Teyvat's SAMSARA EXPLAINED - The 4 Cycles & The 4 Descenders || Genshin Theory [4.3]

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tat is stuck in a samsara we are relieving a Time Loop are two of the oldest theories in the lore Community but they are neither the same nor are they mutually exclusive and now finally one of them is basically confirmed while the other is heavily implied and in the process we learned exactly why the descenders are so important and how they are linked to the samsara I'm talking about this particular text of course it tells us that the Narcan cross Ordo believes that people go through four samsar cycles hyperboria and Atlant rura and cron Arya being that the ladder corresponds only to the first half of the fourth cycle according to them this SAR is entirely about spiritual refinement and evolution but we are not just speaking about esotericism here these Cycles are very much real and they apply to all of chat the prayers artifact sets told us like a b jillion years ago that eternity is cyclical everything comes to an end but that's not the end of the story because every single time a cycle ends the world is made a new so that means that thead has been made a total of three times and we are now living the fourth cycle right nope this is exactly why I made a distinction between a samsara and a Time Loop so let's very briefly explore the meaning of samsara in Buddhism I promise this is relevant Buddhists believe that there is a continuous cycle of Life Death and rebirth known as samsara what is reborn however is not your soul because there is a no self what gets transferred is your Consciousness meaning you may have access to Memories a previous life this is a very bad thing because they also believe that to exist is to suffer mood so the entire goal is to break free of s samsara in order to do so one must reach Enlightenment which is easier said than done and usually requires many lifetimes to achieve if you are lucky however you are not guaranteed to reincarnate as a human every time in fact a human birth is considered to be very rare and precious since it allows for a greater chance of attaining Enlightenment you can be reborn as any of the Fallen creatures in their own respective Realms Gods demigods humans animals hungry ghosts and Hell creatures your rebirth is determined by the karma that you accumulated during your previous life good actions lead to Good Karma and vice versa side note this may be the inspiration for why H was so adamant that one must not accidentally receive a vision while trying to forsake the self or in other words become a no self yes a vision shackles you to Fates but it can also allow you to ascend to Celestia and Gods Not only exist in a different realm from humans but also aren't is likely to achieve enlightenment which in his case is the attainment of a stronger will just wanted to leave you with some food for thought carry on despite all of this some enlightened individuals ascended masters choose to reincarnate even after Breaking Free of the samsara all for the purpose of being guides to those still trapped within this cycle that's the very basic gist of it anyway anyway and now we are finally ready to discuss why I believe these four Cycles do not correspond to the number of times tat has been remade but rather are the cycles contained within each Loop like we just saw in Buddhist belief each cycle of the samsara can be wildly different even going so far as to take place in different Realms however every time we experience the samsar in game it consists of a short amount of time that looped endlessly every single day of the subz festival samsara was the exact same every attempt at fitting shokin Noami was the exact same up until the point of Divergence where Nita kept trying different things to try and achieve a different result the four Cycles described by the Ordo however are totally different a different step of human spiritual evolution is associated with each one and you cannot progress by doing the exact same thing over and over again it would make no sense for these Cycles to be different Loops of the exact same events the remnants of r rat's Consciousness even called naha My New Self in the samsara meaning that rukat and N lived in different Cycles but this rebirth happened only 500 years ago a cycle ended and another began during the cataclysm and yet tat was not remade and nothing started a new not to mention that the four Cycles perfectly line up with different phases of Tat's history as well as with the arrival of the four descenders we are talking about one continuous timeline here don't believe me check this out hyperboria is the cycle where Paradise is lost Atlantean is the defeat of evil dragons rura is original sin the text writes it as original sin and baptism but I believe that baptism lines up with the first half of the fourth cycle coronaria you will see why in a moment as far freedom from the gods this would correspond to the second half of the fourth cycle which we aren't living in just yet since all of the Cycles are about human evolution we cannot begin our timeline at the dawn of tat instead we need to start counting the time from the moment Heavenly principles created humans 400 years after their arrival during the time of the first civilization the description of the root cycle tells us that during hyperboria the world was frozen which perfectly matches up with what the prayers artifact sets tells us this unified civilization lived through a period where the world was blanketed in unending ey but at this time the gods and their envoys walked among them directly the heavens saw that their every need was met and 100 Years of prosperity was promised to them but the human mind is far too curious for its own good the creation turned to the Creator and question eternity what would happen once the promised time of Plenty came to an end to question eternity was forbidden but Humanity would not stop there they grew proud and ambitious leading them to scheme to enter the garden of of the Gods which greatly angered them according to Ruan records the punishment for this offense came in the form of tsunamis and heavy rain which drowned all sin Fontaine was hit the hardest and the