I'm a cat in roblox...

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i'm gonna be a cat today in roblox just in case there was any confusion hello everybody i am kindly key and welcome back to roblox trying out a game called cat attack what do you do in cat attack i'm not exactly sure but i think it involves cats attacking and also mice if we click on the spectate button we can get better idea of what's happening here okay okay so there are players who are mice and they're running around nom nom noming and then uh i think that there is a yeah so there's a cat who is also a player who's trying to eat these mice i guess that's where the cat attack part of the game comes in so i'm hoping that today i can experience life as a cat as you guys probably know we played a lot of cat simulator on mobile where we get to live our lives as adorable little felines but today i figured why don't we try it in roblox so that's what we're gonna do also do i have a mouse and a cat following me around i sure do sweet they are my pets and they follow me everywhere i go i think maybe i don't know i'm gonna run over here let's see if we can lose them i can't outrun my pet mouse and my pet cat they're too strong they're too fast but here we go uh we're in the game we're actually playing now not just spectating i see that i have a scurry ability okay so that allows me to run a little bit faster oh my goodness this house has a serious mouse infestation this cat is not doing his job i also see that we have a hunger meter so i think that we need to yeah okay that makes sense so we need to run around you can't just like hide you need to run around and eat cheese to stay alive is there one or two cats it looks like there's just one cat i really need some cheese right now i am getting hungry let's eat some cheese there you go that is actually the sound that mice make when they are eating cheese it's true actually it's not that would be weird so i see there's like a little mouse house in this dresser which is nice you can get away from the cat that way however if you stay in here you will starve oh i think the cat is is locked onto me and i'm kind of scared oh i need this i need this cheese though okay okay i got the cheese let's uh let's try to get back up on top of this table because i think that there is cheese up here yes there is all right delicious delicious cheese all right kitty cat back off oh he's gonna come up here i don't know i see his tail i think he's underneath me right now which is very scary oh he's right there okay okay the cat left me i can i can hang out over here just kind of wait and hope that he doesn't notice me on top of this table also this cheese keeps respawning which is a beautiful situation so as long as the cat doesn't notice me oh he's over there hide behind the remote that's his greatest defense as long as he doesn't see me up here i should be okay all the cheese is coming back i love it we only need to survive for 50 more seconds i think we might pull this off more cheese eat it okay okay i'm gonna run for the other side of the room there's just so much cheese over here and the temptation is too strong but i do need to stay alive for 25 more seconds and the cat is over there okay okay this is fine this is fine i think that we're gonna win because there's only 15 seconds left and i have enough food in my belly to just hide we're gonna win our first round of cat attack that feels pretty good i do want to play as the cat though i wonder if winning gives you a better chance but there you go victory mice win nice now what kind of stuff can you buy at the shop oh interesting okay are these skins or are they just uh changes to the cat that follow me around i have no idea i also don't have enough money to buy anything so you know there's that too okay next round is starting am i gonna be the cat the chances of me being the cat are pretty slim aren't they cause there's a lot of players okay so i'm gonna try a similar strategy to what we utilized last time this table is my friend oh no a fellow mouse has the same idea he's just standing on the cheese how dare you can we share the cheese i'm okay you take the cheese then i'll take the cheese then you take the cheeses is perfect situation we can make that work no another mouse showed up okay um this is this is getting a little difficult that cat is just jumping what is happening his jumping is luring me in i i can't resist i want to join the jump party this could be the end but i must jump with the cat jump with the cat be friends with the cat are we friends we're all friends yay it's a jump party this is disgusting someone needs to clean this cat's litter box i'm going to climb the cat tree let's get to the top of the cat tree i want to know what it's like to be at the top of a cat tree what i didn't eat i forgot to eat it's one of the most basic metabolic functions you know putting food in your mouth and swallowing it so that you don't die however i'm very dumb and i forgot to eat on the bright side uh it looks like the there's kind of like an obby so you can kind of do one of these okay all right i see i see where we need to go okay no she blocked me can we get back i only have 12 seconds but let's see if i can finish the obby with the limited amount of time that i have we got to make a leap of faith i didn't make the jump which means we're not going to beat the obby very disappointing i'm sorry i failed all of you but on the bright side the mice did win even though i wasn't even really doing anything and the cat also wasn't doing anything he was just jumping with all the other mice if i asked the game nicely do you think it will let me be the cat here we go loading map let me be the cat [Music] no i'm a mouse it's okay mice are cool too but i really want to be a cat you see all these tom and jerry pictures up here i'm starting to figure out where the inspiration came from oh the cat is very close to me and that is very scary stay away from me cat alright i'm activating table strats you guys know the drill stand up here and hope the cat doesn't notice you and just keep eating the cheese that respawns also hope that no other mice catch on that this is pretty much the best strategy oh no you leave this is my table this is my table you get out no you ate my cheese monster all right the other mice are catching on and i don't like it i don't respect it i am the king of this table and this is my cheese i'm gonna stand on top of this glass so all will know this is my table nom nom nom let's do it now i am looking at my hunger gauge here and i feel like it's depleting faster than the cheese is