The Hypixel Skyblock Player Who Stole $282,794

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this is addicted standing in front of an administrator on Minecraft's biggest server many players work for weeks only to earn $100 worth of coins adding up everything addicted has at this moment it's worth more than $45,000 and he's about to lose it all but this wasn't the first time addicted lost tens of thousands of dollars worth of illegally obtained items in fact it's happened over and over over and over welcome to the journey of addicted a player who broke every rule crossed every line reached the top and then watched it all crumble down addicted story like so many others began with Sky Block Minecraft's biggest mini game addicted started playing in early 2020 and got into fighting dragons dragons are one of Sky Block's many custom features and addicted was addicted while school was out he grinded upwards of 16 hours a day along with some friends he made in the guild 1 ms these included a couple of notable names like runix Fen o POG soul darkkey and shirou addicted was banned from the server for building something inappropriate so his friend darkkey gave him the underscore dark 1e account to play on in May of that year the server released a test Network called Sky Block Alpha where people could acquire infinite coins and items to help find bugs and glitches addicted 1ms ban joined and purchased hundreds of millions of items using this Monopoly money they did this through Sky Block's player shop the bizaar it was an innocent thing of little consequence but when they joined the main Network addicted was astounded to see hundreds of millions of coins worth of items their bizarre orders transferred meaning addicted and his friends accidentally generated over half a billion coins from thin air they were contemplating what they were going to do with this newfound wealth when addicted Co-op member Shiro received a message from Simon Hypixel the owner of the server himself Simon told shirou that he and addicted needed to dispose of all of the illegal items as they never should have been created normally dupers people who abuse duplication glitches to create items or coins are banned from the server and have their profiles wiped but Simon new addicted didn't do this intentionally so he sent one of the server's lead administrators plank to oversee their disposal so they tossed 600 million coins worth of the valuable summoning eyes into a pit of lava after this addicted went back to fighting dragons but he kept thinking about what had happened he and his friends had their hands on Untold riches but with the admins watching so closely there was no way they could have kept it that being said a single glitch in the code meant he was able to create millions of coins in seconds and so addicted did realize the game was fragile as long as you knew how to abuse it since at this point he didn't know of an easy way to break the game addicted went back to fighting dragons over the next few months he earned about 250 million coins doing this before losing it all on top of being a Sky Block player addicted was also a big fan of fortnite so he was intrigued when he saw someone talk about fortnite cheats he downloaded the file and installed them only to have his entire computer hacked addicted downloaded a remote access Trojan or rat with complete control of his computer the hacker changed addicted passwords and he lost access to the account addicted learned two lessons from this first never download files from someone you don't 1,000% trust second it only takes a single file to get access to someone's entire account now at Rock Bottom addicted didn't know what to do that is until he met someone that would change the course of his Sky Block career one day addicted joined a voice call with a player named 3G 9 3G 9 was screen sharing himself on Sky Block while cheating with a Hacked Client and he was earning millions of coins using illegal programs one of them was nuking a process of mining tons of blocks at the same time to anyone watching someone nuking is a blatant sign that they're hacking but addicted was astonished how can you cheat so much without getting banned 3G 9 told him it's easy you just have to know how to do it 3G 9 took addicted under his wing and taught him how to Nuke while Mining and farming to earn incredible wealth 3 G9 even shared the specific scripts addicted could use to cheat now the only thing he needed was an account addicted went to his friend shirou who hooked him up knowing how to cheat effectively addicted got into a routine for the first 8 hours of the day he nuke endstone during online school after this he would nuke farming I swear this man was chronically online he was playing 16 hours a day straight and then put a foraging macro on his account which would Farm trees automatically without needing any input as a result his account was earning money and leveling up for 24 hours a day Sky Block's different skills are tracked with the XP you earn and addicted reached number 10 in mining XP and number five in foraging across the entire server at the same time he maintained about half a billion coins in net worth going into this he always knew it would be risky but I guess 3G 9's methods weren't foolproof addicted to count was whiteed he was back at square one though not exactly the original owner of the account addicted lost from the free