would have a severe panic attack sometimes even if i did she would have won because i was leaving her even though we lived together and i would only be a room away this would happen extremely frequently and i had to do everything for her or again panic attacks when i told her i needed a bit of space she said she would give it me but she never did eventually she found some messages of me breaking down to a friend about how i felt and how i felt trapped and unhappy we broke up she then threatened me with suicide thankfully she was bluffing and faked self-harm found a vial of fake blood and gauze in her bag that she had left at mine i checked because we had an argument and wanted to make sure she hasn't left valuables suddenly brought the panic attacks to question two very convenient she had them whenever she didn't get her way moral of the story is don't bottle anything up and don't keep secrets although their feelings are important so are yours feelings and secrets will eat you up over time don't not tell them if essie's worth it s he will understand worst case you tell them and you lose them but if they can't understand they're not the person you think they are and it's not worth it anyway if they do understand your relationship will be better for it if i had been honest with my feelings i would have saved myself two years of feeling suffocated and miserable sorry if i went off track just offloading a bit lol [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 14,217
Rating: 4.9174042 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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