Most Desperate Thing I've Ever Seen

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I was going to wait a little while to talk about this because I have a sneaking suspicion this won't be the last desperate marketing attempt we'll see from this film but I just can't resist the urge anymore it's like trying to hold in a sneeze just trying to fight my desire to make fun of what I just saw a couple days ago to set the stage Pixar's released a new film and it's become the second worst opening in all of Pixar history it's looking to be a bit of a flop here and there's a very good chance that you haven't even heard of the new Pixar film it's called Elemental it really flew under the radar the marketing budget had to be like five popsicle sticks and like word of mouth I don't really know what they were thinking here or expecting because most people didn't even know this was on the horizon here there was about as much hype for Elemental as there is going to the DMV most people didn't even know it was coming and the ones that did just didn't really care to go see it so it's not performing super well and it appears that the higher ups at Disney are starting to panic so they're dusting off the oldest tricks in the marketing book here to try and convince people that the film is popular and worth going to a theater to see because a lot of people would probably choose to go to a [ __ ] dentist's office as opposed to going to a theater to see Elemental right now so they're trying everything and that's when they came up with this absolute shining stinker of a viral marketing campaign idea foreign [Applause] before finishing the clip I just have to call this out immediately this is a legitimate post from the official Pixar Elemental Twitter post saying hashtag Claude got the whole theater rooting for him check him out in Elemental and this is like supposed to be one of those POV things in a theater where sometimes you'll see a viral video during a big moment in a movie where someone gets their phone out to film the audience reaction like you know here's how the audience responded to Tony Stark coming back from the dead and the crowd's going crazy like whoa yeah Tony's back wee and it's supposed to like capture that moment that's what they tried here with this film this is supposed to be like authentic like look at how hype the crowd got to see Claude from Elemental which makes no [ __ ] sense because this film is brand new it doesn't tie into anything no one would know who the [ __ ] Claude is going into this film and yet for some reason we're supposed to believe that the entire audience just blew up like this sounds like they just watched their home team win the Super Bowl all just because they got the bear witness to Claude popping out of some pot it just doesn't make any sense but I love how they try to pass it off like man look at how everyone loves Claude they can't get enough of Claude let them go crazy and then it's just like stock cheering sound effects you can find on like any royalty-free database for stock sounds ever it's beautiful like this reminds me of that morbius clip where someone made a fake morbius voiceover from the theater where they were filming the screen and then he says it's morbidden time and The Crowd Goes like yeah yeah and since barely anyone had seen that film since it was such a a box office disaster a lot of people actually believe that that line was in the movie even to this day they still think that that clip that went viral is real and he actually says it's morbid time I mean sorry to ruin Christmas for you that's actually not there that was just made as a joke we're supposed to be like look at how great morbius is more billion fans all over the place the biggest franchise of all time and that was just supposed to be like a joke like cheering thing for that line that's not real but Disney's taking that energy and trying to use it as an actual marketing arm for this film because it's floundering so hard in the box office so let me just play the rest of it real quick before we go back to talking about it anyway was coming and you just got to be Monday cause check it out what in tarnation that such an Abrupt chaos ending there that reminds me of like uh like a scene out of a disaster movie like a Roland emmerich film in like 2012 when an entire city blows up and everyone's screaming all at once before they all die that is just like like almost haunting but anyway yeah the crowds apparently going [ __ ] nuts for Claude here and I love that they even have like the stock baby giggle sound effect like it's they they pulled out all of the stops this couldn't have taken more than 15 seconds to make and it actually might have just been made by one of the higher ups child during like study hall at middle school they're actually using it they're legitimately trying to pass this off as a real thing and marketing for the film I [ __ ] love the caption the theater when Claude finally shows up in Elemental nobody knows who Claude is why would they be sitting there waiting on baited breath counting down the seconds for the moment that Claude finally Graces them with his presence this is a complete new property a new character they've never seen before why would they blow a gasket in excitement for it this isn't like a moment in a beloved franchise or like a cameo fan service moment you know like across the spiderverse where people point at the screen be like oh holy [ __ ] that's uh that Spider-Man turbo X5 from that 2008 obscure fanfic tumbler moment they listen to us foreign like no one's doing that for Claude it's not happening I also can't help but just love that they even go a step further instead of just like pretending that people gave a [ __ ] about Claude they then go even further where they start making like sound effects as like The Spectators during the film the most annoying audience reactions ever such as like oh when he's like flirting with the the main character here I guess like nobody does that like that's so rare and what the [ __ ] just a complete Brazen disregard for the audience intelligence to try and convince people that this is real is it's it's admirable I can't help but be impressed that they they're actually trying this on Tick Tock but I can't even blame them for trying I don't even hold them at fault for this because a lot of users on Tick Tock suffer from legitimate brain rot that's going to be a studied phenomenon in 10 years mark my words put it on your calendar 10 years we're going to be studying the effect that Tick Tock has had on the brain and the development of children and people across the world one of the biggest goddamn Trends on Tick Tock for a while a couple years ago was this where it was like pretending that your hand just went through your other hand and it blew so many people's minds that that one thing I just did right there has like 10 billion views across all the people that did it on there so I do believe that this probably wasn't the worst idea for Disney Pixar to try and convince them that like oh man people must really love Claude I kind of want to get in on that that hype I don't want to feel left out and look at how the audience responded to him Claude must be [ __ ] amazing this is the second coming of Christ I I might need to get to a theater now to see this Mom Dad let's go we gotta go to the theater right now Claude needs us we gotta see Elemental quick what's the next showing like I gotta get in on the hype it might work and maybe it has because yesterday there was an article that came out saying that Elemental is actually making a bit of a Resurgence in the box office so it's still a massive net loss right now it's got about 166 million total box office off of a 200 200 million dollar production budget which you usually double for marketing but in this case probably not they didn't really Market it much so even still it is in the red but it's starting to bounce back a little bit thanks largely to Claude I imagine claude's doing a lot of heavy lifting for this film I guess that just goes to show you the power of Claude when you bet on Claude you're guaranteed a win it's seams now I know Mickey Mouse is going to public domain pretty soon they're going to have to retire Mickey Mouse pretty soon for Disney maybe they'll just pick Claude as the next like actual Disney mascot like the face of Disney might be clawed within the next couple of years so I'm seeing a lot of potential with the character we can clearly see how much people love Claude like God damn you know maybe maybe I'm wrong I fully admit there's a chance that I'm very wrong and this is all a very real audience reaction to seeing Claude maybe that's just how we as human beings are programmed to respond to something as perfect as Claude right I haven't seen the film yet but I gotta be honest that marketing tactics almost working on me I kind of want to get over there real quick to see you know how great Claude is he's not even the main character of the film and I guess he really steals the show but yeah anyway I just I just had to talk about this a little bit I'm curious to see if they're going to do any other Hail Mary marketing plays for this film if it continues to not do well in the box office so yeah excited for that if it happens that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,961,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0cxd2j6sl_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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