770 Steven Universe Facts You Should Know | Channel Frederator

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prepare to embark on a cosmic Journey Through the Whimsical world of Steven Universe join us as we dive deep into the Crystal Gems enchanting Universe from the enigmatic gem Homeworld to the Charming town of Beach City Steven Universe is a show that blends Fantastical adventures with real world emotions tackling complex issues like identity love and acceptance there's more to Steven Universe than meets the eye too in this video we're delving into the hidden gems of trivia behind the scenes anecdotes and fascinating facts that make this series a true gem in the world of Animation whether you're a seasoned expert or a newcomer eager to learn get ready to uncover these secrets surprises and sparkling tidbits that make the Steven Universe Universe a beloved cultural phenomenon welcome back to channel frederator I'm Keegan and today we've got enough Steven universe facts to make your head spin that's right over a dozen Steven Universe videos under one massive video umbrella let's get into it of course we gotta start with the timeline how else are we gonna play place all these crazy facts after Steven Universe ended and they put out the movie and then the epilogue series and there's that future stuff some folks were confused but we've got you covered this is the truly complete Steven Universe timeline the Crystal Gems have been through a lot and now after five seasons a movie and an epilogue series that's all finally come to a close we gave you a timeline a little while ago but with the end of the series what better time for a refresher on all things Homeworld Beach City and everything in between I'm Jacob with Channel frederator and we're about to take a journey across different planets and more pads in this newly updated timeline of Rebecca Sugar's Steven Universe quick side note the Steven Universe Canon has extended Beyond animation and into comics and video games and these events called the level 2 Canon are considered to be a part of the timeline unless the show contradicts them but for the sake of Simplicity and because these comics and games exist in relatively self-contained stories we won't be including them in this video we'll also be avoiding non-canon materials so no say uncle either which is what I'm assuming that disclaimer was meant for exclusively last thing since Steven is the main driving force of the series we'll be using him as the central point for the entire timeline therefore anything taking place before his birth will be referred to as BS or before Stephen and yes haha BS very funny pause for laughter glad we got that out of our system with that the diamond Authority begins I don't know when this happens time is a construct way before any sort of recorded history in the timeline of the series some important events took place that laid all the groundwork for what's to come it's unknown just exactly how she comes into existence but nevertheless white diamond appears out of nowhere eons ago she's presumably the first gem to exist and she gives herself the task to construct all of Homeworld Society namely a cast system that puts the diamonds at the top and other gems like pearls and rubies at the bottom acting as servants and bodyguards respectively how convenient for white at this time cross gem fusions are banned alongside off-color gems like the rutile twins with her fellow diamonds yellow blue and the runt of little importance pink white creates the diamond Authority and begins to to spread their empire across all of space colonizing planets to create even more gems they take over a total of 43 planetary bodies and two whole solar systems to terraform in their own image while white yellow and blue were expanding the Empire itty-bitty little pink diamond was given a friend to keep her company spinel the two would play games for hours in Pink's Garden but eventually pink outgrow spinel and deals with it super maturely but we'll get to that during the colonization of the Jungle Moon a Celestial body first seen in the episode will jungle Moon pink diamond demands her own colony from yellow diamond but is turned down around this time pink diamond becomes super rebellious lashing out at her fellow diamonds and any other gems that happen to be nearby pink diamond colonizes Earth around ten thousand to six thousand BS after her original pink pearl has a unfortunate accident I hope you can hear those quotation marks pink is given a new Pearl the one that we all know and love in the main series instead of goofing off with pink and getting into Mischief like the previous Pearl this Pearl was made to be more proper and reserved with her Diamond but of course that won't last long after enough begging yellow and blue diamond finally allow pink to control her own colony some nowhere planet named yarth or something like that excited to start her new life on Earth pink abandoned spinel in her garden asking spinel to play a game where she must stand very still the impressionable spinel obliges while pink leaves are behind and the jester gem continues to take the game very seriously like standing still for 6 000 years seriously uh we'll check on her after a hot minute and see how she's doing the prime kindergarten is created on Earth with the sole purpose of creating more and more gems and a base is built on the moon so that pink can easily monitor the creation of these gems colonization on Earth is in full swing the lunar ceasefire communication Hub skyspire and sea Shrine are all constructed during this time gems from Homeworld are sent in droves to help out on Earth with one of these ships bringing along nephrite nephrite has a bit of a rough go at it uh we'll we'll check on her later too so pink finally got what she wanted a colony of her very own but she still finds herself bored that is until she sees how much fun the quartz soldiers that just popped out of the kindergarten are having she desperately wants to join in but knows she'll get an earful from yellow and blue if she goes playing around with lesser gems so Pearl makes an offhand comment about how she could disguise herself as a rose quartz to fit in and of course pink takes that idea and runs with it shape-shifting into a rose quartz Soldier gems can shape-shift by the way during her time as rose quartz pink finds life on Earth to be so beautiful that she begins to reflect on what exactly it is they're doing colonizing and terraforming Earth will cause the destruction of all natural life on the planet so she decides to take a heroic stand one that yellow and blue will absolutely understand and agree with because that's absolutely what they'll think based on everything we know about them so far uh yeah instead we get the whole big sister little sister Spiel with yellow scolding her to finish what she started and blue completely misunderstanding Pink's intentions and creating a human zoo in order to preserve Life by you know kidnapping people and dragging them away from their families to live in a glorified space prison for the rest of their lives and further Generations inadvertently creating a culture all of its own that's a lot to unpack there just then oh boy the Crystal Gems form around 5700 BS attempt after attempt to convince the other diamonds to give up the colonization plans goes nowhere pink diamond finally decides to take a stand against the diamond Authority pink still secretly disguised as rose quartz and pearl defect from Homeworld and form the Crystal Gems a band of Rebel gems fighting against the diamonds colonization schemes from here on out we'll be referring to pink diamond as rose quartz win in this form and as pink diamond for when she's in her true form which won't happen very much starting now with the Rebellion growing larger and larger by the day blue diamond and the members of her Court arrive on Earth to put a stop to these Rebels before things get out of hand among the members of this court are a sapphire an aristocratic gem who can see into the future along with three Ruby guards to escort her out of nowhere rose quartz and pearl attack blue diamonds course in all the confusion in one of the rubies and the sapphire accidentally fused together for the first time becoming Garnet the entire court is disgusted by their Fusion and the two are outcast on Earth isolated from the rest of gem Society Ruby and Sapphire are now alone with each other in the wilderness begin to form a bond and slowly fall in love to the point where they fuse into Garnet on purpose though Garnet is a mess of confusion and wonderment as soon as she's formed Rose fascinated by how two different gems were able to fuse recruits the newly formed Garnet into the Crystal Gems telling them that they should never question whether who they are is Right Welcome To Earth Etc after seeing the beauty that both Earth and Gem Society has to offer pink makes one final attempt to convince the diamonds to end the colonization of Earth but they ignore her once again obviously so this time she decides to make them listen the gem War around 5000 BS a Thousand-Year War begins known as the Rebellion or the gem War depending on who you ask countless battles are waged across earth with heavy casualties on both sides during the war the Crystal Gems numbers grow exponentially allowing them to hold their own against Homeworld forces with relative ease among these new recruits are bismuth ocean Jasper snowflake obsidian Biggs Jasper and many others an absolute abundance of characters that we uh we don't really get to know most of them with the recruitment of bismuth though the forge is created allowing an endless supply of awesome weapons for the Crystal Gems among them is Rose's iconic huge pink sword around this time a Lapis Lazuli visits Earth during the colonization but is caught up in the war and ends up getting poofed by bismuth a condition where a gem loses their physical form and their gem lies dormant until they're able to regenerate with a sweet new visual design Doctor Who style Homeworld gems come across lapis's gemstone and believing her to be a member of the Crystal Gems trap her inside of a mirror to interrogate her now you may be thinking to yourself and that's not fair what about Justice well as you'll see uh Concepts like that aren't aren't really the diamonds bag with her poofing gems left and right and beginning to create more and more dangerous weapons bismuth starts to become a problem problem for rose quartz with the creation of the breaking point a weapon designed to shatter gems which is significantly worse than just you know destroying their physical form Rose determines that bismuth has become a liability and poofs her trapping her in a bubble and keeping her hidden from the rest of the Crystal Gems it's assumed they're just told that bismuth was one of the many casualties of War as the war grows more intense by the day Homeworld becomes desperate for more soldiers to add to their army and thus creates the beta kindergarten a kindergarten specifically meant to pump out more quartz soldiers as quickly as possible it's definitely a quantity over quality situation and the Diamonds clearly chose quantity since most of the Court soldiers that came from the kindergarten end up being deformed but among the deformed is Jasper who is an absolute unit way bigger than a normal quartz rumor has it that she took out 80 crystal gems on her first day with a never-ending supply of soldiers it begins to feel like the war could be endless remember how he said pink diamond would make the other diamonds listen uh yeah so it's time to talk about that and you know what I'm talking about the launch of countless theories and headcanons after who knows how many attempts to reason with yellow and blue diamond pink diamond decides to take drastic measures to finally end this war along with pearl the two plan to Stage the shattering of pink diamond at the hands of rose quartz Pearl shape-shifting into rose quartz uses Rose's sword to poof pink who had swallowed some fake gem shards giving off the illusion that she had been shattered from this point onward pink diamond is no more and permanently goes by Rose Quartz in both name and appearance the diamonds are absolutely devastated at the loss of pink as a result of her alleged shattering Homeworld enters a Depression era and resources begin to run low earth is finally deemed non-viable and all plans to continue colonization are abandoned a few battles take place afterwards specifically one at the strawberry Battlefield where Rose loses her Scabbard but for the most part the war is over Keane did not let all their efforts go to waste though the diamond Authority still decides that Earth is of some use to them namely testing forced Fusion on the shattered remains of Crystal Gems as a cruel form of punishment the cluster is the result of one of these experiments and is placed at the center of the earth to suffer for centuries it's like some I have no mouth and I must scream levels of torture now that I think about it the aftermath around 4000 BS as the great gem War begins to die down Homeworld gems are ordered to evacuate leaving many of their own kind behind like nephrite and her crew as well as lapis lazuli's mirror in order to tie up all the loose ends on Earth the diamonds send out a massive flash of light and song in an attempt to eradicate all gems from Earth including all Rebel and Homeworld soldiers unfortunately it doesn't quite have the effect that they wanted instead of destroying the gems remaining on Earth that actually corrupts them this causes a gem to take on a hideous monstrous form losing all signs of humanity and intelligence becoming a Mindless Beast thankfully Rose is able to put up a massive Shield just in time protecting herself Pearl and Garnet from being corrupted the only other gems that are able to survive the corruption are bismuth who's still trapped in a bubble and Lapis Lazuli who is in the mirror at the time with their forces reduced to a mere three members and sometimes four when Ruby and Sapphire are unfused the Crystal Gems begin to lie low cleaning up and bubbling whatever corrupted gem monsters were left behind after the war about 500 years after the war the amethyst that we all know and love finally pops out of the Prime kindergarten just a bit overcooked and by a bit we mean she's really really tiny the Crystal Gems come across her and recruit her with all four members together the Crystal Gems construct the Crystal Temple near the outskirts of what would eventually become Beach City back on Homeworld resources have continued to run low this causes many of the gems created during era 2 to be smaller than usual as a result they need to use technology like limb enhancers to compensate for their smaller stature one of the gems created during this era is peridot more on her later Beach City established around 200 BS now let's take a huge jump forward in time in the 19th century Captain William Dewey his first mate buddy budwick and their crew travel across the ocean in search of new land while out at Sea their ship is attacked by a vicious corrupted gem when all hope seems lost they're rescued by a massive gem known as obsidian which is a fusion between rose quartz Pearl garnet and amethyst William Dewey becomes friends with the Crystal Gems and settles in an area nearby establishing Beach City it's a very creative name Captain Dewey that must have taken you literal seconds at this point buddy budwick decides to venture out on his own to become an Explorer and author he visits many iconic locations from the gem War like the strawberry Battlefield and the beta kindergarten while transcribing his findings he eventually ends up in the desert where he meets rose quartz and her pack of lions I don't think I mentioned that Rose had Lions before but she did it's pretty rad sadly one of rose's Lions eventually passes away but she decides that she's having none of that and resurrects him with her healing powers the lion is reborn with pink fur and an even Pinker Mane now blessed with a much longer lifespan and a strange crack in space time within his Mane Rose uses this pocket Dimension inside the lion's mane to start storing sentimental and important artifacts including bismuth's bubble gem she keeps this a secret from the rest of the Crystal Gems Boy Meets Jim around 10 BS or the 1990s let's take another big leap forward in time and follow the story of Greg de Mayo a young man who drops out of Community College around this time to follow his dream to become a rock star inspired by his favorite song by the artist Carrie Moonbeam Greg demaio changes his name to Greg universe and buys a van which becomes his home Greg ends up signing a deal with the scummy manager and travels around the state performing shows that nobody shows up to well except for one person one Jam rose quartz Greg falls in love with rose and decides to stay in Beach City cutting off all ties to his manager the two settle down together and Greg starts a job at the it's a wash car wash eventually becoming its owner Steven is born around 2000. in the year 2000 Stephen quartz universe is born to Greg universe and rose quartz given the unique nature of his Heritage Rose must give up her physical form in order for Steven to exist causing him to gain her gemstone in his belly button Rose's absences felt tremendously by both Greg and the Crystal Gems but all four of them agree to race Steven together Steven grows up living mostly with his father in the van but the jams are still heavily involved in his early life though Steven never sees the comfort of a normal upbringing like school or doctors or anything like that around 2012 the beach house is added to the Crystal Temple as a place for Stephen to live one year later when Stephen turns 13 he moves into the beach house and finally starts his journey to following his mother's footsteps and becomes one of the Crystal Gems around this time Stephen unofficially meets Connie maheshwarin for the first time at the beach City Boardwalk parade when he picks up the glow stick bracelet that she had dropped he keeps it in the freezer so it'll stay glowing just in case he runs into her again season 1 around 13as or 2013. we finally made it to the start of the series and it only took over ten thousand years since Stephen has been born now we'll be referring to these years as a.s or after Stephen given how relatively short the series is compared to its history though this probably won't be coming up much all right on to season one which began airing in r2013 and takes place in their 2013. nice Steven is now in the full swing of his training though he's still treated like a little kid by the other Crystal Gems it's understandable given his love for things like dog copter and cookie cats though lot happens in Steven's first year of being an official crystal gem a Homeworld surveillance vessel known as a red eye appears ending a 4 000 year long absence of Homeworld interest in Earth using his mother's laser light Cannon along with ancient Sage hot dog wisdom from his father Stephen is able to destroy the red eye while Earth is safe for a bit Homeworld is tipped off to the existence of Crystal Gems that survived all those years ago during a mission in the desert Steven discovers the lion that Rose had revived so long ago still alive and kicking the two become fast friends and lion joins the Crystal Gems soon Steven discovers Rose's secret Armory as well as the pocket Dimension inside lion's mane Steven also officially meets Connie around this time and the two begin hanging out and getting into all sorts of adorable magical Shenanigans during this year Steven also inadvertently releases lapis lazuli from her mirror prison causing her to lash out against the Crystal Gems and steal the entire Earth's ocean in her attempt to get her back to Homeworld I feel like that might have had some off-screen repercussions that we never saw I mean I feel like that would change a lot about Earth if though ocean just disappeared all of a sudden even if it came back whatever Steven helps her and she leaves earth and its oceans alone a few other notable events happened during this year like when Steven forms an army of sentient watermelon Stevens yeah that's exactly how it sounds they'll come back later they will or when Steven and Connie fuse into stevonnie proving that humans and gems can indeed fuse together or humans and half human half gem hybrids at least Steven also encounters Peridot who arrives on Earth on a scouting mission after the red eye detected gem activity some cat Mouse with a Homeworld gem ensues until Steven meets her face to face and aimlessly tells her about some of his friends in Beach City some valuable Intel I'm sure surely after earth is invaded by a small Fleet of Homeworld gems led by the mighty Jasper from the beta kindergarten peridot and a freshly captured lapis lazuli the same one as before of course Beach city is evacuated and Steven learns about the gem War Jasper forces Garnet apart and captures the crystal gems on the gem warship Steven learns of Ruby Sapphire and their Fusion for the first time and together they're able to defeat Jasper and destroy the warship Peridot manages to escape and Lapis and Jasper fuse into malachite to destroy the gems but it's a trap lapis uses this Fusion as a chance to drag Jasper to the bottom of the ocean with her the two of them locked in a stalemade fusion type deal the Crystal Gems take a breather and think this might be a good time to go on hiatus or something season 2 around 14as or 2014 and get used to me saying 14 as a lot moving right along to season 2 which premiered literally the day after season one the citizens of Beach City begin to rebuild after the damage caused by the gem warship wanting to help Steven in his upcoming fights against Homeworld Connie takes up sword fighting lessons from Pearl with Peridot on the loose the gems begin tracking her down so that she can't contact Homeworld or Escape during one of their missions to catch her they discover the existence of the forced Fusion experiments after Steven captures and befriends Peridot because he's Steven she reveals the existence of the cluster the massive forced Fusion in the center of the earth that's basically a ticking Time Bomb if it's not dealt with quickly its Reformation could destroy the entire Earth with the help of Peridot the Crystal Gems begin to build a machine that can travel deep into the Earth's core and take on the cluster during all this chaos Steven has his 14th birthday eventually Peridot is able to contact Homeworld but instead of betraying the gems she betrays Homeworld and defects becoming an official member of the Crystal Gems she'll eventually adopt a star for her uniform but like later so am I gonna have to wear a star where am I gonna put the Star season 3 still 14as or 2014. on the day of the cluster's Reformation the Crystal Gems split up into two groups Steven and Peridot in one and Garnet amethyst and pearl and the other while Stephen and Peridot travel to the Center of the Earth to confront the cluster of the other Crystal Gems travel to watermelon Island yeah remember the sentient watermelons that Steven created well they kind of sort of started their own civilization and Stephen can telepathically communicate with them it makes more sense in the show maybe no anyway malachite is spotted on watermelon Island so the Crystal Gems head there defeat Malachite and rescue lap lazzily while Jasper gets away meanwhile Stephen and Peridot are able to successfully neutralize the cluster and seal it safely within a bubble with the thread behind them and with new friends along for the journey Steven helps lapis adjust to life on Earth by having her move into the barn with peridot what season is that three after some casual adventures in Beach City and a short period of Peace Jasper returns with an army of corrupted gem monsters at the beta kindergarten Steven amethyst and Peridot confront Jasper who attempts to fuse with a corrupted gem Stephen and Amethyst fuse in turn creating smoky quartz who proceeds to kick Jasper's ass with a yo-yo Jasper is poofed and bubbled ending her reign of terror for good around this time Steven discovers bismuth's bubble gem inside lion's mane and accidentally releases her they start to get along but Steven soon realizes why his mother sealed her away in the first place and eventually must do the same himself later a group of rubies arrive on Earth searching for Jasper Stephen learns that his mother shattered pink diamond unaware of Rose quartz's true identity shortly after he and one of the Homeworld rubies which has her gem in her eyeball which seems uncomfortable become trapped in a space bubble well at least until he's saved by the Crystal Gems and brought back to Earth eyeball is not rock back to Earth she's just left to float through space Oh well guess we'll never see her again season four stay still 14as or 2014. it's been a long year for Steven after some strange dreams resulting in giant Studio ghibli-esque tears Stephen and Greg travel to Korea to confront the source of his dream blue diamond grieving at the spot where pink was shattered blue ducks Greg and takes him to the human zoo that once belonged to Pink the Crystal Gems traveled to the zoo in order to rescue him they discover a whole society of humans living there who descended from the first captives thousands of years ago while at the zoo Steven catches a glimpse of both yellow and blue diamond in person for the first time and they are massive back on Earth residents start mysteriously going missing they also just happen to be the same people that Steven told Peridot about all that time ago when they met for the first time hmm it turns out that a gem named aquamarine has been using that Intel to steal them and take them to the zoo in an attempt to save his friend Steven reveals his mother's gemstone leading aquamarine to believe that Stephen and rose quartz are the same person since you know human reproduction is kind of a weird concept for gems she captures Steven and takes him to Homeworld with his friend Lars accidentally stowed away on the ship season 5 still 14 as or 2014 this is the last one though this is the last time we're in year 14. while on the Homeworld ship Steven discovers that Lars is still on board the two are brought to Homeworld and Steven is put on trial for Rose quartz's war crimes during this trial Steven learns that his mother might not actually be responsible for the shattering of pink diamond thanks to the lateral thinking provided by Zircon defense attorney when the speculation is laid out instead of rushing through the trial for a hasty execution yellow diamond poofs both attorneys chaos breaks out and Steven and Lars Escape In the Heat of the Moment they find themselves in the depths of Homeworld where they meet some Rogue off-color gems who have been living and hiding for eons unfortunately they're pursued by robonoids and Lars is killed in an explosion though all hope seems lost larza's revived through the inherited healing factor of Steven's tears giving him a pink appearance similar to Lions the newly revived Lars discovers that his hair contains the same pocket Dimension as lion which Steven uses to get back home and find help to rescue cars lapis fearing the diamonds leaves Earth and takes the barn with her abandoning the Crystal Gems and Peridot meanwhile in space Lars and the off colors become well acquainted with each other they steal a Homeworld ship and start exploring the cosmos together Stephen and Connie as stevonnie visit Lars through his pocket Dimension but eventually find themselves stuck on the jungle Moon where they learn more about pink Diamond's past through Pearl Steven finally uncovers the truth about his mother she was pink diamond all along pause for dramatic sting what a reveal that we all kinda already had the feeling of it takes a bit though for garnet and amethyst to actually accept this but eventually they come around to it with this newfound purpose and understanding Ruby and Sapphire decide to get married Steven wants to give bismuth another chance for the wedding and through the power of forgiveness they add another crystal gem to their group unfortunately the wedding is crashed literally by The Diamonds thankfully lapis crashes their wedding crash with her own crash bringing the entire Barn down on the diamonds she then officially joins the Crystal Gems which was just such an awesome I felt worse but the Diamonds Fight Back and when all hope seems lost I've been saying that a lot lately Steven uses an out of body experience to show them who he really is pink diamond this wins over the diamonds and blue and yellow finally end their attack with the help of the diamond Stephen hopes to uncorrupt the gems that were affected by the diamond's massive light so long ago they're able to temporarily help the corrupted gems but need white diamonds help as well to make the change permanent oh yeah remember why Diamond uh she's still alive and kicking she shut herself away after Pink's shattering but it seems like we're finally gonna see what she's been up to Stephen the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds travel the Homeworld and are greeted by a massive welcome home ceremony for pink Steven is taken by an ominous cracked white pearl to meet white diamond whose presence is unnerving white treats Steven like he's still pink diamond and as if she's only been away for a few months after throwing a temper tantrum she promptly sends him to Pink's Palace white diamond sends her Pearl to announce that era 3 has begun during a lavish Ball but when the diamonds as well his wife through her Pearl discovered the blasphemy that is stevonnie and Garnet who inspire a bunch of other random gems to start fusing and disrupting the social order the diamonds poof a bunch of gems and traps devani in a prison Steven's able to contact a watermelon Steven back home to tell bismuth Greg peridot and Lapis that they need help blue and yellow come around to Steven's side and stand up to White helping Steven in his attempt to convince her that Earth is worth saving white isn't into this idea though and fights back luckily