3 Hours Of Cartoon Recaps! (Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, + MORE)

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H okay I'm straight up out of ideas on how to write intros for these Steven Universe videos you know I love the show you know it's my favorite you know I talk about it constantly and you know I've recapped the entire plot of all six seasons plus the movie in two big recap videos but what if two videos became one videos yeah that's all I got basically I felt weird about my two Steven Universe Recaps being split up into separate videos so now they're fused together into one ultimate Steven Universe recap video I don't know don't worry I'll be back soon with an actual new video that you guys have been asking for I just need a little bit more time to work on it but for now here is the actual complete entirety of Steven Universe oh boy okay so to start Steven Universe is a Cartoon Network show about a kid named Steven who's a member of this group called the Crystal Gems Garnet Amethyst and Garnet's chill amethyst's kind of Punky and pearl looks like a bird the gems are a race of like alien beings that are basically just rocks with brains that project physical forms so like their bodies aren't real but they are like they can still get hurt and stuff I don't know but basically Steven's a gem to mostly he's the child of rose quartz the former leader of the Crystal Gems and Greg Universe just some dude so he's part Gem and part human Rose actually had to give up her physic IAL form in order for Steven to exist so she's pretty much dead and Steven's got her gem the gems all live in a town called Beach City and go on adventures fighting monsters and stuff but Steven's got to stay home because he doesn't know how to work his gem Powers yet most early episodes center around explaining different aspects of the gem race and showing Steven learn how to use his gem Powers Steven eventually gets to go on missions he learns he can shape shift he gets a magic pink lion he meets a girl named Connie he finds out he has he healing powers he learns that gems canuse together he finds this magic mirror that turns out to be another gem called lapis lazle that one's important and he almost freaking dies of old age in a shockingly real scene that Disturbed the heck out of me the first time I saw it Oh and he can summon his mom's Shield that's important I guess but even with all that the real main plot of this season involves the gems warping around the earth and fighting these monsters that are actually other gems that have been corrupted so now they're scary monsters but even scary monsters have feelings but how did all these gems get on Earth in the first place well remember how I said gems are aliens they come from this planet called home World which is run by four Ultra powerful gems called diamonds yellow blue white and pink they're mostly just taller than everyone else and they invaded Earth tried to destroy all of its organic life and turn the whole planet into a place to grow more gems but the Crystal Gems rebelled against home world a freaking war broke out and a ton of gems were shattered or you know killed but the Crystal Gems somehow managed to save the Earth from being colonized so things were mostly chill but then thousands of years later some suspicious stuff starts going down Steven discovers that a new gem with these robot limbs named paradot is checking up on the planet and repairing various warp stations that lead back to home world this is a pretty obvious problem for a bunch of war criminals hiding out on Earth so the gems destroy the warp pad obviously but that only causes more problems as paradot brings a whole freaking ship to Earth with lapis that mirror Gem and this big freaking scary gem Jasper uh Jasper thinks Steven is Rose courtz so she kidnaps everyone and starts flying them back to home world and this is where we find out the first big twist of the series Ruby and Sapphire on Jasper's ship Steven finds two more imprison gems Ruby and Sapphire who are actually Garnet yes this entire time Garnet's been a fusion Ruby and Sapphire reunite to form Garnet Jasper gets all Fusions for poo poo butt gems who are weak but then Garnet's just like I'm going to rap now she kicks Jasper's butt the ship crash lands back on Earth and it all culminates with one last face off on the beach in a moment of desperation Jasper fuses with lapis forming a new gem called malachite but lapis manages to control the fusion enough to retreat into the ocean and stop anyone from being hurt and yeah it's pretty intense how' this season start again I just turned all my fingers into cats so yeah things got real by the end of season 1 and with Jasper out of the picture for now season 2 is mostly about finding paradot and dealing with these creepy new gem monsters made out of fused pieces of shattered gems they're like reanimated mutant zombie Frankenstein monsters and it's yeah it's kind of disturbing actually meanwhile Pearl is teaching Steven's friend Connie to sword fight yay which comes in handy when the mutated gem experiments start showing up in town oh no that could cause such an imminent threat to all the innocent people I'm sure they're going to warn all the citizens and parot oh my gosh get her kill it yeah next episode Perry's back and the whole gem mutants reaching Beach City thing is just kind of abandoned I'm sure they'll be fun the gems finally managed to capture paradot and she tells them about this thing called the cluster which is an enormous bioweapon built out of a ton of those gem Fusion experiments that have been buried in the Earth's crust it's been building and building over thousands of years and once it takes form it would totally destroy the planet wow that's a pretty huge threat they should probably warn everyone and maybe bring in the military or they decide to build a drill to dig to the Center of the Earth completely on their own own using spare parts they found in a barn y great sure makes total sense whatever and the rest of the season is just the five of them working on this drill as paradot learns more about the Earth and eventually becomes a crystal gem herself Redemption woo Honestly though when I first started watching Steven Universe the whole paradot becomes a crystal gem Arc was basically what made me officially fall in love with the series it's just too wholesome but anyway now on to season 3 and everything is going wrong malachite's back and the cluster is forming both at the same time so the Gang has to split up with Garnet amethyst and pearl fighting malachite leaving Steven and paradot to deal with the cluster completely on their own malachite gets her butt whipped and the gem save lapis from Jasper which is good but surprise surprise the drill sucks at destroying the cluster and Steven and Perry might die which is bad but but then Steven somehow manages to communicate with the cluster the cluster just wants to form but Steven's like but you have each other and that works apparently Steven with the help of all the gem shards in the cluster manages to place the whole thing in a stasis bubble so like it's dormant again but it's still there eh good enough for me and after that action-packed Premiere the rest of the season just kind of kicks around for a while the main thing going on is the hunt for Jasper but in the meantime Steven finds another new gem a former member of the Crystal Gems named bismuth she gets along with everyone really well but has to be poofed again because she wanted to create this intense weapon to shatter gems basically she wanted to go on a killing spree so bye-bye bism right after that Jasper's back get her kill it Steven paradot and Amethyst find Jasper building an army of corrupted gems amethyst tries to fight her off on her own but gets her butt kicked so Steven tries to help her out and they accidentally end up fusing together this is the first time Steven fuses with any of the main Crystal Gems and it is so hype but things get Mega Heavy again right after as Jasper attempts to fuse with a corrupted gem gets corrupted herself and lets on about something horrible Rose did to pink diamond before going full Monster and getting poofed by paradot okay yeah yeah that was a lot and what was Jasper saying about pink diamond well one thing I haven't mentioned is that a pink diamond is dead Shattered by rose quartz yeah so Steven's mom is a shatterer and that's a pretty intense thing for a kid to go through so naturally in a show like Steven Universe that's all about being connected with your feelings it's time for a wacky Road Runner parody with paradot yeah we're entering season 4 now and Steven Universe kind of has this habit of doing a lot of Filler episodes right after things get interesting so we just kind of do that for a while until eventually we meet two new mysterious gems topaz and aquamarine who were sent by The Diamonds to kidnap Steven's friends Steven manages to save them by giving himself over claiming to be rose courts and the spaceship sets off for home world so now it's just topaz aquamarine Steven and Lars G right haven't mentioned him yet so this is Lars he's a human who works at a doughnut shop in Beach City and for the majority of the show he is the worst he's always a jerk he learns no lessons and he is frustrating beyond belief to watch he's the worst and I hate him except well we'll get to that Steven and Lars are taken to home world and Steven is put on trial for the shattering of pink diamond but Steven's lawyer realizes that there are a ton of holes in the story like how could anyone get that close to to a diamond and no one notice or try to stop it it doesn't make sense yellow gets totally fed up with all of this and starts raging giving Steven and Lars time to escape they crash land in a dark corner of Home world and meet a group of unusual gems called The Off colors they're all different in some way so they hide or else they'll be destroyed by these scanner Droids that explode any gem they find but Lars doesn't have a gem so he's basically invisible and once an attack starts Lars decides to finally stand up and fight saving everyone but then Lars dies but then he doesn't Steven starts crying and his tears bring Lars back to life remember I said he has healing powers and now Lars is all pink and his hair works like a portal that connects to Steven's lion who also has portal hair don't question it we're almost done so Lars is back after being dead for 5 seconds and now he's a good person it took four seasons and the end of his life to do it but Lars doesn't suck anymore he and the offc colors Escape home world and start traveling space Star Trek style while Steven escapes back to Beach City through lars's hair it's more normal than it sounds I promise fast forward a bit and Steven has a strange dream about pink diamond where he sees Pearl sneak up behind her and draw a sword and uh Steven's dreams are usually astral projections so that's concerning he confronts Pearl about what he saw and we get the biggest reveal of the entire series Rose courtz Steven's mom was pink diamond okay so pink was actually the one who wanted to rebel against the diamonds save Earth and start a new life so she created a new identity and killed off Pink by having Pearl take Rose's form and pretend to shatter her and because pink was Rose and Rose's gem is now in Steven that means Steven is pink diamond again what and with that news finally out in the open everything starts happening at once the diamonds come to Earth to attack the cluster comes back out of nowhere and forms a giant arm like the diamond ships but is apparently fighting on the crystal gem side that's pretty weird oh and bismuth is back you know the gem that wanted to shatter a bunch of people and even tried to shatter Steven yeah everyone's just cool with her now ah being cool with attempted murderers is tight anyway they all fight the diamonds until Steven through some weird psychic stuff that's never really explained is finally able to convince blue and yellow diamond that he really is pink and stop the fighting so blue and yellow aren't threats anymore not really but we're not done yet Steven wants the diamonds to help him cure all the corrupted gems but even with the three of them they just can't do it they need someone else white diamond and up to this point in the show we've barely even heard about white let alone seen her so the whole crew are now off to home world one last time to talk to White Diamond to make a long story short it went poo poo a lot happens during this Arc but the basics are white attacks everyone and things get really cool every crystal Jam is fighting off White's giant robot and we even get to see a ton of new fusions but white overpowers them and zaps the diamonds and the gems putting them under her control poo poo she grabbed Steven and forcibly RI out his gem because she thinks it'll release Pink's original form instead it releases this super powerful otherworldly pink version of Steven which I guess is supposed to be like Steven's gem half or something meanwhile Steven's gem human half is left Weak and Powerless and White's all like where's pink but gem Steven's just like she's and then the two Stevens walk up to each other laugh cry hug each other a lot and then they Fus together it's animated really well and Steven is back what even just happened and in that moment well on home World they say that white Diamond's heart grew three sizes that day seriously white starts glowing pink meaning she's now off color she's not perfect like she wanted to be but that's okay and Steven's like that's kind of what we've been saying for Five Seasons and just like before White's no longer a threat the gems and the Diamonds all go back to Earth and cure all of the corrupted gems even Jasper oh and Lars and the offc colors make it back to Earth too all the gems are safe the diamonds learned the error of their ways and everyone lived happily ever after and that is the complete story of Steven Universe from beginning to end this is legit my favorite cartoon ever and I am so happy that it was given such a proper and satisfying ending wait when we last left Steven and the Gang they had just made peace with yellow blue and white diamond after going through the whole complicated rigar roll of Steven also being rose quartz who was also pink diamond they all came back to Earth to heal the corrupted gems including Jasper that one's important and they all lived happily ever after and I said all that at the end of my last recap I didn't know that was going to be the theme of the movie these days the gems are living out there happily ever after by building a little place in the middle of Beach City for the now healed corrupted gems to live out their lives and learn about all the crap they missed it's called Little homeor world and everyone is doing great though the diamonds keep badgering Steven the closest thing to pink diamond they have left to move in with them on big home World obviously Steven does not want to do that but I'm sure that'll sort itself out eventually but for now we get to see our favorite main character gems finally able to relax after all these years no more villains no more Wars everyone can just chill okay giant drill full of pink goo just landed on the earth there's some weird new gem standing on top of it this is spanel calm down spanel is a very angry gem who we know nothing about Steven's like hi I'm Steven what's your name whoa whoa her giant drill digs into the ground and she immediately starts swinging at Steven and the gems with this crazy Scythe thing called a rejuvenator and Pearls all like I cannot believe it is you spanel who for the audience's information was the gems are all poofed by Spell's re Ator Steven gets hit with it too but it just kind of gives him the jibblies for a bit so he yinks the Scythe away from spanel and poofs her with it reminder poofing is not killing poofing is simply dissipating their physical form for a little while shattering is killing but you know that's not important right now eventually all the gems start reforming but they're acting odd it's like they all reset to their factory defaults or something oh that's why they call it a rejuvenator all right that checks out and before Steven can even hope to make sense of what's going on comes back but she's not the same angry vengeful spiky haired gem we knew before now she's all happy bubbly and calls Steven her best friend first she tries to kill him now she's his best friend I'd make a joke about that but that's kind of just how Steven makes friends and to make matters worse the rejuvenator might not have poofed Steven but now his powers aren't working man how could this possibly get any worse oh crap the drill this giant syringe is injecting some kind of pink toxin into the world that's killing everything so we're going to have to deal with that at some point but first we got to get the crystal jams back to normal several musical numbers later amethyst is back to normal Ruby and Sapphire forms Garnet but she doesn't really have her Memories Back and Steven got Pearl back to normal by fusing with his dad because that's apparently just something he can do now but that also triggered something in spanel that made her run away Steven finds her at a warp pad and they travel to this abandoned space Garden apparently this is where spanel used to live as a playmate for pink diamond way back in the day but once pink was given her first colony the Earth she legit just abandoned spanel told her to stand perfectly still and wait for her as part of a game and then just dipped confirming my theory that pink has been the real villain of this entire series holy crap what a terrible person spanel waited in that Garden for 6,000 years never moving an inch but after all the diamond drama went down and peace was restored Steven sent out a message to the universe and spanel learned the truth pink left her started a new life made new friends and then disappeared forever that's why spanel randomly attacked to the Earth Revenge doesn't really explain where she got the injector though but uh Steven does what he does best and Promises to help her if she helps him save the Earth but spanel starts questioning if he really wants to be her friend or if he's just lying to her like pink so she'll turn off the injector and when Steven accidentally drops the rejuvenator spanel is just like oh no nuh-uh you ain't pulling a fast one on me I don't know why spanel sounds like John melany but all right she turns on Steven and drills the injector back into the earth oh uh Garnet got her Memories Back by the way at leads to a cool musical number but ultimately in the plot it just kind of happens and now we have the final faceof between Steven and spanel Steven randomly gets his powers back through an anime style Epiphany like oh I just need to believe in my ability to change and he launches into an epic Musical number but spanel isn't having any of that and says just can it won't you you can't just make everything better by singing some stupid song which has weird implications so apparently in Universe Steven is literally singing a completely original song that he's just pulled out of his butt while being mercilessly beaten up by spanel that just seems like a weird use of time right now but I guess it does something because eventually spanel comes to a realization that Steven really was trying to help her and she breaks down wondering why she's even fighting she starts crying and then I start crying and then everyone's crying and but right as they stop fighting the injector just goes Steven manages to save himself and spanel from you know exploding and dying but the town's still in pretty bad shape Spell's like well I've made a mess I should probably be on my way out she feels like she's already screwed up too much to be friends with Steven and wishes she could have a blank slate with someone else here come the diamonds yeah blue yellow and white all come down to earth at the worst possible time to be closer to Steven but once they meet spanel and hear about her story they're like yeah dude Earth sucks but low key this pink Gem's pretty dope is it chill if we like take her spanel is like that' be chill they all leap for home world and Steven starts licking the dirt Steven Universe future and this is where where things start getting pretty crazy by the way if you're enjoying this recap so far you can always head down below this video and click the Subscribe button and hit the little notification Bell next to it to make sure you don't miss any future Recaps like this I'd really appreciate the support so what's going on now sometime after the events of the movie The World is back to normal and the gems have created little homeschool to better teach the heeled gems about their new life on Earth Steven's kind of like the principal of the school but he's clearly struggling he's loaded down with responsibility he's dealing with gems who still hate him and a bunch of his friends are starting to change or leave Beach City and all this change and stress is causing some weird things to happen to Steven remember at the end of my last recap when white diamond ripped Steven's gem out of him and it created this pink glowy Steven that was insanely strong and super scary well now anytime Steven gets too worked up too scared too stressed he starts glowing pink and gets all sorts of new powers this is Steven's Diamond half starting to shine shine through he discovers this for the first time during a fight with Jasper in episode 1 and it's like wow okay that's weird Jasper you know anything about this but Jasper's just like get off my property so over the next like five six seven episodes this kind of crap just keeps happening and no one really does anything about it but after one particular incident that nearly kills Steven and his friends at a little homeschool graduation Steven decides the stress is becoming too much for him and he quits his job at little home school but honestly I think this just made everything worse see Steven has spent pretty much his whole life doing two things helping others and avoiding death people really like trying to kill this boy but now no one's really trying to kill him anymore and all the people he was trying to help are better now so Steven's kind of left feeling like he has no purpose and when you're feeling lost you can make very very stupid decisions and this is where Connie comes back into the picture these days it's it's kind of implied that Steven and Connie are maybe dating now but they don't get to see each other a ton because Connie is super busy studying to Loi chill hip-hop beats she's getting ready to enroll in an out of-state college and Steven's getting worried that the two of them will start to drift apart oh uh that reminds me I kind of forgot to mention in my last recap that Steven and Connie can Fus together to form stavani stavani is definitely one of the most interesting characters in this show but they don't show up super often so un fortunately they got a little lost in the shuffle last time but as Steven's going through it he realizes that when he's part of stavani he doesn't feel lost which makes him even more worried about Connie moving away and here's where the stupid comes in Steven decides that at the age of 16 and right before Connie's about to start college to propose to her in the hopes of getting married and going to college with her this goes about as well as you'd expect Steven is of course rejected in honestly a really polite and loving way Connie