What Happened to the Space Wolves Sent to Monitor each Legion for Heresy? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the best part about being a warhammer lore content creator is that it's pretty much impossible to run out of content there are hundreds of characters dozens of factions with dozen more sub-factions countless interesting moments all in the law all backed up by nine editions of codexes and over 200 books holy schnize nickel it's no wonder why you see star wars and halo lore channels dying they've got like 100th of the content despite having much larger audiences to draw from as such there are some really cool niche topics i can get into such as today's video a lot of people are confused why the emperor seemingly let the horus heresy break out without trying to stop it in its tracks but did you know he actually did try getting the space rules to send a watch pack to the legions to monitor for heresy or dwindling loyally even giliman had a watch pack assigned to him these watch packs were involved in a lot of cool moments in the law taking on primarks on multiple occasions kicking a little bit of ass and dying like a lot before we get started as you may know the lord of the night majorcue model is live and looks sexy as with two weapon variants and two head variants all in the one purchase a few people have asked me if this guy will be limited like the 300k space button was and the answer is whilst i won't remove this guy from the store i am going to europe in a week from now so if you want to pick him up you'll need to buy him by friday if you want to get him somewhat soon the model is sized and proportionate to official models so he'll fit into an existing army beautifully or just you know say stuff it and build an army around him the helmet variant you don't end up using will fit nicely onto another official model definitely one of the best minis i've produced to date can't wait to get this sent out to you guys and see what kind of paint jobs you give him today we'll go over the fate of each spacewolf watch pack ranging from the ones that got murked right off the bat all the way to the ones that fought a primark or at least tried to let's get into it to get a bit more context about what the watch packs were and why they existed we will go over their creation first before going balls deep into what happened to them in the years leading up to the horus heresy [ __ ] was really intense the council of nikea had pissed off magnus angran was completely off the rails conrad had just tried to murder rogueldorn and just blew up his own planet malcolm had rightfully grown suspicious of the loyalties of numerous primarks hence sent a squad of space wolves to various legions in order to keep tabs on them nearly every legion was supposed to get a watch pack however we only know the lore and fate of a handful malkador had the right idea by keeping an eye on the legions but it was too little too late hence for most watch packs their assignment was an instant brutal suicide does that mean malcolm was a bit of a semen brain and made a stupid decision no it wasn't dumb and there were a few instances where the watch packs managed to do something cool before they got completely [ __ ] murdered he just underestimated how rebellious and twisted the legions were he thought that a representative of the sigilite would be completely protected by his authority not really realizing that a lot of primax didn't really give a [ __ ] about that and worst case they did function as a pretty good dead man switch so that begs the question what was malcolm trying to accomplish if you send a squad of space wolves to watch a legion for treachery if treachery is about to be committed you can bet you're asked that the wolves are going to be the first ones to experience it well malcolm was a very optimistic dude and he told each watchpack leader that if the primark they were watching betrayed the emperor they had full authority to kill said primark very very optimistic first up there was the watch pack red knife the team assigned to watch over the blood angels to show just how close to the heresy the introduction of the watch packs were these space wolves linked up with the blood angels just before they went to cygnus prime to fight kabunda so by that point horus lorga and a few others were already traders these wolves fought alongside the angels against the demonic hordes of corn and proved themselves in combat whilst also confirming the loyalty of sanguinius unfortunately for red knife when kabunda knocked out sanguinis which triggered a temporary black rage in the blood angel legion the watch pack was torn to shreds by the very angels they fought alongside as black rage angels can only recognize other blood angels they thought the walls were demons or some kind of fairy abomination the blood angels felt pretty bad about this as you can imagine so they covered it up not even letting cinquinius know what happened they reasoned that with the galaxy in flames the last thing sanguinius needed to know about was a vicious team kill next up is watch pack car gear watch packs had some of the most elite and interesting space wolves in them hence why it's a shame that most of them died pretty unceremoniously watchpak cargi had a brother with an augmented metal jaw a member with a perfectly maintained chain axe a brother who was born as a bad omen hence to make up for any tattooties face with good omens which as we discovered would be a great call as his watchback was one of the only ones that didn't get turbo-raped this was because they were assigned to watch rogueldorn and his fists as roger was loyal as hell the watchpack soon took on the role as specialist bodyguards assigned to protect him rather than sniff out heresy as far as i know they completed their assignment and returned to their legion intact making them one of the only watch packs to do so now on to watchpack blue bruder who was sent to ultramart to watch over giliman this watch pack probably had the most impact out of all of them or at least had the most fun law by the time they reached g-man the heresy had already broken out so whilst they were a bit suspicious of gilean and his ambitions they once again acted more like diplomats of rus as well as bodyguards rather than a squad of dorman assassins when the lion reached ultramar as per custom the watchpack leader challenged