What Happened to the Titanic Submarine

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2023 🗫︎ replies


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I ate it, sorry

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Darthfilius 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2023 🗫︎ replies
today we finally received an update on what the fates of the Titanic submarine was this is a story I'm sure all of you have been following at least to some capacity or at least heard about and the update today isn't exactly a fairy tale ending for those aboard the vessel now just in case you're in the dark on the situation I'll give you the quick and dirty there's a company called Ocean Gate it does deep sea Dives one of the Expeditions it does is take people to see the Titanic wreckage they do this in a vehicle called Titan it's a submersible that goes about 13 000 feet now the CEO of the of Ocean Gate is a real quirky wacko named Stockton Rush and Stockton Rush went real loosey-goosey with the construction of Titan and there was a ton of alarm bells ringing about the potential safety risk that his experimental vessel held for not only himself but the passengers that he would take down to the Titanic wreckage and on the most recent Expedition that disaster that impending doom that people were warning came true they lost communication with the vessel on Sunday about an hour and 45 minutes after launch which is extremely quickly the whole journey is about eight hours and they lost communication within the first two so this started a very big rescue attempt to try and figure out where they are and can they be saved and today we got our answer it's a no according to the most recent report there was really never a chance of saving them it seems like the acoustic signature that the US Navy picked up on Sunday was consistent with an implosion however they deemed it not definitive evidence but it still seemed like an extremely likely explanation for the lack of communication as well as that acoustic signature so they also the remote Vehicles found five different major pieces of debris to confirm that the Titans submersible was the victim of a catastrophic implosion obviously nobody's surviving an implosion at that depth and even if somehow they did let's say they were made out of adamantium they would run out of air trying to get to the surface from where the implosion took place so this Titan submersible claimed the lives of five passengers and the Titanic may have sunk over hundred years ago but it's still Taking Lives to this day I suppose now there's actually a lot more that kind of goes into today's update that makes the situation even weirder over the last five days but I want to get to that in a moment I want to explain just how [ __ ] dangerous this thing was this entire Titanic submarine story has captivated people in a way I haven't seen since Pokemon go popped off even people way outside of the internet like I played basketball last night and we talked about the Titanic submarine situation which is a very unusual topic for us to discuss before going out onto the holy court and dropping buckets for our sins but it's just a story that everyone everywhere seems to have been kind of drawn in by because the lunacy surrounding this entire situation is like something you couldn't even write for a cartoon it it's the most predictable disaster ever apparently where Ocean Gate and the Titan sub had already faced the lawsuit about how dangerous it was the last Voyage the last Expedition it went on also got lost for five hours and then you know they got lucky you know all the stars aligned and they were able to not die on that one and then without making any big changes to the safety of the vehicle they decided to just do an encore performance around to hop back in the saddle and get ready for another Expedition so the CEO just sounds like an unhinged crazy person who thought it was Jimmy Neutron who literally whipped this thing up using off-the-shelf supplies from [ __ ] Camping World which he proudly talks about now of course the whole thing isn't made from Camping World supplies but he's very proud of the fact that this is basically an improvised weapon you'd make in Dead Rising just throwing a bunch of [ __ ] together and making it work the best that you can it wasn't certified by any regulatory body he had been warned for years about the potential safety risk to everyone on board and was advised not to take people down there since it was so experimental but the CEO rush really seemed to have a vendetta against safety itself he was leading a crusade against the idea of you know playing it safe he wanted to take big risks not only with his life but the passenger's life as well he famously called the industry obscenely safe and talks about how it inhibits Innovation and growth which is such a [ __ ] crazy take everything that could possibly be wrong with a submersible or a CEO of a company like this was wrong here he put a [ __ ] window on the submersible that was rated for 1300 meters to withstand that amount of pressure but this [ __ ] thing Dives to 4 000 meters what a crazy miscalculation you are begging to die with that there it was only a matter of time it's [ __ ] crazy and even there's there's still so much more on top of this Giant mountain of [ __ ] that I've already been spewing out about this there's still one last little dingleberry I haven't even touched on he charged 200 150 000 per seat for this adventure two hundred fifty thousand dollars for basically a claustrophobic coffin that goes deep underwater it's it's it's it's it's baffling it is [ __ ] it's unbelievable that this is real that's why the story has become such a phenomenon now I briefly mentioned that the confirmation of the five dead aboard the Titan submersible today via catastrophic implosion makes the whole situation a little weirder when it comes to its Rescue