What Happened to Blue Scuti AFTER He Beat Tetris?

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this is Willis AKA blue scooty winning his first live Tetris tournament just a few weeks before he would make headlines worldwide for being the first to beat the game the audience in attendance was relatively small mostly just the other competitors and scooty's extended family I did not expect to even win I don't know but this is what his next tournament looks like a lot of people know me I'm not just like a random kid walking around it's a lot different as really weird so just how much did scooty's life change after beating Tetris how has he done in tournaments since then and what Tetris achievement is he aiming for next for some brief context let's rewind to the moment that changed everything enas Tetris released in 1989 was designed to be unbeatable you cleared lines until you messed up or the game got too fast and you lost by reaching the top of the screen but 34 years after its release on December 21st 2023 blue scooty became the first person to play so far that he reached a point where the game's code would short circuit and crash effectively beating the game oh my God now initially scooty's family didn't fully realize how big of a deal it was as his mother Karen later recounted on a podcast he's like I crashed the game and at first when you hear that you're not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing hi Mom or is it oh you can see I crash the game Hi Five I actually thought am I going to have to buy another another console did he break it scooty's family would all find out soon enough though as the story first spread across gaming sites then major press outlets and by the first week of January it was front page news all around the world suddenly scooty was getting fan art made about him he got his own Wikipedia page his achievement was being talked about at dinner theater shows a 13-year-old kid just became the first human to beat Tetris all this meant scoot's mother was being absolutely bombarded on social media from countless journalists clamoring for a chance to speak with him and while one reporter went viral for an insensitive remark about the achievement made probably without full context of the story all the other journalists who did the research and spoke to scooty personally were incredibly kind and supportive and we're lucky to be joined by the tetris whiz all the way from Oklahoma in the US congratulations Wills thanks so much for joining us can you just first of all talk us through that moment I was just really excited and extremely surprised that I did it can I ask what's next now that you've beaten Tetris what is your next goal what do you want to be when you grow up I hoping to get into some sort of engineering I think some tech company should take notice the NBC News team even went above and beyond and reached out to Alexi panov the man who originally created the game in the Soviet Union we do have someone that wanted to say hello to you and surprise you yeah I'm Alexi I'm creator of Tetris congrats uh thank you do you think you're going to keep playing Tetris I'm going to keep playing it cuz the competitive side of Tetris and tournaments is really cool oh yeah lost in all the chaos was the fact that scooty's next live Tetris tournament was less than 2 weeks away after winning the Kansas City Regional Tetris Championship his next stop will be the Heart of Texas Regional Championship in Waco I figured this was going to be a crazy moment for the tetris scene so at the last minute I hopped on a flight from Philadelphia to access to document the experience and after showing up it was immediately clear just how different things were going to be now Duncan Donuts had apparently reached out and offered to sponsor the event with scooty themed Donuts as scooty sat down to play and warm up not one but two local news stations were there to start filming him along with a freelance videographer creating his own documentary scooty how did you trigger confetti already world record not only were people recognizing him and taking photos it turns out many of them had traveled to the event specifically just to see him so while scooty was busy getting interviewed by all the Press I decided to interview some of his fans instead why are you here today at this tournament um to see blue scooty he signed a cartridge that I could brought I came here to see blue scooty you know he got to the end and made the game Crash we Liv just a couple hours south of here so we thought why not come up and uh watch blue scooty kick some bud and see what the community is all about far from being just one age group the crowd in attendance was a diverse mix of both kids that were new to Tetris and adults who were nostalgic for it so like you know I played NES Tetris when I was a kid probably about his age haven't heard about it in years right and then just started seeing all the YouTube videos pop up we saw about the crash in blue scooty's accomplishment on the regular News Channel the kids were really interested in it and I used to play on The Game Boy growing up so we thought it would be a really fun day trip to come down here one thing everyone agreed on was how remarkable it was that scooty was only 13 finally seeing a huge barrier like that get broken after such a long time was just like really inspiring especially by somebody around my age his age I think that's awesome right like he obviously is not one of these people that's been playing Tetris for 15 years and when scooty was done with all the Press I was able to talk with him briefly myself about how his life had changed um it was pretty hectic it was like a few interviews a day and saying the same thing over and over and over again to like everybody oh a lot of people know me I'm not just like a random kid walking around it's a lot different it's really weird like oh are are you the tetris kid or oh cool you're the kid that beat Tetris it's just a lot of that scooty was finding out pretty quickly though that his Newfound recognition was leading to more than just photos and signatures kids are younger than me saying that like they've been inspired to play Tetris and that's really cool I got to level four and that was my Max that I got to what are your goals for Tetris in the future I guess to get to level 29 I'm actually hoping I can actually like beat the game I that's very ambitious