the dark angels to an honor jewel in which the lion personally accepted the watchpack leader was like oh wait [ __ ] no as he thought he would get to punch on with a space marine not one of the most powerful primarks needless to say that watch pack leader got king hit pretty hard to his credit the strike he tried to land on the lion was blindingly fast with even giliman being unsure if he would be fast enough to block it the lion had no such issue who caught it in one hand effortlessly when conrad curse arrived on mccrack and went after giliman's mum it was watchpack bloodbrooder who protected her to their credit they were able to land some hits on conrad before he slaughtered them only the pack leader survived he had gone to recover from his wounds and continue to watch over giliman funnily enough when giliman declared imperium secundus the watch pack didn't try to kill him or flag him as traitor despite them being present for it that kind of lends weight to the fact that what gilman did was totally reasonable and people that think it's his aha [ __ ] heretic moment are dumber than a woman festered dog [ __ ] one of the more shorter lived watch packs we now have watch pack strong grin assigned to watch over conrad curse yeah unlucky mate as the watch pack approached curses ship the nightlord primark requested they come aboard unarmed the watch pack other than one justifiably paranoid member disarmed themselves and came aboard conrad was then like you guys are [ __ ] [ __ ] before the watch pack was then torn to shreds by the nightlord legion the space wolf who snuck a combat knife with them was able to kill three nightlords before they got him really shows the quality of the watchpack members and why it was such a waste for them to be sent on these suicide missions the leader of strong grin was kept alive and viciously tortured before being sent back to terror as a message he was recovered by one of makador's personal knight's errand and restored back to health and life at great effort but yeah not really sure what malcolm expected to happen there in a similarly ill-fated boat watch pack torbjorn was sent to watch over the alpha legion now the alpha legion aren't sadistic [ __ ] like the nightlords are however they were trying to play 5d chess with the galaxy and nothing ruins a game of 5d chess quicker than a space wolf hence when the space wolves met alfarius who to nobody's surprise wasn't actually atharius they sensed [ __ ] was wrong as such they killed the proxy alfarias and returned most of torbjorn is killed three of them escaping a shuttle however it's an alpha legion shuttle so it was already sabotaged because 5d chess and whatnot the shuttle crashes with only one wolf surviving he is then overjoyed to see a spacewolf shuttle land nearby but wait it's actually an alpha legion shuttle the wolf can do nothing but declare his bamboozlement before he is gunned down it's really unclear if a watch pact has a better survival chance of being assigned to a loyalist or traitor legion these next two watch packs will really drive this point home watch packed wound weaver was assigned to watch over corvus corrax however as the dude can literally turn invisible they were unable to find him while they were resupplying at one of their outposts the sons of horus attacked them this attack triggered the wolf and curse in a number of the watch pack very inconvenient timing hence the leader had to kill half of his own men and then also fend off an attack by trader astartes in a mixed bag of luck a raven guard squad heard of the watchpack's plight and came to their aid discovering the wolfen in the process the raven guard felt kinship with the space wolves over the wolfen as they had been creating mutant raptor marines that were a similar vibe with the raven guard's help the sons of horus are beaten as the watch pack goes to the pickup zone to link up with the raven guard the raven guard commander decides that the watch pack would likely declare corvus a heretic due to him creating the mutant raptor marines he has obviously just been overly paranoid making up [ __ ] excuses to betray them to justify his own sin as the survivors of the wolf pack approached the raven guard joyful over their victory the raven guard opened fire killing the survivors whilst the raven guard raptor commander personally rips out the watch pack leader's throat for [ __ ] sake guys you're on the same team here finally we have watch pack rafvin who were assigned to watch over horus himself unfortunately horus had already gone full heretic before the wolves could reach him as such they went off to do a bunch of side quests as the main quest line was now unavailable to them they met up with some iron hands retrieved a special axe for their primark and even bumped into corvus corrax it would have been pretty funny if corvus was like oh wow watch packs cool i wonder why i didn't get one as the raptor commander who betrayed them just kind of awkwardly shuffles eventually wrathvin would return to their legion intact so lucky them this is what i mean by it's unclear if it was healthier to be assigned a trainer or loyalist the blood angels and raven guard watch packs were slaughtered the sons of horus watchpak survived and even the night lord watch packs had a survivor so yeah pretty [ __ ] either way as of yet we don't know what became of the watch packs for the rest of the legions more likely than not many of the watch packs never made it in time before the heresy broke out the lion muses that the watchback sent to him would never find him due to how complicated his journey had been the ones that did make it to the trade allegiance probably would have been instantly killed as we saw i'm not sure if lorger would have gotten one as he already had a group of custodies watching over him personally already it goes to show that yes the emperor was cautious about treachery but the watch packs were too little too late if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one per month give you access to a boatload of heretical content hit the subscribe button hit the real subscribe button for more watchable content join the description for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 170,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: mseZ4c4nPyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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