I Asked Roblox Billionaires How They Got Rich

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so what's the secret to becoming a Roblox billionaire well it's actually quite simple first you got a yeah right no one can make that much money from a stupid Lego game stupid Lego game stupid Lego game well my friend you're dead wrong that's just one of the few who turned her love for Roblox into billions of roox the largest games on the planet real historical moments and more but to find out how they act actually did this we're going to investigate them one by one I was getting so really burnt out by the end of it because find their secrets how do you get ideas from my dreams and dive into their full stories to finally answer the question how to become a Roblox [Music] billionaire yo cubic how are you I'm doing well man mad himself yeah I'm doing good also um well let's get right into it so how do you make your money I make my money from Roblox games my most popular game is catalog AO Creator and how I earned from that is I get a commission from each time somebody buys an item inside of my game with 2 billion visits and hordes of active players it quickly Rose to the second most earning game out of the billions of Roblox games out there I can't comprehend it but now I have even more questions how can a game so empty attract so many players what makes them spend so much money on it and what led to its creation he must have known something that no one else did and I want to find that out so let's start off with the Early Times starting as an average player how did you get into making Roblox games so I saw that each game was made by like another player on the platform so that kind of inspired me to make my own game cuz I had this ambition to like create a front page game one day and become popular so that's what got me started into making games I actually started learning scripting when I was 10 and a half or 11 years old the beauty of this is that working hard at a young age already puts you ahead of everyone else so imagine what he could accomplish while still being a kid but starting as a child came with some inevitable problems I was very young back then and there was a lot of things I didn't know how to do the main challenges are probably like trying to learn script thing every now and then there are bugs that come up that sort of just crash you down I think a few bugs have made me quit working on games completely because of how frustrating they were giving him a bad first impression of making Roblox games and you know you have a rough time fixing them so to take his mind off of this hot mess he looked back at the games that inspired him [Music] which gave him an idea pretty much all of my first games were me trying to remake all the popular games I remember trying to remake murder mystery on my own which may seem dishonest cheap and lazy but it's all for a good cost though yeah I was just pretty much trying to remake it so that I can gain experience on my own you know game systems giving him the knowledge he needed to make his first proper game so my first game that I made was called laser CR it's basically a shooter game where you're on a team and you have to fight the other team to achieve Victory and be the last team standing a perfect way to learn how to develop while making friends and it probably got a few hundred or maybe a thousand visits in total now uh never mind the harsh truth was man was a small fish in a massive sea and with the big fish getting a ward after award praise after praise what makes man any [Music] special but even when no one noticed your work what pushed you to keep going the main thing that pushed me was my friends that were playing it with me we had a lot of fun times testing and you know playing the game and battling each other inside of laser C and yeah that inspired me to like you know keep working on it and add new maps and new skins so from there how did you approach making Roblox games games was there a strategy or a secret I think the main thing to get successful game is to put yourself in the perspective of the player if you wouldn't be having fun playing your own game then the chances are somebody else probably wouldn't be too and make sure that the you know the overall feeling of the game is also something super nice and easy to use and fun to play that's what's going to make people stay in your game and also join back if they had fun playing it As Time marched on the very friends who kept him going the main thing that pushed me was my friends that were playing it with me vanished most of them have stopped playing Roblox so I kind of lost you know contact with them cuz they just yeah they just grew up away from the platform imagine that the very thing that brought you and your friends together lost its charm completely demotivating you from doing anything and to add more salt to the wound me as a popular game developer now that's not something that I was always I started off somewhere as well and in fact I've actually had a lot of failed game releases tens of game like dozens of games that I've released that have flopped so yeah you got to keep trying and trying [Music] again I think you've all heard the saying once you're at Rock Bottom the only way you can go is up that's if you find the right time to strike okay so story games were actually quite a big Trend back in 2019 they were super popular there were games like camping and airplane story context these games basically throw you in the middle of a story and your goal is to beat some sort of villain which had a lot of popularity out of nowhere yeah it's free real estate man saw potential story games were a cheap and guaranteed way to get popular much more than last time but that's the problem they can only be played so many times before players finish the entire story they would then beg for more and more and more stressing out the owner even popular Story game devs have a history of burning [Music] out so that inspired me to make my own Story game my first story game that I made was vacation story and that was in fact my first game that actually blew up and got me out there