fortnite cheats situation was able to retrieve the account they logged in and surprisingly their Sky Block profile and items were untouched I guess the dude who stole the account didn't know about Sky Block by the way if you want to see more videos like this in your feed press subscribe also if you're looking looking to get more productive and do well in school without having to put in a massive grind I'm launching a Discord server for gamers trying to level up their lives every day I'll be sharing tips and protocols that helped me and it'll be a place for you to discuss strategies and find accountability with others like you it's the top Link in the description back on addicted grinded out stats but he was still in poverty last time he was in Dire Straits he learned how to cheat from 3 G9 so who better to turn to than the cheating Master himself while addicted was busy getting banned 3 G9 was busy getting rich and he was doing it with a method far more malicious than macroing 3G 9's new method of illegal wealth acquisition was ratting and it was earning him billions of coins he was lacing files with malicious code that would steal people's Minecraft accounts having been a victim of ratting himself addicted knew exactly what 3G n was doing and how powerful it was rather than earn coins by farming why don't you let other people do the work and then steal it from them there are popular mods on Sky Block like Sky Block add-ons or SBA which have features that enhance the gaming experience however several of these are behind a pay wall you need to spend a couple dollars to access them addicted knowing these mods were in demand created a fake Sky Block add-ons mod with 3G 9's help he then joined various guilds and Discord servers telling people he got access to a free version of SBA ratting wasn't very common so addicted was able to hand this mod out like candy I don't know how many people's gaming experiences addicted destroyed but he and two friends were able to steal 25 billion coins between them always after that Sky Block Bag addicted switch things up when a new money-making method came around in early 2021 scripting addicted already had some experience in this field from 3 G9 but what some people were doing was a completely new ball game scriptors use programs to play Sky Block without the need for player input but on a scale never before seen rather than Load One account like addicted was doing these guys loaded as many as they could so addicted hopped on the scripting train and set up five accounts that would Farm 24/7 this generated him half a billion coins every single day suddenly in one 24-hour period he was making more coins than he did across 6 months of fighting dragons with this he now faced a new problem he had more coins than he knew what to do with to solve this addicted turned to IRL trading IRL trading is the act of buying or selling Sky Block coins items or accounts for real life money addicted started selling his coins and at the time people bought them at a rate of 10 cents per million so addicted made $400 of his first sale by transferring 4 billion coins to someone in order to find the buyer he joined different IRL trading Discord servers he saw how they were set up and thought I could do it better so addicted approached a friend of his the coder and exploiter rice blades 11 addicted brought him a proposition how about we make our own coin shop and sell a Sky Block client at the same time rice blades was in using some of 3G 9's code as a base on top of writing his own rice blades created something called the CBT client beats anyone could buy to do the scripting addicted profited so much from these were designed to make players mine forever Farm forever Harvest forever and make tons of coins with zero work they set the price at $25 each script so if you wanted to do Mining and foraging you'd need to drop 50 or you could buy the bundle with everything for 100 addicted advertised the CBT client with YouTube videos he posted things such as how to max every skill in Sky Block with the least effort which received almost 3,000 views and how to get forging 50 completely AFK which has over 20,000 these advertisements were pretty effective and between the coins addicted and rice blades were selling and the people buying the CBT client they each raked in a couple thousand all was going well except addicted was selling coins of his main account so addicted was caught the account was wiped and he lost 2,00 ,500 worth of Sky Block coins this was addicted first time losing thousands of dollars in a single moment but it certainly wouldn't be the last when the Shop's Discord server was terminated addicted and rice blades ended that Saga for good with no account addicted turned to his friend pogil who gave him access to the pogil account back at zero once again addicted was ambitious to level up his new account and create tremendous wealth when rice blades found a duplication glitch addicted formed a new plan how is he going to take over the world bizaar crashes the bizaar is Sky Block's marketplace where people buy and sell items and the price of these items is based on supply and demand at the time the most expensive items on the Bazar were the newly released gemstones which sold for upwards of 10 million coins each addicted placed buy orders for thousands upon thousands of gemstones at a really cheap price when rice blades created thousands of gemstones