doesn't say no way freak and then spit in his face or anything she gives him a hug and says it's not a no it's a not now and step takes it pretty well until he doesn't and this is where things get pretty serious Steven starts glowing again but now he's also starting to swell up uncontrollably he goes to the hospital and discovers that while he's healed physically from all of his dangerous Adventures over the years he never really healed mentally Steven's been dealing with near-death experiences since he was a little kid always is in danger someone always trying to kill him and that childhood trauma is affecting the way his body handles stress every problem in Steven's life feels like the end of the world because that's all he's known in the show's own words his body is responding to minor threats as if his life were in danger and with all this change in his life and his fears of being left behind looming over him constantly his body's response to that stress is becoming more and more extreme unfortunately things for Steven don't get much better after after the hospital visit he's still swelling he still can't control his Diamond powers and he doesn't know what to do or how to keep his friends out of danger so he runs away and finds Jasper to ask for help Jasper convinces Steven that instead of trying to repress his anger and his powers he should just let them out so the two begin training and as Steven learns more and more about his powers he becomes not himself eventually new buff Steven decides he's ready for a rematch against Jasper but during their fight he loses control again he track Jasper and attacks her with a giant wall of spikes and Steven shattered her Jasper's Dead uh luckily he's able to heal Jasper's jam and bring her back but holy crap I never would have dreamed this show would go there this is still the cheeseburger backpack show the show that started with a rap about cat-shaped ice cream sandwiches and the main character just killed someone the newly healed Jasper bows to Steven and calls him her Diamond which really freaks Steven out as if he weren't already freaking out enough you know from the manslaughter Steven runs away to home world to talk to the diamonds but that doesn't really help though for some levity we do get to see spanel again which is nice she seems to be doing well she's animated like Sonic now for some reason which I guess is a sign of growth I'm glad she's doing better can we just focus on her for a bit cuz Steven's starting to fantasize about shattering white diamond and I'm very scared Steven's friends give him an intervention where he breaks down and to all the dark thoughts he's had and to shattering Jasper he calls himself a fraud and a monster and suddenly his body just erupts growing into an actual giant monster so that's a thing we have to deal with now but the gems don't really know what to do he's too powerful to attack too strong to restrain for long and he won't listen to anyone lapis holds him back for a while but he breaks free just in time for of course the cluster to come back because the cluster will always come back and for the diamonds to show up at the worst possible time because the diamonds will always show up at the worst possible time they start crying and blaming themselves as the cluster holds back Steven but Connie's just like yes this is your fault but now's not the time for pity parties you narcissists Connie realizes that for his entire life Steven's been helping everyone with their problems and making them better people but Steven never had that for himself so in the most Steven Universe move ever in instead of fighting the gems the diamonds Greg Connie lion the cluster they all tackle hug Steven even after he confessed to all the awful stuff he's bottled up his friends and family are still there to show him love and support through everything he's going through Steven finally stops breaks into tears and shrinks back down to his normal self okay oh my God Cookie Cat he's a pet for your Tommy Cookie Cat woo okay happy times good time show Happy Time fun time Steven wo several months later Steven is doing a lot better he's keeping up with his friends he's finally seeing a therapist Stephen X therapy confirmed and he's decided it's time for him to move out he goes around town says his goodbyes drives away and with that Steven Universe is officially over and wow what a freaking Journey this show has been I don't think I've ever seen a show grow change and defy expectations as much as Steven Universe and the way they managed to totally flip the show on its head in this last season was absolutely incredible like for real anyone who worked on this series should feel so proud of what they created Steven Universe is over but it's never going to be forgotten mainly cuz I'm going to have nightmares about buff murder Steven for the rest of my freaking life Jesus Christ things used to be way simpler man when I was a kid my favorite cartoons didn't have stories they were goofy comedies where literally Anything could happen to the characters and it would all reset back to normal by the next episode you could straight up explode a man and he'd be back next week and no one would ever talk about it again but these days all these cartoons I'm watching have plots and arcs and it's exhausting man why do I spend so much of my time crying at drawings and one of the biggest offenders of this is Disney's Gravity Falls and that's because it's like the best cartoon ever made not necessarily my favorite but one of the most perfectly made Cartoon stories I've ever seen the story this show fits into just 40 episodes blows my mind and I really just want to talk to someone about it so just like I did with Steven Universe today I want to bring you guys the entire story of Gravity Falls asterisk uh it's going to be very simplified because this video can't be 45 minutes but before we get started if you like what I'm doing on the this Channel and want to see more then be sure to head down hit that subscribe button and ring the ding dang notification Bell or whatever to make sure you never miss a new video and while you're down there if you look just below the Subscribe button you'll find my YouTube merch shelf where you can pick up some cool foot of a fet t-shirts my personal favorite is the brief history logo te and you can tell it's my favorite cuz I wear it in every freaking video I make so if you want to support the channel subscribing turning on notifications and checking out the merch are all great ways to do it and I really appreciate it and with all that said this is Gravity Falls the whole story or whatever I decide to call this video so here we go Gravity Falls is the story of Mabel and Dipper Pines a pair of twins spending their summer vacation in Gravity Falls Oregon Dipper is a nerdy dork geek 12-year-old with the voice of a 30-year-old man who likes Mysteries conspiracies and probably watches a lot of Shane Dawson Mabel is a super cheery 12-year-old girl who loves unicorns rainbows and probably also watches a lot of Shane Dawson they live with their sketchy great uncle Stanford Pines who runs a crappy tourist trap in town called The Mystery Shack also working at the Mystery Shack is a teenage girl named Wendy and a Seuss named Seuss the town of Gravity Falls is full of crazy Supernatural stuff like ghosts minars mermaids wax Larry King and a lot more Dipper starts picking up on all these weird happenings and asks gr unle Stan about it but he's like leave so while wandering the woods alone Dipper discovers a secret compartment in a tree that opens up a hatch in the ground this this seems safe he looks inside the secret grass hatch and finds a Dusty musty book with a giant six-fingered hand and the number three on it I see absolutely nothing unusual about this whatsoever inside the book are journal entries from an anonymous author detailing tons of the weird things going on in Gravity Falls and this journal comes in handy as tons of crazy things start happening to the Pines like a lot of stuff man it's like they built their house on a weirdness Magnet or something for a lot of season 1 the show takes on a monster of the week kind of thing but there is this underlying mystery from episode 1 at the end of that episode we see Stan sneaking through the shack at night he enters a code on a vending machine that opens up a secret doorway but the plot doesn't really pick back up until we meet Gideon Gideon is a tiny small little boy who runs his own tourist trap somehow he's a local celebrity and he has an amulet that gives him psychic powers again somehow one day dipper Mabel and Seuss go to see Gideon's show to scope out the competition and Gideon falls in love with Mabel in a matter of like seconds but Mabel's like I have a crush on every boy but not not you Mabel sends Dipper to friend's own Gideon but Gideon's just like we live in a society and attacks Dipper with his powers Mabel shuts that mess down smashes the amulet and cuts ties with a toxic Marshmallow Man and because Gideon is just so mentally stable he swears Vengeance on the entire Pine's family by scheming to steal the Mystery Shack and then we find out that Gideon has a journal just like Dippers but this one has a two on it that's one less than three and the plot Dickens some not much happens for a while and then Gideon returns this time around he wants to steal the deed to the Mystery Shack from Grunkle stand safe in the most extra way possible so he summons this little triangle dude in a bow tie and tall hat named Bill Cipher you see Bill's a demon an ancient interdimensional demon who can enter people's minds bill seems to have some kind of history with the Pines but we'll go into that later right now Bill hops into Stan's mind to look for the combination to his safe but dipper Mabel and Seuss chase after him to make a long story short the gang stops bill from getting the combination Gideon calls off the deal and he just blows up the safe while everyone's busy running around in Stan's head yeah they didn't really think about that part did they so Gideon has the deed now that's a big deal he plans to tear down the Mystery Shack to build meta commentary but it goes deeper than that see Gideon's searching for the other Journal he's got number two he wants number one and he doesn't actually know that a third one exists but he does know that once all the journals are together they can unlock ultimate power or something we don't actually know yet and he suspects the other Journal is somewhere around the Mystery Shack Dipper and Mabel tried to stop him but it only made things worse as Gideon steals Dipper's Journal plus with no Shack and no job Stan can't take care of the twins anymore so they hop on a bus to head back home but once Gideon realizes he got Journal three and not Journal one he assumes Dipper swindled him and is running off with the last journal for himself Dipper doesn't even know there is more than one Journal so obviously the only logical thing to do is giant robot yeah he he hops in a giant robot Gideon and chases after the twin's bus this kid's got no chill man he catches Dipper and Mabel oh no but then Dipper bursts into the cockpit of the robot and starts beating up Gideon woo fighting is cool but then the robot falls off a bridge and they all plummet to their Doom woo children dying is cool but then Mabel pulls out a grappling hook that she got in episode 1 and hasn't appeared again at all until the season finale and she saves Dipper and herself from dying from both a terrible fall and a giant explosion oh that's cool I guess sorry I wasn't paying attention but Gideon knows the town loves him so he starts to pull a fast one once the cops show up I know you just saw me attack two children with a giant robot but actually they're the bad guys arrest them now with no evidence necessary that sounds more like the grandma from Big City greens but who can do Thor up Van orman's Voice who but the cops are like we're totally inept at our job so okay but then Stan shows up and proves to everyone that Gideon's a fraud and a creep because he was using hidden cameras to spy on everyone in town to keep up his psychic charade the town finally turns on Gideon and he's rushed off to Jail the Pines get their home back and everything is back to normal but then Stan finds out about the journals and is like that's stupid you're stupid I'mma take this and walks away with Dipper's Journal he goes back through his secret vending machine door enters some secret lab and he has the other two journals okay he puts the books together revealing some weird blueprints gets to work on a giant machine pulls a lever a portal opens up and then season 2 and things hit the ground running Gravity Falls only lasted two seasons after all so a lot got crammed into these 20 episodes let's see how much of it I can get through before my freaking brain explodes a big chunk of the season is all about Dipper trying to find the author of the journals and get to the bottom of FBI open up oh crap it's the feds yep a couple government agents show up having picked up some strange activity from Stan's portal machine but sketchy Grunkle Stan's just like what nah but whatever the hunt for the author is on eventually the gang finds a clue in a broken laptop taken from one of the author's old Labs a little label that says McGucket Labs McGucket also known as Old Man McGucket is a nutso Bonkers prospector guy in Gravity Falls who is like a weirdly great inventor but like he's the author of the journals well makua doesn't actually remember anything that is until Dipper shows him a page in the Journal called The Blind Eye he freaks out and it's time to investigate they all head down to the Gravity Falls Museum of Natural History where they discover the Society of the Blind Eye a secret society dedicated to erasing the minds of Gravity Falls citizens anytime they see something freaky or Supernatural in town which means they do that a lot they find a log of mcgucket's memories and turns out this crazy prospector guy used to be a brilliant inventor who worked alongside the man who wrote the journals but one day he saw something so disturbing that he evented a device to help him forget about it he started the Society of the Blind Eye and it was his own invention that drove him crazy but on the bright side with his memories mostly restored he gets to work repairing the laptop and what he finds it ain't pretty hey Mr tummy hey Mr Stan okay no he discovers that something awful is about to happen to Gravity Falls some giant apocalypse IC threat happening in the next 24 hours which happens to coincide with Stan turning on his giant portal machine under the Mystery Shack causing weird shifts in gravity and starting a countdown until it fully activates and then things really hit the fan the Mystery Shack gets raided by a bunch of those government agents and Stan is arrested for suspicious activity stealing Drums of radioactive waste and creating a suspected doomsday device like a giant portal machine that makes gravity go all wacky uh-oh Dipper and Mabel try to find evidence to clear Stan's name but instead they find a newspaper clipping about a car crash that killed Stan Pines as well as one about this unnamed grifter in town huh so Stan Pines isn't Stan Pines I mean he could be literally anyone then we don't know also in that box was the code to the vending machine door so the gang investigates and finds Stan's crazy lab his giant machine and the journals and at this point emotions are all over the place Dipper is furious and is convinced stands a criminal who stole all the journals but Mabel's still trying to give Stan the benefit of the Dow whatever's happening they got to turn off that machine but just before they can do it Stan bursts through the door and tells them to stop just then gravity goes all nutso again tossing everyone into separate corners of the lab except Mabel who manages to latch onto the deactivation switch after pleading back and forth and one of of the most dramatic things I've seen in a cartoon ever Mabel decides to trust Stan's word the countdown reaches zero and the Machine goes off the lab's destroyed but a mysterious figure comes out of the portal someone with 12 fingers and who looks almost exactly like Stan this is Stan's brother Stan flashback to New Jersey in the 1960s you have the Pines twins Stanford and Stanley Stanford was born with six fingers on each hand and was a freaking genius and Stanley was well Grunkle Stan these two were inseparable but an accident with Stanford's science fair project in high school ruined his chances of getting into a prestigious college and drove a rift between the two of them Stanley spent years after that pedaling crappy scam products that would fail so bad he'd get run out of town while Stanford freaking blasted through college and began to study scientific anomalies moving to a small town in Oregon that was known for it weird happenings and writing all of his findings down in a journal but just studying weird stuff wasn't enough Stanford wanted to find the source of these anomalies but kind of reached a dead end in his research and got desperate so he summoned a mystical being for answers Bill Cipher and he was like hey dude if you let me invade your mind I will I'll help you do your homework and Stanford was like this this seems safe it was Bill's idea to build a portal so Stanford and his partner fiddleford McGucket got to work McGucket accidentally got his head stuck in the portal one day and discovered what was really on the other side he saw some pretty messed up stuff so he quit and we know what happened after that bill tricked Stanford he thought he was finally accomplishing his life's work but he was really helping a demon merge our Dimension with his own crazy nightmare one so Stanford shut the whole thing down and tried to hide all of his work so that no one could ever reactivate the portal he had to hide the journals so he called up Stanley and asked him to take a journal and get as far away as possible but Stanley who thought his brother was trying to reconnect was just like that that's it he gets super upset and they start fighting in all the chaos Stanley accidentally pushes Stanford into the portal and the portal shuts down without the other two journals there's no way to turn it back on Stanford was stuck in another dimension so Stanley began a new life in Gravity Falls turned the house into the Mystery Shack and took Stanford's name so that could support himself and stay in town while he worked to find the journals reactivate the machine and save his brother and on top of all that he faked a car crash to kill his old self and start fresh so yeah this is still a show for 10-year-olds on the Disney Channel right oh crap uh back in the present the government is still after the Pines but Stanford or I'm just going to call him Ford from now on uses the blind eyy mind erasing Ray that Dipper kept with him to wipe all their memories and Save the Day hooray but good Lord we are not done yet see when Stan turned on the portal machine it created a little interdimensional Rift that Ford encased in a globe the most dangerous snow globe ever if that Rift ever broke it' give Bill Cipher an open window to Slither into our Dimension and cause trouble so yeah we got to prepare for that the Pines managed to Bill proof the shack with some magic junk just in time for the rift to start cracking I'll just skip the buildup and say Bill ended up tricking into handing over the rift and oops butter fingers now the world's ending it's weird mageddon Everybody the end of the world has never been so quirky bill and his gang of kooky demons hop into Gravity Falls and start wreaking havoc turning people into stone and taking them to this weird pyramid in the sky but due to the town's law of weirdness magnetism I wasn't joking earlier that's a real thing bill and his weirdness can't spread further than Gravity Falls so you know Silver Linings back in the apocalypse Dipper manages to find Wendy and Seuss and the three of them set off to find Mabel who's trapped in a giant prison bubble that bill created inside it is literally everything Mabel ever wanted that way she'd never want to leave to make a long story short she leaves the gang bust her out and Escape back to the Mystery Shack where they find Grunkle Stan and a bunch of their friends and Side characters just hanging out the bill proofing actually worked neat so the gang meets up with McGucket and decides to turn the house into a freaking giant robot to fight bill yeah we're back on giant robots and this also actually works a fight breaks out between the house robot and the demons and it is so cool and while Bill's distracted fighting the house that's a weird sentence the main gang break into Bill's Castle free Ford and the rest of the people who were Turn to Stone and start working on a plan to finally defeat bill but before they can really do anything Bill shows back up captures a bunch of their friends puts Dipper and Mabel in a cage and demands Ford tell him how to break out of Gravity Falls but luck Dipper and Mabel manag to distract Bill and Escape long enough for the stands to come up with a new plan Ford agrees to give Bill what he wants to save Dipper and Mabel so Bill enters Ford's mind and wait that's not Stanford oh dip the Stan switched clothes and tricked bill into going into Stanley Pine's mind instead of Stanford's and while bill was inside Stan's head Ford used the Blind Eye memory eraser to completely wipe Stan's mind taking bill with it woo and with that bill is finally gone the rift into the nightmare realm is closed everyone's freed and everything is back to normal except Stan still lost all his memories he doesn't even remember his family for about 2 minutes until it all starts coming back that didn't last long and with the world saved and everything back to normal it's time for summer vacation to end Stan and Ford team up to go adventuring like they always wanted Seuss gets put in charge of the Mystery Shack and Dipper and Mabel leave Gravity Falls and that is the entire story of Gravity Falls from beginning to end wait if Bill Cipher was in Grunkle Stan's mind before it was erased and Stan got all his Memories Back wouldn't that mean Bill Cipher could come back too eh who knows Show's been over for 4 years so it probably doesn't matter anyway reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram bye gold bye all right here's the big one I've recapped Steven Universe and Gravity Falls so now it's time to take on the last of the modern cartoons big three Adventure Time yes Adventure Time the Cartoon Network classic about a human boy named Finn and his best friend and shape-shifting magical dog named Jake going on crazy adventures in this Fantasy Land called oo to protect the Candy Kingdom where literally everyone is a sentient piece of candy they all got wavy noodle arms and say crazy wacky catchphrases and the show's about war yeah things get a little crazy and there's 10 freaking Seasons man there's tons of Side Stories Back stories and extra stuff so I might have to over oversimplify this one a bit but before we get started I will say if you like this video and want to see more be sure to head down and hit that big red subscribe button and the little bell next to it to make sure you never miss any future uploads literally no time to waste on this one so let's start with season 1 does anything happen in season 1 I mean we got Finn and Jake partying having fun goofing around and going on random Adventures they protect