as like a developer let's go but what made players notice your game in particular surely there must have been thousands of story games yeah so um as far as the story line goes I try to make my story games have a lot of different things a lot of different scenes that you can play through as a player there was another game called airplane story which was the popular one but in that story game you just stuck on the plane for the whole duration yeah this is fun which is why in my vacation Story game you st off in the plane but then you end up crashing onto an island then you have to do you have to go through Survival on the island and just like any businessman would man made a bunch of game passes to help you live and reach the end of the story which most eventually did yay and because it was my first game that succeeded I went on to make more and more St games such as daycare and daycare 2 I mean I did say it was stressful but maybe he can handle [Music] it and eventually players finished that one too which led to an endless cycle basically man found a game style players loved and made the best possible version of it by combining many popular game modes you got to steal like a artist but the main thing keeping his games to float is the Players trying to make lore out of it like coming up with game theories about the storyline yesterday a daycare has been attacked by a big monster Reports say that child have managed to escape that's how that's that's why I made a lot of story games yeah a lot a lot when I first started creating games i' I've been working on story games but then when I was making daycare 2 I was getting severely burnt out by the end of it because I wasn't really doing it for fun anymore it was just because I was kind of forcing myself to make a new story game because you know a lot of people were you know asking for daycare too um so from there how do you bounce back into being motivated again what I did was I took a break from that I started working on other games like Mega hide-and seek and catalog out Creator it was like a new Avenue for me and even though it was a massive massive risk for him it was something completely different and I had so much fun making it you know I put a lot of effort and like passion and love into it if you're going to make a game work on a game that you have passion for work on something that you'd have fun making cuz otherwise you're just going to burn yourself out and probably uh end up not touching game development again so following his own advice and using his raw knowledge he began to work on his next big project catalog Avatar Creator not for fame or money but for a reason he genuinely cared about and a pretty serious one at that when you're shopping on the marketplace you can't equip multiple items at the same time and you also can't see how the character will feel when you actually playing a game and walking around with it yeah that is so annoying for context Roblox always had this problem where some items in the Avatar shop look good on display but once you actually wear it you basically got scammed and what's worse is that once you spend your money there's no shot of getting it back I started looking for alternative adver to games that I could use and all of them were kind of you know finicky or like not as great to use so I decided to make my own version which was super simple and easy to use and that's how catalog AAR Creator was born and yeah overall the experience of creating an avatar in my game is much more easier than on the Roblox website unlike in that you can try any outfit for free in game to see if you like it then buy it as your official Avatar I think the main thing is that it combats the um problems people have with roblox's Avatar editor since this game solves a common issue players had no choice but to play in just a matter of weeks he already gained a few thousand players but despite that the game lacked any substance it only existed as an avatar editor there was no real bond between players which is never good for any game and I think the popularity of my game also boosted after I released Community outfits which is like a public catalog of outfits that are pre-made for you so if you search up for something it will literally give you hundreds of outfits that you're looking for in a second people can find an outfit they want pretty much instantly without doing any work to create it yeah that'll save so much time and money not only did the strength in the community players finally had the chance to show their Creations to the world and I mean Millions upon millions of people he didn't want a hog the fame for himself anyways that was the feature that sort of carried my game from like 10K players to where it is now like 40K let's go man it's providing like a new solution for outo editing which is what made it really really popular and you bet money rolled in more than ever I get a commission from each time somebody buys an item inside of my game although anyone else would obsess over that man had other priorities there are definitely more problems out there that can be solv by users creating games to be fair there was a issue of people trying to donate to each other which has him solved with his game please [Music] donate I made another game called friend Checker which solves the issue of you like you know managing your friends list I guess man finally found his true passion making millions by using his games to help other players like it means the well to me [Music] honestly where do you see this in 5 years definitely I will still be on the platform the Roblox Community is like very supportive and you know having a fan base for my game is always so nice to you it just sort of motivates you a lot and yeah the support I've received from the community is overwhelming and the winner is for best use of fashion catalog Avatar Creator hey everyone my name is man and I'm so honored to receive the for best so man following all the success what's one piece of advice you'd give to the viewers right now if you have a failure see it as a stepping stone because from each of my fail games I learn a lot of scripting and