bismuth peridot and Lapis show up in the nick of time to help it's too little too late though as white possesses both yellow and blue putting them out of commission she does the same to Garnet amethyst and pearl and traps Connie separating her from Steven with Stephen Alda herself White rips out his gemstone hoping to get pink to shed that weird awkward human form and return to normal because again gems don't really know how humans work let alone Stephen instead of pink Steven is created who uses his outside voice to say that pink diamond is gone for good and then fuses back with human Steven into 100 good old Steven Universe Steven finally internalizes the idea that he isn't pink diamond or rose quartz he's always just been himself white diamond begrudgingly admits defeat and releases the gems Steven confronts his grandma Aunt I guess and accepts her for her flaws he also helps her to accept her own flaws knowing that he can get her to change her mind on things over time with his family problems resolved Stephen Connie the Crystal Gems and the Diamonds returned to Earth uncorrupt the gems and live happily ever after except not really because the movie around 16as or 2016. two years after the conclusion of the original series Steven grows a neck and establishes peace across the universe in that order Steven announces to all the gems that he's dismantled the Empire supposedly installing democracy instead and is going to live back on Earth with his friends the diamonds being the weird clingy pseudo aunts that they are beg Steven to stay but Steven turns them down back on Earth Stephen and Connie are finally dating after a little kiss on the cheek Steven sees Connie off to space camp for the summer and then sings about how awesome life is would Connie really learn much from base camp if she's already been to other planets and is friends with a bunch of aliens tell everyone in space camp this space used to be super scary and dangerous but it's great now [Applause] but wouldn't you know what right when Steven's song ends life stops being awesome a massive drill lands in Beach City and the Crystal Gems are greeted by a very angry and very different looking spinel she announces her plans to kill Steven along with all life on Earth as the drill begins injecting a weird liquid into the ground using a wicked scythe and one swoop spinel manages to poof Garnet amethyst and pearl and even slices into Steven but it has no apparent effect on him Steven manages to use the Scythe against spinel and poofs her in return at the beach house Stephen and Greg wait for the gems to regenerate but when they do they find that they've reverted to their original forms losing all of their memories in the process when spinel reforms she too has been reverted to her original Carefree goofy self you're not mad mad why would I be mad at my best friend she clings to Stephen wanting to follow and entertain him on his quest to get the gems back to normal at little Homeworld The Colony for gems on Earth where the barn once stood bismuth explains to Stephen that the side that spinel used was a rejuvenator a device that was meant to keep gems in their place by resetting them Steven realizes that although he didn't lose his memories or character development the rejuvenator caused his gem powers to reset back to the basics which is basically nothing I can't store things in lion's mane now that's like the easiest thing I do spinel suggests that reverting the Crystal Gems back to normal might be a matter of just reminding them of who they are so Steven sets out to do just that through song and super accelerated because we don't have time to go through the whole series again he manages to get ruby and sapphire to fuse again but they still don't remember who they are luckily Steven's funny handshake with amethyst is enough to jog her memory making her the first gem to return back to normal as the plant life around Beach City begins to deteriorate Stephen Greg and Amethyst bring Pearl to Steven's friend Sadie's concert hoping to ignite the spirit of rebellion in her when Stephen and Greg fuse to form stag Pearl finally remembers who she is as her memories return Pearl tells Stephen about who spinel is spinel's memory is given a kick of its own during Stakes Fusion as she saw Steven disappear before her eyes reminding her not so pleasantly of pink Diamond's abandonment of her while Pearl exposits to an exhausted Steven spinel runs off spinel takes Steven through the Galaxy warped to the Garden where she and pink used to play she tells her side of the story as her memories begin to return Steven and tells her that pink was wrong to treat her that way and that she just needs to find someone who treats her better pink diamond actually kind of sucked like she had lofty goals and then her her cause was great but as a person she was kind of terrible don't at me actually yes do at me back on Earth spinel agrees to turn off the drill however when Steven in fixer mode immediately shifts his attention to everyone else spinel becomes unhinged and accuses him of using her and planning to toss her away once she's done she even accuses him of planning to intentionally erase her memory with the rejuvenator which he was holding on to spinel switches the drill back on and attacks Steven while Steven tries to explain his frustration to spinel Garnet recovers her memory and helps the citizens of Beach City Escape to a safe place when Steven realizes that his desire for a perfect unchanging future has been holding him back he regains his gem powers and fights spinel head on the battle destroys the drill and spinel realizes that hurting Steven isn't gonna fix anything then the diamonds arrive and decide to finally be helpful they pop in for a surprise visit announcing their plans to live on Earth with Steven instead he entered reduces them to spinel and they immediately fall in love with her as she reminds them of pink diamond and you know she's a nice reminder of Stephen as well so instead of living on Earth they take in spinel and Steven and his friends begin repairing Beach City everything is A-Okay well I accept Steven's constant exposure to mental trauma but I'm sure that won't come back to haunt him Steven Universe future 16as-17as or 2017. it's been a few months since spinel attacked Beach City and life has returned to normal or at least it's found a new kind of normal Lars has opened his own Bakery Sadie killer and the suspects have gone on tour and Connie has begun her stint as the new Lo-Fi hip-hop studying girl though also she's applying for colleges meanwhile Steven has opened up little homeschool a place where gems from all across the universe can come together to live peacefully and find some new purpose in this new era most gems are happy to take advantage of the opportunity but there's one who refuses to take any part in it Jasper's been living on the outskirts of Beach City destroying any Earthling who comes near her cave Steven tries to convince her to visit the school but things escalate into an argument and then a full-blown fight during the fight Steven's skin turns pink and he unleashes a devastating attack which actually kind of impresses Jasper Steven apologizes and asks Jasper if she can train him she refuses but doesn't tell Stephen to never come back or anything so you know baby steps later Steven tries to help some gems get jobs but things go south Steven wonders if his ability to help others is fading he's thrown another curveball when he comes across newly reformed Rose quartzes Steven attempts to get to know these gems but is haunted by the image of his mother doesn't help that one of them looks literally exactly like pink Diamond's Rose form Stephen and the rose quartz has come to an understanding and realize that they're sort of like siblings even so this event causes Stephen even more stress still feeling like he can't help anyone anymore he tries to assist the gem who's still wounded pink pearl who will be known later as volleyball when Steven learns that it was pink diamond and not white that gave volleyball her cracked eye his stress mounts and he becomes pink once again for a moment together with regular Pearl they travel to a place called The Reef a structure used for Pearl creation and maintenance however volleyball's crack can't be fixed as it's a psychological crack and not a physical one she reveals that pink diamond lashed out after being told that she couldn't have a colony and took her anger out on her Pearl regular Pearl won't take this kind of slander about the pink diamond that she fell in love with and begins arguing with volleyball Steven gets angry hearing about all the awful things pink did and turns pink himself once more causing the reef to misread his discomfort as anger towards the two pearls that are accompanying him trapping them and setting them for Rejuvenation the two pearls fuse into Mega Pearl to escape and safely get Stephen out of there to turn off the automated system volleyball heals emotionally but we're still not sure if her eye ever got fixed psychological scars and all you know afterwards Steven encounters an evil Fusion of aquamarine and the Ruby with a gem for an eyeball that he's crossed paths with before named Bluebird Azurite who hopes to get revenge on him aquamarine and Eyeball Ruby fail and run off to who knows where tragically Greg loses his long hair in the process some standards Stephen and the gems goofing off ensues until one day he and Lapis head off to an alien planet to investigate rumors of a pair of gems who are still destroying Worlds the two of them turn out to be a pair of lapis lazuli and are completely unwilling to change their ways Stephen and Lapis try to show them the beauty of the natural world through song dance nature you know the standard Stephen treatment but it just doesn't get through to them so they're not gonna sing and dance due to these two randos think they are pearls Steven and Lapis begin to think that these two are a lost cause but one of the lapis's actually does end up following them to little homeschool so not All Is Lost as graduation approaches at little homeschool Steven goes to pick up a cake from larza's Bakery Sadie shows up and reveals that she has a new romantic partner named Shep much to Steven's dismay having shipped Lars and Sadie his whole life he's determined to have Lars chase after her even though Lars himself stated that he's fine with Sadie's new relationship in fact he tells him that since the off callers are finished with school they're gonna head back into space that night at the graduation party Steven also learns that Sadie killer and the suspects have broken up and are going their separate ways terrified by all this change Steven turns pink once again accidentally creating a diamond barrier sealing himself and his friends inside the barrier gets smaller and smaller threatening to suffocate them all Steven lashes out and blames Lars for not talking to Sadie who then reveals that they did talk but had grown too far apart and decided not to get together Mister opened the chest during the time skip can't deal with character development when it happens off screen but thanks to a pep talk from shap a Shep talk he realizes that things are changing and his friends are moving on but they'll always be his friends no matter what the barrier disappears and Stephen bids farewell to his friends with most of his friends gone Steven takes up gardening and accidentally creates life once again this time in the form of cactus Stephen Stephen vents to his new Cactus friend about how all the Crystal Gems have been getting on his nerves recently and well Cactus Steven keeps growing and eventually becomes a massive Beast that mirrors everything Steven says including his bad-mouthing of the gems uh they're able to resolve the issue with cactus Stephen but not the real Stephen who started bottling up his feelings a very healthy habit thanks to all those feelings Steven starts having horrible nightmares which somehow interfere with TV signals using this phenomenon as a way to fix the abysmal reboot of their favorite show Steven and Peridot dream up new episodes and tape them but this starts to really affect Stephen negatively since he becomes so overwhelmed with fixing the episodes when all he really wanted to do was hang out with Peridot Steven's not even sure he knows how to live without having some Grand Problem to fix but he's absolutely exhausted Peridot sees Steven's breakdown in his dream and they cancel the rest of their episodes opting instead to just enjoy each other's company a few days later Steven Pearl bismuth and Connie head to the Starlight roller rink for a night of fun while there they encounter some of Connie's friends from school leaving Steven feeling left out and like he's forgotten how to talk to humans Steven and bismuth end up sitting on the sidelines as Stephen laments about how out of place he feels bismuth empathizes and admits she only really came to hang out with pearl who seems to already have a whole new life outside of little homeschool bismuth gives him a pep talk of her own and convinces Steven to go skate with Connie the two fuse into stevani and clean up at the roller rinks dance contest however despite the awesome night Stephen can't help but feel like he's drifting away from Connie as Connie's plans to head off to college start becoming more real Steven turns pink once again and starts worrying he asks the best couple he knows for advice Garnet unfused both Ruby and Sapphire encouraged Stephen to propose to Connie because you know that's a great idea for a 17 year old in the middle of an emotional crisis well Steven goes for it and plans an incredibly romantic date on the beach for them he sings her a beautiful song and the night is going very well until he pops the question which goes about as well as you'd expect Connie's naturally shocked but realizes how much effort Steven has put into this and recognizes the pain and heartache that Steven's been going through she gently lets him down not with a no but with a knot now which respect to Connie that's like the best way she could have handled this situation Steven seems to take it well but when she leaves his emotions literally explode and Garnet does what she can to comfort him after Ruby and Sapphire gave him some not so great advice as the days passed Stephen Falls deeper and deeper into depression any mention of Connie sent him into a panic these panic attacks start growing literally Steven's limbs grow erratically At The Mention Of Anything Connie related eventually leading to Connie taking him to the doctor for the first time in his life specifically she takes him to her mom Dr maheshwaran the doctor shows on an X-ray that Steven suffered numerous fractures particularly around his brain and despite his miraculous recoveries through his healing powers she believes that he suffered emotional trauma as a result of going through so much at a young age Stephen starts to recall his past but he only gets up to the end of season one before Dr maheshwaran stops him and tells Stephen that he is most definitely suffering from PTSD and that the stress is only unmanageable now because he feels his support system is failing him upon recalling the proposal Stephen grows to an enormous size luckily Connie had already called Greg who calls off his managing of Sadie and Shep on their new tour to go console his son now back home into taking care of Stephen full time Greg takes him out on a road trip to give him some new perspective on life they stopped by Greg's child at home to sneak in and grab an old CD at first Steven is excited to learn more about his father's childhood but it soon turned sour when he realizes that his father willingly gave up normalcy when that's all Steven wanted growing up it gets even worse when Steven realizes that he took their last name from a song he turns pink once again claiming that Greg is just as bad as pink diamond for stowing away his perfectly normal upbringing in his rage Steven tears the steering wheel off the van and crashes it luckily they're safe but it's obvious that Steven has lost a lot of respect for his dad despite his father's attempts to reassure him back home Steven is lectured by the gems for his Outburst Stephen uses his new favorite move glow pink and runaway it's super effective slowing down time allowing him to run at super speed he goes to the one place that nobody would look for him Jasper's cave Steven begins training with Jasper to learn to control his powers Steven's form gets Pinker and more ripped when it comes time for a rematch with Jasper Stephen goes all out showcasing some lovely Diamond pupils and shattering Jasper absolutely devastated he runs home as fast as he can and dumps Jasper's shards into the bathtub he uses the remaining Diamond Aura potions to bring her back now reformed Jasper bows to Stephen calling him my diamond much to his horror terrified of who he is Steven runs off to the galaxy warp to find the only people who can help him the diamonds on Homeworld he encounters spinel who is in a much healthier place now how have you been since uh since I tried to kill you that was so embarrassing they go to see yellow diamond about his growing problems but it's no use so they go to Blue Diamond to see if she can help his emotional problems with happy drug clouds but sadly it's shallow comfort as Steven realizes this doesn't actually help his problem in the long term lastly they visit white diamond to see if she can fix his self-esteem problems white has created a new power allowing gems to channel themselves through her so she can see who they really are basically a reversal of what she did before she suggests Stephen use her ability to try to speak to himself instead Steven remembers what she did to him in the past and his anger takes over causing himself to inflict pain on her while he's in possession of her body horrified by what he's done again he runs away swelling and glowing pink all the way home back home Steven decides to do the healthy thing and bottle everything up and pretend like nothing's wrong that shouldn't be a problem right everyone says they're worried about him but he keeps insisting that everything is fine and he just needs to keep doing what he does best helping people whether they need it or not eventually Steven's friends confront him and urge him to seek help but Steven swells more and more and finally admits that he's a monster or at least that's how he sees himself he swells more morphing into a monstrous form he loses control of himself and attacks Beach City bismuth lapis and Peridot do their best to fend him off while Garnet amethyst and pearl fuse into Alexandrite lapis restrained Steven in a Whirlpool but she can't hold him for long suddenly the diamonds and spinel arrive to check on Stephen perfect timing as usual after learning that the monster everyone is preoccupied with is Steven they help hold him down or at least try to even the cluster emerges to restrain him the diamonds and spinel SOB about how it's their fault Steven is like this to which Connie says yeah it is but even though it's their fault grief and self-blame won't help Steven they need to put Steven's feelings above their own just as he's always done for everyone else Garnet devises a plan instead of Simply restraining Steve and everyone goes in for a hug holding him back but also comforting him reminding him of all he's done for them they tell him how much they love him and care for him and how they want to help him overcome his problems Connie seals the deal with a kiss on the forehead Stephen begins to tear up and returns to his human form surrounded by his friends and family Stephen Saabs releasing all of those bottled up feelings finally three months later this show loves its time skips now Steven is finally seeing a therapist he's also decided to leave Beach City behind he and Connie plan out his travel schedule while he begins making the rounds to say his goodbyes after a tearful farewell to abysmith lapis and Peridot Steven then gives Greg his old room even Jasper is upset about him leaving but strangely Garnet amethyst and pearl aren't even as he's getting in his car to leave they don't seem to be sad that is until he drives back and demands to know why they're not upset with a very tactful what's wrong with you guys of course they were holding back tears pour out of their eyes as they hold each other tearfully saying goodbye they reassure him that no matter what his future looks like they will be a part of it and so Steven gets into his car and drives off leaving Beach City behind heading towards something new he's finished discovering his gem side now it's time to be human and that was Steven Universe a story about a half gem half human boy who went from singing about cat ice cream to liberating the entire galaxy with that timeline settled we can get started on these hundreds of facts batten down the hatches because today you're gonna learn the first video we've got pertaining to plenty of facts is 107 Steven universe facts you should know part one how do we know there'd be more that's for us to know you to find out they are the Crystal Gems they always save the day and if you think they can't they'll always find a way that's why the people of the world believe in Garnet Amethyst Pearl and Stephen welcome to 107 facts about Steven Universe presented by cartoon hangover this episode features the voice of our friend Steph raybro take it away number one Steven Universe is the first Cartoon Network show to be created by a female You Go Girl Rebecca sugar number two Rebecca sugar revealed at New York Comic-Con that amethyst's design and color palette is based off Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time which is another show that Rebecca's worked on number three Greg Universe isn't the only dad that Tom sharplings voiced on Steven Universe he's also the voice actor behind yellowtail the fisherman stepfather of sour cream and the father of the evil demonic onion seriously is that guy human number four all the gyms fighting attacks are based off dancing moves darkness is based off whacking number five Pearl's dancing is based off ballet number six sugilites the fusion gem form of garnet and amethyst she's also a voiced by the musical sensation Nicki Minaj football [Applause] I forgot how great it feels to be me number seven Ronaldo fryman's blog keep Beach City weird actually exists in real life and can be found at this link it's also run by the show's staff number eight Renato is a ataku anime fan which can be seen through the koala princess review on his blog number nine each of the main gems rooms are tied to the stones that represent how they are formed garnets is from an environment of high pressure and temperature amethyst form and geodes and pearls are from underwater number 10 Rebecca sugar has revealed that amis's room is closest to her own that means she's a messy person [Music] love trash number 11 Garnet is one Tough Gym both in show and out it's a very coarse and abrasive gym that's used mainly for industrial purposes number 12 rose quartz the stone that represents Steven's mother is often associated with healing and love and has a cheap and abundant Stone it's frequently used in jewelry and often appearing in shapes of hearts and roses how cute number 13. opal is a gym Fusion of amethyst and pearl like pearls Opals form underwater like amethyst it's made of silicon dioxide giant woman number 14 Alexandrite is a stone that changes colors depending on the lighting it can appear red or green this explains the color palette of the character Alexandrite a fusion of pearl amethyst and Garnet number 15 and with this used to have short hair but liking Greg's long hair she began to grow hers out number 16 it's revealed in the episode Stephen and the Stevens that amethyst knows how to play the drums number 17 Rebecca sugar has said that amethyst dancing is based off dance hall and club dancing number 18. amethyst is at least 6 000 years old number 19 rose quartz is voiced by Susan Egan who also voiced megura Disney's Hercules I'm a damsel I'm in distress I can handle this he's gonna make a space number 20 Stephen is actually based off the Creator's younger brother Stephen sugar he is a background artist for the show number 21 amethyst garnet and pearl are all ways that Rebecca Sugar Act around her younger brother number 22 gems do not have a defined gender but they use female pronouns the only exception to this rule is of course Steven who's half human and a boy number 23 Stephen is the only gem who isn't named after his gym but his middle name is quartz number 24. Stephen is the only character of the show that has appeared in every episode thus far hence his name is the show number 25 Steven has also cried the most out of any character in the series number 26 in the episode hell's gas a volume of Sailor Moon's manga can be seen on Steven's nightstand number 27 Ian Jones quartet the supervising director of Steven Universe has said that rose quartz shape-shifted a womb in order to give birth to Stephen that's kind of creepy no it's not it's natural number 28 Stephen and the Crystal Gems are met to represent continuums of human relationship Styles Stephen is co-dependent amethyst is counter dependent perla's group dependent and Garnet is independent number 29 Rebecca Sugar's favorite character is Greg Universe She has great taste he's my favorite too number 30. her favorite gem is garnet can't go wrong with Garnet number 31 Greg was specifically made for the voice actor Tom sharpling but it was also inspired by Rebecca's father number 32 Future Boy Conan revolutionary girl at Taya and The Simpsons are a few shows that serve as a major influence for Steven Universe number 33 Rebecca sugar has listed some of the Crystal Gems favorite music Pro will listen to Sun me 24 hours William balcom's graceful ghost rag amethyst would listen to The Jet Set Radio soundtrack [Music] and Garnet will listen to Estelle [Music] number 34. it's a good thing that Garnet will listen to Estelle seen as they have the same voice number 35 the ukulele Tony Rebecca sugar has created a number of songs for the show and cites Amy Mann as a huge musical influence number 36 when asked what the gyms will be doing if they were regular humans Rebecca sugar responded with I suppose they'd be still raising Stephen number 37 Sadie loves oyster crackers number 38 Lars is banned from the local video game store number 39 Steven Universe is actually a working title for the show that ended up sticking number 40. the gems have a permanent form that they keep at all times if the form takes on too much damage they regenerate into a new one when that occurs they can make changes to reinvent the image if they choose so number 41 Rebecca sugar wanted the gems to match the personality pearls are smooth and perfect amethyst are coarse and rough and garnets are mysterious with a little hint of red inside number 42 Guinea tarikovski the Creator behind Dexter's Lab and Samurai Jack directed The Animation in the Steven Universe pilot number 43 character designs were altered from the pilot to the television show in order to make the characters more specific simple and flexible this enabled the artist to draw the cast in different ways but have them still look like themselves number 44 if Rebecca sugar was a gem she thinks should be a ruby number 45 Ruby is the birthstone of Rebecca sugar number 46. our first paranormal Discovery the Earth and Steven Universe is the alternate timeline that involves the gems people are vaguely aware of Supernatural existence but tend to avoid them gems interacting with people or a new development that's spread on by Stephen number 47 the gems are ageless but Steven develops in real time I'm too old gems can't die from aging but he's half human number 48 Kirby and Yoshi's Islands were influences on the show's color palette number 49 amethyst is Loosely based on Rebecca Sugar's friend Valerie Eng from college number 50. Matt Burnett a writer for Steven Universe has said that Pearl enjoys the process of pie but not actually consumption in the episode together breakfast you seem to be enjoying preparing breakfast with Stephen and the other Crystal Gems which goes along with what he said number 51 Pearl's able to wield weapons with both hands which implies that she's ambidextrous number 52 organizing messes is one of Pearl's favorite hobbies with the Rowdy bunch she runs with that's probably a good thing number 53 Pro often watches Steven sleep that's not creepy at all why are you here Pearl me number 54 in the episode so Steven the sword fighter when Pearl regains her physical form as silhouette has briefly seen that resemblers her appearance in the pilot and her 80s version from story for Stephen number 55 in the episode the message Greg's illustration of lapis lazuli resembles her early design seen in the storyboards number 56 Beach city is based on various beach towns in Delaware that the sugars would visit when Rebecca and Steven were younger number 57 lion is Stephen's magical pink lioness pet Rebecca sugar is also named her real life pet her cat lion number 58 many fans correctly guessed the girl who made the brief appearance in the opening would become Steven's love interest of course we're talking about Connie number 59 Garnet has sung the longest song in the series stronger than you for the episode jailbreak this is garnet back together and I'm never going down at the hands of the light see you because I'm so much better number 60 Ruby and sapphires Fusion Dance is a reference of patsu and shita and miyazaki's the Castle in the Sky number 61. according to Ian Jones quartey Rebecca sugar has been planning for Garnet to be a fusion long before the pilot episode she already knew that she wanted Ruby and Sapphire to be the two gems that formed Garnet number 62 there have been many subtle hints that Garnet was a fusion but one of the clues was that the intro there's two shooting stars for Garnet's title card instead of one you just put my mind number 63 numerous episodes of Steven Universe has had their titles changed during production for example Rose's Scabbard was originally Rose's Secrets Fusion Cuisine was Fusion crime and too