longest but this seems to have been a tavat wide sentence solia stopped being a provider and became a Punisher they severed their connection to humanity to lose one's connection to the Divine is to lose Paradise this is a reference to the biblical story of Adam and Eve and how they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden in truth this entire timeline seems to take inspiration from the Christian Canon as you will see so I'm proposing that the first cycle hyperboria stretches from the creation of mankind all the way to the world with the second who came this first cycle represents the descend and Rule of the very first descender Heavenly principles a being whose will was capable of creating a new world the second cycle has a very interesting name nanan it seems like an odd choice to name name it after a specific Nation especially one that we still hardly know anything about but nanan is all about defeating evil dragons and even though the root cycle makes it seem like this is purely metaphorical nlin is a nation of war and Dragons while I'm sure there is more to it and that we'll find out more about this cycle in the 4.x patches perhaps that is all that we need to know for now because we have four cycles and four descenders does atlan should match up with the arrival of the second descender and there is a popular theory that suggests that this mysterious individual was none other than nibong and now more than ever this makes sense according to henia one needs to fall into the abyss and be reborn as a Holy Infant to acquire a will that measures up the that of the senders nibong went to the abyss for the sole purpose of acquiring more power that would allow him to destroy the New Order imposed by Heavenly principles remember at the Cent is someone whose will can protect the world sustain the world destroy the world and create the world had nalong won he would have destroyed the creations of the primordial one Humanity included making him an evil dragon from their perspective thus the second cycle Atlantean stretched from the war with the second who came to probably some time before the start of the Aran War when rura was established the third cycle is known as rura and corresponds to the original sin which in genin's context refers to aera creating new humans a fit that should be reserved to the celestial Gods alone however since she would be the ruler of Fontaine not roria and because she likely lacked the power to turn oanes into humans prior to becoming an Aran this should have happened during the Aran War when she was gifted in noses we don't know when the third descender arrived only that their body was used to make the noses kickstarting the Aran War so this third cycle should start sometime before that namely when roria was established given the name of the cycle even though at that point the original sin had not yet been committed this entire cycle is filled with sin because all of roria is a giant reference to the biblical Deluge 10 Generations after the creation of the first man Adam God saw that Humanity was corrupt so he decided to wipe it out with a flood and remake the world through the microcosm of Noah's Ark in genin this is a punishment that befell Humanity for trying to enter The Garden of the Gods but for some reason the area that is now present a fontain got hit the hardest the floods were so frequent that no true civilization emerged for a very long time that is until remas went around in his ship Fortuna and created a kingdom out of what once were sinful barbarians he is literally Noah and yet rur was prophesied to be destroyed and its people to return to the primordial sea this is really important keep keep it in mind and so it was Rua was swept into the abyss the survivors having had their home destroyed resorted back to their sinful ways until aera emerg as a new God of Fontaine and show them Mercy only to become the greatest sinner of all so the third cycle rura begins with the creation of rura and corresponds to the arrival of the third descender but when does it end roughly 500 years ago which is when the traveler would have arrived in tat the cataclysm must Mark the end of the third cycle and the beginning of the fourth we know this thanks to radada but also because the order was conducting their research post cataclysm and they believe to already have been living in cron Arya and that is precisely why I'm not lumping baptism in with the original sin all under the umbrella of the third cycle because the baptism happened after the cataclysm in fact we just saw it taking place baptism is a Christian sacrament of initiation where the new found Christian is either submerged in water or sprinkled with it that water washes away all the sins that person committed up until that point including original sin net baptized the people of Fontaine they took a deep in the sea and he forgave their original sin by granting them real blood so this phase of spiritual Evolution has been concluded which means that we should be moving on to the unnamed second phase of the fourth cycle the very last cycle that there will ever be according to the world formula the phase that will set Humanity free from the gods but this one is weird how come the Ordo could predict what it would be all about and even that it would lead to the end of the world but couldn't even name it it might be because this one has never happened before and yes K messed up his calculations he did not take the travel into consideration for one and he did not foresee that the naral would be defeated so chist is averted right if save well not quite I still believe that we are living through Tad's Last Breath but we will get there in a second for now we just discussed how these four Cycles refer to a continuous timeline a single Loop of the samsara if you will but I also told you that this does not disprove the time Loop Theory at all in fact it's quite the opposite there are a lot of loose threads in the narrative that are best explained by all of it having already taken place probably many times over the first one most people point point out is Vin's weird voice line that was a refreshing sleep ah traveler we meet again what you don't remember me well allow me to join you on your