you know modeling experience and that experience helped me to work on my future games and yeah it gives you the potential to eventually one day reach there and achieve your goals amen while man's advice is definitely helpful it doesn't fully answer our main question to truly understand the truth of success we can't look at this from just one side well thank you for coming on and sharing your story yeah you're welcome thank you for having me um but before we part ways I need to know one last thing should the viewers subscribe to the channel yeah it watching the video right now be sure to smash the Subscribe button for more awesome content like this that's right you guys heard him we're trying to hit a million Subs this year and I have some awesome content planned so subscribe now man might have been impressive but then again he's not the only brilliant billionaire to learn from the more the better hey chunch Bunch how you doing I've heard a lot about you so let's just get into it yeah go ahead so how do you make your money I make my money through Roblox games and blade ball is definitely the biggest thing I've [Applause] created in a mere 60 days blade ball became the fastest game to hit a billion visits a milestone that you can only dream of and although this sounds like one in reality it has its own set of nightmares the amount of passionate hate for blade ball is UN paralleled yeah since the game came out of literally nowhere players were so quick to hate or pay to win games ruining Roblox recently this discussion popped up again thanks to a little game called blade ball including me and because it happened so fast the owner never had a chance to share his side but that changes right now we could learn a thing or two from his story so we got to separate the art from the artist all right so what's the backstory behind your life changing project it was kind of a jumbly story but basically I was wondering why there weren't any big air hockey or pong games on Roblox that seemed really fun so I did some research and stumbled upon heat seeking ball games for context heat seeking ball games are basically ping pong but with a moving ball of death that mechanic was captivating so my best friend vido and I wanted to put our own spin on it and bring it to Roblox the only problem was chunch had no idea how to start there weren't many heat seeking ball games on Roblox to take inspiration from so he had to make the most of what he had I had to hone a lot of my skills because I'm a jack of all trades master of none developer which is basically learning as many skills as humanly possible and blade ball started with just me and vid with him doing most of the scripting and me doing everything else honestly making blade ball was really fun so it was no problem to H my skills it took us a little over a year of on andof development but a majority of the game was grinded out over one summer with us working all day wow you guys sacrificed your summer break for that and thus blade ball was born the aim of the game was simple Dodge a moving ball and deflected to your enemies but the ball speeds up every seconds until one Victor remains chunin vid did it it was day one when the game opened day two when chunch already gred his first update day nine when when the game hit a th000 players and day 23 when the group hit a million members which they doubled in 4 days but strangely enough chunch got less and less active as the game got bigger and bigger was he ungrateful did he not care about his fans or team what's the truth behind all this well back then I was always it's fun to go into blade ball servers and talk with the community and occasionally give out unobtainable swords when blade ball was at 50 players everyone knew each other and it was a great time like putting all the players in one server and hosting events but nowadays it's hard to connect with individual people since the community is so big now and how did it get so big so fast was it luck or skill on your end we executed blade ball quite nicely but Tik Tok caught wind of it and played a big role I guess it was easy to fit full 1 V ons into quick and cool videos so it was definitely a combination of luck and skill it's all about being prepared for future [Music] opportunities despite the negativity towards this game this guy so far seems legit he wanted to bring something fresh to Roblox learned everything he could to do it and eventually made it work with the help of his best friend and despite his hard work he wanted him to have all the credit but because of the games's instant rise and some very bad timing I can write pages and pages about harmful misconceptions towards me but the most common one is you copy well that sounds pretty bad it's an eily similar game to Blade Ball but knowing your backstory it's probably not true no deflect actually referenced a lot of things from our game after we released and people thought we copied them Pro servers double jumping crates and more I can't remember generally the things said about us are greatly exaggerated or blatantly untrue but what gave you the strength to still update the game what's your advice for anyone putting up with hate especially undeserved hate the best way it go is to never reply nobody likes to talk to a w too bad I'm a high te Sigma and the haters won't get to me but don't be mistaken I also get a lot of funny and kind messages that make my day even though I can't reply to all of them I find comfort knowing that I can rely on people and I can be relied on like my friends and my team besides tackling projects is extremely difficult to learn [Music] now honestly I don't know you that well or even what you sound like but I have a lot more respect for you and I'll be honored if you can share to everyone your main piece of advice when it comes to being successful I know this is what every how to become successful guide says but keep trying and improving yourself and never underestimate yourself hard workking stupidity beats lazy Brilliance I've never looked at it that way and hey if you don't have time cuz of school spend your Summers learning skills you find interest in and