Princess Bubblegum the leader of the Candy Kingdom and creator of all the candy people from the Ice King an evil princess obsessed wizard who is kind of too stupid to be a real threat but he just keeps popping up Finn and Jake live in a treehouse with a sentient Game Boy Named beo Jake's dating a rainbow unicorn named Lady Rainicorn etc etc etc and all that is super fun and Charming but plot-wise this season's pretty Barren early Adventure Time is just pure Shenanigans and season 2 is mostly the same but some Wheels do start turning see when you watch the show you might notice that Finn's kind of the only human around and maybe this super buff gir's friends with Susan strong but that's for later you might also spot a lot of weirdly modern technology just rotting away in this Fantasy Land like TVs and cars and oh oh yeah so here's the thing Adventure Time actually takes place on a post-apocalyptic Earth 1,000 years after this intense nuclear conflict called the mushroom wars and that war is super important it actually provides a lot of context for Adventure Times Insanity case in point Ice King way back before all the magic and nuclear explosions and junk the world was pretty much the way it is now and we got this guy named Simon super smart scholarly dude who studied Antiques and lived with his fiance Betty who he called his princess but one day he find finds a crown this thing was actually made millions of years ago by an ice Elemental called Evergreen to Grant a wish to whoever first wore it first person to wear it just happened to wish to become an ice Elemental like Evergreen couldn't have wished for a sandwich or something so when Simon puts on the crown it starts messing with his mind and giving him ice powers he ends up scaring off Betty and never seeing her again so he dedicates the rest of his life to studying the crown with it slowly changing him the more he wears it and after the bomb dropped Simon was wearing the crown more and more to keep himself and this random little vampire girl named Marceline safe in the post-apocalyptic Wasteland so inevitably the crown overtakes Simon and he goes full Ice King completely forgetting everything about his own life running off on his own leaving Marceline behind and spending the rest of his days kidnapping princesses oh I get it now this was Heavy we don't find any of this out until season 3 and it's pretty much the First Time Adventure Time really Dove deep into character development and considering the rest of the show was [Laughter] this yeah it hit pretty hard but that's not even the worst thing to come out of the mushroom wars n that would be the Lich this ready for picture day looker is a being of ultimate Unstoppable evil that Princess Bubblegum keeps in her attic she's managed to contain him for while but just when she decides to show him to Finn and Jake he escapes you need better security than just tree sap bubblegum you're better than that and of course then the Ice King kidnaps PB again this is a good day Finn gives the Lich a good beat down and I'm sure that will be the only time in this entire series that he ever has to defeat him oh wait spoke too soon the L is now inside Princess Bubblegum and she's turning into a giant monster if Finn and Jake team up with the Ice King to freeze her she falls over breaks into a bunch of pieces and the doctors couldn't find all the gum to bring her back to normal so now she's younger is that how that works like if I lose an arm does that mean I'm like 5 years younger but this is actually pretty interesting because Finn's been crushing on bubble gum this whole show and now they're the same age there was like a 5year age gap between them but actually not because bubble gum's like 900 years old but we don't know that at the time so for while we know they're the same age so this could be a really interesting exploration of their friendship Dynamic and how this changes things between them but but no we don't see PB again for like six episodes at which point she is immediately returned back to normal yep so right when Finn finally had a chance to well have a chance with bubblegum it's tossed out the window like that and Finn uh he doesn't take it well dude goes all emo wallowing in sadness and cuddling a lock of pb's hair you know like a normal person dude she's not dead she's just too old for you but then he falls in love with another girl Flame Princess in like 5 seconds and starts literally chasing after her you know like a normal person but despite that Finn and Flame Princess actually start hanging out and eventually dating for a while until Finn screws it all up and gets his butt dumped and if things weren't bad enough for our slightly problematic hero Finn's starting to have freaky premonition dreams about the Lich and wouldn't you know it that dang old Lich is back he uses the dead body of Finn's childhood hero to trick Finn into opening a portal to the time room that is an actual sentence that I wrote into a script and said out loud in the time room you can make one wish that creates an alternate Dimension wish reality the Lich uses his wish to extinguish all life but Finn jumps in right behind him and wishes that the Lich never existed and instead of creating a paradox that explodes the universe it instead creates a separate reality where magic doesn't exist except for the crown I guess Finn's now a normal human boy with a nose and a robot arm standard human boy fair and Jake is just a dog they're living on a farm with an actual human family this is so normal that it's weird there's this whole ordeal where the Ice King sacrificed himself to freeze the bomb that caused the apocalypse and with Simon dead the crown was just like H this sucks I'm bored and plunged the earth into a 400-year ice age and now after the world went back to normal that Warhead just kind of sits there still frozen and ready to go go off any day but Finn just sees the crown and is like woo yo big old dummy puts on the crown and [Music] just Finn goes nuts and starts throwing ice everywhere the commotion cracks the Frozen Warhead and what time is it apocalypse time oh well crap oh wait there's Jake you know maybe this ain't all bad oh my God Jake's got a Lup in him this looks like the end for Finn and Jake but then we cut to our Jake still chilling in the time room just watching it all go down it's a good use of time my friend oh that's right Jake can still make a wish to fix all this he wishes to change the L's wish to I wish for Finn and Jake to be back home safe in oo huh that was way easier than I thought it would be but wait does that whole Farm World Dimension still exist it what about the Lich they didn't kill him or anything he's still out there what are they going to do about look puppies Jake and Lady Rainicorn had puppies they grow up by the end of the first episode and don't really play into the plot after that but puppies oh uh and Finn broke his sword now he's got a new one a fancy one that's made out of grass attached to his arm at all times and is apparently cursed I'm sure there's no reason to look into that anymore right now so let's see what's going on with the Ice King wait what so one day Ice King got hit with a wave of some kind of anti-magic reverting him back into Simon and while he's come to his senses he opens up a time portal so he can say goodbye to Betty but Betty pulls a Galaxy brain move and just jumps through the time portal yeah poop Betty runs off to try and find a way to reverse whatever magic is keeping Ice King all Dumbo in the brain and bring back Simon so in the meantime jumping back to Finn dude gets a massive drama bomb dropped on him when he finds out that his dad is still alive and in some giant space prison called the Citadel FN and Jake hop over there immediately but because nothing is ever easy the Lich goes too he starts using goopy gray Gunk to free all the prisoners including this human guy named Martin That's Finn's dad and he's a total bum the Lich starts closing in on Finn as Martin baales to try to escape but Finn douses the Lich with this weird regeneration juice that turns the Lich into a giant baby that's uh that's pretty weird but no time for that right now Finn's dad's about to get away Finn tries to pull down the big rock Martin's escaping on but he just isn't strong enough but then his cursed grass sword randomly switches into Maximum Overdrive to try and help Finn and oh God Finn's arm popped off a and it sprouted a cute little flower but also well that could have gone better Finn and Jake head back to oo leave the giant harmless baby Lich on some old couple's doorstep and things go back to normal for a bit or well as normal as things can be when you've lost an arm H don't worry a bee voiced by Chloe from life is strange falls in love with Finn's weird arm flower and somehow that makes it turn into a tree explode and then turn into a fresh new arm for Finn with a little Thorn sticking out of the Palm I don't know how any of this works hey wait who's that over there oh right Betty forgot she was a thing she's working with this guy named magicman now magic man is a jerk he turned Finn into a giant foot back in season 1 so you can tell he's pretty messed up also he's apparently from Mars so there's that but when their experiment goes wrong Betty winds up absorbing all of magic Man's powers as well as his jerkiness making Betty crazy and magical and making magic man just normal man dude just kind of dips back to Mars after that gee that sucks hey what's going on in the ice kingdom well Ice King's just kind of chilling with his Penguins including his favorite Gunter Gunter Gunther they say it a bunch of different ways in the show and I don't know which one's the right a look how cute he is you would never even guess that he's actually an ancient Cosmic entity called the orgalorg who was banished to Earth for attempting to take over the solar system by consuming the power of a comet that was barreling towards the planet yeah and hey there just so happens to be another Comet barreling towards Earth right now so the orgalorg takes over Gunter and springs into space to try for a doover but Finn goes right up after him only to find his dad in the mouth of a giant moth it makes a bit more sense when you watch the whole show like I said I'm kind of having to oversimplify things here for the sake of time so Finn and Martin wander space for a bit until they find the orgalorg chowing down on a comet Finn jumps inside the orgal org's mouth the thorn in his arm Sprouts into a giant grass tenacle and he absolutely wrecks the orgalorg but uh then the comet breaks open and reveals some other kind of cosmic entity and they're like Finn you were a comet once I guess you lived many lives lives over millions of years you created me or maybe you didn't I don't know hey you want to hang just you and me we can travel to the end and beginning of all things together or I guess you can stay on Earth and do earth junk if you want Finn's like Earth junk please but Martin decides to take the comet up on their deal so Martin doesn't exist anymore and that's the end of season 6 what the heck did I just watch that was the weirdest season finale I've ever seen that was weirder to me than weird mageddon the finale that was meant to be as weird as it could be the first time I saw this it went in my head but all I processed was anyway now it's season 7 and everyone starts calling Princess Bubblegum by her real name for some reason her name is bonnabelle or Bonnie for short they revealed this name in season 2 I but now it's becoming a pretty regular thing so I'm going to do the same thing in my video one day Bonnie's just chilling in this cabin she grew up in when Marceline that vampire girl Simon protected back during the mushroom wars literally bursts in and asks Bonnie to make her not a vampire anymore we've seen Marceline countless times in the series at this point she's a vampire but she's not evil she's friends with Finn and Jake she plays bass she's a fan favorite she just hasn't been super plot relevant till now but trust me her wanting to not be a vampire anymore is a big deal so Bonnie tosses Marceline into this machine and zaps all the vampire vampire out of her but that wakes up a bunch of evil vampires that Marceline had slain years before so Marcy and Bonnie and Finn and Jake take out all the vampires before they can cause trouble bonabelle and Marceline have a lot of really cute bonding moments heavily implying that they got a bit of a past and after doing a bunch of slaying all the vampires are gone well except Marceline by slaying all the vampires she absorbed their powers which means she's back to the way she started but eh she's cool with it now glad we went through all that then so we've kind of danced around this for a while now but what the heck is going on with the whole grass sword thing okay so after Finn got his new arm he started using this new sword that had some kind of sentient Finn Consciousness inside it it's called the fin sword but when someone steals Finn's fin sword making Finn's fin arm Sprout Finn's fin grass sword again he accidentally breaks both of them and that makes Finn big sad and it makes the consciousness of the two swords melt together fast forward a bit and Finn is getting into a huge fight with Susan Strong remember her well now she's not only confirmed to be human but we even find out she's got some kind of funky mods installed in her head that are making her go crazy she beats Finn up and throws him to the ground but Finn's arm is just like oh heck no you do not mess with my rest of me like that and that big grass tentacle Sprouts again knocks Susan on her butt and then totally ditches Finn's arm to go grab Finn's discarded fin sword this boy cannot keep an arm to save his life the two swords merge together and create Fern a sentient grass dude who is convinced he's Finn dude's got a lot of issues to work out so he rides off into the sunset for a while but don't worry he'll be back in the meantime bubblegum gives Finn this fresh new high-tech robot arm that has a bunch of different features and abilities remember that and speaking of robots this giant stingray robot randomly just showed up on oo looking for Susan but it also recognizes Finn for some reason obviously this is suspicious as butt so Finn Jake and Susan all set off to find where this weird Stingray ship came from they end up on this super fancy high-tech Island where they find whoa that's a humans that's a veritable baker's dozen of humans and why does that one look so much like Finn well funny you should ask me because that is Dr manura Finn's mom oh okay you're just going to drop that one on us like that all right minurva lived on this island her whole life this is where she fell in love with Martin and had Finn before a series of unfortunate events led to Martin running away from people trying to hurt him leaving th on a raft in the middle of the ocean while trying to protect him and manura being left on the island by herself with no idea what even happened these days the real manura is not really around anymore because she put herself in cryostasis and uploaded her Consciousness to a ton of robot clones so she could help protect her people from a deadly virus that spread across the island wiped out all their health workers and couldn't be stopped by quarantining okay this just crossed the line into official two real territory and I am not okay with that but yeah now Finn's mom is a Consciousness spread across a ton of robots to keep the human safe and now that her son's come back to her she will not let him leave but Finn's like yo that mess is dumb and stupid and wrong manura is like yeah you're probably right and then they leave oh except Susan this Island's actually where she grew up so she meets up with an old friend and they head off to have new adventures oh and her real name's apparently Cara We don't really see her again after that so Finn and Jake say their goodbyes and head back to oo randomly picking up this vial of nightmare juice from a dream demon on the way back I know that's a little out of nowhere but trust me it's important the guys get back home just in time for season 9 we're in the home stretch here people and good thing too cuz my brain is mushing out on me which is appropriate cuz while Finn and Jake were gone ooh totally mushed out on them place is a mess apparently this ice Elemental patient St Pim used Betty's Newfound crazy magic to cast a mega spell that made the other Elementals go crazy and corrupted all of O splitting it into four sections fire ice candy and slime Betty tells Finn that they can reverse the corruption if they get all the Royal Elemental Jewels but once he does Betty just yinks them and bails ah poop yeah Betty doesn't really give a crap about anything other than Ice King so she tricked Finn into bringing her the jewels so she could run more experiments to bring back Simon but you know that Ice King he's dumb dude doesn't even register what's going on and messes up her whole experiment blowing her up in the process don't worry she's fine she's just on Mars now it makes sense Ice King brings the jewels back to Finn who's hanging out with Lumpy Space Princess now Lumpy's been a fan favorite recurring character since season 1 but she's never really been super plot relevant not until now see LSP here is actually immune immune to the corruption that's messing with O and its people so with all the jewels in hand Lumpy Space Princess suction and cups herself to the ground and runs a full system reset turning everything back to normal hooray LSP served a purpose but things Inu don't stay good for very long Fern starts having a total existential crisis and goes a little bit crazy apparently this magic grass dude randomly developed the power to cloak himself to look exactly like the real fin so he attacks real Finn and tries to kill him so he can take his place you know like a normal person Finn obviously doesn't want to hurt him but he accidentally activates one of his robot arm special abilities that completely mulches Fern so he's dead and as you might expect accidentally murdering someone who looks exactly like you is just a wee bit traumatizing so as we enter Adventure Time's 10th and final season that whole ordeal is weighing really heavily on Finn that is until oops Fern's back and now he's tall and he's got friends friends that look like they could be Princess Bubblegum's family or something well that's because they are these are the bubble gums I don't know if that's their official Collective name but that's what I'm going to call them there's cousin Chay Aunt Loi and Uncle gumbald save that one Princess Bubblegum created them when she was little and things were pretty chill at first but little did Bonnie know her family was secretly consp spiring against her Bonnie was like ain't all this candy nature dope let's plant trees but gumbald was like money he wanted to build apartment buildings and sell merch and stuff and wanted Bonnie to stop standing in his way so we created this goop that would turn Bonnie into a big old dumb Dum and the whole family was in on it that is until Gumball tricks the other two into taking the Dum Dum juice and they got turned into oh wait those are those are candy people we've seen those guys tons of times this whole show this just got way darker dude luckily Bonnie manages to use the Dum Dum juice on gumbald and save herself and that's pretty much how the Candy Kingdom got started but here's the thing when Lumpy Space Princess reset oo in season 9 she also reset these candy people back to their original forms the bubble gums and they want revenge okay this is getting serious like big serious bonnabelle and gumbald are prepared to go to fullon war with each other the troops meet on the battlefield and stuff's about to go down but then Jake jumps in with the nightmare juice how convenient that they just happen to get that right before a war and everyone gets knocked out into a dream state where they work out their differences Finn and ferner cool now and PB and gumbald decide to call a truce except he was actually going to double cross her anyway so Aunt loly jumped in and dumb dummed him that is a very perceptive piece of gum oh and Fern's dying yeah they like killed the grass demon thing inside him during the dream and that's made his body unstable somehow and now he's withering away I don't know the show's weird but yeah looks like the war's off seems like a pretty anticlimactic ending ow crap so this is GB he's an ancient giant demon baby of chaos summoned by Betty and normal man as part of Betty's plans to bring back Simon and goldb is just wrecking the place Ice King goes over to Betty and makes her experiment blow up yeah again classic Ice King but then gulb full-on swallows Finn Betty and Ice King and starts digesting them in his stomach and I don't mean digesting like with stomach acid I mean they are being broken down to their essential forms which is kind of just a convenient way to have the crown reset and have Ice King turned back into Simon permanently which is nice but that reunion is shortlived because the walls start closing in they're going to get smashed dude meanwhile everyone else is still fighting gb's monsters Bubblegum gets fullon crushed and Marceline who I forgot to mention is also there panics but when she realizes Bonnie's okay she rushes over to hug her and a they kiss that's so sweet oh and I guess Finn's going to die or whatever in classic Cartoon Network style everyone starts singing to solve their problems and gulb hates their song so much that his stomach starts opening up letting Simon and Finn Escape Betty stay behind and uses the newly reset Crown to wish that she would become GB herself so that she can leave oo sacrificing herself to keep Simon safe and with that it's all over not everyone made it out alive in the end but the fighting is over and so is Adventure Time we get a really amazing Montage of everyone's lives after the war and a glimpse into the future of O but yeah after all this that is the story of Adventure Time from beginning to end okay hear me out or what if we announce four brand new specials only a year after the finale and thus Adventure Time distant lands was born a series of four original and mostly unconnected Adventure Time specials released on HBO Max over the last year and considering I've already done a big old recap of all 10 Adventure Time seasons it only makes sense to hop back into Adventure Time for a bit to talk distant lands this is everything you need to know about Adventure Time distant lands as usual a lot of things will have to be oversimplified here because there's a lot to get through so this whole shebang starts with beo the sentient Game Boy that lives with Finn and Jake in their first special beo we start with beo out and outer space flying around and singing about starting a potato farm on Mars yeah this is Adventure Time all right but then they're thrown way off course and crash land on a mysterious space station called the drift and this place is in pretty bad shape but no time to think about that now look conflict some aliens are fighting over a glowy green thing but beemo's ship crashes on top of it and that takes care of that naturally they all get a little ticked at beo and chase after him but then swoop beo is saved by this bunny girl named y5 She's a scavenger on the drift looking for useful Tech to bring to some guy named Hugo beo Sparks some interest around the drift after helping stop a breach in its Hull and soon yive and beo are met by this