What Happened To This Fish?

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okay one new flubby coming up we gotta keep this idiot alive and also make it very dangerous every time the potato counts down we can add something to our flubby so we're gonna give him a helmet we have to protect that precious precious brain of his and here comes another one we're gonna add another flubby right there so they can be friends should put them facing each other because they're swimming apart and that's significant because every time we try and put an upgrade in you can only have such a range for their upgrades but they're quite stupid right now i'm just going to add flappies numbers are gonna matter for now enemies are gonna show up and occasionally attack them luckily that one has a helmet we can use the boom to kill them for now but we need to keep upgrading these guys and multiplying them this is good if they're all bunched up because we get a bunch of upgrades all together on them like flubby goo so now they all have smells they can shoot i wouldn't say no to more flubbies though so we're gonna add a new one here they're all in a nice group still we've had eight upgrades so far we'll continue to get more and more and more uh we're gonna take flubby goo well on three of them the darker the mouth the more damage they do and now they can fight back against those idiots they don't do a really good job of it but they do try rather hard if we lose a flubby hero there not the end of the world but the more we can have from the beginning the better kind of like an investment spikes uh we'll put spikes on those three that way if these guys get touched obviously they're gonna do a little bit of damage do you want shell or flubby goo maybe let's give them some armor if we can yeah we actually got all four of them with that uh we're gonna add a new floppy end we really just can't get enough flubby today i'm hoping there's enough of them doing a little damage that they can kind of take things out we're gonna heal them healing them also pulls them together and i need to remember that because when i need to upgrade a lot of them that's what i'll do blah bomb that way uh okay there we go if something kills a flubby they explode i should have made this one a fla bomb he kind of floats around by himself just kind of asking to die really but there's a whole bunch of armor look at their armor that's my heart i'm feeling this guy's an armored bomb with spikes hopefully there's an upgrade somewhere to increase the potato timer because that would be great flubby goo for them they're all doing more damage he's gonna bounce off some spikes and die this guy i don't have high hopes for him uh we're gonna add spikes to pretty much everyone here so oh look at him now he looks super happy and dangerous an extra wave of gronks respond instantaneously i like that because we can deal with that now it's not a permanent upgrade for them they'll just bounce off the spikes and probably die uh we're gonna make i don't really want them faster though whoops oh i just wasted an upgrade i thought it was putting it back whatever they'll be fine new flubby or boom well the boom wouldn't really help us because they're handling that pretty let's just take a new flubby the spikes so far seem to be dealing with them new flubby there look at all the flubbies we have now i like this group we won't increase the speed for a while because speed isn't going to uh floppy goo they're all getting more dangerous i think if i give them more speed they're going to get too far apart and if they get too far apart i can't efficiently upgrade ooh flubby offspring oh yeah that's going to give us like yeah four new floppies in a minute come on give us some good upgrades faster floppy goo yeah range damage for all of you yeah look at how fast we're going to be destroying enemies now uh we're going to spike stall them too cause once an eddie gets in he's going to bounce around and get eviscerated by spikes i do like how they're all stuck in the corner uh we're gonna heal up a whole bunch of them here this guy might be a goner but he has a bomb so i don't care he's kind of a you know a lone wolf let's call him uh we're gonna spike stall of them so now they're super dangerous i'm basically turning my creatures into landmines they're all gonna die eventually but they're going to take someone with them bombs for you guys yes i'm supposed to be evolving creatures i'm for some reason just creating sea mines everywhere yeah he's a goner again probably we'll we'll we'll save them if we can we put a lot of money and investment into him uh okay well he's dead now that's fine floppy goo for all of you uh we had some spikes to everything again i guess probably i don't know what the most efficient is there you guys i don't know what max upgrades look like so far uh do we need heels not really what it's like flubby goo for like you guys the happier they are the more damage they do i think when they're drooling that's probably max or about max oh shell is gonna be a good one too we need some armor because without armor you really are just yeah they die very quickly can we get more armor floppy goo maybe let's put you guys into more damage wave 36 we're going strong let's add more armor for the central hello central guys because we're definitely going to lose some here and there and that's perfectly fine but the ones that are upgraded we need to hold on to basically the jewelry guys with lots of armor they're my favorites this guy especially is a superstar he's not a bomb no i guess yet do we need heels not really this guy's probably gonna die i don't