but you know yeah even some older people are also inspired and that it's just really cool to me it's cool that it's a game that you can pick up and get to that top of the chain pretty quickly I then asked scooty who he thought his toughest opponents were for the tournament um okay so Miles dog Andy and doe no joke Texas was perhaps the strongest region for Tetris players in the world dog was the former two-time Tetris world champion and do had made it to the finals against dog in that same Regional Texas Tournament 2 years prior miles was the most followed Tetris player on Tik Tok but the toughest opponent of all was probably pixel Andy who had just in the previous week broken the overall score world record held by scooty with a staggering 8 million points I mean Andy obviously had the overall scorel record so i' I'd say that makes him a good player now that all the players had arrived and warmed up it was time for the tournament to start 3 2 1 that's the first phase was the qualifying stage after each player maxed out the game score counter at 1 million points for the first time they had one additional hour to max out as many times as they could with their highest non-max score being the tiebreaker or Kicker at the end of the qualifying period dog ended up nabbing the top spot with a perfect nine Max outs while scooty was third with seven but that was actually okay the most important part was that he got one of the top four spots which got automatically placed in round one of the knockout stage bracket while everyone else duked it out in round zero Doge and Lapis would face off for the honor of playing scoote in the next round in 3 2 1 the early rounds were best of three highest score wins with a modified score counter to display scores over 1 million points lapis topped out in game one with 600,000 while Doge managed to just score over 1 million to show off the first digit which was was now in heximal rolled up to a unfortunately lapis would top out right away at the start of game two and Doge would take the game and the set before blue scooty started in the tournament he was given a special Jersey that a company exclaim had sponsored that had his name and the board he crashed the game with on it he would now play his first match of the day for the crowd and positioned his plushies in view of the camera for good luck 3 2 1 Texas unfortunately for Doge he scored much lower in this set than he usually does only getting 500,000 in the first game and 400,000 in the second which scooty was easily able to beat that's scooty then anxiously watched from the sidelines as the match to determine his opponent for the next round unfolded miles used the fastest play style like scooty called rolling but shy used the slowest play style called D and was a huge underd dog if shy could pull off an upset here he'd be taking out one of scooty's biggest threats in the tournament already down 0 and one shy was stacking for four lines at once AKA tetrises which were worth by far the most points but he was rapidly approaching level 29 at which point his play style would not be fast enough to play further he tried to hold out for just one more Tetris he another there is3 shy had gotten a b score AKA 1.1 million which was an outstanding score for a d player miles now had to chase down a significant deficit on the fastest levels which was not going to be easy but he slowly chipped away at it until one more Tetris would win it this is a perfect setup for Miles Tetris ready doesn't get over gets the second one over and takes it with a B18 what a great game there for the players B18 to B3 after near fatal mistake miles had recovered to get the final Tetris and win the match moving on to face scooty in the semifinals scooty brought even more plushies up to the stage to give any extra Mojo he could get in this battle of Tetris Titans matches would now be best of five for the rest of the tournament and game one did not disappoint miles and scooty both threw down tetrises at an unprecedented rate for the day reaching B then C then D scores equivalent to one .3 million that Chasm oh potentially set for dirty Tetris dir Tetris the ball get the dirty Tetris d96 for SC but a time limit was coming up fast the competition carts were also modded to have a super kill screen at level 39 which was too fast even for rolling on level 38 scooty's board was too messy to get a final Tetris but he did have a on Tetris lead and Miles was running out of time with just one last chance to get a Tetris before level 39 there's still a chance Walmart and E7 miles takes game number one miles had clutched up the win at the final moment before the Super kill screen with both players getting ecores of 1.4 million the audience was completely shocked but scooty would storm back in game two to put up a torrid Pace that Miles couldn't match evening up the set still a way to survive if a Long Bar comes right now he needs this bar oh goes for the and there ties up the match one to one in a pivotal game three miles had a massive lead but a series of Mis drops led to his demise on level 31 scooty had plenty of Runway before level 39 to chase down the score and did it in style with a Tetris set for a Tetris there it is B9 and that's good [Applause] enough scooty now just needed one more win to seal the match Victory but but early on in game four he got into a tough board situation and ran into a terrible drought without any line pieces scy transition 618 but not an ideal board has to do some burning here and this will give miles a bit of that Advantage as mes is clean just trying to build up scy Haven taking a couple Burns still has to cover up that well yeah both players oh this is a drought this is very dangerous for scooting the hang if a Long Bar comes he might be saved and scooting tops out 24 we're going to a decider with everything on the line for game five the pressure couldn't be higher scooty tried to do a vertical I tuck setup or vits but ended up miscalculating the board and a three High vits setup fortunately that doesn't work with a Long Bar maybe a trino but not the high piece unfortunately things didn't get much better from there scooty ran into some Troublesome P sequences and got stuck digging at the top for a while SC is now in the danger zone ipce makes it over to the left just narrowly he clutched up and was able to survive but miles was building up another big lead going into level 29 scooty