What GPU should you pair with a Ryzen 7 5800X3D?

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in your 7600x versus 5800 X 3D video you showed that the older Zen 3 part was bottlenecking the RTX 4090 that being the case what level of GPU would you pair with the 5800x3d for That Sweet Spot bounce would we see the same bottleneck results with a 30 90 TI or 69 you know 50 XT 1600 XT it's not that I I don't yeah I want to start off on the wrong footage not that I don't like this question it's just that this question you cannot answer correctly like there's no there's no single well and let me tell you why it's because basically Gamers play games like like different types of games some of them play Assassin's Creed and some of them play fortnite which so they some use low quality settings and some use ultra quality settings or or tune high quality settings so basically the games you play make a big difference how you play those games you know resolution quality settings all of that can lead to very different answers so if you're playing fortnite with rt lumens and all the visual eye candy turned up then a 40 90 at 4K uh you look at like 60 FPS but that game maxed out so 5800 X 3D can certainly throughput 60 FPS just fine in fortnite no dramas at all it'll do a couple hundred frames a second so you're definitely not bottlenecked under those conditions but if you're to play fortnite with basically everything minned like so post processing off extra effects off all RT stuff off draw distance epic and that's about it maybe epic textures as well because that doesn't really affect competitive uh competitive stuff you'll be getting three four up to 500 FPS with an RTX 4090 without a CPU limit 500x 3D May limit you there to about 250 maybe 300 FPS so you are being CPU Limited in that scenario so as you can sort of see the answer depends uh very much on the type of games type of gamer all those kind of things so if you're playing your cyberpunks let's say without RT because RT obviously hammers the frame rate right down Canon can increase uh CPU requirements but it gets even more complicated there but let's just say cyberpunk on on high to ultra Assassin's Creed Odyssey all those sort of things really a 1500x 3D is going to be okay with a 490 at 4K 1440p you will want a faster CPU if you're wanting faster higher frame rates like um I think there was an example earlier given of F1 f122 like how many frames do you need in f122 to enjoy even in a competitive setting I'm sure 144 is fine you're not doing flip shots yeah you're not you're not peaking your opponent you just drive no no don't don't sound like it's simple it's very difficult but you're driving a car on a track I don't think that requires more than 200 FPS so again people sort of hear CPU bottlenecking I think that's a horrible thing it doesn't if you if you mostly play Assassin's Creed Valhalla cyberpunk and you're aiming for around you know whatever you can get 100 frames a second or whatever and then you are limited in F1 20 to it 250 frames a second that doesn't mean you need a new CPU just means that particular game it's mostly CPU limited that's the nature of the game yeah I don't think there's a lot of reason especially if you can afford to do so to sort of be looking at the 40 90 and going well I'm going to be CPU bottlenecked a lot of the time may as well drop down a tier because it's so hard to even determine what situations you're going to run into that bowl neck you may be playing fortnite knowing that you're going to be CPU bottlenecks but then future game comes out you're really interested in that for you know maybe multiplayer maybe single player and suddenly you're not CPU bold next on your 4090 and then if you're limiting yourself and sort of going oh I'm just going to drop down a tier or drop down two tiers because I don't think my CPU is good enough you may find that you're going to be GPU bold neck in some situations that that's kind of the the difficulties you were saying between all these different scenarios yeah I think it only I think the best answer is this this CPU GPU bottlenecking thing generally speaking only becomes an issue when we're talking about a really massive imbalance of those two components yeah so take like a a Zen true part or something like that and put it with a 49 probably not a good idea you'd want at least a Zen three part ideally it would want to be a 3D V cash part which limits you to one CPU uh because the 4090 is just so brutally fast and realistically if you're not using it at 4K Ultra you are going to run into CPU bottlenecks but yeah I think I think within raising like a 1500x3d is probably fine anything a lot slower than that you probably don't want to put a 1600 GPU with it let's be honest anyone with like you know a ryzen 5 2600 probably didn't spend 1600 on their entire computer so the conversation becomes a bit redundant at that point a bit a bit silly so that that's I think the thing that's my take anyway
Channel: HUB Clips
Views: 140,581
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Id: ek_G66dbWoU
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Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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