executing them Roblox games make a lot more money than people think so that's a fun one to start [Music] with well thank you chunch punch for sharing your story I hope we can speak again someday but now we got to move on to our next Roblox billionaire there's still a lot more to uncover hello hello hello thank you for having me no problem introduce yourself to the audience yeah so I'm tensil and I'm the owner of slap battles on Roblox which has okay I don't know if I should brag about the stats of the game but I live off my game slap [Music] battles since he's such a humble guy I'm going to brag for him with over 2 billion visits slap battles easily became a top earning Roblox game supporting tensil and his family [Music] but back then I had no desire to create stuff in the platform or develop back then I I didn't really want to develop games I just wanted to play them which kind of struck me as odd how did a kid who never cared about creating end up as you know Superstar but most importantly how could his story finally answer our question I was an average player all the way up until 2021 ooh what changed there I was going to a programming class and I thought it was like you'd be taught how to program in the programming class then I realized everyone in my class already knew how to program and I was like oh what the hell which must have been embarrassing so I talked to one of the people in the class and they were apparently really good at ROBLOX programming and I knew what Roblox was at that point I got into learning how to code in Lua which is the scripting language Roblox uses to make every single game of reality I was inspired by my classmate Alex op 1000 he inspired me to start making games and taught me a bit about coding as well with a New Found Love for coding tensel immediately got to work as I said I played a lot of games before I started to develop so I wanted to make games that were like on the same scale as the ones I was playing and these games had big development seems behind them often I was imagining like a massive whole game and I wanted to do it all by myself with next to no experience I thought I could just make something in in like a month or two that was on the same [Music] size but I did not even get close to finishing and it was also very very bad in comparison cuz I was so inexperienced you're not good enough just now you have nothing to offer fumbling your first move is never a fun experience but at the very least although I did learn a lot from it so I wouldn't say it was a waste of time just keep trying until you improve and make sure not to aim too high with your Ambitions which is pretty counterintuitive but considering his past he had to do something different for his next game so uh what's Plan B in the game you can go into the arena and then you can you have this big glove you slap people every time you slap someone you gain one slap and the goal is to knock people off the island the simplest idea possible and when you gain these slaps you can use them to basically unlock better gloves that deal more knockback and have unique abilities and rather than spending months perfecting the game it's really horribly coded behind the scenes because I was practically learning how to do stuff while doing it in fact the animation that you see when you slap is a test animation cuz I wanted to see if like my script would work so I just made something in like 10 seconds to see what this theoretically work it did and I just never changed it but I guess it goes to show don't overthink the process so after a hard week of work he was confident enough to share slap battles to the world despite the imperfections he still believed in [Music] it but we can only hope that players will two in the beginning it didn't even maintain a stable player base it had maybe one or two servers I guess all hope is lost [Music] and that's when my friend Alex op 1000 he joined and he bought one of those game passes W friend W friend and rather than spending the money on himself I would sponsor the game using the Roo I made and then I would kind of get maybe one full server and then I would use that Roo if I made anything to sponsored again kind of during a cycle until I had maybe 70 players and then it kind of self sustained and and the first people that I had playing the game I I would give people who joined the game like a lot of slaps immediately so that they can immediately use some really good gloves and I would also play my own game and make sure that they were having fun playing it but after his friend's gracious gift another friend stepped in and for the wrong reasons you had like a staff member when slap battles was more new got really controversial and all the bad stuff stff really so we had to kind of kick them from the server and and uh get rid of them and all that oh and does that frighten you I'm not really worried about losing friends if I if I know them enough and I know that they're good people following the sudden betrayal Ted made it his mission to show as much love to the community as he can if he ever gets the chance to so after getting a couple d players thanks to your friend what was the next step to bringing your game to its full potential so I didn't really have a plan I just kind of added what I thought was fun cuz at the end of the day I didn't really do it because I thought I would get any success from it I just found it fun to kind of see people play what I made and interact with all the stuff I created and then adding more stuff and see their reaction to it it was like it was like a game to do in itself as you said don't over Fink the process but to truly deliver on this goal the updates had to be remarkable I think one of the funniest updates I made was adding a glove called mega rock an OP glove that in kills anyone who touches it which does sound random and dumb but it's actually very important to T's goal so I was going to make it something stupid like you have to sit in this rock for 1 hour straight and do nothing to get this glove that's just torture and then my friend was like nah do 10 hour no was like okay just just I thought it was funny really