many birthdays was formerly 10 000 birthdays number 64 Joe Johnson writer and store-bar artist of the show has explained that when Ruby says quiet I can't see in the episode jailbreak she hasn't gone blind it's just that she's used to be infused with sapphire and so is used to having two types of vision number 65 the members of the Crystal Gems all have stars somewhere on their outfits interesting though Ruby and Sapphire who make up Garnet do not have stars on their outfits at all number 66 it's shown the episode of story for Stephen that none of the Crystal Gems have stars on their clothing in the past except for Rose number 67. he's not a stranger he's Uncle Grandpa on April 2nd 2015 a special crossover episode of Steven Universe and Uncle Grandpa aired it was meant to be a sort of April Fool's joke and it's not canon according to Matt Burnett a writer of the show apparently he was Rebecca Sugar's idea number 68 despite the fact that it aired after the events of say uncle take place before the events of the return this explains why Garnet is still wearing her old outfit in the crossover number 69 Ian Jones Cordy has revealed that there's no set Heights for the characters the characters have high relationships to one another but in order to keep shots Dynamic and expressive the creators have kept things flexible number 70. it has been confirmed that the relationship between Ruby and Sapphire is romantic number 71 in the episode the message a voice can be heard singing right before the car battery explodes The Voice belongs to Rebecca sugar number 72 Ian Jones Cordy the supervising director of Steven Universe is also the creator of the upcoming series titled Lakewood Plaza Turbo Ruby bears are resembler to the main character of the show KO number 73 Sapphire's legs aren't seen in the show but based on art by Rebecca sugar it can be assumed that she does have a pair number 74 opal and sluglight closely resemble the Hindu deity Kylie number 75 Jasper and Amethyst both have a spin dash attack inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog's attack of the same name number 76 rose quartz found at the Crystal Gems in order to fight against the homeworld's invasion of Earth at the time they were significantly more Crystal Gems number 77. it's likely that the name Crystal Gems come after the war as Peridot is unfamiliar with the turn we are the Crystal Gems the Crystal Gems number 78 while the Crystal Gems have stars in the uniforms Jasper peridot and Lapis Lazuli all have diamonds number 79 gems do not need to eat or sleep but enjoy doing so well at least amethyst does she likes to sleep she likes to eat she doesn't have to but she does it because it's fun number eight Crystal Gems have a role they cannot use their powers on humans this was broken in the episode keep Beach City weird when they attacked Ronaldo but they did so in order to protect Stephen number 81 Rebecca sugar is a former storyboard artist writer and composer for Adventure Time it's your time Mom grab your friends she has worked on she came from the nitosphere and earned a prime time enemy nomination she was also included in Forbes 30 under 30 in entertainment list for 2012. number 82 based on the numbers given in the series it's estimated that the gems Homeworld invasion of Earth included an occupation that lasted about a thousand years number 83 during the Gym's past Invasion on Earth they built the kindergarten in German kindergarten means Children's Garden while this is usually used to refer to a place for preschool education in this case the gyms are literally using a garden where they grow children number 84. the old gems junk Machines of the kindergarten resemble bacterial phase their insides resemble organic hearts with veins and arteries number 85 Zach Collison the voice of Stephen hey I'm Steven one of best behind the voice actor award for best male vocal performance by a child in 2014. number 86 the show was nominated for two Annie Awards 2014 one nomination for outstanding achievement and character design in an animated TV broadcast production and another four outstanding achievement in production design in a animated TV broadcast production number 87 Susan again has revealed that she has recorded a song as rose quartz for the show number 88 ballot is the first gym whose name hasn't been stated on the show it's no because one of the creators released it number 89 lapis lazuli is the simplest gym in terms of color scheme her design consists of only four colors number 90 despite the fact that cookie cats was discontinued in the episode Jim glow they've continued to make appearance in various episodes and the game attack the light cheeseburger backpack number 91 sour cream and onion are brothers and yellowtail is their father as yellowtail is sour cream's stepfather onion is either his half brother or stepbrother their onion theme family has led to speculation that a briefly appearing character named Vidalia is their mother nice van number 92 Buck Dewey and his father Mayor Bill Dewey's names both referred to money a bucket of Bill are both slang terms from paper currency number 93 Mayor Bill Dewey and buck Dewey's names may be a reference to Dewey Beach in Delaware one of the locations that served as Inspirations for Beach City number 94 onion has no visible ears while he's humans even as shown Downs towards this fact in the episode Marble Madness oh no there's lots of humans there's my dad Connie Lars and Sadie the mailman onion I think number 95 Jenny and Kiki are twin sisters that have the same voice actress they're played by Regan Gomez who also play Roberta Tubbs in The Cleveland Show Number 96 lion sure is adorable but early concepts of the character by Guy Divas was an unsettling silent character Journal of a lion like an old medieval image it's face Frozen in uncertain grin except for his eyes which would follow Steven around number 97. despite the fact that he never speaks to anyone hey onion how are you it appears that onion has a phone in the episode the return his name has been seen on Steven's contact list number 98 rose quartz Pearl and garden originally from Jim Homeworld but amethyst was forming the Gym's kindergarten on Earth number 99 Garnet's Future Vision can be passed on to other gyms temporarily through a kiss on the forehead that tickles number 100 Greg's catchphrase if every pork chop were perfect we wouldn't hot dogs was thought up by writers Ben Lavin and Matt Burnett they came up with a whole page of one-liners I want to see this page someone give me this page number 101 Rebecca sugar was approached by Cartoon Network depicted show which is how Steven Universe came about number 102 lion appears to like Lion lingers the Rival ice cream is Steven's favorite cookie cat he's super duper in the episode lion 3 shrieked the video he presses his face against the midi fridge that stores them how cute those are gross number 103. they gave the Crystal Gems have stars with gems on each point that corresponds to different members of the Crystal Gems while it appeared that Garnet didn't have it representing Jim she actually has two gems on the bottom that belong to the gyms that she's composed of Ruby and Sapphire number 104. the crystal Temple's double head was championed by Guy Davis one looking certainly over the ocean the other one caught me looking down at the Temple's entrance number 105. Stephen owns a Nintendo 64 and a Nintendo GameCube oh yeah 106 copies of Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker and Animal Crossing Camp is seen in Steven's room 107 in the most recent episode a photo of Connie can be seen above the head of Steven's bed more facts yep it's time for 107 Steven universe facts you should know part two enjoy when Steven Universe first burst onto the scene in 2013 we couldn't get enough of the little half human half Gem and his gang of magical beings so how could 107 piddly little facts ever be enough for this beloved animated Adventure it couldn't Neil McNeil here with federator and we've compiled 107 more facts you should know about Steven Universe and just a warning some of these facts could be a little spoilery so proceed at your own risk let's get started fact number one in keeping up with the vibe that Steven is based on her younger brother Rebecca sugar based the show's visuals and themes on video games TV shows and movies she and her brother experience together as children fact number two according to Rebecca sugar The Legend of Zelda series was a huge influence on the show's story Aesthetics and music fact number three speaking of Music each crystal gem has their own instrument associated with them that is used for their individual pieces of theme music when certain characters appear together the piece that plays will combine their respective instruments fact number four Pearl's theme music contains a piano garnets is associated with a synth bass and Amethyst music utilizes an electric drum kit the guitar is prominent in the theme music for rose quartz and whenever Steven uses Rose's Powers stringed instruments can also be heard fact number five in the episode Sadie's song Steven catches Sadie singing along to a catchy pop tune playing on the radio the song is used again later in the episode for a montage sequence and if the voice behind that original tune is familiar to you it's because it's sung by Olivia Olson who is also the voice of Marceline the Vampire Queen on Adventure Time fact number six Olivia Olson was also the little girl who covered Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You In Love Actually back in 2003. number seven the design for onion secret room is similar to that of Pixar's Speakeasy room back to number eight World War II never took place in Steven's world but before you think about moving there keep in mind that holidays also don't exist in Steven's World gotta take the good with the bad I guess fact number nine sugar has said that the central theme and meaning of Steven Universe is the unconditional love a family has for one another fact number 10 one of Sugar's goals in creating Steven Universe is representing groups of people who haven't been featured very much in mainstream television and making them relatable to everyone number 11 Rose's Armory is based on Batman's bat cave one of the more noticeable similarities is the giant Penny on display in the Armory which is identical to the giant Penny Batman kept as a trophy for the Batcave after one of his clashes with Harvey two-faced Dent who has an obsession with coins number 12 just like Rebecca sugar Steven Plays a ukulele proficiently like Creator like creation number 13 in the series Canon Steven wrote the Show's theme song itself Steven also has Perfect Pitch number 14 Matt Burnett and Rebecca sugar have described Steven as a savant when it comes to music number 15 from the early conceptual stages until the time it airs a Steven Universe episode typically takes anywhere between 9 and 12 months to make number 16 Steven Universe is a board driven show meaning that the writers do not write traditional scripts instead episode outlines are written and give given to teams of storyboard artists that are responsible for visualizing the episode and writing the dialogue number 17 Ian Jones QWERTY claims that the actual discussions about the show's canon in the writer's room have been way sicker than anything the internet has created or fantasized about regarding Steven Universe number 18 the characters can look widely different from episode to episode depending on who is storyboarding number 19 storyboard artist Jeff Liu composed the song Cookie Cat on his Nintendo Game Boy number 20 in October of 2015 an official hardcover Guide to the show was released titled Steven Universe the guide to the Crystal Gems it was written by Rebecca sugar herself and finally spills the beans on some of the show's Best Kept Secrets regarding you guessed it the Crystal Gems number 21 witch crying breakfast friend or you has been made into an actual online test you can take word for word and question for question number 22 in addition to Rose the other established quartz type gems in the series are Stephen Jasper and Amethyst number 23 fusions have no basis in Romance or attraction they are based purely on the personal relationship between the partners who have used though that's not to say that they can't be romantic number 24 sardonyx was given a gap in her teeth by storyboard Artist Joe Johnston who also has a gap in his teeth number 25 one of sardonyx's lines is but yes occasionally I am known to smash according to Matt Burnett sardonyx would play as king DDD who also has a giant hammer as her Main and Smash Bros number 26 Rebecca sugar recommended to Joe Johnston that he looked at the choreography for the K-Pop group soon me for animating Pearl and Garnet's Fusion Dance number 27 the storyboards for Pearl and Garnet's Fusion Dance were even time to send me's Track full moon number 28 normally gem fusions have their own individual voice different from their component gems malachite is so unstable that she doesn't have any voice at all number 29 sugarlight's Tower smashing punch is inspired by both Popeye's twister sock punch and Donkey Kong's giant punch in the Super Smash Bros series number 30 despite retaining Rose's gem rainbow quartz would be very different if Steven were diffused with pearl number 31 opal was originally meant to make a Manji symbol with her forearms when summoning her weapon this was scrapped because the Manji symbol is basically a reverse swastika the infamous symbol of the Nazi party and is commonly misinterpreted as such number 32 opel's design has changed twice due to Pearl and amethyst's respective regenerations number 33 Garnet's electrical powers are a result of combining Ruby's heat with Sapphire's cold number 34 seeing as how she's all of the Crystal Gems fused together alexandrite's weapon is all the Crystal Gems weapons combined number 35 much like an actual Fusion alexandrite's Design was made through the combined efforts of Rebecca sugar Colin Howard and Danny Hines number 36 devani is the first human gem Fusion being three-quarters human and one quarter gem I'm pure human biologically but culturally I identify as a gem Don't Judge Me number 37 according to Rebecca sugar stivani is a metaphor for all the terrifying firsts in a first relationship and what it feels like to hit puberty and suddenly find yourself with the body of an adult how quickly that happens how it feels to have all this new power over people or to suddenly find yourself objectified all for seemingly no reason since you're still just to you number 38 the fusion of Stephen and Connie stevani does not have a specified gender what has been confirmed though is that Stefani uses gender-neutral pronouns such as they and them number 39 the Keystone Motel is a real place after the episode first aired fans gave it joke reviews based on the show which the creators weren't too happy about though Ian thought it was funny number 40 in Keystone Motel Stephen Greg and Garnet are traveling to the Keystone State that is the nickname for Pennsylvania and the picture on the brochure resembles this number 41 Ronaldo Fryman States in his blog keep Beach City weird that beat city is located in Delmarva in real life Delmarva is a peninsula that occupies most of Delaware along with portions of Maryland and Virginia fact number 42 in the show however Rebecca sugar claims that Delmarva is its own state in the alternate Earth where Steven universe takes place number 43 Beach City Funland is based on an actual theme park located at Rio Booth Beach in Delaware named Funland that Rebecca sugar and her brother went to during their family trips as children number 44 Ronaldo's blog talks about delmarvacon which is held in a place called Charm City Charm City is the nickname of the real life city of Baltimore in Maryland number 45 Ronaldo Fryman is part of a community that calls themselves plantes where he dresses up as a ficus number 46 Ronaldo leaves that stevani is a specially fabricated bodysuit built by the Illuminati for the purpose of international Espionage number 47 when peridot's distressed signal interrupts everybody's TV Ronaldo thought she was an eco-terrorist who failed her mission to free all of the animals from the local Zoo number 48 Connie's last name maheshwarin means lord of the universe in Hindi number 49 in Winter forecast Connie says itadakimasu which is a Japanese expression said before eating number 50 Connie was once referred to as Steven's girlfriend in commercials in Portugal sparking YouTube conspiracies that they would eventually date number 51 Ian Jones QWERTY revealed that Connie's parents first names are Doug and Priyanka number 52 Greg is a fan of the band Queen in the message the queen album news of the world can be seen inside Greg's van he also owns a poster of Queen's 1975 album a night at the Opera number 53 Greg single-handedly pays for all the expenses of Steven and the Crystal Gems number 54 he might pay for all of this through his own car wash which he owns and operates number 55 the name of Greg's Car Wash it's a wash is a play on the business term Awash Awash is a business decision that isn't profitable enough to be called to success nor is it costly enough to be considered a failure number 56 Estelle feels voicing Garnet comes to her naturally because of how similar the role is to her personal life she was the oldest of nine children and acted as a responsible mother figure and leader of the bunch number 57 Rebecca Sugar's favorite song in the series is stronger than you the song is special to Sugar because she got to musically collaborate with Estelle who she deeply respects as a musician number 58 the bodies of the Crystal Gems are actually projections generated by their core gemstone like Holograms but with actual mass number 59 in addition to having a Nintendo 64 and GameCube in his bedroom Steven keeps a Game Boy in his bathroom number 60 Steven is the only gem to have ever been born through biological reproductive means technically making him a new kind of life form altogether number 61 the reason Stephen has never seen attending a school of any sort is because he is homeschooled by the gems number 62 the Steven Universe crew often prepares food for the premieres of new episodes and posts pictures to their Tumblr for reform they had grape popsicle amethyst gemstones prepared by staff member Christy Cohen number 63 in an interview Rebecca sugar said that of all the gems Pearl is the one Stephen knows the least about number 64 Steven's trusty filon companion lion is voiced by D Bradley Baker Baker is known for voicing various creatures in animation and video games including oppa and Momo and avatar The Last Airbender number 65 Rebecca sugar and co-developer Ian Jones already attended the same College the School of Visual Arts in New York City number 66 Lars and Sadie are some of Rebecca Sugar's earliest characters having made them in college and Ian is tired of people asking him how he got accepted into Cal Arts number 67 Rebecca sugar isn't the only one putting their family into the show Ian Jones quartey said that ganga Pizza is based off of his grandmother who was actually the Creator leader of Ghana's flag number 68 much like Ian's family the pizza family hails from Ghana Kiki and Jenny grew up in Beach City though number 69 Kofi pizza's first name means born on Friday number 70 the dance crowd and alone together are based off of actual croonerverse members number 71 season 1's episodes were aired out of order Ian Jones QWERTY posted the intended order on his Tumblr number 72 if you don't know Ian Jones cordy's face you may know his voice if you frequent cartoon hangover he plays wallow in Bravest Warriors number 73 when Steven is showing Hollow Pearl how to organize his Messes in Steven the sword fighter he places three Toys on a shelf the animal looks like Pikachu from Pokemon the humanoids resembles kyotru man from the game of the same name and the miscellaneous figure is clearly the internet meme sensation himself Sanic the Hedgehog not to be confused with another blue Hedgehog we all know number 74 the choreography of the fight between Hollow Pearl and pearl during the same episode is identical to a sword fight found in the anime revolutionary girl yutina number 75 the crew imagined the training room from the test to function like a buggy video game number 76 Golf Quest mini is a parody of the Pokemon games the lion goddess Inca mall is a jab at Pokemon's tagline gotta catch em all number 77 at the beginning of golf Quest mini Professor sandtrap says it's dangerous to go alone take this which is a famous quote from the original Legend of Zelda it's spoken by an old man in a cave that gives link his first sword number 78 you might want to watch ocean gem again the initial airing had color issues that were corrected in later airings number 79 instead of using a weapon like other gems lapis has hydrokinesis which is controlling water number 80 in-house guest a Sailor Moon manga can be seen in Steven's room number 81 in Space Race Pearl's uniform has a pink diamond on it this is similar to how the Homeworld gems have diamonds on their attire number 82 on the design reference sheet Pearl's tears in the episode roses Scabbard are labeled Ghibli tears after the style of Tears used in studio ghibli's animated films number 83 in the political power storyboard onion's bat had Nails driven into it in the final version they were removed number 84 writer and storyboard artist Raven molassie said that the purpose of Jasper wearing a cape and her debut was to look quote intimidatingly fabulous number 85 from the events of jailbreak it is implied that Steven is relatively immune to anti-gem technology because he is half human number 86 in an early April Fool's joke Matt Burnett said that say uncle was going to be completely Canon and Steven and Pizza Steve would switch places afterwards number 87 a poster of KK Slider from Animal Crossing can be seen and we need to talk number 88 in the flashback during we need to talk Greg calls Garnet amethyst and pearl Harpo Groucho and Chico referring to the Marx Brothers entertainers number 89 in keeping it together a bottle of Lawn Lawn milk referencing Legend of Zelda can be seen on the shelf behind Pearl number 90 the title of season 2 episode chill tid means chill time in Norwegian bachmal the crew got the idea from an overseas Cartoon Network commercial number 91 after hearing Charlene yeese takes his Ruby in Keystone Motel Rebecca sugar had to go back and change her drawings of Ruby's Expressions to match the recording better number 92 the art style of the answer was inspired by the work of German animator lot renegger who both Ian and Rebecca studied in college number 93 in the answer it's revealed that Ruby and Sapphire met 5750 years ago fact number 94 in the season 2 episode Steven's birthday Steven turned 14 years old and number 95 in the same episode it's revealed that Connie is 12 and three quarters Number 96 in Nightmare Hospital Connie says that she hasn't needed glasses for the last year that means during the course of the series Steven has aged from 12 to 14. number 97 in Steven's birthday Greg and Garnet are seen laughing at an album that Greg is holding the cover looks a lot like Shine by Estelle who is Garnet's voice actress number 98 it could have been great revealed that the gems bodies automatically adjust to whatever the current gravity is number 99 a scene where amethyst teaches Peridot to eat food was planned for log date 715-2 but it was cut due to time restraints fact number 100 T-Pain is a fan of Steven Universe his favorite crystal gem is amethyst he loves her attitude and her butt fact number 101 in April of 2015 Steven Universe is appreciate edition of video games came full circle when grumpy face Studios released the very first video game based on the show called attack of the light Steven Universe RPG and it's a super fun game Fact number 102 for 100 authenticity the game story was written by Rebecca sugar and the Steven Universe writing staff fact Number 103 the game features a turn-based combat system inspired by games like Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario number 104 in the United Kingdom part of the what can I do music video was censored to remove part of rose and Pearl's Fusion Dance number 105 like every other modern cartoon in existence Steven Universe has its own comic book the book is written by Jeremy cyrace drawn by Coleman Engel and published by boom Studios the same publisher as the Adventure Time comics number 106 garnet and pearl appeared as background characters at a bar in DC Comics Batgirl issue number 41 volume 4. and finally fact number 107 lion 3 straight to video was nominated for outstanding short format animated program at the 67th Emmy Awards in 2015 to celebrate writer Ben Levin publicly released the episode original story outline online we don't stop there either you see 214 is just such a funny number we thought it would be best to round things out at 321 so here's 107 Steven universe facts you should know part three from the moment he first hit the stage Steven Universe drove his van right into our hearts if you thought 107 facts weren't enough how could 214 Come Close hi I'm JD with Channel frederator and we're here to give you even more tidbits about your favorite Guardian trainee so get your belly buttons ready because we've got 107 more facts about Steven Universe watch out for corruption and spoilers let's get started [Music] Number One Rebecca sugar made a comic called pug Davis about an astronaut with a Pug face who fights aliens in space next series anyone number two while growing up Rebecca and Steven sugar would create Comics together as kids the two continue to do so to this day you might have heard of their current one Steven Universe number three guy Davis Who's the artist behind the comics bprd and the Marquee the creature designer for Pacific Rim and not to mention the personal hero Rebecca sugar helped design the Crystal Temple it was his idea to create the two heads kind of a collaborative effort putting two heads together number four Steven's hair is designed like a rose this is more prevalent in this Funko Pop figure than it is in the cartoon number five sardonyx actually has both a star and diamonds in her design the Stars on her chest while the pink diamonds are on her feet number six the bands on Jasper's arms were designed to actually resemble Jasper and to add a camouflage style to the character number 7 storyboards for the episode message received show yellow diamond having a different appearance her design is more of a dress than the coat she wears in the show number eight on January 2nd 2017 five upcoming episodes of Steven Universe were supposedly leaked on the mobile app This was later revealed to be part of the see it first element of the app they removed a date later due to the immense number of spoilers that were leaked to the general public number nine in one of the leaked episodes that will be all amethyst meets another amethyst and Jasper quartz from the earth kindergarten they're all as carefree as she is but are under the rule of Blue Diamond apparently they waited for her but she never popped out number 10 amethyst's full name is amethyst fasted 5 cut 8xm say that three times fast number 11. did you know that there's a Steven Universe comic book series the comics are considered level 2 Canon this means that they're pretty much considered Canon unless they contradict something in the show number 12 the relationship between Ruby and Sapphire is actually based on the real life relationship between Rebecca sugar and supervising director Ian Jones quartey number 13. blue gems are primarily diplomatic this implies that blue diamond is the Diplomat of the diamond Authority similar to how yellow diamond runs the military number 14 Sapphire didn't always have one eye it was an idea that came up later on in development number 15 Raven malicy introduced the idea of sapphire referring to sight and scene and Ruby referring to touch and feeling something they have kept up in the show since the first episode thanks Raven number 16. Rebecca sugar said that if Connie were a gem her gem would be teal sugar said that she has the Diplomatic skills of a blue gem but she also likes to take action she would be a gem that would be between blue and green number 17 Garnet is the first ever Fusion between two different kinds of gems it was considered a great disgrace I guess they're not very Progressive number 18. a fusion is less stable if the gems are out of sync with each other synchronizing has to be done physically mentally and emotionally this is why opal and Alexandrite tend to fall apart while Garnett and stevonnie do not number 19. unlike the other Crystal Gems it seems that Steven doesn't need to dance in order to fuse with others he only needs physical contact this is shown in two different battles with Jasper when forming Stefani Stephen and Connie simply run at Jasper hand in hand and are shocked to find when they fused the same can be said when Steven and Amethyst form smoky quartz simply by hugging number 20. Rebecca sugar wrote part of the expanding opening for the Chisel gem song while going through airport security she now can't separate the two number 21 with all the songs she's written for Steven Universe Rebecca sugar is actually most proud of the song everything stays that she wrote for Adventure Time she hopes to one day write a better song for her own show number 20 I do when asked why she decided to kill off Steven's mother Rebecca replied is she dead whether this refers to her gem being part of Steven or something deeper remains unclear number 23 Jennifer Paz the voice of lapis was almost cast as amethyst that's a lot of almost gem switching number 24. originally chili rabara the voice of Peridot auditioned for the role of garnet that definitely would have been a very different character number 25 peridots are actually found in lava and meteorites which is similar to our gem who came from space in order to find the cluster and deep within the Earth number 26 gems actually don't have physical forms their bodies are basically Holograms with mass it's