and instantly sold all of them to the bazaar addicted order was filled of course rice blad's duping account would get banned but the admins couldn't remove all the gemstones that were just introduced to the economy this meant addicted on the pogil account was able to get his hands on thousands of gemstones for super cheap gemstones he could liquidate over the next few weeks which would profit him billions the first time rice blades did this with a Lobby crash duplication glitch addicted was able to walk away away with 15 billion coins just 2 Days Later another duper pumped 150 billion coins worth of ruby gemstones into the bazaar profiting addicted 10 billion then there's this video here loot from one year of topaz minions the only issue is there are no topaz minions in Sky Block the guy who pulled this off infuriation told addicted he was planning to crash topaz so addicted placed buy orders and gained 25 billion coins halfway through the month rice Blaze 11 crashed the bizaar with another duplication glitch involving Brewing stands netting addicted 10050 billion coins split across two accounts a couple days later a stash from that same glitch allowed him to make another 75 billion but addicted wasn't the only person profiting from these bizarre crashes he had competition in the world of Hypixel Sky Block few names stir as much Intrigue as 2 nfg you see the ego of Sky Block players cannot allow someone else to be better than them because of this addicted and TFG entered into a war to see who could get the highest net worth TFG was gaining hundreds of billions of coins and came up with a strategy to take addicted out for good in order to do this he had to call in the Cavalry the only person powerful enough to take addicted down dafty dafty is a Sky Block Legend was found an incredible number of duplication glitches on the eve of November 26th 2021 another duper named squeez Lord started the Amber Massacre and two nfg and dafty stood in wait when it was over squeez lord sat to observe what he had done he single-handedly caused the biggest bizarre crash Sky Block had ever seen pumping more than two trillion coins worth of Amber gemstones into the economy those gems wouldn't return to their normal price for over a year meanwhile addicted was blooming he netted over a 100 billion coins of gemstones and by now his net worth was over 300 billion it's so much that an anonymous buyer came to addicted and offered him more than $10,000 of real life money in exchange for pogil addicted denied this offer with his hundreds of billions things could not have been better that was until the very next day every time a duper crashes the bazaar the admin close it to try and reverse the damage with the Sky Block player base still shaking from his previous Venture an hour after the bizarre finally reopened dafty struck TFG knew addicted was going to take advantage of this so he went to time Deo TFG told time Doo that addicted and his friends were making hundreds of billions of coins from these bizarre crashes and time Dio forwarded that message to the administrators this was before timeo himself became an admin because if he was he could have done the investigation and wiped addicted himself nevertheless the admins upon receiving word from Dio locked pogol with an in-game ban until they could figure out what was going on addicted knowing he had minutes before his account was wiped realized there might be a way to salvage some of his wealth he understood if he logged into the account kicked pogol from the co-op that had their stashes then he might be able to save from getting wiped as well and so he set out to do just that will keep you near until the worldness and you are safe with me until the world [Applause] [Music] he was able to do it with just moments to spare pogol was wiped losing addicted $10,000 but darkkey and his stashes were saved normally when a player is kicked from the co-op their items can be salvaged but this could not be done when addicted tried he got the message you cannot Salvage this player because they were banned too hard on the co-op addicted was able to save 150 billion coins but there was one problem he had terrible stats an account with terrible stats and insane net worth is bound to attract suspicion so addicted started grinding trying to level up his account to something that could decently justify his astronomical wealth he even grinded out some Slayer bosses with the admin ski who was none the wiser of addicted illicit source of money with his salvaged hundreds of billions addicted was once again offered $10,000 for the account once again he declined it but he would very soon come to regret this decision with wiped addicted was now down $222,500 and starting from scratch all over again the admins keeping an eye on the bizaar and the supply of duplication glitches running thin a addicted return to the only reliable source of wealth creation that was fast enough for his Ambitions while he was scrolling on YouTube addicted saw someone advertising a Sky Block Mod in the description of the video he recognized that mod as a rat and realized he could do the same leverage his YouTube channel as a means to steal people's accounts he placed a rat in the CBT client and got to work he imagined these videos would get a couple thousand views and he was right kind of how to kill revenants come completely AFK 2,000 views how to kill void glooms in 2 