was now over 200,000 points behind and needed to be aggressive while Holding Out for tetrises he had a Mis drop on the left side of his Board needs the long part there it is and it just needs to burn this down that left side is a massive concern can scooty clutches out the H that might be fatal scooty trying to get a couple more lines but it's not going to be the any gets it with beat 10 scooty had been eliminated in an upset miles would go on to face the world record holder pixel Andy in the finals and it would be another high-scoring battle with both players putting up ecores but Andy would ultimately win three games to one as the champion Andy would get the largest share of the prize pool and a Tetris themed belt buckle and for scooty it is still been a great weekend he'd long wanted to be featured on mil's Tik Tok page and had been able to film a Tik Tok with him at the event and when I asked him during the interview whether he recommends others make the trip out to Regional events he said the reason you should come out just just to have fun meet other people who have the same interest as you and yeah it it's always a fun time and that was what I observed as well the tournament staff took notice of two scooty superf Brothers of whom I'd interviewed the younger brother and their dad earlier and invited them to play a friendly match versus dog and Andy on stream who were also brothers and 10-year-old Elias managed to pull off the victory Andy needs some help oh no wait Andy Andy tops out amazing game from Elias 33,000 and he beat Andy and after the tournament there will be some good news for scooty longtime Tetris fan John Green got the suggestion from his brother Hank Green that they should sponsor scooty to get out to more Regional tournaments to raise awareness for complexly the parent company behind sow crash course and a lot of other shows in a dedicated video about the sponsorship on the Vlog Brothers Channel Jon said that he felt like this was a win-win because scooty is in the exact demographic that their Flagship educational shows are aims to help but not a lot of people are aware of the production company behind them and as a result scooty was able to travel out to many more tournaments in the coming months when he went to the Regional Championship in Phoenix a huge documentary crew was filming him from the moment he arrived and this time he managed to storm through the entire bracket without breaking a sweat defeating fellow roller Oscar in the finals you know the man the myth Legend the reason why news around the world has been paying attention to Classic Tetris your Champion for the desert qualifier blue scooty and he also returns to his roots of going for World Records on stream in March he played on a competition ROM that has the level 39 super kill screen and got a new world record with an unbelievable 25,000 points oh my God I'm shaking so bad I'm so happy right now and in may he took aim at the overall scoreb record which was now held by Alex thatch at 16 million points scooty managed to score an absurd 18 million points and made it all the way to level 239 yes go now technically this didn't replace Alex matches record because scooty had done it from a level 29 modded start whereas only level 0 to 19 starts are possible in the original game starting from level 29 also changes the place where the infamous 810 line level appears turning it from dark green to a much lighter color palette that makes it a little less difficult but level 29 starts have been such an important practice mode for years that the world record for them is officially tracked and scooty's game almost doubled the previous record and oh remember that scrolling list of reaching out from the beginning of the video you might have seen that one of them was the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame scooty's family got in touch and on May 18th he was officially added he's going to be enshrined at the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame after being the first person to ever beat Tetris oh you know these are all Hall of Famers and I it's weird to me that I'm in the Hall of Fame Museum scooty got his very own museum exhibit which was not just a landmark moment for Tetris but a boost to all local Esports in his area the Sports Hall of fame's curator actually talked to me this afternoon too and he said they're thinking more about Gamers because of this achievement with the sports gaming industry booming scooty's final goal is to win his first world title at the classic Tetris World Championships coming up this weekend are you going to try and take the title this year yeah but for scooty all of this is also been about something more than Tetris scooty actually comes from a whole family of gamers something his mother talked at length about on her podcast episode rock band got me through college I played Halo a lot I still remember land parties it's been a while and while almost all of scooty's extended family had been there in person to cheer him on for his first win at the Kansas City Regional there was one person who was not there scooty's father Adam Gibson had to watch online while in the end stages of heart failure is there anyone you want to give a shout out to is there anyone in the crowd anyone online watching at home anything you want to say here my family and my dad yeah all right this would be the last Tetris achievement his dad would ever get to see he passed away on December 14th 2023 just days before scooty would crash the game I I wish he could have seen it just like all the news coverage I think he would have really been proud I guess and although scooty's dad had just missed seeing his son achieve worldwide recognition and have all his Tetris dreams come true scooty took the opportunity to make sure his dad was not forgotten dedicating the achievement to him and immortalizing his memory with however far his Tetris success would take him and his journey at the world championships this coming week win or lose will be a part of that as he brings to every event he plays in now a plushie with the written words I love you Dad
Channel: aGameScout
Views: 105,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agamescout, nes tetris, classic tetris, agamescout tetris, classic tetris world championship, ctwc
Id: ER50BzXKr0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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