why they poof and can change their appearances number 27 gems automatically manipulate their own gravity this is due to gems constantly traveling to Distant Worlds their bodies naturally adapt to any planet or Moon sadly Steven doesn't have that skill number 28 when Stephen was a baby the Crystal Gems each assumed Rose was part of Stephen Garnet thought she was fused with a part of Greg amethyst thought she shape-shifted and pearl assumed if they pulled out her gem she'd be back we still have no idea what would happen if she did number 29 turns out Greg's real last name is demand he changed it years ago to Universe Steven thinks demaio is a lot cooler than Universe I disagree but hey that's just me number 30. in the episode Joyride Steven reveals that he's uncomfortable talking about rose quartz with the other Crystal Gems because he worries that they'll blame him for taking rose quartz away from them number 31 the gem home world is ruled by the great Diamond Authority this was originally yellow blue white and pink diamond during the episode monster reunion it was hinted that one of the diamonds is no longer in the Authority number 32 This was later confirmed in Back to the moon when it was revealed that pink diamond had been shattered Palmore was convinced that it was done by rose quartz but Stephen is not convinced that his mother is capable of doing so no one has refuted this claim however not even Pearl number 33 the Rebellion ended when the diamond sent out the corrupting light this caused the corruption of most of the crystal gems in numerous Homeworld gems the light consisted of yellow blue and white light signifying the remaining diamonds number 34 after the defeat of pink diamond every rose quartz was retired yellow diamond wanted to shatter them but Blue Diamond keeps them around to remind her of her Fallen sister number 35 yellow diamond made her first appearance in the episode message received this marked the First full sighting of a diamond on the show number 36 yellow diamond is voiced by none other than broadway actress Patty LuPone while she didn't get a song in her first appearance she does sing and that will be all number 37 pink diamond kept a human Zoo out in space after she was shattered Blue Diamond took over the zoo in honor of her sister I guess they boldly went where no man has gone before number 38 Stephen polishes his gemstone this could be a nod to the non-canon episode say uncle when Uncle Grandpa told him to polish his gems at least twice a year number 39 when Stephen was a baby he needed to let his gem breathe something he no longer needs to do babies all grown up number 40. Steven's healing spit can actually bring inanimate objects to life just has lapis and peridot's new Pet Pumpkin number 41 while a refugee on Earth lapis lazuli is not a member of the Crystal Gems number 42 a children's book version of the episode the answer was written by Rebecca sugar and was released on September 16th 2016. it was illustrated by El Michalka and Tiffany Ford number 43 the episode the answer was actually nominated for an Emmy Award for short form animation number 44. did you know that corrupted gems are unable to use gem technology yeah no go number 45 gems created on Earth are either shattered corrupted or put to work for Blue Diamond they're considered defective and less valuable than their Homeworld counterparts number 46 while her current weapon is a spear Pearl originally used a sword she has since tried to train Stephen and successfully trained Kanye number 47 Mr Greg was the first fully musical episode of Steven Universe it has seven songs in an 11 minute piece number 48 in Mr Greg Steven Greg and pearl go to Empire City while not explicitly New York City they do mention Brooklyn in the Bowery number 49 Jennifer Paz the voice of lapis lazuli is actually a tap dancer during the episode Mr Greg the tap number between Stephen and pearl is actually a recording of Jennifer dancing number 50. Steven is somehow connected to Blue Diamond whenever she's around he begins to cry he can also see through her eyes in his dreams number 51 Blue Diamond is voiced by Irish singer Lisa Hannigan fingers crossed that means blue diamond will sing too number 52. according to Peridot with all the Crystal Gems the highest ranked is actually amethyst number 53 Peridot has an official Twitter feed it's run by Lauren Zoo one of the storyboard artists on the show and it's definitely better than mine number 54 Peridot sees herself as the new leader of the Crystal Gems do you agree let us know in the comments number 55 Peridot is an era 2 gem due to the dwindling amount of resources on Homeworld she was created without certain gem abilities such as shape-shifting this is why she had limb enhancers for so long number 56 Peridot possesses a skill called pherokinesis it means that she can make metal to her bidding this was thought to have been a lost ability for Air 2 peridots number 57 Peridot is the newest member of the Crystal Gems she's officially made a member after she calls yellow diamond or Claude number 58 peridot's full name is peridot facet2f5l cut 5xg try saying that even one time fast number 59 gems that Peridot bubble don't go to the temple instead they appear in the barn where she and Lapis live this is because bubbles send things home not to the temple number 60. when fans started referring to Peridot as the main antagonist Matt Burnett stated pretty quick to judge poor Peridot I wouldn't call her an antagonist just yet and Def not the main one number 61. lion's mane contains a pocket Universe both Rose and Steven have used this for storage Rose for things like her sword and business gem and Steven for things like his bike and t-shirts number 62 lion can restrict who has access to his Mane Pearl wasn't allowed access while Peridot was number 63 as of the episode the message Greg started working on his third album the first two albums were space train to the cosmos and Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart his third album is called water witch so far the only song we've heard is about lapis lazuli number 64. in coach Steven it's revealed that Greg used to work out but gave up on it decades ago number 65 Rebecca sugar really wants our dogs to have a song in the show it really helps that her voice actress Alexia khadim is known for being in musicals like The Lion King Wicked and the Book of Mormon number 66. in the episode know your Fusion is insinuated that every Fusion has a room in the temple it can only appear when that Fusion is present when the gems diffuse the room self-destructs number 67 smoky quartz yo-yo tricks are actually based on real-life Talent of yo-yo or Tom black black is a performer with the fame company Cirque du Soleil number 68 in the UK the musical number what can I do for you was edited to exclude a moment where Rose and pearl share a close moment before Fusion the network defended the edit stating that they felt that slightly edited version is more comfortable for local kids and their parents number 69 because stevonnie is comprised of two physical beings rather than full gems their appearance is constantly changing depending on what either Steven or Connie are wearing number 70 sivani is currently the only Fusion to not have a unique weapon rather she can summon Steven's shield and use Rose's sword number 71 AJ Michalka the voice of stevonnie was apparently instructed by Steven's voice actor Zach Collison on how to replicate Steven's laugh number 72 even though she's the first Fusion to find on the show opal's Fusion Dance wasn't seen for almost two years number 73 Peridot has an open invitation to fuse with Garnet purely for scientific purposes of course number 74 the stone Malachi is actually suited for the fusion with Jasper Malachi is often associated with demanding respect number 75 in 2015 Rebecca sugar and Steven Universe were honored as part of the James tripty Junior literary award for their exploration of gender the awards website stated in the context of children's television this show deals with gender in a much more open and mature way than is typical for the genre and has some of the best writing of any cartoon soon in addition to showing men and women who do not necessarily conform to standard American gender ideals the show also gives us an agender non-binary character and a thoughtful exploration of growing up that's a big compliment number 76 in the episodes keeping it together in Keystone Motel it's revealed that Ruby and Sapphire can talk to each other via Garnet number 77 apparently Pearl has a type in the episode last one out of Beach City Stephen Pearl and Amethyst bump into s a woman who looks a lot like rose not much is known about her other than her first initial and the phone number she gives Burl number 78 when asked about Pearl's unrequited love for rose quartz Rebecca sugar responded I don't know if I would call it unrequited oh snap number 79 when asked who would play Steven in a live-action Steven Universe project Rebecca sugar said that she would cast Zach Callison saying Zach is the only Stephen that is truly Steven I can't imagine anyone else doing that Voice number 80. according to writer Lamar Abrams Greg and Garnet play tennis on the weekends good to know they get along number 81. Garnet never had a problem with Greg and Rose being together she's just a big supporter of Love number 82 on July 18 2016 Ronaldo fireman revealed his plans to write a book for the blog keep Beach City weird as of the posting he's written some of it no updates as of yet but I'm sure we'll hear more from him soon number 83 even though Rose also has healing powers no corrupt Jam has ever been fully healed they're simply bubbled to keep himself from hurting themselves or others number 84. while we haven't met any there are other sapphires they're just extremely rare number 85 bismuth is the only crystal gem who's not a crystal or a gem bismuth is actually a metal this makes some sense because after all bismuth are forges of Homeworld number 86 bismuth names other members of the Crystal Gems Snowflake and Crazy Legs both were apparently defeated in the Rebellion possibly by the diamond corruption number 87 it was revealed in the episode adventures in light Distortion that the Ruby soldiers from Return To The Moon base are still floating in space number 88 only 14 structures were actually built on Earth during the gem occupation this is believed to be around five percent of what was planned that means about 280 structures were supposed to have been constructed sadly this would have nearly destroyed the Earth and caused the extinction of all life on the planet number 89 apparently the barn where lapis and Peridot live has a termite problem real life issues number 90 in the Steven Universe app Sometimes When selecting an item Stephen will yell item I Choose You this is a clear reference to everybody's favorite Pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum number 91 in the anime little witch Academia there's a moment where a certain swordsman makes a small appearance if you look at the bottom left of the screen you can see Connie accompanied by Dipper and Mabel from Gravity Falls in another scene you could also see Rebecca sugar Penny and Jones Gordy number 92. in the episode Garnett's Universe Garnet's final fight is modeled after the final fight in the anime girl and lagon number 93 after the reveal of yellow diamond Steven sugar Rebecca Sugar's brother recreated the head turn and it was posted on Twitter Steven is yellow diamond number 94. in the fifth issue of the Steven Universe comic a series of stuffed animals can be seen in one panel they bear a striking resemblance to Freddie Bonnie and Chica from the jump scare game Five Nights at Freddy's number 95. in the episode Future Vision we see some of Steven's toys including ones resembling Yoshi and Sonic the staff likes video games much Number 96 when Peridot gets Greg's old tablet there are some real world apps actually on it we can see a variant of Facebook YouTube Instagram Vine and Tinder to name a few who knew Greg was trying move on number 97 in the episode say uncle uncle grandpa tries to help Steven use his shield one of the tools he uses is called the Bazooka the bees that come out bear a striking resemblance to the Pokemon B drill number 98 in the Steven floats episode a red exclamation mark appears next to Garner followed by a quick alarm sound this is a reference to Metal Gear Solid a similar animation appears whenever snake is detected number 99 yusagiojimbo makes a cameo in the episode Garnet's universe and is called hoppy usagi is a known Ally of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles number 100 in the episode giant woman the beetle has a Game Boy Color and a Sega Genesis game system in the room number 101 during the animated short video chat a game can be seen on Connie's laptop which Steven is using called colonization 5. this is a play on the famous Civilization games I wonder if she's gotten a copy of Civ 6 yet number 102 there's a skin pack featuring the crystal gems in the game Little Big Planet you can play a Steven lion amethyst garnet and pearl number 103. in the episode onion trade Steven's advice if we're wading through all the prize balls is to try to act like a rich duck this is a reference to the Disney cartoon DuckTales where Scrooge McDuck swims through a mountain of gold coins number 104 there's an episode where Steven turns to the gems and says you got it dude this is a reference to the character Michelle from the old show Full House it was said many times by both Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen who rotated playing the role of Michelle number 105 in amethyst's room we can see a few hidden gems there's a Snorlax plush a Mario question block A Wheel of Fortune Wheel and a Triceratops skull hidden throughout the room number 106. in the episode nightmare Hospital there's a doctor's office for a Dr gero Dr gero is a recurring villain to the Dragon Ball franchise what's even funnier is that he's apparently treating patient 20. in the Dragon Ball Z World Giro is actually Android 20. it all makes sense now number 107 in the uncle grandpa episode there's a kid dressed up like Stephen riding a Mobility Scooter Stephen Garnet amethyst and pearl also appear in an award show hosted by Uncle Grandpa that might be it for the 107 facts videos but the facts do not end not yet now we've got 30 amazing facts about Stephen from Steven Universe you know the main guy turns out there's plenty to know about this little musical goofball let's hop in he's the sweetest gem you'll ever meet down on beat City and while he's been through a lot his Pure Heart hasn't changed a bit hi I'm a king with Channel frederator and this is 30 facts about Steven from Steven Universe don't forget to subscribe and click that Bell icon to become part of our notification Squad [Music] now as you may know by now Rebecca Sugar's younger brother Stephen sugar inspired the main character of the show Steven Universe Steven is the only gym to ever have been born through biological reproductive means technically making him a new kind of life form altogether when Stephen was a baby he needed to let his gem breathe something that he no longer needs to do babies all grown our sweet little boy even polishes his gemstone this trait could be a nod to the non-canon episode say uncle when Uncle Grandpa told him to clean your dim at least twice a year good morning man I miss those good mornings Steven's hair Bears much resemblance to a rose this design detail is more prevalent in his Funko Pop figure than in the cartoon in the episode Joyride Stephen reveals that he is uncomfortable talking about rose quartz with the other Crystal Gems because he worries that they will blame him for taking rose quartz from them we all know deep within ourselves that this is indeed an not the case Steven's last name would have been demaio if Greg hadn't changed his name to Universe years before Stephen was born Stephen thinks demaio is a lot cooler than the universe but on what planet did he get that idea see what I did there Steven is the only character who has appeared in every single episode so far he has also cried more than any other character in the series in season 4 he cries Blue Diamond's tears he can also see through her eyes and his dreams this relates to his power of astral projection in season 3's episode the new Lars Steven can project his mind into lars's body in Kiki's pizza delivery service he can enter Kiki's dreams he can also float summon Rose's Shield to create a bubble and fix things with his spit like Gems or Connie's eyesight if you told me a loogie would fix my eyesight you know what you could keep your 20 20 Vision Steven's healing spit can even give things life in season 3 he creates sentient watermelons and in season four revives Lars and let's not forget about little pumpkin oh that adorable pumpkin from the events of jailbreak it's implied that Stephen is relatively immune to anti-gem technology because he's half human Steven has been 14 years old since season two's episode Stephen's birthday but he has never attended School in fact the gems homeschooled him Matt Burnett and Rebecca sugar have described Steven as a savant when it comes to music he plays a ukulele and wrote the Show's theme song himself that's right a fictional character wrote a theme song he also has Perfect Pitch Steven likes video games he owns a Nintendo 64 and Nintendo GameCube and keeps a Game Boy in his bathroom copies of the Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker and Animal Crossing often make appearances in his room so has manga a volume of the Sailor Moon manga rests on Steven's nightstand in season 1's episode house guest she is the one called Sailor Moon and he is the one called Steven you when Stephen is showing Hollow Pearl how to organize his Messes in Steven the sword fighter he places three Toys on a show the animal looks like Pikachu from Pokemon the humanoid resembles Guitar Room man from the game of the same name and the miscellaneous figure is apparently the internet meme sensation himself Scenic the Hedgehog not to be confused with another blue Hedgehog we all know and love Steven's birthday is August 15th the same day Steven sugar was born coincidentally this means that Steven Universe's birthstone is peridot who is the quirkiest friend anyone could ever ask for the fusion of Stephen and Connie stevani does not have a specified gender stevani uses gender-neutral pronouns such as they and them because stevani is comprised of two physical beings rather than full gems their appearance is continuously changing depending on what either Steven or Connie are wearing according to Rebecca sugar savani is a metaphor for all the terrifying firsts in a first relationship and what it feels like to hit puberty and suddenly find yourself with the body of an adult how quickly that happens how it feels to have new power over people or to find yourself objectified suddenly all for seemingly no reason since you're still just you unlike other Crystal Gems it seems that Stephen doesn't need to dance to fuse with others he only needs physical contact viewers see this in two different battles with Jasper when forming Stefani Stephen and Connie merely run at Jasper hand in hand and are shocked to find they fused the same can be said when Stephen and Amethyst form smoky quartz by just hugging in an interview Rebecca sugar said that of all the gems Pearl is the one Stephen knows about the least Steven is meant to represent the co-dependent stage of human emotional development the rest of the Crystal Gems represent the other stages amethyst as counter dependence Pearl is group dependence and Garnet is dependence Zach cowson is the voice of Stephen and one of behind the voice actor Award for best male vocal performance by a child in 2014 when asked who would play Stephen in a live-action Steven Universe project Rebecca sugar said she would cast Zach Callison saying Zach is the only Steven that is truly Steven I can't imagine anyone else doing that voice huh surprised he didn't say her brother Stephen sugar but you know what I can totally Rave to that Garnet's worth a deep diver too as well yeah somehow we found a bonus five for her too this is 35 amazing Garnet facts she's the baddest and most grounded of all the Crystal Gems hi I'm Akeem bachano frederator and this is 35 facts about Garnet don't forget to subscribe and click that Bell icon to become part of our notification Squad [Music] Garnet's moves are inspired mostly by a dance style popularized in the lgbtq clubs in the 70s called whacking Rebecca sugar says she also pulled a bit from the hand movements of Garnet's voice actress Estelle sugar gave the Crystal Gems the same personalities that she imagined real gems hold for example she sees raw garnets as mysterious with just a little bit of red peeking through from within the stone fitting with the show's Musical theme grammy-winning musician Estelle plays the role of garnet who happens to be Garnet's favorite musician go figure huh in fact other than Alexandrite all of Garnet's fusions are voiced by talented artists in the music industry Grammy nominated artist Nicki Minaj voices sugalite garnish fusion with amethyst sardonyx garnish fusion with pearl is voiced by Alexia cadine an acclaimed English musical theater actress Garnet was the first ever Fusion between two different kinds of gems the gem Homeworld considered Garnet's existence to be a great disgrace one of the reasons Garnet loves Earth because she feels free to live there as a fusion according to Ian Jones QWERTY Rebecca sugar has been planning for Garnet to be a fusion long before the show debut sugar also knew she wanted Garnet to be a combination of Ruby and Sapphire before the reveal there were subtle hints that Garnet was a fused gem one clue remains in the Steven Universe intro there are two shooting stars on Garnet's title card instead of one before confirming Garnet's true identity as a fusion the Steven Universe crew had multiple moments where they believed their Clues were too obvious they were sure on numerous occasions that fans were going to catch on and a lot of us theorists online did Shelby ribara the voice of Peridot originally auditioned for the role of garnet before It ultimately went to a stale but that's not the only connection between garnet and Peridot Peridot has an open invitation to fuse with Garnet whenever she feels ready Garnet plays Sports here and there this interest includes playing tennis with Greg on the weekends she's burned through her fair share of tennis rackets like a real master Garnet knows how to play the keytar which she may have picked up from lessons with Greg she later is shown using it during Greg's music video what can I do alongside Pearl Garnet appears as a background character at a bar in Batgirl volume 4 issue 41. Rebecca sugar says in a fight between Garnet Pearl and Amethyst Garnet would be the ultimate Champion the synth bass acts as an excellent representation of garnet the Steven Universe staff believes this best reflects her personality you can tell if Lamar Abrams boarded an episode by Garnet's design he draws her more muscular and proportionate Abrams also makes her face slightly longer than other artists in the episode Garnet's Universe Garnet's final fight is modeled after the last battle in the anime guren Lagan just who the hell do you think she is Garnet's Future Vision can briefly get passed on to other gems via a kiss on the forehead her third eye holding her Future Vision could be a reference to the meditation style which results in opening one's chakra or third eye chakra is a tenet of several religious Traditions including Hinduism and Buddhism Garnet's character pulls other things from Hinduism as well specifically the Hindu god ardhana rishvara like ardhana rishvara Garnet was created as a product of love between two deities with opposing personalities the similarities continue into their appearance like Garnet the deity is depicted as half red and half blue ardhana rizvara and Garnet both have third eyes in the middle of their foreheads pull out your sorting hats according to a buzzfeed interview with Rebecca sugar Garnet would be placed in Gryffindor Garnet is Estelle's birthstone and it symbolizes peace prosperity and good health she was literally born to play this role the episode the answer which focused on Sapphire and Ruby fusing into Garnet was turned into a children's book the book released accompanied a signing where Rebecca sugar used a unique Garnet stamp on every autograph the stamp was retired immediately afterwards Garnet's electric powers are a result of combining Ruby's heat and Sapphire's coal according to the composers of Steven Universe Garnet's base takes inspiration from Michael Jackson Estelle views Garnet as the grown-up of the household she's the one with the level head necessary to keep everything sane speaking of Garnet's head before settling on a cube like afro Garnet's hair went through many iterations though her hair almost always had an 80s vibe to it one concept had its sleeker with bangs in another version Garnet had a flat top before they finally settled on her iconic throw the rest of her design in the pilot took cues from 80s icons like Grace Jones and Michael Jackson in addition to the 80s Vibes sugar wanted Garnet to feel futuristic and outer Spacey many of her early designs made heavy use of triangles the most futuristic of geometric shapes it can be a little challenging to get melts right so the Steven Universe staff uses a guide made by the former executive producer Ian Jones quartey for the do's and don'ts of drawing Garnet's lips before her character became finalized Garnet was once going to be named either zycon or Onyx remember when I said we were out of 107 facts videos well I lied we've got even more facts about the future that's right 107 Steven Universe future facts you should know get in there here we are in the future here we are in the future and it's oh it's already over I can't believe [Music] Steven Universe has been done for over a year but the show has made an unprecedented move of making its end game a movie and a separate limited run series confused well you're in the right place I am Jacob with Channel frederator and today we're going through 107 facts about Steven Universe the movie and Steven Universe future grab a homemade cookie cat a few tissues for both melted ice cream and tears and let's get started oh and there will be spoilers you've been warned fact number one even before season five was over it was clear by the summer of 2018 and reunited's Cliffhanger that Rebecca Sugar's Steven Universe was in endgame territory but fans hadn't been notified that the show was ending leaving many to wonder what was next our first clue came at Comic-Con in July 2018 when sugar announced Steven Universe the movie number two for how plot heavy the show eventually became Cartoon Network didn't originally want Steven Universe to be a show with A continuous plot they were more interested in self-contained episodes sugar and her team slipped it in by focusing on placing pieces of the larger puzzle and satisfying One-Shot episode and then bringing them together number three things change by the time the crewniverse an adorable term for Steven Universe's crew was working on the Peridot Barn Arc at the beginning of the Season Cartoon Network started ordering large bursts of plot related episodes Steven bombs if you will coincidentally enough sugar and Company were already planning the ark that way number four that doesn't mean that the world threading together happened on the Fly sugar and her writers were actively writing scenes that were happening outside Steven's Point of View like conversations the other Crystal Gems were having without him sugar even had a guide to every Fusion in the show since the beginning number five sugar has quote tomes and tomes of the history of the show's alternate version of Earth and it's hidden away until Stephen needs to know it like how Hollywood is in Kansas because Disney's laugh-a-gram Studios took off so Disney never had to move which is why Jaime wants to be an actor in Kansas number six because the gems invaded 6 000 years ago the geography of the world and the names of places are different for example Beach city is in Delmarva a state which is made up of real life Virginia Delaware and Maryland and Canada is just called the Great North which isn't too far from reality actually number seven the idea for the movie goes back to the show's second season in 2015 when sugar was headed to Japan like so many of us she got screwed over by a phone restorer that completely wiped her phone's memory tons of drawings and videos from the formative years of the show by herself and others were immediately gone number eight but from that unfortunate situation sugar got an idea what would happen if these characters were restored to factory settings and all their progress got wiped which is especially potent since we're talking about a show that's entirely about the character's personal progressions I think Peridot Put It Best in the movie when she said I could have lost all my character development number nine Cartoon Network asked sugar to pitch a film that same year in order for the film to be picked up for production sugar had to persuade the network with storyboards imitations and character voices and explanations on how music would weave into the narrative sugar describes this period as intense number 10. sugar was in a huge Catch-22 for writing the music for the film she wasn't able to start writing anything until she knew that the story was approved she then have to race against the clock to create an album of demos that the crewniverse could storyboard to number 11. for so many reasons the ramp up to the film was a huge Endeavor for the crew Universe the season 5 finale changed your mind was the longest episode the show had ever done the team felt that not only did they have to keep the cylinders firing but to fire them harder number 12. the team only got one month of rest between finishing change your mind and starting the film but sugar wasn't able to take a break because she used