quest once again I must see to it that the BS of the world tell the Traveler's Tales this implies that he had already met a traveler before despite them not remembering him this is made even weirder by all the other characters introducing themselves as though the traveler were a complete stranger FY also claims to know all songs past and future also weird but perhaps something that can be easily explained Away by his connection to eoth the god of time what cannot be explained away however is the fact that the traveler has knowledge they really shouldn't have and claims things that should be downright impossible for instance there is no Canon traveler and the twin who confronts the sustainer during the opening Cuts scene is lumine regardless of who you pick later she talks to the sustainer and the god replies they understand each other which means they must be speaking the same language your chosen traveler also speaks the sustainer after the twin is trapped but gets no answer back so in that case you could argue that they were speaking different languages however since lumine can be chosen as a traveler that means that the traveler already knew Tad's language before being sealed so how exactly did Pon teach them I'll do you one better how did they learn the language in the first place what we have been told so far is that yis woke up first spent time in cona and then came to wake up the traveler when the cataclysm started so that they could Escape The Travelers should have never traveled tat prior to meeting Pimon they didn't have a chance to pick up the language they also should have never SE cona so how come they know something about the eclipse Dynasty something they want share with even Pon worse yet the flowers that lumine wears in her hair are inats a species native to kria if lumine is your traveler once she meet St in a Chasm and he explains the meaning behind the flowers she states that she woke up with those flowers in her hair so heater should have placed them there when he came together so that they could flee if your traveler's heater he simply says that those are the flowers that his sister wears in either case there is no recognition of the Traveler's parts they didn't know the name of the flower or its Origins until they told them all they knew was that it had something to do with their twin but when the marry and in Anapa is ask them what kind of flowers bloom in their home the place they are from their answer is the inat so which one is it have you been to cona or have you not remember what I said about someone being able to recall memories from their past lives what if this random meor memories that don't fit in seamlessly with their Journey come from the previous Loops where they have already finished traveling this world and seen cona the abys twin is aware of the truth of the V so they must know about the samsara and if they know that they are stuck in a loop suddenly them telling the traveler that they have always had enough time makes a lot more sense and what about Nicole she's known as the guy that never gets lost someone who helps others who are in need a of guidance does it not sound a lot like the ascended masters who have escaped samsara but choose to be reborn so that they can help BS escape the samsara this means that Nicole must know that there is a loop she knows how the story goes and that's why she can tell when it is changed she's currently helping the traveler because they have not yet broken free of the samsara the second half of the fourth cycle has never happened and Humanity has never been set free all the descenders change the world in some way the first created it as it is the second nearly destroyed it the third sustained it and the fourth is meant to recreate it to change the order that governs it to Reve fate the Trav is fed to ascend I.E to break free of the samsara so that they may replace the Creator and the keeper but that can have happened before or we would no longer be stuck in a samsara at all and this is because the primordial one is also a reference to Noah and the story of the flood did you remember that thing about roria that I asked you to keep in mind Remo's people were fed to return to the primordial sea but they were not stained with original sin they were actual humans created by Heavenly principles they should not have dissolved except that the primordial sea probably has the ability to dissolve all life once the loop ends when a cycle ends the world is made a new life is created by and through the primordial sea it is the beginning and the end during the time of the celestial envoys when life was still new and weak the waters ran dry as Thunder pierced the sky for the first time this is the water of the flood giving way to a New World before sun and moon is filled with references to the Deluge the arrival of the primordial one is labeled When the Doves held branches because that is how no one knew that the water level had dropped enough for the land masses to resurface he sent out a dove from the ark and it came back carrying an olive branch the year when the primordial one created humans is known as the year of the ark's opening because when Noah opened the ark all the humans and animals left to repopulate the Earth and just like how the primordial one used their eggshell to separate the microcosm of the world from the rest of the universe so did God remake the world from the microcosm of Noah's Ark heck even V means Arc we are living in a Perpetual Loop where the primordial sea Rises and resets everything only for Heavenly principles to make it a new the keeper is fading away the creator has not yet come slash is not fairing well theat is at its end it's nearing the end of this Loop of the samsara it's fading but the Creator will come back once everything is reset except they won't the Ordo predicted this would be the very last cycle because the naral rank up the primordial sea it did not get a chance to consume all of it we have been to the primordial sea after it was defeated and it's still there but we will probably see the naral again and at any rate there is a chance that there isn't enough left to reset the world so once the B fades it will be gone for good there are too many in accounted for