super Shady looking guy named Mr M who I'm like 99.99% sure is Finn's dad Martin we never see his face or anything but I mean Martin Mr M they got the same voice actor yeah uh Theory confirmed and knowing that we know that Mr M here can't be trusted but the gang doesn't know that so they follow him to this giant super Gumball thing called the unity pod and inside the Pod is Hugo an alien elf scientist man who seems to be the leader of this whole place and the one in charge of building the unity pod which he claims will fix all the problems with the drift breaches and malfunctions have been happening all over the place so they got to try and make them not happen but the Pod is missing one last piece called a Genesis Crystal which is trapped in a super dangerous part of the drift called the jungle pod but beo be and beo they're just like I can do it just tell me who I need to kill and Hugo's like all right so beo hops over to the Jungle pod with Mr M grabs the Genesis Crystal and experiences instant regret as the entire pod is thrown into chaos and the plants start chasing after them Mr M makes off with the crystal traps beo inside the Pod and and bimo dies some of the angry plants attack and break them into a million pieces so beemo's dead back at the unity pod y5 discovers that Mr REM has been secretly surveying the entire drift looking for parts to salvage for the unity pod and every time something gets salvaged its pod fails and shuts down that's why the malfunctions and breaches have been happening building the unity pod is actively killing the drift and that's a bad thing y5 is like uh she rushes off to get beo finding their corpse does this count as a corpse anyway y5 takes Beemo to get fixed up by oh another bimo bot huh so yeah this is SEO a way older bot very similar to beo who was actually created by Hugo and they're like Hugo oh yeah that guy sucks that Unity pot is just his ticket to ditch this place and leave you losers behind so yeah that's bad but hey beemo's back together that's a silver in so the gang runs back to the unity pod to expose Hugo for the fraud he is and give the guy credit he comes clean pretty easily he's like yeah I totally just built this thing so I can zap all your power and bounce and now that Mr M's given him the Genesis Crystal Hugo starts up the Pod hops inside and smashes the controls what are we going to do well beemo's like why don't we all just unplug the Pod and Chuck it into space before it can zap the power and everyone else is just like oh yeah yeah okay so they do that hooray the drift is saved and Hugo and Mr M are aimlessly floating through space and with that it's time for beo to Mosey on they set back off into space and fly to oh Earth where they meet a little human boy in a stupid hat and a magic yellow dog surprise this was a prequel the whole time and that's beo one special down three to go next up obsidian we start this one in a new location for the series as far as I can remember leave me alone the glass Kingdom a long time ago this place was attacked by a giant dragon called Moto larvo but was saved by by our favorite vampire demon basist Marceline the Vampire Queen she sang a song and the dragon backed off retiring inside a mountain called the furnace a place where glass citizens used to go to fix themselves when they got cracked Flash Forward many many many years later and a young glass boy sneaks into the furnace to try and fix a crack in his head that everyone makes fun of him for and naturally stumbling into the resting place of the dragon that nearly wiped out your entire civilization is a bad idea glass boy accidentally wakes up motto larvo putting the entire glass Kingdom in immediate terrible danger so to make up for dooming his people glass boy sets off to find Marceline who's been living a pretty chill normal life with her girlfriend Princess Bubblegum yeah so I know the last special was a prequel but we're off into sequel town now glass boy makes it to Marceline's house and is like help but Marceline and bubblegum are actually kind of hesitant to say yes glass boy just like come on seriously so it's off to the glass Kingdom cut to the furnace where Marcy reprises her old song and and it's a diss track at bubblegum yeah so the song Marceline played all those years ago came from an argument between her and Bubblegum and that became the day they first broke up way back when so this is more than a little awkward and worst of all it don't work so out of nowhere bubblegum calls in a surprise giant bird who drops a fancy force field machine down that manages to keep molto larvo inside the furnace for now basically bubblegum had a secret plan B this whole time in case Marceline failed which is also more than a little awkward and leads to another argument bubble gums plans fall through and molto larvo is now loose in the city things are going really well glass boy lures the dragon into the furnace Marci and PB chase after him and a malfunction with the force field caused by these three characters who are lame so I don't want to talk about them all leads to Glass boy Marceline and bubblegum getting trapped inside the furnace the dragon is stuck under some Rubble for now so with what little time they have left Marceline and bubblegum make up and Marcy sings a really sweet love song a song that causes molto larvo to get all introspective apparently they used to be this cute little fish thing that went into hiding after being attacked and nearly killed they covered up their scar with a shell and over the years grew old and angry but after hearing Marceline's song They removed the shell the scar starts glowing and then they uh they break open and turn into a glowing cat butterfly how many animals is this thing so the dragon's not a threat anymore Marcy Bubblegum and glass boy managed to escape from the furnace and that's basically it next special wizard City okay so for this one we got to start with the character I kind of glossed over in my first recap Peppermint Butler long running character in the show Princess bubblegums Butler also an avid user of dark magic near the end of the original series he came into contact with dumb Dum juice the stuff made by Bubblegum's evil uncle gumbald that turns anyone it touches into a harmless stupid candy person so when Peppermint Butler got DED with it he reverted back to a stupid little baby mint now many years later baby peppermint is trying to attend a magic school in Wizard City to learn to become a powerful dark wizard again the only problem is in Wizard City dark magic is illegal and funnily enough a peppermint Butler is also illegal in Wizard City yeah apparently this dude is an Infamous and feared dark wizard here banned from ever returning so yeah that's not going to make life easier for our little peppermint boy and he's already not having the best time he donked up his audition for Magic School only barely got accepted he's getting bullied by these cool kids and he got shoved into the loser house with this girl named cadra cadra is really not interested in real magic she prefers stage magic slight a hand the fake junk she's also the niece of classic Adventure Time character abracadaniel so that's kind of neat but you know what's not neat murder hey uh editor fofy here I'm about to start talking about a character named sper and I just realized that I called him saber like the entire video I've been editing this video for a very long time and honestly I don't really feel like re-recording those lines right now so just know between you and me anytime I call this guy saber I meant sper is that okay cool thanks one night peppermint boy's bully saber mysteriously goes missing and is thought to be dead and saber's friend Blaine starts suspecting peppermint boy might have had something to do with it you know what with his poor relationship with saber his use of dark magic and the fact that a ghostly Apparition of the real Peppermint Butler barfed itself out of peppermint boy's mouth and told him to show saber who's boss loudly in the same room as Blaine yeah yeah it's going to raise suspicion so Blaine starts snooping around peppermint boy's stuff discovers his identity through a photo album of all things really think he would have left that one at home and of course calls the cops on him so our hero is now being arrested as the main suspect of a murder that's always a good thing but peppermint boy manages to escape the cops and runs off into hiding now here's where things get weird fast and simplifying it for this recap is only going to make it more weird but just stick with me here peppermint boy is found by cadra and one of their teachers who's like peppermint boy I'm so glad you're safe here follow me into this dark tomb and check out this wicked throne with a skeleton on it uh okay that's pretty out of nowhere also that skeleton looks familiar why are people in robes emerging from the Shadows yeah okay so this is the Tomb of koki the resting place of a giant Cosmic entity who seems to be where all the magic and oo came from or something like that the people in the robes are a bunch of teachers from the school looking to revive C ande and bring about a new age of Terror and dark magic cool all they have to do is find a worthy host who can handle all the dark magic and power which they've not had much luck with but a dark wizard like peppermint Butler would be the perfect candidate so they give peppermint boy ior it's some gross goopy magic junk that oozes out of C and's corpse apparently it contains their power peppermint boy drinks it and oh my God he morphs into this giant uncontrollable monster kills all the teachers hardcore and it's about to wreak havoc all over wizard City but just then cadra swoops in and uses her fun stage magic to distract peppermint monster so she can deliver one swift magic punch to the gut peppermint monster barfs up the iic core returns to normal and the world is saved yeah there's some stuff about how peppermint boy doesn't want to be like peppermint Butler that ghost to pep butt that lives in his mouth evaporates into nothingness peppermint boy and cadra are friends forever now and that's pretty much the end of this very very normal special oh and that skeleton was definitely saber a child was murdered in this special no need to address that because we've reached the final special together again we're finally back with our favorite boys Finn and Jake and guess what they're dead yep our good boy Finn has found himself in the afterlife dead as a door nail and despite now being one of the many many corpses in this video Finn is just super excited to finally meet up with Jake again in the afterlife but instead of finding his long lost friend who passed away many years ago Finn finds this fox dude okay I know this guy's a returning character but I can't remember his name for the life of me hold on oh oh he's just called Mr Fox I could have guessed that Finn's like take me to my dog and Mr Fox is just like yeah yeah you're going to have to take that up with management so Finn barges into this Castle to meet with death but we've seen death in adventure time before and uh this ain't them yeah this is new death the son of Old Death who accidentally inherited the job after killing his dad dude killed death by all accounts that should have caused a paradox that consumed all a time in space but nah new death's just kind of a jerk he thinks all this afterlife junk is stupid and is just trying to destroy it all so yeah I should probably explain the place Finn's at right now is called the dead worlds a form of Afterlife with 50 different levels level one is endless misery and level 50 is basically Nirvana Souls can rest in their assigned dead worlds or they can be reincarnated for another chance of life and new death wants to get rid of all of that legit he wants the afterlife to just be the endless misery and nothing else so Finn's got to stop him well kind of he mainly just wants to find Jake so he runs off and starts hopping from dead world to dead world looking for him apparently that dude made it all the way to dead World 50 so Finn's got a lot of searching to do meanwhile new death just keeps blowing up all the other dead worlds but the only one he can't access is number 50 so when Finn eventually finds Jake and he descends from Nirvana new death just hops in and takes his opportunity to blow the place up since sending every single soul down to dead world one the one that sucks a lot and I mean even for Finn and Jake trying to take on death himself is kind of a big ask so things are looking pretty hopeless that is until Jake suggests contacting someone outside the dead worlds and Finn's just like you could do that this whole time so they contact Peppermint Butler who's looking back to his old self again he uses magic to Grant Finn and Jake temporary access to the realm of the Goddess life life being the person who gives Souls well blood and she's also new death's mom but she's pretty uninterested in helping the crumbling dead worlds or even dealing with her son at all that is until she learns he's trying to get rid of reincarnation then she gets mad didn't care at all until it affected her personally unbelievable so life gives Finn and Jake a magic stick called The Kiss of Life claiming it has the power to conquer death like literally this stick will kill her son but uh remember how I said new death accidentally inherited the responsibilities of Old Death after he killed him yeah who whoever takes out new death is going to have to become new new death so that's going to be a problem but things only get worse when we discover that new death this entire time has been puppeted by Guess Who that's right it's the freaking Lich again you know the Lich one of the main recurring villains from the show who just never quite seems to be gone for good yeah him even in death Finn and Jake cannot escape this guy so now it's a final Faceoff between Finn and Jake and the death Lich holy crap that's a cool name but Finn and Jake know that whichever one of them takes him out has to become the new new death and they start fighting each other over who's going to sacrifice themselves but then Mr Fox randomly walks in sees them arguing over the kiss of life and just yinks it from him the death Lich attacks Mr Fox uses the stick bab bing bada boom Mr Fox is the new new death and just for good measure Jake flings what's left of the Lich out into the NeverEnding void so things in the dead world can go back to normal now and all that's left is for Finn and Jake to settle down into their dead worlds but Finn decides he'd rather take another shot at life he spent so much time just waiting to be with Jake again so he wants to be reincarnated and live a new life one where he can be more in the moment instead of just waiting to die I guess but Jake's like eh I'm just going to come with you they hop back into the world of the living ready to be reincarnated and with that we reach the end of Finn and Jake's story for real this time and with it the true final ending of Adventure Time oh come on there's a spin-off now venture time is just never going to end is it this Cartoon Network classic from like 2010 ran for a whole 10 seasons then scored an extra four specials only like a year later and now the Adventure Time Universe expands even more with the new spin-off series Fiona and Cake so where all this come from well this junk goes all the way back to 2011 in season 3 episode 9 of Adventure Time Fiona and Cake this was a fun alternate universe Story featuring an entirely gender swapped version of The Adventure Time cast Finn was now Fiona Jake was cake Princess Bubblegum was Prince Gumball Ice King was the ice queen etc etc and speaking of the Ice King The Twist of the whole episode was that it was all of fanfiction made up by the Ice King and now that little one-off episode from 12 years ago has become the springboard for a whole new much more adult oriented Adventure Time spin-off series that's right Ice King can swear now and of course another season of Adventure Time means now I got a swoop in with my dumb voice and bad drawings to recap the whole series for you right here not to replace watching the show or anything but just to be like I don't know a spark notes version but I have to say now Fiona and Cake isn't just some silly cartoon spin-off this is a full Canon continuation of the Adventure Time series and it is not particularly friendly to newcomers to fully understand and appreciate the places this show goes you kind of got to know your Adventure Time lore all 13 years of it I'm not joking this stuff goes pretty deep right out of the gate so if you haven't seen it already you may want to check out my other recap of the main Adventure Time series and the distant land speci specials to get a quick Refresh on the mountain of lore this show is based on and with all that said this is everything you need to know about Adventure Time Fiona and Cake so we start the series with Fiona and Cake waking up from a weird dream where they were in a magical world fighting evil and saving people and stuff but that's silly that's not what Fiona and Cake is she just stupid Fiona is not a Fearless warrior in a magical world she's just your average 20 something in a crappy apartment having trouble keeping a job and cake is just a cat Reg cat look at my friend's cat regular cat just like him Fiona lives your average city sitcom lifestyle with her friends Gary prince bubblegum and Marshall Lee Marceline who I'm sure won't have their differences but discover their two sides of the same coin and ultimately get together in a very sweet and romantic way I have absolutely no reason to believe any of that will happen based on any past Source material so anyway uh Fiona's having a bad day she got fired from her job cakes's acting up and for some reason neither of them can get that weird dream off their mind Fiona keeps thinking about this Ice Prince she saw in the dream and cake has just become absolutely fascinated by Ice stuff in general like it makes her act all crazy to the point that she ran off jumped inside an ice cream vendor's cart and just disappeared straight up vanished meanwhile in a more familiar territory we find Simon Petrov in the land of U you remember him right that dude who put on a cursed crown that made him go crazy and become the Ice King yeah in the main Adventure Time finale he was turned back into his normal self thanks to his old love Betty Who summoned an unimaginable demon of chaos called GB and then sacrificed herself to become GB so that Simon could be safe yeah like I said the show really expects you to know your Adventure Time lore going in so Simon is not doing so hot either he's a 20th century dude who just blinked back into Consciousness in an insane surreal post-apocalyptic future full of magic and junk dude's like a Living Museum exhibit here literally his house is also a museum exhibit for people to learn about the 20th century Simon just doesn't fit in with all these new future humans living on an island full of clones of Finn's mom please know your lore before watching the show but he also feels out of place in the more magical parts of U2 plus his relationship to his past life as the Ice King is complicated and that complicated relationship also extends to Fiona and Cake the fanfic that the Ice King wrote he hates being reminded of them but they've actually caught on as kind of a popular Story series with everyone in oo so people are constantly asking him about it dude's just lost even kind of Misses being the Ice King he's like you know things were so simple back then you know sometimes I even like to dress up as the Ice King I've made the costume myself I'd go to conventions and everything you know there were a lot of people there dressed up like you Finn damn oh okay uh maybe not exactly like you now yeah Finn's buff now doesn't really matter just felt like pointing it out since Finn doesn't actually show up too much in this series anyway uh back at his house turns out Simon's been into some freaky stuff he's been secretly working on a spell in order to open a portal to find gb/ Betty but instead a portal randomly opens in the back of his head and out pops cake and eventually Fiona too oh I get it Fiona and Cake exist in a physical alternate Dimension existing solely inside Simon's head okay I see it I get it no seriously that makes total sense as weird as it sounds alternate universes are absolutely a thing in Adventure Time going back to like season 5 see there's this dude named prismo the Wishmaster he's a pink shadow on a wall who exists only in this thing called the time it's a little yellow cube in space prismo grants wishes to people and those wishes tend to create new wish altered realities so prismo also watches over the resulting Multiverse but you know one day dude just got bored and decided to make his own universe but after creating his characters he realized he kind of just copied Finn and Jake and just ran with it that's Fiona and Cake but uh creating your own universe is a big big like Cosmic no no prismo basically broke some kind of multi-dimensional law by creating an unauthorized world that is literally not allowed to be part of the Multiverse so to hide it he just Zapped it into the Ice King's Noggin not not like he was using it for all that much but when Ice King lost his magic and turned back into Simon the magical Universe in his brain also got turned into just a normal town in like the late '90s or something so that's how we got to here and when prismo sees that his world has gone Rogue and crossed over into another he panics zaps Fiona and Cake into the time room and is like wait why are you like that and he snaps his fingers and boom Fiona and Cake are now on model cake is now a full-fledged magical talking creature and Fiona got a costume change prismo then zaps Simon into the room where we get to see his time bu prismo finds out what Simon's been up to trying to open portals and junk and they start arguing about it blah blah blah but they can't really waste too much time because then the Scarab shows up the Scarab is a quote unquote God auditor who's out here keeping Cosmic entities in line the crossover between two worlds one of them being being unauthorized caught his attention and now he's on the hunt to expose prismo's crime turn him into their boss take down the unauthorized universe and then take over prismo's job to control the Multiverse himself that's bad that's a lot of bad so in a last ditch effort to save them prismo gives Fiona and cake or a mo control that lets them hop through the Multiverse at will the Scarab then traps prismo in this weird little Cube prison Fiona cake and Simon all escape and just like that the chase is on Fiona and Cake are on the run the scarabs chasing them through the Multiverse and Simon it's just kind of there too well okay that's not fair once they're all safe in this uh random corn Dimension Simon does come up with a plan in order to save Fiona and Cake's world and make it magical again he's going to find another magic Crown in the Multiverse and use it to become the Ice King again yeah I know he said he kind of hated being the Ice King but he also kind of hates himself now so he doesn't really view his life as meaningful so he's just kind of willing to like just toss it and no one really questions that so it's a hunt for the crown Crown unfortunately in this world the crown was destroyed straight down to ashes but they were able to find one of the Crown's Jewels using it to mod the remote to track the crown through other universes