that single month to write 15 or 16 songs for the film a month that's like a song every two days number 13 sugar then flew to Chicago for two days to meet with co-executive producer Chance the Rapper she also collaborated with him to write true kind of love number 14. true kind of love was the first song on the soundtrack to be finished and sugar was wildly inspired by chance sugar had always thought of music as notes and chords as one would assume but Chance kept talking about true kind of love with the image of a kid swinging their arms as they walk number 15. fans went crazy when they learned that the film would take place two years after change your mind which means that Steven would be 16. as traditionally occurs when anyone turns 16 for the first time our beloved Stephen earned a neck number 16. throw the hubbub around the neck and there was a lot even I made a joke about it in our last Steven Universe video the team had set up how an older Steven might look in earlier episodes and no I'm not talking about the episode so many birthdays although maybe maybe maybe that's how he'll look but no I'm talking about the season 2 episode Steven's birthday where Stevens willfully aged up body is a dead ringer for his actual 16 year old body dude your neck oh uh what about it you have one number 17 but everyone on the team was just as excited as we were about the neck largely because for animators it was often a pain to figure out how Steven's head was connected to his body and his younger necklace design number 18 sugar herself was so excited about the neck that she had to keep herself from drawing the updated Steven design at cons because at the time the time Skip and redesign were still under wraps number 19 scene sugar also wanted to give Steven a cool jacket as a direct nod to his voice actor Zach Callison apparently Callison has a fleet of sweet jackets he's sporting all the time he's very fashion forward that way number 20. a ton of other research and development was involved in the film for two years sugar and her partner Ian Jones QWERTY would watch films and musicals based on TV shows taking extensive notes as to why they did or didn't work number 21 if you're wondering about the outcomes of Sugar's research she came to the objective conclusion that A Goofy Movie was a prime example of an excellent film based on a TV show The Script then says I'm supposed to affirm that A Goofy Movie is the best but I haven't actually seen it yet please don't murder me I know the songs by heart at least some those are amazing number 22 sugar also thinks that Beavis and Butthead Do America is a great example of adapting a TV show to a movie and if that seems surprising what might be even more is that two animation directors on Steven actually worked on Beavis and Butthead number 23. one thing sugar thought worked came from legendary director Corey photographer Bob Fosse a character has to be feeling something so strongly that they are compelled to sing and when that's not enough they're compelled to dance which keeps a musical from feeling like an endless parade of songs number 24 sugar and the team build two musical practice runs into the show one was the musical episode Mr Greg and the other was the song for just one day let's only think about love where the team was purposefully testing themselves to see if they could pull off the most musically Musical musical number that ever music old they came pretty close but I still think the most musically Musical musical number that ever musical is either we go together from Greece or Defying Gravity from Wicked they've had the advantage of time to burn into our memories number 25 to further illustrate Sugar's love for turning the show into a musical she recently described Mr Greg as her all-time favorite episode The crewniverse got absolutely no extra time on it compared to a normal episode so its Excellence is entirely a labor of love number 26 by the way that wedding Arc was a long time coming sugar had been pitching it since 2016 and it had been fighting against impose ceilings regarding Ruby and Sapphire's relationship since Jailbreak in 2014 sugar deeply believes in the importance of lgbtqia plus representation in media and the powers that be all eventually had to hop on there's no stop in the Stephen train or the sugar Jack is there like a fan thing for that kind of like like a Steven Universe hype train number 27. the other big question for the film was who the main antagonist would be the widely circulated Theory before the release of the first poster was that the villain would be aquamarine because she was entirely missing from the wrap-ups in season five number 28 however the villain of the film was later revealed to be spinel an entirely new character played by Sarah Stiles Styles said during a panel at 2019's New York Comic-Con that while sugar wrote tons and tons of pages for spinel's audition breakdown Styles manager apparently boiled the character description to something like a psychotic Betty Boop number 29 if spinel does remind you of Betty Boop that's exactly what sugar was going for Fletcher Studios which was started in 21 and is responsible for characters like Betty Boop and Popeye created a lot of Sugar's all-time favorite animations and she has a soft spot specifically for Betty Boop number 30. sugar also wanted to use spinel to pay homage to the of Eyeworks bounce iWorks worked closely with Walt Disney and is basically credited with creating Mickey Mouse and That Bouncy playful aesthetic that characterizes animation from that era was entirely his idea number 31 the whole reason for that rubber hose in 1930s Vibe is that Sugar wanted to accentuate the fact that spinel is old and was frozen in time she wasn't given the opportunity to develop like all the other characters so she both looks and moves like she's out of place number 32 while sugar is a huge fan of those 30s cartoons she also feels there's something unsettling and toxic about them because of the Norms of the times they were made in Sugar wanted to work in some of that difficulty into the vibe of the character number 33 spinel may be inspired by rubber hose cartoons but she's borrowed a move from another poster boy of dodgy animation Sonic she runs and spin dashes like Sonic and uses her legs like a propeller which is reminiscent of Tails Fame this move number 34 however some of spinel's attacks share commonalities with much more recent cartoons her stretching ability is reminiscent of both Jake from Adventure Time which sugar worked on and Monkey D Luffy from One Piece which sugar is known to be a huge fan of you could even argue that spinel's big punch against Steven was basically number 35 the concept of Stephen clashing with and not fitting in with older cartoon tropes didn't start with spinel it was also a key part of his experience with the diamonds on Homeworld which involved a lot of old fairy tale Concepts think about it the Pebbles are basically Cinderella mice who make him a dress for the ball the ball does not go well if if you needed a reminder number 36 actually anime played into spinel in more ways than one some anime films will have a strange new character pop up and suddenly become the most important character spinel's a parody of that Trope because any expectation of suddenly inserting yourself in Steven's life after everything the Crystal Gems went through is just silly number 37 initially sugar didn't want to give spinel eyelashes since eyelashes can be pretty tropey so instead in an effort to turn that Trope on its head sugar gave spinel those upside down lashes which look like mascara after you've been crying number 38 speaking of crying Story of My Life spinel's heartbreaking backstory was inspired by the same incident that was behind Sugar's highly memorable song from Adventure Time everything stays she found a long lost stuffed animal on her yard after a year and realized that things still change even in Stillness not necessarily for the worst though apparently it was quite the formative memory for sugar number 39 equally heartbreakingly spinel is also partially influenced by the young kids who grew up watching Steven Universe and then grew out of the show yet the crewniverse is still there still working on the show still trying to be entertaining number 40. sugar fully knows that spinel can be overwhelming and grating pink ditched spinel because spinel was given to placate her and pink wanted to feel like she was moving forward ping tended to not think about how her actions affected others a recurring theme for her as sugar put it number 41 spinel is the first character in Steven universe that just flat out wants to hurt people but because she's in so much pain sugar wanted the opportunity to explore all the dimensions of that complicated set of emotions she even says that viewers feeling frustration towards spinel is a totally fair reaction number 42 since so many members of the karuniverse are marginalized individuals spinel is meant to express the utter Ridiculousness and one dimensionality of thinking that some someone else deserves to exist less or of taking out your anger on totally unrelated Parties number 43 spinel's feelings are exaggerated because she's a cartoon and can be made to literally poison people but she was inspired by attempts to interact with people who have had dramatic experiences that make it hard for them to trust other people and sometimes even actively want to hurt others number 44 sugar wanted to set up a situation where Stephen couldn't help someone and so has to realize that the best way to deal with the situation is to protect himself he can't convince spinel to change because she needs to decide if she wants to change herself a theme that would pop up again in Steven Universe future but I'm getting ahead of myself number 45 a lot of that idea was informed by Sugar's conversations with an anti-bullying expert who collaborates with Cartoon Network talking with him shaped how sugar approaches writing because the difference between an interpersonal conflict and a bully is that a bully wants to hurt someone number 46 but there was a moment where it looked like spinel might not make it into the movie at all since her humor is so animation specific and tied to visuals sugar had an incredibly difficult time explaining the humor and importance of spinel the Cartoon Network execs number 47 on a lighter note fans were shocked by Steven and Greg's Fusion but the crooner versus wanted to put him out since season one there are many episodes about him that just never made it all the way into development that Fusion's Name by the way stag but I personally prefer grieving because it reminds me of General Grievous yes illusion will make a fine addition to my collection number 48 in particular sugar found notes from around 2013 or 14 for a battle of the bands episode with stag where he was called Mr Multiverse stag was always going to be this rock star radiating support and confidence number 49 appropriately stag his voice by an actual rock star Ted Leo and even more appropriately stake has a duet with opal who's voiced by Amy Mann another rock star what's more man and Leo work together frequently and have a project called the both number 50. Amy man was more than just a big name Gat she was actually a huge influence on sugar as a teenager she would listen to Man's music while she Drew Comics number 51 so it was a dream come true for sugar to co-write drift away with man with man providing the bridge sugar was having trouble writing sad Enough lyrics and so the two of them went back and forth pitching statter and Saturn lyrics sounds like my kind of night number 52. by the way you probably guessed that the film's Disney Fairy tale-like opening wasn't animated by the normal Studio instead it was made by chromosphere the the same Studio who animated the Steven Universe Dove self-esteem shorts PSAs on Cartoon Network were Steven Universe characters coached viewers through self-esteem issues and body confidence number 53 sugar wanted the takeaway from the film to be that it's okay to be a work in progress there's the sort of false promise made by stories that there's going to be an end but you don't stop growing if you wanted to stop growing it's going to be really hard when bad things keep happening 2020 mood and very much on that note number 54 part of what sugar wanted to show with the movies how much Steven has grown up and how the events have changed your mind allowed him to shed a lot of his insecurity but there's obviously a lot more to explore there and the crewniverse couldn't explore everything they wanted to in just one movie number 55 but after the movie came out there was an eerie Silence from both Cartoon Network and the crew Universe on whether there would be a new season after the film's release in September of 2019 fans had absolutely no idea what the future of the show was number 56 exactly what was coming next was anyone's guess until New York Comic Con in October of 2019 when sugar announced their is no season six number 57 in its place sugar announced that Steven Universe future would be a limited series that would serve as the epilogue that's just the cheekiest move to word it the way she did number 58 but why isn't it season six well season five marked the end of the initial story that sugar and her team set out to tell there was an epic finale that capped it Steven Universe future is a different story in many ways number 59 from the beginning sugar and her team thought of Steven Universe the OG show as a coming-of-age story they thought of it as a show written from Steven's Point of View but by adults who knew things about life that Steven still had to learn about number 60 however it turns out adults don't really have many answers the crewniverse wanted to express that through the gems whose World feels very abstract and metaphorical to begin with but the more Steven understands how gems work the more mature he becomes number 61 Steven Universe future original Steven Universe and its various incarnations have always been done on paper the colors are digital but the pencils and inking and everything relating to character motion that's all done by hand number 62 sugar adores a writing process driven by storyboards especially since that practice Harkens back to the Golden Age of cartoons since animation is a visual medium sugar loves seeing the story come to life not just through words but by characters expressions and postures number 63 if this wasn't already obvious sugar deeply values her team she learned on Adventure Time that a team brings a ton to a show so big decisions on Stephen are made collaboratively number 64. that doesn't mean it's always easy though there have been a number of heated arguments among the crew universe but the show always comes out better for it in fact the climax have changed your mind with the two Stevens was the result of an intense argument number 65 one signal that Steven Universe future was a completely new series is the theme song Gone is the five season classic we are the Crystal Gems Instead at the 2019 New York Comic-Con sugar announced the new series with its new opening sequence which is set to a retooled version of Happily Ever After from the movie number 66 Steven Universe future isn't dismantling the happily ever after that the movie set up with some big new Baddie though instead the series does something shows never do show the very personal battles with trauma and the struggle to find normalcy after the big climactic battle number 67 sure the show digs into what life is like now in Era 3 I.E the era where Gem Wars of halted and peace takes hold but the notion of spending a Show's entire final season with the character confronting the trauma he encouraged during the rest of the series has honestly never been done before not that I can remember at least number 68 heartbreakingly and ironically sugar even acknowledges that Steven's behavior in future is specifically not unlike pink Diamond's behavior before him meaning he's avoiding difficulties within himself number 69 sugar and her writers were actually just as confused about what should be next for Stephen as Steven is in the show they landed on the idea that Stephen would want to get married because he loves weddings and he loves love and you know doesn't that just make sense number 70. hence the events of together forever sugar and the writers figure that since Connie has so much much more figured out and since Stephen has not taken his own time to do that just disappearing into their relationship would be appealing to him number 71 but before we get there we have to build up Steven's uncertainty over the course of several episodes he also has to knock it all in our brains that he's old enough to drive now fans with excellent memory will recognize his car as Greg's donde Supremo the dream car he purchased in Beach City drift number 72 he also might have noticed that Connie's studying pose as a dead ringer for our hero the Lo-Fi hip-hop beats to study relax to girl the Girl by the way was inspired by this scene from the 1995 Studio Ghibli film Whisper of the heart which makes it a doubly on-brand reference for this show to make number 73 for another memory test you might recall that bismuth mentions her pal snowflake in her titular episode bismuth believes that snowflake was shattered during the Rebellion but we learn and change her mind that she was actually corrupted and now she's good as new number 74. that might all serve to explain why snowflake has been a supporting cast member of choice in little homeschool and perhaps why snowflake gets the honor of being voiced by Ian Jones 40. number 75 though perhaps the award for best newly uncorrupted gems should go to larimar who loves screams to a disturbing degree larimar is voiced by D Bradley Baker a legendary voice actor who has voiced tons of random characters on the show most notably lion and fribo number 76 since rose quartz wasn't actually a rose quartz the three rose quartz that we meet in rosebuds are the first actual rose quartz we meet in the show since all rose quartz gems were bubbled and pings do as a reaction to the Rebellion number 77 all three Rose quartzes are voiced by Kimberly Brooks who has been the show's go-to actress for quartz and Jasper soldiers she also plays The Jasper the one that we're so familiar with number 78 in volleyball we learned that pink pearl was under white Diamond's control for 8 000 years after her time with pink diamond which means that we now finally know that our Pearl is 8 000 years old I love your energy it reminds me of when I was younger I'm older than you number 79 the villain everyone was expecting to epically show up in the movie did eventually show up but not quite as epically Bluebird introduces Bluebird Azurite the fusion of aquamarine and Eyeball I especially love that aquamarine still calls Greg my dad a call back to her debut in Season Four's are you my dad number 80 assuming there's a large overlap of fans of Steven Universe and okko let's be heroes you may have noticed that Bluebird Azurite kinda sounds like koala princess or Miss pastel they're all voiced by the same actress Larissa Gallagher number 81 you probably picked up on the fact that Rainbow's tidying song is a nod to Mary Poppins but you may have missed a much more obscure bit of trivia the Blackbird outside the window is not an American Blackbird but a European Blackbird a very subtle nod to the fact that an American robin appears during a spoonful of sugar despite the fact that the movie takes place in London there's also a Monty Python in the Holy Grail reference to be made here if we change the Blackbird to a swallow but I'm just I'm just thinking out loud right now number 82 rainbow quartz 2.0 is voiced by Aleister James who other than Steven Universe is probably best known for Randy siminoff from Bones not counting our beloved Stephen James is the first male identifying voice actor to voice any gem first appearing and change your mind number 83 if you look real hard in onion's kitchen you can see a box labeled revolutionary grill utensils a reference to revolutionary girl utana an anime that sugar is a very vocal fan of I don't know why I'm groaning it's a great show I think I'm groaning at the pond mostly number 84. in Sunstone strange hang on sorry I think the script meant to say legendary epilogue to a very special episode they're on a set which looks similar to the one in the Dove self-esteem project shorts unrelated but does anyone else literally only think of toe jam and Earl when Sunstone is on screen or is that just me number 85 once the fusion started joining the game of Steven tag and snow day almost everyone probably recognized that the style of those title cards is quite reminiscent of Super Smash Bros though why they slept on Steven joins the battle or some other clever wordplay that I'll come up with while editing this video I'll never know number 86 snow day also marks the first time Pearl is shape-shifted that we know of since the events in a single pale Rose where she shape-shifted into Rose to fake the shattering number 87 the way that lapis assumes a giant water form and why so blue may be a nod to a climactic Avatar Aang battle in avatar The Last Airbender regardless you can't dispute the fact that it looks pretty rad I know she's not supposed to be doing it but it looks pretty rad number 88 adorably all of the pastries at lars's new bakery space trees have space themed puns for names for example you can experience the chocolate ship cookie total eclipse of the Tarts the croissant moon or the Red Dwarf velvet cake number 89 in little graduation we're introduced to Shep who's the Show's first non-binary character besides stevonnie or any of the other fusions number 90 Chef is voiced by India Moore an actor and model who's also non-binary they're best known in the TV world for playing angel in the awesome FX series pose also go watch pose number 91 but yes in case you were wondering Cartoon Network confirmed that stevonnie is intersex and non-binary and uses they them pronouns number 92 also storyboard artist Maya Peterson revealed after the episode in dreams that Peridot is asexual and aromantic her interest in campaigning Hearts is purely for the thrill of Camp hiding hearts and also shipping uh sorry lapidot shippers number 93 we get a glimpse of Steven's gaming setup and in dreams and it looks very much like he has a PS2 and DualShock 2 controllers and the game on the right sure does look a lot like Katamari Dynasty I still really need to pick up a copy of that number 94 Steven's dream character Stefan kinda sorta actually looks like a Tanner and fitter version of the adult form he assumed way back in too many birthdays where notably he had a t-shirt that said Beach hunk the teen version in that episode though uh had a had a bit um wasn't quite there yet number 95 a few of the people hanging out at the roller rink in bismuth casual are actually animated versions of the crewniverse members Ian Jones QWERTY storyboard artist Lamar Abrams and supervising director Kat Morris Number 96 more crew Universe cameos also happened in guidance storyboard revisionists Nicole Rodriguez and lyanna nichura were seen riding funland's Ferris wheel before things go horribly awry number 97 a few fans were curious as to why Ruby and Sapphire were so gung-ho about Stephen proposing to Connie yet Garnet had more measured advice sugar explains that Ruby is just a hopeless romantic and thinks that anything works when you enthusiastically Rush In And in Sapphire's experience she's seen Love Actually alter fate so she really thinks the proposal could work number 98 the explanation also involves some nitty-gritty understanding of Garnet's Future Vision Sapphire can only see one track and it only works when she's totally passive since Ruby is so impulsive when they come together as Garnet Garnet can see multiple tracks that are shaped by her actions number 99 Steven's ridiculously cute and retroactively heartbreaking song for Connie includes lyrical nods to two other romantic songs from the series Ruby's wedding vowed a sapphire and reunited and a line from Greg's magnum opus Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart number 100 Steven's actual middle name is quartz but when he says his name is Steven quartz cutie pie dimeo Diamond Universe he's referencing in order a Joe Garner way back in season one danger is my middle name that's a lie your middle name is Cutie Pie Greg's last name before he changed it to Universe Andy the mail Greg de Mayo Stephen the mail where did the males and the fact that his mom turned out to not be a quartz but well a diamond number 101 many fans have wondered exactly what's going on with Steven's glowing pinkness sugar points out in Growing Pains that the series says specifically that Steven is experiencing the gem equivalent of cortisol which in humans is basically your built-in alarm system and helps fuel people's fight or flight Instinct number 102 from the beginning sugar in the show itself has been interested in discussing mental health sugars discussed how her own work in therapy has helped her process her anxiety we see Stephen dealing with similar things the song's stronger than you and here comes the thoughtter about working through anxiety in a healthy way Number 103 Steven's traumatic experiences would come to a head in fragments after struggling with his powers Stephen goes to train with Jasper and commits his first and hopefully only shattering of a gem the following scene of resurrecting Jasper my geniusly parallels the first sequence we see in future kinda corrupting the innocence of the uncorrupting that this process is for anyway number 104. in The Following episode everything's fine Steven calls himself a monster and then literally turns into a pink gem Godzilla then in I am my monster the climactic battle of the series begins interestingly enough it's the only episode outside of Steven's Point of View that isn't someone recounting an event to him number 105 there's a Bittersweet detail hidden in the series finale the future onion can be seen wearing the cheeseburger backpack as he waves goodbye to Stephen at least it's gone to a good home but it is onion so maybe I shouldn't assume knowing onion he might have stolen I don't know number 106. what better way to end a beloved series than with a song as Steven heads out on his road trip he plays on the radio Being Human with sugar considers the song of the final episode sugar says that she wanted the weight of it not to just be that you're hearing it in the episode itself but that it's been on the horizon for you this whole time the end credits and fitting and series song was written by sugar and performed by singer-songwriter Emily King Kings can't hold me was also featured in bismuth casual and number 107 Sugar's note ahead of the premiere of the final 10 episodes was beautifully heartfelt quote it has been an eye-opening experience to meet the community that has come together around the show I have been so moved and have felt so seen though our epilogue series is coming to a close please trust that like us these characters will always be growing changing and supporting each other from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for watching our show [Music] your head is now absolutely brimming with fats which is a good thing but how important is each of those facts can you rank them if you had to pick out the seven most important what would you come up with if all that sounds like too much work don't worry we've already done it for you this is seven important Steven Universe moments I think we can all an owner versus a cartoon Love by many if it pushes the boundaries with its representation of the LGBT community and teaches us a lot more about love than most other shows do today among some other pretty cool things too hi I'm Kelsey a frederator and today I'd like to count down the seven most important Steven Universe moments just in time for In Too Deep too now of course this list is a personal opinion and we'd love to hear which moments would have made your list in the comments below oh yeah for number seven let's take it a little easy before we get into the depth of this show this spot is going for Greg universe's often quoted reminder that if every pork chop were perfect we wouldn't have hot dogs now I know this sounds a little bit silly but there's a reason why I put it on the list okay I'm going to take into account the fact that this show is aimed towards children but is also viewed by many adults the notion from this constant quotation is particularly meaningful for kids because it reminds you that it's okay to not be perfect and it's okay to make mistakes because good things come from them this is equally as important for adults and young adults because it's okay to fail a college class and it's okay to not nail your interview as long as you're learning and trying harder next time that you do it number six Garnet offering diffuses Peridot granted this list has its fair share of fusion moments but Fusion was a huge part of the show after all for those of you who are new to Steven Universe or perhaps just stumbled on this video in the depths of YouTube Fusion is when two gems the characters will dance together and basically merge into a bigger more powerful being most gyms use it to help win a fight or to do tasks like moving big objects but there are other reasons as well when Garnet first meets with Peridot without chasing her around that is she is very wary about being around her seeing his Peridot as a Homeworld gym who wants to destroy the Earth whereas the Crystal Gems AKA Garnet amethyst and pearl are living on Earth to protect it however Garnet begins to warm up to Peridot the longer that she stays around in the episode log date 715 too we find out that Peridot wanted to learn why Garnet stayed fused all the time and even offered to attempt to fuse with her while it really didn't work out it's still sending a strong message of Tolerance acceptance and eventually friendship number 5. stevani that's right more fusion and Stefani's debut episode Alone Together would come face to face with sides of Stephen and Connie we haven't really seen before when