variables currently at play for me to believe everything will just reset as usual especially because from a storytelling perspective it wouldn't make sense to send us back to the beginning it is up to the traveler to break free of the samsara recreate the world with their will and in the process break Humanity free from their fate from the gods the story of the narciss and cross Ordo is all about being stuck in the past and waking up from a dream into another dream all the while refusing to Face Reality refusing the truth and just like the traveler told Mary an in an aaes even if the truth isn't that important the future future is and there can be no future if the loop isn't broken this is the true purpose of the Traveler's Journey but one question remains if everything is just perpetually looping exactly as it did many many times before why does celesa bother doing the exact same thing while expecting different results is the definition of insanity after all what do they get out of this this is where I need to thank Jakey crafted seriously you are the best I do not know anything about one of these games and very little about the other so according to the information he so kindly provided the concept of samsara is not limited to genin in fact it has been brought up in a similar fashion in two other games within the Hong ierse honai imp pack third and guns Girl Z in both of these games there are haers which in most cases the Arham in genin end up resembling and just like the arkans the hersher also have authorities one of these is the authority of finality which can be used to manipulate honkai energy in order to do literally anything including create some Saras that also Loop however this Authority has an ability called World correction which allows it to essentially do backups of the data of the world and edit set data so whoever is utilizing this Authority can decide to remove specific parts of the world or Universe for the next Loop or to go back to the original settings so to speak but there is a catch World correction cannot override the natural order or rules of a world so their users can simply decide exactly what the outcome they want is and make it happen instead it may require some trial and error which forces them to Loop to samsara multiple times in genin we know that Heavenly principles has never been able to subdue divad's natural order completely and that they have been struggling with it this whole time meanwhile the one thing that cesia really can stand is human arrogation first does pesky little human scheme to enter the G of the Gods then they turn to the abyss and rise up against cesia and now they are running around rambling about spiritual Evolution and Breaking Free of the vanity none of that sounds like something Heavenly principles would be okay with but if they have control over fate and are able to Loop the samsara they should just be able to quench that Rebellion right but the natural order of this world does not allow them to do it Tad has its own unique rules after all so all of the hypothetical loops already been through are a perfect example of the trial and error needed to achieve one's desired outcome this would perfectly explain the purpose of Erol it records the history of the world and edits it in real time when information is removed or added so that would allow the gods to make changes in the future Loops Herman Soul behaves a whole lot like the authority of finality but there is also another possibility in honai Impact third there is also some Sor that takes place in an isolated world a Bubble World there a powerful entity rules over everything to ensure that this world strives before inevitably bringing about its own destruction when that happens honkai energy is released which this being uses to become more powerful then they hit the reset button and the samsar restart so that they can Farm the same world again and again now in genjin we have never seen the hongkai Manifest in the same way they do in these two games the closest thing to it would probably be abusal energy however there is a character in honkai Impact that scanned the Multiverse looking for a world that was free of the honai and they came to the conclusion that such a world did not exist and yes they were aware of tat because they saw Vin that means that tat cannot be an excep to the rule if it were to be destroyed it would also release honkai energy which Heavenly principles is probably in dire need of they haven't been in great shape ever since the war with the second who came and if they really always end up in such a wicked state by the end of each Loop of the samsara farming this energy might be the solution tat might just be one huge battery but if Heavenly principles is in such a sorry state would they really be able to restart the samsara perhaps not but thankfully they have someone to help them out the sustainer of heavenly principles like the name suggests sustains Heavenly principles and she's also remarkably similar to Kiana kazana as the hersher of the void and it just so happens that all of the hares of finality we have seen have been some version of Kiana klana so if someone would be able to use heril which acts a lot like the authority of finality would it not be someone who resembles the harsher of finality as much as sustainer does or at the very least that's what I got from all of this can you tell that I finally caught up to the Naran cross Quest I'm just mad it took me this long because that was some juice so much so in fact that you can expect the next video to also be about it so what do you think do you have a different interpretation of the samsara or of Slash's role what do you think the second half of the force cycle will be like do let me know your thoughts in the comments if you have made it this far you are the goat if you enjoyed please consider subscribing and sharing the video I'm glue and I'll see you again soon with more delusional ramblings save joury Travelers
Channel: Blue's Theories
Views: 45,242
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Id: UM1aLTgrObo
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Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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