know if it's worth saving him though okay now we need to actually we're going to increase for 20 spawn rate that should be fine the enemy's been pretty light so far we're gonna add a new flubby i think making them faster wouldn't wouldn't be good i like how they're all grouped up because this is such efficient upgrades uh let's add some more shell to these guys now we got lots of super upgraded guys we're gonna add perhaps a new flubby eventually i'll just drop whatever upgrades basically here into the mass of them and it'll upgrade everything uh let's add a boom right here just to save that guy some harassment i like it was just constant upgrade after upgrade after upgrade okay who wants spikes all of you guys great basically an enemy just wanders in here and goes doing doing doing doing doing dead uh floppy goo is a probably my favorite upgrade of oh did you get derulier i saw the drool increase so they do get more damage we'll drop some heels right there and put them all into a nice little group forgot about that part oh that guy might be a goner wishy was a bomb so add some flubby goo to all of these guys that was so much damage added i really love the upgrades that are over everyone all at once well yeah there's a lot of guys that need armor there i think they go in stages at three three upgrades because i think i saw three armors go flubby goo so we'll increase the damage for you guys it's getting hard to tell in a hurry what ones i need to upgrade or not so far i feel like we're doing plenty of damage though floppy goo for you i guess i'm just gonna drop them on the ones that are the least upgraded this idiot over here just really doesn't know how to survive uh we'll drop some more flubby goo down on like you guys yeah the droolier the better i guess we'll throw down a new flubby somewhere in the mix the enemies really are dying quickly oh we lost one well that's what he gets we're wandering over there what we need is everyone on this side of the map we'll just um actually we won't even let's just get a new floppy because they're hanging out in the middle there but uh that's fine they will get upgraded fairly quickly we've got lots of like max upgrade max health flubbies so again the game that clearly just wants us to have more of these cake get in there yeah there it is they're useless like this but they'll upgrade quickly because they're in the mass of them and everyone will get an upgrade like here's some shells for everyone goo would be better because then they can actually be of use to me right now they just survive which is fine but uh i need more than survive i need something to take out enemies so whatever spikes will work for now let's make them at least dangerous to touch they look so happy especially when they're drooling 59 so we're going strong okay it's time to let's just give them faster they can come in but they'll just die faster because they'll bounce around amongst all the spikes faster faster flubbies uh let's heal there we go let's pull them under a nice big group again they're safe in a group okay here's fluffy goo for all of them that's so much more damage and fluffy goo again somewhere right there they're kind of breaking up but uh there's a lot of lobbies and we're obviously gonna lose some along the way and that's perfectly fine i don't mind losing a few as long as we can keep dropping upgrades on huge masses we'll be perfectly fine for a while probably could use some better spikes or armor uh okay i guess we well we don't really have to use that we can just put it up there i don't know if that's good or not so far i'm working under the assumption that speed is the enemy flub bomb it's been a while since we made some bombs oh let's get a big mass of these where do you want all the bombs right here good enough spikes please here everyone get some spikes so now they're all super dangerous definitely getting a lot more enemies suddenly some heels would be nice to bring everyone in when we don't get that we'll just go flubby goo uh the corners are dangerous mostly because i can't see the flubbies anymore and i really like to be able to see them because that's when i can help them if i can't see them i don't know if they're dying or what they need a shell is a good one they we'll not shout all of you this guy up here is getting beat up in the corner luckily he's got lots of armor so we can really take some abuse we're gonna heal uh because we're gonna get so much healing out of this and pull everyone together look at that big spiky horde of danger so now we'll take flubby goo on probably actually that because that's just so much upgrade okay then next we're going to i guess heal again we'll go down here with the heels because that's where they need it and that's going to pull everyone at least into a nice little group and if they're in a group the enemies beeline straight toward them it makes them easier to hit new flubby there i want to see more upgrades though what goes beyond all this okay who needs upgrades you guys well you're a dooley boy now and a drooly boy is a happy boy uh some shell for i don't know you yeah we saw a lot of upgrades there the more shells we have the better if they're max armored they're so hard to kill for the enemies uh okay here's the more shell for that many and then the enemies come in and they basically just get machine guns i mean look at this poor guy i feel like we could use more bombs too oh okay so oh but just take a big wave because that's not a permanent upgrade for idiots we can handle a big wave for now they're just gonna get you know destroyed by spikes and shooties anyway we'll drop some healing