What does the 'Body of Christ' mean? - Zac Poonen

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first of all why is the church called the body of Jesus Christ why is that tightly given there are many titles to the church the bride do you know Israel is also called a bride of Jehovah people of God Israel is called the people of God a holy building Israel is called a building and many titles a kingdom of priests kings and priests Israel is called a kingdom of priests but there's one title never never given to Israel body never you read the whole Old Testament many titles given to the church are given to Israel but not body body came only after Jesus Christ came in a body so when the church is called the body of Christ it is supposed to do the same thing that the first body of Christ did what is the first body of Christ do immediately people say in it miracles no don't you think he did a lot of other things and miracles he preached he obeyed Joseph and Mary for thirty years he was a carpenter he made tables and benches and can you tell me in one sentence that sums up everything that Jesus did he did the will of his father in that one sentence that includes his obeying Joseph and Mary it includes his being a carpenter it includes he's going to the cross it includes his preaching it includes his miracles and includes everything when you say he came to earth to do the will of his father and in order to do the will of his father he says in John 6 and verse 38 I deny my own will when we see that Jesus came like us that is another mystery great is the mystery of godliness 1 Timothy 3:16 Christ came in the flesh what does it mean Christ came in the flesh he did not have sin in him he did not have any lust in him he did not have unconscious sin in him then how is he like us he had a self will like us and it was a will that was contrary to the Father's will and John 6:38 I came from heaven not to do my own will but the will of my father what is that sentence plainly mean in plain words it means my will was not the will of my father doesn't it mean that I did not do my will but I did the will of my father what does it mean in heaven from all eternity he could say I do my own will because it is the same as the will of my father that's what he said for eternity but the moment he came to earth in our flesh is something he took on called my will otherwise he could not have been like us just to make him look like us and have blood and flesh and bones that's not enough the most important thing he had to be like us was my will that is why he was tempted like us if he did not have this thing called my will he would not have been tempted like us that is this beginning of sin you see in a little child for example even one year old that 1 year old is not tempted with sexual sin not tempted with the love of money he's not tempted with an unforgiving spirit not tempted with jealousy not tempted with all the things that we call sin but what does it have parents tell me self-worth and you see that very very quickly you heard me tell that story of that little boy whom the father told sit down and he said I won't sit down sit down I won't sit down the father takes a stick he sits down he says but daddy inside I am still standing up now the question is how do you make that inside fellow sit down that is what God wants to do and I want to tell all of you you can obey God on the outside but inside you there's something which wants to do your own will unless that is crucified you will never be able to follow Jesus you can sit down on the outside and sing all the right songs and do all the right but inside there's someone standing up that's the thing called my will Jesus crucified that that's how he could say at the end of my life I finished your work father you think it is easy it says in Romans 15 and verse 3 Christ did not please himself have you read that he never pleased himself are you tempted to please yourself sometimes how many times in one day it's because you want to please yourself that you answer back to that fellow who got angry with you in your home or in your office to please yourself it's because you want to please yourself that you indulge in what you look at on the computer or do something else or read some news article which is only gonna provoke your lust you want to please yourself and Jesus never pleased himself think of living one day without pleasing yourself in anything it's a feat if you can come to the end of the day and say today I never please myself with anything I only thought to please God and to bless others Jesus lived like that for thirty three and a half years it wasn't a strain it's a strain in the beginning you see how little children when you teach them swimming in a swimming pool they stand by the edge of the same world long time I remember my son teaching his little boy swimming once I went with him to the sailing pool and he put the you know the the floaters things that prevent them from drowning on him he's I don't know two or three years old and he put him on that low diving board and the boy would look down and scare head and the father went from behind and pushed him and he got all you know struggling but he had these floaters so he didn't drown he came out of the pool and he ran back on the diving ball and began to jump in and out again and again now he was excited in the beginning swimming is difficult if any of you have learned swimming your struggle struggle struggle and then you see these people who even just lie down on the back as if it's a wooden floor or something it's amazing how they do it they enjoy it we think denying yourself and doing the will of God is such a struggle in the beginning it is but after a while you'll really see how wonderful it is how people love to go swimming that which they were so hesitant to do in the beginning that's how it is you know Christ never pleased himself he lived the most wonderful life you know if you believe like I do that the most wonderful life anybody ever lived on this earth was Jesus Christ not David who was very rich or Solomon or Abraham rich Abraham or Joe Jesus the most wonderful life if I really believed that I'd say Lord I want to live like that tell me the secret of that life how is it a certain was such a blessed life we say Christ as my hero you really want to follow him you want to find the secret of his life I'll tell you here it is he never pleased himself he never did his own will whenever the thought came that was a temptation he put it to death say no I will please do my father's will that is the secret and you can have it you can live that way at home every single day and your home will be like a little heaven at least from your side and if your wife also decides to live that way your home will really be like heaven and yet people know that and they don't want it and think even a church more and more people I live like this the fellowship between them will really be heavenly and it's a greater testimony when we can disagree with each other and still not
Channel: Bombay Christian Fellowship - CFC Mumbai
Views: 5,181
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Bombay Christian Fellowship, CFC Mumbai, BCF Church, Sermons, Bible Messages, Hindi Messages
Id: ilq1UlWLRn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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