so the gang just kind of hopped from world to world for a couple of episodes you know meeting different Universe versions of themselves who are sometimes really cool sometimes really lame and sometimes seem really cool but turn out to be really lame and you learn a lesson by the end but throughout the whole thing no Crown baby Dimension baby Dimension next after a few hop the gang lands in a version of oo that's just completely Barren no one and nothing anywhere and to make things worse their remote is completely busted so they are stuck so while they explore the Wasteland Simon tells Fiona all about Betty how they met fell in love went on adventures and how Betty kind of sacrificed a lot of her future just to be with Simon in more ways than one but the sentimental stories get cut short when the gang finds beo hooray but then bimo tells the gang that literally everyone is dead n poop but Beemo does try to fix the remote by hooking it up to their robot heart hooray but it doesn't work poop oh and beo dies again man things are not going well you know it's Times Like These in the original series where the only way things could get worse is if the L showed up oh come on so quick refresher the Lich is one of the main villains from the original Adventure Time show pops up all the time he's just this evil monstrous Cosmic entity of death and this Dimension is one where he succeeded in his ultimate goal of eradicating all life on Earth but you know with no more life on the planet dude's got nothing else to do he's just kind of bummed out so he's actually not a threat for once and of course with all life eradicated and the remote still busted Fiona cake and Simon are yeah they're pretty much toast so reluctantly Fiona reveals the crown yeah while exploring the remains of what used to be the ice kingdom with bimo Fiona and Cake found some old home videos of the Ice King and not only did Fiona find out where the Ice King hid the crown through these tapes she also saw how miserable Simon was was as the Ice King so she did grab the crown hoping Simon wouldn't have to use it but there's no more options Simon takes the crown and uses the magic of the Lich to reopen the portal in the back of his head so Fiona and Cake can jump back into their world but once they're back and safe the Scarab appears ready to strike but then the Lich hijacks Simon's spell opening another portal that leads to Gold Betty G Betty it's GB but it's Betty they just call her G Betty and I don't I don't like it and the L is like I am so bored please tell me my new purpose but then goetti turns him into a Tetris block so he's dead I guess you can never really be sure with that one but with him out of the way Simon can finally try and talk to Betty he tells her all about Fiona and Cake and has planed to become the Ice King again and save their world but uh go Betty is not having it remember Betty spent multiple seasons of the original show trying to turn the Ice King back into Simon that's why she's going open the first place so to stop him she zaps Simon to another Universe where his Consciousness takes over shery the silly little rabbit guy we only ever saw at the very very end of The Adventure Time finale man they're really pulling out all the Obscure Adventure Time lore for this one while Simon figures out how to navigate all of that his real body is still frozen back with gbti just in time for the Scarab who's also there to wake up see the portal to Fiona and Cake's world still open in the back of Simon's head and finally take his chance to kill Simon and eradicate the Rogue universe but of course go Betty's not going to let that happen she splits the Scarab into a bunch of tiny little scarab beetles but while that might have saved Simon it doesn't stop the Beatles from crawling through the portal and invading Fiona and Cake's World things go wrong very quickly the scarab beetles overrun Fiona and Cake's world and soon reform into the full-fledged Scarab who then starts wreaking absolute Havoc zapping bits of the world completely out of existence Fiona cake and Gary and Marshall who are actually dating now huh who could have seen that coming all try to fight back but the Scarab is just too powerful and seeing her world just crumbling around her Fiona realizes that she doesn't want this world to be changed and turned magical she wants the world she's had this whole time and she's willing to fight for it so that everyone she knows and loves can either live or die as themselves meanwhile Simon as shery finds a book on ancient artifacts that that dimension's version of Simon wrote which uh weirdly takes the form of a Choose Your Own Adventure video game book gun thing and the story is basically a complete allegory for Simon and Betty's relationship and in playing the game Simon realizes how often Betty sacrificed things in her life to be with Simon and how he never really did the same for her this Revelation zaps Simon back into his own body where he apologizes to Betty and realizes that his life isn't meaningless like he believed before and with that Simon's phone rings and Fiona tells him everything that's going on in her world World Simon nearly puts on the crown to try and help but Fiona says no Simon doesn't know what to do so in a fit of rage he throws the crown into the abyss but then uh he he burps out a dandelion okay this is Fiona's World apparently and he just kind of like knows that he just is like instinctively he just like oh Fiona's world what is sandelion in his pink and Simon sends the dandelion through his head portal to Fiona this all sounds so weird when you just have to write it out like this makes a wish and blows on the dandelion spreading its pedals all across town mirroring this Betty then picks up Simon and sends him flying back off to his own universe and all of this whether it was goetti or the dandelion wish or whatever has actually made Fiona's World legit it was no longer an unauthorized Rogue Dimension it's now part of the Multiverse so all of the scarabs damage just up and reversed itself but at this point Scarab doesn't really care authorized or not he just wants to burn this universe to the ground but back at the time time room prismo finally breaks out of that little Cube prison he was in and sees what's happening in Fiona's world so he sends in a Cavalry of every single friend Fiona and cake made across the Multiverse to help them fight including this little squirrel guy with magic fruit from episode 3 who I totally forgot to mention the magic fruit makes Fiona grow 100t tall and she uses that strength to absolutely squash the Scarab their friends then steal the scarabs weapon and toss it up to cake who then uses it to trap the Scarab in this weird Little Egg thing and finally the day is saved everyone helps rebuild Fiona's world after all the chaos the Scarab gets sentenced to become prismo's Apprentice in the time room and they kind of become friends I think and Simon gets a new lease on life back in his own Universe they even show him actually in therapy love that for and that is Adventure Time Fiona and Cake this is the best thing Adventure Time's ever done no joke I think this is the best most well-crafted story that has ever come out of the Adventure Time franchise and the best part is is that it uses every single bit of the show's history to do it seriously how many other shows are able to be at the top of their game like this more than a decade after their Premiere it blows my mind and if this is the note that Adventure Time finally ends on after 13 years they would be ending on an amazing high note but eh who am I kidding the next three seasons five spin-offs and new mobile game tie-ins have probably already been announced by the time this video even goes up how am I supposed to pretend you're not over if you never leave amphibia I have been dying to make a video on this cartoon man amphibia is by far one of the best shows to come from Disney Channel recently and considering their lineup that's saying something but if I'm talking about it that can only mean one thing the show's over and I'm about to get up here and spoil the whole dang thing with some stupid drawings as usual there's a lot to cover and I ain't trying to make an hour long video so I do got to oversimplify some things these Recaps are not a replacement for watching the actual show please if you like this video go watch amphibia it's on Disney plus trust me it'll be a much different experience than watching this video but with all that said this is everything you need to know about amphibia frog show so amphibia is all about this girl named Anne Bon Choy who along with her friends Sasha wbite and Marcy woo get magically transported to another dimension full of giant talking frog people this is how the show begins they were sent to amphibia through this crazy looking music box they found at a Ponch shop but apparently a travel by music box portal isn't very reliable because all three of them landed in totally different parts of amphibia and what's worse after arriving the music box loses power see those stones see how they lost their color yeah box don't work no more leaving and stuck in another dimension to fend for herself completely and utterly alone oh hey look frogs these are the Planters Polly sprig and hot pop they're a farm family from the nearby town of artwood Paulie's a little tadpole who's got a lot of attitude for someone with no legs sprigs an excitable troublemaker and Hop Pop is their responsible Grandpa who's voiced by goofy I'm old I'm elderly Anne runs into sprig in the middle of the woods they fight a giant praying mantis an's eyes glow blue for a second that's weird they survive and the Planters take an in to help her find her friends and get home Anne then gives the Planters the rundown on how she wound up an amphibia in the first place even handing the music box over to Hop Pop and at first he's like eh but when an's not looking he's like yeah so so apparently hop hop did some research and found out this music box is incredibly dangerous I mean it's literally called the Calamity box naturally Hop Pop freaks out and buries that thing in the front yard covering his tracks by telling an that he sent it to some contacts of his to get more information I'm sure this will end well but besides all that this first season mostly follows an just getting used to life in amphibia bonding with the Planters going on adventures and putting the citizens of wart wood in Mortal Danger on a regular basis that is until look it's Sasha a Founder do we uh are we supposed to kill her or so yeah Anne reunites with one of her human friends Sasha she's a popular kind of mean girl type who has a history of bossing her friends around to get her way it's complicated but foran it's just nice to know that she's alive wait is that an army of toads yeah so when Sasha landed in amphibia she was found and captured by the toad Army there a sort of tyrannical law enforcement in amphibia kind of meant to keep the frogs in line at first Sasha was their prisoner but managed to impress them enough to eventually become second in command to their leader Captain Grime who looks Pleasant so toads hate frogs Sasha is working for the Toads ands friends with the frogs naturally there's going to be a little conflict here like I don't know trapping the people of artwood inside the toad Army's Tower and planning to feed hop hop to a giant carnivorous plant because they think he's leading a rebellion yeah yeah this is the that oversimplifying part I was talking about hop hop ran for mayor against a toad at one point and lost but apparently challenging toad Authority turned him into some kind of revolutionary figurehead I don't know all that matters is the frogs are trapped and Anne is super mad at Sasha for putting her friends in danger but Sasha's like dude they're slimy little creatures who cares stop being annoying yeah remember how I said Sasha like to boss an around we really get a look at how toxic their friendship is here an says no Sasha's like what and Ann's like uh-oh an and Sasha leap into an intense swordfight a top toed Tower but uh-oh the tower's exploding don't ask the ground starts to crumble beneath Sasha and she nearly plummets to her death Anne tries to help but Sasha willingly lets herself fall saying Ann's better off without her she falls but is saved Just In Time by Captain Grime that rhymed that rhymed so Sasha didn't die and she and the toad Army are forced into hiding after you know imprisoning an entire town and trying to kill innocent Grandpa which brings us to season 2 this time around the gang's on a road trip to visit the king of amphibia and see if he can help an get home his name is Andreas he rules in a big city called nutopia and he's real tall long story short the gang makes it all the way to nutopia and finds Marcy yeah apparently when the music box tossed her into amphibia she landed right in nutopia and befriended King Andreas Marcy's an excitable nerd who has somehow managed to learn everything about out everything in amphibia in just a couple months heck she's even an utopian Knight now so she takes the gang to meet Andreas and we get some more info on that music box apparently this thing is an ancient amphibian artifact used to visit other worlds and all they got to do to get it working again is visit three temples to charge up the three stones on top of the box but of course in order to do that they first got to get the box back from Hop Pop's Conta oh oh this is where that not ending well happens an finds out that hop poop buried the Box in their yard and has been lying to her for months will Anne be able to forgive hop poop for his betrayal yes well okay it's more complicated than that it's here we get some backstory on poly and brig's parents how they were killed by these giant birds and how hop hop blames himself for not being there to save them and he explains to an that ever since that happened he's just done anything he could to protect his family so when he found out the music box was dangerous he panicked and got rid of it and he apologized ol to Anne for lying Anne accepts his apology and even though it takes a while she learns to trust Hop Pop again so with the heavy stuff out of the way the gang takes the music box and explores some temples which goes smoothly Marcy's eyes glowed green for a second that's weird and they charge up the first two stones along the way meanwhile Sasha's been working with the Toads to lead a rebellion against Andreas her eyes glowed pink for a second that's weird and King andreus is talking to a large multi-eyed creature about revenge I'm sure that's nothing to worry about and look an and the Gang just made it to the final Temple uh-oh yep it's time for an unexpected reunion as Sasha and gri show up to the temple to make amends mhm sure the last Stone gets charged up and they all return to nutopia where I'm sure no one will double cross anyone Sasha betrays an by overthrowing King Andreas who then betrays pretty much Everyone by revealing he plans to use the music box to destroy other worlds and Marcy betrays an and Sasha by revealing she basically got them all stuck in be on purpose because her parents were going to move she didn't want to be separated from her friends and she just happened to read about and find the Calamity box all on the same day yeah that's uh that that's a lot to take in safe to say everyone's pretty uncomfortable but no time for awkward silence we got to do something about Andreas it's time for a fight huh would' you look at that Andreas attacks with his army of robot guards and it's uh it's not going great especially not for sprig who just gets tossed right out of window a might be a good time to remind everyone that this Castle is currently floating miles above the ground so uh not liken sprigg's chances here and naturally an is so shocked and heartbroken over this that she channels the energy of the blue Calamity Stone and suddenly gains insane otherworldly superpowers what's up yeah you heard me superpowers an launches into the air and starts beating up Andreas but then she's like apparently these superpowers don't last forever so Ann's in trouble but while she was fighting Andreas Marcy got to work she managed to save sprig by calling us Surprise giant bird and then stole the music box and opened a portal back to Earth so everyone could Escape anbri Polly and hop hop all jump into the portal and Marcy's just about to follow them when King Andreas kills Marcy literally stabbing her in the back and an's like oh no my friend dead okay okay yeah yeah sorry I can't really joke about this part can I this is legit the most shocking moment I have ever seen in a family cartoon Disney or otherwise we just had a brutal onscreen Murder In Cold Blood on the Disney Channel but before we can even process what's happened the portal closes sending an and the Planters to the human world that's right in a matter of minutes everything about the show has changed and we've reached season 3 amphibia final season an and the Planters are stuck in the human world Sasha is still trapped in amphibia Andreas is wreaking havoc and Marcy dead so an and the Planters spend about half the season in La hanging out with Anne's parents avoiding a killer robot s oh hanging with Anne's parents avoiding a killer robot sent by Andreas as well as this FBI agent named Mr X who wants to capture the giant talking frog people that just showed up on Earth and is also just straight up RuPaul like no subtlety they got RuPaul for this character so they they they made this character Rupal and while all of this is going on the gang still has to find a way back to amphibia without the music box luckily they befriended a museum Creator named Dr Jan and the scientist named Terry who didn't run away at the first sign of giant talking frog people and agreed to help them out miraculously this team is actually able to build a working portal machine and with the help of an's new blue energy powers they're able to open up a portal and return to amphibia oh god what happened here well unsurprisingly that's all Andreas ever since Anne left amphibia he's been growing his robot armies preparing to invade Earth and absolutely Wrecking amphibia in the process Al the while Sasha has turned over a new Leaf for real this time and is working with Grime to form a resistance group to take back amphibia not for the toads but for the people and and the Planters join the resistance and start recruiting more teams to join their forces and also while exploring their secret headquarters located underneath the planter house sprick finds this mysterious blank letter and he's like wow this is garbage I'mma keep it for no reason but I'm sure that won't be important later so anyway Sasha and Ann are back together what about Marcy I mean yeah last we saw of her she was dabbling and being murdered but hey maybe you can recover from a massive flaming fatal stab wound to the Torso you don't know oh look there she is safe and sound clinging to life in an ominous stasis pot underneath andreas' Castle I told you she was fine but this definitely isn't normal Andreas clearly needs Marcy for something which brings us all the way back to that giant monster he was talking to last season this is the core a giant artificial hive mind made up of all the smartest amphibian ancestors memories smooshed into one including andreas' very strict and controlling dad fine I'll start the flashback so long ago when Andre was just a prince he was close friends with this frog named girl spri uh uh no sorry Leaf her name was Leaf she's upbeat adventurous and definitely not a distant relative to the Planters she just looks exactly like sprig for I don't know tax benefits one day Andre was showing Leaf the Calamity box and for context this box was very important to amphibia back then using it to conquer other worlds allowed nutopia to be insanely technologically advanced it was like the backbone of their entire way of life but as Leaf was checking it out she accidentally pressed all three stones and somehow had this crazy vision of the Moon crashing into amphibia Majora's Mask style and she was like hey I think using this box is going to kill everyone but the King was like but iPad and War dude really forget it yoink Leaf steals the Box runs away and hides the Box on Earth so no one would ever find it or well we know how that worked out and when she returned to amphibia she started a new life outside of nutopia and under a new name Lily planter and the rest is H whatever meanwhile andreas' dad was like son you goofed it and I'm not proud of you oh man Andreas held an insane grudge against leaf ever since then making it his life's goal to get the box back and make things up to his dad who's now part of the core and this flashback is over so the core is a big bad thing but what does that have to do with Marcy well the core needs a host a body it can inhabit in order to enact its plans and guess who Andreas brought as a sacrifice yep the core takes control of Marcy via This creepy helmet absorbing her mind into the core taking over her body and creating the new villain Darcy you know like dark Marcy that that that that right there is going to make some things complicated but soon the day of andreas' invasion of Earth finally arrives and the resistance is ready a fullon war breaks out between the resistance Fighters and Andre's robot armies and I ain't talking about an Adventure Time war where everyone just meets on the battlefield and then goes to sleep this we get like actual fighting here all the while our heroes sneak into andreas' floating castle and steal the music box hooray what what why why are you looking at me like that of course Darcy captures them and now plans to kill Anne sever her connection with the music box and restore its full power but an's like wait would that even work and Darcy's like dang it you're right hold on so you know Anne bought herself some time but that doesn't stop Darcy and Andreas from opening a portal and invading Earth but the gang jumps in after them and enters the final final fight Andre and Darcy start invading ANS Hometown with an army of robots spaceships and even the giant birds that killed sprig and P's parents just rub the salt into that wound and it's up to our heroes to get them to knock it off but they're not alone an's parents join the fight having gone through FBI training with Mr X who's not trying to hunt them down anymore plus there's Dr Jan Terry and a bunch of other people who I didn't have time to talk about an activates her powers and squares off with Andreas she puts up a dang good fight but eventually her powers give out and she collect collapses however she's revived by and I'm not joking here black pink the K-pop group Ann's family blasts their song as if it's your last over the loudspeakers and it jolts an back to full power it is amazing but doesn't last forever as her powers give out again so Andreas is about to kill Anne when sprig leaps in to save the day using Mr X's fancy FBI glasses Mr X misdirect oh oh was that on purpose using m X's fancy FBI glasses sprig discovers a secret message written to Andreas on that random letter he found it's a letter from Leaf to Andreas explaining that even after everything that happened between them she always carried fond memories of Andreas and hoped that moving forward he wouldn't close himself off to others which you know he did reflecting on everything Andreas breaks down crying but up in the castle Darcy sees this and is like but they can only scold Andreas for so long