seconds 31,000 views but what happened next was beyond to addicted wildest expectations CBT client the new best Hypixel Sky blout cheat 177,000 views how I duped 25 trillion coins 177,000 how to get infinite dojo points in the nether update 18,000 these ratting videos caused thousands of people to download the rat and addicted was able to steal over a trillion coins including coins from the accounts of top players addicted told me if he combined the net worth of all his accounts at the time he'd have been number one across the whole server still it's super difficult to transfer coins without getting caught and addicted lost hundreds of billions to admins wiping his accounts even though addicted was now sitting at over a trillion coins in Networth he didn't want to sell it instead he wanted to do something that has never been done cre create the perfect Sky Block account however a perfect account would have perfect stats skills as high as the number one players and a trillion coin net worth this can only be achieved through incredible dedication and of course duping addicted set out to create this perfect account but then disaster struck even though he was sitting at a trillion coins he wanted more always more so when dafty went around telling people to invest in gem Stones because he was planning to crash them addicted did just that on the Atilla Prime and mouse Odus accounts addicted gained close to 250 billion coins worth of gemstones which made each of those accounts worth over $10,000 but this time the admins had enough not only did they wipe addicted and his alternate accounts but they also wiped hundreds of top Sky Block players who had profited from daft's duplication glitch this event was dubbed the great gemstone Massacre for how how many people were taken out because of it with all the accounts he had lost addicted was down the equivalent of $50,000 it seems whenever addicted is back at square one he turns to theft not many people were falling for the ratting anymore so he came up with a new plan exit scamming this is when trusted members of the community leverage their reputations to hold items coins or accounts and then steal them doing so forsakes their reputation but that's the dark price to pay for all this profit with xit scamming at the top of his mind addicted went somewhere he knew would be particularly vulnerable the wild ISM coin shop people went to Wild ism's coin shop to buy and sell coins in accounts for real life money wild ISM ran it with a couple trusted managers helping addicted found out that wild ISM was going on vacation for 2 weeks and wouldn't have access to Wi-Fi so he approached the managers who would be in charge during that time addicted brought his idea he would offer people a lot of real life money to buy their accounts and use the wild ASM managers as the middlemen the account owners would then give their details to the shop which is standard procedure for an account sale but in this scenario addicted wouldn't send the money and the managers would steal the account profiting tens of thousands of dollars worth of Sky Block coins and thousands of dollars in real life however you can never trust a rat a predicted betrayed the managers too and stole everything he could from them in the end he left with $8,000 of real life money and tons of accounts including POG soul with no underscore worth a 100 billion coins or $110,000 a Tero worth 50 billion or 5,000 and Pablo worth $25,000 even with this addicted wanted more he could never satiate his hunger for Sky Block wealth thinking back to the success of those CBT C rap videos addicted started to record another one he put on some music and set out to record a fake duplication glitch with the intention of uploading it saying you need his CBT client to perform the glitch when Headlines by Drake Came on addicted started the fake duplication glitch where he was swapping profiles only to discover a real duplication glitch the chances of this happening are absurd addicted knew he could get a perfect account with the stuff he ratted with this new duplication glitch so he formed a dupe group with some friends and the well-known glitch Hunter simple origin they got access to the accounts of some of their friends and made many insanely large stashes addicted also created countless hypermax accounts all holding over 500 billion coins if he added all of these accounts together their net worth totaled more than 20 trillion based on the price of coins at the time addicted and his friends held 200,000 real life worth of coins in accounts of course it would be impossible to sell everything but based on the highest offer addicted ever received on a hypermax account he estimates all of these accounts amounted to $125,000 worth of sales at the top of the world it's a very long fall to the bottom one night simple origin drank a little too much funny juice and gave some of his gemstones to a viewer in Nexus up next's live stream no bro your account's going to get beam is DED no oh he did it oh my God no way oh my God he inst to sold no you are crashing that viewer instantly sold all of the gemstones to the bazaar crashing the market the admins checked the logs and saw that simple Origins account the source of the gemstones had done tons of profile creation and swapping before this from that they were able to figure out how the dupe was was done and wiped simple Origins account addicted and