Mission and I want to explain what I mean apparently they had this evidence to suggest the implosion as far back as Sunday yet for the last five days we've still been getting updates about the rescue missions and even been being fed like little glimmers of hope that they might be alive and there might be a chance to save them for example a couple days ago there was these reports of banging that they are getting picked up that they were hearing banging and they were reporting it as if it could be the passengers is making noise to get their attention to try and you know basically send up a flare of where they were in the ocean how the [ __ ] could that be the case if the vessel imploded on Sunday was it ghost Sailors playing a drum solo was it Davey Jones at the bottom of the seabed floor banging pots and pans together what was the banging noise then because again during you know the updates on the situation everyone was glued to each update and you know getting told that there's like this you know glimmer of hope hearing these banging sounds that could potentially be the missing vessel and the people inside making noise it's just a little odd that they wouldn't come forward like you know don't put too much stock in that because we have this evidence here that suggests it's most likely an implosion and from a couple sources I read it seemed like a lot of people behind the scenes kind of already understood that most likely it had imploded though not necessarily like a mechanical failure or a power failure or something whereas the media kind of LED people to believe that that really wasn't the case and they were potentially just stranded down there running out of oxygen like Jesus Christ a lot of these journalists had actual like New Year's Eve ball drop countdowns actual Doomsday Clock ticking down how many hours of oxygen the passengers would have left literally just counting down their demise through you know lack of oxygen so if they had evidence that you know it was actually an implosion I don't understand what the point of leading people to believe that they're still there dying slowly and painfully was that just seems a little odd to me I I don't really get that I understand that the implosion evidence wasn't definitive but it still seemed like an extremely plausible explanation that a lot of people seem to think was probably just the truth of what happened so I don't know why they wouldn't really be focusing on that as opposed to like they're painfully slowly dying down there unless we save them and again most people knew once this story broke that there was there's no chance of saving them the only way they could have been saved is if they somehow floated to the surface somewhere in the area and it was just a matter of finding where they were on the surface because at that depth thirteen thousand feet or anything around that depth there are so little options for a rescue mission there's not a whole lot that can really be done there so most people expected they weren't going to be found alive or rescued but I don't think most people expected the truth to be it imploded on Sunday because again the media just kind of kept leading people to believe that no they're they're probably suffocating down there with lack of oxygen and also we're getting some banging noises here so that they might still be there struggling right now so the whole thing is just very odd and the more and more information that comes out about it the more and more sad and baffling it becomes like just a few hours ago it was reported that one of the passengers aboard the submersible a 19 year old kid the son of an extremely wealthy man had only gone on it because he wanted to do something nice for Father's Day so he agreed to go on the submersible with his dad despite being completely terrified of it and not wanting to do it at all himself he just wanted to be there to be supportive of his dad on Father's Day and it cost him his life I still can't believe that anyone would show up to the Titan submersible and actually still get on it there's a walk through CBS did showcasing the Titan submersible and everything about it and I [ __ ] you not it is literally held together by like [ __ ] bubble gum popsicle sticks and toothpaste like on on some of the levers there's actual just duct tape there and Sharpie kind of pointing on what it's supposed to too like actual [ __ ] it taped together components it seems at some point at some parts like I don't understand how anyone would actually get there and be like okay I'm ready I'm [ __ ] I'm gripped my teeth let's get this done it's just mind-blowing it's so [ __ ] unbelievable that this ever operated in the first place this should have never had real passengers on it James Cameron just did a whole little interview about it because James Cameron is actually an expert in this field he's done some of the deepest Dives ever recorded he's been very deep in the industry here this industry here for a long time and he kind of weighed in on like everyone knew that what rush was doing wasn't safe and they they never should have had people aboard it should have been unmanned or less experimental you know it's everyone knew that what he had built here was going to lead to someone's death and it was just a matter of time and yet he just kept doing it just ignoring them and it cost five people their lives is included just just a crazy situation overall today was you know the final update about what's what's happened to it so I at least wanted everyone closure in case you hadn't heard yet about like what the situation was with the with the submersible so yeah that's really about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
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Id: IH23Z_wT5NY
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Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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