because there is as Sasha there trying to fight him oh and grime too he got his arm chopped off it was a whole thing but while Darcy was yelling at Andreas for having feelings Sasha snuck up behind and slashed the cable connecting the core to Marcy the helmet shuts down the core goes offline and Marcy is free just in time for Andreas to give up the fight and get absolutely obliterated by an's final attack apparently he was part robot the whole time who would have thought but that's it right the gang saves Earth and returns to amphibia to celebrate oh no no no no because the core is still active the helmet straight up throws these creepy legs flies to the moon and starts piloting it to crash into amphibia in a last ditch effort to come out on top so so yeah Leaf Leaf's uh prediction was right just maybe not in the way they thought but whatever look danger and it's up to an and Sasha and Marcy to stop it yes using the power of the stones Sasha and Marcy receive superpowers of their own and they all fly off to have a crazy anime fight against the moon I guess calling it an anime fight kind of sounds like a joke but no Marcy straight up calls it an anime thing the show just runs with it and it's animated so well like good Lord but it's not enough not the animation the the trying to stop the moon even after andreus redeems himself by sending his robot armies to help uh the moon can't be stopped leaving Anne with no other choice see an Sasha and Marcy get their powers from their matching Stones blue pink and green but an could channel the energy of all three stones if once giving her power so insane that it would basically be an instant win but doing so would kill her and the choice for an was easy she sends Sasha and Marcy back to amphibia calls upon the power of all three stones and eradicates the moon giving her own life to save her friends and then things get weird Anne wakes up on a floating island where she meets an all- knowing allseeing Cosmic entity who takes the form of her pet cat very normal this entity then offers an the chance to take their place and basically become a God and an's like yeah no but because this entity can see the potential in Anne they send her back to continue her life thus Reviving Anne in just the most insane way possible where'd all that come from but with Anne back she and her friends say their goodbyes use the music box one final time and head home never to return yeah they never go back to amphibia everyone moves on with their lives but no one forgets how their time and amphibia shaped they became and that is the end of amphibia you know the funny frog show I got to be real I was not expecting the show about silly frogs to ever involve betrayal War superpowers and so Much Death what an unbelievable cartoon man probably my new favorite from the Disney Channel I'm serious but there's still one question left unanswered how's amphibia going to survive without a moon what effects will this have on the planet's ecosystem is there a backup Moon what's controlling the tides are the water levels in amphibia Rising all right let's see what to recap H star versus the forces of evil n not now Avatar H still haven't seen it Steven Universe maybe I can squeeze a few more videos out of that but nah G screw it I just want to talk about the owl house so if you don't know the owl house is one of the latest hit cartoons to come out of the Disney Channel it's a fantasy comedy adventure Slice of Life thing in the same vein as Gravity Falls and star versus the forces of evil and it is really good I mean it's only one season in but I'm already hooked and since we don't really know when a season 2 is coming I figured why not go ahead and recap everything that's happened so far you know for fun this is everything you need to know about the owl house so far so the owl house is all about this girl named loose she's a quirky nerd with an overactive imagination that always gets her in trouble in fact the first time we see she's in the principal's office for accidentally letting a bunch of snakes loose at school and her mom is just tired of it so she's shipping her off to a summer camp to make her normal top tier parenting right there kid too creative are they too happy just make them someone else's problem for a while and when they get back they'll have the personality of a plank of wood good job but while loose waits for the bus to camp out of nowhere this random owl snatches one of her things and runs off with it in the middle of the day weird she chases the owl into this abandoned rundown house goes through this really creepy looking door and somehow is transported to a crazy Fantasy Realm huh wow that was fast this is the boiling Isles a magical realm built from the remains of a Titan also known as just like a really tall dude all the stuff we consider fantasy junk on Earth yeah all that's real in the boiling aisles fairies Griffins demons witches and more speaking of witches while loose is still freaking out of her somehow jumping Dimensions she meets a witch named AA the owl lady AA is a bit of a scam artist sending her pet owl to the human world through this fold up portal door to collect garbage she can sell to people in the boiling aisles she's also wanted by the police it's a fun fact for you so when loose draws a crowd to EA's little Flea Market booth a cop shows up to arrest her but ita's like ha nah dude it's episode one I ain't getting caught and speeds off taking loose with her they soon wind up at ita's house you know the owl house where loose meets ita's roommate the ferocious the evil the king of demons he's just a tiny little baby AA and loose make a deal AA will help loose get back home if she helps them break into a prison called the conator to steal back king's crown it's not like loose has any other options so she agrees they get inside the prison find King's uh Burger King Crown freaking clickbait start a prison riot and Escape in one piece AA keeps up her half of the deal and opens a portal to send loose home but but uh given the choice between an awesome fantasy world where she can be herself and a boring summer camp that will literally erase all her personality loose makes the pretty obvious choice to stay in the boiling aisles which is good because if she hadn't we wouldn't have a show so now Luc is living in the owl house while lying to her mom that she's at summer camp because apparently there are cell towers that connect between Realms she's working for AA learning to become a witch and finding out that the fantasy life ain't all it's cracked up to be yeah luc's excitement over her magical Fantasy Life goes south pretty fast since e is not really holding uper into the bargain instead of teaching loose about magic she's mostly just given her odd jobs and chores rip up artist my so in the meantime loose goes exploring and makes a couple friends Willow and Gus these two are students at hexside school of magic and demonics yep we got a wizard school on our hands Willow and Gus sneak loose around the school cuz she's not not really supposed to be there and of course hij Jinks and Sue and looses band from hexi by the end of the day and AA loves that we already know she's a bit of a rebel but she really hates this witch school and the entire magic industry is that the right word see in the boiling aisles there are these things called covens they're basically your majors in Magic School the specialty you choose to dedicate your magic powers to sounds cool but when you choose a coven all your other magic is locked away that is unless you make it into the fan pants Emperor's coven AA hates all that so she never joined a coven which is a big no no that's why the cops are always after her she's sticking it to the man man and then there's Lilith Lilith is the leader of the emperor's coven a super powerful witch and aa's sister being the head of the emperor's coven she's the one in charge of hunting down AA she's always trying to catch her arrest her and convince her to just join the emperor's coven already so yeah they don't get along it's pretty easy to see why AA hates all this coven stuff but even with all that she still hasn't done much to teach Luc any magic herself well at least not directly see one of the few times AA reluctantly decided to actually teach loose something she was like h fine just make a circle in the air using the power stored inside the gross green sack attached to your heart and boom but I don't have a green sack attached to my don't care goodbye going to sleep forever well that was a bust oh God giant monster so yeah fun fact eat is cursed she doesn't remember why all she knows is that she has to take her medicine or else yeah so while loose is dealing with that she discovers that even though humans have no magic ability she can cast spells of her own using an ancient method called Drawing by drawing these glyphs loose can actually do magic and no one really knows how it works but she just happens to learn this handy dandy new new skill just in time to turna back to normal hooray 's not an Al Beast anymore King still hasn't done much for the overall plot and loose is finally learning to become a witch but there's another witch in training who's not too keen on luc's Antics introducing AMD she's the top student at hex side and she has had loose on her crap list ever since she got banned from school at least that's how it started after learning more about each other through several near-death experiences AMD and loose start to see more eye to eye eventually loose learns that amid is just under a lot of pressure to live up to unrealistic expectations Amity learns that loose is just trying to find her way in this crazy new world and eventually they become friends which is nice but I mean they don't really see each other a ton it's not like they go to the same school or anything hey kid I don't really know what I'm doing so uh you're going to school now okay bye okay sure EO went down to hexside spoke to the principal got the band lifted somehow didn't get arrested in the process and now loose is going to witch School hooray school is cool being at hex side's going all right for loose or well it's a cartoon about magic school so obviously going all right means constantly getting in trouble fighting off monsters and nearly dying on a weekly basis you know high school but then Grom comes around Grom is hex side's version of prom there's music and dancing and a fight to the death between one chosen student and a monster that manifests itself as their greatest fears you know high school and this year here the chosen student is Amity oh boy well at least we got to know her a bit before she dies actually loose decides to take Ami's place and face her own fear Instead This goes okay until it doesn't the Grom monster takes the form of luc's mom scolding her over lying about going to camp and loose just can't confront it but then Amity steps in to save loose from Grom the monster shape shifts to become amity's biggest fear and all it does is take a piece of paper out of her pocket and rip it up the paper red will you go to Grom with me loose sees this and was like aw you were afraid of getting rejected you stupid idiot and then the two defeat Grom together through the power of dance so everything was fine in the end but wait the other half of emd's note has become unfolded the entire note reads loose will you go to Grom with me so while the fandom freaks out over that let's pop back over to AA while loose is going to school learning magic and making friends aa's struggling her curse is is getting worse it takes more Elixir and more of 's own magic to keep the AL beast at Bay Lilith keeps telling her that if she just joins the emperor's coven the emperor could heal the curse himself but uh yeah that's a nogo then one day loose and her friends take a field trip to the emperor's Castle right around the same time Lilith barges into said Castle after another failed attempt to arrest AA loose follows her to the emperor's room and this place this place is creepy man there's a giant green heart pumping over the throne and as Lilith approaches the emperor is struggling to breathe but then he cracks open whatever this is pours hot soup in his eyes and he's suddenly better this is normal it's very normal but yeah this is Emperor Bellows 50 years ago he rose to power claiming that he could speak to the Titan that birthed the boiling aisles and said everyone was doing magic wrong they were all using magic freely like AA but Bellos was like no so he created the coven system and punished anyone who didn't fall in line Emperor Bellos promised to 's curse if Lilith can arrest her and bring her to him but if Lilith fails she'll be fired and treated like a criminal so while Luc is sneaking around the castle Lilith attacks and takes her Hostage to draw AA out the two then meet at the castle for a duel they're flying through the air teleporting zapping each other all and it's really cool but then lilis like oh by the way that curse that ruined your life yeah that was me I did that and I feel bad about it but e I'mma throw your kid off a cliff now so that's a thing now truth's out 's Furious and loose is falling to her death and flashback time so way back when AA and Lilith were kids they were training at hexside and for their final exam they'd have to battle each other to decide who would enter the emperor's coven but Lilith knew ITA was better than her so she put a curse on her that she thought would stop her powers for a day instead it just turned her into a giant Al Beast AA didn't even want to join the coven you didn't have to do any of this but oh well this is reality now AA is now forever cursed for no good reason and Lilith just takes her place at the emperor's coven Flash Forward back to the action loose is still falling to her death but AA quickly casts a spell to save her using up the last of the magic keeping her from permanently becoming the owl Beast all right cool so we all hate Lilith now right we're in agreement here sick but but the emperor promised to heal AA right that's why Lil's been doing all this well guess what Bellow slide refuses to heal AA and now he's going to turn her into petrified Stone and force everyone to watch whoopsies oopsy poopsies loose and King managed to infiltrate the castle and find AA who comes to her senses long enough to give loose the portal to the human realm and tell her to go home AA is then carded away to be petrified big poopy but then Lilith shows up and asks to work with loose to make things right big poop poy but of course the emperor immediately captures them big poopy BOS makes loose a deal he'll let loose go to save her friends in exchange for the portal to the human realm we don't really know why he wants it yet but it's probably for bad reasons but Loose agrees only to pull a fast one on the emperor using her magic to rig the portal to explode stopping the emperor's plans but destroying her only way back home loose then stops the petrification escapes with her friends and heads back to the house Lilith redeems herself by casting a spell to give herself half ofa's curse which turns ITA back to normal but her Magic's still gone but hey now loose gets to teach AA how to do all that cool paper magic stuff everyone is safe and they all lived happily ever after for now yeah all this was just season 1 the emperor still has some tricks up his sleeve it all has to do with something called the day of unity and this giant machine he's building out of the remains of aa's portal door plus loc's mom keeps getting all of these letters from loose at camp that she definitely isn't sending so even though so much has already happened in just this one season the owl house is just getting started but I can't help but feel like I've forgotten something I've covered every major plot point across all the episodes I got most of the big Cliffhangers but I just feel like something's missing forg God hooie how could you forget about the best character in the show hoot hoot I protect the house I'm a a magical Beast long maybe I should have just done another Steven Universe video and we're back back to what you ask why back to the ongoing plot recap of the Disney Channel animated series The ow House video series whatever yep it's time to revisit the Owl House the Disney Channel cartoon about a teenage girl getting lost in another dimension but not the one with frogs or the one about racism I recapped season 1 of this show last year and now that season 2 is wrapped up it's time for me to regurgitate every I saw back to you guys but with far worse drawings and explanations and everything else as always things are definitely going to be oversimplified here if you want the full Owl House experience watch The Owl House these Recaps are basically Cartoon Cliff Notes just keep that in mind so first where did we leave off in season 1 well for a full Deep dive into that there's My Season 1 recap but basically a girl named loose trips into a world of magic learns to cast spells with paper and meets an owl lady named AA who becomes her new mom and King is also there new mom AA hates the emperor fell because he makes everyone join something called a coven which means they can only practice one kind of magic indicated by the sigil they all get branded with also bow sometimes has heart palpitations that nearly turn him into a giant monster and he has to consume the essence of these things called palman to stop it this normal is the most normal and new Moma also turns into a monster sometimes because her sister Lilith was mean but after fighting for a while they make up and decide to share the curse equally then loose fights BOS because he's evil and doing evil things he keeps going on about some stupid day of unity and it's annoying so she beats him up but blows up her only way home in the process oops okay season 1 mini recap over now it's season 2 and Lilith is just crashing at The Owl House repairing her relationship with AA getting used to her new curse and befriending that big owl worm thing that lives in their walls hoodie they seem to be getting along Lilith and AA are struggling without their magic but Loose is teaching them to use glyphs loose herself is basically the same as always going on adventures learning new spells trying to find a way home and definitely not super obviously crushing on her former rival Amity all that blushing is just because of allergies meanwhile BOS is rebuilding the portal to the human realm and preparing for the day of unity which is kind of the big bad ticking clock of the season but besides the day of unity the main focus of this season is loose's attempts to get back to the human realm and I mean yeah that's kind of always been the point but things actually start to pick up steam when loose gets tipped off to an interesting fact she's not the only human to have visited the boiling aisles so she meets up with Amity and the two go digging at the local library where they discover ancient diary logs in a mouse skeleton it doesn't matter this was the Diary of a human named Philip witbane who got lost in the boiling aisles a long time ago and wrote about the things he learned as he tried to get back home almost like a journal okay I'll stop but Loose is now one step closer to finding a way home and she got to spend some time with Amity who now has purple hair and gives loose a kiss on the cheek I swear to God I've never seen two people blush more in my life starting to worry it's some kind kind of circulatory issue L starts studying as much as she can from Philip's Diaries and learns about something called Titan blood yeah you know those giant skeletal remains this entire civilization is built on yeah that used to be a Titan they're like gods in the boiling aisles and apparently even just a little bit of their blood is powerful enough to tear the fabric of reality and open portals to other dimensions but since the Titans are extinct their blood is extremely rare and obviously Bellos is after it too so to make a long story short after a series of Wacky Adventures people nearly die both loose and Bellos end up with some Titans blood BOS needs it to rebuild the main portal but Loose decides to build a portal door of her own it's pretty unstable and not fully functional she can look into the human realm but not enter it so loose is able to get a glimpse of home where she finds oh okay another loose well not really this is the a shape-shifting demon from the boiling aisles who's been living in loc's place since she's been gone yeah it turns out luc's mom has had absolutely no idea she's been missing this entire time completely unaware but of course once she's faced with a this scenario some questions had to be asked luc's mom finds out about everything she lets V stay with her but is naturally heartbroken that loose chose to stay in the boiling aisles instead of coming home and just as the portal starts to fail loose promises her mom to come back home and stay loose is then pulled back into the boiling aisles the portal collapses in on itself and that is the last she sees of her mom for now but Loose isn't done hopping into other worlds now teaming up with Lilith to travel back in time loose wants to meet that Philip guy and try to get his help but of course he is from a very long time ago and apparently time travel is absolutely definitely something you can do in the boiling aisles just no one had ever actually done it until now loose and Lilith just out here casually discovering time travel they hop back in time and manag to find philli Who's acting a little little sketchy not going to lie but he does agree to help loose if she helps him find this mysterious character he's been looking for The Collector so the three of them all head to well the Titan's head loose and Lilith help Philip loose and Li there's so many L's why are there so many else loose and Lilith help Phillip open this big door and Philip's like oh would you look at that it's time to uh time for time for me to uh it's time time for the uh it's time time betrayal a giant monster that Philip knew would be there attacks Our Heroes while philli just mosies on over to grab this shiny round tablet with a moon on it and dips luckily Our Heroes Escape Lilith punches Philip in the face and they head back to their time oh and Philip is definitely BOS look at him he's eating palac men hating witches has BOS Belo doesn't know that yes so sh so now let's shift Focus onto someone who hasn't really had a whole lot of spotlights so far King The Good Old King of demon or at least that's what he calls himself he's just a little guy and how could he have been the king of anything well Lilith and Hoody were thinking the same thing so to prove he's not lying King takes the gang all the way to this Castle On A mysterious Uncharted Island according to King this Castle is where he ruled over armies and ate glorious feasts but AA is like yeah so apparently none of that king of demon stuff was true AA just found King eating bugs in this Castle took him home with her and made up all the king of demon stuff to make him happy so King's like is a lie but that doesn't explain what he was doing in this castle in the first place Well turns out this is where he was born hatched from an egg and left on his own after hearing the Roar of what he believes to have been his dad King might not be the king of demons but there's definitely a lot more to learn about who he really is and King is now determined to find his dad and get answers but speaking of parents between loose getting closer to going home and King looking to find