all of his friends this makes addicted losses total over $150,000 addicted still had some cash from the ratting and the wild ISM exit scam and he wanted to come back to the game he spent $5,000 buying some new accounts when a friend told him about a new duplication glitch this dupe involved ghost players and addicted created about a 100 billion coins the guy who discovered it originally made a video about it and posted it publicly to YouTube which of course led to it getting fixed addicted as well as many other abusers were banned and wiped addicted didn't have to bemoan his situation too long though because another friend of his came to him with another duplication glitch these dupers take advantage whenever they can because they never know when another opportunity will come no matter the circumstances this guy was on vacation but was still still going ham and so addicted created 3.5 trillion coins across different accounts I've been saying this stuff so casually but it's still pretty hard to believe how powerful these glitches actually are just to show it though there's this video from infuriation how to turn 15 mil into 3.84 bill in 6 minutes and 4 seconds because prices dropped due to inflation everything addicted created was valued at 17,500 $100 the hypee train crashed when the friend who discovered the dupe sold the method to various coin shops with so many people knowing it it was bound to get patched and it did because he had lost so much and no longer had an unwiped account addicted stopped playing the game for a while that is until he got a DM some random IRL Trader messaged addicted with a login to an account the trader asked if addicted wanted to buy it for a couple thousand dollars the Trader's big mistake was he gave the account without collateral and so addicted did what addicted does and he stole it as it turns out it was one of the top 50 accounts in the game holding tens of billions of coins with this account he added the wiped but unbanned POG Soul account to the profile and instantly took out 60 billion coins from the bank this caused him to get flagged and the admins wiped him so that's another $5,000 account gone because of this he pretty much quit a game for good August 2023 the hex dup the Sky Block exploiter endf flame was messing around with the hex a feature that allows people to apply enchantments to their weapons with the hex Ender flame managed to get his hands on a duplication glitch but it could only be done with items that can be applied through the bizaar the most valuable of those being wither Scrolls and the Chimera enchantment Ender flame went to addicted and addicted knew this was it it this is when he'd do it he'd finally be able to create the perfect account but he'd have to do it carefully addicted assembled the dark Avengers of exploiting he brought the 1ms co-op back from the dead their plan was to transfer wealth to the account Sky XY y that was the account they would make perfect these dark Avengers knew if someone started selling duped items in Mass it would set off major red flags and the admins would immediately ban them so they created a new strategy to fly totally under the radar lowballing lowballing is when Rich players create the Sky Block equivalent of pawn shops they'll underpay for cheap items in exchange for Fast Cash and resell those items for profit if addicted lobal a duped item for cheap to Sky xyy and Sky sold it it would look legit even if they were investigated they had to make sure everything looked legal so they had a rule no smashes because they knew if an admin saw a dup stash on their profile they'd be instantly wiped that was still in the cards if an admin looked too closely at their trades so the group had to make sure no one ever had any reason to acting slowly the dark Avengers duped hundreds of billions of coins worth of items and lowall them over to Sky over the next 6 months sky was able to get up to 300 billion coins of net worth but that's when everything went wrong someone who knew the dupe sold it to Noth the player who owned the number one net worth account across all of Sky Block along with 20 other hypermax accounts worth $50,000 addicted co-op had to figure out what to do they fully understood that Noth knowing the glitch was a major liability they decided if he messed things up they were going to do everything they could to take him down no himself assembled a group of players and they started selling Chimera 5 dataless axes across a one-month time span they sold hundreds of axes profiting a trillion coins this increased the supply so much that the price of axes dropped tremendously the demand could not keep up and the price kept dropping by this point enough people knew the dupe that it might get patched any day when the hex was disabled addicted knew the gig was up to keep his promise to take no down addicted went to the only person powerful enough to do [Music] that time Doo so thoroughly investigated the dup that he wiped every single one of addicted accounts his friends account accounts and the low ballers who didn't even know they were profiting from duped items the value of all the accounts addicted loss across his entire Sky Block journey is close to $225,000 [Music]
Channel: PitFall
Views: 272,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Zoe_qVwDBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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