respawning which is a scary prospect because eventually we won't be able to out-cheese the hunger gauge no especially when other mice come up here and nab your cheese all right we gotta we gotta go other places we gotta get other cheeses there's plenty of other cheese to go around there you go we're almost completely full now however we are on the floor which is scary i will say though that the cat is pretty much just staying on that side of the room and also just running into the wall very strange don't look at me don't look at me this is my table you don't scare me cat i am king of the table he's looking at me and he's kind of shaking look he's shaking what can i say i strike fear into the soul of all felines table mouse king and don't you forget it cat don't you forget it we're gonna win again i think it's safe to say that it's harder to win as the cat than it is to win as the mice there's a lot of mice and that cat can't keep up with all those mice but i still want to experience life as the cat also i just failed that hobby yet again i'm very bad i'm a mouse let's explore a bit more of the map you know honestly we haven't really been doing much exploring we've kind of just been hanging out on that table so let's let's see what's going on around here like we can jump on top of these boxes hey check that out there's more cheese over here i have no idea where the cat is oh i know where the cat is he's right there can he get up here i don't know if he can get up here i wonder if the cat can like climb the brooms and stuff use them as ramps i do want to get to the top of this this cat tower cats love hanging out at the top of cat towers i want to see what it's all about what's all the fuss about it's very hard this is actually incredibly challenging these landings are very narrow oh here we go here we go we found our rhythm just play it nice there you go all right okay i can see why cats like hanging out up here it's pretty sweet it's actually pretty sweet can i jump to this shelf oh i made it i made it all right i made it to the lamp i am kind of starving to death though and the cat seems to be looking at me i'm gonna jump back to his tower eat the cheese jump back to the shelf oh man i'm good at being a mouse i don't know if that's a good or bad thing let's eat more cheese we need to do that cat what are you doing you just standing there you're waiting for the prey to come to you let's scurry go a little faster get some cheese oh my gosh i think the cat has accepted that he is not going to win so he's just gonna poop in his litter box i i guess you do you cat you do you i'm i'm gonna give you your privacy we've won another round another mouse you know i've never actually been caught by the cat i kind of want to know what that's like where's the cat hat there he is let's give him a free oh my gosh i just watched him brutally smack one of my own mice friends take me out it's fine i accept my fate i accept it why aren't you destroying me from existence i'm chasing you what is happening what is this cat attack you must attack come on dude get me i just want to know what gives his cat shaking in his boots he doesn't have any boots on but he's scared so it's not even like oh he left the game okay that's right i am so good at this game i scared that cat out of the game hey guess what i'm a mouse as you may have noticed i'm now sitting down because i feel like we're gonna be here for a while that's all right at least i have some time to beat this dumb obby please this is the jungle okay i made it i made it it's just because of all the other players that i wasn't making it before there you go i made it to the giant yellow block maybe it's a giant block of cheese please let me be a cat i just want to be a cat can i be a cat oh my time has finally come i am the cat oh this is interesting okay so playing as the cat you're in first person mode i also just uh murdered that mouse i'm sorry very interesting very interesting indeed oh i'm so sorry oh this is awesome all right where are you going where are you going oh you got swiped all right i am making quick work of these mice they don't stand a chance all right you hide in there that's fine you do your thing i do mine what i thought i totally got that mouse there's a mouse hiding behind here i saw him oh no he he disappeared he ran away oh you are done you're so done you're so done you're done what how did he live okay i'm not gonna lie it's a little tricky uh being the cat it's it's a little tricky um these mice are very very maneuverable that's the best way i can describe it gotcha okay there you go all right who's left you guys hiding oh there's a mouse there's a mouse get him get him come on oh my gosh i'm so bad oh he's so sneaky he's such a sneaky little mouse come here no you stinky you're gonna have to come out of there eventually i know you want your cheese you want your delicious cheese what are you doing oh i swiped at him and it did not work you're gonna starve if you stay in there forever oh i got him oh my gosh holy cow i can't believe it that's the first time that i've seen a cat win a game and it was when i was the cat that was awesome so i do have to say playing as the cat is a little trickier because you're in first person mode you can't see around you very well but it's also like a lot of fun i wish that i could be the cat more often but with so many players in a single lobby you probably aren't gonna get too many chances to be the cat let's just see i mean two cats in a row what are the chances they're pretty slim yeah i'm not the cat i'm i'm a mouse but either way cat attack this is a good time it's a very simple game but it's a good game you guys should check it out for yourselves i will leave a link in the description down below if you guys want to but that is gonna do it for this episode if you guys enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button and as always thank you for watching i'll see you guys next time so no
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 388,843
Rating: 4.8938308 out of 5
Keywords: roblox build, roblox monsters, roblox roleplay, roblox video, play roblox, roblox adventures, no swearing, roblox survive, roblox tycoon, roblox online game, lets play, build to survive monsters in roblox, no swears, no cursing, family friendly, kindly keyin, roblox camping, roblox game, roblox simulator, roblox adopt me, adopt me update, adopt me roblox, adopt me pets, kindly keyin roblox, roblox cat, roblox cat attack, cat attack, roblox cat simulator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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