they accidentally fuse together although the fusion isn't very stable as seen by their minds fighting each other it still has some important lessons to teach according to Rebecca sugar the creator of Steven Universe stevonnie is a metaphor for all the terrifying firsts in a first relationship and what it feels like to hit puberty in suddenly find yourself with the body of an adult how quickly that happens and how it feels to have a new power over people or to suddenly find yourself objectified all for seemingly no reason since you're still just you number four Pearl's weaknesses in the episode coach Steven we meet sigalight the fusion of amethyst and Garnet which apparently is much to the dismay of pearl in the beginning it seems as though Pearl just doesn't like the fusion because of how Reckless she is however as we go through the episode we learn more about how Pearl doesn't like her simply because of how strong she is and how weak she makes Pearl feel in comparison but it does get better once we learn that Pearl is strong in the real way as she sings her song for this episode her realization of this is what helps her to separate satellite back into amethyst and Garnet respectively Pearl's love for Rose now this one goes hand in hand with the last one but I'd like to print out some other things as well let's start by saying that first of all this scene was terrifyingly sad her watch is Stephen pretty much fall to his death but is too distraught and overrun by her feelings for those quartz to even go after him or try to save him he does end up alright though once he sits and talks with her for a little bit she reveals what happened the day Rose decided to become a crystal gem and fight for the Earth and how Pearl decided to stay it's a pretty emotional episode and I won't lie I've cried just about every single time I've watched it sworn to the sword Connie and pearl have a very special Mentor student-like relationship as seen in the episode sworn to the sword Pearl is also the only crystal gem that Connie has really had an extended amount of screen time with she's very passionate about fighting alongside Steven and protecting him which was the push that Pearl needed in order to agree to teach Connie out a sword fight it's a strong parallel to Pearl's own relationship with rose quartz however Steven was made very uncomfortable by Pearl's own self-doubt and her need to call herself and Connie disposable if you will when Steven runs into the fighting arena to find Connie he's confronted by a hollow Pearl and merely scared stiff that's where Connie comes out and stabs her making her disappear Stephen in turn then saves her from Hollow Pearl and so forth really proving that they are equally as important to each other and can both fight the same battles just as well as the other can number one stronger than you the fight scene between garnet and Jasper couldn't have gone without making this list now in case you haven't seen the episode jailbreak Jasper is a Homeworld gem who is hellbent on keeping Ruby and Sapphire Garnet apart and taking them in the other Crystal Gems back home so they can be rightfully punished she doesn't understand why Sapphire and Ruby stay fused all the time and even resorts to calling them a cheap tactic to make weak gems stronger Sapphire and Ruby for those of you who are unaware are two gyms who love each other so much that it pains them to be separated this is how Garnet was made she's actually a fusion herself she wanted to wait to tell Steven until his birthday but Jasper had other plans this scene was the reason why I myself started watching the show and why I like it so much it just shows us so much about how it's okay to love whoever you want to love and no one can stop you or your feelings of course Garnet defeats Jasper in an epic singing battle Montage proving that love can Prevail over anything and everything else kind of cheesy but it's really nice to watch a good cartoon I'll teach you a thing or two from heartwarming moments to Classic problem solving life lessons are the lifeblood of animated series Steven Universe is no exception serving up life-affirming realizations time and time again in case you needed some guidance we've put together a list of 13 great lessons from Steven Universe we even got the round table to help out cartoons and life lessons go hand in hand whether that be an unfortunate physical lesson from Maori coyote or a heartfelt one from Finn the Human there's something about delivering a message through animation that just seems to work one cartoon that does it well is Steven Universe whose lessons never feel too heavy-handed because they're just a natural part of the show Steven Universe is full of gems pun fully intended that we should be teaching kids and also practicing as adults and what better way to educate everyone than by watching cartoon that appeals to all ages hi my name is ashrik Vox from the round table with Channel frederator and we're gonna check out some wise messages to come out of beat City and Beyond so get ready for some inspirational music in your head cause this is 13 cousins from Steven Universe [Music] number one take care of yourself in the episode Kiki's pizza delivery service Kiki has a hard time saying no to her sister Jenny and thus devotes all of her extra time to taking care of her sister where Jenny doesn't see though is that all this work is starting to weigh down on Kiki and is giving her nightmares Steven reminds Kiki and the viewers that the most important thing to do is take care of yourself before you take care of others saying no is something that kids and adults both struggle with and it's wonderful that Steven Universe reminds us viewers it's okay to do so the episode reinforces the importance of knowing your limitations before adding more onto your plate or in Kiki's case for adding pizza boxes to your delivery route number two it's okay to have negative emotions so long as you don't let them get the best of you in mindful education Connie gets wrapped up in an incident that happened at school where she accidentally hurts someone the moment plugs her all day but with the help of some guided meditation courtesy of garnet she is able to let go of the moment and move on everyone can get tangled up in anxiety or regrets and Garnet's song Here Comes a thought it reminds us that having bad thoughts isn't necessarily A Bad Thing animated shows often preset relentless this positivity is the best way to live your life but that isn't entirely true as long as you can recognize bad thoughts for what they are it will be easier to process the moment and move on so the next time life gets you down just try to remember Garnet's message and take a moment it will help number three you can still make something good come out of a bad situation Greg Universe has a catchphrase that certainly has become a fan favorite over the years in case you haven't heard it by now it goes a little something like this if every Pork Shop were perfect we wouldn't have hot dogs and although he may be talking about pork based food products Greg is Right Steven often makes mistakes but he learns from them and grows as a person in gem failures can be an excellent tool for improvement and future success as long as you can look at them with an ounce of optimism like turning an imperfect pour shop into a deliciously tasty hot dog unless of course your van and home starts floating away in the ocean then the quote doesn't apply number four you choose your own future when Steven learns of Garner's ability to see the future he quickly becomes cautious of all the possible dangers around him and is eventually paralyzed with fear if you spend all the the time concerned about what's going to happen you make the situation look worse like standing on a roof in the middle of a lightning storm worse we're looking at you Stephen you can't be afraid of the future and sometimes taking a risk is the best thing you can do for your future in the episode Future Vision Garnet realizes that if you tell Stephen about her Future Vision there's a chance demons anxieties will consume him but she tells him anyway because there's also a chance it would bring the two of them closer as Garnet reminds us millions of possibilities for the future but it's up to you to choose which becomes reality whoa deep number five your past does not define you just look at amethyst and pearl in amethyst case she's the Run of homegrown Mighty quartz Warriors who are used in the war to fight while amethyst Harbors a lot of insecurities about the role she played and being born there she doesn't let it stop her from being a member of the Crystal Gems and fighting for what she believes in in Pearl's case pearls on Homeworld are created to serve high-reaking gems usually diamonds and Jasper often calls Steven's pearls effective for breaking the mode of Homeworld she taught herself how to fight and refuse to let her Origins dictate her life the past May develop us into who we are but you can't let it limit you and prevent future progress number six Love Is Love come on you knew this one was coming if there's one thing Steven Universe Nails it's the message that love comes in different shapes and sizes and there's nothing wrong with that whether it's Ruby and Sapphire's relationship Pearl and Rose's relationship or Greg and Rose's inner species relationship the show is full of all types of love in the episode The Answer Ruby and Sapphire are left stranded on Earth and has to spend time together they eventually fall in love and fuse together to become Garnet that's about it there's no big coming out scene there's no discussion of whether it was right or wrong it just happens naturally which is a fantastic way to treat these relationships just like any other I love number seven looks can be deceiving whether he's training centipede monsters or ignoring the Crystal Gems advice on sketchy looking mirrors Steven knows better than anybody to not judge a book by its cover in Monster buddies Steven learns that the mantrous looking centipedal is actually quite calm and friendly and the centipedal even saves Stephen at one point in the episode the same goes for lapis lazuli who Stephen saves from a mirror and later returns a favor by saving the crew from Jasper number eight roll with the punches change is constant so it's important to learn how to accept the changes that come your way in life this one is a bit more subtle but we can see it highlighted in Paradox Journey after being stranded on Earth with Steven and Crystal Gems Peridot must learn to accept the change in her life away from Homeworld At first she has a hard time with it constantly installing the Crystal Gems and calling them quads but over time he learns that they're not so different from her once she accepts her new circumstances her relationship with the gems changes and she becomes friends with them and a valuable member of the team she also realizes that Earth is beautiful and worth protecting which allows her to understand why the Crystal Gems even bother to save the planet in the first place so there you have it change isn't always bad and you may even find that you like your new situation better than your previous one number nine being different is okay this one both applies to Stephen and Garnet in Steven's case he doesn't fully fit in anywhere he's half human and half Gem and is there Forecastle being pulled between the gym world and the human world while he can fully never be one or the other throughout the course of the show Steven leverages his hybrid nature to relate to Both Worlds at the same time as Hannah Montana once said he's got the best of both worlds sorry as far as Garnet goes it's pretty obvious Fusion between different gems is taboo back on Homeworld and because of this Garnet is often criticized by other gems refusing it wasn't until she got some top-notch advice about loving herself from rose quartz that Garnet learned to fully Embrace herself and understand that it's okay to be different number 10 confidence is key Steven's always doing something fun around Beach City whether it's performing in talent shows or posing as a fortune-telling robot he is confident and unafraid to be himself and so many people in Beach City love that quality in him and Lars and the cool kids Steven acts like himself and is liked by the cool kids while Lars has a hard time connecting because he's insecure for himself and tries to act how he thinks the cool kids want him to it's also worth mentioning as seen the house guests that Steven's healing powers don't work when he loses his self-confidence so believe in yourself and maybe your spit will become magical too or at least you'll be happier which is also pretty magical number 11 you don't have to do everything on your own due to the circumstances of Steven's birth Greg was left to race Steven alone it wasn't until he ran to issues involving Steven's gem side which he calls magical stuff that he realized he wasn't cut out to do it solo and asked the jumps for help Greg is there when Steven needs some human guidance but Greg also knows that Stevens only half human and that he can't teach him about his jump half the gems are great mentors when it comes to teaching Stephen about his powers and to protecting him but they don't know the first thing about being human Greg and the Crystal Gems knowing to pass the Baton to the other side for help and raising Steven which is the best thing they can do for him and themselves number 12 don't let others tell you how to feel in Tiger millionaire Steven gets depressed after Mr smiley calls him the cruelest creature on the planet and some members of beat City agree he's down the dumps all day until amethyst gives us some pretty amazing advice she tells Stephen that only he should control his emotions pretty much everyone knows how it feels to get caught up in something someone else said about them but but as amethystal Brantley says those are just words people use to describe how they feel about you someone else's feelings about you don't have to be how you feel about yourself music to my soul number 13 acceptance acceptance is somehow the most obvious and the most subtle lesson we've been throughout the show and that's probably because Rebecca sugar in the cooniverse are Masters at writing the show has been normalizing things for you and you didn't even realize it because it's just that good whether it's the Crystal Gems not nuclear family it's even accepting his own place in the universe as a half gem half boy or shivani's non-binary gender all these things are accepted as normal and that's just within Steven's personal bubble outside of his home nearly every body type imaginable is represented in beat City and on top of that the residents of the Town also represent a mass degree of cultural diversity which is fantastic Beach city is a home to people from all walks of life and everyone accepts each other it is so subtle yet so seriously beautiful and something we should all aspire to have more of in this world one last bonus mini life lesson cookie cats are super duper yummy but remember to always eat the ears first like many Ultra popular cartoons Steven universe made a bit of a habit of referencing other popular media it's what the creators love and it's what the fans want so the next three videos in our mega marathon here will be dedicated to breaking down more than a handful of hilarious and fascinating references spotted throughout the series keep an eye out for movies music video games and more when you start to become obsessed with something you start to Revel in every possible way you can express your rampant fandom now for most of us that's buying a shirt or something but imagine if you had your own show you'd probably drop a lot of little nods right Steven Universe is chock full of Easter eggs alluding to some truly great pop culture phenomenons whether it be an appearance of B drills or an entire sequence taken from Cowboy Bebop Steven Universe has offered up some super cool nuts to keep their fans on their toes and those in the know continually delighted I'm JD at Channel frederator and today we've decided to Showcase a few of our favorites some of these you may have caught some of them maybe you haven't but I guarantee they're all fun let's check them out foreign [Music] cat fingers amethyst shapeships into a blue jay and throws out a strangely familiar one-liner chill it dude it feels like a none too subtle reference to regular Show's spunky Avi and Mordecai furthermore Kat Morris and Hillary florito who co-wrote the episode previously worked on Regular Show just in case there was any doubt about the intent of amethyst transformation Gunter stuffed animal who doesn't love Adventure Time it's no secret that we're fans and apparently the characters of Steven Universe are too those with Keen eyes may have spotted a stuffed animal of Gunter everyone's favorite Denison of the ice kingdom in Sadie's bedroom sorry Ice King the little Gunter is prominently seen in the episode say song but we like to believe he's always there to keep her company because that's just what Gunter does you know when he's not turning into a monster or trying to take over the known universe Steven's toys not to be outdone by Sadie's adorable little Gunter Steven himself has several toys that serve as not to popular characters from other franchises in the episode Future Vision we get a glimpse of Steven's collection and spy figures that resemble Yoshi cloud from Final Fantasy VII a Furby and some Transformers it seems like Stephen has some pretty good taste I wonder if in an alternate reality Optimus Prime has a Steven Universe action figure though something tells me Optimus is more of a garnet kind of guy Full House Netflix isn't the only one who returned to the world of Full House in the episode cheeseburger backpack you know the one where Steven gets the cheeseburger backpack there are several references to the Beloved 90s sitcom In addition to the fact that mailman Jamie Bears a passing resume with the Danny Tanner Steven also delivers Michelle Tanner's iconic catchphrase you got it dude during action considering the fact that the Olsen twins didn't return to reprise the role of Michelle for Fuller house will gladly take Stephen as their Plucky replacement Prince Purple Rain in the wake of the passing of Pop icon and music legend Prince we've seen numerous tributes in homages offered by some of the world's most celebrated artists in Creative Talent even before his untimely death creators would frequently cite princess a strong influence on their words Steven Universe offered its own unique homage to Prince in the episode Joyride with buck telling Steven I only wanted to see you laughing in the pizza ring an obvious reference to Prince's beloved song and Dabble and the film of the same name Steven doesn't catch it though it's okay that's what this video is for Akira and now we enter the multitudinous anime nods in cat fingers Steven's transformation mirrors the Epic and emotionally scarring transformation of tetsuo in the genre defining anime classic Akira luckily um like tetsuo Steven didn't kill many many many people beforehand Sailor Moon I mean who doesn't love cartoons right obviously we do and we're guessing you do and it's pretty obvious Steven does too based on hints we spied in the series we get a sense that Steven is a big fan of Sailor Moon in particular a manga featuring the popular character can be spotted on Steven's nightstand and that cat light does look quite a bit like Luna Serena's cat and advisor on Sailor Moon furthermore the central concept of the gems a team of super beings who draw their power from different Elemental Stones has a strong parallel to the Sailor Scouts whose powers of reflections of the planets they represent Steven may actually be living his favorite cartoon fantasy without even realizing it Dragon Ball Z speaking of parallels to popular anime manga series how could we not talk about Dragon Ball Z I mean there are enough we could do a whole video on it the gems have been known to fuse their personas and Powers together to form new personalities In the Heat of battle the process of fusion is achieved via a special dance which is also exactly how Fusion is achieved by characters in Dragon Ball Z it's a subtle reference but a nice nod that leads us to wonder what a Saiyan gems Dance Off would look like similarly the device Hopper uses to measure power is reminiscent of a scouter for Dragon Ball which is utilized to repower levels as anyone who's ever watched Dragon Ball Z or subsequent incarnations can tell you there's a lot of standing around and powering up which means these devices sure come in handy much like his DBZ counterpart the device in Steven Universe will explode if someone exceeds their expected power level proving as ever that tech companies are always going to try and get you to upgrade to the latest edition oh and for you fans of the original Dragon Ball you know the ones where they actually collect the Dragon Balls is a subtle reference in the episode Steven and the sword fighter where amethyst is flying on a cloud this seems to be an allusion to Nimbus little Goku's original means of transportation before he grew up discovered he was an alien and could fly for himself not a bad means of transportation if you ask us Cowboy Bebop can't get enough of the anime references neither can we one of our favorite shows cold classic Cowboy Bebop and we were thrilled to discover the subtle reference to the series in the episode lion three straight to video when Stephen and Sadie sit down to watch a video left behind by Rose the sequence as well as the contents of the video itself mirrors a similar tape in the Cowboy Bebop episode speak like a child in both instances the videotapes are meant as time capsules giving the characters a glimpse into the world before and have a significant emotional impact since they depict something long lost for the intended viewer also both videos involve beaches which is definitely on the lighter side for the parallel for Steven Universe to Echo this particular moment in cowboy bebop's history is a brilliant and poignant homage to the Gateway anime Pokemon speaking of the episode Future Vision a few Pokemon fans on the insect-like monsters attacking Steven look familiar you be quite correct Lane pun intended The Vicious little beasties in this episode are meant to resemble bee drills considering the attack happens in Steven's imagination we could only assume their presence is brought on by the overactive Flights of Fancy of an intense Pokemon fan I mean who Among Us hasn't briefly fantasized about what it'd be like to encounter Pokemon in real life I mean hopefully your fantasies are a little more pleasant than this one Funland arcade in the episode arcade Mania Stephen encounters the game teens of Rage which is a blatant reference to the Sega arcade game called Streets of Rage furthermore the company who allegedly makes teens of rage is called carpcom not to popular gaming company Capcom another game seen in Funland arcade's Meat Beat Mania the name is a play on Beat Mania but the gameplay itself parodies Samba de Amigo as if all this wasn't enough Steven Universe has to break another wall the arcade Steven and the gems visit Funland Bears the same name as the arcade in The Amazing World of Gumball reanimator in the episode nightmare hospital where in a doctor experiments on gem biology we overhear a conversation that refers to another staff member Dr West committed fans of the horror genre recognize this is a direct reference to Dr Herbert West the primary character of the cult classic reanimator and its subsequent sequels in those films as well as the original HP Lovecraft story Dr West is known for his Arcane experiments on biology quite similar to what Dr Mahesh Warren was attempting to do with the gems in the episode so fright fans have been clamoring for a new sequel Dr West didn't disappear he just got animated or is that free animated Batman in the episode lie into the movie we get the debut of the giant Penny an object from Rose's secret Armory the penny as well as the cave in which it's found is a reference to another popular cave dweller Batman of course a giant Penny was a fixture of the Batcave in the comics as well as a staple set piece in Batman the Animated Series reduced to a mere Conversation Piece in the modern era the penny was actually a trophy scored by Batman following the defeat of a lesser known villain called the penny plunderer though the penny plunderer didn't quite make his mark on Batman's Rogue Gallery the way that joker or the Riddler have his brief encounter with the cape Crusader left us with one of the batcave's most identifiable landmarks maybe Rose has had a brush with him too Full Metal Alchemist in the episode gem drill the scenes focusing on the cluster bear resemblance to the souls in the Philosopher's Stone from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood the waist even deals with the situation by having many parts of the cluster become friends and get to know each other is similar to how van hoenheim from Fullmetal decided to cope with his status as a living Philosopher's Stone If it's any correlation between the two Beyond Easter eggs yourself it's the tears we've shed for both scenes by now you've probably realized Steven Universe is full of Easter eggs and references to other great words after all this is our third video about them hi I'm ostrich box from the round table with Channel frederator and today we're here to check out part three of Steven Universe references there are a ton of hidden gems throughout the show and by the end of this video they'll be crystal clear [Music] DuckTales we are the Crystal Gems an onion trade Steven and the gems find themselves caught in a sea of Dave guy toys all hope appears to be lost until Steven suggests they act like a rich duck to escape this is a blatant nod to everyone's favorite Rich duck Scrooge in case you missed out on DuckTales the super wealthy Scrooge McDuck has a habit of diving head first into his gold ball and swimming around in his money there's something special about watching a cartoon from today reference a cartoon we watched growing up but enough of my nostalgic emotional rambling next time you found yourself in a situation just ask yourself ww smdd what was Scrooge McDuck do because who doesn't want to be more like Scrooge McDuck okay KO Let's Be Heroes this one should come as no surprise okko was created by Ian Jones Cordy who served as a writer storyboard artist and supervising director on Steven Universe before ultimately creating his own show on Cartoon Network in arcade Mania in the background we can see an arcade game that just so happens to share the same name as Jones cordy's pilot episode Lakewood Plaza turbo ultimately Lego turbo was renamed to okko Let's Be Heroes when it received the green light from Cartoon Network the last episode Jones Cordy worked on was sworn to the sword but that didn't stop the Stephen crew from giving him a special and updated shout out in future boy's Ultron where we can see that Mr Smiley has upgraded his Lego Plaza turbo game to okko Let's Be Heroes attack the light speaking of future boys Ultron later on in the episode we also get a quick glimpse of another new game in the Funland arcade attack the light call it a hunch because the names are just slightly similar but I'm willing to bet that this is a reference to the 2015 video game Steven Universe Attack the light okay this is very much an explicit reference to the Steven Universe game I wonder if Steven has ever played his own game though I can imagine that would be a little weird we know Mr Smiley keeps the arcade updated and I hope he does so later on this year when the game sequel say the light is released PSA for Steven Universe fans out there if you have a smartphone and haven't played attack the light yet you should definitely do so it'll probably finish by the time we're done here so you can keep the Steven content going Steven Universe pilot alrighty so we know the Steven Universe crew are fans of DuckTales Dragon Ball Z okko Full House Regular Show etc etc like I said before this is the third video we've done on references so there's already a ton of stuff we covered it's wonderful to have a crew of such diverse fandoms but there's one show in particular that everyone on the Chrome sees to love have you guessed yet it's Steven Universe yes Steven Universe has reached meta level references and we absolutely love it for you true Steven Universe fans the ones who have watched every episode there's a quick reference to the original pilot and the cooking with Lion mini sir at the end of the mini sode we see two recommended recipes together breakfast and the dog nut a hot dog encased in three Donuts in the pilot Steven goes to the big donut and orders three Donuts which Lars asks if Stephen wants them connected in a hot dog based on the interaction it seems like the dog knot is a common order for Steven which will explain why he knows the recipe Cooking with Dog it's also worth mentioning the cooking of lime so is the straightforward reference to the hilarious and wonderful Cooking with Dog YouTube channel if the nearly identical names weren't enough to convince you just look at a couple comparison pictures and try to tell me otherwise Estelle shine this one was tricky and very subtle so a major props to you if you already knew about it in the episode Steven's birthday we see Greg and Garnet going through a bunch of Greg's old albums eventually Greg stops and pulls out a particular album Stella and then Garnet shoves her hand in the space the Stella album is an almost identical replica of Estelle's Shine album the names Estelle and Stella also happen to sound fairly similar adding to the humor and the voice of Estelle also happens in some fairly similar to Garnet but that's also because Garnet is voice biased though so now that you know the full story behind it it's extra funny to watch Garnet push Greg away when He suggests they listen to the solo album make the joke funnier by explaining it you're welcome Bagel Bites you may be wondering is referencing a brand song from a commercial a reference worthy of