his dad new mom AA is starting to get kind of nervous she's really grown grown to love her little family and now it feels like everyone's trying to leave so she does what anyone should do in this situation drink the pain away but after enabling her unhealthy coping mechanism she runs into a group of Rebel bards fighting some of the emperor's Scouts and if there's one thing that can cheer AA up it's sticking it to the emperor's coven so she helps the bards Escape only to discover who is that this is rain Whispers they're actually the head of the Bard coven secretly rebelling against the emperor and his coven system and they just happened to also be aa's ex but they still seem to get along so you know it's fine it's not weird don't make it weird AA decides to run with Reign's group of rebels for a bit to stop some of bs' plans he's been arresting a bunch of wild witches and forcing them to join covens for some reason I mean that's kind of what he was already doing but he's doing it harder now but the bards are caught by two other coven heads Darius and Ewolf AA nearly sacrifices herself to defeat them still fearing that her family doesn't need her anymore but rain's like dude shut up like actually shut up and they give themselves over to the coven heads to let AA Escape man The Season's been heavy so far everyone's got so much to deal with and with all this happening at once I know exactly what you're thinking what about hoodie that's right this Mickey Mouse voiced owl worm building thing is finally plot relevant wo see hoodie sees just how much everyone's going through and decides to help out but of course this is Hoodie the dude who barfs in almost every episode he's in so naturally it all goes horribly wrong until it doesn't completely by accident hoodie helps King discover that he has super sonic scream Powers he helps AA come to peace with her curse unlocking this wicked looking Harpy form and he helps lose finally ask out Amity and you know what that means more blushing are you okay this much blushing can't be healthy do you need medical assistance she says yes obviously meaning that loose and Amity are finally an official couple hooray hoodie has served a purpose and everyone had their status quo changed in one Fell Swoop man it's like they had to squeeze more of their story into less episodes because Disney wouldn't give him a full third season or something I don't know so that's what all the good guys are up to what about the villains well as we know Bellos is still working on rebuilding the portal and prepping for the day of unity with the collector and we don't know much about him yet we just know he's super powerful though technically he's trapped in that Moon tablet communicating with BOS as a shadow on the wall and BOS struck a deal with the collector he teaches bow super power ful magic to help with the day of unity and in return BOS will use some of his Titans blood to set him free from the tablet I'm sure he'll keep up his end of the bargain but it's not just Bellos that loose and the Gang have to put up with this season there's also boss's nephew and right-hand man the golden guard AKA Hunter this guy's a pretty consistent Thorn In Our Hero's sides throughout the season but after a few Runnings with loose and her friends you can see him start to question what he's doing especially as we see how BOS mistreats him and hands him empty promises so he'll do what he's told man so many Mysteries with with this bow guy if only we could find out what he's thinking like really just travel inside his mind so loose travels inside his mind and she brought Hunter with her it was an accident but this gives her a great opportunity to find out more about boss's plan and show hunter that he shouldn't trust BOS the two go exploring through boss's mind and we finally get all the answers first off the day of unity BOS promised the people of the boiling aisles that the day of unity would Purge the world of wild magic and create a new Paradise for the worthy and when well at least half of that's true but the full story is way more concerning see Bellos has been working with the collector on something called a draining spell that he plans to cast on the day of unity which will zap all the power from Every Witch branded with a coven sigil and wipe out not just all magic but all life in the boiling aisles and all in the name of protecting Humanity from Evil so yeah that's not a good thing though it does explain why BOS dedicated so much of his life to creating the coven system and the bogus stories behind it it allowed him to easily brand nearly every witch with some kind of sigil the dude's nothing more than a witch hunter who used snake oil tactics to gain power even changing his name to BOS because Philip kept getting run out of town and also let's not ignore this Bellos is old like wh old remember this is the same guy loose had to discover time travel just to meet he's been consuming The Souls of palis men as a way of keeping himself alive but all those palman Souls jostling around inside of him have warped and corrupted him so he's always on the verge of transforming into this hideous monster but that's not all Hunter sees firsthand how Bellow's stories about wild magic hurting his family were all lies to sell people on the coven system he even faked being attacked by wild witches in front of a crowd of people with the help of yeah that's the golden guard that's Hunter and I don't mean they look similar I mean that is Hunter but this was a long time ago how's that work so yeah here we find out that Hunter is something something called a grim Walker basically a copy of someone BOS knew a long time ago and he's not the first Hunter is just the latest in a long long long line of copies all the others went against BOS at one point or another so he uh got rid of them Hunter learns he's not who he thought he was loose learns exactly who BOS is and the two managed to escape boss's mind but now they're in more danger than ever BOS knows they were in his mind so they got to hide Hunter leaves the emperor's cover and starts hiding out at hexside school and loose just takes a little trip to another mysterious Uncharted place with hoodie and King where they all meet oh More Kings dude is this King's family well no unfortunately these guys are just regular old witches who call themselves Titan Trappers according to them though Titans are supposedly extinct there's still one more out there and they've dedicated their lives to learning to trap that Titan so they can kill it you know mercilessly and with murder heck they even dress up like Titans to trap it huh well this has implications so King just a little guy King is a Titan the last of the Titans those unfathomably gigantic creatures who are basically the gods of this world the creatures so powerful that even just a drop of their blood can create interdimensional portals yeah King is uh one of that and he's currently surrounded by an entire town of people who have dedicated their lives to trapping and killing his kind naturally loose Scoops up King and bolts out of there don't worry she took hoody too they all make it back safe and the ow house has been ransacked yeah uh the emperor had the whole place trashed luckily AA and Lilith were able to escape and everyone eventually reunites AA Lilith loose King and an entire secret Rebellion group so turns out rain and their BS are all okay and the two coven heads that captured them before Darius and never wolf were actually on their side the entire time cool oh and there's Steve he's Steve these guys all formed a rebellion to stop the day of unity and they've got a plan see BOS needs all nine of the coven head's magic to power the draining spell so the group wants AA disguised as rain to take their place so the albe curse can corrupt the spell which means after a lifetime of avoiding it AA finally had to join a coven and be given a Sigil meanwhile loose finally meets back up with her friends Willow and Gus plus Hunter who's now on their side he's like best friends with Gus it's cool and of course Amity I kind of feel bad that I've not been talking about her as much she's been dealing with a lot of her own family stuff this season her mom is super controlling very business oriented and she's been creating these robots for the emperor's Army meanwhile her dad has just kind of been letting it all happen even though no one is Happy eventually he does kind of talk to Amity and they start to work things out but the mom just total lost cause she knew about everything BOS was planning she was just a total just like there's there is definitely a divorce in the future but Loose and Amity finally reunite and even share their first kiss which is an incredibly sweet moment you can tell it's important because the animation gets fancier but before too long loose gets kidnapped and taken back to boss's layer you know the Titan's head BOS himself attracts a massive crowd to the day of unity ceremony and Begins the draining spell he then quickly Zips back to the Titan head where the collector is like this is awesome you're going to release me now right right yeah shocker Bellos doesn't hold up his end of the bargain and straight up tosses the collector's tablet down a Chasm this is also where he put the other Hunters when he killed them you can see their remains They're All Dead down there and all this just in time for loose to finally get dropped off at the lirer so once again it's loose against BOS meanwhile at the ceremony AA and rain's plan does work to corrupt the draining spell until the coven heads catch on to their plan and force rain to take their spot in the spell allowing it to fully activate draining all the life and power from any witch branded with a Sigil so fun everyone's about to die but back at the Titan's head loose pulls a fast one on Bellos again and uses this glove she found straight up just lying around his layer to Brand Bellos with a Sigil meaning he's now being affected by his own draining spell but instead of reversing the spell he collapses and transforms into that giant gross monster right as luc's friends show up to help out including King who manages to find the collector's tablet down in that Chasm and starts chatting The Collector immediately recognizes King as a Titan which means he has the power to set him free so the two strike a deal King sets The Collector free if the collector stops the draining spell one pinky promise later and the tablet cracks open unleashing huh that guy from FNAF okay seriously this is the collector he's a little kid with the powers of God he stops bow mid attack like it was nothing and then with one Boop of his forehead he does this uh I think Bellos is dead I mean he just got splattered by an otherworldly Cosmic entity with powers Beyond Comprehension I I I I I don't think you can come back from that the dude then stops the draining spell with just a wave of his finger saving millions of lives in a second but then he gets kind of carried away and starts bending the world around him for fun putting loose and her friends in immediate danger their only option to make it out alive being B's portal to the human realm I see where they're going with this unfortunately King wasn't able to escape with the others leaving him and AA in the boiling aisles as loose Amity Hunter Willow and Gus all become trapped in the human realm officially bringing season 2 to an end yep loose takes everyone back to her house where she can finally reunite with her mom and then the credits roll yeah things definitely got a lot more intense this season and unfortunately there's just not a whole lot of the ow house left after this the upcoming third season is not only going to be the show's last but it's not even a full season it's just three 44-minute specials but even with the show so close to its end we've been left on the biggest Cliffhanger so far what is the collector going to do to the boiling aisles what about King AA Lilith rain all of them what's going to happen in the human realm what about hoodie we don't know yet but what I do know is I want to watch Bellos get splattered again oh man that is brutal and here we go after 3 years and three seasons kind of the hit Disney Channel cartoon the owl house has finally come to an end this show about a girl named loose stumbling into a new world of fantasy and Adventure meeting new friends like AA and King finding herself and saving the world was such an amazing experience even if Disney wanted to sabotage at every chance it had I mean where I live the finale didn't air on YouTube until 1:30 a.m. Disney why do you hate this show so much but whatever the show aired its final episode earlier this month and as is tradition here here now I got to recap the whole thing for you guys with some bad jokes and even worse drawings now if you're just tuning in this is the third and final part in an ongoing series of ow house Recaps and that means right away we're going to be getting into massive big boy spoiler territory so where we leave off in season 2 oh yeah uh loose Amity Willow Gus and Hunter had all been flung back into the human realm after the events of the day of unity where the evil emperor Bellos teamed up with this Cosmic entity called The Collector to cast a dangerous spell that would wipe out everyone in the boiling aisles King freed The Collector from this little Moon tablet prison he then absolutely destroyed BOS with the flick of his finger and then he started wreaking havoc on the boiling Isles plus we learned that Bellos used to be this jerk of a human named Philip witbane who loose accidentally helped when she traveled back in time to talk to him not knowing that he was Bellos oops we found out that King is actually the last of an ancient race of magical behemoths called Titans and that the giant Titan corpse that this whole land is built on is actually his dad fun fun times Luc and Amity shared their first kiss which dis Disney that Disney was just so cool about and we found out that luc's rival turned friend Hunter is actually one in a long line of clones of some dude BOS used to hunt witches with which I'll just spoil it right now it was his brother Caleb it doesn't play too much into the plot of the last few episodes so it's just it's his brother Hunter is a clone of bis's brother Caleb yeah uh yeah if you're just hopping into this series you've missed you missed a lot and I mentioned basically all of this last time but there were two little things that I did miss first right before the day of unity loose actually got her palman which are those cute animal things that turn into witches staffs but right now it's just an egg and it'll only hatch when loose bonds with it by sharing her innermost desire but since everything's so tense and chaotic and complicated right now she doesn't even know what to think so until then egg oh U and then there's Bellos you might think this dude would be dead considering his entire physical being was splattered against a wall like one of those sticky hands but nah he's just goop now living breathing goop and you see this yeah that blink and you miss it moment at the end of the last episode is actually Bellow sneaking his way into the human realm I uh I I kind of missed that part and it's not that I just forgot to mention it I I I turned the video off by that point I I just completely missed it so at the start of season 3 loose is back home for the first time in forever and she and all of her friends take up shelter at her mom's house so loose is finally able to reunite with her mom camaa after months of being stuck in the demon realm oh and don't forget that shape-shifting demon who took luc's place for a while V still there too she seems to be doing well again I'm sorry if you missed everything up to this point there's a lot to keep track of and even with the whole our home is being destroyed as we speak and we have no way to stop it thing kind of looming over everyone the gang gets on pretty well in the human realm they learn about human stuff they try to build ways back to the demon realm and loose comes out to her mom's by which is super sweet but obvious viously as much fun as they might be having they got to get back to the boiling aisles but in order to do that they'd need Titan's blood a rare magical substance that is the key to creating portals between Realms luckily the shack that AMD Willow Gus and Hunter are staying in just happened to have a map to Titan blood buried under the floorboards yeah that's uh that's convenient and after enough digging Hunter's palman Flapjack managed to find it was that oh right uh that's another thing I forgot to mention last time Hunter the Grim Walker with no magical powers got a palman is a cute little Cardinal named Flapjack and their best friends so with a map to Titans blood in their hands the group goes out to investigate but hunter stays behind for a minute only to be attacked by evil goop yeah so remember how BOS got slushied by The Collector and then managed to ooze his way back into the human realm well some of his gross goopy self has been hiding out in this Shack and when Hunter touches the scoop bow starts to infect his mind making Hunter see visions of BOS everywhere and kind of driving him mad so there's a lot going on and things kind of reach ahead on Halloween night when the gang all go to a local haunted hay ride Hunter once again sees a vision of BOS in the distance and realizing that BOS must be after the Titans blood 2 he grabs loose and they go off to investigate on their own eventually reaching this Nifty looking graveyard this is this is probably not nothing nothing possible bad could happen here no and here boss's possession of Hunter takes full control BOS as Hunter attacks loose right as the rest of the gang find out where they ran off to which means we've got our first big fight scene of the season and it's got the fancy animation too Flapjack does their best to help in the fight but BOS just grabs them and cracks them open without a second thought just freaking jerk mean to birds and this is the last straw Hunter manages to regain control of himself long enough to grab the Titan blood and toss it into a nearby lake but Bellos takes back over and Dives head first after it nearly drowning hunter that is until Camilla just jumps right in too bringing Hunter back to the surface like a freaking hero BOS finally ejects himself from Hunter's body grabs the Titan blood and just pieces out back to the demon realm but hunter is left barely clinging to life that is until Flapjack still heavily injured flies in and sacrifices themselves so that their magic can revive Hunter the gang then get up dust themselves off and hop through the portal after Bellos even Camilla oh uh V stays behind though so say goodbye to them for the rest of the video bye V I like that you were voiced by amethyst so while all this was going on back in the boiling aisles The Collector is just messing the whole place up he's like this is fun let's play a game and everyone else is like yeah the collector's been running around turning everyone into toy puppets to play games with but keeps King around to be friends Flash Forward a bit to when loose and the Gang make it back to the demon realm and oh my God look at what the collector's done to this place this is dang Lisa Frank nightmare where's dippy fresh when you need him jeez but either way they push forward and eventually find their way to their old school hex side where they meet a bunch of survivors and start to hatch a plan they got to get up there that castle hovering above the Titan's head is called The Archives the collector's castle where he's storing all the people he's turned into puppets and up in the archives The Collector just likes to hang out with King who's trying desperately to rein in the collector's destructive Tendencies but while The Collector isn't looking King sneaks off to this secret layer deeper in the archives where we find AA and Lilith both safe sound and not toys the three of them are working to learn about the collector and find a way to eventually stop him so things can go back to normal but King wants to be careful The Collector as powerful as he is is just a kid and it doesn't seem like he has any family left King knows what it's like to be the last of his kind he understands The Collector and wants to help but also knows that he has to be stopped meanwhile back at hexside just a whole bunch of crap's going down breaking it down real quick one loose uses memory magic to find this crazy glyph she once saw BOS used to travel directly to the Titan head that'll be useful two Kiki Mora shows up I can't remember if I've mentioned her but she's crazy and starts attacking the gang three after a series of unfortunate events involving Willow getting overwhelmed and losing control of her powers Hunter somehow develops magic powers he never had before using them to save his friends and most importantly for while hiding from Kiki Mora loose and Camila finally have a heart-to-heart talk where Camila apologizes for trying to turn loose into something she's not and having finally realized that all she ever wanted was to be understood luc's palman egg finally begins to hatch and just in time for the rest of the gang to catch up so they can all escape to the Titan's head and that's the last we'll see of Kiki Mora say bye everyone bye I never really liked you once everyone's safe and sound at the Titan's head loc's palman fully hatches revealing a worm on a string okay no well it kind of this is string bean they're a snake shifter a weird little snake thing that can turn into whatever other creature they want it's cute and for a brief moment everything seems okay that is until the collector attacks and wait is that rain what are they doing with the collector ah right yeah forgot about that so while all this was happening goopy goop Bellos needed a new body to inhabit eventually finding his way into the archives and possessing rain Whispers former head of The Bard coven rebel against BOS and aa's old romantic partner while possessing their body Bellow starts to manipulate The Collector telling him he's in danger that King is going to betray him and that loose is back to stop him which to be fair isn't entirely wrong it's just a little exaggerated so right as loose's pisman hatches and everyone feels safe for a moment we see The Collector and Bellow spying on them the collector is now led to believe that everything bow said was the truth so when bow tells the collector to attack he does and with that we're in Finale territory no going back now and right at the start things aren't going that great The Collector turned loose's friends into puppets and is using them to trap loose EA and King in waking night mes but when the collector Goofs up his Amity and says I challenge you to a witch's battle loose is like um actually it's witch's duel and quickly catches on to what's happening the absolute power of loc's freaking dorkiness momentarily breaks the illusion so her friends can tell her how to snap out of it so using her light glyphs loose is able to wake herself up and do the same for Eden and King and for the first time this whole season loose AA and King are all finally back together the reunion is short though as The Collector Pops in to play some games with them and by play games I of course mean Place their lives in Mortal danger for his Amusement yeah the collector doesn't really have a grasp on the whole concept of death and what that means to Mortals he kind of looks at everyone around him as well toys so we got another Montage