What Happens When A $40,000 Scam Goes Wrong?

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very soon you're gonna get connected with of the links Department I want to be able to start with the refund procedure as it is my favorite about what I've worked with billing departments before I used to work in billing department you know not for your company of course but for another company is I did a little bit little bit here and then I dabbled in like the exes and like loans and mortgages and connecting all right it is perfect perfect once you connect sit and minimizes and I'll let you show that see the screen again I'll try to catch up at some point between some calls here is working this is working or not yeah it's working now okay so you just need to be online okay and give me one moment okay how I'm gonna do is Michael department so they were gonna check back in popular is I come up here you'll see see right you believe you can hear me now alright thank you I call you back in some time no are you I hear a lot of people talking I wanna talk to them I always because I wanna go to say alright now you didn't see that they're typing it's in there okay are you talking to me are you talking to someone else I I am Not sure like what disease all these listen this is this is confusing to me like a few weeks ago I I was a little bit of a similar situation right he was trying to purchase a truck like a fold of or the truck and like I go I go right in place and they tell me you know everyone is busy the call you have to call and I called a place like five times and everyone's talking I'm talking and I'm getting like so hungry waiting on the phone and I looked down there and I have it I'm pacemaker respected you know I could have I could have like quenched my hunger was it but I have nothing I was his hungry his big foot see things that are on the phone for like two hours waiting you know what happened I caused a wrong number am I talking to the right person because this is taking like so long don't refund can you you me and you know me yes I'm feeling like Bigfoot tonight know like like I am in the wrong the police that's what his problem is sasquatch his problem is he's wrong place at the wrong time if he was different time period you know like Beca wins like Castle black the White Walkers and all of that he would have been been effect he could have like joined the free folk in been a very big hero like water hero but now is important has to hide out in the woods I can't even get partisan why you're speaking you are on right now you don't have to speak so much in what you could do oh you can get your refund I do believe you are able to see your company I can hear I can hear you now I just um before I couldn't hear you can hear me yes I can hear you now I was telling you long because of just I think that you know the ability hear me alright no problem yeah an accident I'm not able to hear you but now I hear you what we are gonna do is we're gonna refund you the money okay so what you need to do I do believe you know you online banking with your bank right not yes science done online the banking before we go again there are market market you have to click get or else you cannot submit zero tech you have to click the cat right there the cated bottom left the wild kids not cat yes it is kept in the rushes that is get it is one of the cat big cat then what yeah you might have receive a cold are you speaking on your cell phone yes yes what are you talking about yeah yeah Jessica you got receive the tax code oh yeah with it you use it oh yeah three three seven six one three good part twenty20 how long or how many leads each other one it's almost done almost on three so that is the code seven for poor record which we are putting in is why oh yes and then it's a six and it's all done no you need to open the message you need to open the message the code isn't right yes I I looked at I looked at the message that is it is three four five six nine one one one two three three seven six nine four one three three two zero one three seven seven four seven four four five three seven seven four four five 37 it's three seven seven seven four seven five seven four seven seven four sorry three seven seven four four seven yes tell me the number left he worried to come in oh okay it's working good oh you want the money on your checking account mission count you warn the money in listen checking which ends with 1/3 which does that ends with one three three seven right so I'm getting to connect on my billing scheme so they will process the money all right okay so once you get a black screen that means the transaction is on process so you're getting a black screen normally if you've never seen these refunds games before first of all this is a fake bank account not my actual bank it's set up specifically to waste their time but they hide your screen and while they're in your bank account and I just hit the cancel button when I was gonna install and he didn't notice so he thinks we can't see anything wait is he not gonna do his work because I'm not here does he feel like he has to talk to me the whole time you can see he's actually gonna transfer money from one of my accounts to another one of my accounts and it's so it looks legit it looks like you have received a refund Oh what he's gonna do is he's gonna type extra money so for instead of like three hundred dollars he'll type three thousand dollars or something and then he'll cry well he'll do a really bad job of acting and they'll say something like oh my gosh sure I'm gonna lose my job because I sent too much money to you did you go get a Google Play card for me can you please go get me a $2,000 Google Play card so that's basically how the scam works all right and there would be $60 all right that would be added with that refund amount okay since you supposed to not get a compensation of six $60 you would be gonna add it your compensation $60 would be added with your refund amount so in total you would gonna receive three hundred and sixty dollars all right 300 is your refund amount and $60 is the compensation okay pretty good amount this is pretty yeah yes so right now sir what we are gonna do is we are making the transaction okay so just hold on okay so three hundred and sixty dollars right like three six zero now $3.00 but he has three hundred and sixty dollar but you would wanna get some money in to half okay first of all you would gonna receive you're gonna get two credits of $108 well that is the gateway limit we can't pay above that so what we wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're saying in 2019 you can't send more than hundred in order I just sent them I just sent the payment Pollak he since it would be due time transaction where I come from my account stream they were gonna make two transaction okay that would be of 180 per one hundred and eighty dollar each then you supposed to get 360 dollars right so you just need to keep in mind that you're supposed to get a refund of 360 dollars so very first right now we are making a transaction of 180 dollars right so you're saying the maximum amount you could possibly send it one time is 180 dollars yes okay oh yeah it would be above that right but II was gonna make the transaction of 180 each all right just because you so you can you can send them all on an order of the lady Dores yeah okay you would going to receive two transaction of each of 180 okay so you need to see your account whether you're receiving a transaction okay sang is going to get a transaction of 180 dollars and then you gonna get a transaction of 180 so there would be two transaction which we would going to make right so let's see all right situated so many times they have told me that they put an extra amount of money there is a wrong amount has been sent on your account well because they can only send one hundred ninety dollars so look good you know no they have been used our cheese Bank alright to send you the money alright they haven't used the merchants so there is a wrong amount which has been sent now do you see how much money we call negative balance later just so you guys can hear other scam works will go by something really exciting thousand dollars which you have received now as you know you giving this to me no there was a transaction which was going to a different person all right but as you know since you are you know you got all this right now how are you so like cool and collected right now 45 thank you I don't know what to tell you it wasn't just big thank you big thank you can you help me we please stop using my computer for anyone to please and I could really embrace my sink like no what are you making barges you're making poetry in with this $45 45,000 I mean I will only be paying like a little bit oh you tell me that would look good that would look so good on my wrist you know what it's worth it please listen if you giving me $45,000 you're saying is that money is in my bank account right now yes to me what I'm telling you you need to go alright you have received the wrong transfer right and that was the shareholder of the Company supposed to hear what the accountant if somebody accounts it's two days transfer two days from now oh it feels so good to finally have this I don't I don't know how to thank you I really don't know what to say hi this is a dream of mine I've always wanted to show my sons that I was successful or not what better way to do it is in with a $47,000 watch $47,000 hello yes sir yes what are you doing enjoying me magic he told you told me that you're gonna show me magic magic what are you doing and why you say thank you I'm saying I'm saying thank you for giving me the $45,000 and what you would do with that money you won't give the money back no I just purchased a Rolex Oyster today like 18 karat yellow gold watch I just purchased it you purchase it so what he will do with that probably should've days you know money check your [ __ ] account so you can bastard what do you know it's being transferred from your savings to your checking checking account you may state your $45,000 not mine what you did what are you telling me we could make a man believe totally no no I'm not in your laptop but when I was in which I transferred you from one account to another I'm talking about show me that show me come to your computer I am I'm sitting here right now looking at the watch and looking at the reviews it is it is eight customer reviews well it's so good boy Poldi remote PC up what are you trying to tell me you told me that man that man told me that he transferred to me forty five thousand dollars into my account yes yes and it's by mistake your money only got deposited into your own account it's not us who did a mistake it's your own account you have - Ellen you know them do you own I told me that I owe him is that the money is it I have to go to my bank yes yes but it wasn't he wasn't right he wasn't right the other person was talking but you please a new guy okay yes he may he did a mistake steal your money from your online saving account didn't your first up in checking account are you spin yes I did Ellen well do you see that yes yes in palaces and you are you trying to steal my money your mother you want to know what's really funny what I know that word of what you are what up this is funny right you wanna know it yeah I know you tell me what's funny and you seem really angry geez no I'm not angry I'm having dope right here I've enjoyed myself what about you you never even me I'm angry that I can't buy that Rolex with the forty five thousand dollars the next time if I try to steal anybody else's money to try to tell them before the $50,000 I will let them bar can roll it and sell it to the pawnshop and they get my money you can so you get virtually an idea you know that your skin you mother you wanna try a video I want to try having a conversation without enhancing your sentence every other word using an expletive no you guys just like spend all day doing this you like trying to tell people that you're giving them reasons why are you doing this why are you doing this oh oh I'm I'm doing it so I can expose the ridiculousness that is you yes from people you know when was the last time you talked to your well I don't talk to them I told you I don't really talk to them because I don't deal with them I'm not saying with them are you in there a problem you got I was just curious if you're taking a fool of yourself man I don't even know what to say oh well that yikes yeah I guess yanks is a right though imagine what went through their minds initially I think that guy that was obviously manager to someone I think that the guy we were talking to thought I actually purchased a watch the manager came over and he was starting the and of course when I likes
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 3,809,172
Rating: 4.9255409 out of 5
Keywords: scam, scambait, prank call, tech support, microsoft refund, fraud, improv, google play cards, cancel refund
Id: MDzee0-I0_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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