mentioning in this video to which we say yes of course it is have you heard the Bagel Bites jingle from 1996 I can't be the only person who thinks it's an absolute Jam in restaurant Wars Steven whips up a pizza bagel for coffee and after just one bite coffee drops a piece of bagel and references The Bagel bite song the actual line is Pizza in the morning Pizza in the evening pizza at supper time when pizza's on a bagel you can eat pizza anytime coffee says a slight variant of the end of the song and with Pizza on a bagel you can eat pizza anytime and now I want pizza Bagels this isn't a sponsored video or anything they're just delicious Super Mario Bros attack the light isn't the only video game that receives a cheeky wink from Steven Universe that's right Nintendo's favorite former plumber is everywhere he's in your pipes he's in your carts he's in your animated TV shows Super Mario references are sprinkles on the Donut of Steven Universe in every nuke and cranny peep that super mushroom sitting in Greg's storage unit and laser light Cannon and the yoshi-like lizard toy on Steven's floor in Future Vision and how could we forget Greg the babysitter the game he plays is called potato Bros a strong call back to another pair of video game brothers but our favorite reference is a deep dive remember sugilite the super swole blail wielding Fusion of amethyst and Garnet her glasses did seem familiar maybe because they're just like Roy Koopas sugalite's strong stature for ash personality and six shades brings to mind the classic Super Mario Bros villain and that's not the only fashion overlap I can think of two protagonists who both wear red shirts Animal Crossing so there are a ton of Animal Crossing references sprinkled throughout Steven Universe if you haven't noticed any yet don't rush off to make an appointment with your eye doctor your vision is fine they're all fairly subtle usually appearing summer off in the background props in multiple episodes we can see a poster featuring KK Slider and Greg universe's van and reformed we get a glimpse of amethyst room where we can see a gyroid and a pile of junk and last but certainly not least in the episode bismuth Steven has a game box on his floor that features a near identical box art to Animal Crossing on the GameCube keep your eyes peeled in the upcoming episodes because this staff certainly loves Animal Crossing Nintendo GameCube while we're on the topic of games in the GameCube let's break down another pretty blatant reference did you catch it in the last shot Steven can be seen actually playing the GameCube in multiple episodes like bismuth and Steve vs amethyst name a couple there's not even an attempt to alter it either no puns or anything it's just straight up GameCube and Gem drill Steven uses a controller that looks a lot like an Intel 64 Controller but it's got a couple buttons missing so it looks a little different we assume to avoid copyright issues however the controller we see in Steam vs amethyst is a perfect replica of a GameCube controller the references doesn't end there though and the Steven reacts mini sode we get a quick glimpse of Steven's game collection which includes parodies of actual GameCube titles among the various titles their smash pal scuffle Super Smash Bros melee steel Cog Metal Gear hikeman 2 Pikmin 2 and much more books true bookworms notice that the book Connie holds in the early version of the intro is actually A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline langel before you get up in arms about it I know the details are hazy and it's kind of hard to make out but Rebecca sugar is actually confirmed this one one interestingly enough a regular time is about a shy girl who teams up with the boy she has a crush on and three ethereal Cosmic beings who take on the form of human woman and travel the various planets sound familiar it also appears this even has a copy of The Hobbit on his bookshelf which really reinforces that Steven is the coolest Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door if those book references weren't subtle enough for you I've got another one that might have taken you a thousand years to find and yes another Mario one and the episode lion 4 alternate ending we catch a glimpse of rose's landfill the storage area is full of all different Trinkets and knickknacks but one thing particular stands out half buried in the ground next to a pile of junk is a red book with a star on the front after some time digging it turns out this book is a reference to the book that players first see in the intro to Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door Keen eyes and non-believers May notice that the book in the ground doesn't have eyes on it like the one for Paper Mario but the layout artist admitted specifically to using the Paper Mario book as a reference ah Steven Universe everyone's favorite pizza loving half gym half human he's adorable kind fun-loving and best of all he clearly shares our love for all things animation this is made clear by the multiple references to anime games music movies and popular cultures that pop up here and there across this Cartoon Network show but today we're covering references to one of the biggest anime shows in history Dragon Ball Z hi I'm ostrich box from the round table with Channel frederator and it's time to geek out over some Dragon Ball nods cause this is every DBZ reference in Steven Universe let's get started [Music] number one yamcha's death scene who can forget yamcha's Infamous death scene once it was shown it quickly became a popular internet meme in the 23rd episode of Dragon Ball Z yancha attempts to fight a powerful alien named Napa only to be defeated with his body Planet face first into a crater ouch funny enough Napa doesn't fight yantra himself choosing instead to have a green humanoid alien creature called Cybermen fighting instead fans used to create her death scene as a meme for someone who feels at something and was doomed from the start and this found its way into Steven Universe in the form of Navy a ruby that Stephen names who crashes to Earth in the episode room for Ruby the gem is found placed first in a crater exactly like yantra was same pose same crater see the parallel the Steven Universe team definitely knows his audience and its memes of course number two Piccolo removing heavy clothing many Shonen anime have a Trope of characters becoming stronger after taking off heavy weights on their bodies however characters have a weight on their head not too many and this is what both garnet and Steven Universe and Piccolo and DBZ have in common have hence the reference in DBZ Piccolo takes off his cape and turbine during battle revealing a bald head and the fact that his clothing is well much heavier than it looks it's a wonder how he keeps him on for so long as he does similarly when Garnet battles ultimate Ringo and Garnet's Universe She takes off her hair letting it fall with a heavy thunk underneath she is bald of course but now that a heavy item is no longer on her body Garnet becomes immeasurably powerful very much like a piccolo we know so this reference is solid number three scouter these next few references are also from Garnet's universe that episode had quite a bit of them starting off there is a reference to scouters Garnet's frog friend Hopper uses a device to determine a Gem's power level this is very reminiscent of what scouters did in DBZ as they were also used to determine the other characters power levels a nurse similar to the Hopper's device has with scouters is that it exploded when Garnet's power levels quickly became a measurable during her training much like how scars were shown to be destroyed in DBZ when power levels Rose too quickly for the devices to comprehend number four it's over nine thousand I am the Mima memes look on my work he Mighty and despair Hopper's device also references a very popular DBZ moment that quickly became a meme when she measures Garden's power level during training Hopper knows them starting from 10. when the gems power level starts to increase in 1 000 increments the device goes from seven thousand to eight thousand skips nine thousand and jumps straight to ten thousand and infinity before exploding looks like the Steven Universe team barely avoided the it's over 9 000 Meme here just barely but hey now we know that Garnet's power level really is over nine thousand number five Super Saiyan the way Garnet reaches her most powerful form during her fight with ultimate Ringo is similar to what happens to characters in Dragon Ball Z after they become Super Saiyan like he did for Garnet in her super strong mode a Super Saiyan's hair gets much bigger in addition the conditions for reaching this form are also similar in DBZ becoming a Super Saiyan stems from the need rather than desire from what was shown in earlier episodes the anime series characters need to be in a say a desperation in order to gain the transformation in addition the requirements to having it are high power level calm heart a sense of danger and a strong emotional state of anger or sadness Garnet reaches all these requirements only getting her final form after ultimate Ringo turns Garnet's picture of her and Stephen into an onion ring and eats it this evokes great feelings of sadness and anger in the gym and rightfully so number six Fusion Dance there is Jump fusion and Steven Universe much like how Fusion was possible in DBZ but how exactly fusionists reach is where this reference is important in both DBZ and Steven Universe Fusion is only possible After parties perform a series of movements or dance in DBZ these movements had to be mirrored but Fusion Dance Steven universe doesn't have this requirement however both do share this rule the party's fusing had to be in perfect sync reference confirmed and I don't know about you and Vegeta May disagree with me but Fusion looks like a blast regardless of the complications number seven flying Nimbus who can forget the flying Nimbus the Nifty Cloud that was used as transportation in DBZ originating from a 16th century Chinese story called Journey to the West which also inspired much of early Dragon Ball the flying Nimbus is referenced in the Steven Universe episode Steven the sword fighter in it amethyst is shown sitting on a cloud and transporting yourself on it much like the characters in DBZ sat on the flying Nimbus so they could use it to get around without expecting too much energy too bad it started being used less and less over the course of the series number eight Dr gero and Android 20. do you remember Dr Gerald from the cell Saga he was a skilled scientist that created Red Ribbon Androids cyborgs that were built for what is known as the Red Ribbon Army if you look very closely at the Steven Universe episode nightmare Hospital you can find out of Jerome's name on one of the hospital door plates underneath it you can see the words patient 20 most likely referring to Dutch gero being designated as Android 20. if you blink you might miss it it's very cleverly placed did you catch it number nine Vegeta fans speculate that Jasper from Steven Universe may be a reference to Vegeta and DBZ the gem really resembles the same Prince from her personality background role in the story and tendency to not call the protagonist by name like Vegeta Jasper wants more power than she needs is from an extraterrestrial race is a continuous problem for the main characters and costs even by his gem name rose quartz similar to the way Vegeta calls Goku Kakarot because that was his name where he came from and from an angle the two even look alike well they share a constant Scout at least number 10 krillin's Destructo disc and the Steven Universe episode Kiki's pizza delivery service which can I just say that there's already an obvious Kiki's Delivery Service reference here anyway in this episode Steven summons and throws a huge piece of cutter over his head the way he doesn't is reminiscent of how Krillin from DBZ uses his destructive disc however right before the pizza cutter appears a large glowing ball is shown on head this looks a lot like a Spirit Bomb before it's released what do you think Spirit Bomb or just struggle this number 11 Vegeta leaving space pod there's a scene Steven universe that resembles a particular scene in DBZ episode 11 where Vegeta exits a space pod while wearing a red scouter in the Steven Universe episode Barn mates or Ruby that's even names eyeball because her gem covers her left eye ex is a space pod in a similar way that Vegeta does it's believed that eyeball's gym placement was inspired by Vegeta's Brett scouter number 12 Gohan's outfit in the Steven Universe episode sworn to the sword Steven's friend Connie wears a purple training outfit with red belt during her sword training with pearl from top to bottom the design and color scheme greatly resembles Gohan's outfit in DBZ both when he was young and when he was older just look at him and Connie side by side the resemblance is uncanny with these many references some more so than others I'm more than sure that Steven Universe team has some big DBZ bands there's one last non-dbz honorable mention we have to get of out the last scene from End of Evangelion Shinji and Asuka are on a beach facing a sea with two large figures in the distance in the Steven Universe episode Kiki's pizza delivery service Stephen and Kiki are in land facing a sea with two giant pizza slices ahead just take a look coincidence I don't think so throughout the years fans have come up with some pretty wild theories about the Crystal Gems so wild in fact that frederator had to go ahead and debunk a handful so let's see what the world was saying about Steven Universe back in 2018. here our Channel frederator we cover a slew of conspiracy theories as you may know and this video is no different though we're going to be doing something slightly different here and revisiting a few Steven Universe theories that have garnered their fair share of corruption as the shows progressed and more facts have been revealed now these aren't just Steven Universe theories we've explored in previous episodes of cartoon conspiracy no we're opening up the Lion's chess and plan on debunking the vast amount of Steven Universe theories that are scattered throughout the internet and no I'm not talking about the silly theories like there's onion white diamond or is sour cream secretly American electronic music DJ marshmallow yes guys that's an actual theory that I found I I may have created it myself I I write fan fiction about Steven Universe yes hey everyone it's a king with Channel federator and on today's gym Fusion filled episode of cartoon conspiracy we're debunking or at least making a concerted effort to debunk seven of the most prominent and widely talked about theories in the Steven Universe Universe time to break down what makes Beach City weird and give you the best the bits and only the bits expect lots of bits in this video guys yeah [Music] the first Theory we have is Connie isn't 100 percent human this is a theory that surfaced about a year or so ago when Connie first performed fusion with Stephen creating stevonnie and Connie's subsequent training to protect Steven and fight alongside him with the Crystal Gems the Tumblr Theory explores the possibility of Connie's distant ancestors potentially being a gym human hybrid no the theory goes on to say that if said ancestor were male mating with a human female their quarter human offspring probably wouldn't have a jam but that offspring would however in fact have some traces of gem DNA now while this is a great Theory I'd have to ask the question if this Theory were in fact true then how the hell do you explain a male gem having sex with a female human I don't want to go into a long explanation about the birds and the bees here for the sake of a children's show let's just say it's easier to explain the process if it's a female Gem and a male human since gems are in fact made of light it can simply be explained that the female gem gives birth and since her and her hybrid child shared a singular gemstone and cannot exist in the same time and place well she simply ceased to exist and thus a manner of speaking Becomes Her Child I.E Stephen not to mention there is no actual gem DNA that exists they're made of light for crying out loud so it would be kind of Kim Possible yes Kim Possible for a being made of pure light to impregnate a human woman I mean they literally be shooting blanks very dull light bulb next Theory up is the theory of Jasper being a gem Fusion now this particular theory is a bit of a stretch but it goes on to talk about how Jasper might be a Homeworld gem Fusion experiment people have brought up many different points to prove this to be somewhat true such as the stripes we see on Jasper being similar to that of those seen in the cluster and the notion that she may be hiding her second gem first off Jasper is a Homeworld gem not part of the cluster let's get that right now Jasper's stripes are a mere representation of the demarcations found on any Jasper gemstone so there ha boom not to mention that in the that will be all episode of Steven Universe we see a skinny Jasper that looks similar to our bulky Jasper Stripes that also bear a resemblance to the actual gemstone as well so there you go and if Jasper were in fact hiding her second gems Stone when she feuds with lapis to form malachite we would have inevitably seen more than just the gym on their nose and back this Theory I'm totally calling BS on it in fact we kind of did already when we explored this very Theory in-depth years ago now let's take a look at a more recent theory that emerged from the latest episode jungle Moon Connie was seen staring at Captain Lars alongside Stephen but if you look closely within her eyes you may have seen diamonds and of course later in the episode we saw Connie's mother was depicted as yellow diamond and Connie as the gem Fusion between herself and Steve and Stefani were depicted as pink diamond now some have taken to the notion that this may be some sort of foreshadowing that perhaps Connie's family lineage is potentially connected to the diamond Authority specifically pink diamond this leads us back to the gem Hybrid Theory discussed Earl earlier which we've discussed and I gave points against that particular argument now for this particular one first off we've seen other human characters on the show pictured with diamonds in their eyes earlier in the show the diamonds were more concave resembling Sparkles similar to what you may have seen in an anime when someone is wrongfully looking and staring at an object of their desire yeah as the show progresses which typically happens in animation the art style slightly changes or becomes more simplistic for mass production we all know how much the art style of Steven Universe has changed over the years with the incredibly shrinking Peridot seriously she's like almost microscopic size at this point this is just another one of those particular theories where people are seemingly reading far more into it so on Earth something that well just isn't there now here's one that's still circulating onion isn't human partly because he's so damn weird but mainly because when you look at him he's lacking something that most human beings have have you ever noticed it look closely your ears guys come on ears don't you these missing ears seriously where the hell is this boy's ears the only thing we know of in the Steven universe universe that doesn't have ears or gems so because of this people have long speculated that onion is harboring a dark demented secret soon to be revealed sure but his mom is Vidalia and his father is Yellowtail and yellowtail whose ears we've also never seen because you know that Fisherman's hat he's always wearing yellowtail is also rarely present and constantly traveling but ultimately he's a human being and an ancillary character within the Steven Universe series meaning his impact and significance in the story and the overall story arc isn't much or at least hasn't been explored up to this particular Point onions overall design and lack of ears is just a design Choice by the creators having ears or a lacking ear shouldn't be considered a defining point in the pilot episode of Steven Universe I'm almost certain I saw a decent pair of ears on Pearl I bring it up merely to say that it's basically just a character design Choice guys although I gotta admit Pearl with ears looks awesome the next one I'm sure you've read it get this guys rose quartz is lion you know what I typed I'm not even sure if I'm going to humor this particular one it's absurd it's really absurd if that were in fact the truth that would mean that Stephen is possibly Lars the reason I say this now stay with me here guys please stay with me the reason I say this is based on the connection between lion and Lars and on top of that we know that Lars was brought back to life due to Stephen's magical tears it's a scenario we can only postulate parallels that of what might have happened between Rose and lion I mean picture this guy lion might have died Rose sprinkled some of her magical sad tears onto lion from her tear ducts and then poof the lion we all know and love was created so yes lion isn't Rose she's her son guys which is even Stranger than being a lion when you think about it now one that I'm personally responsible for is a video I made theorizing about Lars of the stars and what was in store for us as fans that this was in fact going to be revealed to be a new spin-off series yes that's what I theorized I mean now admittedly it wasn't a very strong theory yes I partially based it on the fact that Lars of the Stars just has such a nice ring to it title wise and the fact that with the off colors and the introduction of the Homeworld gem Emerald it seemed as though the creators were gearing up to build out a soon to be explored world based on lars's adventures in space now while this particular Theory hasn't been debunked exactly based on what we know is coming up down the pipeline for Cartoon Network's animation lineup well there hasn't been much murmurings about such a thing existing or soon to exist in fact I can remember the last time Cartoon Network had a show that warranted its own spin-off except for I Am Weasel which was a spin-off of cow and chicken and evil Khan Carney which was a spin-up of the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy both awesome shows seriously now that was the 90s which was an amazing time for animation I I think that Steven Universe would be able to bring back such tried and true methods in animation but there doesn't seem to be much conversation around such an awesome thing happening yes my damn theory was wrong coming in at number one on the top Steven Universe theories that have either been debunked or just might soon be proven wrong is pink diamond and her remains lie in the Lion's chest now I know what you might be thinking this hasn't been proven one way or the other to be false or true the reason I bring it up though is for us to have more of a conversation around this particular Theory and see if we can logic our way into an answer I come from someone such as myself who believes that pink diamond isn't exactly shattered now I obviously don't believe her shattered remains to be within the chest but if I were to play devil's advocate for a second perhaps when pink diamond was in fact shattered out of respect for her diamond and fellow gem rose quartz wanted to to preserve her remains if Rose and pink diamond were on opposing forces and a fight then infect and two between the both of them and Rose came out the Victor it wouldn't be Beyond Rose's caring nature to want to preserve pink Diamond's gem remains I mean after all she did in fact bubble bismuth and store her within lion's mane you know what there there's actually a strong possibility that pink diamonds remains just might be in that chest or it could just be a chest full of old gold rose decided to keep from her mini Adventures that she's gone on I mean after all looking at the lion 4 alternate ending episode where Steven discovered what appeared to be pink Diamond's Abandoned Ship rose quartz might have been a hardcore hoarder okay so the last one could possibly go either way depending upon which side of the fence you fall upon based on what you believe happened to pink diamond hopefully you're on hashtag team Akeem on this one she ain't shattered but if you really need a seventh one that holds up to scrutiny onion is not white diamond pearl is not rose quartz and Peridot is not din day from OK K.O although yes I believe they talk in US sometimes monotonous Manner and have an affinity for technology okay even though Steven is a pretty nice guy there are some questionable things that go on during the show so questionable in fact that we've come up with a half dozen reasons that Stephen would probably end up in jail yeah get ready for seven Steven Universe episodes that would get him locked up again featuring The Round Table what if I were to tell you that the friendly pizza loving half gem Steven Universe could legally be placed Behind Bars while he is far from being a traditional Villain Like Jafar SCAR or Darth Vader the crime says team has committed so far is enough to get him in trouble the law hi I'm osric box from the round table with Channel frederator and today we're checking out where exactly Stephen went wrong and seven things that Steven Universe get locked up for Here We Go [Music] let's start with less serious crime like breaking and entering no one wants to have their home broken into but what if you're bringing to your own home while being someone else now that's a conundrum a law like that may not exist in real life but in the episode the new Lars Steven does bring to his own home by enlarge's body so this still May count against them after Steven and Sadie realize that he enlarged the spots bodies the two immediately run to Steven's house Stephen Lars and Sadie break the door down and the two under the home they force Stephen uh Lars awake and return Steven and large back to normal lars's parents watch from distance and see their son breaking his team's house but are unsurprised when they see the teams committing the crime saying we've been ready for this day another instance of Steven breaking and entering can be seen in Nightmare Hospital Steven and Connie sing to a hospital to retrieve rules of sword from Connie's mom the two break in after visiting hours are over and unauthorized individuals are not allowed to see patients so what do Stephen and Connie do they go to the patient's room anyway luckily Connie's mom found them but if it had been anyone else they definitely would have got in trouble especially since they broke into the hospital to store back called weapon compared to the other crimes that Steven put on this list breaking and entering is pretty tame since it's considered a misdemeanor rather than a serious felony so Steven Sadie and Connie could probably get away for good scolding however Steven Lars slapping Lars even awake as well as Connie and Steven's intentions of stealing could make the misdemeanor a felony but lar Steven wasn't injured enough for the crime to be considered so and Stephen and Connie were eventually allowed to retrieve the sword so it all worked out now since Steven Universe's estate Delmarva is based on the real live east coast of the United States mainly Maryland we'll take Maryland's criminal laws into account to determine Stephen's punishments from here on out anyone familiar with Steven Universe with no Lions Even's pink large line with mysterious Powers thankfully the citizens beat City never express outright fear when being lying for the first time but that doesn't excuse the fact Steven's possession of line as a pet as harmless and adorable as he is is a crime reactions to line vary but some people are doubtful when Lyon is first introduced in the episode Steve lion Pearl is immediately suspicious and ready to attack not believing Stevens claimed that lion is tame when Connie's introduced to lion and lion to the movie she isn't afraid of him but rather skeptical asking Steven you have a pet lion because I mean let's face it owning the line is pretty odd and for good reason it's illegal in the United States it's prohibited to sell trade barter possess breed or exchange a member of the cat family other than the domestic cat yes Delmarva doesn't truly exist in the real world but it's based on the East Coast if we take this into account Stephen would be fined up to a thousand dollars the only way he would be allowed to own lion would be if he had a permit or license issued by the Department of Natural Resources and sad to say the boy he doesn't have either everyone knows that underage driving is illegal even Connie says it in the episode beat City Drift But we're kids kids can't drive it's against the law right on Connie she's even comfortable way to circumvent the law but what they don't understand is that they were still committing a crime in order to beat Kevin at his game Stephen and Connie fused into savani and used Greg's car to race the teen sure Steven's suggesting that the true driver Stefani could have worked since the fusion looks more adult but he does consider the fact that neither of them have a driver's license let alone formal driving training or Insurance even if one of them had a learner's permit it still would be legal to drive up first be accompanied by a qualified supervising driver that's 21 years or older so with savani being a fusion and not really knowing how to drive Connie and Steven could have seriously hurt themselves or others if anything were happened to Greg's car or to anyone around them and they failed to show that license then their punishment would escalate so what would have happened to Stephen and Connie if they have been called by the police they would both be facing fines of no more than 500 and the disapproval of their parents come to think of it how did the two kids ever learn to drive well enough to challenge a licensed driver in a race eh let's not dwell too much on that not only did Stephen and Connie drive by the line license but they also probably stole the car from Greg because