and while this may seem like an absolutely horrible idea that would make players hate him didn't even complain really because it wasn't mandatory to get it was just something you could get and at the end of the day if something is really rare it automatically makes it really valuable and when it's really valuable people want to do much more to get it it's one of the most iconic gloves in the game even though you have to sit in the rock for 10 hours to get it 10 realized something not only did this make players play longer a very important thing for its growth but these funny rare items oddly formed a connection between him and the players so we did not hesitate to create more and more of these rare random gloves not only did players willingly spend so much time and money for them but the glove's abilities made for some surreal gameplay you can get caught off guard by some something really jarring and it'll be really funny as a result like for instance if you get hit by a bus out of nowhere and thanks to the game's imperfections they were laughing having fun making friends tense Vision was coming to life but to strengthen his bond even more he added theme songs to each glove like the one you're hearing right now every time you fight with a glove it plays a funny little song to make the game even more immersive and oh boy did players Vibe with it [Music] but as any game grows the owner always falls in an inescapable trap it's hard to connect with individual people since the community is so big [Music] now I don't think he was aware of this problem but a small update he made might have saved them I I had a chair on the lobby and I would literally just sit there and and talk to people who joined maybe walk around as well I just wanted to attract players because the money I was making quote unquote was so insignificant didn't really matter it was just kind of fun I I just invested literally everything I made I put back into ad everything and while it may seem lazy that he's still doing this it's all part of his plan well anti- plan to nurture his game to the max now with a decent player base he had the chance to bond with even more people I've hosted events where for instance I'd make like a server with 100 people where he would basically give out rare unobtainable badges to each of the hundred players a nice little gift for a small community actually I think it was 200 people and I was live streaming it and it got filled up and it was pretty fun bro and although he didn't have to and could have spent that time grinding out updates I mean they're just kind of like a little cherry on top to be honest people get too caught up in getting optimal retention optimal session time and this and that they'll probably forget about the most important thing which is to have an actually fun game oh my God don't overthink the a although progress was being made towards this goal the main issue was the game itself still felt flat there wasn't much depth other than slapping people and slapping people and slapping people games with this problem have a his of dying out but with the experience he gained from bonding with his fans 10 might have found a solution to spice things up you see every glove in the game was always related to a meme that's lighthearted which he knew his fans loved but the next update would be the polar opposite I just tried to make some really absurd stuff like there's this guy called Bob which is like a black glob like a a god sealed away and and all that stuff so yeah an evil who committed horrible crimes like genocide and cannibalism and serves as a villain for anyone who steps foot in the game on paper this seems like a disturbing idea that would turn players away cuz it's the last thing you'd expect but 10 knewest players well enough to take that risk I think it makes it more interesting and fun to to play and [Music] witness players didn't like it they loved it the risk was worth it thanks to this mischievous figure waves of fan art was made as well as pages and pages of lore behind the character this wasn't just a PVP game anymore it was its own Universe player Counts Rose and the community was much more vibrant which gave 10 a wave of inspiration so after that update what was the next move to achieve your full potential on for all to listen to the community and um apply whatever they kind of want to see if if it improves what they think about the game and makes it makes them want to keep playing you know so nurturing your community and now with this massive responsibility Ted made a dedicated promise to his loving fans I got to update every week so that's what I got to do and that's what I'm doing and so that's what he did forcing himself to crank out as many updates as humanly possible new game modes new characters like Rob apparently Bob's mortal enemy and gloves with abilities that no man has ever thought of and all of that week after week after week for the entire [Music] year but as slap battles got bigger SOA tense fear of letting his fans down I got to update every week so that's what I got to do and that's what I'm doing so I mean that's some pressure I kind of have to update every week at this point and it didn't help that they had higher expectations for the game so he needed a second way of cranking out updates and fast other than your fans how else did you find ideas from my dreams um bro how is this even possible there's this uh thing called the plate that goes around the island it's like a transportation system and I came up with it because I was dreaming that I was in like a like a fan game of stat battles like a ripoff and they had like a bunch of stuff all over the place it was actually a train in my dream I I did a very similar thing as a result of waking up and being like damn that's really cool I wish I should have that in my [Music] game that is actually brilliant his bond with the game is so strong that he can work on it in his sleep but at the height of it all a tiny mistake he made eventually caught up to him I was still the only developer of slap battles at the time but it had gotten really big he was so focused on bonding with fans that he