in there to get them to group up right there this guy might be a goner just given where he is but that's a choice he made by going over there he's a bomb anyway so that's probably fine whoops i didn't mean to do that he he exploded but he took a lot of them with him so that's fine his sacrifice will be forever remembered or whatever and the big wave is done and the enemies did not get a permanent upgrade so we're getting close to a hundred uh oh here's a good one bomb look look at all the bombs the bombs are good because i think they're a single upgrade no maybe they're not actually oh offspring oh yeah let's uh drop this somewhere in the horde of them right i'm overthinking this so much now uh right here then in a few minutes we'll have more of them hatched we're gonna get some shells right there and this is really just really addictive just waiting for them to drop it's very satisfying dropping upgrades on a huge mass of lobbies what if we get a boss at level 100 new flubby yeah we'll start getting some new ones in we did lose a few along the way unfortunately for some reason look at the b-lining for the week one faster faster spikes uh they got cornered over there those guys might be doomed oh they managed to survive so far offspring again we'll spawn in a bunch more floppies there i think i just laid eggs over eggs so that was probably really stupid but what can you do when you're me yeah these are just things you gotta deal with they get so happy once they start doing damage flubby goofer i don't know you guys i feel like our damage output isn't hurting uh the big waves are starting to get annoying we can also get a whole bunch of healing here to pull them all into a nice group that guy might be a goner but he is a bomb so he's serving his purpose well uh okay let's actually heal them yeah i don't want to lose a fully upgraded guy if i don't have to no one in here really needed healing anyway let's add a bunch of spikes to all of you guys i really hope there's a boss at level 100 uh fluffy goo for you i was trying to get the least upgraded guys i'm pretty sure everything here is really upgraded fluffy goo again for you guys that put three new shooters in you know just have shooters they're probably mostly safe amongst all the spikes and armor so we'll just keep trying to upgrade the uh yeah into drooly boys uh we got some heels i'm gonna probably some heels on this just to get it to group up because if i drop an upgrade here that's stupid amounts of power that we're giving to everyone oh okay let's take a big wave then this guy might be doomed this one's gonna be tough to take on uh i might have just made a mistake by doing that but so far oh we can actually just go like this boom they're all dead this guy's probably dead but that's a sacrifice i'm willing to make on his behalf oh this is actually getting pretty dangerous okay we gotta heal everyone up that really was a big wave so i'm maybe gonna stop spawning in big waves i just don't want to give enemies permanent upgrades because that's just going to make it harder uh we're going to shock all them i really do still have a strong army though i'm not that worried yet oh they are doing a lot of damage i'm starting to get a little worried so let's take offspring for all of you a bunch of new flubbies that was five or six new ones coming up we're gonna heal everyone as best we can to bring them in that would have been nice to heal but whatever these guys are healed these guys are sacrifices well we're gonna heal some more uh the waves are getting very intense uh yeah just keep keep fighting you're doing great sacrifice yourselves uh boom and uh hopefully more boom okay we're good waves are just naturally getting so big my flubbies are getting very spread out let's bring them in and we really need to get some of these lower lower flubbies upgraded so spikes for can you guys get closer yeah there we go spikes for four as long as everyone's spiked and armored we're really in good shape we're gonna heal you guys bring them in and a bunch of our flubbies just hatch so as long as we survive this and don't lose too many we're gonna shell them right away one one one we're doing great so we added a bit of armor to them i would really like these guys to be well whatever we'll make them shooters at least that way if they die they're able to do damage i guess we're just gonna heal some because these guys are gonna take a lot of damage we'd love to pull that one back into the mix oh he's dead whatever uh phlebon there we go we made a bunch of bombs right here so if one dies uh oh i don't like when they separate one like that because we're gonna lose like a max upgrade idiot but we're gonna add a whole bunch of shell to a whole bunch of idiots he survived i'm actually really glad that lone wolf didn't die there because he wasn't a bomb i don't want them to die if they're not bombs whoops i whatever they just got flubby good down there didn't mean to put that there that was a bit of a waste we're gonna heal up some more probably uh there they're all in such a tight group give me something good uh fluffy goo oh no i miss clicked again i could have gotten so much upgrade there it's still a pretty good upgrade oh it supports this now let's just make them faster i don't care if they're faster they can just bounce off our spikes all the quicker okay we're just going to add a new flubby over there it's hopefully a decoy they can go eat him while getting fired upon they do get pushed into the corner which is kind of nice in a way gay spikes see there we go he's over there oh they're going to attack the bomb yeah hit the bomb do