of loose and the Gang being put through the collector's wacky games their lives are in danger man a lot of montages this season huh it's almost as if they were planning to make a lot more episodes but for some reason weren't allowed to and had to CR a whole season worth the story into just three episodes but what are the odds of that anyway while all this was going on Bellos still controlling rain flies off to their old castle with just just a real bad idea so remember how I said the boiling Isles is built on the corpse of a giant dead Titan and remember how boss's old throne room was built at the heart of the Titan and even though it was dead the heart was still beating and remember how Bellos can now possess whatever or whoever he wants yeah nah it's probably nothing let's check back in on loose after trying to play with loose AA and king for a while and them very clearly not being into it it being the imminent threat on their lives The Collector gets sad and the gang is finally able to just sit down and talk to him and here we get some long awaited backstory on The Collector apparently a apparently a long time ago the collector's siblings called the archists sent him down to the boiling aisles to play with all the Titans that roam the surface and The Collector made friends with all the little baby Titans just like King but the sheer power of the Titans scared the archivists apparently the only thing more powerful than a collector's magic is a Titan so the archivist started wiping him out one by one and that made the big papa Titan real mad but then he goofed up and blamed the collector for what his siblings did trapping him in that Moon tablet and sealing him away for yeah as long as it took to get to this point so the collector really is just a lonely Kid looking to make friends but doesn't know how so loose decides to teach him by showing him how she became friends with AA king and the others bringing him to multiple places across the boiling aisles that meant a lot to her wait what what's that over there ah okay so while loose was teaching The Collector about kindness and forgiveness Bellos ditched rain's body and hopped right into the Titan heart now taking control of the entire boiling aisles that's that that's maybe not going to be helpful and with the power of a Titan now at his fingertips what's the first first thing that BOS does moss moss everywhere evil death bringing moss boss's Moss spreads all across the boiling aisles consuming everything in its path and soon forming a smaller but still treacherously large Titan itself as Mossy Bellow's Titan just starts spitting blue all over the place but the collector having processed what loose taught him decides to pull a Steven Universe and just tries to hug it out oh God okay no loose flies in in the last second to save The Collector but in doing so she got hit and the infection started soon it fully overtook her disintegrated and left loose Dead and Gone cause of death Moss obviously this enrages AA and King who both go into full monster mode and attack BOS and The Collector starts to process that loose is dead and what that really means meanwhile loose is fine well kind of she is dead but she's not gone we see her floating through this weird inter dimensional Purgatory where she meets get this Papa Titan yes King's dad the Titan the boiling Isles is built on and the one Bellos is currently puppeting also he's voiced by Aaron Hansen from Game Grumps this guy look at me he does a great job anyway Papa Titan is like loose you looked after my kid real good as a reward here's literally all my Powers okay go save the world I'm going to die now bye and then loose just shoots right back up to the surface now reborn with crazy Titan superpowers she saves Eda King and The Collector from bos and flies off to the Titan's head The Collector goes off on his own to protect everyone in the archives Having learned the error of his ways and loose AA and King just go on a moss Killing Spree helping to stop boss's invasion of the boiling aisles before plunging right into the heart of the Titan saving rain who's been stuck in the Moss this whole time and then just ripping BOS out of the Titan's Heart by hand and with BOS forced out of the Titan he loses control all the Moss evaporates and the boiling aisles is saved hooray but BOS isn't done with his plan completely foiled this guy makes one last desperate attempt to gain control he shape shifts to take the form of his former self Philip Waban and lies through his teeth he's like oh wow did I do that that's awkward right well it's a good thing you were here I was actually cursed the whole time time that's that's right and you freed me and yeah no one's buying any of bis's crap anymore and loose just backs away while Bellos is pelted with acid rain and literally stomped out of existence by AA King and rain so Bellos is dead loose then loses her Titan Powers The Collector helps turn everyone back to normal and return them home and all our heroes get reunited with their families and wait hold on 1 2 3 4 did no one die like besides Bellis and Flapjack yeah huh would you look at that basically everyone survived well dang The Collector knowing how much growing up he still needs to do flies off back to the cosmos loose gets reunited with their friends and family AA and King meet camaa for the first time began get reunited with hoodie who barely had a single line this whole season wow and it seems like everything's back to normal fast forward a few years in a classic season finale time Skip and we see loose in the human realm packing her things for college in the boiling aisles yeah take that amphibia with your heartbreaking commentary on letting go and moving on the Ale House actually lets loose maintain a life in both the human realm and the boiling aisles I'm sorry I didn't mean it and as loose packs are things we get a beautiful end credit Montage to see what everyone's up to now looks like Willow's become a grudge be Pro which is like a wizard sport I I can't remember if I mentioned it before Hunter's carving palman now and even got himself a new bird funny internet videos AMD is well I'm not 100% sure what she's doing but she looks like she's killing it speaking of which amd's dad has been working with rain and the former coven heads to develop a way to remove coven sigils as the boiling Isles ushers in a new era of like freedom and peace and whatever and then there's the brand new University of wild magic where loose is about to attend Gus is here teaching people about the human realm which is really cute and AA is the head Master yes rebellious School hating AA is now the Headmaster of a University and King is taller and everyone gets together to meet loose and Camila as they make their way back to the boiling aisles and they all throw her a huge surprise party even The Collector shows up to throw a crazy Cosmic fireworks show everyone then piles in for one last freeze frame to send things off and that was the owl house and oh wait hold on yeah there it is now the denial starts hey have you heard about this thing called The Amazing digital circus it's this cartoon on YouTube that is absolutely blown up over the last few months I'm talking memes cosplays trending Tik Tok sounds fan arts the works and it is not slowed down a bit so what's the deal well the amazing digital circus is part of the wonderful world of independent animation an Ever growing side of the animation industry filled with intense creativity UniQue Ideas long long gaps in between uploads uh Reliance on patreon to offset intense production costs and soul crushingly intense amounts of work it's great and the amazing digital circus is a new pilot short created by the animator and musician gooseworks and produced by Australian Indi Animation Studio glitch Productions which uh if you're not familiar uh a pilot is basically a proof of concept episode used to pitch a potential show to a network or in this case an audience on YouTube to see if it's worth pursuing a full series the first teaser for the amazing digital circus was released back in January of 2023 and the full-fledged pilot dropped back on October 13th 2023 and considering that video is currently sitting at over 220 million million views yeah I'd say it was a pretty successful pilot so let's talk about it yeah spoilers ahead for uh for the one episode so this show takes place in surprise surprise the amazing digital circus which is some kind of unexplained alternate world that exists inside of a computer almost like a virtual reality hold up and the first thing we see in the show is oh oh look at that he got teeth face this creature is Kane the ring Master of the digital circus whose head is Tee and his face is teeth and his eyes are in his teeth and he wears a top hat as far as I can tell uh he's the boss around here he controls everything has the ability to more or less Bend reality to his will and is the guy that everyone else seems to report to oh and then there's everyone else you got gangle a little ribbon creature with one of those comedy tragedy mask things going on there's zubel who's that there's this king chess piece with concerning mental issues we have ragi one of those old raggedy and Dolls Jax who you are already writing fanfic about in your head head don't lie to me yeah he's a wise cracking purple version of Max from salmon Max and he's just kind of a dick to everyone then there's kmo or not and finally we got our main character this person they are new to the circus literally popping in right in the middle of the theme song and we don't know much about them or who they were before this moment but what we do know is that they were a person who put on a VR headset got transported to the amazing digital circus and can't escape and what's worse they can't even remember their name my name is uh apparently no one can remember their name when they enter the circus so Kane randomly generates them a new one PNE and now things start to make some sense all these wacky characters are people who also used to be just normal human beings with like jobs and tax returns until they got sucked into this digital world and now have no way to leave they got new wacky bodies and kooky names and now they live day byday going on cartoony Adventures created by c as a way to keep them all busy because if they aren't kept kept busy they all just might lose their minds and Abstract speaking of uh where's kmo again this looks fine this looks fine so kmo abstracted which again means he lost his mind and his digital form corrupted into this big thing covered in eyes and he just start rampaging through the circus tent knocking out ragi and making her go all glitchy so pomy still not sure if any of this is even real goes searching for Cain to get some help for ragi but in doing so she accidentally stumbles upon this exit door yeah they've been seeing this thing appearing and disappearing on and off this entire time but no one believed them when they said it was real but this time they were actually able to get to the door before it vanished and hop through it on the other side though is what looks like a normal painfully boring office building and every door just leads to another boring office room and another and another and another and another and another pomy keeps running through every single door until they stop and see this desk with a groy old computer and a VR headset sitting on it it they just kind of stare at it for a while and then break out into hysterical laughter you know this probably means something maybe this is where they were originally sitting or working when they got sucked into the digital circus and maybe they're just realizing they're going in circles I don't know I'm not really a theory guy I'll leave that up to Matt Pat eventually the office Labyrinth ends and pomy accidentally falls out into this infinite white void kanaine zaps in to save them and the two return to the tent Kane then sends the abstracted kfmo into the cell where we see that clearly this is not the first time someone's abstracted like this then he snaps his fingers and fixes up ragi who was still all glitchy yeah I forgot about that and finally he admits that the exit wasn't real it's something he was working on because of how much everyone wanted an exit to exist but he never got around to finishing it so it eventually just L out into that infinite void which is why he kept denying it was real meaning pomy really just is stuck here the gang wrap up their day by sitting down for a digital Feast that dramatic orchestra music that you've probably heard all over Tik Tok starts playing we Zoom way out to see that same computer desk again and that is the amazing digital circus and wow this is just an outstanding pilot I gave you the basic rundown just now but please do yourself a favor and watch the whole thing when this video is done I swear to God if you click away I will find you but seriously uh the pilot is so worth watching if you haven't already I didn't even get into the B plot with this big worm thing and the GLS I don't know there's just so much here to take in the animation is bright colorful bouncy fluid fast-paced and just all around really Charming now I've actually been familiar with the work of the show's lead animator Kevin Tamer for a while now yeah they've got a pretty immediately recognizable style and bounce to their work so I was not surprised to see they were connected to this project in such a major way then on top of the animation the writing is just fantastic I know you might look at something like this and think of things like poppy playtime my friendly neighborhood that bear game and a bunch of other indie horror stuff that kind of takes a bright colorful familyfriendly premise and turns it into a horror thing and while there's definitely some horror elements at play here I was surprised at just how much of a straight comedy this show was and it's pretty much my exact style of humor you know fast-paced fourth wall breaking metah humor with a bit of a spooky Edge has been a weakness of mine ever since I was a kid this show would have fit perfectly between baby fy's viewings of Invader Zim and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy but you know it's not just the comedy the plot of this pilot is packed with the exact right amount of creativity surreal Concepts World building intrigue and like breadcrumbs to theorize about to get you immediately hooked just the basic setup of can pomy even leave is enough to have me ready for a full season so yeah I got into this immediately and I am so excited to see where it goes but that's the thing at least right now this one video is all we got animation takes a lot of time especially Indie animation this stuff is timec consuming and expensive so even though that view count means we are 100% getting more amazing digital circus I have absolutely no clue how long long that weight's going to be but if the internet's good at anything it's taking one cool thing and just running with it stretching what little material we've got for weeks and weeks and months and months until we I don't know get distracted and this channel is no stranger to grasping at straws so what's all out there for us new amazing digital circus fans to enjoy while we wait for episode 2 well luckily glitch Productions Goose works and some other people attached to the project have releas some extra digital circus content mainly things like behind the scenes stuff interviews and some like supplement mini content the previously mentioned lead animator Kevin T has uploaded a handful of really interesting behind thes scenes videos on Clips he animated for the series so if you're an animation fan and want a little peek into the process for this show uh these are really cool to watch a glitch Productions uploaded the Pilot's full soundtrack on YouTube so not only can you hear the Pilot's music in full including that Viral track from the ending but I also really like the more detailed look you can get at the Pilot's backgrounds especially this one of the Void the art is so nice such a good style if you're looking for more of the show's character though glitch did an ad with a bunch of the different voice actors jumping in and out of character all to promote this big live stream that's over now sorry I got I got to all this late but the video itself is still a fun watch and showcases all the voice actors really well and that live stream that I didn't get to watch so I can't actually talk about was hosted by another YouTuber who watches too many cartoons saberspark and while I was writing this video saberspark uploaded their own big podcasty video interviewing the entire cast of the show so there's that two and of course there's always our pudgy Jack plushy now some of you might be thinking wait they already had merch ready to sell as soon as the pilot aired what what's up with that but hold your horse's Keyboard Cat yeah I know merch can be a bit of a divisive thing on YouTube depending on who's pedaling it but this isn't some cynical cash grab or anything merch sales are an absolutely key factor to making sure large scale independent projects like this get the funding they need to continue if you want more amazing digital circus they're going to have to sell some shirts and honestly the stuff they're selling does look pretty cool I don't actually have any of it but I definitely got my eye on a couple of things the pomy and Jack's Plushies are super cute but man that color blocked cane shirt is calling out to me it's saying put me on your skin and of course I mention all this because one of the only other pieces of official digital Circus video content left at the time that I'm writing this is a merch ad and weirdly enough I think it's maybe the closest thing to episode 2 that we've got so far as silly as that might sound same characters same voice actors same writing and sense of humor same slightly unsettling vibe just you know selling merch instead of telling a story yeah you can really tell him stretching for extra stuff to talk about can't you I mean until episode 2 drops that really is the majority of the amazing digital circus official stuff there is to talk about but what I want to do now is like zoom out a bit too far there we go because well yes the amazing digital circus is a fantastic cartoon pilot with tons of promise for a greater series I also think it's a great example of a larger recent Trend in like YouTube history yeah remember when this channel used to be about that I kind of miss talking about YouTube history so I want to get back to it from time to time and in the world of YouTube animation the amazing digital circus is just the latest in a long line of independent animation projects that either exist mainly on YouTube or gain Their audience through YouTube yeah obviously going way back you had animated series released by companies like Rooster Teeth you know stuff like red verse blue and Ruby but it feels like lately there's been a really noticeable surge of independent animated pilots and shows that are not only of amazing quality but are also just some of the biggest things on YouTube animated or otherwise the first one I remember seeing pop up was Vivy pops pilot for hasbin hotel back in what 2019 it's been 4 years man I really am late to this but yeah I remember this pilot dropping on YouTube and just absolutely taking over along with another pilot from the same creator that dropped just the next month called pela boss both of these shows were huge to this day those initial videos have 93 million and 61 million views respectively hell of a boss has been running on on YouTube for multiple seasons and hasb been hotel has been deep in production with its first full season premiering on Amazon Prime this month with season 2 apparently already green lit all from a start right here on YouTube then there were shows like worthy kids big top Burger in 2020 this is one of the most surreal and hilarious cartoons I've seen online for a while and I highly recommend the two seasons that are out though because the shorts are only a couple minutes long uh each season's only about the length of one normal pilot episode and just keep that in mind but Lord are these good there's monkey rench which launched last year and while it's not experienced the same level of viral success it's still managed to gain a following and release three episodes with the help of fan support that same year there was also an astonishingly animated Pilot release called lacad Daisy which is an adaptation of a web comic that appears to have been running since like the mid 2000s this pilot currently sits at 12 million views and again thanks to Fan support crowdsourced the funding for a full season and of course glitch Productions themselves have been running Indie animated series for like 3 years now on their YouTube channel and and then there's the amazing digital circus which after doing a quick rundown of all those other fantastic Indie Pilots I think we should really revisit that insane view count hasbin Hotel became one of the biggest things on YouTube with less than a 100 million views gained over the course of the last few years amazing digital circus has more than doubled that in just a few months like don't get me wrong this this is not a competition no piece of art is any more or less valid due to its view count I only bring it up to provide extra content text to just how unbelievable this is correct me if I'm wrong but off the top of my head I just can't think of any other Indie animation Pilots that got this big this fast this video and the other Pilots like it are by far some of the most exciting and interesting things happening in the animation world but I don't think they get enough credit for being such a landmark in YouTube history for years now the prevailing idea has been that while animation could potentially thrive on YouTube it would either be fighting an uphill battle against the YouTube algorithm or would have to undergo some intense compromises then here's a wealth of creators and teams putting in the work to make stuff that just seems to defy all YouTube Norms big flashy beautifully animated well-written shorts that are Beyond TV quality earning dedicated audiences ready and willing to help support these shows to continue and all while pulling views that only people like Mr Beast tend to see it's crazy it's crazy and the amazing digital circus is just the latest success story continuing to solidify independent animations Place both on YouTube and in the industry at large I truly cannot wait to see what's next no seriously I can't wait normally the shows I talk about have been over for years what am I supposed to do when I actually have to wait for more be patient do other stuff that's not how I function oh well into the void for me [Music] wo
Channel: FootofaFerret
Views: 214,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steven universe, Steven Universe Future, Steven Universe the movie, Gravity Falls, gravity falls theme song, gravity falls full episode, adventure time, adventure time fionna and cake, fionna and cake, adventure time distant lands, the owl house, owl house, owl house finale, amphibia, amphibia full episode, amphibia finale, amazing digital circus, cartoon, everything you need to know, recap, lore, Steven universe recap, gravity falls recap, adventure time recap, footofaferret
Id: eCThMr93Ino
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 54sec (10914 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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