forgot to spend time building a team from the ground up but that wasn't even the worst part so I just didn't have time to do both school and and work on SLAP battles at the same time I mean if I don't update every week the fans will probably be very disappointed I forgot you were still a kid at the time yeah really stressful cuz it was a lot of homework as well and then also a lot of developing so I didn't have any free time at that point players were angrily begging for the next updates but school got in the way of his promise 10's game was printing money so we could drop out but then again school is where he found his passion learned how to code and met his first friend but it also prevented him from pushing the game even further and finding a team but then again he was heading off to college which is very important for your future and career and he doesn't have time to do both I just wanted to attract players at the end of the day I didn't really do it because I thought I would get any success from it I just I got update every week so that's what I got to do and that's what I'm doing so I mean that's some pressure I kind of have to update every week at this point I mean if I don't update every week the fans will probably be very disappointed don't overthink the process so he didn't overthink he followed his heart so I think if I remember correctly I dropped out about at the end of 2022 wow that is a serious commitment I succumb to the pressure and I update every week but I don't really mind doing it to be honest and with school completely out of his life he completely relied on his game and players to financially support him meaning he couldn't mess this up literally however every now and then I'll add the update that isn't very well received and people get upset but you know I try to avoid it so it's pretty unavoidable in general though and although it made him pretty sad which is perfectly okay he saw it as a stepping stone Like A wise man once said constructive criticism is when you give feedback that can actually help improve the game like you could do this better or you could do this better while uh destructive would be more like your game sucks and with this mindset he hired fans as testers for the game for instance if I'm making a new glove and I'm testing it with the testers then they could either be like this glove is bad or boring or something or they'll give a constructive feedback like you could improve this glove by doing this or that and then I'll do it could be adding a new feature to the glove or making it more in depth with an honest and loyal team to rely on he was finally in the right head space to push his game to its real full potential even with all these testur these upcoming updates seem so much harder to make than any of your previous how did you motivate yourself to put that much work it's my job at this point as I said I dropped out of school so this is just kind of what I do now I don't really need motivation to work on it it's it's fun so you know I'm having fun doing it so throughout the year of 2023 with all the knowledge and passion he gained and while keeping his weekly promise he poured his soul into two massive updates as a token of of appreciation for his loving fans but will they accept [Music] it number one we're probably be the Bob boss fight which was a big boss fight a perfect way to combine random intense gamep playay while continuing Bob's lore which fans always wanted and as he streamed the update to all his fans everything felt perfect place it down that had a lot of hype when we got over 70,000 players in that update that is unreal the next update would be null Zone which is a um it's like a dungeon kind of thing a purple dungeon and they have to kind of navigate through it and if they make it to the end they get a unique glove so mad calm down I'm very frightened right now well you made it but without Alex I don't know cuz he since he kind of contributed to the first sponsorship I don't know if I would have gotten any players in the first place to even nurture if it wasn't for him definitely did help a [Music] lot but I think we're forgetting the main point of all this 2 billion visits that is no joke it was a happy accident I I found it fun to to develop initially I didn't have have any goals or anything like that and then eventually I just kind of slowly got success without even really realizing I was like oh and what's your main piece of advice for getting that success if you have a failure see it as a steing stone because hardworking stupidity beats lazy Brilliance it can never really be a bad choice to start learning how to develop on Roblox if you keep trying you'll eventually get it and if you don't then you'll end up with a very valuable set of skills so out of everything we learned what truly is the secret to becoming a Roblox billionaire well it's actually none of this but we do have an answer you see all these billionaires had something special to share to the world a helpful tool a fun little game mode a true connection with fans and they did everything in their power to fulfill that burning out sacrificing summer or even quitting school which you shouldn't by the way we all have something special to offer in our own unique way it's just a matter of whether we want to dig deep enough in our hearts and find it meaning there's definitely more billionaires out there with amazing stories to tell and that could be you one day so if we somehow get 200k likes I'll definitely do a part two of them but for now that's wrap
Channel: CubeINC
Views: 109,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, robux, roblox billionaire, roblox players, robux roblox, roblox billionaires, richest roblox players, rich roblox player, roblox rich, who is the richest roblox player, how to get robux, most robux, how to buy robux, richest roblox user, how to get lots of robux, roblox story, roblox story videos, roblox richest, kreekcraft, flamingo, pls donate, hazem, cubeinc, i asked roblox billionaires how they got rich
Id: bPF3AjVfDRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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