it blow up 124 i can't believe it's been 124 levels so far that went by so quickly we're going to heal and bring everyone in that one didn't get separated so r.i.p to him i do have a few flubbies floating around that can't actually shoot so i really need to get some uh some stuff on them i'm gonna heal this guy once he starts to take some damage and pull everyone back in together if i can maybe not i don't want to pull him all the way in though he's just gonna die out there and that's fine faster floppies it is i did just make them all a lot faster so i think they will avoid damage more whether or not that really helps me i don't know yet but there's a whole bunch more shooting damage and more spikes i guess for you here comes another wave of fish they're coming in very frequently now with a lot of them so let's give everyone some shell that guy's gonna die but he has a bomb so that's gonna be a lot of damage to them yeah that was pretty much all of them there was also like a fully upgraded floppy so that does kind of sting can you guys get back over here the speed is having him spread out a lot more [Music] so whatever let's just add speed to everyone then we're gonna need some super upgraded blobbies new flubby i guess whatever you can just go hang out in the middle and do your best to survive uh everything's getting so scattered i don't love this i don't know this is an advantage i think they're better when they're grouped together being stupid who needs spikes i don't know you guys generally it's a good problem to have when i don't really know who needs the upgrades because there's just too many with upgrades we'll give you some shooting power and more shooting power for you guys uh more shooting power for the biggest group you that's a lot of idiots hopefully a bomb goes off there offspring for you guys if i could get offspring a few times in a row that would be great could also use some heels okay i don't want to take a big wave let's take 20 spawn rate a big wave might wipe me out right now at least this way we have a chance to kind of uh get our numbers up again there we go we healed a whole bunch that heel came in big that bomb also came in big i also have a boom i might just set this off to kind of nope let's do faster fluffies can i put this back hello then flubby goo for wow they're so quick now they're hard to actually like get an upgrade on heel for you guys over here this guy might blow up but that's kind of what he exists for yep there we go the bombs are actually really really good we're going to destroy some of these just so i don't have to use quite so many bombs right now okay we got another boom we got flubby goo for all of you okay we're gonna heal where is all that healing needed right there perfect that guy might die but there's a bomb in that corner we do a lot of damage when everything's concentrated into one area i noticed the numbers are kind of slowly dwindling so maybe offspring would be better yeah we're gonna put offspring down if we get a nice cluster of idiots right there there's four new flubbies on the way there'll probably just be a sacrifice but that's probably okay oh the enemies are coming from so many sides i guess wave 150 should be a little bit special the numbers are so spread out it's hard to tell if i'm winning or losing but we go let's do offspring again so you can get some new ones hatched we're getting so many enemies though it's very hard once a new flubby hatches for them to survive like they die almost instantly so yeah that's kind of a struggle a bomb went off and took like 80 fish with it so yeah after 150 there's definitely a big step up in uh trouble oh i should use that there i didn't see that big cluster of idiots fish are getting so strong right we're gonna add some healing to uh you but the fish are basically constantly spawning in to attack my poor flubbies now so we're gonna try and upgrade as we can but i think we're we're in the losing side of this battle finally uh we're gonna add some shell to you guys hopefully that keeps you a little tougher we're running out of mac's upgraded floppies the shell in the spikes are really good combination at max capacity but it's very hard to get them all the way there right now i did get a helmet for him so he's very content to die a horrible horrible death in a moment ah that bomb is gonna go off let's make some more bombs if we can while we're running so low get bombs this would be nice for a zap if i had a zap so okay we're gonna make them faster i guess now we'll just run them at the bombs quicker hopefully and blow them up let's make flubby more firepower we're running solo on fluffies basically if they're not fully upgraded they die like immediately uh yeah i don't know at this point if there really is any way to survive we're down to like five floppies and uh yeah they're they can't survive these waves uh spikes for you guys uh they're pinned in the corner yeah they're just gonna blow up together we can try and heal them that'll pull them together but yeah we're down to like four or five flubbies now well they're dropping fast for some reason uh there we go new flubby our savior perfect he should last a very long time so they survive probably five hits when they're fresh so let's try and add some armor to i don't know you guys the final flubbies la bomb where's our last one oh i was going to get a bomb on them but we got 167 so good you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 542,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ocp9hGdWnZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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