knowing the caring father he would not have allowed the two kids to do something so dangerous especially with his new car when Stephen and Connie arrive at the car race they show up with Rex car that on board sticker and all there is no mention anywhere anytime they had gotten permission to use the car what's more the car was used in a dangerous manner that could have damaged it I mean Stefani drifted the car around a windy road their actions count as auto theft and though Greg would never press charges if he did it's a crime that the punishable with a fine of up to five thousand dollars and a maximum of five years in prison and Stephen and Connie's defense they've probably returned Direct's car and it was intact but the fact remains that they knowingly took the car without permission surprisingly this happens a lot in real life and I don't think I can be committed by members of the same household so as a reminder all of us remember to lock your car and if you're the borrower just ask for permission as space travel is an international search of Interest some rules have been set in place for anything to be done in space x70 just went to launch something to the Moon you don't really need permission for that but for anything else there are some rules you need to follow rules that I'm sure Steven has it so what are these rules there are a number of global treaties that were made but the one we will focus on is the 1967 outer space treaty it locks down some key principles that govern International Space law including one the exploration and use outer space shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interest of all countries and zombie the province of all mankind two the moon and other celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes three states shall be responsible for National Street activities whether carried out by governmental or non-governmental entities and four states shall be liable for damage caused by their space objects taking a look at The Many Adventures that Stephen has had in space from heists to fights and experiencing life Distortion we can see that he found some of the rules but not others Steven goes to space for the good of his family and the good of all Humanity this meets the requirement that space exploration should be for the good of mankind however Steven's Space Adventures often Up In conflict with other Gems or result and Jones being abandoned in space such as when Stephen forced eyeball out of his bubble when the two were floating around and the episode bubbled that doesn't sound like a peaceful activity the government might also take action due to Steven's adventures and any potential Damage Done in space but what's probably most important of all is that Steven doesn't have the experience or meet the requirements to go to space according to NASA in order to be qualified you need to have a bachelor's degree in engineering biological science physical science computer science or mathematics at least three years of related professional experience obtained after degree completion or at least a thousand hours in piloting command time on a jet aircraft and the ability to pass a NASA long duration astronaut physical your vision needs to be 20 20 for each eye even with glasses it's pretty evident Steven doesn't meet any of these requirements okay maybe the 2020 Vision but in reality if a boy his age went to space without any knowledge or training he would have trouble surviving let alone fighting gems who are out to kill him he would also be in trouble with the FAA the Federal Aviation Administration in the U.S because no one is permitted to launch the space for authorization not to mention in regards to Global treaties the U.S could possibly be sanctioned by other countries if they're upset but the Civic punishment is unclear because let's be honest how many people in real life are legally space travel we're gonna assume punishment is on a case-by-case basis we know that dangerous weapons shouldn't be wielded casually one wrong move and someone could get seriously injured but that doesn't stop Stephen from releasing weapons that would be illegal for him to handle one for instance Israel's sword although it belonged to his mom Steven would be allowed to carry it around under any circumstances especially on the East Coast where his home state is based off of and Maryland it's legal to own most knives and short weapons but it's illegal to wear and carry what is defined as a dangerous weapon such as throwing knives dirt knives switchblades fan clubs Metal Knuckles and razors swords are just large knives so this will definitely count as a dangerous weapon in addition it's illegal for miners to carry around dangerous weapon one hour after Sunset and one hour before Sunrise unless they're on a post trip or are engaged or returning from a hunting trip wording event or other organized activity Stephen and Connie are miners and don't meet the requirements to legally carry and use a sword in public they openly use Rosa's sword on quite a lot of episodes including lion to the movie sworn to the sword nightmare Hospital bismuth and mindful education if he was caught in charge of a misdemeanor Steven would either have a three-year prison sentence one thousand dollar fine or both manslaughter and Steven Universe yes in a sense in the episode bismuth Stephen and bismuth get involved in a serious fight which ends with Steven stabbing the gem as a result bismuth is poofed and bubbled you may be thinking gems can't really be killed at least in the way humans can gems can be poofed and they can be shattered but that just means they can't be reformed and regenerating to forms that can be seen but think about what happens when a human dies they are taken out of society in the same sense when a gem is pooped and bubbled they don't become a part of society anymore and moreover bismuth was placed in the burning room away away from everyone else the fact that Steven's stabbing business was the cause for pooping is enough to say that while Stephen may not have wanted to do it he was the reason for it it can be argued his actions were in self-defense and clearly they were but unless the court rules it so Stephen could very well be charged with involuntary manslaughter if this happened in real life with another human well then if what Stephen did counts as manslaughter then what's the verdict the punishment for manslaughter even unintentional is up to 10 years in prison and a 500 fine no wonder Steven went through so much turmoil about what he did to business you knew the exact severity of his actions and on the topic of questionable choices and jail you'd actually be surprised at how often Steven Universe ended up censored it's not in the single digits that's for sure yeah let's take a look at 10 censored Steven Universe episodes when Steven Universe you probably think of Crystal Gems friendship Donuts space travel awesome original songs cool fight scenes or your favorite relationship Stephen and Connie forever but mature content this is a kids show Well turns out that scenes that fly on Cartoon Network in the U.S sometimes turn heads in other countries what's up guys this is Elizabeth Channel frederator and today we're checking out censored moments in Steven Universe here are some surprisingly controversial Adventures that went down in Beach City foreign pregnancy scare fans might remember that the gems pal lion came into their lives in the season 1 episode Steven's lion it's your average sweet story about a boy who tries to teach a giant Cat From Another Dimension how to play fetch but watch closely and you'll catch a joke too inappropriate for most of Europe and the Middle East when Steven takes line to fish stew Pizza to get them a pie that frankly sounds disgusting he tells Kiki I'm ordering for two Ronaldo overhears and spitsoda Oliver's laptop exclaiming Steven's pregnant Steven responds I don't think so but I have a giant pet lion right outside eight different regions chose to air Stevens lion without the pregnancy dialogue and spit take the joke has nothing to do with the plot of the episode so most viewers probably didn't realize something was missing unless of course you find nothing funnier than people thinking half human boys are expecting Rocky's Showdown if you're a Stephen Enthusiast you'll definitely remember season 3's earthlings where Steven amethyst and Peridot face off against Jasper at the beta kindergarten The Showdown is funny tearful and gifted our world with the Steven amethyst Fusion smoky quartz unfortunately Smokey's debut was slightly too violent for most European stations two moments in smoky quartz is battled with Jasper are cut in European edits Smokey kicking Jasper in the face and smashing her with their yoyo after the instant classic line I've got plenty of tricks ever see sink the dink the edits also cut out the shot of a rod protruding from Jasper's corrupted body before she poops after Metal Master Peridot impales her the battle is still epic and hilarious without those shots so European fans shouldn't worry too much and they can find plenty of gifts that replay the censored but whooping on an infinite Loop whacker man and Meat Beat Mania the carnivores loves to sneak jokes and puns onto signs and stands on the beach City Boardwalk but their Antics in the Funland arcade went a little too far for sensors in two episodes from season one two games in the arcade have names that jokingly reference uh puberty the first a dance game called Meat Beat Mania kind of explains itself and all Visual and audio references to the title were edited out of most International versions of the episode arcade Mania and then there's so many birthdays in which Steven goes through the weirdest Growing Pains we've ever seen awkward teen Steven Plays a few rounds on the whack-a-mole inspired game whacker man at the arcade before returning to the boardwalk saying with acai that was fun but a boy on the Cuffs of manhood can't spend the whole day wackering the game title was ambiguous enough to make it past the Cutting Room floor the wackering line not so much Pearl poofed this next edit is another instance in taking out violence and in this case it really reduces the emotional impact of its scene to get the context think back to Steven the sword fighter from season one when Pearl offers to teach Steven proper sword fighting techniques after scoffing at his love of Lonely Blade four she has no idea that the Hologram that she creates the help with the lesson will literally stab her in the back and it's the first time we see one of the Crystal Gems poof in the series International edits show her reassuring Stephen after she's been stabbed but cut out the dramatic shot of her Shadow going limp and dropping her sword first that little edit kind of kills the tension Steven and the viewer genuine only thinks Pearl has died for a second and it's scary sadly a bit too scary for the Irish Steven Universe you guys remember fribo the mascot costume that Steven brought to life in season one with a rogue gem Shard that thing was terrifying from its veiny cup body to the way it would force feed anyone near it until they choked or ran away there's a lot of messed up stuff in this episode that we would understand editing but in the end all that got the sensors were the moments in which we see Stephen and his army of re-animated clothing shots of Steven in his briefs and a minute later in nothing at all were shortened her cut out in a number of countries including Russia Spain turkey the UK and all of Latin America just to name a few unfortunately our petition to free Steven's tidy whities hasn't gained much traction yet gay fusion fusion and Steven universe doesn't have one analogy or meaning sometimes it expresses friendship or Joy or a desire to smash but in the season 2 Flashback episode we need to talk Fusion acts as a pretty clear metaphor for sex or at least some kind of a physical romance in the episode we learned that Greg tried to fuse with rose quartz back when they were dating thinking that she would never fully care about their relationship unless they could see what we mean the whole thing starts for Greg and the sensors when Pearl fuses with rose to show Greg that she means more to Rose than he does so salty in the scene Pearl Whispers to rose quartz then dances with her intimately at one point dipping backwards to look at Greg taunting him before the two gems fused because the dance insinuates a same gender romance European and UK Affiliates considered its more suggestive moves inappropriate and replaced a few seconds of the dance with Greg playing guitar fans complained about the edits and Cartoon Network said at the time that the altered episode was more comfortable for local kids and their parents the censorship and statement were highly controversial and Drew criticism from the media particularly because the network did not cut two kisses between Rose and Greg or all the innuendos surrounding talking about Fusion at one point Greg watches the Fusion dance and literally asks how she get her legs to do that the edits reflect a frustrating double standard between how gay and straight relationships have been treated on TV for decades little Butler serious fans might remember when Stephen Greg and Amethyst watched the old sitcom little Butler while cleaning Greg's storage unit back in season one it's one of the most random gags and adorable gags the show ever pulled off and that's saying something well if the Pearl Rose cut wasn't insulting enough most broadcasts in Asia and Australia censored little Butler giving Mr Money a little smooch in the fake sitcoms opening credits I'm not sure if we should be offended on behalf of the gay community or the community of orphaned boys with SAS and pep either way not cool Jasper poofs Garnet Garnet spaceship Showdown against Jasper in the season one finale is one of the coolest bites from the whole run of Steven Universe but before the two of them duped it out in DBZ style fans might remember that they actually started fighting on the beach when Jasper first reached Earth in the final minutes of the return Garnet jumps in front of Jasper before she can attack Steven it's a moving and epic moment and feels like the beginning of a long battle except as soon as it starts Jasper stabbed Garnet with a gem destabilizer and she poofs in the original version Garnet slowly cracks down the middle her limbs fall off and we see her eyes look out scared before she disappears and leaves a shivering and terrified Stephen behind nearly every International broadcast cut out the slow defeat here so it just looks like Garnet runs into the destabilizer and poofs a quick cut that totally takes you out of the heroic moment Island make out our next moment is actually the kind of edit to a couple kissing than you expect on this list remember season 1's island adventure when Stephen Lars and Sadie somehow got trapped on an island in another dimension for what appears to be weeks it's weird that no one ever came looking for them while they're stranded Lars tries non-stop to find a way back to Beach City and Sadie takes it personally until she realizes that he's just homesick she consoles him and they share a sweet moment and then start making out like really going at it for a few seconds at least definitely one of the gropiest kisses we've ever seen on Cartoon Network needless to say the smooch went beyond pretty much every International Network standards depending on where it aired the scene was either shortened or replaced entirely with a clip of Lars crying tough break bud broadcast in Eastern Europe the Philippines and Australia also cut out the couple cuddling earlier in the episode and talking about the kiss later looks like even on a remote island those two need to get a room Ruby and Sapphire closing out our video we're going to leave you with what some call the most controversial and ongoing series of censored moments for the whole show the scenes involving the gems Ruby and Sapphire's relationship as stated by the show's Creator Rebecca sugar the gems are sexless but identify and use female pronouns which puts ruby and sapphire in a lesbian relationship we don't see Ruby and Sapphire too often on the show since they live in a steep effusion as Garnet but when the two separate they can't help but Express their love for each other in ways that sensors in Russia Middle East and Asia have found inappropriate in the first season finale the couple reunites on Jasper ship with a Tyrion brace and a few sweet pecks before a few amazing and censored versions of the episode their hug twirl and kisses are cut while the kiss remains in the Russian edit fans debate whether the writers of the dub tried to present Ruby as a male in the translation similar edits happened at the end of season 2's Keystone Motel after Steven yells at Ruby and Sapphire for fighting through their whole Road Trip the couple apologize then Giggle and kiss a couple times unless you watch the episode in Asia or the Middle East where they just do something off screen that makes Steven look vaguely uncomfortable Ruby and Sapphire nearly derailed the Earth King's Victory against the rubies in season 3 episodes hit the diamond when they can't stop flirting long enough to play baseball it's a bit of a pain for Coach Steven sure but completely innocent and fans protested the cuts made in Sweden to their flirting Montage with an online petition even worse that episode and the couple's origin story The Answer were banned from Air in Russia and Bulgaria for their gay themes Ruby and Sapphire's relationship is a groundbreaking one for children's TV it shows a pure and organic love that anyone would be lucky to find regardless of age or orientation it's a serious shame that Cartoon Network's International Affiliates don't all agree to round things out let's ask the question wouldn't it be fun to be a character from Steven Universe I think so too so to find out who you would be take a gander at this here video and let us know if we've got you figured out which Steven Universe character are you most Steven Universe fans can agree that one thing that sets the show apart from others is it's big mushy heart viewers are pretty much guaranteed to see themselves reflected in one of its many complex well-developed characters while watching the show and we're here to break down those characters just for you guys hey what's up guys Akeem here with Channel frederator and we're here to help you figure out which Steven Universe character you are don't forget to subscribe and click that Bell icon to become part of our notification Squad [Music] maybe your little childlike at heart but you're also naturally heroic and always striving to be the kindest and most reliable you can be if so you're this series namesake Steven Universe at the beginning of the series Steven's youthfulness occasionally puts him at odds with the Crystal Gems as his desire to be great doesn't always match his abilities however as this series progresses his outer strength eventually catches up to his inner strength and he becomes an essential part of the Crystal Gems mission to protect the Earth his desire to help others is so strong that he would rather put himself In Harm's Way than watch his friends suffer which gets him into trouble quite a bit but it comes from a place of wanting to make the world a better Kinder place so if your child liking selfless and that in turn gets you in trouble and acts as a source of strength well you're totally a Steven do you value fun above all else do you you think responsibility can sometimes be a four-letter word then you're amethyst the whip wielding shape-shifting crystal gem if we were to compare each of the Crystal Gems to a component of the Freudian psyche amethyst would be the ID or the bassist impulse towards pleasure and away from pain this trait is rooted in a complicated relationship to her past all the way back to her creation while this isn't solely define amethyst's character it can sometimes manifest as low self-esteem but most of the time it means that amethyst is fun to be around and always good for a lab she's also pretty great in battle and willing to jump in and fight alongside her friends so if people often describe you as fun to be around and you're good at easing tension and stressful situations even if it's sometimes a high insecurities because well we all have those then you're definitely an amethyst why do so many people find learning to be tedious the world has so many wonders to offer to anyone willing to learn about them if this sounds like you your Pearl the makeshift mother of the Crystal Gems Pearl's approach to life is very much grounded in logic and reason virtually the opposite of amethysts ACT first think later mentality Pearl is the type to Mega mental prose and cons chart probably giving equal weight to each argument before making any major decision for Infinity for reason and thinking things through makes her a natural Problem Solver though it can also manifest as perfectionism and alienate her when it comes to feelings because those have to be felt rather than thought through with logic but thanks to a good heart which applies to most of the Steven Universe characters Pearl is always willing to learn and is a naturally gifted teacher so if you value thought would sometimes describe yourself as an overthinker and have been called smart by those who know you then you're a pearl do you find strength in staying calm and composed are you kind of secretly a huge romantic do you have a British accent then you gotta be Garnet the crystal gem M stoic leader okay you don't have to have a British accent to be a garnet yeah of all the Crystal Gems Garnet is the strongest in combat and the most reserved when it comes to interpersonal interactions while she says very little she's still quick to act with a strong desire to do good and the raw strength to accomplish those good deeds Garnet is a fusion of Ruby and Sapphire meaning her very self is the result of a nearly Eternal Bond powered by love it's very romantic stuff she's also a Live and Let Live type never sweating the small things and always preferring to see how something plays out rather than trying to stop it maybe that's due to her laid-back Vibes that come from not just finding your soul mate but being a literal manifestation of the bond between two people in love uh romance right so if you're calm cool and collected and maybe like you know really really in love then you're a garnet are you a human Cactus you know you're prickly and harsh on the outside but on the inside you have sweet fruit and life-sustaining water that all the desert animals need to live in a warm oppressive climate Okay that metaphor isn't perfect but if that sounds like you at all then you're Lars deep down Lars just wants to fit in and be loved as we all do this need leads to him being a little too cool for school looking somewhere in between punk rocker and early 2000s emo very team cool sometimes his self-consciousness gets in the way of his relationships and he can be too much of a cool guy to show affection to those he cares about he also wants to fit in with the resident cool teenagers who he thinks judges him more than they'd care to makes sense basically he's a little self-conscious but Lars has some untapped power which if you're caught up on season five you know manifesting a very cool way like not just teen cool but cool cool so if people describe you as fresh and if you've ever dressed alternative even if it's a little bit of a defense mechanism then you're a lards is hard work important to you do you have a growing savings account if you're the type to Value responsibility and invest in your future then you're Sadie in most of our appearances throughout the series Sadie is shown being dedicated to her job at Big donut which can sometimes mean covering for Lars who isn't one to put effort into his position or things in general alongside responsibility Sadie equally values friendship and is always making an effort to be there for Lars especially at his most troubled that doesn't mean she doesn't get angry at Lars for being a jerk sometimes but it's rooted in a genuine affection for the guy in the episode Sadie killer it's revealed that behind the level-headed exterior there's a pretty great artist one who's capable of following her dreams and putting on a great performance as a lead singer it's just another facet of Sadie the hard worker dipping into some of those savings leaving her job and believing in her art so if you care deeply about those closest to you and if you are or have ever been worried about the future maybe so that you could eventually follow your future dreams then you're a Sadie do you sometimes feel like the odd one out I mean don't we all really but if you sometimes feel like the only one not understanding a social situation or sometimes say things that you're not sure why they make others laugh then you're Peridot while Peridot entered the show as a primary villain she was quickly redeemed and became a significant player in the show's Central cast of characters her villain to Hero Arc is mainly a result of her originating from the gem Homeworld and seeing Earth as just another resource for the gems before coming around to the Crystal Gems and humans of Beach City however having not lived on Earth for very long she's very much still getting accustomed to life on a new planet but rather than feel excluded she comes at her new life full steam ahead finding an affinity for farming and bad TV thanks to the power to control metal she's also an equally skilled technician and visual artist so if you're self-professedly strange and proud of it and you've maybe struggled to see eye to eye with others but ultimately live your life the way you want to then you're a Peridot do you have extreme willpower do you get what you want not from being spoiled but because you know how to make it happen then you're lapis lazuli though she's something of a tragic character having survived multiple traumas over the course of the show lapis is still extremely powerful in spite of it she's capable of using her power over water to take control of the entire ocean as well as combating the extremely daunting Jasper for months on end occasionally her dramatic past can make her fearful but when Her Mind Is Made Up she's a force to be reckoned with so if your will is big and imposing and you can relate to this ability coming as a result of some history you'd rather not relive then you're probably a Lapis it's okay everything's chill man if those words encapsulate your lifestyle then your Greg Universe the somewhat deadbeat mostly lovable father of Stephen although Greg isn't without his flaws living a childlike existence in a van and caring more about rock music than most of his adult responsibilities as much as Steven inherited his childlike nature from his father he also equally got his right heart from the Elder Universe he's a hippie holdover but also kind of a problematic societal Dropout and a strong advocate of peace love and understanding so if you're kind of a mess but life is all good then you're a Greg Universe are you mysterious are you a natural leader then you're Steven's Mama rose quartz by the start of the series Rose has sacrificed herself so that Stephen could be born all of this information is seen through flashbacks which paint a picture of her that's inherently incomplete and also seen mostly through Rose colored glasses while Rose was a tireless defender of Earth and a big bad Rebel taking on the forces of Homeland with just her fellow Crystal Gems this heroism wasn't without the burden that many leaders carry a few flashbacks show roles not always reflecting the Perfection of goodness as she shatters or kills other gems to protect her admittedly good ideals she also hit away some of her Deeds from the other Crystal Gems to protect them from the ugliness that made her righteousness possible it's the type of tough decision that falls onto any Leader's plate with no right answer other than standing up for what you believe so if you find yourself naturally taking on the responsibility of leading others with all the good and bad that comes along with it so that others can be happier and thriving then you're a rose quartz are you fiercely independent does a thirst for adventure match your studiousness then Year Connie maheshwara the only full human member of the Crystal Gems Connie comes from a household that values tradition and diligence some of which has rubbed off on her she approaches studies like violin and swordsmanship equally with a dedication to each craft however she also has a strong desire to go into the world and be adventurous having lived with protective parents she's not initially skilled in dealing with the dangerous Supernatural missions that are commonplace for the Crystal Gems but a strong desire to live and learn very quickly turns her into an invaluable team member and a mighty warrior like the rest of them so if you're a fantasy book reader finding your love for staying in to read matched only by a desire to get out into the world and see some crazy things then you're a Connie all right we made it all the way to the end of this Steven Universe Marathon over 700 facts plus a bunch more about the show what did you think which facts stood out the most to you are there any that we missed or things you wished we talked about make sure you let us know down in the comments also subscribe to channel frederator for more like this thanks for watching and remember frederator loves you back again
Channel: ChannelFrederator
Views: 361,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven universe, steven universe future, steven universe movie, steven universe timeline, complete steven universe timeline, timeline of steven universe, steven universe story explained, steven universe complete timeline, steven universe explained, the complete steven universe timeline, steven universe recap, the complete story of steven universe, cartoon network, cartoon, channel frederator
Id: MnEWx0DzRnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 27sec (12747 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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