What Happens If A Black Hole Eats The Sun?

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what happens if a black hole eats the sun let's find out with this black hole precisely 10 days from now the sun will be completely eaten but with every day that passes our galaxy will get more and more Twisted watch until the end to see if anything actually survives day one and damn black hole waste no time it's already eating away at the sun and it looks like a Whirlpool but with fire and in space yo the mass of the black hole is so dense that it's messing with the orbit of all of the other planets but back on Earth everything doesn't seem so different I mean besides the light show in the sky oh we spoke too soon the villagers noticed it before I did look at that the water is evaporating at a weird angle good thing I paid attention in math class A plus b equals mc squared day two and yo black hole is hungry there's definitely less Sun than there was yesterday this whole orbit situation is only getting worse all the planets just going rogue I feel like there's gonna be some consequences to this you all seen this no I swear I'm not speeding up the game I guess the messed up orbit is messing with day and night too look at all the plants they're growing in these crazy spiral shapes now I guess it's because they're following the shape of the sun uh I think the villagers might also be taking some inspiration from the sun look at all these spiral-shaped buildings like how is that even practical day three and yo I swear a solid chunk of the sun is gone oh Bro Look at that it's a straight up flaming Whirlpool now and uh oh Uranus is on the move Uranus and it's picking up speed a gas planet is about to mix in with the Flames from the Sun I mean I'm no Science Guy but hey that explosion just completely broke the moon a bunch of flaming Moon asteroids coming down at Earth this is gonna be good I mean they kind of look like shooting stars right but instead of making a wish they just bring mass destruction to you and everyone you love it's chill oh that's gotta hurt meteor is just smashing into these villagers probably should have built with something other than wood this is probably how the dinosaurs felt thousands of years from now we'll be digging up villager fossils ah what do we have here survivors I see yo what they're reminding the meteors now they're using the material to upgrade their buildings I was just making a snarky comment y'all weren't actually supposed to take my advice looks like this nerd has discovered something there's always gonna be at least one huh is that water how'd that get in there ah hold up Rose said that if there's water inside the moon then there's a chance there was life that lived on the moon a long time time ago nope the other villagers think bro is crazy also y'all see that poor whales are getting beached because all the water's evaporating oh Lions must be happy though day four in the sun ain't looking so hot get it but for real though the Flaming Whirlpool is like spanning across the entire solar system now breaking the solar system Uranus looks like Earth is still intact for now move spoke too soon these oceans are all dried up like your Bob what is that a whale from earlier bro really Greg's and involved into a land mammal a land whale not gonna lie it's kind of terrifying are those villagers looks like they're literally pulling up on flying lions and oh they're hunting the land whale this is much I don't think Evolution evolved to deal with black holes damn that was deep oh not this guy again what's he rambling on about now is that a hologram no way the Hologram villager just said there from an advanced civilization that used to live on the moon with some evil purple God came around and destroyed their solar system so they had to find a way to escape that's crazy well who's this evil purple God though sounds like a real day five okay okay half the sun is gone damn since all the planets are broken into pieces the whirlpool is spinning way faster now gotta say Earth held up longer than I thought but it looks like its time is up yo this is crazy feels like we're on a giant ship caught in a Vortex not a planet what's going on here my boys view hard at work and it looks like they're all taking orders from the scientists whatever it is they're building our boys are out of time wait yo what they turned Earth into a massive ship wouldn't they pull this off turns out the moon rocks were coated with more secret messages the previous villager civilization left Clues on how to turn Earth into a massive ship that can be powered by the core then they'll use the ergosphere as a boost to ramp up speed in order to slingshot Earth into a new Galaxy [Music] day six and uh-oh looks like our boys are out of fuel I guess they should have figured out where they were going before they decided to slingshot themselves on a one-way trip wow wow how convenient an entire fleet of ships shows up are these supposed to be the moon villagers that have been leaving breadcrumbs for our guys to follow damn okay these guys are definitely more advanced we do not want to go to war with these guys that would be like picking a fight with Shaq he could literally just flick you and you would die our boy was right we put our faith into his science and he led us to yo what did they all just get handcuffed yo what is going on all of them are being put to work and Mining in Chains Rose said this has got to be a mistake all he did was follow the clues left by the Holograms inside the moon rocks I'm just as confused imma need some answers no way so basically the scientists who left the clues died a long time ago since then the military leaders of this Advanced villager civilization have capitalized on his work they purposely launched moons to tons of newborn galaxies no knowing that one day when the civilization was Advanced enough they would follow the hologram's advice and find their way here only so that they can be enslaved to serve the superior villager race day seven and the entire solar system is completely torn apart wow the Earth has been turned into a giant labor camp these Moon villagers are literally just trying to drain all of the resources as quickly as possible they're taking everything water wood Stone even Diamonds oh not surprised that our scientist bro is not really cherished by his people at the moment hey what's this does he have a friend ah yo what bro said that there's a secret group of Rivals that's planning an attack on the moon villagers the science one's Redemption he's gotta help them scientists has a point though the moon villagers are way more advanced in every way so they wouldn't stand a chance in an all-out attack not to mention even if they did somehow pull it off their solar system is going to be completely by the black hole in two and two live and in Chains day eight and at least like eighty percent of the sun is gone and all of the planets are completely eaten by the black hole you're actually doing it scientists is helping the rebels Ambush some of the wardens oh crap they stole the warden's outfits and ID cards easy they jacked the warden's ship too wow I can't believe that actually worked the rebels have landed and yo what this place is basically a paradise there are literally kids playing outside like damn bro there must be no crime here now what is this people are just chilling outside by these beautiful water fountains do they not have to work here just look at this place it's literally Heaven Ah hell yeah bro says let's go over the plan and get back at these damn criminals ah no way the rebel leader is getting cold feet said they fought hard enough maybe it's time to just stay and blend in here ah he said no way this place is built on the backs of all the villagers they've enslaved he's gotta carry out the plan with or without the rebels no Rogue got betrayed by the rebels help me yo that's rough we just got tossed into jail because the same guys who recruited him snitched on him day nine and ninety percent of the Sun is gone and our boy is stuck in prison with no help no Army nothing all he can do is sit and wait for the rest of the Galaxy to get nothing by the black hole huh oh wait that's so crazy it just might work day 10 and hold up where's the black hole yo what it's moving through space but why does our scientist bro have something to do with this he's locked yo what oh the black hole is coming towards the moon villager civilization and is hungry but I still don't understand why no is that our boy inside that giant ship basically our bro realized that the advanced villagers must be so much older than any other civilization if they've been around this long they must be even older than the sun which means that they must be able to create and edit suns in order to keep their solar system alive plus black holes are attracted to objects of large mass so if he was able to edit the mass of the Moon villager's son the black hole that swallowed their Universe should come towards the advanced villager civilization next and rip apart their Galaxy 2. damn this is Savage the scientist is burning down heaven with no give it pause which is exactly what would happen if [Music] the moon villagers don't free the Earth villagers from the labor camps and allow them to coexist in this new solar system Rose said that they can achieve more together he said what
Channel: ZMDE
Views: 1,579,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zmde, zmde animations, what happens if a black hole eats the sun?, black hole vs sun, minecraft simulation, minecraft what if, what happens if a black hole eats the sun in minecraft?
Id: C-0P4MrvU2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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